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The Top 10 Shows of All-Time

7 May 2011

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Every 2 years Harris Interactive undertakes a survey to find out peoples favourite shows of all time. Here are this years results.

What do you think of the list?

Source: Harris Interactive


  1. Congrats on Bones!

    It's really one of the best TV shows of All Time!

  2. GO BONES!! But Two and a Half Men? Are you kidding me??

  3. Way too many procedurals for my taste. Also too many currently running shows, I guess most people tend to forget shows that ended a long time ago rather soon.

    No The Wire, no Oz, no Rome, no Breaking Bad, and so on, my list would look a lot different.

  4. Booooones is the best show ever !

  5. Really?! Two and A Half Men is a snoozefest. How it got the title "Best comedy in America" eludes me. Seinfeld is funnier.

    As an Anti-Lost guy, I would've also taken that off the list.

    Bottom line, some desreve their spot, some don't, and some I haven't watched, so I cannot judge.

  6. Whao ! House lost 9 places !

  7. Do people really love NCIS that much?

  8. I was wondering the same thing. :/

  9. Well it is currently the most watched show in America.

  10. Yeah, kinda puts things into perspective...

    But YAY House! Though the mighty have fallen a bit ;)

  11. Yes they do! I used to think it was an "old people" show but then caught all these marathons on USA network and realized how smart and funny it is!

  12. NCIS as the number one show of all time? It's good but really? And Two & A Half Men at number 4? :S

    It would be interesting to see this poll if the whole world were taken into account, not just American audiences.

    Each to their own, I guess. I mean, I think of my top 10 shows and Battlestar Galactica will always comes out on top.

  13. The West Wing : Sons of Anarchy : The X-Files :

  14. AnimalMad_Eng7 May 2011 at 11:07

    Where's the West Wing? in my opinion some of the finest TV writing & cast performances of all time, just sayin ;)

  15. No Sons of Anarchy No Sense

  16. Where is the Wire or the West Wing? I think this poll indicative of the fact that people have rather short memories.

  17. I thought the same but the I Love Lucy entry was odd.

  18. There's no need to be disappointed that The Shield, Oz, The Wire or Breaking Bad are not listed. It makes perfect sense, given the kind of study.

    Clearly, the most viewed shows = best shows of all times. And the most watched shows => procedurals.

    Between those 15 shows, only Lost, Friends and Seinfeld genuninely have a shot in an all-time poll, imo. I like Family Guy very much but I know it can't be listed in an all-time poll, let's be serious.

    NCIS, CSI, Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, law & Order, Bones, House and Grey's Anatomy don't belong in the top 15 shows of all-time. If you ask me they don't even belong in the top 15 shows of this year ^^.

  19. NCIS, CSI, Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, Bones and House do not belong, Grey's isn't a procedural show, sure it has procedural elements, but that really doesn't mean its procedural.
    I know now that when I say Grey's Anatomy deserves a place about half of the people here will look at me and think I only watch shows like Grey's, Desperate and such, but no, I watch Lost, I watch Mad Men, I watch Breaking Bad, I've done Battlestar Galactica, and I can honestly say in my own opinion that Grey's Anatomy is the best show I've seen on tv, second only to Six Feet Under

  20. WOW NCIS, CSI, LOST, BONES are on top 10 I couldn't agree more :P
    But I think FRINGE should be in too .. ^^

  21. MASH was such a great show, how very well deserving is it to
    be in the top places! But for the rest, well I think to name the best shows of
    all times is almost impossible. It would always be a very personal and not very
    objective list. Not really related to popularity or even quality. I mean there
    are a lot of shows I like; very few I love but not even a handful I treasure
    close to my heart. And only those would quality for best of them all.

    If I look at those show mentioned I would only agree with

    As for the question of NCIS, I’m asking myself why it is
    that that show is the most popular. I mean I’m a loyal viewer for 8 seasons
    now, but sometimes I wonder why I even still bother with it, but then the next
    week they blow my mind. I guess I’m not the only one, so all of us will keep
    watching till the end.

    Just one show in the list really bugs me. Two and a half
    men? You’ve got to be kidding me, never seen a more boring and stupid show. And
    don’t even start with all the crap around it.

  22. Why am I not surprised that House doesn't even show up in the top 10 anymore? Bad decisions, TPTB. Blame getting rid of a fan favorite and pursuing that awful Huddy arc.

  23. M*A*S*H absolutely would be in the running for best show of all-time. Hell, the finale was the most watched television program in the US of all-time. That includes Super Bowls. People absolutely loved the show and you can tell since It still hovers near the top of this list even though the finale was almost 30 years ago.

  24. I wonder if Star Trek received it's bump because of the movie coming out two years ago. (almost to the day actually)

  25. Syd TheSquid Malfoy7 May 2011 at 13:49


  26. I agree on CM, but no Desperate Housewives? :O

  27. Bones is on it... so basically the list is perfect.

  28. Who came up with this?! for crying out loud!! with all due respect for some of the shows in that list, what's the deal with criminal minds and grey's on it??

    But the worst for me is the exclusion of other shows far more creative and innovative, such as 24 and The Sopranos

  29. NCIS is tv's number one drama, averages 20 million viewers at it's peak and has kept loyal viewers since it's first year but has added so many as it goes on. It has an amazing ensemble of people who most people would hardly bother withbefore but have helped made this show exceptional. Watch it sometime... Also, NCIS is not just a procedural crime drama. It has a lot more to it like friendship, teamwork, and they delve into the personal lives of the characters everyone loves. Next time realize that 'if you ask me' doesn't always mean your right

  30. Okay, Im gonna be perfectly honest here- I love Bones to death, I faithfully watch it every week, but I don't think it's one of the best tv shows of all time. Same with Grey's, and many others that I don't even watch as much.

    What I don't understand is why 24 isn't on there, or the greatly overlooked show that was Prison Break. That was quality television.

  31. Ew. Two and a half men. Otherwise, I'm glad MASH is still up there :). And yay Lost, Star Trek, Friends, and pretty much all of the others!

  32. Yeah, I guess the problem is that people just don't watch those shows as much. They win awards, they're critically acclaimed, but only 2 to 10 million people watch those shows (vs. the 20 million watching NCIS).

  33. Only 3 million ish people watch it a week. It doesn't mean it isn't a good show, just that it won't be winning any popularity contests when up against the likes of NCIS (20 million or more a week).

  34. I saw the deadline and immediately assumed that it's about the 15 best shows ever, didn't realize that it was a popularity contest at first. Still, my list would look very different.

  35. I think what Bunky Bunk is referring to is CBS calling NCIS a procedural, as well as other source calling it a procedural, so in that respect, he is right.

  36. looks good to me except the 2.5 men that show was always crappola in my mind

  37. plus it is about an awful man, it really is not everyone's cup of tea as the cast is so limited

  38. Wow. CSI is the 2nd best show of all time? really?

  39. but honestly it's not just a procedural. it may be its official name but it is a lot different than the csi's, law and orders, etc.

  40. Wow! The only show which I can judge (watched every episode) on this list is Lost!

  41. But it's worked for them for more than half a decade so it's obviously about the recent developments.

    It was sort of expected but 9 slots is a painful fall. =S

  42. My eyes only searched for Bones....AND IT IS THERE!!!! :D

  43. Bones.. I would agree if it was in 2009 but not now. GA :D lost duh, friends double duh. MASH? never heard of DONT HIT ME im young

  44. Agree about bones! lol I'm reading the comments of poeple saying it derves it.. nay.... I mean I thought that for season 1-2-3. not now but o love it, well no but yeah LOL

    24 SHOULD TOTALY be on!

  45. You'd have to be a toddler to have never come across M*A*S*H. It's shown constantly, at least where I live. I'm 28, was born the year after M*A*S*H went off the air, and am a HUGE fan.

  46. The only
    ones that would be on my list are House and M*A*S*H. In fact, far more of them
    would make my worst of all time list: CSI, Two and A half Men, Seinfeld,
    Friends, Law & Order, and Grey's Anatomy. I watched every Lost but was more
    irritated than entertained. And, I only started watching NCIS because I love
    David McCallum, but even he couldn't keep me watching the shows constant cute
    little quips and teasing traded amongst the quirky characters, with poor straight-laced
    Gibbs begrudgingly, yet lovingly, putting up with their silliness... puke.

  47. ? mash was over more than 28years ago? WHAT THE HECK LOL! I'm 18 btw and in quebec im pretty sure it doesnt air a lot here, I'll check out what it is but wow.... i thought friends was old lol

  48. I was happy to see I Love Lucy there. It does stick out though as most of the shows are quite current. I am surprised there aren't more classic shows on the list. I love Lucy is way before my time but I confess I am a bit of a junkie for that show.

  49. I got that wrong, it went off the air the year after I was born (72-83). It's not that old as far as TV goes. There are shows I love that aired as far back as the 50's. And my favourite comedy team (Laurel and Hardy) started in the 20's. There are a lot of great classics out there. You remind me of everyone I went to school with.

  50. Nicole W Sargent8 May 2011 at 01:28

    Awesome for Bones.. but their are some shows I would like to see on there like: The Nanny, Smallville, Castle, Gilmore Girls...

  51. for some reason I dont take your last sentence as a good thing ahaah. But hey I watched friends and steindfild and 1 french so that ended when i was born not to bad :P I'll try it this summer, if i can find it

  52. While I agree that the shows listed here are great in terms of recent productions, I disagree a little with the Harris Interactive title of greatest of ALL TIME? Not necessarily, because it seems to me that according to this list, TV's barely existed before 1989. If the list is designed to see how trends in viewership change every couple of years, fine, say so. Don't say that these are the greatest of all time without truly considering other shows from years past like Twilight Zone, Cheers, Dragnet, Cosby Show, Married with Children, hell, even the Simpsons that have been on for 12000 years. I have no problem with the list reflecting the tastes of today's mainstream audience, but call what it is Harris people.

  53. that's no excuse, i'm 18 too and it doesn't air at all in brazil, but still, I'm a HUGE FAN of MASH! *-*

    i'm also in love with Hawkeye. ^^

    Pleease, give it a try! It's awesome, hilarious and makes you think a lot. :) It's *funny* smart.

  54. only said my age cause she kinda ask for it it wasnt an excuse. The fact that i never heard about it before is my excuse ahahha i dont have magical powers if i dont hear about it i cant watch it :P but yeah i will summer time is crazy tv time for me. my list is long but its on it

  55. I'm that I mean also a bit annoyed, that Stargate SG1 or The X-Files didn't make it to the list. I love it when survey people say they asked people.... really? I'd loved to have filled this survey out were I asked.

  56. Come on people, watch something DIFFERENT and IMAGINITIVE! Supernatural, Dexter, Justifed, Castle, and The Vampire Diaries are just a few that come to mind (that are currently on TV still)...

  57. it's weird (the fact that you have never heard of it, not you), because it's a real classic.

    I had heard of it soooo many times that I decided to find out more about it, and started watching in january. I'm only at the third season (and there are 11!), and I'm loving every single episode.

    I didn't mean to be impolite at all and I'm sorry if it seemed that way, but if you like NCIS and other military stuff, then MASH should be a priority on that must-watch list. haha

  58. I really wonder about the criteria for this so-called 'top shows' - is it a listing of peoples favourites, a numbers game based on ratings over each show's run, or total number of viewers over a show's run (probably not since the I Love Lucy jump).
    I'm shocked that not a single person so far has listed Firefly, my own personal favourite, and much missed by culties and critics alike. If we included non-US shows I'd have to add Life on Mars (UK original), which I just discovered a month or so ago.
    Looks like quantity of votes over quality of show, IMHO.

  59. It wasn't exactly a compliment, but far from an insult. I just had to deal a lot with classmates freaking out because I knew about something that was from the past.

  60. Castle different? It's a pretty standard procedural that's basically Murder She Wrote + Moonlighting.

  61. ahahah well I make it up by listening to older music ahaha. My grnad pa likes what i listen to but yeah old tv is hard to fine here.

  62. never understood all the love for two and a half men

  63. This is fine all but 2.5 men. Its ok but not one of the best ever!!!

  64. Where is Fringe? The X-Files? Alias? At least, there's Friends...

  65. I never watched The X-Files and Alias, but as I'm a huge fan of Fringe, I think I could like those shows ^^ And I agree with you, they are very popular, I don't understand why they're not in that TOP 10 .. :/ And FRINGE is the best show ever, damn it should be in that TOP 10 too (instead of Grey's anatomy or that kind of **** lol )

  66. Best Shows Of All Time : Bones, Fringe, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Chuck, Ghost Whisperer and X-files! No doubt on that!

  67. Friends after TAHM? I like TAHM,or at least i used to,but Friends
    is EPIC.

  68. I think it's a joke.

  69. Very, very, very, very dumb list. Where's Supernatural? X-Files? Dexter? The Shield? Breaking Bad? The Mentalist? 24?

    Hell, if Family Guy is up there, why not Aqua Teen Hunger Force, or South Park or even Metalocalypse?

  70. where is the x-files? i realize not everyone watches old reruns as much but in a list of the best tv shows ever most of mine are not on the air anymore and I'm not that old.

  71. Leonie Henckell10 May 2011 at 16:35

    I agree with most of the shows (popularity wise, not that I would put them there), but I am wondering seriously where the X-Files and Gilmore Girls are.

  72. LOOOL!!! Where the F**k are Breaking Bad, Dexter, The wire? Fringe? LOOL

  73. these surveys overlook some of the far better yet less popular shows!!

  74. All in the family was one of the best ground breaking tv shows of all times as was The Jeffersons. Perhaps not the most popular today but no one had ever flushed a toilet on Broadcast TV until Archie did it and The Jeffersons was the 1st show to feature a black family as a prominent and affluent family. They were ground breaking for their time and the Jeffersons opened the eyes for kids like me from a white midwest rural background

  75. Yay for CSI and especially Criminal Minds!!!! House is down a lot but not surprising considering the last season! TBBT or HIMYM deserve to be in the top 15, and Im pretty sure one of them will be in 2 yrs ;) Dexter too!!


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