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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Supernatural - Season 6 Finale - Promo

7 May 2011

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  2. So Sam has a one on one with his soul.

  3. translation...anyone?? please?

  4. I meant...transcription...I don't get what Bobby says and Crowley at the end...thanks!

  5. "We were family once."

    "Even I don't break contracts like this."


    "All this comes down to one angel."


    Longest two weeks of my life...

  6. this isn't the final this episode 21 there are 22 episode i was so shocked dean told Castiel he thought of him as a brother and cas flew off!

  7. Two hour finale on the 20th of May. Episode 21 at 8 pm and Episode 22 at 9 pm.

  8. Can't wait til May 20th! Pausing the promo it looks like Ben gets to shoot a bad guy, GO BEN! He's so Dean's kid :) Bloody Sam handing a knife to non-bloody Sam has me wondering what hell he's going to go through before the finale...can't be good. And poor Dean, looks like he doesn't have much of a choice between choosing Lisa or Ben. Hope he gets at least a small respite in the end - poor guy.

  9. I'm just guessing what ben was reading was a nod to the cthulhu stories, but Dr. Visyak is in the next two episode, and she would be the one that would know something about that. I do recall it was called Haunter of the Dark at one time.

  10. gosh, i feel like the "house?" exploding is cas exploding.... UH

  11. ? he said those words are your are interpretting the "we were family once" CAUSE I DIDNT HEAR THAT AND OMG ITS AWESOME

  12. what i think???i think that i'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where r u bb?????

  13. Sigh at the whole Ben-and-Lisa thing, but beyond that, this episode looks promising. I hope to the TV gods that Castiel chooses the right side.

  14. I'm here lol :P and yeah we will die together babe

  15. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 05:53

    They are bringing Lovecraft and the Cthulhu mythos into this show?

    That honestly pisses me off. They depict "dragons" on this show as humans who make flying sounds off-screen. The Lovecraft monsters that are actually described in text sound so outlandish they are something you would laugh at or just discount in the text, but the monsters or other horrors that Lovecraft doesn't describe, because he and the characters are simply unable to do so, drive the characters to utter insanity in their horror. There is a reason Lovecraft's works have been called impossible to adapt to a screen.

    I'm now convinced that, with the (implied) inclusion of Lovecraft monsters as a real thing that next week has an.. 80% chance of failing so hard I'll never watch the show again.

  16. DO I even need to point out how much assuming that was in 1 post?
    I mean, c'mon...

  17. The date in the Lovecraft story is the date he died, and if you remember Chuck loves writing stuff. Wouldn't surprise me if "god" is taking credit for them, but I do think if Supernatural decides to go the Lovecraft route, they are walking a very thin line. It's either make it or break it, and I doubt they can pull it off.

    That said, I doubt that's where they are going and this will probably be a one of.

  18. I seriously doubt thats where theyre going because the monsters of the cthulu mythos are outlandish and supernatural has tried to keep things a little bit believable. And how can that piss you off its a tv show?

  19. .....Wha-
    Ok. Why-
    Wait, let me phrase this.
    You know what, let's just wait and see, shall we?

  20. I was a little disappointed that all we got so far is a 30 second promo. Didn't help that I soon realize that the actual footage is only 18 seconds. :P

  21. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:36

    How can it piss me off? It's one of my favorite shows, if it fails hard, that would bother me. To a large degree. Simple as that.

  22. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:38

    I admit I went to hyperbole. But as someone who has studied gothic fiction and Lovecraft in particular, and as someone who has seen how the show dealt with a creature as comparatively universal and simple as a dragon... The idea that they would include a Lovecraft monster--and in the season finale--is disturbing.

  23. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:39

    You can and paste that to any reaction to a trailer. I'm not ashamed of my response.

  24. I doubt that`s where they are going next, but it MIGHT be a nod to one of his stories.

  25. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:44


    Please, all haters of my comments, take the time to actually READ this description of a Lovecraft monster, and consider why I find such an inclusion a really bad thing for this show:

    "Two large and protruding eyes projected from sockets in chameleon
    fashion, and it had a broad reptilian mouth with horny lips beneath its
    little nostrils. In the position of the ears were two huge gill-covers,
    and out of these floated a branching tree of coralline filaments, almost
    like the tree-like gills that very young rays and sharks possess. But
    the humanity of the face was not the most extraordinary thing about the
    creature. It was a biped; its almost globular body was poised on a
    tripod of two frog-like legs and a long, thick tail, and its fore limbs,
    which grotesquely caricatured the human hand, much as a frog’s do,
    carried a long shaft of bone, tipped with copper. The colour of the
    creature was variegated; its head, hands, and legs were purple; but its
    skin, which hung loosely upon it, even as clothes might do, was a
    phosphorescent grey."

    Please. Tell me how you want that in the show. Until then, stop giving me a, "Uh what an idiot let's see how it plays out you don't know anything" response.

  26. Am I missing something but when did they bring in Lovecraft and the Cthulhu mythos into Supernatural?

    As a fellow lover of the entire Cthulhu mythos, I agree that the monsters/horrors that are 'indescribable' would be a terrible idea to try and bring to a physical representation for a TV show. It allows for the reader to imagine endless possibilities for what could be so utterly horrifying.

    So not trying to hate or say you're crazy with what you're saying, I'm just curious where I missed seeing a Lovecraft-ian creature in the preview for the finale.

  27. I`m sure what people are trying to say is that the promo saying having Ben reading Chuthulu and something reading HP lovecraft, does not mean that they will be using anything at all from the stories, so people are just saying wait and see.

  28. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:56

    The promo shows a blood-spattered page that's clearly like a title page with the text (on the page) "by H.P. Lovecraft, March 16th 1937" and then a flash-frame of a young person reading Cthulhu Tales.

  29. I'm guess that it's Sam confronting the tortured, flayed and broken part of himself... Jared did say that Sam was going to have to fight the hardest battle he's ever fought and that's himself...

  30. Ah thank you! I watched the video more clearly, paused it a few times, and spotted the H.P. Lovecraft thing and the comic Ben(?) was reading.

    Still agree some of the monsters should be left alone, but of any shows on TV right now I'd trust Supernatural or Fringe to handle it well. That aside, I'm hoping they just use H.P. Lovecraft as a comparison, perhaps a story similar to what happens with Ben/Lisa/Dean, and use it more as an homage. But we'll have to wait and see.

    Oh, and I love that someone else on here loves H.P. Lovecraft!

  31. That's ben reading them. And again, that doesn't mean they are bringing his creatures to the show. Some of his stories were psychological too, and it wouldn't be the first time Supernatural borrows storyline from somewhere else for an episode. ie: The Thing.

  32. You guys, YOU GUYS, I can't even. My heart broke and is all over the place. The finale looks awesome, but OMG, Cassie, bb. I have a feeling he's gonna break the deal, he's gonna sacrifice everything, because in the end it's Dean what matters. MAY 20th, WHY SO FAR AWAY?

  33. Absolutely underwhelmed that the finale promo is all about Castiel who gives a crap i wanted to see the Dean and his ep and the Sam and his ep clips but this is all we get? How epically disappointing!

  34. What is up with Sam's face as well? Ahhh!

  35. Castiel had better be darkside if they make Sam fans go through his descent into darkness for years they better make Castiels a lot longer or kill him off entirely.

  36. Well, we know that someone will die and someone will be transformed... Hm. The house exploding? I think that in the last stand-off between Castiel and Raphael, Dean will let Cas use his soul to power up, even though Cas will have to use it up all, that he will be the "lightning" that killed the beast in Lovecraft's Haunter of the Dark, as the episode was called at first. Or, you know, I wish... ;P

  37. Ben reading a Lovecraft book doesn't mean the Cthulhu mythology and co will be incorporated to the show's canon. Don't get ahead of yourself just yet, it may be nothing.

  38. I like your theory!

    I think it's very possible that Dean might let Cas use his soul,either to help him power up(which leads to the huge explosion),or maybe even to heal him,if he's wounded during the fight..

    Either way,it's pretty clear from the promo that the deal with Crowley is
    pretty much broken!

  39. I believe that is Sam talking to his torn up and bloody soul after his wall started to crumble.

  40. Yeah, I agree. I seriously doubt they are going to depict a Lovecraft monster...people should think more figuratively/allegorically/metaphorically about it and how what Lovecraft wrote can be incorporated into SPN by the writers.

  41. Just one comment-May 20th better get here fast! I absolutely cannot wait to see the 2 final episodes of the season. These are going to be just awesome!

  42. You know, with Dean saying "We were family once!" in that tone of voice... I hope that Castiel doesn't kill Lisa and/or Ben to save Dean. I mean, Cas wouldn't hesitate where Dean would if it meant sacrificing them to keep Dean alive, but I think it's the one thing Dean would never forgive him. Crowley? The souls? That would be peanuts compared to Cas killing Lisa and/or Ben, even if he did it with good intentions.

  43. Lot of mention of Cas as a child wondering if the "transformation" we were told about is him being turned into a child? Or Lisa or Ben turning into a demon/mommy-creature? Also what is up with Cas' tie being on backwards? I'll probably think of more after rewatching the episode.

  44. I wish this was longer ....

  45. Mark Pelligrino is in the finale...Lucifer is back. Opinions: good thing or bad thing for the show?

  46. charlenelovesmojo19918 May 2011 at 14:18

    Bring Lucie back it would be cool. I like Sam as Lucie

  47. Yeah they really have messed up a few things here and there...but have faith, that's all I can say. :P

  48. Hmmmm Sounds hysterical.
    I don't see any "hating" on your comments though. Mostly just comments that were written in a similar fashion to your own...that just happen to be aimed at you.

  49. I'm hopeful for a few sneak peeks.

  50. Mark Pelligrino? Where? I can't see him in the trailer.

  51. no he's not IMDB is wrong about that it was a fake credit and was removed from IMDB don't believe everything that is on IMDB anyone could put that info there

  52. i loved Samifer but i liked Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer way More

  53. i think the character transformed will be Castiel i think he will be transformed into a Human

  54. charlenelovesmojo199111 May 2011 at 14:20

    Yeh Sam is good but Mark way better..... but he's gone so Sam can only play him. x


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