Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Supernatural - Episode 6.20 - The Man Who Would Be King - Recap

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Supernatural - Episode 6.20 - The Man Who Would Be King - Recap

7 May 2011

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Greetings, fellow hunters! Another Friday has passed, and with it, another episode of Supernatural! And the penultimate episode of the season, no less! (Well, technically, 21 is the penultimate episode, but since 21&22 are on the same night, I consider this one the penultimate).

Before the recap, I want to touch a subject I didn't get around to last week. SUPERNATURAL GOT FREAKIN' RENEWED! Well, it was pretty obvious, but yay! But I think Season 7 will be the last.
In any case, I hope they decide in advance about the last season. I mean, not to wait and see how the ratings are and then decide. Before it even begins, they need to say "This is the last season, let's plan in accordingly." Anyway, I'm glad the boys will be back on September. Losing the only Two CW shows I watch in the same year (This and Smallville) would've been devastating. So bring it on, Supernatural! Now, to the recap:
Previously - Averted apocalypse - check. Holy fire - check. Purgatory - check. Souls - check. Crowley is alive and Cas is working with him - Holy crap! and check.
Story Time With Castiel
We being with good ol' Cas. Wait, wasn't he in the diner, and turned out to be working with Crowley? That was a serious cliffhanger! I want answers! But Cas takes his time. He tells us some biblical stories: The beginning of evolution, Cain and Abel, Sodom and Gomorrah.
And then he fastforwards to the boys stopping the apocalypse, with clips from the last finale. He then doubts some of the choices he made, that brought him to where he is. He then looks directly at the camera. (Take that, Fourth wall!)
"Let me tell you my story." Sweet. Love stories.

Brain Damage
We return to the time of after the events of last episode. Cas appears in the Impala, and asks Dean about their progress with Crowley, but Dean tells him they're currently tracking down some monster. Now I know that Cas can be naive sometimes, but even he can't be buying this. They just learned Crowley's alive, they know what he's up to, and they're hunting some lowlife monster? Sounds fishy. Anyway, Dean asks Cas if he'll call them if he gets in trouble, but the angel just poofs away (I think Batman learned from his how to disappear while people aren't looking).
And he goes to visit...Crowley! Who's sitting in some dungeon, doing experiments on dead Eve. Apparently her brain is connected to the brains of all living monsters, so whenever its hurt, so are they.
"What is that good for?"
"Apart from the obvious erotic value, you got me." Ha! Amusing since we know Crowley's probably gay (Why else would he have chosen to be a crossroads demon?).
Crowley knows Cas is still meeting with the boys, and tells him he can't do it anymore, since it's a conflict of interests. Cas agrees, and we get some more flashbacks (Yay for 'ass-butt' encore!). And finally, we learn it was Cas who raised Sam from hell! Didn't see that coming. Though I probably should have. Cas tells Crowley he should't worry about the Winchesters.
"Like Lucifer didn't worry? Or Michael? Or Lilith, or Alastair or Azazel didn't worry? Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?!"
FINALLY a baddie with some sense. All those guys he mentiond, and Eve, were too arrogant. They were all like "I'm powerful, they can't kill me." And what happened? They died, one after another. It's nice to see Crowley learned from his mistakes, and takes the Winchesters as a serious threat.
I'll Keep You By My Side With My Superhuman Might,...
After 10 whole minutes, we finally get to see the boys (Well, we saw them, but it was flashbacks, so...). Bobby and Sam are interrogating a Demon-gone-monster-snatcher about Crowley's location. Dean comes, and tells them about his chat with Cas. He insists Cas is still on their side, but Bobby is doubtful.
"We might be dealing with a Superman gone Dark-side. Which means we gotta be cautios, smart, and maybe stock up on some Kryptonite." About time they reference the show that leads up to them. BTW, this is the last week ever when Smallville and Supernatural are on the same night together. Me sad :(

But what they don't know is that during their conversation, Cas is standing right there! But they can't see him. This is a critical moment in the episode, but more on that later. Demon-hunter guy tells them he doesn't deal with Crowley directly, but with Ellsworth, the demon version of Bobby (Including the FBI phones and everything). Cas pays him a visit and kills them so the boys won't be able to use him to get to Crowley, so Crowley won't rip their hearts out. Hope I never threat anyone Cas cares about.
Big Brother
We jump back in time again. After raising Sam from hell, Cas goes to heaven, and tells all the angels that no one leads them anymore, and they're free to do whatever they want. Since they were always leaded by someone, they're confused by their new privileges.
Afterwards, Cas is summoned by...Raphael! Welcome back, Demore Barnes! Dunno about you guys, but I prefer Raphael's male version. Raph's angry at Cas for rebelling, and tells him that he must swear allegiance to him, and free Michael and Lucifer so the angels can continue the apocalypse. Cas refuses and tells him he will stands against him, so Raphael kicks his ass and tells him he will either swear allegiance to him, or die.
Point Of No Return
The gang reaches Ellsworth's place, only to find it was "Mr. Clean"ed. After Dean insists, Sam and Bobby agree to call Cas for help, although they still doubt him. But yet again, he doesn't show, fearing the answers he might need to give them. But after they're ambushed by Crowley's demons, Cas decides to intervene. They tell him about their hunt for Crowley and the doubts they had in him, but ask his forgiveness after the rescue he just made. And then Cas makes the big mistake.
"It is a little absurd, thought. Superman going to the dark side."
How did they say in the eternal GTA 2? BUSTED. I don't know if the writers thought viewers would forget he wasn't there when Bobby said it and so wouldn't see the later twist, or just did it on purpose, but it's pretty obvious. His tongue slipped, and there will be consequences.
Cas goes back to Crowley, and threatens him that if he tries to hurt the brothers again, he will tear down their deal. Crowley tells Cas what we all know - He can't be a two-faced angel. Eventually, it's gonna bite him in the ass. Cas tells Crowley that he's still an angel, and can kill him in an instant.

Why No, It's Not His Day
Another jump back in time. Raphael tells Cas to swear allegiance, but he refuses. He thinks about asking Dean's help, but decide it's not a fair thing to do. Just then, Crowley appears, and they meet for the first time, chronologically. (I'm pretty sure).
"Castiel. Angel of Thursday. Just not your day, isn't it?" Hehe. Nice jab at the day move there, Ben Edlund.
Crowley tells Cas he wants to make a deal. Not for his soul (His an angel, you ass), but about the souls. He tells Cas he's aware of the fight with Raphael, and he can help him, so everyone will get a "happy ending". He then takes Cas on a trip to...Hell!

Now I don't know where Sam was when his wall cracked, but this place isn't all burning and firey. Though it is pretty freakin' genius! Apparently, Crowley designed hell as one long line, where people just wait, and when they get to the front of the line - they go back to the end. Not pleasant indeed.
Crowley says he can help Cas win a civil war in heaven, if he starts one. He'll raise some people, who'll lead them to monsters, who'll lead them to Purgatory, where all the souls are. Cas reluctantly agrees, and with some loaned souls from Crowley, goes back to heaven and smites the crap out of Raphael, sending a message to all angels that they need to pick a side.
Side note- I didn't really understand how angels use the souls' power. Do they eat them? absorb them somehow? This reminded me of Heroes, where for a few seasons people thought Sylar was eating his victims' brains, but eventually he wasn't. Just curious...
Unholy Alliance
Cas return to the gang, and they...Trap him! Cas?! In a holy fire ring?! Is this really happening?! They tell him they got him with the Superman slip-up, and ask how long he's been watching them.

"You know who spies on people, Cas? Spies!" Creative Dean strikes again.
Cas tries to explain himself, but there's no use. Dean, who was always loyal to Cas and tried to defend him till the last minute, sees this as an unforgiven betrayal. Cas reveals to Sam that he raised him from hell, and Sam asks if he raised him without a soul on purpose. Good question, but based on how Cas talked about resurrecting him earlier, the answer's probably "No".
Cas again says the did what he did out of lack of choice, and uses the "Raphael must die" defense. Dean doesn't buy it, and tells him he could've come to them for help, and they would've solved it as a team, "Like we always have".
"Where were you when I needed to hear it?"
"I was there. Where were you?"
Emotional stuff. But the moment's cut short when a swarm of demons approach. Turns out it's just Crowley, who probably didn't want to be in the same room with the boys. He frees Cas and babbles some things, but Cas tells him to beat it.
Fallen Angel
Cas meets with Dean at Bobby's house, which is angel-proofed. Where have we come to...Cas stands by his actions, or like Dean says, "blah blah, Raphael". Dean tells Cas he was like a brother to him, which is why he was so offended by his actions. He says to he will do what he must in order to stop Cas.
"You can't, Dean. You're just a man. I'm an angel."
Wow, really, Cas? You've been with the boys for 3 seasons now, and you underestimate them, YOU? Even Crowley knows better than that. You don't mess with the Winchesters.
Cas's connection with the gang has officially broken. They are now enemies, who will fight each other to the death if they have to. Where have we come to...
Back to Cas, sitting on the bench. He begs God for a sign, but it doesn't come. So now Cas will "do what he must." That can't be good.
Wow, talk about emotional episodes. Ben Edlund did an amazing job writing and directing this masterpiece. This goes to show that sometimes you don't need ass-kicking or some other action to make an interesting episode. Sometimes all you need is emotions. This was one hell of a setup for the finale in 2 weeks.
I give this episode 10 tortured souls out of 10. Brilliant, superb, awesome.


  1. 10 tortured souls out of ten LOL love it

  2. Excellent review and I agree with your ratings and your closing thoughts.

  3. There aren't words to describe this episode, except for BRILLIANCE.

  4. Great review!You could have given them 11 tortured souls out of 10,but that's a small detail!

    But come on..Enemies,who will fight each other to the death if they have to..That's a forbidden way of thinking!They're all disappointed and emotional right now,but I still don't think it'll come to that..
    It's gonna work out,you'll see! : )

  5. so, who does the title refer to? and why? it can't be crowley, right?

  6. It's in reference to Castiel as he relates to this song I'm guessing

  7. I couldn't disagree more dude, I hated every minute and the worst moment ever the 'like a brother' i'm sorry I can buy Dean finally trusting Castiel and bringing him in to the fold as a friend, JUST but to say he was like a brother was just a cheap horrible line. We know what Sam and Dean mean to each other and whatever Castiel means to Dean it is NOT that.

  8. i loved this centric sorry that dean/sam and bobby didn't hear and see like us the point of view of they let him down...if they know how much cass cares about them, love them and protect them...i understand all the choice of castiel...he didn't want to destroyed the new life of dean, trying to save sam to give him a new life, trying to speak to God who really doesn't care about his son...i think he made a deal with crowley but he has an idea behind his mind...he know that he can't trust crowley
    he deserved redemption because he sacrificed all trying to make good...and he's always there for the boys,if he did save them from the men of crowley (who wants the winchesters death cass or not) the brothers never knew that was a liar..his superman way...too clumsy...
    thanks to englund, this episode was a great one and above all thank to misha, can't imagine spn next year without him...can't be possible...he's a part of the family since 3 years...he deserved better

  9. Your family not mine I like him but not enough to regard him as the boys. I feel sorry here for Sam because it was his soul not Castiels or Deans but his . He was the one this was done too and Castiel left him to go it alone having no idea what happened. to him. Sure I can forgive Castiel and yes he deserves a chance for redemption and unlike Sam got a sympathy episode that gave us his side of the story one by the way I enjoyed . Dean calling Castiel like ''a brother'' is something I wont comment on .

  10. I wish I could say things with as few words as you. My recaps are getting longer and ramblier by the episode. Good thing it's hiatus soon so I can practice cutting down on words ;) Great recap, I agree the episode was AMAZING.

  11. A comment on David and Goliath. David had brought food for his elder brothers to the place Goliath was challenging the Israelites to send out a warrior to fight a one-on-one battle to determine, metaphorically, either Christianity -vs- Paganism or the Church over Satan. David accepted the challenge and Saul, the older brother, agreed to let David accept the challenge.

  12. "Where were you when I needed to hear it?" wow I died a little when he said that

    it actually remainds me of the Fray's "You found me":

    "where were you when everything was falling apart?"

    actually people have been making Cas/Dean montages with this song from season 4. Back then it was Cas who saved Dean, now I guess it's time for Dean to save Cas... from himself maybe.

    Emotional stuff indeed.

  13. I have to believe that the boys & bobby can find a way to forgive Castiel & help him . He is no different than any of them in that he was trying to do good because he could not see any other way he made an idiotic decision and I hope he can redeem his actions. I wish the boys & bobby could get a copy of what we saw and understand what Cass did was out of love for them and he felt he had no choice. Edlund is an amazing writer/ director . Could not have asked for a more amazing episode. Thank you Mr. Edlund


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