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Supernatural - Episode 6.20 - The Man Who Would Be King - New Promo Pic

4 May 2011

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Source: TVBTN


  1. can I just have a major freak out here.....(even this is expected) but the actual sight of the holy fire.....

  2. What is happening? Is this for real? I did NOT expect this.

  3. More like Holy Castiel! I can't believe this is actually happening.

  4. You stole my words 0.o I have nothing more to say :(


  6. So I guess just sitting down and talking it out has been ruled out as an option ... Am I the only one not particularly surprised by this? Cas has been getting darker all season long, pushing boundaries, just like Sam in season 4. And they can't exactly lock him in the Sam dungeon - er, I mean, Bobby's panic room, so holy fire was not a crazy backup plan. Don't get me wrong; I hope they work this out by season's end, and that Cas'll go back to being the angel we love, or some close approximation (I don't think he'll revert completely to form after spending this much time with Crowley). But in true Supernatural tradition, it's gotta get worse before it can get better.
    I just hope in the meantime, Cas doesn't do to Bobby or the brothers what he did to Meg back in season five, because I don't think they'll recover as well.

  7. I really hope they end up forgiving Cas eventually. He's part of the family now, they can't give up on him.

  8. Supernatural Junkie4 May 2011 at 22:39

    Dean looks majorly pissed!

  9. Where is Sam in this promo? as good has it is where is he or is this show gone to 3 cast members .

  10. Even if I knew this was coming, it still took my breath away, I literally stopped breathing for a moment. ANd HOLY HELL... Castiel!! The fire!! Ahhhhh!!! IS IT FRiDAY YET????

  11. oh, I Accidentally read your last sentence "Cas doesn't do to Bobby or the brothers what he did to Meg" into what he did to Meg in CAGED HEAT......
    So yeah, if he kissed any of them, they won't recover either...XD (expect Dean...maybe, lol)

  12. Dang flabbit no, Cass!!! You know how OCD Dean gets about demon affiliation, you had to go and poke the bear, awesome. Just don't die, PLEASE!!!!!!

  13. How long has it been since we last saw a promo pic for an episode..?
    Knowing it was coming is one thing.Watching it happening is another...Holy Crap!They actually trap him in a ring of fire!
    Patience..Almost here...

  14. Castiel extra crispy. Lol


  16. Is it wrong that I'm more worried about Bobby's house burning down (assuming that's where they are) than I am about Cas?

  17. I think you are the only one using her/his brain right now LOL

  18. Oh Cass......I'm scared.

  19. My thoughts exactly, Sharon. What the hell is this crap anymore. Did this just suddenly become the Dean and Cas show with Bobby as their daddy? Bobby has shown more affection toward Cas than he ever has Sam. This makes me physically sick to my stomach and my heart aches for Jared and the treatment he's gotten this season.

  20. Somebody wake me up when Sam actually gets some recognition for his part in this show. Because gee, I thought this show was about TWO BROTHERS by the name SAM AND DEAN WINCHESTER. Not DEAN WINCHESTER and his angel CASTIEL and their surrogate daddy BOBBY SINGER. Nice pic and all, but it's ridiculous Sam/Jared is treated as such. My heart hurts for Jared.

  21. To be fair but hasn't this season had a good deal about Sam and less about dean? Or am I missing something?

  22. browniegirl275 May 2011 at 00:00

    This season has pretty much balanced out with the last few episodes. All I can say as that I'm looking forward to the next three episodes.

  23. Me too even if I don't watch I like to keep up. :)

  24. Reading some of the comments my guess is Cas is looking at Sam who is out of the frame. Unless Cas just likes to look randomly at nothingness. The preview shows Bobby and Sam on the same page and Dean the dissenter. Plus come on its only 1 picture...Sam's in it somewhere don't worry.

  25. Exactly. Just because he isn't in the promo shot doesn't mean he isn't there.

  26. If you actually paid attention to what I was saying, that's not even remotely what I was talking about. And I don't count the first half of the season as anything remotely Sam because that was not Sam. Might've been Jared looking hot and being badass, but that was not Sam.

  27. JEEZZZZ..... This is freaking me out, oh Cas, oh Dean...

  28. Gonna weigh in here, against my better judgment. The fact that Sam isn't in this promo pic doesn't bother me half as much as the fact that we're inching closer and closer to the finale and still have so much ground to cover in finding out what Sam's story for the past year and half has been. Promos are unreliable, and I think whoever was hired to write the SPN ones is a Dean girl. I started noticing a trend the second half of this year - that they were still being written from Dean's perspective even though souled-Sam was back. The one that hit home was Unforgiven. It said something like "Dean finds out about Sam's life ..." The important point in that episode was obviously Sam finding out about his previous life, so I figured that was just a bad promo writer. Sam's in a lot of the promos, so I'm not so worried about this picture.

    What I'm more nervous about is that my expectation was that after the first half of the season, in which we didn't get a clue as to what was going on in Sam's head, Sam's story would start being unveiled in Like a Virgin, and as the season progressed, we would start seeing more and more clues until the finale, which would tie up the remaining loose ends. We're three episodes into the final stretch and we still haven't had any significant Sam time yet. The next episode looks primarily Cas centric, and the next is about Dean and Lisa, and then finally we have Sam. I have a ton of questions about Sam's missing year - and my expectations about his plotline have grown with all of the mystery around it - so I have my doubts that they could possibly give me what I want in one episode. They have about two to three seasons of light Sam coverage to make up for. With that said, I like the Castiel storyline. But I'm also losing patience for any extra characters who seem interested in having serious interactions with only Dean, and Cas and Bobby are both Dean girls. If cutting Cas and Bobby from next season will mean better, more developed character storylines for Sam and Dean, I could get behind it (although it would break my heart), but I have my doubts that simplifying the story back to a season 1 or season 2 feel wouldn't feel anticlimactic.

  29. browniegirl275 May 2011 at 02:16

    Eh, I'm sure all will be revealed about Sam by the finale. Who knows, this episode might reveal something about Sam.

  30. I hope that's true.

  31. The season has been about a big mystery that involves Sam coming back without his soul, Dean losing his chance at family, the release of Eve, Heaven falling into civil war with the threat of the Apocalypse revived, turmoil in Hell, disruption in the natural order, and some unknown power in souls. This story has been told through Dean's point of view, with Dean being the main character working through the mystery.

  32. I saw this picture a few hours ago on TVBTN and although it's a great picture (I wonder if SPN is starting to come to the attention of the regime at The CW) I can't help but feel that the show is going to extraodinary lengths to present what Castiel is doing (for the greater good in his mind) in a far, far greater sympathetic light than the show ever presented Sam doing in S4.

    And it ticks me off ...

  33. Sorry, and no offense, but that makes me kind of sick. Cas is not and never will be part of the family.

  34. This season had tons of questions about Sam, but we have only had 1 true Sam-centric episode this season (Unforgiven). The second half of the season has been pretty balanced, but the first half was very Dean heavy... His story might not be as interesting as Sam's story this time around.. but at least Dean had the first story about Hell.

    Just look at the handling of the two Hell stories. Dean goes to Hell and we get a peek at the end of the Season of Dean in Hell calling for Sam. Quite emotional.

    Sam goes to Hell and we get 5 minutes of Dean's reaction to Sam's sacrifice, then a flash of Sam standing outside of Lisa's house looking emotionless... To me, Dean's trip to Hell was heartbreaking, Sam's was heartbreaking, then had 5 minutes of wrap up and a flash of WTF! kind of anti-climatic to me.

    Now, look at the Season after... Dean goes to Hell and the season opener shows us every second of Dean's resurrection including a couple of more flashes of his Hell memories. We get to see the exact date of his resurrection, his confusion, his struggles. Then, some new big bad makes an explosive fly by.... Total excitement and quite a bit of information. Then, Dean hooks up with Bobby had a great scene, then finally we get to Sam and they track down how Dean got back. By the end of the first episode we know tons about Dean's resurrection and at least something about Hell. Heck he was brought back on God's orders...

    Sam goes to Hell and the season opener is all about Dean's life without Sam. Then, Sam does a "drive by" and picks up Dean. He doesn't want to talk about Hell, and has apparently been gone for a year and hooked up with members of the Campbell family and 1 of them was dead. We got a little bit of information about the Campbells, but mostly just questions about Sam.

    It continues in that vein for the next several episodes until we finally find out that Sam is soul-less. Then, we get to see a bit more of Sam, but we still don't find out much except that he doesn't need to sleep. The only people that could feel that we got a good deal about Sam and less about Dean are people that don't care at all what happens with Sam.

    I care about both brothers and I gotta admit, I am not entranced by the Lisa and Ben thing, but it is a story with a ton of angst... However, all of the stuff with Death, Bobby, Crowley, etc all had to do with Dean. Dean got turned by the vampire (yes Sam let him), but Sam was practically invisible in that episode, so it gave us more questions about Sam, but it was all about Dean. Dean got kidnapped by the faeries. Dean got to be the sniper... etc. Once Sam got his soul back it was more balanced, but before that Dean was the boss... he wanted to kill Sam in his sleep and he beat the crap out of him. He was bossing Castiel around and taking charge.... Sam was just a big question mark.

    Just because everybody was wondering in the first half, "What's Wrong With Sam?", it doesn't mean that we "had a good deal about him". It means that we had nothing about him, and that is why we had questions. We learned all about Dean right up front and in every episode we learned more and more.... We got a few snippets about Sam, but we only learned a good amount about him in Unforgiven.

  35. Even if you count in the Robo-Sam time, it still doesn't compare to what we learned about Dean. Until we found out he was soul-less, they kept Sam's time very lite to prolong the mystery. That is the second time we have gotten short changed to drag out a "mystery". I would rather have it right up front and allow both guys to participate in all of the stories.

    Through the first part of the season, Sam was present, but he was just acting... not emoting. We just have a few facts... like what kind of car a soul-less Sam would like. Heck, I still don't know what kind of music Sam likes except for the one Jason Mann's song that we heard off of his iPod in Lazarus Rising in Season 4. That is 1 Sam song in 6 years....

  36. You said it girl. Great post!

  37. I agree with this 100%

  38. If you're not watching then you don't half as much as you think you know just because you "keep up".

  39. It could just be that this was the best screen cap they could find to sum up the episode and Sam just isn't in the scene. Or maybe that's Sam that Cas is looking at but they couldn't get a shot with all four of them in it.

    I disagree with the idea of Bobby showing Cas more affection than Sam too. Bobby has treated Sam like a son since Season 2, Cas seems more like a friend to him.

  40. Name one scene (asides from him saying goodbye to Sam in Swan Song) that Bobby has had a serious one on one, emotional, loving, father-son scene with Sam, has hugged him, comforted him, or done anything that shows Bobby has treated Sam like a son. There are none. Dean has quite a few, now Cas. What about Sam? Bobby treated him like complete and utter crap in Like a Virgin without Sam even knowing or understanding why. Then we get nothing, no reconciliation scenes, absolutely nothing. The writers could've taken advantage of it, but they didn't. No, they just write Dean as his favorite. Yeah, Bobby really treats Sam like a son.

  41. There's lot's of ways to keep up. By recaps, spoilers, comments ect and by watching the promos. So yes I pride myself on wanting to keep up with news. :)

  42. Ok to all those who moan about sam being cut out this season. Isnt his mind wall going to collapse at the end of this season which possibly leads to the cliff hanger?
    Isn't that a quite sam centric part of the storyline?
    Yeah and Sam's a better hunter than dean as bobby says with soulless sammy on the rampage back in "you can't handle the truth"
    So stop moaning and just enjoy for crying out loud,theres no pleasing some people.

    "Oh my heart yearns for Jared's treatment"

    Season one and two were pretty sam centric. Then season 3 was still about sam's transformation which would have been brought by dean going to hell. Then season four dean comes back and finds out he is why the apocalypse started and then Sam brought the apocalypse out by killing lilith and releasing lucifer (pretty big part of the show aint it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
    Then season 5 with BOTH the brothers struggle at their "destinies" with being the 2 douchenozzle angels vessels And then sam goes to hells cage and the comes back with the help from crowley.

    So they have both had their storlyines ffs.

    If your not happy with the show then stop watching cos you clearly dont admire the show to criticise it in the way you do. Id rather the show i love and hold soooooo dear to my heart not ruined by the fans aswell as the sodding CW and ITV and living!. Because lets face it the best show ever has been ruined by the way the tv stations have treated the show! So stop MOANING!

    I always will and always love the show no matter what. And with the true fans behind it, it will remain the best loved show!

    Sorry for the rant people but some nonces need to be put in place!

  43. Thank you Scott, I am tired of all the complaining too.

  44. Exactly, Debbie. Other than his obvious strive for survival, we hardly got any insight on Soulless!Sam, and he turned into this mysterious, heartless thing that Dean hated, and because the show was making me grow close to Dean by centering on him, I hated what he hated. I hated Soulless!Sam so much, it was such a relief to get Sammy back.

  45. This is why just for once, just one TIME, show needs to center on Sam, what Sam is feeling, what Sam is going through, how Sam is dealing with things, what he likes, what he hates, why he likes and hates these things, his emotions and how things are affecting him. If we could just see that, maybe more people wouldn't hate Sam so much...

  46. No, I won't stop complaining just like people won't stop complaining about Dean. It's called an opinion and we sure as hell don't need people like you bitching at us, yelling at us, screaming at us, telling us to get over it and trying to "put us in our place" either. You view it your way, I'll continue to view it mine until my favorite character gets some equal treatment. But your post just made you look ridiculous. You didn't put anybody in their place.

  47. I agree 100% Scott, Not like this will stop people from complaining, but good effort. People just don't appreciate what they have and all they see is Dean getting the limelight, even though the show is basically the story of Sam told by Dean's POV most of the time.

    I'm a Dean girl, of course, but I love Sam too! People only see what they want to see because they feel Sam's being mistreated. they not see that Dean really doesn't have a story line this season besides being the monster's bitch? and the Lisa angst isn't even in most of the episodes. The stories about two brothers against the world. Not one against the other. ...most of the time.

    So, yeah. I agree Scott, too bad it doesn't help anything.

  48. My guess is they wanna leave some Sam mysteries unrevealed until season 7 and develop them then. I mean, I thought the wall would collapse way earlier, but if it does only in the finale, then I guess the storyline will continue in the next season.

  49. lol actually I get the impression of Cas randomly looking at nothingness quite often... ;P

  50. I love both boys. I don't have a favourite between the two. Both guys are great and I enjoy the show for what it is.

  51. I have always thought that the show was Sam's story as told from Dean's perspective as well.

  52. I'm a Sam girl. I love Sam. But that doesn't mean I hate Dean. I've never said one bad thing about Dean or trashed Dean or brought him down. I enjoy both of the boys. What I would like to see is equal treatment. I'd like to see Dean with the mytharc and Sam with the PoV and the story being told through Sam's eyes. I'd like them to switch it up and make it equal. That's what I'm trying to say.

  53. Just like you feel Dean doesn't have a story this season when he actually does, it's just not good enough for some of you. Still, all of this has been shown through Dean's eyes. I'd like to see a switch up of that. I'd like to see equal treatment. I'd like to see Dean get the mytharc for once while we see the entire story be told from Sam's perspective. I'd like to know how Sam views things, how Sam is feeling, Sam's emotions, Sam's pain, his happiness, his likes and dislikes as well while Dean gets the big, mysterious story.

  54. Oh yes... I'll just call them up right now. They're on speed dial...

  55. Don't we all wish. I know I do.

  56. But it's Sam's story. It's always been Sam's story. As much as I'd love for Dean to get the mytharc, it's always going to be about Sam. Which I'm okay with because Sam is and always will be the Show's "Main" character with Dean as Han Solo and Sam as Luke.

    It's not about what you want. You want this, you want that. It's the writers who write it, they don't really care what anyone wants. They'll try to incorporate what the majority of us wants, but over all it's their decision. Not ours.

    Also, Sam's wall is breaking. He'll probably be the cliff hanger at the end of the season with major angst and a total shock to us.

    I admit that I was kinda upset when Sam went to hell after Dean went 2 seasons prior, but that's life and it's not my call to make

  57. Seriously! It's just that vibe. Dean will always be about Sam.

  58. You missed the entire point of my post...

  59. Seriously? /shrugs. Sorry. >.> I thought I did. I'm not much of a debater, I admit.

  60. You know, I've heard that before, and I think it's a bit of an oversimplification. If the story of Supernatural is Sam's story, then that means everything not directly connected with YED and the demon blood, Sam's role as Lucifer's vessel, Sam's time in Hell, or Sam's time soulless is filler. That means Dean's time in Hell, Dean's daddy issues, Dean's interactions with all of the angels, Death and his message about the natural order, Heaven's civil war, Eve, Bela, Bobby's relationship with Dean, Alastair, Cas, Lisa and Ben - they're all filler.

    If the writers were trying to tell Sam's story, than Sam would have been a much more active player in a lot of these other storylines. A more accurate characterization might be that it's become the Winchester family story told through Dean's perspective.

  61. Cas is totally looking at Sam

  62. You're right it will remain a best loved show with the fan base. Chuck was right people will always bitch but at the end of the day it's the writers choice and they need to progress the storyline, let the characters grow and mature and set it up so that Supernatural will go on for more seasons everyone willing.

  63. I hate to say it, but I would say that this picture pretty much sums up the whole thing. How could Cas betray the boys like that?!

  64. interesting, didnt hell brake loose last season?


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