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Supernatural - Can Castiel Be Redeemed? - Sera Gamble Speaks

24 May 2011

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Sera had a few things to say about Castiel...

“I would consider Cas, in the last few minutes of the finale, to have been transformed. We try to be realistic about the fact that people on this show do cross lines that can’t be uncrossed. But we examine those things in terms of Sam and Dean. They have a tremendous capacity to move forward. We always look for the chance to have redemption.”

Also a small teaser for the next season:
“We had everyone on the writing staff watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Bob Singer, Eric Kripke and I were really hungry to capture some of that cowboy, outlaw spirit for Sam and Dean.”

Source: TVLine


  1. She is of course being quite vague but I am actually happy with this answer. I was really dreading to see Cas becoming the mindless big baddie of season 7 without receiving any form of redemption or salvation. That would have been such a dissapointing turn for the character that is Castiel. His story about choosing freedom was one of my favorites. Such an in-depth character (who most of us have come to know and love) does deserve a justified continuous character-progress.
    Him just being evil without any chance or change or redemption would have ruined that.

    So yeah, pretty happy with this. If you all excuse me, I am going to get through the hellatus believing that the whole Cas-turning-evil-storyline will be resolved in a good way.

  2. I think he will be redeemed, tbh. And will people stop overreacting to Misha's change in status from regular to recurring? It's not that big of a deal. Jim's recurring and he's appeared in a crapload of episodes.

    I can't wait to see how this all plays out in season seven! I'm excited.

  3. Supernatural besides being about Dean, Sam and family is also about I don't worry Castiel will continue down the dark road. He might not return to the angel we all first meet and grew to consider an honorary Winchester but...even Darth Vader was redeemed at the end ;) It will be fine.

    Actually I'm more concerned about the Butch and Sundance references.

  4. Cas deserve a chance. He was just trying to do his best in impossible circumstances. His storyline break my heart!

    I wonder what Sera mean with the butch cassidy comment.
    Does that mean
    Godstiel will make everybody humans and demons alike hunt the boys? Or shape the world into a western movie just because
    somewher underneath all those souls he remember Dean like the cowboy stuff?

    God I'm still not over that finale ... kudo to Sera and the spn staff!

  5. Hmmm that makes me actually feel better about the finale . . .

    Redemption is something that's still possible for Cas and I think, when he will be redeemed and included into the family again the bond with the boys will be so much stronger.

    Look at the boys, imo their bond was strongest in season 5, after Sam messed up with Ruby/Lucifer and found his way back to his brother, so that's what I'm hoping for Cas too.

    I'm not really that upset about Misha not being a regular because, as someone already stated, Jim isn't a regular either and he still plays an important role in the series. Concerning Misha I'd rather they gave him a believable and well thought out storyline and character development than seeing him in every episode in season 7 just for the heck of it.

  6. I've never asked for anything before, but Sera, please redeem Castiel. He deserves it. He's such a beautiful and important character to a lot of us. Thank you.

  7. Imao Supernatural has long stopped being a show about two brothers who hunt monsters. The storyline has gone far away from that. There are other other characters besides Sam and Dean.
    They can't just wipe off a great character like Castiel just because they want to return to season 1.

    I think that was the main problem in season 6. They tried to return to the show's roots but it turned out forced and unnatural. The story sometimes goes not the way the writer had planned it. I hope Sera and the writers understand that and won't kill Cas or make him the next Big Bad (which would be the same as killing him) just because they want the show be only about Sam and Dean again. 

    It won't happen, the story and the characters sometimes make their own choices. So please guys just move on.

  8. Supernatural Junkie24 May 2011 at 17:18

    Jared has said repeatedly that the boys should go out like Butch and Sundance.  I hope this isn't an ominous prediction for the series.

  9. This sounds great to me; while I've enjoyed the past three seasons, I'd love to see a little more focus on the boys' relationship - it sometimes gets lost amidst all the angels and heaven and hell. And I'm glad to see that Castiel is not lost forever. However, I hope that they don't rush through that - he betrayed the boys in the worst way possible by taking down Sam's wall and his path to redemption needs to reflect that.

  10. I am more concerned about the Butch Cassidy and Sundance references because they died at the end.  Kripke has wanted to do that.

  11. I have to stop thinking about this cause summer is gonna be long im gonna go crazyyyyyyy

  12. I think Cas can be saved and I think Sam and Dean will do whatever it takes to make sure that it happens. But, it will be a difficult task. This should be a good beginning leading into season 7. I am just so happy that we have a season 7 coming our way. I miss the boys already!

  13. I'm not very happy about the first part (Cas) but I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with that 'cowboy, outlaw spirit'! 

  14. this is so true - plots develop in unplanned ways, characters change - that's why I hated when people complained about Dean getting "soft" with Lisa and Ben. Guy's got older and the natural way of things is to grow more mature. 

    I agree they tried too much to make the show go back to its roots - on the way, focusing on monsters too much, they've lost the horror spirit of the show and I am really missing simple ghost hunts, creepy children, demons being exorcised (okay, I got the last one in 6x21, but still). And there was in fact so little of Cas this season anyway!

    Castiel is just too dear to our hearts to permanently turn evil. You just don't develop the fans' love for a character for more than 2 seasons just to smash it eternally without hope for redeption.

  15. pinkphoenix198524 May 2011 at 19:38

    I'm going to be very unpo

  16. If Sam and Dean can be forgiven for all the times they have royally fracked up I think Cas can as well since he is a part of their strange little family now. They just need to perform a soulectomy and purge him of all those monstor souls.

  17. In other words... screw Castiel, this show is about Sam and Dean.

    Or am I just being a pessimist?

  18. The show is about Sam and Dean. We should finally go back to that. AMen. Who cares about Castiel or redeeming him?

  19. I think people are mostly afraid that his character will be killed off in 701. There has been no word on him becoming recurring, Sera's keeping mum about it. And there had been that blind item from Ausiello some time ago about a wildly popular character getting killed off in the season finale or next season premiere and unfortunately, it fits Supernatural, what with Misha losing his regular status and Cas going evil.

    Personally, I'm afraid that a) Cas will be killed off completely or b) Cas will die while some entity from the Purgatory will occupy Jimmy Novak's body a la Fred on Angel.

  20.  KIll off Cas and please get rid of the untalented Misha.. I've tuned out more than in since the intro of Cas and cringe as I watch Misha.. Way overrated and way overhyped IMO !!

  21. I'm looking forward to seeing another side of Cas in S7. He's been pretty one dimensional up to now so it'll be great to see what Misha can do with powercrazed Cas. 
    At heart the show is still about Sam ans Dean and I hope that never changes, but the writers have stuck with Cas for this long, if he's being written out he deserves to go in style. I believe he must eventually be redeemed otherwise the boys are toast - plain and simple. You don't p*** off a god and just get away with it.

  22. Oh what a breath of fresh air... Mostly balanced sensible commentary over here on Spoiler TV. Not so much under the actual article. Think I'll hang out here! Who knows what the plans are for the arc for this season. They've not long been back in the writers room so I'm sure they are still working it all through. I can't wait to see what they do with it, what direction they take, what the outcome is for Castiel and how the brothers deal with the whole mess. I'm on this ride to the end. I believe the theme of this show has always been around loss, forgiveness and redemption. All the lead characters have now sold themselves in someway or another for a cause they felt worthy. So far all have been saved or redeemed. I can't see why season 7 should be any different in this regard. Remember saving people comes before hunting things in this family business. Bring it I say. Is it September yet?

  23. Sam went dark side and was still able to come back, so I'm hoping Cas can be saved somehow (oh god, my mind automatically goes to a horribly sad Dean-killing-Cas sort of scene!! >.< BAD MIND!)

  24. I'm all about the brothers, I want to see more of their relationship, more of them working together now that they are back on track for the first time in a really long time, but I do want to see Cas redeemed, definitely. And I can't imagine that we won't.

  25. I think they've been Butch and Sundance for ages. Always on the run from something. Living by their wits in mostly not so legal ways. Maybe Sera is talking about the tone of the brothers relationship, which would be AWESOME! Butch and Sundance have a great relationship, very Sam and Dean!

  26. I find it extremey discouraging that, maybe 10 minutes into Cas' transformation, Sam tried to kill him. Just how interested in redeeming Cas will Sam and Dean even be?

  27. I agree, he is overrated. But.... untalented? I think its safe to say he's daytime emmy worthy. ;)


  28. I found it interesting that after a half-season of being shown the importance of a soul, we find out in Cas's episode that Cas doesn't have a soul.  That's got to play a big role here in judging Cas's actions and determining whether he can be redeemed.  In seasons 4 and 5, though, Cas seemed to have some capacity for moral judgment - or maybe he didn't and Balthazar was right - Cas really was in love with Dean, and that's why he did what he did.

  29. I beg to differ, Jilly. Forgot Veritas? Pagan god's?  :D
    But seriously: I agree with you, Cas should go in style but redemption will be a hard road for Cas now. He betrayed him, not to mention willingly brought Sam's wall down and we know how Dean reacts when someone harms his brother. So I am curious how this will play out.

  30. I see your point and you're right - maybe I should rephrase it? If you p*** off a god, don't expect them to let you just walk away - that's more like what I meant to say. I'm really worried about how S&D&B will get away from Cas - that last scene was scary. It was like either 'bow before me now or die' - Cas didn't look like he was open to discussion :P

  31. I'm interested in this too. I would have thought harming Sam like that would be a complete dealbreaker for Dean at least. I'm curious as to how they can write themselves out of this one; or even if they intend to.

  32. hehe he actually said "or I shall destroy you" which sounds - regardless of all the drama and how serious the situation is - absolutely cool to me xD always loved Cas's lofty words, especially in comparison to those used by the boys and Bobby :P
    anyway, I was afraid how they'd escape Lucifer after season 4 finale and yet they did, so no worries ;)

  33. charlenelovesmojo199130 May 2011 at 16:30

    Bring on September !!!!!! <3 


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