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Supernatural - Ben Edlund Talks Castiel's Betrayal

4 May 2011

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After six years of "Supernatural," we thought we'd seen it all, but when Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) killed the Mother of All in last week's episode, we were shocked. After all, if they kill the big bad in Episode 19, what is there to do in episodes 20, 21, and 22? Sit around and pat each other on the back?

Unfortunately for the brothers Winchester, three episodes of celebratory air guitar wasn't in the cards. In the final scene of last week's episode, we learned that the Mother of All was the least of their worries. The angel on their shoulders, Castiel (Misha Collins), had teamed up with the King of Hell, Crowley (Mark Sheppard), who they'd presumed dead.

Life's just not fair sometimes.

This week's episode, "The Man Who Would Be King," was written and directed by producer Ben Edlund - it's his "Supernatural" directing debut, though he's been with the show since Season 2. We were having some trouble wrapping our head around Castiel-as-bad-guy, so we spoke to Ben to see if he could set the record straight on where Cas straddles that line between good and evil.

"The real driving catalyst, the reason why more bad has happened to good people on 'Supernatural' this year than any other year, does not come directly through the Mother of All monsters," Edlund tells Zap2it. "She's badass, and she does bad things, but it's this partnership between the angel and the demon that has driven most of our conflicts. It's all because of Crowley and Castiel."

Who knew that our friendly neighborhood angel baby-in-a-trenchcoat was capable of such deceit and destruction?

Dean Winchester certainly didn't. This Friday's episode serves as a shocking wake up call to Dean, especially given the fact that he's finally back on track with his brother, as he learns the extent of Castiel's betrayal. The hits just keep on coming for Dean, and this time, it's likely worse than you think.

"He won't like it. Familial betrayal is his kryptonite, so to speak. It's his thing. It's the thing he hates worse than any other thing, and he has brought Cas into the family, so the math there has a clear outcome. It's going to hurt him deeply even to discover what we understand to be the case right now, which is that Cas is capable of working with a demon. Even that is going to be so painful. It's going to be a hard week for that good-looking bastard."

We asked Edlund whether the writers hesitated to explore Castiel's dark side, given his tendency to lend humor to the show. "I had my hesitations," he admits, "because I like the fish-out-of-water, dumb jokes, and I like Cas. I like the thing on camera that Misha created that complemented this new strain of creature, this angel coming into our world and gave a body and character to it. That's a really great thing. But one of the rules of 'Supernatural' is loss, and losing things. You have to love something before you can feel its loss."

Source: Zap2it


  1. Cas started fighting Dean after learning about his betrayal in Point Of No Return. This time, I have a feeling Dean will take the fight to him.

  2. "But one of the rules of 'Supernatural' is loss, and losing things. You have to love something before you can feel its loss." No no no no no pleaseee!! Don't take Cass away from us! It would be the worst loss ever! He's our little angel, who risked his life over and over and over again for Winchesters, who gave up on everything for them. And now, suddenly, he will turn evil?? He'll work against them? He'll be their enemy? I can't take that, seriously. This is too much. Even for Supernatural.

  3. Thank you for correcting the title of the news. It was kinda creepy at first;)

  4. I'm heartbroken. Curse you Kripke for making me care about a character on a show that I don't even watch. Poor Cas. I'm thinking he's gonna pay a high price for this. I still love him though (misha is just too darn adorable to hate)

  5. Maybe not evil perse? But like a well intentioned extremist would be my bet like he's thinking it's for the better good this is a war that everybody's fighting. Just sayin'.

  6. LittleAngelsMum4 May 2011 at 20:59

    That's a really great thing. But one of the rules of 'Supernatural' is loss, and losing things. You have to love something before you can feel its loss."

    But , this is not what we want. I'm happy with the angst not loss.
    Rule's are meant to be broken.

  7. I am not going to survive this season. There's no way this is gonna be a happy ending. I'm just incredibly greatful we will have a season 7 now, so at least things have a chance of getting better.

  8. Oh man, oh man, I hate that line, "But one of the rules of 'Supernatural' is loss, and losing things. You have to love something before you can feel its loss."

    I thought SPN was supposed to be about family and killing things! I don't want the boys to lose another ally. urg! Cas better have a good explanation.

  9. I agree there, I doubt they will make him outright evil, it would just be a complete other character then. Plus, we have to think who he's fighting against, and that's Raphael who wants the apocalypse back, the end of free will, and Sam and Dean as the vessels for Lucifer and Michael... you know all that. I think his intentions are good and what Sam and Dean fought for in past seasons. But, he somehow has taken things way to far and he's got his hands wayyy too dirty out of desperation and maybe a bit of manipulation in Crowley's part too. And that last part it's mostly speculation based on the stills for the finale. I have the feeling Crowley has been playing with both sides of the Heaven war so he could secure to come out as a winner.

    I hope the loosing part is just about loosing the kind of role he had until now and not killing him... I would hate Castiel to die, as in seriously and absolutely hate it... but dying with Dean mad at him for his betrayal? Well, that's just a bye-bye SPN ¬¬ Anyways, intrigued yet totally scared about all this, I need the finale like NOW.

  10. personally, i'm excited to see this dynamic play out. i love cas, there is no cas hate intended here, but i love that we're getting to see this darker side of him. and working with CROWLEY? i mean, who saw that one coming?

    yeah, things might suck right now, but think about sam and dean now, compared to the aftermath of "lucifer rising." all three of the boys can only end up coming out of this stronger together, and i am so excited to see the paths they have to take as characters to get there. i think cas going darkside is a good thing for the show and it's development.

  11. no surprise for me...they want the cass character out of the show so they find a great way to do that..destroyed the awesome fans didn't like him anymore, so more easy to kill him and say "no castiel next year in the show"...the fans without reaction because castiel is not the cass that they loved...well done...i hate the spn staff for that...this character didn't deserved that...3 years in the show and put out like a shit...hating by the winchester and the way...i'll still love this awesome character matter....

  12. I agree with you, i can´t acepte that Cas will be bad, but i think this is a strategi for the saved Dean and Sam,and i think something about the Purgatory is the problem.
    Remember Crowly need to find the purgatory, and Castiel too, because he need souls for the batle on heaven.

  13. I was confused as well, didn't think they would make Dean become a traitor.

  14. yes but castiel forgave dean not sure than dean may the same thing for him...and castiel part of the family...let me laught..they called him when they needed him and in the last episodes, dean was infect with cass..castiel likes more dean than dean likes him for sure...dean will be pissed off by the betrayal of castiel...ok...can he forgive castiel like cass did...don't forget than castiel lost everything for the boys...they forgotten memories

  15. Please i have a quetion of that, when have confirmed the next sesson? Supernatural returns?i serch on the web, but never read it´s was confirmed.

  16. That's the heartbreaking part Cas dying with the thought of the boys especially dean hating him. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I'm scared. :(

  17. Agreed. At one point they moved from being friends and partners with him, to calling him only when they need to, like an Angel Hotline. When Cas was with them, Dean did nothing but sting him, sarcastic or not. Plus, he has the Heaven war on his head.

    The sad thing is, maybe if they stopped for a minute to call him only when they needed to and actually show interest in HIS trouble, maybe he wouldn't be taking drastic measures, like working with Crowley.

  18. Yes, it has been officially renewed for Season 7.

  19. I still love him too. Once i fall in love with a tv character my heart belongs to that person till the end. Castiel on spn is ^No different.

  20. I dont think he is bad, i think that he need Crowley for something,don´t no what,meaby is for Purgatory, but,he is not bad,and Dean have to understand that, he always came for rescue all.

  21. oh thanks i didn´t find this,but i think "have to be renewed"the story can´t end in this way.jiji

  22. I don't think they are going to kill Cas and I don't think they want him out. It is more that the angel storyline has to come to an end at some point. I think everyone knows that. Cas is a good character and he isn't going evil, but he is making not so good choices at the moment. I don't think they want the fans to hate him either, but to understand his motivations maybe. I think he is trying to protect Sam and Dean from having to deal with the apocalypse again and being the vessels that they don't want to be. I know Crowley strongly suggested that Cas kill the boys, but Cas stood his ground, because he knows killing them won't help him in his battle with Raphael. The fact that he is working with Crowley is the betrayal that Dean will have difficulty with and the possibility that he brought Sam back without his soul. He has made bad choices and now he has to pay the consequences and face Dean's anger.

  23. Me too :( See, it could also be heartbreaking if he dies to save them or something you know? But I just can conceive an ending for Castiel in which the Winchesters are left hating him or deceived by him *sniffs* Anyways, I'm bracing myself already over the next three episodes, whether if it's the end of Castiel or not (which I still think and hope it's not)... I have the feeling I'm gonna need some theraphy session after this finale or something hahahahaha

  24. Yeah... sniffs. I hope they know what they're doing. I couldn't bear it otherwise.

  25. Actually they said there will be one death and one translation in the season finale. So i started to think, maybe Cass will translate human? Because i don't know what else this translation could be.

  26. Yep, they said that someone was going to be transformed... And I agree that the only posibility I could think off is Castiel becoming human, even if it's not a permanent thing. I certainly would prefer that, off course!

  27. I'm praying that they don't kill off Cas, he's a great character and brings so much to the show, it just won't be the same without him :(

  28. Wow really not one ounce of care for Sam in any of this. This sl cuts Sam out but poor Dean and poor Castiel yes poor the pair of them. Dean caanot forgive Castiel without making himself look like a hypocrite after the way he treated Sam . Sigh this show is getting ridiculous.

  29. They love each other, they're family. I hope they can work it out.

  30. Cas will have screwed Sam over (I'm sure of) it but all the show will care about is how Dean and Cas feel about it.

    I've actually stopped watching the show again and for some reason I cant motivate myself to catch up but I am going to watch episode 22 coz I wanna know what happens to Sam and I want to be prepared for season 7.

    Haven't really enjoyed this season but I'm still sticking with the show hoping next season will bring back the excitement for me.

  31. Supernatural Junkie4 May 2011 at 22:36

    "You have to love something before you can feel its loss." That describes exactly what happened between Sam and Dean during season 4. Dean felt the ultimate betrayal when Sam lied and became dependent of demon blood. The one person he loved most in the world did the unthinkable. But, Sam was eventually able to forgive him. I hope that will happen with Cas as well. I think SPN needs the Heaven aspect and Sam and Dean need to know that all creatures aren't evil.

  32. when you read what the scenarist said, you know one thing, dean get out castiel of his said in the beginning of this year that a major bound will be broken...that's the answer...i'm pissed off...the spn staff destroyed an awesome character who deserved more thant cast out like that...very disappointed by kripke who always said that he loved the misha/castiel character

  33. when you see the pictures of the last episode..;sure that crowley betrayed cass and takes raphael is castiel do all this waste for nothing? is the spn staff do that to him? alone, dark and losing his war...probably dying too...shame on them....after 3 years...i know that misha will be 99% not in the show next it possible to have a miracle for the 1%...i can't imagine spn without him and i can't imagine that kripke destroye this character like that just for the pleasure to make more trash than before...

  34. totally agree with you...just a little "are you ok?" in the third man but dean didn't insist like in the 6.10..just said that like you said hello what's more...sam and dean didn't care about this war and the trouble of castiel...and that make me sad...they gonna put out castiel of their lifes but is castiel really a part of their lifes....not sure of that...not like dean and sam were a part of castiel life

  35. how about watching before hating? 0.o the brothers bound was really broke at the end of S4 and look at them now. Maybe Cas will die, maybe he won't...just wait and see.

  36. They're gonna kill Cas. I just know it. But then, I read a spoiler that there would be death and there would be a "transformation" of some sort. And that's really interesting.

  37. Look: it isn't that no one cares about Sam; it's that Castiel brought an important dynamic to the show. I personally don't care if Castiel isn't as involved in the brothers' lives anymore. But if he dies, it really makes Supernatural itself lose out.

  38. "You have to love something before you can feel its loss."
    And if you love it enough,you don't give up on it and you try to win it back!
    Let's not write anyone off just yet..

  39. browniegirl275 May 2011 at 00:04

    Well, Dean and Cas do share a more profound bound.

  40. "You have to love something before you can feel it's loss..." Anyone else thinking Castiel is getting killed off by the end of this season?

  41. Please, don't kill Cas!!! That's all I can say right now...

  42. Dean and Sam have tried to talk to Cas about the war (i cant remember what episode but it was in the first half of the season) but usually Cas just poofed away...... maybe he is just to afraid to talk about working with a demon or ashamed... and I do agree they three seemed to be parting back to Cas just being a emergency call probably because of there lack of talking about feelings

  43. It is possible because in the because for the finale promo pictures someone(not going to say cause I know some dont want to be spoiled at all for the season finale) was critically hurt, and the only translate would be Cas going human and that would explain the line "without your powers you're just like a baby in a trenchcoat" (you know writers were foreshadowing the ending of the season)

  44. I agree. I generally like Ben Edlund but this interview is a bunch of BS to me. Castiel let Sam out of the panic room and has never had to come clean about that - Castiel was just allowed to keep blaming the boys, particularly Sam, for having sole responsibility for letting Lucifer out. If Dean was ever allowed to know this minor tidbit, I very much doubt he would be well disposed toward Castiel.

    I with you ... I hope S7 is angel free.

  45. lol, oh my god you guys. When has being dead stopped characters in Supernatural? Dean and Sam and even Bobby have died and have been resurrected. And for the people pissing on Dean's character without being able to formulate a coherent sentence, please be quiet you obviously haven't grasped Dean's character or personality at all. He cares, but he isn't one to show it. Also, how the hell are they supposed to give a damn if Cas never stays, EVER. They start talking, turn around and he's gone. What are they supposed to do? Run out into the streets, fall to their knees and cry out to the sky for him to come back? When their relationship was more solid, Cas was with him for long periods at a time but I'm sure Cas only did that because he had been cast out of heaven. He only had them. If you think about it, they both certainly have character flaws but that's what so beautiful. They're flawed and judgemental and selfish and human, especially Dean but that's what makes him, him. How dare you guys say he only calls Cas when he needs him, it may look like that because that's the only time Cas is willing to appear. Even earlier on in the season, Sam had tried contacting Cas to no avail - sure Sam was souless at the time but still. If they'd call down Cas for crumpets and tea, I'm sure Cas wouldn't stick around because he has bigger problems, so when are they supposed to call him?

  46. along time ago there were rumors that Dean would be getting wings. I don't know if it was just talk within the fandom or not, but I like that idea.

  47. I agree with most of this. My feeling though, on the end of the angel storyline, is mixed. The introduction of the angels have made episodes like Mystery Spot, The End, Frontierland, In the Beginning, and Changing Channels possible. But they do tend to steal all of the focus. My sense is that cutting the angels sounds good now to some fans, but if it actually happened, there would be a backlash of fans complaining that the show has become boring.

    Either way, I think there needs to be more development and focus on the character development and personal storylines of both Sam and Dean next season.

  48. Wow, I don't know if I'm gonna survive the episode. I already found that little "what happened to you, Cas?" from YCHTT really sad, let alone Cas's betrayal and Dean's reaction to it! I've loved the friendship between these two since season 4, watching it fall apart will literally crash me.

    Btw, it's not like nobody cares about Sam, people. It's just this episode is gonna be Cas-centric, just like we had a Bobby-centric episode at the beginning of the season. The finale will be all about Sam, so stay positive!

  49. I'm not liking the sound of this :/ If the boys have to take on Cas, I will be really saddened... I love Team Free Will! Crowley is like Yoko. Don't break up the band!

  50. "They start talking, turn around, and he's gone."


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