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Supernatural - 6.22 - The Man Who Knew Too Much - Recap by Selina

24 May 2011

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This is it, the season finale. On Sunday I posted my recap for 6x21 'Let it Bleed,' and today I'm covering the second half of Friday's finale event, 'The Man Who Knew Too Much.' It's one of those awkward title situations where you have two episodes close together with practically the same name, as we just a week ago had 'The Man Who Would Be King'... like in Buffy when they had 'Enemies' and 'Earshot' right after each other, and 'Smashed' and 'Wrecked'... those last two always confused me cause it's like, the same thing!

See? This is why I divided the recaps. I ramble. This is of course about TMWKTM, which is a mouthful. I'm also pretty sure the title refers to Sam - see, all the king's horses, and all the king's men... Sam is broken, and a large chunk of this episode will explore his journey to put himself together again. And then there's the Cas thing... this should be good.

These recaps are also posted on Out of the Box, where I post all my other TV musings and speculations. Check it out! You know you'll be bored during the looong hiatus anyway. ;)

Carry On My Wayward Son dance party!!!!

Yaaaaaaaaayyyy I was expecting a long and too revealing 'Previously On' montage, so I was really excited when I heard the first few words of our beloved Kansas song, the trademark Supernatural music that brings us back to the very beginning, and makes us nostalgic for the journey so far... every single time it's used! Remember back in the season 2 finale when it was used? Ahhhh that was my favourite one. Or maybe s3 was. After this I'mma go back and watch me some classic SPN. I love it now, but I have to say I love the old episodes a lot more! It makes me wanna go on a road trip - only a less gory one.

I feel like on the scale of epicness, this one ranks way up there. Last year - was it even used last year? - as much as I enjoyed the episode, I didn't feel as emotional as I do about this one. I think it's because I'm so terrified for Castiel, and Sam's soul, and whatever else the show hasn't done perfectly this year it sure has built the tension up so much that you KNOW something terrible is going to happen. As I said yesterday, Dean's pretty much at his lowest point, having lost almost everyone, so of course something huge is going to hit him even HARDER. Eek.

Speaking of Dean... this visual recap really brought to light how front-and-central he's been this year, and how the Sam storylines act as a vehicle to explore Dean's character more. Contrast it to season 3, where half the storylines were about how Sam reacted to and felt about the fact that Dean was gonna die. This year it's all about how Dean feels. whichever brother the episode technically revolves around.

Who's the Man? Sam's the man! But is he the man... or the capital M-A-N?

The episode opens with the preview clip that was released earlier in the week - confusing as hell. Sam is running from a police car and escapes into a bar, where he convinces the bartender not to give him away. She asks him his name - and he says he doesn't know. He doesn't remember anything. Whaaaat, wuz going on! At least he remembers the English language... lolz, selective memory loss storylines.

Yesterday I speculated that maybe H.P. Lovecraft was The Man Who Knew Too Much... but now maybe I'm thinking it's Sam. Something clearly has gone awry with his soul, but maybe the memory loss is caused by something he knows? Why am I speculating, everyone who reads this already knows the answer. But that's the fun of doing these recaps on my first viewing.

Sidenote: I hope next year the Supernatural title card will be purple. We've had white and red and icy blue and yellow, right? I think it's time for purple.

Hey look, it's... Madison?

We open up back to Sam in the bar, and I'm kind of glad because I like this actress. Her name is Erica Cerra, but she reminds me of Emmanuelle Vaugier, who played Sam's werewolf girlfriend Madison back in 'Heart'. Did the resemblance strike anyone else? It can't be an accident, surely.

Sam says the last thing he remembers is waking up on a park bench. Cause... that's not at all suspicious. The girl (IMDb tells me that her name is Robin but I don't remember her saying this at any point?) tells him to go to the doctor but Sam says no: "I don't have time. I just feel like I have to be somewhere, there's something I gotta stop."

An H.P. Lovecraft book on the shelf catches his eye - it's "Catcher of the Dark". Evert time I try to write this title my hands write "Catcher in the Rye" before I notice what I'm doing lol. It gives Sam a flash of memory, and he remembers the motel The Nite Owl. "Maybe you're a hooker," the bartender suggests, and I laugh, cause it's funny.

Sam tries to leave but the girl decides to go with him! Okay, I like her and all, but really? I guess the writers realised that after dumping Lisa, the show really needed some estrogen. But, really writers, I think Supernatural fans would all agree that naaah, it doesn't. Unless it's Jo and Ellen, because we are used to them and therefore aren't threatened by their femininity (or whatever else it is that has made all other female characters on this show so hated).

Still, the likeness to Madison is more and more pronounced by the minute this lady is on screen, and I have to wonder if the show really has just emptied Canada of hot young actresses or if there's a point to the striking resemblance (considering she's the first female character Sam's interacted with for any length of time since Ruby).

So she goes with him... I think maybe she hopes he's a hooker, eh?

Nite Owl! Baby, Nite Owl! Just a little old place where, we can get to-ge-the-e-errrr! Nite Owl baabyyyy....

Aside from trying to score points with the 5% of the fanbase who's male by having a hot chick on screen, I think the writers obviously brought in Madison 2.0 so that Sam would have someone for theory sparring. If he was alone, he'd have to mumble to himself a lot, and that's always awkward on screen.

And HA! In the hallway scene, the camera is tilted, and all I can think about is Gossip Girl, where in one episode every single scene with Chuck Bass was tilted. It was clearly to show how he was on the edge, but it was so OTT obvious it just looked ridiculous. That episode forever ruined camera-tilting for me. And I can't believe I just admitted to watching Gossip Girl. :/

Sam opens the door with Robin's credit card and seriously, I know he's a hot piece of ass, but this woman is either evil or really really stupid. There is no way that Sam would not be a mastermind criminal to know all this stuff! She doesn't know there's such a thing as a professional monster hunter! Woman, please.

In the room they find the typical hunter mindmaps, and a bunch of fake IDs. But I guess as a bartender she can't be a stranger to those right? Heehee.

Sam sees a picture of Ellie, our friendly neighbourhood Purgatory monster, and has another flash: Bobby, Dean and Sam are headed to meet Ellie but they find her cellphone - and Ellie, saying she escaped from Cas and Crowley, who had been torturing her. She's revealed how to themto open Purgatory: they need virgin blood and the blood of a Purgatory native, and they're going to open the gate tomorrow. Hey, remember when it was the gates of Hell we were fighting to keep closed, guys? What's with all the gates all the time?

Awww and then Ellie dies. Sadness. And, again, female character death! Women have no luck on this show and they never have. It's very bold of the show, and I actually don't mind it. While I've liked a lot of the recurring female characters - particularly Ellen and Jo, Ruby 1.0, Bela and Anna - I've never minded that they don't stick around, because one of the things that makes SPN so unique is its distinct lack of your typical TV relationship plot lines like pregnancies, engagements, marriages, breakups, hookups, cheating....... I mean, SPN has this, but only as a sidenote. It's not the single most important thing in the world. And I guess if SPN avoids the stereotypes simply by eliminating the female element, then go for it.

Cas appears. "I'm sorry this had to happen. Crowley got carried away." Bobby is obviously upset, "Yeah I'm sure it was Crowley!" But Castiel is done caring what Dean and the others think. He HAS tried to make them understand, and I stand by what I've been saying, that the brothers should consider the fact that Cas is trying to save the world before judging him so harshly... I mean, Cas is asking them to let him stop Rafael, and they say no! Yes, opening Purgy is a bad thing and ultimately I'm sure it's gonna come back to bite Cas in his celestial ass, but the thought is good. And it's like choosing between fire and flame here, because either way, the world's gonna end, and I see no other suggestions on how to stop the Rafe.

But oh well. They have hurt feelings. Boys are so fragile.

And okay, this is when Castiel goes too far. Cas, I'll give you some free couples' counseling, seeing as you are officially the co-winner of the SpoilerTV romance contest: If you want any chance of salvaging your relationship with Dean, put him and his buddies in one of them neat angel prisons like Zachariah did last year. DO NOT take away Sam's soul/memories/consciousness EVER. As Bobby would say: idgit.

I am Sam. Sam I am. Green eggs and ham.

Lucky that Cas didn't do a very good job of whatever it was though, because Sam is already remembering stuff again like, less than a day later!

He tells Madison 2.0 that he still doesn't remember much, only spots. He remembers that he was with two guys, and best line of the episode alert........!!!

"One was like, a male model type, and the other was an older guy."

HAHAHAHA I love it! I love it in so many ways! Sam is going to criiiiinge when he remembers himself saying that! You know... if the world doesn't end or some shizzle like that.

Sam remembers Bobby's name, and an address in South Dakota.

But Lindsay Lohan still did it better.

Sam decides to take "the car", and immediately remembers which is his - but IT'S NOT HIS, it's the freaking Impala! Haha I love how Sam assumes it's his. He's always had mad car envy. Poor younger brother didn't get anything while the older brother got everything - the car, the male model good looks... I mean, jeez. Take the car, Sam, get yours!

Suddenly, while Robin is saying goodbye, Sam has like a super awesome sixth sense moment and just as a gun is fired, Sam knocks the girl down and the bullet hits the window of the Impala instead. And... who's shooting? It's Sam.

Wait, IT'S SAM!

Holy sheize, I'm so confused right now! Best. plot twist. EVER.

And suddenly... Sam is lying on a cot in an angel-proof room, with Dean sitting by his side, calling out to him. It was all a dream, really? Okay, NOW I believe that this actress was chosen for a reason! If she's a product of his subconscious it makes all the sense in the world to make her a Madison lookalike! Too bad they couldn't get the actual actress, that would have been amazing.

"I don't wanna fall to pieces... I just wanna sit and stare at youuuu"

Dean and Bobby have a pow-wow about Sam. I feel like this is a recurring motif in the show: Dean and Sam standing over a vertical Sam (whether he's dead, restrained, unconscious etc.) and discussing how to help him.

Bobby explains that Castiel took away the wall, and "all hell's spilling loose" into Sam's head. Maybe that explains the dream world, he's made it to protect himself and he's made a wall himself where he's forgotten everything to keep from remembering the Hell parts. But that's falling apart - he's running first from the cops, then from himself, his only aide some girl we don't know, maybe an image of a past love he conjured up for comfort.

And while a finale is generally all slam-dunk-the-funk action oriented, I like that a big chunk of this finale is internalized, happening inside a character's head. And more importantly, it's giving Sam the spotlight and putting his emotions in the center, at least for those moments. It's been a LONG time since that's happened, so I'm happy.

"This is exactly what Cas wants," Bobby warns the enraged Dean, trying to convince him to stay focused on the Purgatory storyline. "For you to fall to pieces." And Cas truly has taken the one thing he knows will get to Dean. Damn that's low.

But all the King's Horses...

We go back into the dreamscape, where Sam is teetering on the edge of consciousness (hearing the song playing on the radio, smelling the whiskey that Bobby and Dean are drinking), driving along in his Impala (in his DREAMS! Literally) with Madison 2.0 at his side.

Suddenly, Dean shines a light into Sam's eye and he is blinded in his dream, and when he opens his eyes again it's daylight. 2.0 is still there, and she didn't notice the change of time. He hears a noise in the trees and tells the girl to get in the car. He gets a shotgun and heads off into the forest, where... Sam himself is lurking. He doesn't shoot him though. "My god," Samternate (okay, no, that doesn't work with this name) says, "Am I really that gawky?" I don't know what gawky means, but I'm guessing something like "gaping and confused-looking"? :P

Why are evil versions of characters always more good looking? Their faces are smoother and their eyes are narrower, and they're just so cool. Evil!Sam is cool. He explains that Sam is unconscious. "Your BFF Cas brought the Hell Wall tumbling down, and you, pathetic infant that you are, shattered into pieces."

Oh, oh! This is like in that episode of Buffy where Xander was split in two, kind of. Except here, one piece of Sam is the soul the other is the soulless. This one's defined, he's sure of himself - unlike the soul-Sam, who is "Jello." He is handicapped, broken - and now I see what's going on. Evil!Sam wants to silence that piece of himself forever, the conscientious part, so that he can be free. This is super interesting.

"Now look at you - same misty-eyed milk sop you always were." So, if I'm understanding it correctly, this is what we're being told: there are two sides of Sam. There's the soul, which has all the compassion, the empathy, the guilt, the loyalty and the love - and then there is the part of Sam that represents what he'd be without all these things. But what's interesting is that he wouldn't just be a passive, uncaring vegetable. No, this guy cares, alright; he's twisted and mean-spirited and seems to take pleasure in the pain of others. This is not just the absence of one thing, it's the addition of something far more sinister. I wonder what part of Sam this is? Because I always interpreted Sam's "dark side" as being caused by the YED blood: it was a possession, an addiction, more than it was any actual part of Sam himself. But I guess now we're to understand that Sam truly DOES have a vindictive, evil side inside of him, independent of any influence he's been under? I always refused to believe this, wanting Sam to be 100% good, but I guess he isn't. And his soulful self being reduced to "jello" has allowed his vindictive, repressed side to escape into the "main part of his mind", if you will, which is this world with the forest and the cops and the girl who looks like Madison. Right. Is that what everyone else got?

Evil!Sam tries to shoot Sam, to destroy the soul once and for all - but Sam runs. And he can't be completely broken, because he suddenly finds himself holding a gun. The soul hasn't given up the fight completely!

Sam escapes to a creek, and tricks evil!Sam! Guess having a soul doesn't look so stupid now, does it? He shoots soulless Sam... but. "You think I'm bad? Wait till you meet the other one." Uuuuhhhh-oooohhhhh. And here I thought the second half of the episode would see Sam back in the real world fighting the gate opening with Dean and Bobby!

So evil!Sam dies. What is the significance of this? I suppose it's too optimistic to say that this represents Sam getting rid of his demons and embracing his good side, because... look where he is. But what does it mean, then?

And all the King's Men...

Looking like a Dementor being hit by a Patronus, Sam is blasted by a force from evil!Sam, and in the room where he lies, he begins to convulse. But he's still unconscious, and he returns to the road, where the girl is waiting by the car. "I remember who I am," he tells her. "Everything I did this past year. And I remember you."

You know, the longer it took for us to learn anything about her, the more convinced I became that she would have more significance than to just be Miss Random, as much as I liked the Madison thing. Sam was hunting a demon, and this girl got caught in the crossfire. Sam, soulless, didn't care, and shot her to get to the demon. And now she's literally come back to haunt him.

"Didn't I tell you to turn back? That you wouldn't like what you found?"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Not as sorry as you're gonna be."

And the girl evaporates... nice visual effect. It's worth noting, seeing how few we've had this season.

In the land of the living, Balthazar has decided to stop by! Yay. He had second thoughts about whether to help them, but he's decided to stand by them. He doesn't want to be involved though. "I'm betraying a friend here. A very powerful friend, we all are." Let's consider this quote, because with it, the writers are acknowledging that trust and betrayal goes both ways. By point-blank refusing to listen to Cas, Dean and co. are as much in the wrong as anyone. Castiel isn't the enemy, but they are making him the enemy, and so that's what he's becoming.

You either Flee... or you Glee. I mean, Die.

Meanwhile, Castiel is moping. Life's no fun when Crowley's your only friend, is it?

Cas makes a surprising move: "I'm renegotiating our terms. You get nothing." And while making a deal with the devil is never a good idea, I don't think breaking one is too smart either. As much as Cas feels he needs the power, honour is kind of what separated him from Crowley in the first place, right? This breakaway is really symbolic and significant for the character.

"Have you forgotten that you're the bottom in this relationship?" Oh I hope they don't kill off Crowley. Where else will we get our innuendos and male kissing from?

Allowing Crowley to flee, though, not a smart move. I realise that Castiel is trying to hold on to some honour, but he just made a VERY powerful enemy. And now he officially has no friends.

The worst version of Sam turns out to be the one who hasn't showered in a while.

In a random change of scene, Sam is sneaking around in a super creepy room with lots of candles, where someone is sitting and it's SO scary I wish I wasn't watching this in the dark.

Sam has found the other Sam. The one that's worse. He's sitting in the dark, and he's not threatening - yet he's the ultimate threat. He's the one who remembers Hell.

Bobby and Dean are preparing to leave. What they plan to do against an angel and the king of Hell I'm not sure, but these guys get like an A+ with a gazillion gold stars for effort.

Dean says goodbye to Sam. "Get your lazy ass out of bed and come meet us. Sammy, please." I guess this is the first time Dean will be facing the end of the world without Sam by his side, and that thought is as unbearable to us as it is to Dean.

In the dream land, broken!Sam explains that before Sam can return to his body, he has to go through him first. Absorb the broken part, let it consume him. Become what the broken Sam has become.

Jared Padalecki really is great. The broken Sam is as complete and fully realised as the evil Sam; his hopelessness and devastation is heartbreaking. And the "normal" Sam, the one we know from before Hell, protected by the wall (inside the wall?), is so, well, normal in comparison to these extremes. The writing is great too. Makes me wonder why they've waited till the finale to give us such a great character-exploration for Sam, since they clearly haven't forgotten how to do it. I realise it's to keep the suspense alive, but THIS is what I've been waiting for for what feels like forever. A Sam-centric, where we go under his skin and learn his motivations, his hopes and fears - it's like we have been on way too many dates with Dean at this point, and think his little brother's pretty cool too and just want to sit down to dinner and get to know him a little better. Finally it happens! And thank god, cause we were starving, too.

"You don't wanna know what happened in the cage," broken!Sam warns. But... I wanna know. I know I'll regret it if they tell us cause it'll be horrible, but I'm so ridiculously curious, they better tell us! "Don't do this. I know you. You're not strong enough."

Clearly broken!Sam doesn't know him that well. Didn't he pay attention when we learned that Sam is stubborn? Really, I wonder if these are truly parts of himself, or if they are more like tests. "You are not strong enough" sounds like a challenge, more than a caution. Clearly, Sam agrees. You can tell by the way he sets his jaw. And hopefully, Sam not being strong enough will be a major theme next year. Because he has been the weak one compared to Dean, the one who is manipulated and possessed and made to go down dark and evil paths - it's time Sam proves that he's as strong and full of love as Dean is, and CAN overcome this. No one believes he can, but I do! I believe in you, Sam! This is his chance to prove himself.

"Why is this so important to you?"
"You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."

This is the Sam we know and love. This is the Sam who will do anything to protect his brother, just as we've seen Dean do so many times for Sam. It feels like I'm watching season 2 right now, I am so happy.

And Sam kills the broken Sam, absorbs the light... cut scene. Nooooo.

If Balthazar is Judas, does that make Castiel Jesus?

Balthazar answers Castiel's summons. "Apparently we have a Judas in our midst," Cas tells him. Aw man Cas, why you gotta be referencing those Lady Gaga songs yo? Oh, wait... never mind.

"First Sam and Dean and now this. I'm doing my best. In impossible circumstances. My friends they abandon me, plot against me. It's difficult to understand."

And then - Castiel kills Balthazar. He KILLS Balthazar, just cause I said he was my favourite angel! No, right, it was because Balthazar told Dean where he was. STILL, it's not a very good reason, is it?!

Sigh. Poor Castiel. On one hand, I am very upset with the turn of his character - it's a classic good-guy-turns-villain setup, we've seen it before - but at the same time I feel bad for him, because I don't understand the logic behind abandoning him and turning against him in the first place. I think at this point, it's just storytelling, and a bit of a shady writing call to move the plot forward, but it just didn't sit right with me, and I'm thinking that's part of the reason why I'm finding it hard to dislike Cas. Though I ABSOLUTELY abhor this, the killing of Balthazar! I LOVED Balthazar. I am very upset that he died.

Outside, Dean and Bobby have arrived. If Bobby dies, okay, THEN I might feel differently about Castiel. But that's not gonna happen... right? At this point I wouldn't be surprised by anything. But anyone who says "We'll ninja our way in" is gonna rank very high on my please-don't-kill-them list of characters.

They hear drums... I think maybe they awoke something in the mines of Moria.

But no, it's the SMOKE MONSTER!!!!

Great, so it's the Man In Black who knew too much?

Seriously, it's the Smoke Monster. LOL. I would find this even more awesome if he didn't just wreck the freaking Impala though!!!! Main character death much?? Still, Dean fixed it in season 2, so have hope!

So okay, it might not be the MiB we know from Lost - in this show he moonlights as the Horseman of War - but it IS a Man in Black, is it not? Crowley has returned for revenge. Cas tries to blast him, but it doesn't work! Because Crowley's made a new allegiance: with... Rafaella.

It looks like Rafael and Crowley have Castiel beat. "If anyone's gonna be the new God, it's me," Rafael says, and I really wonder what happened to the old G-man, seeing as the blasphemous angel isn't being smited for that?

Castiel tosses the blood to Crowley and disapparates, and Crowley and Rafael open the door... while Dean and Bobby are lying trapped in the broken Impala, oh no! Luckily they are alive. They sneak in on the ritual, and try to kill Rafael, but he/she catches the knife, and Crowley disposes of them easily.

It's What's Behind Secret Door Number Three!

But here's our last-minute variable: Sam has arrived to save the day! Hooray! Not that he's much use - the flashes of Hell are coming hard and strong, but he stumbles forward, determined to help his brother.

Meanwhile, Crowley has finished the ritual - and nothing happens. Because Cas exchanged the blood vials, sneaky! He looks very smug about it, too. Dean watches as Castiel reveals his hat trick: He already did the ritual, and holds the power of Purgatory.

He lights up the sky, the life, the night, etc., and when the light fades, we're left with a totally badass, juiced up super angel. Too bad Dean had to go and be stubborn, because Cas could have been an even better ally now!

Cas lets Crowley go: "The demon I have plans for. You on the other hand..." And he explodes Rafael, meat suit and all. The angel knife, which has been focused on throughout the sequence, clatters to the floor. Castiel turns to Dean and Bobby. "So you see, I saved you. You doubted me, fought against me. When I was right all along." Dean tries to talk him down, calm him, because clearly, one wrong move means instant death with his former BFF.

Castiel opened the door... inside himself?

I like to think that Dean is equal parts worried for Castiel and for the planet, which Cas now has the power to nuke. "Let's just defuse you. Cas, it's scrambling your brain." But Castiel, with his super creepy smile, insists that the souls "belong" with him. "Rafael had many followers, and I must... punish them all severely." Oh dear, maybe taking souls from a super evil place wasn't the best strategy. They are influencing him, making him evil too.

"Listen to me. I know that there's a lot of bad water under the bridge. But we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... please. I've lost Lisa. I've lost Ben. And now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you, too."

I think, as beautiful as the sentiment is, Dean is laying it on a liiiittle thick. Don't get me wrong: I love the Dean/Cas friendship. But really, the whole idea of them as "family" really only started like, an episode ago. Castiel was always willing to help, and yes they bonded, but he was always so odd, like a weird friend who amused them but always came through in a pinch. Their friendly neighbourhood angel man. But family? I'm not complaining. I guess I just prefer when the show makes the family parallels a little less obvious, like the way it integrated Bobby and made him the boys' new father slowly and steadily, before we knew what was happening.

For a minute, it looks like Dean's words are getting to Castiel. He makes a good point: Castiel destroyed Rafael, and thus the threat of the apocalypse. He doesn't need the power anymore. But it's too late now. Castiel has been corrupted by the souls, and he's not himself anymore. He is like Sam in season 4 - the power, the rush is too great to overcome, and Dean can't reach him anymore.

"You're just saying that because I won. Because you're afraid." (And maybe I wasn't far off when saying that Dean was laying it on a little thick, to try to appeal to Cas.)

Someone picks up the angel sword. OH NO.

"You're not my family, Dean," Cas tells him. "I have no family."

And behind him... Sam appears and stabs Cas! Noooooo Sam whyyyyy! But it's okay, cause Cas doesn't die. He might be turning evil, but hey, we all stuck by Sam when the same thing happened to him, let's not turn our backs on Castiel now.

Castiel explains why he didn't die... and sets up the season finale cliffhanger:

"The angel blade won't work. Because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord. Or I shall destroy you."


Rating: 5/5

Holy moly. What an episode. AMAZING. What did you think? I hope you were all as blown away as I am right now, because that was incredible! It might not have been 'All Hell Breaks Loose,' but what is? If nothing else, this episode deserves top rating for the Sam focus. I've always liked the show best when it was EQUAL, and so the imbalance has really been bothering me. I've missed Sam, and seeing him so in focus brought me back to the good old days. And they're called good old days for a reason. But, there were really two parts to this episode, so I'll briefly comment on each in turn:

A) Sam's journey through his different stages, putting himself back together in a very literal, visual way. That was amazingly well done. For a show that does character so well, I have long maintained (as you'll know if you follow my recaps) that it's been neglecting Sam. This episode made up for a lot of that. Not only did we get a largely Sam-driven storyline, but we were actually inside the character's head, and while we weren't told what happened to Sam in Hell specifically, we've seen what it did to him. We can only hope that next year we'll continue to see the repercussions of his memories, seeing as the whole point of the wall was because Sam wouldn't be able to cope with them. Is he strong enough to survive, though no one (including angels and Death himself) seems to believe that he is? Well, I believe it. And I can't wait to see this new, unified, stronger Sam next year. Dean's going to need him. And seeing as ultimately, Sam's breakthrough didn't come to anything - he was too late to the party, and him killing Castiel meant nothing - surely it will mean something important for his character next year. Everything happens for a reason.

B) Castiel is "the new God." This isn't going to end well. I hope I'm not spoiling anyone by saying that it has been officially confirmed that Misha Collins won't be a series regular next season, but honestly, this doesn't worry me. This year he was a regular, yet only appeared in about half the episodes, and I'm sure next year we'll see something similar. We'll HAVE to see him, considering what happened, but going back to two cast members seems like a good decision both budget-wise and because really, the show has always been and always will be about Sam and Dean. Anyone else WILL play second fiddle, as great and loveable as they are. Castiel's descent was beautifully written, one of the best character arcs I've seen, with him honestly, naively trying to do the right thing, being consumed by loneliness and feelings of betrayal, and finally being infested with millions of evil souls that have now made him arrogant, vindictive and power-hungry. Making a prediction for next year, I believe we'll see Castiel either be struck down by the real God (I have this crazy idea that the brothers go searching for God, to bring down Cas) or somehow be brought to his wits and managing to destroy himself without hurting Earth, kind of like Peter and Nathan back when Heroes was still a good show. Either way, Cas is gonna die. It's a shame, because I love him, but at the same time, I can't help but like this unexpected character twist, because we'll see new sides of Misha Collins and his character that we never have before. You can only play monotone for so long.

Well, guys, it's been a blast. I hope you've enjoyed reading these recaps as much as I've enjoyed writing them, and that you liked the finale. This summer I'm going to go back and do a marathon of the early seasons - maybe even season 5, which I feel the urge to rewatch for the first time ever. This Cas twist really spiced things up, and it feels like a whole new game. See you in September, for a season which I can honestly say I am really, really looking forward to! Have a good hiatus, everyone.


  1. what happened to Cas breaks my heart. I want to see him redeemed and I won't keep watching if that doesn't happen.

  2. Awesome recaps. And I agree about the names being too close together :P they should've swapped ep 20 and 21's names, and then call both finale episodes- "The Man Who Would Be Too Much" \ The Man Who Knew The King". Seems way more logical to me...

  3. i agree with you, from a long time it seem the writer forgot is there another character as important as dean, he is sam, im really sad, i miss him, i wait for 3 years included this season, sam quite silent, im happy to have this sam-centric episode and we really live inside sam head, i hope next season the writer gave us equal scene for them both, and i hope we can back to focus on the brothers, like we seen in season 1-3, i miss the old day.., :)

  4. You know what?  I think you may be forgetting that the show is about Sam and Dean.  Castiel was only supposed to be there to help them.  Now that he has turned,  he needs to go back to being on the show less and less.  Just another villain for the boys to vanquish.

  5. If Castiel dies then I'm gonna stop watching the show. For me it isn't about Sam and Dean, it's about Castiel.

  6. For me the show is about two boys, an old drunk and a fallen angel. I dislike your opinion ten fold.

  7. I really don't get some of you people. There's Cas love, and Cas fanaticism, and I don't get the latter. What gives? Did you suffer through the first 3 seasons untill Cas came along? Is he really what makes the show for you?

    I love him like the next guy, but saying stuff like "If he dies I'll stop watching", "If he turns evil I'll stop watching" , "If he'll start wearing a hoodie I'll stop watching"...That's just stupid and shows that you're not truly fans of the show. You might as well say "Dean, Sam and Bobby can explode into a million pieces as long as Cas stays".

    His character, like every other character on any show, is changing. You can't expect him to remain the same for 4 seasons. He started out as an stick-up-his-ass angel, turned into their sidekick, and now he's the villain. 

    The show is, and always has been, about the relationship of the Winchesters. That's why I got on board, and that's why I'll keep watching. Even if Cas is evil, Bobby'll die and the Impala will become a motorbike with a side-cart, I'll keep watching.

  8. "and the Impala will become a motorbike with a side-cart"

    No, that's where I'll draw the line. ;)

  9. Why? Think of the humor potential. Dean riding while Sasquatch Sam sits with his knees folded in the side-cart :P (BTW, I feel for him sometimes, as a fellow sasquatch - 6.7 Feet tall ^^)

  10. NO. NO SIDE CART. I refuse to watch if there is a side cart! I won't I won't I won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stomps foot* :P

  11. LOL!
    I suppose you ignore the first 3 seasons then.

  12. I think you're partially right and wrong. Yes, the show is about Sam and Dean in the first place and some Cas-fans sometimes do get a bit carried away. But you would have just as many people saying they wouldn't watch anymore if Bobby died and he wasn't there from the very beginning either. What is wrong with bonding with new characters?
    I'll give you a Jensen-example. Remember Dark Angel? In the first season it was all about Max. And I loved it. Second season, it was still all about Max and yet, Jensen as Alec crashed the party and made the rest of the show for me. By the end of the season I couldn't care less about Max - but I cared about Alec a hell lot! Things like that happen - you bring in a new character and it might overtake some fans' love. Not all of it in the case of Sam and Dean - but what's wrong with letting another character become a part of the team and let people care about him/her as much as the lead ones?

    don't get me wrong, I'll totally keep watching if Cas turns evil, Bobby dies and the Impala becomes a motorbike. Just saying it's possible some people fell for Cas more or equally as much as for the boys and I really don't see anything wrong about it. Let everyone love who they want to.

  13. I like your argument. I never like the people saying "if so and so happens I'll quit watching" because it's just short-sighted, truth is you don't know if you'll like where the story is going until the story goes there. Your Dark Angel example is great, another good one is Ben Linus in Lost. People LOVED him. Or Spike in Buffy. There's just those characters that come in and steal the show, and become fan favourites.

    In the case of Castiel, I absolutely love his character and am upset he won't be a regular next year. But at the same time, I know that this has always been about the brothers, and that they are the only two characters we know will be there till the end. I count myself very lucky that Bobby, my favourite character, has been allowed to live for as long as he has, and I treasure every episode I get with him... but I think eventually he will die, and I'm already sad about it. Doesn't mean I'd ever stop watching though. That would be weird. Bobby or Cas (or even Sam or Dean - it's Sam AND Dean I watch for)... or the Impala-turned-motorbike-sans-side-cart... isn't the only reason I watch the show. There'll always be different reasons for each fan, but I'd like to think everyone has more than one reason.

  14. I REALLY enjoyed the finale but I can't forgive Cas for taking the wall down. I mean Dean will never get over that, I don't see how he can and still be the Dean I love, because Dean would kill anyone who did that to Sam and I don't want him to just forgive Castiel. He doesn't deserve that forgiveness. And i'm not keen on the constant comparing Cas's dark turn to Sam's. Sam turned darkside because he genuinely believed he could save his brother and then because he genuinely thought he was stopping the apocalypse, with Cas it's all about control and power. Very different journeys to me. 

    I enjoyed your review though and thanks it was a fun read. Jared really did amazing this finale and I look forward to seeing more of the reprecussions of his hell fallout next season.

  15. epic dislike for this comment. Seasons 1 to 3 were easily the best of this show so i don't get that AT all. 

  16. you speak sense my friend, a lot of us feel exactly the same way just other more crazed fans are more VOCAL!!!!

  17. I love both episodes of the finale.
    Acting, writing, direction - everything was superb. 
    And we've been set up nicely for season 7 - so I'm ready and waiting to see where they take us.
    I think we'll be seeing as much of Misha as we did in S6 - which is no bad thing - we don't want the powercrazedformerangel god to be breathing down the boys necks 24/7 - they have to sleep sometime.
    As I've said elsewhere - if anyone can save Cas from himself it's the Winchesters. 
    Supernatural has always gone where many other shows wouldn't dare - and seeing a different Cas is one of those times- I say congrats to them for having the balls to do it!
    And I'm glad they didn't give us more than a fleeting glimpse into Sam's hell memories - that's something we'll no doubt get to see in S7. 

    Can't wait.

  18. ehm, not really. Sam was actually enjoying how powerful he was on demon blood as well - and Cas believed he was saving the world from Raphael. In the end they both wanted to stop the Apocalypse and they both went a little crazy on power. The journeys are actually indeed similar.

  19. I am with you Callicokaty, it is about Sam and Dean, everyone else is there to further their story.

  20. Everyone watches television shows for their own reasons.  Just because Cas is no longer a title character doesn't mean that he's any less important to Profane or any other viewer that feels the same way about him.

    Personally, I don't mind that Castiel has become an obstacle instead of an ally (and will be scaling back his appearances) but I won't begrudge anyone their opposing preferences.

  21. You know what? You don't tell me what to think or what to watch or what to like about this show. 

  22. That's your opinion. We don't all share it. And I don't get it AT all.

  23. But of course you forgive Sam for everything he has done. Yawn.

    "Sam turned darkside because he genuinely believed he could save his brother and then because he genuinely thought he was stopping the apocalypse"

    Castiel did what he did because he genuinely believed he could save Dean from Raphael and because he genuinely thought he could stop Apocalypse #2. THAT IS CANON.

    The journeys are very similar. Of course it didn't stop Sam from taking the moral high ground (as if he can make any accusations about trust and betrayal, *seriously*?!) and backstabbing Cas when Dean was trying to talk him round. 

  24. Yes and I've noticed they use capslock a lot too. And show up to everything to rant about the angels too. Sound familiar? Why don't you go back to the CW Lounge and keep your toxic hate in your Septic Tank where it belongs?

  25. Just a quick comment on the acting as of late on this show. Everyone is doing an incredible job on all fronts, imo. Crowley, Sam, Cas, and Dean, and Balthy, Blah everyone deserves some notice for their great jobs this finale. (Even Lisa made a damn good Demon bitch) I enjoyed the finale, mostly for the acting this time. 

    Just one thing: why the fuck does Jared have to breathe so loudly and so damn dramatically? Pulls me out of the show everytime it happens. I suppose it's "Acting" mixed with his need to fill those excessively oversized lungs?

    "Uhm, Sammy, you ok?" 
     "Well, you sound like a heaving moose with belated labor pains."
    "Oh? ...HUGHGHH..UGHHH AGHH... I do?"
    "Jesus, just throw up if you're going to throw up."

  26. I love this comment.
    Sans the lack of Impala. 
    That's just wrrrronnng.

  27. I could take that for a scene in the first part of the season premiere. Then I must have Metallicar back.
    Failure to produce the majestic Impala will result in the ending of the Supernatural universe, as the world is sucked into the void of what used to be the "most important object in the universe."

  28. Yes. I love Jared - really I do - and there's no question about his acting - but yes - I know what you mean Wilson.
    Oh and you forgot to mention Bobby - but since Bobbygirls are awesome I won't tear you a new one for leaving him off your list!

  29. dang.  I just laughed so hard I had a coughing fit.

  30. There is no argument about the differing opinions fans have of the show but since shows are at the whim of studios, execs and others that do not care what you feel in regards to the show as long as it brings in the advertising revenue then it would be prudent to stay a fan through thick and thin.

    Just develop of a thicker skin for others opinions the end goal is still the same. Keeping the show on the air and enjoying the stories it tells, nothing more nothing less. Anything else is splitting hairs.

  31. Oh Damn. I guess I subconsciously always put him on a level all his own. He's the best actor in the series imo... He's been my favorite for years now. xD

  32. You are talking to the wrong fanbase. 
    Just fyi.

  33. Found yourself pulling a Sammy? 
    "Ughhh AGGHHHH.. HAFGGHHH...."

  34. Hahaha, that is SO true. Another thing I notice,- or maybe it's just my computer - sometimes the background sounds are really loud. Like the wind or traffic...They should get better boom mics.

  35. Yeah I know. But in fairness to us, The CW encourages it! "TV To Talk About" - and that's what we do. :)

  36. Definitely not just your computer. It's bad sometimes.

  37. Oh yes thats right how silly of me of course this is all Sam how dare he stab the Angel who left him souless then, pulled down his wall Castiel was doing it all for Dean  .of course obvious well slap me stupid. And comparing what Sam did to Castiel is like comparing apples and oranges. And of course Sam going fter Lilth had nothing to do with what she did to Dean. I seriously wonder sometimes.

  38. I'm a little late to the party in posting about this thread, but I'm still letting the finale sink in.  Loved the way the Cas story was done - won't talk about that here though - and I thought the Sam part was really well done too - especially with the filming, the flashlights, etc.  I think the reason I haven't been as excited as I expected to be about the Sam part is because I didn't think there was a lot of depth in what they were telling us about Sam, and I was hoping for more.

    Most of the previous dream/halluciation episodes on this show had shed light into some subconscious thought or some part of the character's personality, and left us with understanding the character better.  I've just felt this season that some of the writing staff really had no more than a superficial understanding of Sam's character.  The soulless Sam period could have been filled with morally shades-of-gray subconscious thoughts that might not normally bubble up to the surface, but would if a person was soulless.  And those scenes could have given us more insight on who Sam is.  An example of something they could have worked with is why Sam hunts.  With Sam, it seems like his soulless side would choose not to but instead would choose something more lucrative, but his side with a soul did it out of family obligation.  Something similar is his hunger for power vs. humility/family.  The one hint of something like this that we got was soulless Sam's comment in Unforgiven, that family slows you down.  This was contrasted with him saying in the finale that he wasn't going to leave his brother alone.  But I would have liked to have seen more of this.  The finale Sam-struggle seemed very physical and not very psychological. And the whole RoboSam period - instead of giving us meatier things to think about - seemed more interested in turning Sam into a freak that couldn't even maintain social skills while interrogating a witness. 

  39. well.., sam n castiel choice the wrong decision, they have same attention, want same result to stop the apocalypse, but the way they reach them is so much different, when sam try to reach the highest power to kill lilith, he not kill any friend or any brother, he even save people who get posses, but yeah he kill demon at the end for the blood, so he have enough power to kill lilith., but what cas did is little too much, kill rachel for try to warn him that what he did is wrong!! and balthy also!! they are his brothers n sister ^^

    anyway i dont hate cas, well if people dont like him being big bad, but i like it, i believe he will reedem himself, i think when the eclips over n the nuke inside of him will explode, he will save them, and well because now castiel no more angel, maybe he'll became human, oh hey meybe he can live in bobby house n hunt with the boys sometime :D

  40. I thought Misha did an absolutely amazing job portraying Cas all season through, but in that last scene he just kicked ass. I've been in love with Cas since mid season 4 and yet he managed to turn the character 180 degrees to make me be afraid of him. He was so creepy and so not like his old self... wow. I mean, I knew Misha was an amazing actor before - previously portraying Jimmy Novak and Misha Collins - but in the finale he just blew me away.

    I also thought Jared was great portraying the difference between soulless and soulful Sam. Jensen pulled off so many emotional scenes in this season. Jim, well, Bobby is Bobby. He gets gold stars for every freakin scene he's in :)


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