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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Let It Bleed?

21 May 2011

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  1. AMAZING! And aw! I cried when they wiped her memory damn it!

  2.  I did't see it, the show was supposed to end like two seasons ago. Good show though, but I stop watching along time ago.

  3. Spoilerssss, my eyes. My mom canceled the recording. I can't watch it until tomorrow. /sigh.

  4. Worst. Episode. Ever.

    Actually, worst finale ever.

    I had no idea that everyone could hate Cas so much. It's actually disgusting to see this much hate by Dean. 'Cause Dean would really hate Cas this much, right? Thanks, writers for showing us that characters can never grow.

    They took this long to erase Ben and Lisa's memories? 50 minutes to do such a simple thing? Sigh.

  5. Loved it. The only reason I was tempted not to vote Awesome (though I did) is because it means they have to define a new level of awesome to describe the actual finale.

  6. I thought it was a good ending to the Lisa/Ben storyline. I would have liked more Sam and Dean working together instead of Sam leaving the warehouse while Dean was torturing the demons, and being knocked out and locked up while he went to rescue Lisa and Ben. But how does erasing Lisa and Ben's memories remove the problem of them being used as leverage against Dean? They don't have to remember Dean – Dean has to remember and care about them. They can still be used as a liability against Dean, especially by their new "God". 

  7.  3 words: DAMN YOU KRIPKE

  8.  Then why are you commenting?

  9. Loved it! Ugh at Dean erasing Lisa and Ben's memories! Convinced the demon is telling the truth about Ben's paternity, because I've always been 100% convinced Dean is the father of Ben! 

  10. Finally, we got rid of Lisa and Ben. I would have prefered to see them die, but a mind wipe is okay.
    I just wish this had happend in 6.01, and the budget and screentime wasted on them would have gone into an actual Dean storyline where he has more to do then to suffer.

    I can dream, right? It will all get better next season....or not. Again.

  11. Waste of an hour.  I haven't been a fan of Lisa/Ben for a few months now, but I was expecting something a little smarter than this.  This accomplished nothing.  Lisa and Dean were broken up before the episode.  They're broken up after the episode.  Was the mind wipe just to ease Dean's guilt, because it accomplished nothing practical?  Lisa and Ben will still be leverage as long as Dean knows about them and monsters know about their relationship.  And what gives Dean the right to decide to wipe their memories without their consent?  And what about Dean's big lesson from Death about letting people go?  This wasn't his choice, but still, Cas saving Lisa's life was a violation of the natural order.  And why didn't it even occur to Dean that Cas could heal Lisa when Cas first arrived at the hospital? Did Dean have a mind wipe too, and forget that Cas has the power to heal people?

    The only thing that wasn't filler was the Visyak/Purgatory angle, but I'm thinking that could have been slipped into another episode.

  12.  If Dean is the father, then Lisa is going to be confused when she suddenly can't remember who the father of her child is.

  13.  YES! All of this!

    I predicted the wipe a long time ago, and when it happened, I just thought to myself...this is it? *let me just go back to sleep now* I thought Lisa was the monster lady––now, that would have been a great storyline. At least then, we could have seen more angst.

  14. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 04:39

     So who gives a toss about the memory wipe . I was not expecting that and unlike all of the other cast members they die so why are some of you complaing. First it's ont kill Lisa then worst ending ever you did not want her dead you got your wish. I thought this was heartbreaking dessicon for Dean to do.  

  15. Great episode. 
    So relieved they didn't kill Lisa and Ben. 
    Dean knew it was over, but you don't just let go of people who mean something to you. The mind wipe was the best way to go. Dean has enough to feel guilty over - at least he doesn't have to add their deaths to that list.
    My only regret is that the two episodes aired back to back - way too much to take in in one hit.

  16.  THANK YOU!!!!!! I totally agree! I was so afraid that they were going to die. I think the wiping memory thing is REALLY sad but a great idea. I thought it was finally a good end to that story. So heartbreaking for Dean though but it was well done. Thank you for pointing that out.

  17. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 05:56

    :) Yeh i think we were all expecting that , and it was a twist and actually cant member it being done on the show before so thats kind cool.It must have been one of the hard'st things in  Dean's life to make to be forgotten. I just dont get some people i mean some were saying last week they dont want Lisa to die but it probaly will happen and this was a good,good twist and yet some people got there wish but still not happy.. So people have to ask there selfs could they make someone who you love  forget you?  : Dxxxxx 

  18.  But, they'll be happier without the knowledge of what is waiting for them. Dean can still try to protect them without their knowledge.... only Dean suffers with this solution.

  19.  Actually I expected them to end up going into angel protection like Jimmy's wife and daughter. I "hoped" the boys and Castiel would make up and Castiel would take steps to protect Lisa and Ben... But, this was still good. Now, Dean can suffer in silence for a while, but let it go when Lisa finds a new life and is happy. It took Sam about 1.5 years to start letting Jessica go... Hopefully this will let Dean start letting Lisa go in 6 months or less... After all, they are alive and presumably happy... They just don't remember Dean.

  20. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 07:42

    Yeh me to i was wishing Cas would swap in and safe the day like old lovable Cas but he has a bigger ego now that he is filled with all they souls :(. Yeh all Dean wanted was to  make the right choice for the sake of leaving Lisa and Ben worried about Dean even when broken up and for the sake of her maby always being in danger but most importantly for the sake of love he done it , he would rather be miserable and be alone and see them happy for the sake of his own happiness .  Dean will hopefully like you say suffer alone but with Cas just leaving a timbomb like that on them i dont see him suffering anytime soon. Maby when he and Sam are on the road again .Mind you Sam is suffering to ,like badly as we saw . I honestly loved the final and the seconded made it awesome for me , a great finish to a crap start of season 6 lol. I am so happy for next xxxx

  21. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:46

     ok people dont o on my link it did not work lol 

  22. The guy they cast as Lovecraft was perfect, sadly I hated everything else they did with the storyline, what a shame, treating a legend like that. And especially on this show? Fuck the idiot who wrote the script... >.>

    Crowley and Bobby were the best.

  23. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:59

    Eric wrote the script  

  24.  Dean's self sacrifice was heart breaking last night.  Sam did not at first understand.  Those tears when Dean told him to not mention Ben and Lisa were because Dean lost those he loved again and he did it because he loved them.  He's a hero, no matter what others may say.

  25.  Gamble wrote Let It Bleed, Kripke wrote The Man Who Knew Too Much.

  26. Someone please give Dean a hug?! Jensen breaks my heart everytime :( 

  27.  AMAZING finale, it has everyone talking which I guess is what they wanted. And Jared was AMAZING as all the versions of Sam. Team Winchester! Oh and I am disgusted with Castiel, DIAF how DARE you kill Balthazar. BRILLIANT HAND WRINGER OF A DOUBLE HANDER, well done everyone involved.

  28.  duh I just realized i voted from them both, 22 was a LOT better for me.

  29.  This wasn't the finale, this was episode 21. Episode 22 only aired afterwards because of the smallville 2 hour finale.

  30. I loved it last night, but found it sad that Dean had Cas erase Lisa and Ben's memory of him. It was for the best, though, to protect them and let them lead normal lives without him in it. Is Ben Dean's son? We have had our suspicions for a good while and then when the demon admitted it (even though we also know that demons do lie), I think it is true. It was a sad ending for everyone involved, but I think Dean made the right choice.

  31. Awesome episode but sad that lisa and ben won't be seen again, and a little upset at dean for toying with their memores like that I think he had no right but oh well.

  32. I totally agree

  33.  Awesome episode. I totally cried when Dean was in the hostpital room after Ben and Lisa's memories of him were wiped. Ugh and when he and Sam drove away and their convo in the car...I was done

  34. I couldn't stop crying at the end really it was like the saddest thing I've ever seen

  35. He is not. The demon lied.

  36.  I had recording issues so it was 3am before I started watching.  Made it a smidgeon over half way through the final ep before sleep attacked me and forced me to succumb. :-)

    The thought the ep was really well done.  Loved seeing Bobby working solo.  I sometimes forget that he doesn't *just* sit around his homestead researching and answering phones.   But it always throws me for a loop to see him cleaned up.  I liked what they did with the woman who gave Dean the sword.

    I absolutely hated the way they tied up the Ben and Lisa story.  Hated it.  Simply hated it.  I'll ramble a bit about my feelings regarding the season overall  on the board for the final episode.

    I know Dean freaks out when he's upset (totally not something I'm used to with the people I know and love) but I was really disappointed with his reaction toward Cas.  I kept saying myself...'well there's one thing Dean inherited from his father.'  Cas was begging and....well I know it wasn't going to play any other way (which is to say I don't think Dean was out of character) but i had hoped that Dean had learned some lessons in his dealings with Sam.  The result was that it caused me to doubt that Dean ever really considered Cas family.  Then he had the audacity to ask Cas for a favor.

  37. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 22:59

    Yes I know I was talking about the seconded half
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  38. charlenelovesmojo199123 May 2011 at 05:34

     This was a great hour. I mean some of you are complaing Dean was to sentive etc... but then some off  you complained when he was an ass what one is it?. No i love this episode and the emotion . Erasing someone's memory i not an easy choice all of you Vampire Dairies lover's do i have to mind you's Elena done it to her bother so he was not hurt and not membering the horrible things that happened to him and people he loves. Yet no complains towards Elena were made . Anyway back on topic Dean did not do it for selfish reason's he did it for love . I mean i honestly dont get what Sam said he saw Dean was crying and how hurt he was but said "Dean you have did some shady thing's but this..wiping Lisa's and Ben's memory's"  and that's why said mention Lisa and Ben again i will break your nose, i mean old Sam would have not said that in season's 1-2 he would have said something like this" Dean i dont agree with what you done ,it was not really your choice but at the end of the day hay man...if i could i would want my memory wiped from all that crap". Anyways people are also saying that Dean should have not said what he said to Cas , and trust him well in away Dean was right he Cas could not be trusted with all they souls look at how he is acting like how Sam was with demon blood.But Dean did phrase his words wrong he should have explained that he would not be able to handle all that power and saw what happened to Sam. Loved the relationship between Ellie and Bobby thought she could have been a love intreast. But for all you fan haters of this exposed fair enough but ask yourself this , do you think it would be easy to erase someone's mind ? someone you love. Dean sure did t for the right reason's despite anyone else's opinion.

    10/10 episode  

  39. OMG I've just watched the last two episodes... and I mean it, they were the most exciting piece of Supernatural since season 4 finale for me (season 5 was just so damn predictable). Simply AWESOME!!!

    Ok, but focusing on this one... I enjoyed the Lovecraft storyline quite much, Bobby investigating and being one step behind Cas all the time was so cool - and then he get to Ellie (or what was her name) first. She was so cute, how weird that she was in fact some kind of a monster from purgatory (I wonder what she was exactly). Ok, I might be a little Dean-ish here, but never heard of Lovecraft before, so the storyline was fine with me (actually there was in fact very little about him and his books, so I don't get people complaining that a legend was destroyed or whatever).

    OMG, poor Dean. I literally cried like a baby at the end of the episode and I NEVER cry watching anything. I mean, almost never. I've been through so many emotional moments on SPN and never cried like I did tonight. Actually I'm not sure if I've ever cried watching Supernatural at all. Remember almost crying, but this... never happened before.
    It was SO FREAKING SAD. And I totally didn't see that coming, not until Ben asked "who are you?". Then I just broke. I mean, before I thought they just made them forget the whole kidnapping thing, but not DEAN. And wow, Jensen is such an amazing actor. He broke my heart to a milion pieces here. Give him an award or something, jeez, the guy deserves it!!
    I loved the exorcism part, mostly because we haven't seen much of it since the boys got the knife. And they're freaking sexy when they exorcise demons.

    And oh, I loved that Balthy went on to be on Sam and Dean's side. I knew he had it in him!! (had they let him live, he might have changed like Cas, influenced by the boys... such a pity - but that's another episode ;P - which I'm now going to comment on in another thread ;)).

  40. charlenelovesmojo19918 April 2014 at 09:54


    Who is the best Actor from all season of Supernatural :<a href="


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