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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - The Man Who Knew Too Much?

21 May 2011

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  1. Horrible...Sigh. Supernatural ended last season for me.

    I tried to give this season a chance, but it proved to be full of enough fuckeries to last a whole summer, and then some.

  2. :O castiel, why oh why????

  3. Said great cause it was amazing until Cas killed balthy and THAT ENDING WTF! like im seriously pissed off. Cas is such a great caracter that they freaken change this season but it was okay cause it worked but that.... that was to much no... no that was NO

    I'm pissed that we'll get a season 7 with bad cas, hope he falls or something i cant ... he cant die bad... STARWARS 3 all over again

  4.  Wow.  I love Cas and all, but I really do hope that they can knock him down a few pegs somehow.

  5.  What a great episode. One of the top five of the season! I just wish they hadn't killed Balthazar.

  6.  :D Are you the one who hated most of the season so far?

  7.  I don't know should I say awesome or awful. I'm

  8. KRIPKEEE!!! You are THE man, WOW!!!
    I'm still trying to let it all sink in on my head.
    And Cas, oh f*ck...
    Now that Sam remembers the cage can they PLEASE try to rescue Adam???
    And we can expect more of Crowley, that's nice. I love this show soooooooo much, Thank you so much Kripke and Sera!!!

  9. Should  we say Oh my Chuck or Oh My Cas now? 0.o 

  10. Oh man....Cas is bad now isn't he? Reading through these comments just makes my heart sink. I'm so pissed and sad at Gramble right now. :'( oh Castiel how could you?

  11.  so glad crowley lived! now we really can expect a huge fight for the next season! castiel is the new treat

  12.  my guess is Castiel will be done after season 7 now i can see them killing him in season 7 i wonder how though No Castiel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. What an excellent twist with Cas. He will make an excellent Big Bad next year.

  14. I wanted to watch SPN not any more not after they've completely destroyed Castiel's character and obviously wanting the fans to hate him. I don't I feel sad and sorry for Cas as well as Misha poor guy....

  15. No, I've never said or even implied that I disliked the

  16. I can't even...there are no words.

    It was frustrating enough to see Dean so completely out of character for half the season (Sam was too, but he had an actual reason for it), but now they've taken a well-developed, well-liked character and turned him into something completely different (and completely unlikeable).

    And really, how illogical was this whole thing? Angel + souls = god?? Really? How in the hell does that work?

    I love this show, and I really absolutely adore Castiel as a character, but this this point it feels like very mediocre fanfic. It should have ended with Kripke's original story arc, and I never thought I'd say that.

    I guess there are a few words after all. 

  17. I thought this finale was amazing and an incredibly brave move on the part of the powers that be at Supernatural. Obviously some people are going to be fairly unhappy about it, but personally, I thought this was an amazing set up for season 7, with a massive twist that I did not see coming. Supernatural just keeps getting better and better.

  18. I really enjoyed most of the episode (the second hour), but I'm having trouble getting past the thoughts that

    a) It's a year (our time) after Sam Sam let Lucifer in and jumped into the pit, and we still have very little information on what happened to him and how it affected him.  We know the high-level explanation, but we haven't heard any details yet, or what Sam was thinking.  It's possible that more of this will be covered next season, but I doubt it.  No one is going to want season 5 explained in season 7. 

    b) Oh Cas!  I guess it's possible that a monster from Purgatory jumped into him and the last few minutes that we saw wasn't really him.

  19. I loved it! Poor Sammy! I can't believe Cas purposely brought the wall down. And poor Sam didn't look too good at the end there. He's probably traumatized now!

    And Metallicar better be okay, I swear! I panicked so much about her until they showed the car. But I bet Dean can fix it. He always does.

    Cas creeped me out so much at the end there! Misha did really did.

    I loved the finale, I loved season six, and I can't wait for season seven!

  20.  Ugh, can people stop blaming Sera for everything? Kripke is still involved and make decisions! In fact, he freaking wrote this episode.


    Everyone has been so out of character this season, and now they completed the bandwagon by adding Cas in it as well.

    I agree you with you. It should have been season 5. If this was supposed to happen, then I would rather they never introduced Cas...

    Sigh. No words can describe this season and it's fuckeries.

  22. Still involved yes but remember he stepped down and she took his place. At least that's what I remember reading and I don't know everything about this show yet so go easy on me please.

  23. You should give it a shot next season, the boys are finally back together like old time, Sam didn't look too good so we'll surely have some real protective Dean. even the synopsis say all they'll have is each other

  24. Krikpe is still very involved with the show, he's even still listed as one of the executive directors of the show, so the blame can't all fall on Gamble for this. This was Kripke. He wrote the episode, this was his plan

  25.  I liked both episodes.  I thought they cast did a great job and I have enjoyed the season as well.  As to Cas being god, that took me by surprise.  Though he believes he is god because of the power of the souls, however if the loses those souls, the he loses his power.  I am thinking next season should be interesting.  I don't hate Castiel, nor have I ever really loved him either.  He is a part of the show.  Really wish he hadn't killed Balthazar though, I really liked him. I think Sera and company have done a great job with the story they had to tell.  I look forward to next season.   

  26. If you guys hate the show so much, then why do you continue to watch it? I just can't figure it out... 

  27.  haha...using my own line against me...

    I don't hate the show, as I never said I hated the show. I just didn't like this season as much as the other ones. And then I thought to myself, hmm, I should give it a chance, I still have the finale, and I should judge it off of that. And now the finale just proved how bad this season was.

    First, almost all of the characters were––well––out of character (except for Cas). Sam NEVER got anything interesting this season and when he did, it was this episode (he really shone this episode) and when he was soulless. Dean has pretty much been NOT Dean this whole time.

    I just can't figure out why they could say the word 'family' so loosely and not really uphold all of that.

  28. I am incredibly disappointed and angry with what they did to Castiel. He is my absolute favorite character who is now completely something else. No words.

  29. For all we know maybe they'll fast get Cas free of the souls and have to fight all this monsters who will get out of Cas. The souls are corrupting Cas, just like demon blood for Sam. Notlike Cas is a total monster himself. Just wait and see how it play out before freaking out people

  30. i hope next season sam''s wall coming down is still explored because i feel i didn't really see anything to traumatizing yet. isn't he supposed to be like all tortured and crazy remembering all what happened in hell.
    Cas going bad isn't that too much of a shock for me after these last couple of episodes, but i do wanna see how dean and them are going to bow down to him.
    Can't wait till next season. 

  31. I'm not too worry about that, Sam didn't look good at all, he looked like he was barely staying on his feet

  32. What a finale!
    Kudos to Eric! Thank you for making season 6 worthwile! More then one time I almost wanted to stop watching, because everyone was so OOC, and now with the finale, yeah. It all lead to that.

    The path was mostly hidden and hardly to see, but in the end even an angel as good an pure as Cas (once were) had to learn, that absolute power courrupts absolulty, and that the road to hell, eh purgatory is paved with good intention.

    So, there is a new god in heaven now, humans duck and cover, heaven has turned into hell.

    Now, that's a nice premisse for season 7. I really can't wait to see that.   

  33. I actually love this an almost unhealthy degree, otherwise I wouldn't care so much. The same with the characters. If I weren't so emotionally attached to Castiel, I'm sure I wouldn't be so bothered, but I am. I love him, and what they've done is crueler than killing him off, or sending him to hell like they usually do. I'm just so very sad to see this happen, and so disappointed with just about every aspect of the story.

    I'll continue to watch my seasons 1-5 DVDs, and read fanfic, and possibly even follow the next season, but I'm not going to pretend to be pleased with a story that destroyed the things I loved most about this show. 

    If I just "hated" the show now, I wouldn't have bothered to talk about it anymore, I would have just moved on. You can disagree with the direction a show has taken without eliminating your original affection for said show, you know, people do it all the time.

  34. I feel like this season wasn't as well thought out, as fluid as the ones preceding it. I guess I got spoiled on Kripke's master story arc in s1-5 and came into s6 with unusually high expectations, but like you, I was reserving judgement for the finale. I could have forgiven mediocre story-telling and poor character development if they hadn't butchered my favorite character. That was too much for me, and now I am sad, sad sad. :( 

  35. omg can some of you be more drama queen, cas charector had to hit rock bottom.
    Just like Sam charector did in season 4.
    So what makes him so untouchable.
    Some of you get so emotional , oh they ruin him booooo hoooooo. 

  36.  All of this ^^^ and MORE

    I watched seasons 1-5 with an obsession that was VERY unhealthy. I was pleased with what I saw and I enjoyed it a LOT. And then season 6 came along. We were made many promises (season of the brothers, etc), but none of which were upheld. All I see is a season where we had mediocre plots that could have easily have been avoided.

    I still stand by my earlier opinion: they did too much this season. They should have stuck with 1 or 2 major arcs, and not a 1000 of 'em.

  37. Don't even talk about character development––or, shall I say, underdevelopment? Dean was supposed to learn from the past that he shouldn't be too quick to judge, as he, himself, has made mistakes and people have forgiven him for it. I really hope they tackle that point in the next season. I mean, isn't the point of a show to FURTHER development and not move a 1000 steps backwards?

    Sam useful as a pole this season. I miss the old Sam that ARGUED back with his brother. The one who didn't stand by his brother just 'cause his "big bro" said something is right. He should have been the one to go against Dean when Dean betrayed Cas (yes, I think Dean was the one that betrayed Cas, and not the other way around), and said to him to LISTEN to Cas, 'cause sometimes it sucks to fight something alone.

    The funny thing is, Dean has always been my favorite character, but this season change all of that. I've never hated a character more than when I did today.

  38. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 04:49

    Season 1 was pretty crap and season 4 is overrated . Is this season the best ? no its not but it's a new chapter. Cas yes well all fell in love with him but i am sure he'll turn good again. Anyways he was not so good in season 4 he turned Anna in then realsed Sam from the panic room . We all go through our dark spots .x

  39.  uhh...We're not emotional 'cause Cas hit "rock-bottom" (first of all, I have no idea where you're even getting these ideas from :S), we're pissed off 'cause the OTHER characters in the show could care less or be less forgiving for someone that has risked his life for 'em, OVER and OVER again. He's done nothing they haven't already done. So yeah, we're pissed off 'cause everyone has done "bad" things in the show, and now, it's like those things never happened and they're being hypocrites for judging Cas in doing the very same things.

  40. I'm not even gonna comment on the people who say they hated this season. To each their own, and what not. This season WAS AWESOME. I loved this episode.

    Dean will always be my favorite, I liked Lisa and Ben, what. I like change. The ending to their story was a little... meh, but what can you do? I wished they woulda died- is that horrible?  I realllly hope he gets a better story line next season, though.

    I realllly like what they're doing to Cas' character, I mean, come on! The Angel out to try and find god is disillusioned and ultimately becomes the type of person he hates. It doesn't get any better then that!

    I lovee Sam. I can't wait to see where they take him next season. Even though I thought it was kinda cheating Dean a little. Sam's hell is suppose to be worse then Dean's hell? How is that fair, I always thought that was a little messed up on the writers part. I liked the development of Sam this episode- he's come a long way. To actually be standing when all his hell memories come to him? cudos to him.

    and Jo Lupo's in the his-ouse. Eureka FTW.

    Side note- poor impala. no more healing injuries from cas. no more instant teleportation. A bad guy that can be invisible and listen to your private conversations...

  41. YES, THANK YOU. I've been yelling at my tv for weeks now, wanting Dean to be reasonable. He never bothers to explain why he was so against Cas' plan, and he never offered an alternative one! Cas was in a desperate situation, with no visable alternatives, and Dean just says "Don't do it, just because I'm asking you not to"?? Ugh. Dean's better than that--at least he should be by now.

  42.  As an angel don't you think he should be held to a higher standard?

  43.  It's not that we all go through our dark spots. Hell, I wanted Cas to go through a "dark spot", but I don't understand how people can call what Cas did as even remotely "dark", when all he was trying to do was to SAVE humanity from another apocalypse and trying to persuade his "family" (BS at the end) in going along with his plan. If that's dark, then I apologize for his behavior *sarcasm*.

  44.  The ends justify the means? Nope, sorry. Castiel has to have some serious redemption coming or he is going down.

  45. B-b-but profound bond and a love story for the ages! Cas should have just trusted him!

  46.  But that's not the point. And who are we to say who goes on top and who's not on top? Haven't we learned enough times that when we put a hierarchy, shit hits the fan HARD.

    This season was there to show how Cas could behave with a better understanding of the human psyche––which he did perfectly! He lied, he swore, he made friends, he gained a family. He tried to trust Dean with what he was doing, but Dean never listened. He never even tried to look at what Cas was doing.

    Dean had always been my favorite character, up to this season. I'm sorry, but I blame the writing staff for his de-evolution.

  47. TV writers have story supervisors. The creative weight rests on the shoulders of the show runner.
    Having said that I actually enjoyed the finale.

  48. I really liked this finale. The whole season was pretty good. I'll admit it's not as awesome as it once was, but they set up a storyline for a potentially awesome season 7. So i can forgive a slightly mediocre season as long as they redeem themselves next year

  49.  Why is he going down? :S

    Oh, I'm sorry if Cas tried to explain all that he could to the person he trusted the most, and that person shot him down without even considering anything.

    Lets see how you feel when that happens to you. But I guess that wouldn't, unless you're an Angel, who's trying to save the world (on his own), without the acceptance of his so-called family...

  50. ok relax, it took motnhs for Dean to get over Sam's betrayal in Season 4. You can't expect Dean to just say ',ah ok that'S fine 2 days later'' THAT would have been out of character. We all know how stubborn Dean is when he's heartbroken  

  51. I would say that trust is a two way street, and Dean should have shown some in Cas...

    I would say that if I didn't know you were just being sarcastic and antagonistic for no apparent reason. 

  52. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 05:07

    Well everybody keeps saying they hate Cas etc.... and the ending but  it's just building for season 7. I dont think Cas is dark however what he is doing is i mean stealing souls is not the way to do it as Dean said. LOL if you hated it hay your opinion but i think next season will be epic i mean epic .My reason for saying that is because they only planned to do 1-5 and then finished but us fans wanted more.So we got our season 6 and yes it was a rough patch and now it is building into something

  53.  Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It doesn't matter what Castiel is trying to accomplish. What matters is how he is trying to accomplish it. The most evil people are often convinced they are doing the right thing and that is why they will go to such extreme lengths.
    I'm not saying Cas is evil but he has his eye on the prize and doesn't seem to care who will get hurt along the way.

  54. What show have you been watching? Thus far, Cas as been the most morally upright angel on the show by a huge margin. If we held him to the same standard we held the others, he never would have helped Dean and Sam and the apocalypse probably would have gone down as planned. 

  55.  How about you relax and stop telling me to relax, when you don't know if I do, in fact, need to relax.

    The reason he was so out of character was 'cause he thought of it AS a betrayal to begin with. He should have learned from what happened between Sam and him, to actually give his so-called family a chance. That betrayal was in season 4...which means, about a year or so ago. Enough time has passed, don't you think, to think about another way you could have handled the Sammy situation? And maybe, if a "betrayal" happens again, that you could go about another way of doing it and not 'cause "you just don't want Cas to be with Crowley".

  56. I'm really not. I'm just annoyed how some people are acting like Cas isn't at least partially at fault for this. He made a deal with the devil, so to speak. How can they trust him after that? It's not like he did one bad thing. He did many bad things and didn't care because in his mind his goal was noble.

  57. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 05:11

    booooooo Dean is what makes the show , he is cool, stubborn,can be a dic.k ,can fall in love he is what you call human. He always listened to Cas he even stuck up for him and should have not . 

  58. And in my mind that makes his actions this season worse.

  59. Wow. I had no idea that saving the world form another apocalypse was leading to a metaphorical "hell". Whose hell? The world's or just Dean's? I loved Dean, until I started to realize that fans only cared about how he felt and if he felt like something was wrong, then it was wrong.

    The most evil people killed millions of people to "cleanse" the world.

    And how many times have Dean and Sam killed for personal, selfish reasons? I love 'em to death, but if we ignore all of their "shit", then we just become ignorant.

  60. I'm not acting like Cas did nothing wrong, I'm acting like his character has done a neat little 180 from the person he was last year, and I hate it. My criticisms are not directed at fictional characters with no actual though process, but at the people who write for them.

  61.  I never overlooked what he did in the past, but it's not like Cas didn't stick up for the boys either, and then some. The only problem I had with his character was that he didn't grow at all this season, and didn't learn to handle the similar situation in different way. Instead of saying, "don't do it just 'cause I'm saying it, Cas", he should have tried to understand what Cas was doing.

  62.  I agree (except for the 180 part. I actually enjoy the 180, and a lot of it is 'cause, I truly believe, his "family" never gave him a chance). I don't really hate the characters, I just hate who writes these characters.

  63. Awesome episode. 
    I love the idea of evil Cas. And Misha does evil so well :)
    At least now the Winchesters won't have the angel to fix things every time someone has a woopsy. That was getting old.
    Poor Metallicar - that's my cliff hanger - we were left not knowing how badly injured she is.
    And Bobby - for that split second I really thought he was dead- so relieved.
    And poor Sam - it's gonna be really interesting to see the fall out from his hell memories.
    Sad to see the back of Dr Visyak and Balthazar - both great characters that could've been taken a lot further.

  64.  There is no reason to believe that Raphael was going to be able to restart the Apocalypse. Using that threat as an excuse for his behavior was just a means for Cas to justify his actions. 

    It took thousands of years for Lucifer and the angels to orchestrate the Apocalypse.  The angels had to arrange, via Cupids, for Mary and John to meet and have two sons. Lucifer had to find a follower to infect the special children with demon blood. They somehow had to get Dean (or his dad or another righteous man) to break in hell in order to break the first seal, and it had to be done during Sam and Dean's lifetime because they were the true vessels. The angels and demons had to work together to break the 66 seals and get Lucifer out of hell. Dean and Sam had to say yes to Michael and Lucifer. (To be honest, I don't know why the angels didn't just contract with a Leprechaun to get Lucifer out of the cage. He knew of a back door in.)

    It's unlikely that Raphael would manage this after only a couple of years when Michael and Lucifer spent thousands of years planning it. It is also unlikely that if Raphael were, by some miracle, able to release Michael and Lucifer that Dean and Sam would say yes. 

    I bet if he gave it a little thought, Cas would have been able to stall Raphael, maybe with a false promise of loyalty, and then he could have looked for another solution. Using his excuse that he wanted to leave Dean alone is a cop-out.  

    I truly hope we get back to Sam and Dean as the bad-ass hunters they were in earlier seasons. 

  65. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 05:32

    i get what you are getting at but Cas did not explain very well infact he made matters worse when he told Sam about raising him from hell. But hay thats just me lol xx  

  66. trust me its all over the boards.
    I know Sam fans had this same debate for a good 3 years and I have to agree with them no one have been draged threw the mud more than Sam.
    In the Sam girls stuck it out threw all that shit.
    So right now this is Cas moment, you guys be patient Im pretty sure they wont keep him this way.
    Everybody on the show pretty much sacrifised themselves at one time.
    What Cas did this season was do it no matter what the consiquences was.
    He losed himself sad to say.

  67. I just want to be 100% clear, here.

    Despite how unhappy I am with this finale/season, I really am glad that's not the case for everyone. I still care about the show and the people involved in it and want them to do well. I did not come here to convince anyone that this storyline was terrible.

    I came here and left a comment about the finale because, quite frankly, I was heartbroken and wanted to talk to other fans about it. And I was having a lovely conversation with namedone that was actually making me feel a little better about things, and then *BAM* in come the antagonistic/argumentative remarks. This makes me feel the need to defend my opinions, and before you know it, I'm stuck in a pointless argument that's making me feel worse instead of better. I wouldn't even say anything, but this seems to happen EVERY TIME I take a moment to comment on this site, whether my comments are joyful or angsty.

    Now, I didn't comment on anyone else's opinion because I didn't agree with it--I respect the fact that some people were happy with this and some were not. So why is that not always a two-way street? (I'm not saying everyone's like this, just a select few who know who they are.)

    What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish? Do you honestly believe I'm not entitled to my own opinion? Do you think you're going to change my mind? (If so, don't bother, you're neither clever nor persuasive enough to do so, trust me.)

    I keep hearing all these negative things about the SPN fandom that took me completely by surprise because, up until my involvement on this particular site, my interraction with SPN fans had been unfailingly positive. I LOVE SPN fans, they're smart and funny and kind, but I'm starting to see what all those people are complaining about.

    So I have a suggestion. If you want to troll, could you PLEASE do it in a manner that won't reflect poorly on the rest of the SPNers? Try random youtube videos, that seems to be a popular avenue for pointless arguments.Thanks ever so much.

  68. I never said Cas was the most perfect character. I loved this show 'cause each character has flaws (with Cas, it was that he lied, or bent the truth slightly), but it's not like he committed an "unholy" crime. And if he did, these similar actions have been committed by all the characters on the show.

  69.  I understand all of that, and hell, I agree with some of that, but my only problem with this season was the way the OTHER characters (Dean, Sam, and Bobby) handled how Cas went about this. Instead of trying to understand what he was going through, they, outright, shut him out and continued to ignore him.

    By your logic, I can say the same about Dean and Sam not being able to (or choosing not to) comprehend what was happening, and using their bias to handle Cas' situation. They justified Cas' actions to be wrong because working with Demons is wrong. When, in fact, they've worked with Demons for all of their lives. And they did it for many more personal reasons than what Cas did it for.

    I'm not mad at the characters; I'm just mad how they're portrayed this season. They should have learned. They should have grown, but I saw none of that this season. I just saw them going backwards.

    Again, these are all opinions. Each to their own.

  70. I liked it a lot. I was half expecting/hoping for something along the lines of what happened. So excited for next season!

  71. iris_morningstar21 May 2011 at 06:10

    Very sad, but absolutely unsurprised they went this route. In a way, it's justifiable.

    The Winchesters took an alien being and tried to make him human, told him that was the highest thing to which he should aspire. They take three years to tell him he's "one of the family", while complaining that he's not human enough and taking advantage of his being non-human when it's convenient for them. They expect him to suck it up. And when that non-human being realizes he "has no family" he's been right for a long time, abandoned in every possible direction. The Winchesters let him self-destruct because they were self-absorbed.

    Whether they try to help him, that's extremely debatable. I'm not convinced he'll come back to the old Cas. I almost hope that the angel inside his actually died, that he's not exaggerating when he says he's "not an angel anymore". Let him be a hollow shell using the name Castiel. The creature he's become is not the same person.

    The one thing we might get from it? Misha will get that
    wardrobe change he's been hoping for. He'll be in that sexy black
    coat-shirt-tie-slack combo from those delicious promo shots. Nice. But
    no compensation for killing Castiel yet letting him live.

  72.  "The Winchesters took an alien being and tried to make him human, told
    him that was the highest thing to which he should aspire. They take
    three years to tell him he's "one of the family", while complaining that
    he's not human enough and taking advantage of his being non-human when
    it's convenient for them. They expect him to suck it up. And when that
    non-human being realizes he "has no family" he's been right for a long
    time, abandoned in every possible direction. The Winchesters let him
    self-destruct because they were self-absorbed"

    You couldn't have said it any better. 'nuff said.

  73. Cas became the new God and demand loyalty... well unless Death show up, they better kneel and swear their love for him

  74. iris_morningstar21 May 2011 at 06:15


    Hail the Dark Lord Casthulhu.

  75.  To me this was an angel sized version of Sam's journey. Sam dipped into powers from the dark side to try to do good because he didn't see any way out. Castiel did the same thing. I still think that if the boys supported him along the way and worked with him he wouldn't be on this power trip he is on now. To me this was a kick a$$ cliff hanger and the only thing I was upset at was Balthazar getting killed.... However, season 1-5 were kind of a test for Sam and Dean... Now Maybe season 6 and up are a test for the angels... Castiel specifically. Maybe the boys are going to have to pull him out of the stratosphere to save the world (and hopefully Castiel).

    I could deal with Castiel getting reduced from god to Fallen Angel (like Anna, not Lucifer)... at the end of 7. I think that is such a parallel to the Winchester story, that it is quite possible.

  76. Oh, and for those hopeful optimists in the crowd thinking this development doesn't mean we've ultimately lost Castiel as a character, it's just been announced that Misha will only appear in the first episode of season 7, and that's it.

  77.  People gave up when they destroyed Sam's character too... Then, Dean going domestic. But, you know what? This show is usually about redemption. I doubt the boys will be able to just kill Castiel. They are probably going to try their best to stop him AND save him... That is what they do.

    Just because Dean is really mad at Castiel, Dean said he would "stop him"... Don't give up on the character yet. It ain't over until the end of the season after a character dies... On Supernatural, they always come back!

  78.  Amen. Castiel's mind is just a little warped with the power of the souls. They are little nuclear reactors and their originals were mostly bad... That is just like Sam's tripping on demon blood. Hopefully they will be able to drain him of his power enough to clear his head.

  79.  I just cannot picture any of those guys bowing down unless Castiel puts them on their knees... He said he would be a better god... When was the last time god forced someone to kneel? I think this was a great twist.... Morality lessons everywhere.

  80. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 06:36

     I don't think Balthazar died, I mean, He went back to heaven, is vessel died. Is different from Raffael, Castiel kill him from earth to heaven, He is nothing.Kind of similar to Castiel, went Lucifer killed him and he became "nothing", but then God rematerialized.

  81.  I never thought about that... Yay new outfits... I did notice that his "god" voice is more serene and less gravelly. Misha will probably appreciate the slight voice change...

  82. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 06:42

     I don't think Balthazar died, I mean, He went back to heaven, is vessel died. Is different from Raffael, Castiel kill him from earth to heaven, He is nothing.Kind of similar to Castiel, went Lucifer killed him and he became "nothing", but then God rematerialized.

  83.  Whew, you scared me for a minute there. Not being a series regular is no big deal. Jim Beaver isn't a regular and he has a pretty big role in most seasons. It doesn't say he will only appear in the season opener it says they won't say how involved he will be after that because they don't want to give away anything about the season opener. Heck this season he was only in 1 or 2 episodes for any length of time in the first half of the season and not much more than that in the second... Bobby was in just about as much. It isn't that big of a change. What we won't see is the quick peeks... He probably won't just pop in for two seconds and leave like he did this season. If he shows up in an episode, he will probably have at least a few scenes...

  84.  I can believe that the real Supernatural god could re-constitute Balthazar because he didn't support Castiel, yet didn't go running to Raphael. He did what was right (at least in my book he did). I would love to see Balthazar and Gabriel back.

  85. doublevisionqst21 May 2011 at 07:14

    The first hour wasn't very impressive, but the second... that was some incredible stuff.

    A lot of fans are gonna be torn on this one but consider the possibilities... Cas has been around for 3 seasons already saving their asses every possible chance he gets. I don't think I can count how many times that's happened at this point. After a while you just start to expect it.

    Seeing Cas turn to the dark side is a great plot twist because it's gonna elevate the stakes again. Nobody there to get them out of binds anymore, no magic "you're healed!" moments, just the Winchesters (and Bobby), their guns, and their wits again. And c'mon, Cas won't always be evil. They know how much people love his character. He might meet a bittersweet end (I'm assuming at the end of season 7, if ever), but not before he looks back at what he's done with regret, and reflects on how much it meant to him to have human friends who would go to any length to try and save him from himself. And now that I think about it, I wouldn't rule out heaven and hell almost completely switching roles next year as Cas allows the power to consume him, and the status quo gets shaken up even more drastically. Really, this is the exact kind of hook I was hoping for to keep me intrigued about season 7... a gutsy move that doesn't pander to the happy ending, and as usual, Kripke delivered.

  86. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 07:29

    Hay amy i am not going agrue with you lol you are right you are entitled to your own opinion as i am. It broke my heart when Cas went evil :( but can i ask you how you did not like it and if i dont agree i will simply just say call it truths cause i hate arguing aswell just intreasted in your opinion xxxx 

  87. The difference betwee Dean and Sam's hell was that Sam was actually locked up with Lucifer and Michael themselves the cage, with nothing else to do but to torture the person who was responsible for their lock-up. Also his soul has been stuck there for one and a half year, while Dean was in hell for four months. There are some major differences between Dean's time in hell and Sam's time, so I don't think its that weird for Sam to be more messed up than Dean was.

  88. It just says he won't be a regular. 

  89. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 07:54

     I feel the same, I was worried that the end of the season wouldn't be good, but in the contrary, It keeps me waiting for more.
    Sam will sucess is Hell's memories back because Dean did it, so we shouldn't be worried about that; Dean when He went through hell became turtures and then He went bad and hurt some souls, and that initiated the apocalypsis, Sam was only tortured as far as I know, Sam now only has to forgive himself for all the bad things He did when He was soul-less.
    Now that the brother are together and fine they need to ge rid of the souls in Cass body, and everything will be back to normal, I hope the go on the round searching for Castiel, and saving people, and I want to see Crowley again, maybe even scared of Cass going after him XD.

  90. Loved all the twists, turns, double crosses and Castiel the new god - really didn't see that coming. Didn't like Cas through much of the finale, kidnapping and killing Dr. Visyack/Purgatory monster (didn't see that one coming either), then bringing Sam's wall down - that elicited a string of profanity.

    Beyond loved Sam facing his personal Hell because he wasn't going to leave his brother alone! Squeed and SQUEED at that moment with tears in my eyes! The brothers are back and Sam can survive his Hell memories without becoming a drooling mess :) Hated that Dean had to lose so, so, so, so much in these episodes - but he has his brother, and they still have Bobby so for me it's all good. Well when the Impala gets fixed it will be better.

    The only problems I had with the finale were 1) the Lisa/Ben mind wipe,
    and 2) they killed Balthazar. The only problem I had with the season was
    that I felt they waited to long to bring all the mythology together and
    had to rush in the second part instead of taking their time, making
    things a little confusing. Still Hell of a season and can't wait for S7!

  91. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 08:11

    Well i never said you said lol. Anyways what Cas is doing now is evil but in away its not him,he is juiced up with souls. I think Dean should have realized that trying to talk to him like a human is not going cut it he is an angel . But again this is just my opinion. I mean i loved Cas alot and yes it was heartbreaking but a good move one day he was going tick,we all do. But if you dont agree can we just come to truths causes were heading down a long lasting road.I know you are inttled to your opinion as me , so lets just leave it. Its just a show at the end of the day and Misha pulls the bad guy thing off i cant wait to meet him in person :D. xxxxxx 

  92. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 08:27

    1) Is better they have no memories of Dean and can be happy, because another Dead in Dean List after Ellen or Jo, could be the worst they can do to him. Now Dean can protect them from a distance or maybe He can change back to his former self when He was always with different ladys, and laughing at sam purity XP. Over the seasons the character changed and Dean became Sam (monogam) and Sam the opposite XD.

    2) I don't think Balthazar died, I mean, He went back to heaven, is vessel died, maybe He can be back in another body, or if He is lucky, maybe god will bring him back, the same way Cass came back. His case Is different from Raffael, Castiel kill him from earth to heaven, He is nothing. Kind of similar to Castiel, went Lucifer killed him and he became "nothing", but then God rematerialized.

  93. I don't mind explaining my reasoning, which I've done below, that's never a problem, but it bugs me when people are just outright rude over a difference of opinion.

    I feel like every bit of character development Cas has gone through over 3 years was thrown out the window tonight, all for the sake of creating a new big bad for next season. I feel like Dean was uncharacteristically unreasonable in his dealings with Cas--it was like talking to a brick wall! For years, Dean's main concern was avoiding the apocalypse, and then Cas tries to tell him that's exactly what's at stake with Raphael and Dean totally ignores it, telling Cas to just stop "because I'm asking you to" without even trying to provide an alternate course of action. Not to mention the whole domestication storyline, which is so very not-Dean it's cringe-worthy.

    I feel like the storyline was not nearly as fluid and though-out as it has been in years past, and downright lazy at times.

    Mostly, I was disappointed and heartbroken because Cas has become my favorite character, and he was completely butchered tonight. Misha isn't even cast as a regular for next season--and I'm not sure I could watch the show and support Dean and Sam against Cas. I love Cas. That's really what it boils down to for me, I feel like the characters are being inaccurately represented, or maybe just changed in ways that I can't stand. And, storylines, mythos and special effects aside, I'm watching this show for the characters.

  94.  Oh, and I should probably also mention that most of the trolling I've seen has happened on the Fav Couples Competition comments, and not here. Just so you don't think I'm flipping my lid over a few comments tonight. :)

  95. First time posting...I am excited to get in on the discussion. 

  96. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 08:45

     Probably because Dean and Sam will hit the road trying to find Cass.
    Probably Cass will be fighting with everyone opposed to him, and that will leave tracks that the brothers would follow ^^.

  97. First off, loved this episode regardless of my diminishing view of Castiel (get to that in a bit).

    I almost wish they had made The Man Who Knew Too Much 2 hours itself because I was very interested in Sam's part of the episode.  Would've loved at least a few more moments and some alternating settings for the cat-and-mouse predator game Soulless Sam and Soul-full Sam had going.  Liked the new scene showcasing yet again Soulless's Sam's...well soullessness by killing the woman.  Sure he was efficient at killing monsters but the collateral damage was off the charts.  And I would've liked to see him struggle in his mind to accept and struggle through the memories of Hell (as well as seeing at least 1 or 2 new things instead of him burning).

    Still though...I had a huge grin on my face when Sam was stumbling next to the overturned Impala struggling to push through the memories of Hell and proving that he IS indeed strong enough.

    Now onto the other half of the episode, would've kind of liked to know what Dr. Visyak was but alas I liked her role.  Castiel...oh many others have pointed out, the power has gone to your head just as it did to Sam back in Season 4 but on a far grander scale.  I still like you Castiel, am appreciative of your contribution to the show, but it is time for you to get a huge lesson in not abusing one's position.  I look forward to your inevitable ending of being 'knocked down a few pegs' and hope its at the hands of your family that YOU have now abandoned and not God or Death (maybe they can help).  Curious what he'll be doing next season exactly and what he'll be doing with his new found powers.

    Not the best season but definitely worth watching, and I was highly skeptical after loving the near finality of Swan Song.  Looking forward to next season.

  98. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:08

    Well i loved this eposide the seconed half but thats just me lol but Yeh i get what you are saying all the building the character  up feels like a waste .The thing i feel though is Dean,Sam,Bobby took Cas for granted they would just call him whenever they needed him . The thing is i think Dean etc... forgets Cas is or was an angel , and so they counted him as part of the family kinda hing and did not thank him. I mean douno if you mind "weekend at bobby's" and they made him run about like crazy and he snapped cause Dean was ratty with him and not even getting a thank you but ,Bobby snapped in the right way how humans would. I mean Cas can't express himself so well so he did everything for them and Dean laid it out wrong for Cas cause he's not human and needed something solid  . But hay Cas will become good again not to worry Sam went evil he was juiced up on demon blood Cas is juiced up on  souls .Although it says he not a regular nether is Jim and he pops up now and then .But even if you disagree with me it dosen't matter cause i just enjoy like you sharing opinion's as long as it does not turn heated like others have cause at the end of the day its just a show. But i get why you thought it was a bummer glad to hear your still going give 7 a try though. I mean as much as i loved Cas or love,don't you just miss when it was Dean and Sam hitting the road without angels-god-Lucifer . I think they should fix the  Impala and then hit the road and play heavy metal again and have strong solid story's With Cas coming in from time to time and Dean and Sam trying to help him .I dont think personally that Cas will be the big bad cause it looked like Dean got through to him a bit then he said no your just scared etc...but i think what Cas needs to hear is more reassurance. If you totally disagree cool. Oh i will sneak more info of Misha lol,when i meet him for you xxx<3

  99. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:14

    That would be cool like the old days :~) with Heavy metal  

  100. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:15

     God, i cant stop talking lol someday shut me up lol. This was not the best but epic compression  to the whole season , and also building for season7

  101. Only problem that I had with the finale and the season as a whole is that we still don't know about Sam's time in Hell. And that does annoy me some because I am VERY interested about it!! Other than that, I loved it! Great cliffhanger!

  102. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:27

    I think more than likey that will be part of season  7 Sam copying or trying to.  

  103. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:43

    Probaly it would be cool ,i mean i dont think Sam could go a whole season without talking about hell i mean Dean is stubborn and he even talked .It just does not seem very supernatural to me if thats the case x

  104.  Erica Cerra was awesome, the rest of the episode sucked, though it was still better than the previous one...

  105. WHYCASWHY!!! I hope S7 the boys help him find his way back to his "family" ;_;

    I'm also still hung on Cas telling Crowley that they would die again and again until eternity WTH was that about?!

  106. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 11:32

    reading this, you mentioned everything i was thinking about!!
    i'm so worried for the impala!!! she looked smashed!!
    and i too was sure bobby was dead, i let out the biggest sigh of relief i've ever made when he moved
    very upset balthazar is dead, he was funny

  107. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 11:37

    my mind is blown
    i never thought anything could do that like last season finale did (swan song) but WOW!!
    the episode finished and i sat there for a minute stunned
    that was intense. and unbelievable. and incredible
    its hard to imagine, going back and watching the first episode of this season, that this is how it was gonna end
    this season has had its ups and downs, but i have loved it the whole way. and i know most people thought it started off pretty crappy, but for me i loved it, so when it started getting way more awesome throughout the season, to me it just got even more awesome and i have loved every minute of it (except those creepy spiders, why spiders?? i hate spiders!!!!)

    hate this wait, the stupid hellatus is the worst part of every season finale!! why does it have to be designed this way??

    well,i'm gonna go off now and rewatch that another 3 to 137 times
    kripke, you are awesome
    thank you :D

  108. It was confusing at first, but I figured it out fast.  It was an ending worthy of Kripke, one I never, ever expected.  How they plan to write the boys out of this one, I have no idea.    Kripke always hinted at Sam as Luke Skywalker and Dean as Han Solo.  I just never saw Cas as Darth Vader.   If this is where he's going,  we know Vader became Anakin at the end, so there's hope for him.  I love Cas and I don't want to see it go that way.  Somehow, I always saw Cas as Obi Wan.  Ah well, I'm a true fan and I waill follow to the end. I won't let my boys down.

  109. OK, so I woke this morning thinking Dean's an ass, Cas's character has been destroyed beyond repair, and Sam is only a shadow of what he used to be and the writers have no interest in ever bringing him back.  Oh, and the Impala's wrecked again.

    I loved the Sam rabbit-hole trip, but that episode should have been Like a Virgin so that there was time to explore his year as Robo-Sam and his time in Hell.  There was no reason for the wall and to push off Sam's Hell memories unless there was some big plot reveal tucked away in his memories, or they wanted an excuse to muzzle Sam when it comes to expressing any emotion for the rest of the season.  We didn't see any plot reveal, so the muzzle it was.

    Dean plays god in the first hour by deciding to erase Lisa and Ben's memories, but then is faced with a new "God" at the end.  Well, there's a certain fitting irony to that I guess.  Cas, well, I can't bring myself to go there yet.  This last episode negated all of the good story telling two weeks ago.  I vote for next year Ben Edlund writing the finale.

  110.  I don't think Cas will be the typical big bad. I think he is someone who is just mad with power.

  111. I loved it. I prefer to think of Cas as the Willow of Supernatural. He went dark, but I think that even Dean understands it's not Cas, it's the power corrupting him, just like it was the blood corrupting Sam. As you can see in the finale, he first tries to convince Cas to let the power go, tries to warn him it's bad for him, tries to tell him he doesn't want to lose him. Only when that doesn't work, Sam tries to kill him.

    I hope that Misha will become recurring in S7, hunting down the winchesters - as the synopsis says, their weapons and hiding places will be useless, they'll go against a foe like they have never seen before: that would all point to Cas, who knows what they can do, knows all their hide-outs, used to be their family. And I think they'll be trying to stop Cas - and to save him, maybe pull that power out of him, give him the angel detox.

    At least I hope so.

  112. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That episode left me speechless. What in the hell are Sam, Dean,and Bobby gonna do now? They r screwed! The first words out of my mouth we WHAT THE HELL R THEY GONNA DO NOW???

  113. I think I actually gasped when Cas killed Balthazar!!! WHYYY!? I like Seb Roche :(.... OMG the ending as well. I was hoping for more of the random hunts like Sera Gamble said we would be getting in S6 but looks like they'll be after Cas all the time... I don't know what to think :S 

  114.  Omg i was thinking the exact same thing about him being supernaturals willow. I was thinking exactly everything u just said. How r they going to get out of there in the first place though? and r the angel proofing symbols gonna work on him? There are so many questions i still have its driving me nuts. Also I was thinking while watching the first episode that yes cas had been working with crowley but isnt dean and sam kinda being hypocrites, they worked with crowley last season and they knew that if raphael won the was he was going to re-start the apocalypse which obviously they didnt want. Y was it so bad to open purgatory and use the souls if it stoped the apocalypse from happening again? I mean the only bad thing Cas really did was not tell them the truth and ok ya letting crowley use the boys to find monsters. If he had just been honest from the start then they could have done it right together. Or maybe im forgetting a lot of bad things he did, could someone remind me please cuz i have a terrible memory???

  115. I didn't like season 6 at all. I'm with those fans that think that the show should have ended in season 5.

    I think the arc just became over the top crazy... and the finale was a disappointment to me.
    why wouldn't Cas open the gate and stop Raphael from jump starting the apocalypse?!
    Sam and Dean opened the gate annddddd opened the pit ~ !

    Cas being all mighty with power is a good twist though...
    Calling yourself god is always so arrogant.

  116. I think Dean's angry at Cas because Cas should've known better - he was there when Sam was doing the blood thing, sneaking around, lying, cheating etc. And now he has done the same thing.

    I don't blame Cas, don't get me wrong, because I see it from his POV too. Just like Sam back then Cas was convinced he was doing the right thing, the only possible thing. And only someone who stood outside of all that could've told him that what he was doing was wrong. But he didn't go to Dean because he wanted to protect him.

    On this show, everybody who does something bad starts with a good intention: Sam and Ruby's blood, Dean and giving in to Michael, Cas and the souls. And I think they are all redeemable.

  117. kk I mistaken you for someone else. :P

  118.  LOL! I'M going with oh my Cas ahhaha oh cas.... Misha is gonnahave fun with this

  119.  ok first when has Dean ever made a big mistake?? Every season hes always been trying to save someone or everyone. He sold his soul so his brother could live, hes sacrificed everything hes ever had to help others. He even sacrificed his happiness and love to keep Ben and Lisa safe.Im pretty sure his character has been growing. He was in a real relationship which made him mature and stop acting like a kid and hitting on every chick. He was like a father to ben. And sam wasnt himself for the first half of the season but when he came back you could tell he was changing and growing up. Because he felt awful after loosing a year of his life and knowing he did horrible things during that time. He wanted to find out what he did and make amends but he also knew he couldnt without knocking down the wall. Id say that was a pretty big plot point this season. Also since the boys dont know Castiels full story (because he only told us and not them) they dont know that he wasnt involved in everything Crowley has been doing the whole time. Plus Cas did everything behind there backs if he had been honest with them from the beginning, maybe what happened wouldnt have. Now Cas is high on all those souls and proclaiming himself god and making himself the big bad. I think its funny that you think there hasnt been huge character development because this season especially everyone has changed so much. Maybe its because they've changed that you dont like where there going with the characters.

  120.  Gosh I agree so much! And it's kripke's baby if he didnt like it he would say something. I'm sure he loves it, evil cas

  121.  I cannot believe Cass went there Dean & Sam need to smack some sense into him What the Hell Cass

  122.  They better save him! I'll never want Cas to die! NEVER!

  123.  LOL I dont thinki angel + souls = god. It's just that cas is so freaken powerful that he decides he is the new sheriff in town (heaven..) and since God is no where to be seen...

  124.  By the way Loved both of tonights episodes cannot wait for Season 7 and is Sam fine now cuz other than being a little unsteady on his feet he kind of rushed through that whole rejoin with all the separate pieces of himself but I am sure hoping season 7 will get more into that  

  125.  agree, he did not go dark side! IT'S LIKE STARWARS!

  126. Dean's a bright boy with great hunter instincts. His instincts told him opening purgatory would be a very bad idea and I agree with him. I don't think he needed much more of an explanation from Cas. Remember, we knew things before Dean did so he didn't have as much time to consider all the different possibilities, but that said, I think Dean made the right choices. 

    I bet Dean remembers, even though he is not indicating that he does, that Cas pulled Sam up from hell soulless, didn't bother to tell Dean that Sam was back and let him wallow in his grief, didn't bother to try to get Sam's soul back when they discovered it was missing and actually advocated for leaving it in hell to be tortured for eternity, and just hours before the final confrontation Cas broke Sam's wall. Cas said he would fix Sam only if Dean stood down, which he did not do so he knew he had probably lost Sam because of that. (Fortunately, Sam was stronger than they all gave him credit for.) What I found out-of-character was after all that, Dean stood there and tried to reason with Cas using the "we were family once" argument instead of killing Cas outright.  It is not out-of-character for Dean to kill or threaten to kill anyone who kills/threatens/hurts or messes with Sam in any way. So in the end, Dean was showing an incredible amount of restraint in dealing with Cas.

  127. Excessive self-promotion.... oups :D I'll be better

    Any way. So I slept, breath cool down. and all.... it was great okay I'm okay I'm over it, Cas is going crazy but im fine... As long as next season we dont see sam and dean trying to kill hium like he is nothing to them. its a FRIEND (brother.. dean) so I hope the goal is stop him and you konw if he dies its a freaken last resolt! (resolt?)

    And well the thing I hate (now) about the finale is really the wall thing. It was down played too much, how do i say this... It's like even in the ep "sam that remembered" made it a huge deal and "you cant handle this" bbut hohoh, took him 5sec to be up on his feet BUT! we did see him struggle with flashback... so my guess is that its slowly getting to him and next season its HITTING HARD!

    yo know it what? IT WAS AWESOME seriously I love Sera I love Kripke and if you didnt like the finale PLEASE stop bitching about Sera, this is a whole team of people, she doesnt come up with the plot and they shut up and write they talk and plan together. and if i remember right season 7 was sera, ben and Bob singer idea.

  128. I enjoyed it.  Esp Jared's 3 pronged performance.  He was spectacular.  Amazing how much he's grown as an actor during the course of the show. 

  129. While I did like the episode, I do hope by making Castiel this powerful, they haven't made their "big bad"  to powerful for next season if indeed he is the big bad. I'm having a bad time trying to word this, but the main thing for me is how this is at least somewhat lifelike in a way, and having a "god" as the enemy sort of makes you think "yeah right" xD
    Basically, anyone understand that? xD

  130.  I know! they freaken tried cas like BS. Seriously im more calm last night and I agree 100% with you and even more about the fallen angel thing its my hopes and dream!

    And yeah Balthy.... not good. I would have been okay if it happened after he got juiced up with souls but before... it was still cas...

  131. haha u should always do recaps of supernatural episodes lol i love the "waves pom poms" and "Hi Sammy *waves* "  haha i cant stop laughing

  132. Ya i totally see it from both Dean and Castiels POV too. I also think Dean might be pissed because when he was going to say yes to Michael Cas told him not to, and in the end he didnt say yes. Deans always been stronger than everyone and never given in. I think he feels that if he listened to Cas and didnt say yes its just another reason why Cas should have listened to him.

     Also i realized the horrible thing Cas did, he shattered Sams wall. However he ended up screwing Crowley out of the deal so he did end up making sure that the king of hell didnt get any souls. So thats one good thing to bad hes so high now he can think strait. Oooh I wonder if phoenix ash would work on him like it did with eve cuz its all monster souls in him...

    What i think would be awesome next season is if the boys went looking for god cuz that is honestly the only way I can think of that they can stop Cas. I saw recently that some people thought maybe Crowley was God which is weird, most people think its Chuck. OHHHH and wasnt it weird that they never brought up chuck at all this season?? What did they just forget all about him?

  133. Amazing episode! I cried during the final parts of 'Let it Bleed' :'(

    I was kinda hoping Cas would die when Sam knifed him.

  134. I think that the only way to stop Cas right now would be a) finding someone stronger to smite him: God or Death or b) finding a way to suck the souls back out of him again and return them to purgatory or c) finding a way to make him use up all the energy he has stored inside of himself.

    I honestly think that once Cas gets rid of the souls, he will be horrified by what he has done. I just hope that getting rid of the souls won't kill him - Sam did stab him with the angel knife, after all...

  135. great episode) not exactly what I was waiting for, but I already want the season 7, please :'(

  136. Is anyone else thinking that what we were seeing at the end wasn't Cas but a monster who came out of Purgatory?  Lovecraft opens the portal and a monster comes out and takes over the body of one of the guests.  That monster later tells Bobby that people were lucky that it was her, and not something else that came out.  So Cas opens the portal again, and this time something with a God complex comes out and finds a much more powerful vessel to take over.

  137. Just a reminder: Mark Pellegrino.
    In season 5 he was "just" guest cast, and still had some very scary Lucifer moments, and Lucifer was present the entire season.

    So no need for Castiel haters to celebrate, yet. 

  138. Exactly.
    All the sudden free will, combined with an increasing power from foot soldier angel, to new and improved angel from Swan Song on, and now being powered by all the 40 million souls (according to Crowley in 6.20) from purgatory, if that doesn't make anyone mad with power, I don't know what will.

    The question is, can Castiel be redeemed? And are the Winchesters even willing to try?

  139.  It was one of the most boring season finales I've ever seen. So disappointed..

  140. That was one of the greatest comments ever. :)

    I agree, finale could have been better, but the season was great. At least it didn't end with Sam waking up and it was all a dream.

  141. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 15:04

    i agree
    as much as i love cas, it would have been an epic ending
    not to say the ending we got wasn't epic
    evil cas sent chills down my spine!!

  142. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 15:05

    but they've fought gods before
    there has to be a way to kill anything, even a god
    like the wood spikes that killed the christmas gods

  143. I needed some time to think about it..It's one of the episodes that you want to vote "Awesome" for the enormous twist and "Awful" because this was the last thing I wanted to happen.Of course,I voted Awesome!

    If you look at it objectively my opinion is that they made the perfect move.You have a Big Bad stronger than everything that we've ever seen(probably stronger than all the archangels combined) and yet the fight has never been more personal(the plot with the YED was personal for different reasons).If we think about it,there was no one else who could have worked as the Big Bad.The angel blade doesn't work,the knife didn't even work before and the Colt will probably feel like a water pistol to Cas.If there was someone else the Winchesters would have been dead already.That's why it had to be Cas..Because of the bonds he shared with the boys,maybe he can be stopped without being killed(which right now seems impossible).
    I read about Misha not being a regular,but I'm gonna wait and see what this means.He wasn't a regular in season 4 and did more episodes back then.Plus,you can't have him as a regular when he's the villain.Sam and Dean will be fried in the first two episodes!However,his presence in the show is very vital to me and I hope that we do get to see him as much as possible.And I'm not saying that otherwise I won't watch the show.I've been watching since episode 1,I'll always support it,but I'll have one less (pretty big)reason to be so enthusiastic about it!

    All that being said,I can't look at things objectively when it comes to this show!That was by far the biggest twist of the entire series(in my opinion,always)..Congratulations to the writers for being brave enough to go there,but from now on they have to be VERY careful of how they proceed!

    Things right now don't look good..Logic says that Sam,Dean and Bobby will try to fight Cas and even though I can't blame them,I believe it would be wrong,cause war is what brought him here in the first place.Despite everything,I still think he can make things right.But he can't do it alone.So the question is:Will the Winchesters try to save him or will they think that fighting is the only solution?
    We'll just have to wait and see,I guess.Four f***** months!

    PS:Personally,I blame God for all of this!Seriously,what else needs to happen for him to cut his vacations short?!?!?!

  144.  Just because he tries to save someone doesn't mean we can overlook his (obvious) flaws. Flaw 1) unwilling to listen to what the other person has to say about a specific situation. Flaw 2) unwilling to budge on a particular situation or a feeling because what he thinks is right. And I definitely agree with your points. He also has some amazing qualities that I've always respected him for. 1) He always puts family first––even when they're doing something wrong. Which is why I was irked at the end, when he calls Cas his family, yet wants to hunt––and possibly––kill him? Yes, he said that about Sam in season 4, but he said, he'd have killed him if Sam WASN'T his family.

    I also agree with the "working behind their backs" comment, but did he really have a choice? When he did tell them, they did nothing to ease him back to "sanity". All Dean said was, "Don't do it 'cause I'm telling you not to". Who really wants that as an answer?

    I also agree people have changed, but from what I've seen, they're only gone backwards, rather than forwards. Again, it's my opinion.

  145. But Cas killed his good friend and follower Rachel a few episodes ago. His relationship with her was not played out on screen like his relationship with Balthazar so we didn't see their friendship but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. Killing Balty was just a continuation of Cas's downfall.

  146.  Dean, Dean, Dean...All we care about is whether what Dean thinks is right or what his instincts tell him not to do. Sometimes, instincts are wrong. And in this case, they were. Opening purgatory did nothing except for making Cas a nuclear bomb. But Dean never predicted that because he only cared about releasing-the-monsters part––which never happened.

    I've only agreed with the wrongness that Cas showed this season, which is that he lied to his friends-turned-family (a word thrown around WAY too loosely by Dean), but it's not like none of the characters haven't done that before.

    What was so out-of-character for Dean (IMO) this whole season was, despite feeling a sense of brotherhood with Cas, he was unwilling to listen to what he was saying. Shouldn't Dean have tried to change himself from last time (Sam)? Shouldn't he have learned from his mistakes, as well?

    I love Dean (more than any of the characters on the show), but I was disappointed with how they portrayed his character this whole season––especially in the finale. He still hadn't changed from his mistakes. His motto was still to "kill first, ask questions later". I thought we were over that shit in seasons 1 and 2 (after having arguments with Sam, over and over again).

  147.  The funny thing is, my favorite character is Dean; so, imagine how I feel to see him grow quite a lot and then watch his growth plummet down.

    "I feel like Dean was uncharacteristically unreasonable in his dealings
    with Cas--it was like talking to a brick wall! For years, Dean's main
    concern was avoiding the apocalypse, and then Cas tries to tell him
    that's exactly what's at stake with Raphael and Dean totally ignores it,
    telling Cas to just stop "because I'm asking you to" without even
    trying to provide an alternate course of action. Not to mention the
    whole domestication storyline, which is so very not-Dean it's
    cringe-worthy." I agree with all of these. What Dean should have learned from the past was that because he was closed-minded with the Sammy situation (and he understood that in the end), Sammy went spiraling down. He should have tried to do it differently with Cas (since Cas was his apparent family), rather than throw all of his suggestions out of the window or saying "just 'cause".

    "I feel like the storyline was not nearly as fluid and though-out as it has been in years past, and downright lazy at times." AGREE AGREE AGREE. You put it perfectly. The myths were amazing this season, but the handling of characterization, emotions, and actually beating some of the big bad's (I still can't get over how easy it was to kill the mother-of-all-things-evil) were downright lazy. 

  148. In my opinion, Castiel's character had two story arcs. He discovered a lot about himself, the angels and the world throughout Season Four and Five, but he came back very different after the Season Five finale. He lost his purpose and just did what he could to save the innocent. Now, he's as good as dead and replaced  by all those evil souls from Purgatory. Therefore, Castiel is really a tragic hero (and pretty much dead) IMO 

  149.  LMFAO Your comment at the end made me LOL and made me realize that I need to follow him as well hahahahaha

  150.  I never thought of that! I kind of want that to be the case, only 'cause Cas was not acting like Cas at the very end. It was almost like he was TOO calm. I don't know.  We shall have to wait and see.

  151.  LMFAO your end comment made me LOL and follow Cas, as well!

  152.  I never thought of that! That could be a possibility! He just seemed too calm for my liking :P

  153. Loved every minute of last night's season finale, but I found myself confused about so much and not many of my questions were answered. So, Cas thinks he is god now because he has all of the souls and he thinks that Sam and Dean should bow down before him. Now, we know that is certainly not going to happen! Did anyone notice that when Sam checked out the Impala looking for Dean and Bobby, it looked like he could hardly walk? And when he did find them, he did not say anything? Do you think that he is ok or that something is still not right? This definitely kept me thinking late into last night about everything that happened. It was awesome to hear "Wayward Son" as an intro (so many of us have missed hearing that from week to week and it has been a long time). What is with the 3 Sams? So, there was soul-less Sam (hard to miss that one), just out of the cage Sam (he looked so sad and weary and beat up) and normal Sam (I guess, but with no memory). I thought that maybe we would be finding out about what exactly happened to Sam during that year (meeting up with Grandpa Creepy and everyone else along the way), but it was more like him just trying to get back to Dean and Bobby when he could. Makes me wonder just how season 7 will pick up...It won't be too much longer, really, before the guys go back to work in July, so hopefully, throughout the summer, we will find out juicy details about everything (hint hint to the nice spoilertv people).
    All in all, loved last night, and cannot wait for season 7 to get here sooner than later!

  154. I agree with this.  I don't know if Cas was right or Dean was right in whether opening a door to Purgatory was a better option than letting Raphael restart the Apocalypse, but I remember that in season 5, Cas had faith in Dean and Sam and unconditionally followed their crazy plans that had about a 90% chance of failure.  In these last few episodes, when Cas asked Dean to have some faith in him, Dean wouldn't even consider it.  And I think Cas's hurt over Dean's reaction, and his realization that their relationship is pretty one-sided, caused Cas's actions to escalate.  Rachel's dress down of Dean and Sam wasn't for nothing.

  155. I just can't believe it Cas went from being a child like angel to a devil in a way :(

  156.  OMG that last minute of Cas scared the shit out of me. I wanted to scream, but I'm at work (sitting at the front desk of a dorm on campus) and parents are in and out all day, so that wouldnt make the best impression. But OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. And poor Sammy too. That stuff was heartbreaking and scary and creepy at the same time

  157.  That's exactly the way it was for me... The season started off with a whimper... I was very disappointed that the season opener didn't focus on Sam after Dean's wonderful little montage. The season 4 opener was all about Dean and Hell, but the Season 6 opener not only didn't answer any of my questions, it just gave me tons more... and Sam didn't seem concerned enough to dig up answers WTH! But, as much as it bothered me, I was still intrigued. Then, the season just kept getting better and better all year long. The only bump for me was when Sam let Dean get turned.... I HATED THAT! (kind of like people are probably hating Castiel going all god-like)...

    But, that just added to the story. With this show, I don't always like all of their decisions (not dealing with Dean's PTSD, trashing the amulet, killing Gabriel, etc)... but so far it is always a great story. If I wasn't so invested in the characters I would probably love it even more... because then I wouldn't care when Dean threatens to break Sam's nose if he opens his mouth about Lisa & Ben.... But, I always love the story. Sera and Kripke are evil geniuses.

  158. i can't really wait till next season 

  159. The finale blew my mind. It was shocking and it left me in a state that I still find it hard to define how I feel.
    I am though  staying an optimist that after some evil God!Castiel there is still hope for our angel. That he can be saved from the corruption of power.

    EPIC Cliffhanger. Kripke is and evil genius. I'm sure looking forward to Season Seven. I am scared of Cas, but I have not yet given up on him!

  160. this whole season we saw cas becoming sam like  he was in season 4

  161. Castiel delibrately crashed Sams wall , he pulls Sam out without a soul and buggered off . The whole trying to twist it to being the boys fault because the didnt listen or give Castiel a chance is unfair. To be honest he is the least I am concerned about Sam is the most I am concerned about because he was literally shattered and managed to pull himself together literally and get to his brother while you could se the toll on him. I really do hope the writers see through more of the fallout for Sam next season. I seriously do not now what will happen to Castiel or what the writers do but there really isnt much of a comeback from what has happened but we shall see?.

  162.  I disagree 100%.

    I don't hate Castiel for his actions. He's just majorly drunk on power. He asked for forgiveness from Dean, and he asked for help from God, and he received nothing but the good ol' Dean 3rd degree. And Honestly, Dean is right, but because Cas is so in touch with human nature, yet also an angel, he's got this complication of not only developing a God complex like many people do (and I believe Crowley is to blame for those little thoughts he put into Cas' head from the very beginning of their agreement) but also the power to back that up. When you then show him that Sam and Dean are 100% against him, it's going to hurt him. It's going to hurt him just like it hurt the brothers to find out that Cas had a hand in all the rough stuff that had gone through this season with Sam's soul and all the monsters running amok. And what do people do when they feel like they've been abandoned by the only ones that cared about them? They throw a fit, or they lash out. He just happened to know a way to get back at them by saving them from Raphael, and then he had a way to end Raphael himself with all this power.

    Your issue with their logic is hysterical to me. Obviously Angel+Souls does not equal God. What kind of crazy are you drinking? It's only in Cas' head that he is God. He calls himself God because he's stronger than the rest of the kids on the playground. Doesn't mean daddy can't still beat his ass for doing wrong. He's just in a place of power and he's let it go too far. I honestly don't see this as ruining the character. I see it as a tragic twist, because much like with Sam, it's the iron-strong will of Dean that told Cas he was wrong, and never relented even once about his stance. Obviously this is also a character flaw of Dean's but if all characters were perfect, they really wouldn't be anything better than "gods" themselves would they? 

    I knew this finale would be polarizing, but I really enjoyed it. I do agree there's still a big gap in quality of seasons 2-4 but I think they have yet to mess things up. Sorry it's no good for you, just stop watching. There's plenty of other shows on television.

  163.  I agree with 90% of what you said here.
    Loved the finale (the second time I watched it, I enjoyed it more)
    but I do have to say, this season overall was bleh with really good episodes sprinkled in slow arcs of mediocrity.

  164.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this!

  165.  That was what I didn't like about the episode. Jared did great, but the lost in his head wasn't that traumatic... I think this finale will come full circle in the season 7 premiere. Felt like this was more like a buildup to another episode really.

  166.  Or much worse: Cas invites millions upon millions of those powerful evil beings into himself, without realizing just what the hell he's doing to himself. 

  167. Hi *waves*

     "At least it didn't end with Sam waking up and it was all a dream". Yeah....jesus, even that development would have me running for the hills LOL....Instead we got Sam acting like 'The terminator' for the first part of the season....and then at the end he turned into HIGHLANDER...remember THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!I AM IMMMMMMORTAL.....I HAVE INSIDE ME BLOOD OF KINGSSSSSI HAVE NO RIVAL......NO MAN CAN BE MY EQUALTAKE ME TO THE FUTURE OF YOUR WORLDDDDDD  :D

  168.  To be honest, I thought elevating Cas to "family" and "like a brother" was as contrived as making Lisa the love of his life last year. They were friends and comrades-in-arms, but not family and definitely not brothers. And we won't know all of the ramifications of Cas opening the door to purgatory until next season. We don't know yet what, if any, monsters have been released.

    I got the impression that time was of the essence –the door to purgatory was going to be opened during the eclipse so they had to stop that. If Cas came to his senses and cooperated and the immediate threat was neutralized, then Dean, Sam & Bobby would develop an alternate plan.  They just didn't have the luxury of time. And ya gotta admit, Dean and Sam's track record is pretty good. Even Crowley gives them their due. 

  169. Hi *waves*'re sweet....When the boys need some extra pushing...i always get my pom poms out and cheer...That's how Sammy was able to get to where he was going without being a 'dribbling twitching mess'.....I made a cheer for him too...Yes i'm that creepy and goes:



    *pets dribbling twitching sammy*


  170.  I couldn't check a box.  :-)  I still can't.  

    Um.  Go Cas for not falling for that give us your ritual supplies thing.  

    They got a great actress to play Raphael.  That haughty thing.  She did it really well.  Everytime she was on screen she made my nerves stand on end.

    Why oh why couldn't Cas snap Crowley into oblivion.  

    It has never stopped disconcerting me how many innocent possessed humans the Winchesters take out.  Hit me again in the previous episode.

    Loved how quickly Dean and Bobby twigged to what the power had done to Cas.  And this was the better of the two options?  I'm thinking maybe not.

    I really liked the way they handled the tale of what was going on in Sam's head.  That element worked for me.

    A word about this season...Well, I will be watching next season, but I there were some things that felt like missed opportunities.  Bringing in the other half of their family is the one that stands out the most for me.  They pre-season hype painted the Campbells as a hunting dynasty but what they were actually filtered down to was a bunch of inept fighters with a really great library.   (I hate it when a show (or book) tells me a character is great at their job then proceed to have them perform said job really poorly cause it's the fastest way to the bottom line.)  I just keep thinking that they could have brought a LOT to the Supernatural universe.  They represented a more hopeful alternative to what Sam and Dean grew up knowing.  I mean.  Their father got slammed into the world of hunting while suffering the trauma of the death of his wife and even Sam and Dean have come to understand this did not make him the best Dad in some ways.   Same for Bobby.   The other side of the coin being a family that works in this world while raising kids, having homes, living in both worlds, maybe.  My biggest disappointment with the season is that we didn't get to play that road more.  Could Dean have had a family with Lisa and Ben and worked as a hunter?  I didn't feel like they really tried.  From some of the comments on the boards at the beginning of the season it seemed clear that we all knew plans were to get rid of them as soon as possible.   It's one of the most unsatisfying elements of the season for me.

    On the other hand I did really like the soulless Sam story.  It gave Jared Padeleki (I hope I spelled that right) a chance to show us an interesting character.  I noted at one point that his Devil read very much like Sam to me, but Souless Sam was fun and interesting to watch.  I was thrilled to get Sam back but I quite enjoyed that arc.

    Loved getting to see more Bobby.

    Cas' much of this story played off fell a little flat for me.  It was a story that Sam and Dean weren't really part of until the very end.  And I kind of liked the way it ended.  (I'll like it more if Dean's first line of the next season is "Seriously? Kneel or die?  Seriously?"  Cause if Cas thinks that's really sincerely gonna happen he's lost more than just his marbles.  :-)

    Okay, I'm going to shut up now.  Well, okay maybe I'll go and click 'which season was my favorite'
    That's a much easier question than which episode was my favorite.  I can never check off as many boxes as I want. 

    Hopefully....lots of y'all are looking forward to Season Seven.  I didn't expect it.  And I look forward to it. I may not *like* all the story decisions TPTB make I always enjoy myself.

  171. Wow.  What an interesting way to look at it and when I think about it...I do see the parallels.   Very interesting.

    I still haven't come to grips with Cas killing off people who, essentially,  disagree with him.

  172. Hi everyone ...again :D

    I don't normally write more than one 'essay' at a time :D...but i feel i have to 'weigh' in here....This is just MHO and I'm in no way taking what i say as the 'ultimate' truth's just how i feel....I understand all the 'bickering'....we're 'passionate fans'....The show has us all 'emotionally' invested to this extent...a very rare and 'unique' the soul LOL...but it's just a 'show' at the end of the day...we still have to rejoin our real lives, and 'bickering' doesn't change anything....just wastes 'precious' time.....I've never 'bickered' with anyone since I've joined these boards....and i never will.....what works for me is 'agreeing to disagreeing'...i know I've said this might not agree with another poster...but respectfully understand their opinions and thoughts....give your opinion...but don't be confrontational...if the other poster doesn't want to play ball....well....don't rise to it and move on.....the problem is...we're all too 'passionate' for our own good :D

    These boards should be fun/friendly...certainly not 'hostile'....If we continue to 'bicker' constantly...well the TPTB will take our toys away...and we'll only have ourselves to blame...we don't want we?  I know i don't :)) are in no way obligated to listen to me...It's your choice at the end of the day...and i respect that <33

  173. I miss the Sam who argued back as well.

  174.  I'm not saying I'm upset that Sam's more messed up then Dean was. I know Sam was in there for longer then Dean, and I know that he was in the deepest pits of Hell. But, Dean was there first. Then Sam goes and jumps in the cage with Lucy and Michael and Adam... god, Adam must be in misery now that Sam's soul is gone do diverge the attention. /thinking to into it.

    I'm just thinking with my inner Dean!Girl. I didn't mean anything by it.

  175. THIS. Thank you, Nicole.

  176. I agree with this. Why does there have to be fairness in what each brothers' Hell experiences were, truthfully? Why does their suffering have to be equal? I don't feel this is cheating Dean because Dean has done nothing BUT suffer, since he died and since he's been brought back. Now he's suffering over the losses of Ben, Lisa and Cas. Dean will always suffer from Hell, and we can see it still affects him with how he went all torture master on those demons during Let it Bleed.

    We don't even know what kind of shape Sam is going to be in. We don't even know exactly what happened down there, but we do know that when Sam hurts, Dean hurts and that's suffering enough. Who cares if Sam was in Hell for a year and a half and Dean only 4 months. John was down there for a whole year, but nobody complains or compares John and Dean, so why complain about Sam? I guess I just can't figure out how it cheats Dean from his Hell experience. Dean was IN actual Hell. Sam was locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. Of course there are going to be differences.

  177. Actually, no Dean wasn't there first. John was. :-)

  178. lol, true fax. I guess it's the Winchester code. When one does it, they all have to do it. IE: Die, make a deal and go to hell.

  179. Ummm I don't see how this says he's appearing only in the first episode... I see this as saying he won't be a series regular like Jared and Jensen. Jim Beaver isn't a regular either, and he's in more than one episode every season...

  180. If that's the case, then where's Gabriel? Why isn't he still alive and in Heaven? An angel can always find another vessel. That's like a milk run.

  181. Seriously, that was great! ROFL I just LOL'd I loved it. Thank you.

  182. Hi :))

    Aww thanks....I put a lot of thinking into it....I had to be epic so Sammy could still save the day...or not LOL


  183. LOL well, the biggest point is is that he tried! And that's what matters! :D Heeee

    *hugs back*

  184. Good analysis Rochey.  Thanks for posting.  There's been a bit of a theme this season of the boys hunting things that they're conflicted about killing (Rose in Mannequin, the Phoenix).  I was wondering where this was leading, and I guess now we have our answer.

    Nothing can move forward until Cas gets rid of those souls inside of him and come down from the high he's on, but when that happens, I too wonder if there's any chance of mending their relationship.  On the one hand, Cas crashed Sam's wall, and as you pointed out, the Winchesters don't have the same relationship with Cas as they do to each other.  On the other, Dean gave that blanket pardon speech about forgiving family, and he's said he considers Cas family.  Sam is feeling nothing but raw pain right now, but given Sam's similar past experiences, I wouldn't be surprised if Sam someday forgave Cas.

    Another point to consider is the angel population.  They've been portrayed as a society used to living under dictatorships where they didn't have choice.  When they suddenly get their freedom, they didn't know what to do with it and chaos erupted.  What usually ends up happening is after a society overthrows a dictator, another one soon takes his place.  Cas is the new dictator, but if he can grow from the Winchesters and his experiences, after he comes down from his souls high, he might be the perfect leader for to usher the angels into a new era. And the angels will need a leader.

    I don't see Cas going back to hunting with the boys again like in the old days, but I'm hoping they can save him and he can do good up in Heaven rather than being killed as a "big bad."

  185. It doesn't equal God. It equals a power-corrupted angel with a God-complex thus making him think he's the new God.

  186.  Interesting observation about the Campbells.  I hadn't given them much thought, but you're right, there was more potential there.

  187. Actually, I just rewatched the episode and Raphael also uses the term God to describe what he would turn into.  They didn't say it as if imply that they turned into the "God" of the Bible.  It was used more in the way of "a god."  It makes sense that gods might be another category of creatures in the SPN universe, like angels and demons.  Also, the fact that arch-angel swords no longer work on Castiel implies that the transformation wasn't just in his head.

  188. charlenelovesmojo199122 May 2011 at 03:27

     OK what can i say hmmm well mind blowing epic  . Alot of people are not happy with the final and yes i was sad Cas truned  dark,but he can always come back to the sweet lovable Cas we all know and love. I mean when Sam was on demon blood he was evil he killed and iconnect girl even when the demon left. So i still have hope for Cas . All Sam and Dean need to do is some how get the souls out of him and then try and reason with him.Loved Sam's fight to come back to reality and that he could not leave his brother alone  .Despite what people say i loved the memory wipe and it was a heart breaking dessicon for Dean to make as you could see him crying ,Sam even saw him upset and said "Dean you have done pretty shady thing's but this , wiping Lisa and Ben's memory"  it was pretty harsh considering Dean already knew that hence the threat to break Sam's nose. The old Sam would have said something like this " i dont agree with what you done ,but i get it man ,if i could i would want all the bad thing's erased from my head". I mean Dean at the end of the day would rather see them alive and happy . Also i thought they killed the dragon lady to early she could have been a love interest  for Bobby. Cas ok mmmm..... well that was a shock and though i love Cas it was kind of interesting to see him go dark for a change i mean being good all the time is just zzzzzzzzz so it is like a knew leave to his character . I mean he must have got fed up with saving Dean's ass and Sam's ass all the time without a thank you .Glad cowerly has stuck around for another season. I am on a cliffhanger and thats what a season final is meant to make you do , knowing Dean he wont bow down before Cas,if he is smart he will though then Cas will let him live, and they can figure out away to make him old Cas.loved the  emotion to the final god i honestly cant wait till season 7, it would be good to see Dean's car fixed and him and Sammy joking with each other saying "bitch ,jerk" and playing heavy metal like the old day's.

  189. charlenelovesmojo199122 May 2011 at 03:32

     AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 CAN WAIT TILL SEASON 7

  190.  ''God complex'' + serve or I'll destroy you

    OMG Cass is possessed by a Goauld 0.o!!!!!

    x'''D Ok just all act like I didn't say anything...too much stargate in my life

  191.  For
    me it was OK... I didn't like a lot of things about it, but it had more to do with what the characters were doing than the quality. Dean and Castiel both were being stubborn jackasses (and Dean a hypocrite), the whole thing made them look like whining babies. I know, nothing new for this show, right?

    But that ending? It was the best part. From the
    moment Castiel blew up Raphael to the credits, all smiles from me... and laughter in some areas. I don't
    get the sadness or upset, seriously (Okay, maybe I do). Yeah, Castiel might go dark side... it happens, but that doesn't mean it's going to end too bad, or that it wont be a good
    story. Or that it wont be well-acted.

    Who am I kidding? It will end badly.

    If/when they do kill Castiel off though, I hope he is redeemed, at least. Maybe Castiel will fall, not the way he did in with the whole rebelling thing, but really fall... complete with grace ripping and whatnot. I think a new beginning would be the best thing for him.

    God, I imagine Eric Kripke is cackling somewhere due to the feelings he's caused, and possibly petting a white longhaired cat while he twirls his mustache.

  192.  I loved that episode of Charmed! Hell, I only liked it 'cause Chris showed up! Amazing character.


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