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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - The Man Who Would Be King?

7 May 2011

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  1. The best episode of the season *--*

  2. love love love this episode, hope Crowley and Castiel for the next season, they can't get out of the show!

  3. This episode was awful!!
    Boring doesn't adequately describe what we just witnessed. Oh poor wooby Cas.
    What a pathetic creature.

  4. Loved it. Gonna dream of Cas tonight.

    I feel a long rant coming about about the hypocrisy of it all. All three standing around the ring of fire had at one point done business with demons and Sam was the only of the three who ever expressed regret about it. But I'll save the rant until tomorrow when I'm fresh. I think I'm on the wrong side of this whole right/wrong message of Supernatural. I thought Sam was right in season 4, and I think Cas is right now. This may mean I'm going to Hell. But I'll save that for the morning too.

    Was it me, or was the lip synching off at the end?

  5. I was literally shaking! Holy crap, that was awesome. Poor Cas and the boys!

  6. Is EPIC an option because Awesome doesn't seem to cover it?!

  7. I'm flabbergasted but whatever that is your opinion, I thought it was a great episode!

  8. It's five in the morning and I'm about to cry myself to sleep..Review will come tomorrow!

    I kneel before Ben Edlund!


    I love the coloring of the episode, the way that Cas told his story. The sigils all over Bobby's house made my chest tighten from the meaning and all of Cas's interactions with Crowley were AMAZING. The directing and the camera angles were perfect. Best episode of the season? Probably.

  10. Amazing episode. I had a feeling Cas had brought back Sam and I was glad to learn that he didn't know that Sam didn't have his soul. I was so caught up in it that I didn't realize it was over until it ended. I loved how Cas told the story. I know each one of the people there have done deals with demons. All three have regretted it. Only Bobby was able to get out of his deal. I wish Cas could have gone to Dean in the first place.

  11. No it was the way the episode was edited. Some was voice over clips.

  12. Great episode! So many parallels between Cas and the boys over the years and they eventually found redemption and built their bond back. Hopefully in season 7 or at least a bit during the finale we'll see Cas start to mend the relationship. Cas will do the right thing and chose family (Winchesters and God) over Crowley and power...might be messy for him.

    So looking forward to the finale knowing S7 is coming.

  13. BAMF!Cas moments always rub me both ways. I just always think he's so adorable lol (especially after the baby in a trenchcoat thing I was in the mood for adorable, pouty Cas). Twas an excellent episode. Missed the other two and finally got the chance to download them earlier and watch them before this ep. Cas narrates beautifully. When he gave himself away with the whole Superman thing I physically had to clench my fists and shake them skyward, ergh, really Cas lol? Cas, Crowley and Balthazar FTW season 7! Oh Dean, always trying to reason logic at the end of seasons, too bad Sam or in this case Cas are both too stubborn headed by then to change course. Cas is so awkward during his explanation, you can see he's rather skeptical himself but not willing to back down when he's so close. (Cas brought Sammykins back! Whoot! Excitement over, flashes back to Soulless Sam days...wait? What?)

    Cas to Dean - "I'm doing this for you, I'm doing this because of you"

    Cas to Crowley - "I'm an angel you ass"

    "If you touch a hair on their heads..."

    Oh my gosh at the end when Cas was asking 'Am I on the right path?'

    I pratically shouted NO! and my sis was like 'Don't do it' hehehe.

  14. W.O.W.! Yes I'm repeatetive. (?)

    *HUGS misha * *HUGS CASTIEL*

  15. Those stupid boys have been hunters for how long and don't know how to draw sigils correctly?? Please!! I hate when the show dumbs down the boys for the benefit of Cas. Sloppy writing.

  16. well then I'm going to hell with ya. Cause all I could think was screw you dean! ahaah Cas made the right call raphael wants the freaken apocalypse back i mean COME ON! For all the things Dean/sam have done they should shut it. I just think that cas should have told them his plans.

  17. AW yes, cas not knowing about sam soulesness made my day haha, love that sam doesnt believe him too makes cass seem a little more bad :P

    I dont think dean could have help cas any way..

  18. oh and "I'M THE ONE WHO RAISED YOU FROM PERDITION" this had me destiel fan girling crazy for a moment and I shouted NO THATS FOR DEAN at my tv ahhaha.

  19. Ah, he never actually answered the question. He just asked how Sam can ask him that question. Well duh! He's trading in souls. Perfectly legit question. So how can monsters know that Sam was soulless but Cas didn't know he grabbed Sam from hell without his? Obviously the monsters have superior skills to Cas and he wants to get them from purgatory? Cas will never be able to control them and Crowley will renege on the deal somehow. Won't be hard because Cas is such a "child".

  20. They don't know anything about angel's protection. They know the one that makes them go away but other then that every time we saw those kind of sigils they were already on a building or something the boys never made them.... so sloppy watching on your part. (sarcasm people)

  21. Really? You think the boys AND Bobby are that stupid?

  22. We know Castiel didnt know about the souls cause of what he says in the narration part of the episode. Dont remember it exactly but it was pretty clear. He brought sam back right after getting his "body/life" back, like he brought bobby back. and then he had a weird face when sam just walked off without going to dean and cas says something like "I should have known then"

  23. lots of goodies for Destiel in this one babe ^_-

  24. Why would they be stupid cause they cant paint sigils they dont know about? and its like 2 sec of a 44 min episode

  25. lol goodies? and LOL My brain is fried from all that awesomeness so i dont remember what happened haahha but there was A LOT of cutie destiel moment from dean and cas so cute I was dying hahaha

  26. Yeah, Cas, an angel, didn't know but the monsters knew right away. Thank God heaven isn't really entrusted to someone of Cas's abilities.

  27. The episode that I craved in season four, where we got to see Sam's soul and fight was just shown in season six and with Castiel instead. I feel sick. Sam is still condemned for his actions, while Castiel gets the "poor me" edit.

  28. I have to agree with some of y'all––this episode was the best episode of the season. Even if I have a little tiff with focusing on other characters (as this show is, essentially, about the brothers), this was so well done. Honestly, this episode tied in EVERYTHING that has been discussed in the season thus far. Kudos to Misha, the writers, the director, etc. They did an amazing job this episode. If I didn't have this episode, I wouldn't really like this season. I mean, this episode really changed my perspective for this season. It blew me away.

    On a side note, I kinda miss the music that used to be played in the previous seasons. And, I know that we can't get it back (due to money issues), but the best-of-mullet-rock would have made this episode even better.


  29. LOL

    Your comment made me laugh 'cause I feel like you've never seen this show...O.O

  30. It's absurd to think that they don't know the sigils after
    all this time.

    It's what they do. They
    have been able to recreate sigils after seeing them one time. Dean just did it
    in The French Mistake. Hunters that didn't bother to learn how to protect
    themselves wouldn't last long. If this was the first time they had ever
    encountered angels, I could understand getting the sigils wrong, but NOT after
    they've been working with and against angels for three years now.

  31. Because no matter what, Sam will ALWAYS be forgiven by Dean. So there's no point in doing an episode in Sam's perspective that focuses on him thinking about his actions, as he knows he has his brother's forgiveness. And when Dean forgives him, we will also forgive him.

    Cas needs a "poor me" edit because we haven't really seen what he's been doing. It's essential for us to empathize with Cas and his decisions because he doesn't have a family member that will forgive him without blinking. He has to EARN that.

  32. How do you know that? He has lots of brothers and sisters, one of whom he killed recently. Maybe some of them would forgive him if he talked to them, but we'll never know.

  33. It was AMAZING :) Best one of the season, i loved the flashbacks and the insight into what cas was really doing.

  34. You're joking, right? Have you been watching the same show that I have? Have you seen his "brothers and sisters"? I don't even know if I can call them that. They're almost like creatures with a bit of thinking here and there. If anything, this episode proves to us that FAMILY is earned rather than denoted (from blood or some type of celestial bond).

    Like Dean said, he's his family––his brother. Cas earned that right to boast about that. And that's why we needed this episode––to see what happens when you're part of an intricate family where there's a responsibility of trust, telling the truth, etc.

  35. MonsterS? Only the Vamp dude found out right away. and cas wasnt really looking for it either, he didnt know when he brought him back but that doesnt mean he didnt know after making the deal with crowley but then it was to late and he needed purgatory and sam was helping with that so

  36. I don't know what you are
    watching. I'm watching the show they put on each week. And how exactly do you
    know about his relationships with ALL his b
    rothers and sisters in
    heaven. And this "responsibility of trust…."? Cas has been lying and
    manipulating both Sam and Dean since he first met them. Occasionally he helps
    them out but that doesn't make up for all the damage he has done.

    This episode was so that we would all
    empathize with Castiel's situation. Poor Castiel. The show just showed us he's
    billions of years old, but he's still a "child" (Dean's word). I'd
    describe him as an intellectually challenged "child" (and that's
    being nice).

  37. Look I know what you mean but I just dont think its a big deal, the point was to show that the boys wanted to "block" cas from them, it was emotional imo good writing. And yeah 1 2 sigils, i dont rememeber the damn episode but we see there is like 25 sigils on this house(?) to stop the angels from coming in, thats a lot (it wa more then this any way) just saying it aint that weird and aint that big of deal. If a baddy (rapheal) would have gotten to them cause of a mistake like this then yeah it would have been bad imo cause like waht the fuck ahah, but like i said the purpuse of that scene was to show that the boys really didnt trust cas anymore, it didnt hurt the story.

    you know think what you want, i dont agree

  38. HAHAH it was my guess to but then i read the other comments he/she posted and i know its not true hahaha

  39. well yeah he is a child, he has like 3 years of "humain" life. before he just did as he was told and now he has all that power and he thinks for himself for the first time in... ages

    It's not like he lived for centuries with human emotions, now that would be stupid to make him as a child. like he said, he was blinded by his pride, he thought he could do anything without consequences.

    I feel like you take everything on the first degree. You are aloud to not like an ep but your reasons dont make sense, its like you tuned in for this episode only (and i know thats not the case r u are doing an amazing job at feaken it)

  40. because a sam poor me edit would have made us through up. isnt all season 5 about this. we know how he feels and what he thought, we dont know anything about castiel thats what makes it interesting.

  41. Ah, Veritas figured it out in just a few minutes and she wasn't even an alpha. You can extrapolate that other monsters were also able to figure it out. It appears Crowley and Balthazar knew because they both made comments about Sam. But we'll excuse Cas cause he's special.

  42. Thanks for your permission to think what I want.

  43. Okay so rewatch You cant handle the truth and come back to me, cause you are wrong. She figured out something was wrong after he lied to her face (very badly so) and she didnt figure out he had no soul right away "what are you blablabla you are not human" (he is/was ? any way)

    Crowley - I dont think he figured it out, I think he knew cause he is king of hell so he knows sam's soul is still in hell imo.

    Balthy I dont remember the comments BUT he works for cas maybe he was in, i'ld have to watch again cause i really didnt see what you mean.

  44. You are welcome. And it wasnt a permission but often people get pissed and just say "i cant think what ever i want" so yeah you can. btw I like talking about the show even when I'm in BIG desagrement with an other fan (I'll assume your a fan) so yeah im just enjoying explaining myself right now dont think im attacking you. Rare are the people that say it when they dont like an episode and i HATE THAT so *bows down* thanks lol, in a weird way. okay im tired i may say a little but a crap right now sorry. You just sounds pissed and i dont want that

  45. "Since he first them"? You're joking right? Maybe since the beginning of season 6, but not since he met them. And to be fair, Sam lied to Dean for a long time; Dean lied to Sam for a little bit, as well. By your standard (more like surface judgments), they did a LOT of damage.

    And I'm sorry if someone has a frakking war to fight! You try fighting off a lot of frakking angels and juggling your human relations! And after you, maybe, if we're nice, we can do an episode about you.

    Of course he's a child! He's just learned about human emotions. Sigh. *takes a deep breath and forgets this convo ever existed*

    Good night and have a good day!

  46. Why do you guys think that I don't watch the show just because I don't agree with your assessment of Cas and his story?

  47. YES!

    I remember that episode clearly. I mean, there are so many things that many skilled hunters don't know, as those things are ANCIENT. How could hunters know about such sigils when Angels were deemed nonexistent for a LONG time?

  48. I loved your last paragraph LOL 'cause it's extremely true.

  49. How many years did Balthazar have? Or every other angel out there that is able to function perfectly fine. Only Cas is slow.

  50. YES...Normally, I let people opine on any subject matter, but not when people look at the surface value of such a complex character and his complex bonds and make FARFETCHED judgments off of those. You're almost on the fringe of being a troll.

  51. ahaha that's not what I meant, but yeah came out wrong. it's just I know some people have like nothing better to do then drop here and say "IT WAS AWFUL" and then thats it and they never comment on any thing else, so when I just finish an episode and i thought it was amazing and I see this I think its an idiot that have nothing better to do. cause hey, I've hted episode before but I dont just say this and walk away. ANY WAY point is that was my first thought but then you did comment so sorry. It's just.. bizar to me that we watch the same thing and both loves the show and we can still not like an episode the same way. I understand not exactly the same but aweful and awesome. wow this is getting long, am I looking like less of a critical bitch or not sorry ahah.

  52. You know, you keep making personal attacks against me, what I think and how I interpret the show. I can say the same about you but I haven't made it personal. Take off your Cas-colored glasses and try to see another's point of view without trying to minimize them. If you can't do that then don't respond to me.

  53. exactly. = not sloppy writing.

    DONT INSULT MY BEN ahahah (kidding)

    EVERY THING I SAY SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH A LITTLE BIT OF SARCAMS PEOPLE! dont you know me by now tsktsktsk i guess I dont hang around here enough :P

  54. feak it till you make it

    sorry LOL meant to say that for like two days, her its out. gosh... okay im so going to bed

  55. hahaha aw poor cas. I think some angels are "stationed?" close to humans. Like Anna said she had to watch them and not do anything, so she knew about the humans feelings and all and thats why she decided to fall, but cas's mission wasnt on earth. I think the more "higher" up you are in angel land the more you know about humanity like gabriel, rapheal, luci, mickel. but cas is just a normal angel, we didnt see much of them.

    I agree with you on balthy though, that was weird to me since we met him. he just look like he doesnt care. Cas is "a good little souldier" fallows order no question ask. any way agree.

  56. Honestly, screw that troll. It's about having the right facts and THEN having an opinion on them.

  57. I make personal attacks agaisnt you? I'm just talking about the show, it intrigues (?) me when other poeple dont like what i like and I wanna know more. I only said I felt like you took stuff on the first degree, its not a statement, I'm just saying what your comments make me think off. You are being offensive now. And I'm trying to see your way but when you say something that I think is wrong I explain myself. I dont just say "your wrong" that would be minimizing your point of view. Right now I'm trying to see it your way and I cant cause all you do is bashing Castiel though i do think you made some valid points i dont agree wit every thing. I told you I wasnt fighting you, im just talking, if you feel like im offensive tell me cause im not.

    you know you read this and you can put the tone you want on it and yeah i may sound bitchy or angry or idontknow but im not. I'm a little pissed at this comment though "take off your cas-colored glasses"

  58. Okay dont bitch though, I hate when that happens to me.

    i still remember the "if you'r to stupid to understand dont read" comment to me and well lets not go there ahah (thanks to every one that defended btw <3_)

  59. Really? You "let" people? Just who appointed you master of all opinions on this board?
    I think you and your friend are engaging in troll-like behavior. You've both been attacking me. If my opinion of the show bothers you so much then don't respond to me. But stop calling me names. I didn't see any deep analysis coming from you. You have your reasons for believing as you do and I have mine. Apparently, resorting to name calling and marginalizing other posters is easier than discussing those opinions

  60. hey, dont put words in my mouth, I never said you were a troll so dont call me one please, and I apologize for "namedone" blame it on supernatural crazyness fans get defensive you know that.

  61. Yeah, just resort to name calling. All hunters do not know everything, but Sam, Dean and Bobby have been working intimately with angels for three years. Not all hunters can say that. They've see the sigils before. Dean has shown that he can see a sigil once and copy it correctly. Thems the facts!

  62. Ok, so that was the best episode since season 5!

  63. WOOHOO! and on that happy thought I'll go sleep.

    Beats weekend at bobby's? think about it LOL it means so much to me if you say yes, I'm very weird.. its sad actualy

  64. Sorry, I replied to the wrong person. Meant to reply to namedone

  65. I can't stop crying. This is ridiculous.

  66. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 06:00

    Perusing these comments...

    I think Supernatural fandom is widely perceived as being fanatic to the point of "calm-down!", and hostile towards criticism.

    But there is a LOT of pointless and angry argumentation going on.

    I like the show... Fueling a negative fire is never a good thing.

  67. Very much agreed. I'm in the fandom, but sometimes I get scared of it. >.<

  68. I'm not going there. It might be the more important of the two, but Bobby is my favorite character on the show and that episode was perfect for me.

  69. Sometimes!?
    I get worried about people often in the fandom of SPN....

  70. Tied with Weekend at Bobby's for best of the season in my opinion.

  71. Um, OK. I guess it wasn't all that action packed... And I could understand how some people might be indifferent to Cas' plight.

  72. I'm sorry but that's simply not true. Just because Dean forgives Sam, doesn't mean that everybody automatically forgives him, or perhaps you just don't read the rampant Sam-hate that is constantly posted day after day and about the same thing over and over and over again.

  73. Poor Sam...? There's hardly any "poor Sam or Sam poor me" at all in this. He has NEVER been that way. So now you're turning this around him and attacking him? No, we dont know how Sam feels, we don't know what he's thinking, and we still didn't last season either because we NEVER SEE ANYTHING THROUGH SAM'S EYES.

  74. You know, I just scroll down and when the convo's are getting so long that the writing is one word across ...... I try to avoid. :)

  75. hmm. I'm still thinking. My first thought when the ep ended was "crisis of conscience." Although I'm not sure that's the right phrase to apply to a situation where you know you've made the wrong decision and you're trying to convince you're self that (a) it's okay to do what you decided to do and (b) the fact that you're doing it doesn't mean you have to admit that it changes the type of person you've always believed yourself to be.

    One of the things that's keeping me from being able to say definitively how I feel about the episode is that....Castiel didn't decide by the end of the ep. I didn't feel like I got enough movement on the season arc to make it okay not to get an end for Cass. I think that's my problem. I needed an ending for Cass' journey in this ep. Dean accused Cass of being childish...and, as someone else said, he *is* a child. He hasn't been thinking for himself for very long. So, I was kind of hoping Dean would try to offer guidance rather than just telling Cass to do what I'm telling you to do. (course that would have been really out of character for Dean, but we can hope can't we. :-)

    I did give the ep an Awesome check cause, well, I like character pieces like this and I didn't move from my seat once.

    Lastly, not sure I'm gonna keep posting here - or even reading these pages. When I started posting it was a discussion group. Not everyone shared the same opinion but there weren't the kinds of personal attacks that have shown up in the last 2 or 3 months. It's sad.

  76. I kinda always thought Sam was right too..... I never really fully bought Dean's humanity argument; Sam is basically sacrificing himself for the greater good right? Then towards the end when it became clear that he was becoming super self-righteous and addicted to the power, to the feeling, Sam's started to lose that fight, but still.
    Dean even said it himself once, "Whoever thought that killing Lilith could be a bad thing?" (not a direct quote, mind you).
    But anyways, WRONG DISCUSSION HERE. But it's pertinent. Because Dean's side is essentiaally the same.
    But even though Ruby may have tricked me (I know HAHA everybody laugh), Crowley is one sneaky bast*rd FO SHO.

  77. I scroll down and see if the conversations are so long that the responses start to be only a word or two a line...that's my "caution, do not enter" tape.

  78. geordiegirl19677 May 2011 at 07:28

    It was OK, great even I guess, and in keeping with the high standard the season has been setting of late. I can't get that passionate about an ep with so little Dean and Sam in it though. I like Cas fine, but he is best used in small doses.
    Plus, I know it is my fault for being spoiled, but there were no real surprises in it for me.

  79. geordiegirl19677 May 2011 at 07:33

    They have all worked for / done deals with demons before. Which is why I was expecting Cas to have done something much worse than just that to justify the outrage from the boys, and the estrangement that appears to be coming. I really thought we'd find out that Cas played a role in Sam coming back soulless - because Dean would never forgive that. Well he did bring soulless Sam back, but it was implied he didn't do this on purpose. I did wonder why Cas didn't outright deny leaving the soul behind on purpose when Sam asked him directly though. Hmm.

  80. Hi *blows a kiss*

    I hope you change your mind about not wanting to post....I love your insight and your little box is your little box


  81. Hmmm, Lot's of opinions here! Well I too, think it was the most satisfactory emotional episode yet. I loved every minute of it. Nicely done in a "Frighteningly humorous" way! Hail Ben Edlund!

    I bow to thy greatness _0--_

    Though I was worried on the whole "we get to see Heaven..." n all but it was perceived in nice SPNic way! Actual reason for the struggle for soul was revealed and I jumped with as much happiness for the validity of my theory that I was concocting since past months, as it was true in canon. I guess it was nice preparation for the coming finale.

    And on the note of various colors of voices here, guys why go defensive/offensive for personal favorite characters? I mean it's not crime to like some character better than others... and to deny any character means we are not accepting that our favorites can be on someone else's hitlist! But hey, that's my opinion too. ;)

    BTW don't drag me to hell (no pun intended). I love all characters... especially the guests who are killed in not 2-3 episodes but rather 5 mins... coz hey, the less I would know... less I would find the reason to hate (as if SPN has any! :P)

    And with one week to rip off our hairs, waiting eagerly for finale. Now I really want to see the fall of the wall!

    Let the Angst
    Begin. :D

  82. lostrocks4ever7 May 2011 at 09:16


    i was not expecting that to be sooo emotional (i don't like reading any spoilers so i had no idea what was gonna happen)

    i can't stop crying

    i don't know what to think about cas and what he's been doing

    i love him and always will in this show but i'm with dean on this one that everything he's been doing is wrong

    btw, loved how dean called cas his brother

    all the crowley and cas scenes were great though, those 2 are awesome

    the new hell was interesting, great idea, crowley is awesome

    it was so interesting to see things from cas's perspective but i loved every single minute of it

    can't believe its a 2 week wait now for the last 2 episodes :'(

  83. It's hard loving an episode and wishing that it had never aired at the same time..It's been a while since that happened!

    Putting aside the fact that my stomach was in knots after it ended,I think it was my favorite episode of the season(and we're taking about a season that gave us Weekend At Bobby's,Appointment In Samarra,The French Mistake,Frontierland and some others..)!

    Maybe because this one was brilliant and helped moved the plot big time(something that,from the episodes I mentioned,only AIS did)..

    All actors did an amazing job and so did Ben Edlund!Since we're calling Kripke God,I think Edlund should be referred to as Jesus..It's only fair! ; )

    As far as the plot goes,it was about time to have all these questions answered!

    We finally know that Cas was the one to raise Sam from Hell..Which begs the question.How strong is he to be able to enter Lucifer's cage?

    Despite everything,the way I understood it is that he truly didn't mean to bring back Sam soulless..

    I didn't know who to feel sorry for the most..Cas,Dean,Sam??It was hard because he truly does everything to protect the guys!And I wish he had said to Dean,that he wanted to ask for help,he simply didn't,cause he wanted
    a better life for him!

    We've been waiting to hear Dean say that Cas IS family for so long..And they all said something!

    "He's my friend too and I'd die for him."

    "Next to Sam,you and Bobby are the closest thing I have to a family.You're like a brother to me."

    And suddenly,it's all gone!

    "I'll have to do what I have to do,to stop you!"

    I agree completely with Dean,that Cas is a CHILD!You're asking him not to do something and the first thing he says is:Or what?

    For the love of God,you 5-year-old angel!

    The scenes between Cas and Crowley were pure brilliance!And Crowley gave us my personal favorite line of the episode:"You know the difference between you and me?I know what I am!What are you, Castiel?What exactly are you willing to do?"

    And that's the million dollar question!I think he's willing to do a lot of things!Except hurting the boys..Because he's family and that will be what changes things!

    Something that I wanted to say for a while.Am I the only one who get's pissed of when suddenly everyone start calling him "Cas"..?!?

    May 20 seems so far away! : (

  84. Heartbreaking episode

    Castiel is such a wonderfull character to explore. I love watching him struggle with free will and duty and doubts and emotions ...

    lol! to demon bobby and Crowley version of hell

    thumb up! for Dean finally telling Cas he's family.

  85. So I really loved this episode. I loved getting to see Cas's side of whats going on and why he's doing what he's doing. And it really makes me excited for the last two episodes and I'm hoping everything will work out for everyone... But then this is Supernatural so that's probably not likely to happen... =(

    Oh and did anyone else find Crowley's new adjustments in Hell to be Awesomely Hilarious! I thought it was great and had me laughing in an episode that mostly wanted to break my heart.

  86. I came in late but I loved it. Poor Cas, it hurt to see him so tortured inside and when he put his face in his hands I just wanted to hug him and tell it'll be okay. I guess Dean won't be quite as forgiving...oh boy. :(

  87. Simply awesome! Mark Sheppard and Misha Collins were both absolutely brilliant in this episode. I bow down before Ben Edlund's genius! :D

  88. You are Veritas didn't know Sam didn't have a soul. All she said was you aren't human and she freaked out. She never said he was soulless. We didn't know Alpha vamp knew he was soulless until after Cas found out by exploring Sam.

  89. cas is awsome dnt go puting hare messages every where keep it to yaself!!!!!

  90. I think this was one of those episodes one could call a watershed. I gained more respect for Castiel because of his sacrifices - they might not be exactly a good choice in the scheme of demons etc.., but he has tried at every stage to keep the boys safe, lest we forget he has now saved both Sam and Dean from hell.- even if the former was slightly soulless, it wasn't by design.

  91. Actually I don't read the Sam hate, or any hate. When I start to see that, I just leave it and ignore it. It is that person's problem. Love Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby and everyone on the show.

  92. I thought that Cas did know that Sam came back soulless, or at least came back really wrong, and what he was referring to when he said "I should have known then" was that he should have known he was making decisions based on pride and was on the wrong path.

  93. Worst episode ever of this season for me what a waste of an episode, it beats Route 666 seriously i'd rather watch that again than this piece of crap, awful doesnt even begin to describe it.

  94. I just rewatched this episode. I thought it was perfect - the way it was told, filmed, the one-liners. It was great seeing more of Heaven, where Cas goes when he goes to Heaven, the confused look on Rachel and the other angels' faces when told they have have choices. Raphael was a dick. "It's God's will because it's what I want." This cleared up any confusion about that. This is my new favorite of the season.

    Now what's bugging me ... I get that Cas has been gradually sliding into a dark place - deception, lying. He's lying because he knows deep down what he's doing is wrong, and he's losing his sense of who he is. But he's also doing this all with good intentions. In season 5, the Winchesters, Bobby and Cas were committed to stopping the Apocalypse at all costs. How could Sam, Dean and Bobby have forgotten that this was important so soon? I'm not just talking about this one episode, but all season long there have been comments like "I don't give a rats ass about your war in Heaven." Cas told them that Raphael wanted to restart the Apocalypse, so why do they not care about the end of the world anymore?

    Then there's the whole hypocrisy around shutting Cas out as soon as they learned that he was working with Crowley. I get that a big part of this is the lying and the fear that Cas has turned darkside, and I know Dean has acknowledged that working with demons is always their downfall, but outside of Sam regretting working with Ruby, are they really sorry that they've made the choices that they have? Does anyone here think that Dean really regrets making a deal with a demon to save Sam in All Hell Breaks Loose? Dean refused to apologize for it in season 3, and we've seen time and again that he'll go to any lengths to save Sam. In season 5, Dean argued for working with Crowley to take down Lucifer. And again in season 6, Dean and Sam started working with Crowley to get Sam's soul back. And in this case, Dean and Sam didn't even know what evil Crowley planned to do with Purgatory if he found it. At least Cas knew what the big picture was, and he was still fighting to stop the Apocalypse, even if part of his motivation was personal. Bobby sold his soul to Crowley to help the cause of stopping the Apocalypse, and he never expressed any sentiment that what he did was morally wrong.

    Finally, Dean has called Cas a child or baby in the last couple of episodes, and the way he was talking to Cas at the end was like a parent to a child. Do what I say because I said so. It's the same way he talked to Sam in earlier seasons. I liked the loyalty and conflict that Dean showed earlier in the episode, but he lost me when he launched into the self-righteous spiel at the end. Cas, like Sam in season 4, and all of the other characters, need to make their own decisions and find their own path. They may make mistakes, but they can't see into the future, and there's not a clear right answer. I'm having a problem with the theme in this show that Sam's and Cas's actions were wrong because they were fueled by pride. Pride isn't all bad, the meek do NOT inherit the earth, and God helps those who help themselves. So yeah, I'm going to Hell.

  95. What the hell? I stopped watching about 4 episodes again and finally caught up all the way until last ep. It was getting good, and exciting. And then this!!! I'm considering not watching anymore, too unbearable.

  96. I hope you keep posting too. I'm not sure I agree that the tone of this board has changed that much. I started posting here last fall, and I remember some really heated and nasty threads about the direction of the show and soulless Sam, but then it quieted down some. My feeling is that it's close to the finale and people get very nervous and tense around these times, partly because it's time to start measuring what we seen against our expectations, and partly because we know the show will start getting very dark soon. The conversation gets more fun and friendly during the breaks and when the show is just starting up again. But it's good to remind people (myself included) that what feels like justified criticism can sometimes make other people feel uncomfortable.

  97. For the people who hated this episode, I have a question for you. Is this because you just don't like Cas, because you're more interested in seeing another character's story, or did you find there was a problem in the way this episode was put together?

  98. I think that the point was they stopped worrying about the Apocalypse, because it never happened. They stopped it and so they don't think they need to worry about it. I to have a problem with them not letting Cas truly explain that if he doesn't win, then they go back to what was before. Raphael wants the apocalypse and he wants Sam and Dean to fight it. They got stuck on him working with Crowley, behind their backs. I think they felt he never trusted him.

  99. But Cas told them in The Third Man that Raphael's goal was to restart the Apocalypse, so they've known that was what was at stake all season.

  100. I agree with the majority of the things you just said!

    My only comment is about the whole Dean-calling-Cas-a-child thing!On one hand,it's true the approach he took was completely wrong!Do something because I'm telling you to is guaranteed to not end well.

    But on the other hand,I think that Cas handled it just as poorly and to be honest,he kind of reminded me of a child..You tell him to do something and his first response is:Or what?

    They were both emotional from the earlier confrontation and they tried to prove their points without having any arguments to make!

    Do as I say because I know better vs If I don't do as
    you say,you're not strong enough to stop me!Immaturity all over the place!
    : )

  101. I don't read the Sam-hate 'cause I think it's pointless to do so. It's the same as reading all the Dean-hate, the Bobby-hate, the Cas-hate (clearly evident in some of these comments), etc.

    The whole point of the show is to feel uncomfortable for a while (for the mistakes they make) and to forgive these characters as they LEARN from their mistakes (which is what Sam did).

  102. I don't even know what to say about your comment. We have seen PLENTY of things through Sam's eyes. Granted, most of the show is through Dean's POV, but it doesn't mean we don't get Sam's perspective AT ALL.

    I don't know why people are having problems with this episode. We see one episode from Cas' perspective and it's like the end of the world. There have been seasons worth of Sam's perspective, and just 'cause they weren't LITERALLY from his POV doesn't mean he's never had a focus on him.

  103. YES! All of this.

    It's not fair for Dean to pass on judgments––just 'cause Cas is "part of the family"––when he did the same things, if not worse. I was actually disappointed when the writers did this (this and when all of them shut out Cas like that). It's basically showing that the boys and Bobby learned nothing about letting people find their own paths––paths which contain mistakes along the way!

  104. The funny thing is, I'm the type of person that doesn't really like it when the focus is put on other characters other than the Winchester boys, but it doesn't mean I can negate the effect the other characters have on the Winchesters' existence.

    This episode was beyond amazing. It linked all that they've playing along this season into one big, finished puzzle. I'm so glad they did this episode.

  105. Okay, let's say, just to humor you, that they know ALL the sigils. Think about the context in which they were placing the sigils––they were frantically chasing off Crowley and his army, while being emotionally affected by Cas' actions.

    And let's go back to an older episode, shall we? Remember the time when Dean was stuck in an underground tomb with a demon and couldn't recite the incantation to exorcise her? Is that considered sloppy? Is he a bad hunter 'cause of that?

  106. Can we say better than awesome?! Everyone was so right about last night's episode-it was EPIC! Too bad we have to wait 2 long weeks to see the guys again, but I will take 2 hours of Supernatural any night! There were so many great moments in the show from last night, that there is not enough room to mention them all! I figured, though, that Cas did indeed get Sam out of the cage, but it was too late when he realized that he had not gotten all of Sam out of that horrible place. The episodes in 2 weeks are going to be more than awesome-I just know it!

  107. Personally, I feel kinda the same. This is Cas, the character who wouldn't have ever worked with demons in season 4 or 5; who would get onto others for saying blasphemous things. This episode was dripping with blasphemy, all coming from Cas. I just don't agree with that.

    Hopefully next season they drop the angel arch and talk about something else. The whole thing is getting old.

  108. I like Cas well enough. I thought the episode is just okay. The reason that I'm not too crazy about the episode is more of the feeling of "been there, done that". Sam went through the same path (i.e. good intentions / pride... path to hell) and I was more invested with Sam given that I actually saw Sam's suffering without Dean and his see-saw when making decision. Cas, on the other hand, seems to have made his decision rather abruptly. There is not enough screen time to make me sympathize deeply with him.

  109. And Dean only forgave him in Season 5 at the end of Point of No Return. It took forever, so it is kind of tough to say that Sam will ALWAYS be forgiven by Dean.

  110. We finally got an episode where we can see all the changes Cas has gone through since first meeting the boys. However it could've been for a happier reason than "Angel going dark". To all of us Dean/Castiel fans, it kinda felt like a break up with him and Dean :(

  111. It felt like Dean broke up with him D: I wanted to cry a little

  112. Wow, a total of about maybe 4 episodes in Sam's PoV compared to 124 episodes total. Yeah...

  113. That's right. It is. It took Dean 18 episodes to forgive Sam. If he just up and forgave Cas now, I'd be crushed honestly.

  114. LOVED!!! Misha was great, amazing.

  115. I know, but I think it pushed back in their minds, because Crowley and then Eve became the focus.

  116. I don't think Cas has gone dark, I just think he made a bad choice. He hasn't done anything truly evil. Yeah he lied, but then everyone on that show has lied a few times. However he like the others has chosen the wrong person to work with. Like the others he has let his pride get in the way.

  117. Amen! Unforgiven, Sam's only truly Sam centric episode this season (so far -- I still have hopes for 6x22), did show us scenes of soul-less Sam and a bit of Sam's angst over what he had done... but for Sam we have never gotten something like....

    "Let me tell you my story... Let me tell you everything."

    This episode was so, so much better than The Rapture. But, I gotta admit that I am jealous as heck about how much insight we got into Castiel. I would love something like that about Sam...

    Too bad it would make some people "throw up"...

  118. Same here... but I don't expect it to carry on into next season. I expect at the end of this season or the beginning of next Castiel will finally get his "sign" and turn against Crowley. Then Castiel will be one of "the boys" again. But, we'll see...

  119. Slightly soulless? Seriously? Dean was going to kill Sam "in his sleep".. Dean called Sam a replicant and T1000. Did Cas confess that he pulled out Sam unintentionally soulless to Dean in Caged Heat? No. Cas just kept putting barriers in Dean's way in Dean's intent to retrieve Sam's soul. Dean literally had to DIE to talk to Death and had to make a wager to get Sam's soul back. Cas had other opportunities to tell the boys after Sam was "re-souled" he was sorry that he failed to get all of Sam out. Only when the boys and Bobby had Cas trapped in Holy Fire did Cas attempt to defuse their anger with this statement and I didn't hear him apologize to Sam or Dean. An apology could have gone some distance with Dean forgiving Cas for working with Crowley. We all makes mistakes and I would be inclined myself to forgive Cas for working with Crowley if he admitted that he f'ed up trying to grant Dean's wish to have his brother out of the "hole."

  120. Sam's always whining, that's his poor me moments. That's why I think we dont need one, granted Cas has had a lot of whiny moments to this season but he was lying so we needed this ep to know what the heck was going on.

    we know he meant well, we know his judgement was clouded (?) by the demon blood, its nothing new. And I think it's more orignal to do this ep with cas cause he isnt one of the two bros, it feels like weekend at bobby's it was deferent. imo.

    I'm not attacking Sam dont worry I've never liked him more then in season 6 if you read my comment that way well sorry, you just dont read it the way i wrote it, if that makes any sense

  121. Yeah but he even if he did know he didnt "mean" to bring him back that way. thats how I got it, he liked to suspucious when sam turn away

  122. Sorry :( wasnt supose to go like this

  123. yeah great acting all over in this one (not that they arnt always but you know :P)

  124. Sam's always whining? He may have been whiny in Seasons 1& 2, but I haven't heard him whine since Season 2. In fact, he had every right to be whiny in the early seasons considering his girlfriend was killed, he lost his father and learned that he might have this big dark destiny, well wouldn't you whine too?

    He didn't whine and have poor me moments in Seasons 3, 4, 5, and certainly not this season either. In fact, I haven't heard him whine once in the last four seasons. So what the hell do you mean you're not attacking Sam when you just sat there and said "Sam's always whining."

    You name me one "boohoo woe is me poor little me" episode in these past four seasons and quote them so I can go and watch this "supposed" whining for myself, and maybe I'll change my tune. Until then, I fail to see how Sam is always whining.

  125. :P LOL okay sorry for that throwing up comment it was meant as a joke.

    We never got a "let me tell you my story" dean ether though.

    I think I dont understand this POV business cause I dont see how the show is dean's POV more then sam and mostly everybody agrees, I see it in writing (fanfic) but in the tvshow i dont get it :( I feel really dumb like this is not me saying you are wrong, i really dont think i see it. This one was obviously cas pov that i got though :S

  126. HAHA LOL! I know! and he had tears in his eyes all the time love it

  127. yeah hope that this finale is the end of the angel drama, i mean i like cas and all but they are just to powerful imo. I like them on occasion, like balthy is seen just enough, 5-6 times in the whole season :P

  128. oh he was whinny in season 5 too, cmon. Dean is too though (bad dean bad) and of course I would whine im a whiner but I just mean that this is a poor me moment. I dont say this in a bad way, it doesnt really bother me. "This is my falt blablabla" and yeah he didnt whini in part of s6 casue he was souless samy.

    Well watch season 5 when dean and sam do there seperate ways he whines about it being his falt or what ever.

    any way this is about us not knowing Sam's mind, i dont care if he whines or not lets say your right i dont wanna fight about this. I dont understand how you can say that you dont know whats going on in his head. We've been follwing those two for 6 years, we saw everything, when they lie the viewers know. my point was only tat we didnt cas and thats why this ep was needed and the same kinda ep for sam would have been weird to me cause we know, we know he meant well, he liked the power and all. Cas i dunno, we dont know much about him he is an angel alright and he likes dean (sorry ahaa had too)

  129. To everyone who is anoyed by my "spaming" just know that I'm sorry and I keep saying to myself to shut u but i cant not answer, I,m posessed. sorry

  130. next is the finale, you really gonna stop watching? :(

  131. Best part of your whole rant?
    'Dean-ial' :D

  132. You might like to visit our place:

  133. Hi Buddy <33

    "Dean-ial" :D

    Aww.thank you...I'm totally on fire this week...i mean...c'mon....'Dean-ial'...who thinks of that?'s's your autograph PMSL :D

  134. If you have so many problems with the way the show portrays Sam, then why do you watch it? I don't get it. I mean, clearly it affects how you see other characters and their portrayal in the show. :S

  135. lol thanks, I mean well I swear hahaha.

  136. I'm thinking Dean will end up forgiving Cas...after Cas dies in the midst of a battle in the finale...

  137. The Reasons I loved this episode:
    1) Cas reflecting on how his actions reflect on the people around him.
    2) Sam and Bobby remaining as cavalier as possible in the face of Delusional Dean.
    3) Dean's realization that Cas had been spying on them.
    4) Crowley. Just in general...
    5) That...special man's own special heaven...
    6) "Nobody likes waiting in line."


  139. Excuse me??? So, because I would like more for Sam? More point of view for Sam this affects how I see other characters exactly HOW? I have not said one bad word against any character here. All I have said is that Sam deserves some story to be seen through his eyes as well, and I am not the only person who feels this way. So where the hell you got how I see characters and their portrayal in this show differently is beyond me and accusing me of such is offensive, or perhaps you just like those rose-tinted glasses you're wearing.

  140. We don't need a "let me tell you my story" from Dean because we see the whole bloody story through Dean's eyes, from Dean's PoV.

  141. He wasn't whining about it being his fault. He was telling Bobby and was trying to apologize to him for it. That was him being a man standing up and telling Bobby that it was his fault the apocalypse started. That was hardly whining.

  142. Look, like I said I know people say its from dewan POV but I dont see it. i dont get it. i dont. I suck iknow i'ld have to rewatch the show and LOOK for it to maybe realize its true. (wich i will this summer cause im tired of feeling stupid about this pov thing)

  143. Maybe you should read the way you wrote your other comments before. Because you sure as hell don't seem happy about this episode BECAUSE it's in another character's POV.

    Once again, just 'cause we don't see ONE whole episode from Sam's POV (except for Unforgiven), doesn't mean we don't see his POV spread throughout a given season (or seasons). There is plenty of Sam and his POV in almost all of the seasons. Seasons 1 and 2 = all about Sam and his need to know more about his power (with many episodes that focused ONLY on him and how he felt). Season 3 = his need to save his brother. Season 4 = demon!Sam and how much like shit he felt when he used the demon blood. Season 5 = Sam's struggle in accepting the damn devil.

    I don't know why people have a problem with this specific episode. Is it cause of the narration? I think it was a great way to see how the "angel on the shoulder" felt––FOR ONCE. We always see Dean and Sam's struggle (we even got to see Bobby's struggle––which was another great episode), but we never see what Cas has to deal with on a regular basis.

    I'm sorry for seeming like an ass, but I just don't get this POV banter. I know that the show MOSTLY focuses on Dean's struggle and his emotions––I have accepted that fact (and to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way), but it doesn't mean that we don't see how Sam feels/felt. If I were to categorize them in relation to percents, then yes, I would say that Dean occupies 60––if not 70%––percent of the pie chart, in regards to POVs. But, it doesn't meant that Sam is nonexistent or an entity whose sole function is to exist 'cause of Dean. He still occupies the remaining pie.

    I don't know. I don't wanna argue with you anymore. I should be happy that there are a LOT of passionate Supernatural fans. So, I am gonna apologize if I came as a very strong person.

  144. charlenelovesmojo19918 May 2011 at 14:15

    just 7/10 for me it's like it is building and going somewhere but i liked this i did just feel it was unfinished .

  145. A different kind of Supernatural episode but I loved it! It was great to see more of Misha and Mark Sheppard.

  146. and there it is, the utmost false, opposite, undeniably incorrect accusation of the ingenious episode 6.20. Go fuck yourself 3 times with a hand full of barbed wire, knifes, and fire sir, good day.

  147. Finally I got to watch the episode! and I'm speechless...

    Just WOW. What an amazing, breathtaking, outstanding episode. Definitely makes it to the top 3 of the season on my list.

    Well, what can I say, the Dean/Castiel dynamic made the episode for me. That angel-human friendship of theirs is so freaking epic. I mean, really, Dean killed me in this episode. So heartbreaking.

    And the episode had that season 5 feeling about it. I'm not crazy about season 5, but after all the weirdness of this season, going back to it was actually strangely refreshing.

    Well, I just loved it. As simple as it is. I wish the whole season could've been as good as the last 6 episodes. They're really rocking the ending right now!


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.