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POLL : What did you think of Smallville Series Finale

14 May 2011

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  1. Apart from the fact that they rushed the moving planet part at the end and not enough time with Clark in the suit it was epic. Perfect finale for a 10 years long show.

  2. Thanks for commenting, and sorry for the delay in posting the poll

  3. i couldnt agreee more with this. sorta anti climatic was that at the end. didnt like that bit of it. but the rest of it was epic!! 

  4. I'm sorry but I can't let people said it's was awesome ending. Honestly the first half was so slow and awful writing. After that the return of lionel and Lex was OK.But the final why for one time we can't see clarck in the suite why?  For me it's will be more more good. THe only good stuff was Lex and I recognize the FINAL was like all the last 3 season on the quality! The ending was OK but not awesome! 

  5. I caught the last part only. I was just relieved that he finally became Superman, in the finest comic book tradition. Will catch it again on Sunday.

  6. I LOVED the whole thing, only wish I had was if he had been in a suit a bit longer..perhaps the last half an hour the show was airing (including commercials).
    But anyways it was the perfect way to end the series.
    I'm already missing it.  

  7. I thought the episode was good but I was ticked off that we didn't see his whole suit.  I thought they should have shown him with the suit earlier then they did. 

  8. William Robertson14 May 2011 at 07:52

     I actually stood and cheered.  The classic Superman theme still gives me goosebumps

  9. Did I watch the same SmallvilleFinale?  It was awful!  1st hour rehashing old issues of  whether Lois will hinder Clark as a superhero.  Didn't they spend a whole season dealing with that?  How many times have they dealt with the issues of Clark's path, his father and Jorel?  Why wait another 7 years to get married?  Why set Lex up as the ultimate adversary, as prophesied, then wipe his mind?  The dark side didn't seem that hard to beat.  There was no big battle and stopping the Apocalypse seemed easy and trite.  The last episode should have been awesome and new, instead it repeated events and issues from earlier in the season.  Very sad to see a show I loved crash and burn, not go out with a bang!

  10.  Felt like the Season 8 finale, incredible lead up and terrible execution at the end. I felt sad that it was predictable the way they were gonna make Tom "wear" the suit. At least one clear shot would had been enough to show respect to the fans.

  11. I think it comes down to Tom Welling NEVER wanting to wear the suit. 

  12.  It had its flaws, but I'll be damned if it was anything less than EPIC. I finished watching half and hour ago, and I'm still shaking.

  13.  Maybe it was in the begining little slow, but then it was awesome. And I am really sorry for Tess, she was my favorite character.

  14. Voted Great because it was.  But the things that kept it from being Awesome are:

    Wiping Lex's mind
    Poor fight with Darkseid
    Way too easy to take out Oliver's omega symbol, the three prophets, and the Apokolips planet thing
    And way too much time spent on the Lois cold-feet issue

    Aside from that, I liked the rest.

  15.  btw the "wiping lex mind" was a wink to Superman 2 with Lois' mind erase, where both end up being useless :P

  16. It kinda reminded me of the movie Titantic.  The first half was so slow and it's like ... hit the ice berg already.  It wasn't awesome but I think it did the job.  There is a high expectation for a series to deliver the perfect ending to a 10 year run and more so because this is a show with a past that had decades of cannon in comics, movies and other tv series both animated and real life action. I just wished that the first half of character what-nots was diminished to maybe a 20-25 love fest.  Sometimes shows think  that they need to get on this character development train and forget that they need action, plot and keep the viewer wanting to know what comes next.  There is no need to sacrifice action for interaction among the characters or revelations to be made about their souls, relationships and other "deep things".  In fact really good writing and pacing interweaves them so that you are not playing angry birds during the first 40 minutes.  I did like the end, did seem a bit rushed, but it was cool to see "The Blur" rush out Christopher Reeve style at the end.  I think Smallville did a pretty tidy and graceful exit.  And the Chloe bookends I liked too.

  17.  Well, this show was always about the origins and I remember the creators wanting to stay away from that so the fact that they only gave a glimpse was cool.  The rest is for another show.

  18. I loved it... But I agree Darkseid was taken out WAY too easily... The rest I could get on board with! ... and I specially loved the final few minues XD

  19. Im fairly sure we have seen clark sitting on a sofa before... 

  20.  I liked it and I haven't really watched the show since Lex left.  My problem was all the damn commercials.  Every five minutes we  had commercials, it was freaking annoying.

  21.  I agree with pretty much everything here. It was great but we could of had longer in the suit (or even just a few seconds of actually seeing him fully in the damn thing...)

    And darkseid and the apostles were defeated to easily. (Well the apostles were) I think the thing with the quick darkseid defeat was to show that he was beaten when Clark believed in himself and Darkseid couldnt corrupt him. (Hence the flying)

  22.  Was good, just wish they had spent more time in the suit, flying etc. Just seemed really rushed. I predicted the ending a few yrs ago, obvious he would have the suit, but i did say Lex would come back somehow and end up losing his memories of Clark. They finally done all that and now everyone wants to see more of Tom in the suit. Bring on comic con, isnt there a few rumours of possible new series, if it be of Connor Kent so doing a Superboy series, or even a Superman series. If they did, Michael R would be stupid not to do Lex, we know the bald cap works so no need to shave and his not exactly getting any other good projects.

  23.  Green arrow spin off please?

  24.  LOL I dont think he would mind... he's an actor its his job.

  25.  OH GOSH I would watch in a heart beat!

  26. or maybe a supergirl spinoff since V got cancelled 

  27. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle14 May 2011 at 15:41

    There were no complaints at all! It was brilliant and awsome and i totally did not see arron ashmore guesting starring lol. 

  28. Best series finale EVER!!!

  29. Best series finale EVER!!!

  30. I'm glad it wasn't too sad, but I don't think it was very memorable either.  Smallville's already been removed from the CW dropdown menu? Funny.  You guys don't waste much time.

  31. Crap Crap Crap Crap the battle between Clark and Darkseid didn't even exist what Darkseid takes control of Lionel's body then he grabs Clark he throws him then Clark flies then he goes through Lionel and Darkseid's gone then he pushes the planet away and all the humans watch and somehow the darkness goes away from them.
    Oliver destroys Darkseid's prophets like they were nothing.
    A small talk with Clark and Oliver's mark just goes away.
    The Clark and Lois moment's were horrible i've skipped over those parts because they were extremely boring incredibly bad writing.
    The Lex moments were mediocre to say the least.The way that Clark puts the suit on is pathetic it was given by Jonathan's ghost which is ok a lil emotional but doesn't make sense and there's not really a moment were we can see Clark putting the suit on(wasn't that really the purpose of the entire show him putting on the suit).The hole season 10 was a waste of time,the only goodish episode was Luther because of Lionel the rest are not even watchable,only 2-3 moments from season 10 were good.After Lana and Lex left the show wasn't smallville anymore it was crapville.

  32. Okay first off I loved it, great ending to a show I've followed for almost half my life, but just a few annoyances...

    - Tess's death seemed unnecessary, seemed like it was only to wipe Lex's memory which surely she didn't have to die to do, and the memory wipe, while somewhat necessary, the way it went down seemed extremely cheap and way too convenient to me.

    - I get that Superman is really strong, but strong enough to push away an entire planet? One can only suspend their disbelief so much...

    - Darkseid and his 3 minions seemed way too easy to kill in the end. Essentially 3 arrows and a double superpunch made light work of who were built up to be the season's main threat.

    But things I absolutely loved:

    - Rosenbaum's return, obviously, and also John Glover gave a fantastically creepy performance both before and after being possessed.

    - Nice catch with the gold K, Chloe. I was screaming at you to do something and you did, well done.

    - The beautiful and tasteful use of one of my favourite Sara Bareilles songs TWICE, and I'll admit the 2nd time brought tears.

    - Aaron Ashmore! Okay I'm willing to suspend my disbelief and let the real Jimmy be identical to his older brother just because I always loved Aaron in the show.

  33.  I'm just going to focus on one point. How can you skip scenes and then call them badly written and boring?

  34. Exceedingly disappointing.  Darksied was such a let down, and far to easily defeated.  About 1hr 20mins of absolute drivel with about 20 minutes of decent scenes that even resembled the show I fell in love with.  Every cop out possible used.  If it hadn't been for  Lionel being perfectly creepy with Tess and Lex being Lex this would have been a total waste of 2 hours of my time. 

  35. Nicole W Sargent14 May 2011 at 18:07

    I thought it was awesome.  I think people are a little confused about what the finale was about.  It was never about a big fight between Clark and Darkseid, it was about evolving Clark, showing everything that brought him to this moment of him becoming Superman.  His past trials, everything; and the finale is about setting up Clark's life as he becomes Superman, keeping everything open to interpretation.  Smallville has always been about Clark and everything up to before he's Superman.  People might be a little disappointed that there wasn't enough of him in the suit, but that was never what Smallville was about.  The writers did the right thing by  giving us a glimpse of the hero we all know Clark becomes.  Any true Smallville fan knows this.

  36. For those out there that are complaining that they didn't see Clark in the suit, the creators have said since the beginning that you wouldn't see him in the suit. I think this was there way of keeping true to their words, but also giving the fans a glimpse of what they wanted to see. 

  37. Exactly. Though I do feel they could have given a better view of the suit, just for a good background

  38. I've watched a couple of seconds then when i realized it's the same boring "clois" scenes i've skipped over them.

    The Clark and lois relationship is a brother sister relationship,i don't see them as lovers.

    i get the fact that clark has to end up with lois or the earth will
    stop spinning and we're all going to die,but make it good not boring.

    They destroy Clana which in my eyes will always be the essences of
    smallville,i'm not happy how they decided to end that relationship but
    i can live with it.

    What bothers
    me the most is the fact that after Lana and Lex left the show every
    single episode was badly written no real enemies no real justice league.
    Season 9 was mediocre the only parts i liked was the Clark and Zod
    moments and especially the fight at the end the rest was just there to
    fill up space.
    As I said earlier
    season 10 was by far the worst of them they made darkseid sound like
    the ultimate motherfucker of bad guys and in the end he was nothing.

    I know all of you will hate me for what i said especially the clois fans.

  39. they didnt show him in the whole suit but they achknowledged the fact he was wearing it

  40. I didn't skip them, but I'll agree they were badly written and boring. 

  41.  It was crap, like I expected.  I just hoped that after ten years they would do a little better than that.  Does CW stand for "Crappy Writing"?  I can't understand what anybody thought it was epic for.  I know there were expectations of seeing the suit, Lex, flying, and a showdown with Darkseid.  It seemed like they took the lamest, easiest, cheapest way out on everything.  What was the point in having another doubtfest between Lois and Clark?  Didn't they already do that?  

  42.  I agree. I actually liked that they didn't show him in the full suit. But that just me.
    This season hasn't been great, but for me it was a perfect ending.

  43.  He's stated multiple times over the years that he didn't want to wear it.

    He's a producer now. There was no real shot of him in it. Seems to me that's as likely reason as any.

  44. The only thing  I didn't get was Chloe was putting her kid to bed, but when she called Lois right after it was daytime in Metropolis. Was she in another country? I know it wasn't Star City.

  45.  Yeah but he could not want to wear it for the same reason the creators always said we wouldnt see him waer the suit.
    I mean that he didnt want "clark" to wear it. but hey you could be right, I just chose to believe that after 10 years for the last show the actor wont be a little bitch ahaha.

  46. Awwww baby clana is baby is having a tantrum ROFL

  47. I just realised I submitted the last Smallville spoiler on this site :O

  48.  It was classic Smallville: a mixture of great and awful. Short bursts of :) followed by 10 minutes of :| ...but it was a good enough payoff. It just happened to be exactly what I expected to happen. 

  49.  The only thing I didn't love was that it was actually the ending..  My family will dearly miss Smallville!  I thought the ending was great and hoping that there are movies in the future with the same actors.  Kudos and standing ovation to the actors, actresses, writers & crew, THANK YOU!!  

  50.  Terrible, just terrible.  The first half was a total waste, just angst-ridden melodrama rehashing themes that we had supposedly dealt with earlier in the season.  The 2nd half was yet more gabbing, including a Lex mindwipe that essentially destroys the whole premise of the show and capped off with a Superman that looked like one of those "Elf Yourself" cards from Office Max.  Then, we get to the end, and after 7 years they STILL aren't married, fade to black, and that's all, folks!

    I'm a little surprised that people seem to be as happy with the episode as they are, especially that final turd of a scene where they still aren't married and Welling doesn't wear the costume.  As someone who is (was) a  fan of "Smallville" the-tv-show but really doesn't care a whit about the comics mythos (which is something Smallville has historically not slavishly adhered to anyway) it is hard to see why they handled the wedding the way that they did. I am not a Clark/Lois "shipper" by any stretch, but the show spent the whole season building up to the wedding. In fact, the way that the Clark/Lois relationship was so essential to Clark becoming Superman as the season progressed was a really fresh and interesting take on the characters. You could make a pretty good case that the wedding was the prime narrative force behind the whole season and it was a big focus of the CW promo campaign.    

    So, if they had no intention of actually showing the wedding (either because for some inexplicable reason they wanted to do something "different" creatively, or they weren't allowed for some internal DC/WB reason) then they should have just skipped the engagement/wedding plot line completely. They wasted a HUGE amount of screen time throughout the season on the wedding (anyone remember Lois constructing a scale model of the chapel in Masquerade?)--including half of the *final episode of the whole series*-on the wedding.  It wasn't like they could fix any problems in the next season or follow up movie or something.  It's almost as if they were admitting they were out of stories and needed filler material, which might not be too far from the truth. 

     So, when you get to the end of the series and they *still* aren't married, it Is a real "WTF?!!" moment that hits the viewer like being slapped in the face with a dead fish.  Seriously, since everyone including the minister was standing there and they got most of the way through the ceremony, Clark and Lois couldn't take a few minutes in the parking lot after fighting Ollie to make it offcial? Or in seven years Superman and Lois Lane can't find a few hours to scuttle off to a courthouse? It'!Based on the season arc, they should have had a successful "hijinks ensues wedding" in an earlier episode so that we could have had two hours of confident Clark becoming Superman in the final episode, with more time for the moments we didn't get (like Lois naming him Superman). Or, if they wanted to keep the same narrative, just have Clark call her "Mrs. Kent" sotto voce in the future, since the show had already strongly implied they were married in the 2013 timeframe anyway. As it is, a monumentally unsatisfying conclusion to a series that was always going to heavily dependent on the quality of the finale and as a viewer, I feel like they wasted my time this season. I am morbidly curious about the inevitable producer postmortem interviews as they try to explain this turd of an ending to people, but they aren't getting a penny from me for DVDs.

  51. This was rubbish. Always was rubbish and the fact that he couldn't even be seen in the proper suit is a bloody disgrace!

  52. It was dissapointing.After all the retoric about the darkness,the final fight with Darkseid was just a punch.The beginning with the wedding issue was boring.I missed to watch the Society and the League helping Clark,after all of what said previously about Clark being the inspiration of a new generation of heroes.And we didn´'t really Clark with the suit.I always liked Smallville ,but this finale was poor.


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