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POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - Strawberries and Cream ?

20 May 2011

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  1. Oh Gosh, this episode was just fantastic!! Amazing!! All the
    waiting was truly worth it because I enjoyed every minute of it!!

    LOL at Lisbon in her dress! *An angry little princess,
    someone stole her tiara* Jane's reaction was *squee* cute :)
    Bradley Whitford was so amazing! Then ending... I'm speechless!
    Oh my God, we have to wait for the whole summer?? How it that even possible?

  2. Best season finale to date that I've seen! 

  3. It shows how amazing an actor bradley whitford is.. He was so amazing on west wing... I  shit myself when they revealed it it was 

  4. I dont think he was actually red john that would mean jane would have no reason to continue with the cbi.. Grace v-pelt needs to be removed from the show she is so annoying and useless. 

  5.  It was intense. Lisbon was strapped to a bomb earlier and then shot, Van Pelt killed O'Laughlin, Jane killed Red John (we think). One of the best finales this year, if not the best.

  6. That finale was so epic and wonderful. Wow!!! I can't believe what happened. Waiting the whole summer is going to kill me. I don't quite know what to believe is that RJ is really gone. I would like to know how are they going to continue the story now and how the team will react when they find out what Jane has done? I thought they would not goes toward this storyline until season 7. OMG... I would like it to be September or October already!!! I hope its a 2 hour season 4 premiere also but one hour would also suffice. 

  7. It was intense even though it set kind of a different  tone!  The reavel of O'Laughlin being Red John's mole kind of made me role my eyes because they made it obvious, he proposed to quickly! But the rest of it was fantastic especially Jane's confrontation with 'Red John' at the end! God, I hope he doesn't go to jail the other guy did have a gun for Christ sakes! I don't think that guy is really Red John per say! I kind of want the Season 4 premiere to center around Jane's trial and have flashbacks of the time in between and address the much needed holes that exist as fully establishing O'Laughlin as the mole and fill in the other holes like how the assassin knew that the suitcase was going to be 605 and not 505! And I think that Hightower should return to the CBI! And Grace needs to be emotionally shut down for at least half of next season, but tell Wayne right out that she loves him and finally reveal her big dark secret! And Cho needs another major storyline next season!

  8.  BY far the shows best ep.....cant wait for next season

  9. Wow! That was spectacular! I was so hyped for the finally that I was afraid it would fail to meed my expectations but it totally delivered and I Ioved everything about it!

  10. I'm not okay I think it's will be great that it's realy him. The show don't need Redjohn to be a success. And I can tell you that Jane can work now with the CBI to be out of jail :) 

  11.  I really really hope that the show runner will understand that a character kill must stay kill dead loose for ever. I  hope we will never see again redjohn I hope that was him and the producter don't want to be back of what they did. Really finaly a tv show who respect the vewer! 

  12. Awesome !!! What can we say more ???  I loved this show even more !! And of course, I can't wait for the next season !!! Very very very very great season finale !!!!

  13. I certainly hope that was not Red John...otherwise this show has just become another disappointment I won't be following.

    here, before this predictable and crappy finale I though that this show
    was above usual "cop dramas" and had quality. Not too sure about that
    now as double-episode finale was the show's worst episode.


  14. Well, I cant say it was an amazing doubel episode- I felt much mor excited from other episodes in the show then the excited I felt from thie finale- though it was bit brilliant finale. I loved the chatting between Jane and RedJohn and I hope he was really him.
    The ending was just O__O" I cant wait to September!! I hope that Jane wont snick out from this in easilly at the start of season 4... It will be stupide if it will happen^^

  15. easternmeridian20 May 2011 at 14:22

     How was that episode predictable? It had more tension than all 3 seasons put together and that is saying something.

  16. What a brilliant episode!
    Despite hard evidence, I have the feeling Red John is not dead. I think he staged his own death.
    Vengeance is what drive Jane, I can't imagine is character without his mad quest.
    Also, if Jane just killed a non-threatening RJ in cold blood, he should go to prison. That won't happen.
    Jane : Can I get the check, please?

  17. Jane was so calm and at peace with himself at the end, after killing "Red John". I really doubt that was even him. I can't wait to see how Lisbon and the team will react learning he had shot a man in the middle of a shopping mall. Jane was really blinded with rage to pose such an horrific act in a public place where children may see. The 'check, please' comment totally blew me away. Jane is awesome in every way! 


    What is this I don't even

    That was pretty much my first response after the end.

    I thought it was pretty damned obvious that it was VanPelt's fiancé who was the inside man, but that ending? That came out of nowhere for me. I didn't really think Jane had it in 'im; he has a mini mental breakdown, busts a cap (or several) in what is supposedly Red John's ass, then calmly sits back down and drinks his tea? Geez. I hope this means more hardcore, twisted and dark Jane to come next season.

    I can't say whether or not I believe that was the real Red John, but I sincerely doubt that they'd kill him off at the end of what is only season three (I hope not, anyway, because Bradley Whitford as Red John is too awesome to use so sparingly), so clearly something is off here. Either way, a show I barely checked in to watch anymore is one of the shows I'll certainly return to see next season.

    Also, something of a side note? When Jane and Lisbon were on the phone with each other near the end, neither talking, only breathing? Something about that small moment was kind of beautiful.

  19. JerkOLaugh-guy being the mole = the most obvious way to go. I kept expecting the show to surprise me and it did not there. The whole build up on  a mole was HUGE and yet nothing happened.

    Red John being revealed = the whole double episode was basically anviling us that Jane will succeed. I kept expecting  RJ to be smart, to do unexpected. Instead he(just as Grace, Lisbon and everyone else) was acting stupid and kept making obvious mistakes.

    Shop Owner being the bomber = the moment the guy walked to the first victim I screamed that at the tv and sadly i was not wrong.

    This whole "double episode" was crammed with inconsistent and very stupid things and was basically used to "tie up" RJ storyline fast(abandoning the vast potential the rabbit hole the patrick jane's pursuit was) and turning Mentalist into yet another generic cop drama.

    I fully expect Patrick Jane to get over his revenge next season while solving random crimes.

    I have no interest at all watching how
    Patrick Jane finds love and is redeemed, nor how he starts moving on
    from this and becomes yet another "cop drama lead" character the tv is
    full of. The darkness inside him, the things he was willing to do to
    catch RJ and the whole RJ pursuit(and how it kept getting wider and wider and more connected to the most random things) was the highlight of the show for me.

    If the next show is generic cop drama with Patrick on rehab, I will just imagine that this show ended with this season.

  20. I liked the finale, but it was kinda predictable :) I told everyone last week that FBI guy is the mole,and it was obvious for half season. But I was surprised that they ended red john story,,,

  21. i enjoyed the end.
    truly. he finally got his revenge.
    but i dont think that was red john.
    next season : jane in jail gets a mysterious call. who is it ? red john.

    but i doubt he will be in prison though.
    he is smart. i mean really smart. he has got more up his sleeves and he is not done yet.

    really great finale.

  22. easternmeridian20 May 2011 at 18:17

    We knew  O'Laughlin was a suspect, we knew other suspects. I didn't expect to be very surprised in that respect, I expected the mole to be unveiled. We are still to explore the connection between RJ and O'Laughlin.

    About RJ, I was actually very surprised with the scope of Jane's "success". Yes, we knew from the spoilers we would see RJ, but we got so much more. Usually,it was him who pulled all the strings and made the dominoes fall the way he wished. For the first time, Jane prevailed. I don't see it in as a result of stupid mistakes. Jand and RJ were worthy adversaries.I would call it unrealistic and stupid if Jane hadn't brought the gun to the meeting and hadn't shot him.

    Gupta being the culprit behind the bombs, it was a possiblity, like in every episode. But the storyline was resolved in a satisfying smart way - again, in my opinion.

    I don't believe Jane is now completely cured. His character is so appealing because he balances between the light and the darkness. I have faith in Bruno Heller that he knows what he's doing and nothing happens without a reason.I don't see Jane finding himself a woman to love, like RJ suggested, have a house with a picket fence and happily solve case after case for the sake of humanity.

    I never even suspected that RJ would be killed in season 3 (if he is dead indeed, as I hope), that was shocking. But I'm glad it didn't happen in season 6 or 7. In Monk we learnt the resolution of his wife's murder and it was most disappointing and anticlimatic ever.
    And don't forget about that clue "He's man..." I think we only touched the surface and I'm dying to know how it is all going to play out.

  23. first off, I don't believe that he was Red John, even if he was then I think Red John is not alone... The core of the show was the hunt for Red John... There is something more to it, and we will find out early next season...  The guy who we believed was Red John couldnt be a decoy either, there was no way Red John could have anticipated that outcome to have planted someone to take his place...

  24. First off, amaaaaazingness. The scene in the high school had me all giddy and excited.

    Now, as for Red John. I think it may be him. Kind of. That doesn't really fill up the "he is many" detail. I think he is, quite possibly, not "the" Red John but "a" Red John. Don't know, maybe. It does seem way too early in a series' running to just kill the main antagonist like that, Red John is supposed to last until the finale, in some shape or form. That, or they find a whole new reason to keep a central plot going, which is risky. I mean, the whole premise of the show was "dude wants revenge", so they'd have to do something pretty cool to make up for having him get that revenge too early.

    As for season 4, I hope we get a little bit of Jane-in-Jail, but not too much. It would get old. I also hope we get at least a little bit of injured Lisbon, because the idea of her not being able to do all her chasing-and-taking-down criminals and being all cranky about it amuses me. Or maybe she'd enjoy it, I mean, she seemed to kind of like having Cho in charge. But I imagine a small time skip, maybe, so probably no injured Lisbon.

    Again, really good episode. I thought the beginning was a little slow, but otherwise, I had a great time. I liked seeing the plan get together and all the filling in for the team and whatnot. Lisbon in a dress made me laugh, it sooooo didn't suit her. Definitely a small, angry princess who's had her tiara stolen.

    Those are my two cents! :)

  25. That was the most amazing episode of any show I have EVER seen. And ALL of it was interesting too even the first half :) It was PERFECT :) I kinda had an idea about O'laughlin but WOW. The end?! For a milisecond I thought Lisbon was dead or something 0_o And oh my gosh :) I'm actually glad they went with a guy that looks quite normal :) I really do hope that is the real red john I wouldn't want to see a u-turn done on THAT storyline - otherwise the whole episode would have been virtually pointless :( I think next season will be about the consequences of Jane's actions (although he'll get off on self defence 'cause red john was holding a gun) and it will be about him rebuilding his life :) Also, people need to remember that just cause Red John is dead it doesn't mean the mentalist will be pointless! There are SO many holes that the writers have even talked about yet - all the clues that were in the previous seasons... I seriously CANNOT wait for september :)  

  26. That was HUUUUUUGE!!! I loved every minute of it!!

  27.   I agree with everything you said. The episode was amazing, every minute of it!! When Lisbon was shot? I was 'Oh my Gosh, Lisbon!!' So shocked. But I think there's a lot more to the RJ storyline than what we've seen in the last few minutes of the show. I have the feeling that it's far from over and Jane will have a lot on his plate in the next season. I am SO looking forward to September, it's unbelievable.

  28.  Pretty good way to take O'Laughlin out of the game, lol.

    And I still think that guy wasn't Red John. Or maybe Red John isn't one person, it's a bunch of people...

  29. THANK you! You took the words right out of my mouth. There is so much speculation about whether Red John is really dead, and it seems ludicrous to me. The last ten minutes of the episode were so straightforward, so elegantly arranged - there was no doubt in my mind. But we've been lined up all season with the idea that Red John isn't just one man. Though he is embodied by one, he is more than the sum of his parts - an idea, that clearly is so influential that scores of people have given their lives for it... both willing and unwillingly.

    I'm actually really glad they killed him in the finale, though I never expected it! I have to say this really broke the mould for TV for me. I was on tenterhooks for the whole episode - having absolutely no idea where on earth they were taking us. That's an incredible feat for a procedural show.

    Now I just want to know what happens now. It would be really difficult to paint a convincing story development in which Jane gets off scott-free, I mean I really hope they pull of some ingenius plan, but right now how exactly his could happen evades me. I was convinced that Hightower was going to be killed... I want to see where they take her character. And the other suspects aren't necessarily all clean either. I don't trust LaRoche (WHAT THE HECK WAS IN THAT TUPPERWARE CONTAINER?), nor Bertram, to allow her to stand trial - and even if they let her, Red John's successors certainly won't... hmm...

    September can't come fast enough, it seems!

  30. Oh my god, I just realised something.

    Why was Red John at the mall? O'Laughlin could not have told him, he did not know, right? So it must have been Bertram. Which would make sense, since we still have to know why Bertram knew about the

    I think I understand where this must be going... :-)

  31. First - an awesome season finale !!! - The best so far. :)

    second - maybe red john is actually two different people with the same purpose?  that way Jane will still have a nemesis for season 4...
    The thing is I don't know how are they going to resolve Jane not going to jail?
    Maybe self defense? RJ did threaten him with a gun nuder the news paper.. 

    oh and a question - during the conversation and the standoff between Jane and RJ where the hell were Cho and Rigsby???? Weren't they supposed to be like ready to shoot? Wasn't that the plan? Did I missed something?

  32. They left to drive to the hideout to save Lisbon, Hightower and Grace from O'Loughlin :)Watch the bit just after Jane has his epiphany :) Cho and Rigsby leave their stations :)

  33. I can see a few reason Jane would be, at least kind of left off the hook. It is a bit late for a crime of passion, not to mention Jane has been saying all along that he wants to kill Red John (though I suppose it could be said he was "provoked" by what was said, the strawberries and cream and whatnot). There's the self defense argument, and the simply fact that he killed -Red John-. If it is proven that the dead man is Red John, some people might see it as reasonable that he did what he did, so as to keep a notorious serial killer from getting away. Even if it wasn't exactly the most lawful killing ever, and Jane isn't even really a cop (which definitely screws with justifiable murder, from what I understand, which honestly isn't much), I still think some people might let him off easy for reasons like that.

    Of course, he'd have to prove that he did kill Red John and not some random guy :P Who knows, maybe we'll be spending some time in season four proving the guy was really Red John, or at least a Red John, I'm just so excited for season four. It will be awesome. <3

  34. The only thing I know isthat Lisbon will be devastated by what Jane did. She always said she would be there to stop him and if he would succeed she'd put him behind bars.
    My heart breaks for her already :(. Their trust is probably shattered for now.

  35.  oh yeah I re-watched it - I missed that bit or just ignored it hehe ^^
    thanks anyway =)

  36.  Yeah, I think the same and I'm sad for her too...

  37.  Yes, I totally agree. She'll truly be shocked when she hears about this. It'll be interesting to see this play out though. Lisbon hasn't been a 'by the book' cop lately, so I wonder if her point of view might have changed too. I can't wait to find out.

  38. The season finale was amazing but i still can't believe that after all of the games that were played by RJ and Patrick this is over, just like that, it seems kind of weird to me, i'm not sure red john is dead and mostly i'm not sure the guy thah jane killed was RJ.

  39. I still think Bertram had something to do with RJ, first because somehow the hired killer walked into his room first and then she was going to try and go to the one below, so I think both berthram and o'laughin were involved and shared information, and also some how RJ knew jane was going to be sitting with bertram in the mall, those are no coincidences.


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