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POLL : What did you think of House - Moving On?

24 May 2011

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  1. Worst season finale of House. I was hoping for some big happening, but instead the biggest thing in the episode I already knew what would be. In 7 years, House never disapponted me in a season finale, that was the first time. And it leaves nothing intesting for next season

  2. that was awful. lisa edelstein is better off.

  3. So am I the only one who liked it....? I loved IT!

  4. No, I loved it too!

  5.  Worst season finale of HOUSE. Time for house to end 

  6. That was seriously the lamest season finale ever. OMFG. It was shocking alright, in the sense that it was shockingly bad!  o_O How the hell did this ever get approved???
    Guess we now know another reason Lisa decided to leave...... and I can't even be sad about it anymore. This show has truly become unrecognizable and she can get MUCH better.
    Ah well, won't be hard to move on now X-D

  7. Really, nothing interesting? House is now wanted by police, has no job, Cuddy and Wilson both turned against him, and he's apparently dangerously off his nut, but yeah, nothing to deal with next season. There are a lot of people wanting House to change and they're getting it, just not in the right direction.

  8. I really do think it's the worst season finale of House~~~

  9. Not every finale is gonna be golden if you're on tv long enough.

  10. Oh man, I was kind of maybe a little excited to try watching House S7 at some point in the future (since I stopped watching it as it aired), but I've never seen such overwhelming "awfuls" from the SpoilerTV crowd. I don't know if I should bother checking it out :S.

  11. Anyone else feel like the writers forgot to actually finish off the episode?

  12. Actually, I'm like House... I don't feel anything.

  13. wow, everyone has been so out of character on this show for a couple of seasons now, but the last few eps have taken that to the extreme. Did they go find new writers who have never seen the show? Seems like it. Subtlety was always a strong point on the show but it's nowhere to be found with all of these over the top, shallow story-lines.

    I wish the writers would stop trying to do the most outrageous thing all the time. You really want to shock us? Write something in character that your talented actors can actually work with. This show has no substance anymore, I'm out.

  14. really I think this was a logical step for House to go. Would you have rather him relapsed? Or an unrealistic fairy tale that you all want?! Really this is about House doing something more than his usual pranks and finally changing. Instead of redemption which everyone would wish on this character's tortured soul, the writers choose for him to embrace a hedonistic destruction. In my opinion this opens up so much more of his character, bringing him down to a very basic personality, something we as an audience haven't seen yet.
    Say what you want about the medicine or the drama, the character development is right on target (I would agree however does not exceed its target).

  15. Well, that was really, very stupid. Now what?

  16. I feel insulted for how stupid it was

  17. Hate to break it to you, but he already relapsed. On, you know, those pills. What are they called again? Oh yeah, vicodin. Restarting the use of a substance you've not been on for practically two years, such as what House did, is, in fact, relapsing.

    And I disagree wholeheartedly that this was both a logical next step and a development in his character. Driving your car into the house of a) your boss, b) the person who's saved your life more than once, and c) someone who's been in your life since before the dawn of time is not proactive at all. He's behind, much farther behind, than we've ever seen him: when he was in jail, or recklessly sticking a knife in a socket, or cutting his damn leg to pieces, or in Mayfield. No, that is the opposite of growth. He was given multiple chances to act like a grown-up, and what does he do? He attempts murder (and don't even try to argue otherwise. Parking a car in someone's dining room moments after seeing them eating in said dining room is nothing short of that. What if they had still been in there? What if Rachel had been there at all?) and then flees to God knows where. He's actually regressed past all the bad stuff that's happened during the show. 

    And the worst part is? What he did tonight, shoving Cuddy against that wall, and driving his car into her home, makes his character irredeemable. He used to at least have that going for him. A grumpy, tortured doctor who hides his heart until that one last moment where we, the audience, are given a glimpse into the man he truly could be. Or could have been. He'll never be that man again. And, frankly, that's the last straw, when you have a character that cannot and will not move one step forward without moving nine thousand steps back and onto a totally different planet. Who can care for someone like that? Who wants to? There's nothing to hope for for House. The character and the show.

  18. OMG!!! that was horrible, he just did it and smiled and then went to the freaking beach!!!!!!! This show was awesome, i used to love it and now I felt insulted. I am out, Good Bye House, you were amazing for a long time.

  19. How the hell can Cuddy leave now? are u kidding me?! The writers gonna have a fun time next season.

  20. I hope that last sentence was meant to be sarcastic.

  21. But that was always the issue. Yes, he was the grumpy tortured doctor who hides his heart until finally showing that he had one. But that does not mean he gets redemption. It doesn't mean a character rises above his faults and becomes better. TV is not always about the good guys winning. For 7 years he has been on the tipping point and after all that time he has finally fallen. There can be no real redemption for him as a character. But that doesn't make it bad tv. Now there is the inevitable momentum of his decline and how it shatters those characters and situations we have been around with for 7 years. The next season is for watching that 'hope' you had for this character be destroyed. Not every drug addict recovers.  Not every broken man becomes whole. I at least applaud the writers for not giving him the 'redemption' people wanted. Clearly, if the show was going to go on for much longer than next season, they might have teased it even more. But with one season left to explore his fall, they are starting now.

  22. I don't like House any more. Glad there is no reason to watch again. 

  23. I'm surprised so many people are trashing this finale.  I think we just witnessed House snapping.  He's done. He's in a place where he can never get better his leg is what it is.  Wilson and Cuddy have treated him like a 12 year old for years and he revealed in his own way that Cuddy dumping him really did affect him and that he's not over it.  

  24. Seriously. House finales ALWAYS seemed to deliver, until today. That was indefensible.
    Of course the people with certain bias/prejudice will say it was AMAZING. But any objective person can admit it was a disaster. And not a beautiful disaster; a poorly conceived and executed, mess of a failure.
    Where was the story? What was the point? Where is this headed? House is just so self-destructive and seething with hatred that he'd attempted to run over 4 people in a jealous rage? There was nothing redeemable or worthwhile about that "conclusion."

  25. This was an extremely disappointing episode, let alone a season finale.  So, now House practices medicine from the Caribbean?  He can not go back to Jersey....please let Cuddy be back and let it be a dream!!!

  26. I think his only defense, and granted it is a weak one, is that he was high. He's nearly killed himself while high before in a not quite suicide, but not quite wanting to live way. It looks like this might be a similar case. While he clearly had no concern for their safety, he also didn't pursue killing them any further than the car and he could have. My guess is he wasn't thinking anything except blinding rage and would not have been as pleased if he actually killed anyone. Who knows, in season 8 they could claim he only continued to fully crash the car into the room because he saw they weren't there anymore as he drove up. I'm really excited to see what they do with this. It's definitely not going to be easy.

  27. Really hoping House ended up at the Lost island. Maybe the next episode will be called House x Polar Bear!

  28. Agreed I loved this episode the writers have a plan and lame he bloody crashed into her House and thats dull wow is my only response. This could take the show to new levels. I think the bad reviews are a result of the lack of hint they gave us. They left it in the air what would happen next season and that is the first time they didn't give any indication of whats to come that is a huge source of all the hate. But the last time it was just House (broken) the episode was fantastic so i am a true fan and have great faith in the writers and i am frankly excited. And don't stop watching this finale although not the best ever has the advantage of leading to wondrous new ideas. So don't give up on it before you even see it give it a chance people.

  29. Sorry I'm a fan of House and this season finale is the worst ! Shore you haven't more ideas? HOUSE FOREVER!



  32. Nothing is irredeemable, for one its hollywood and two.... well thats life (miracles and impossibilities do occur). I reject the idea that he regressed, he did something and he said he did feel better (I agree walking away looks like a joke, but I think that was sincere because it doesn't look like he regrets it). As far as consequences, thats the best part, he did in spite of what would happen to him, instead of regressing back into the viccodin bottle like he has he actually lashed out out. And lashing out not for some puzzle or drug withdrawal... because he actually wants to get out of his misery (and yes the sin of wrath is a way out).

  33. Boy, what an easy exit for Lisa Edelsteine.  I wouldn't want to be associated with the worst writing staff in the history of TV either.  

  34. I loved it! I only wish they didn't play it like House was trying to kill them. Without that, it would have been perfect. This is actually the first thing I've taken issue with in this show. Fingers crossed there's somehow an explanation that makes him not an attempted murderer or they at least address the fact that he tried to kill 4 people.

  35. I was thinking the same thing.  I have yet to watch it, and I might not now that it was so obviously a trainwreck.

  36. nodirectionhope24 May 2011 at 10:01

    My problem with this episode, and this season, is that I no longer understand the message of the show or the character. Everything's just muddy and irredeemable now. House is in a worse place than he was in the pilot, and he's dragged everyone around him down with him. Of course House's bleak outlook is what appealed to the audience from the start, but now the little glimpses of hope that made the show magical have been completely snuffed out. Is this show really going to go out insisting that life sucks for EVERYBODY?

  37. Jumped the shark and landed in its mouth, Wilson is such a wuss, the sado-masticistic tone of their friendship is past old. 10-1 House is in another Vicodan induced psychosis next season, Wilson begs him to be good, and its the same old crap only now without its strongest female Cuddy

  38. The wilson/house relationship is painful to watch it bordors on sadomasochism...or is Wilson just that big a wuss, 10-1 next season its all a Vicodan dream, Wilson begs House to be good, and everthing is back to the same tired show it's been only without its strongest female character, dump Wilson keep Cuddy

  39. I've also yet to see a poll with this % of awfuls, I didn't mind it. Didn't like the PotW. And am more wtf about the car crash.

  40. House committed forgery, fraud, DUI, assault, reckless endangerment,
    attempted vehicular homicide, damage of property and felony escape...

    How the hell is the show going to deal with the ramifications?

  41. One of the best season finale's, if you ask me.  The entire episode was brilliant, if you consider that the patient's own dedication to her work, and justification for her actions, is exactly what House uses to justify his own reasons for doing what he does.  By finally breaking down and accepting treatment, House is forced to call her out on it and (in typical House fashion) exposes the truth about his own life choices.  The performance artist was a nice touch.  She and House are the same people, they both suffer in pain for their work, they both feel they are nothing without their intellect.  She forces him to finally confront the biggest choice he will have in his life (or at least, he gains a perspective on a choice he is going to have to make before the entire TV series concludes).  He will either accept getting better in the end (and feeling like a hypocrite for actually acknowledging his own pain and selfishness) or he can die alone (having embraced self-destruction and giving up all hope of having people in his life). 

    He choose to get better this episode, but everyone who is focused solely on the "Huddy" relationship are arguing that he got worse, because of his violent outburst at the end.  It was actually the only true catharsis for House, the only way to remove the bandage was not slowly, but quickly.  It's apparent that Cuddy's approach was to 'half-ass' the break-up (much like her past treatment of her patients) by dragging out the conversations, and insisting on them talking about things.  A break-up is a break-up, it's messy, cruel, painful, and it should be done quickly and the people should move on (House's idea).  He had no choice at that point but to make the ultimate statement to Cuddy, Wilson, and all the rest of the people in his life. 

    Everyone saying this episode sucked isn't really a fan of House, and definitely doesn't understand the character enough to claim that this entire episode failed.  This isn't a show about House and Cuddy, it's about House.  Period.  If you're so bitter about this relationship that you're writing off the series, then I suggest watching something that Lisa Edelstein stars in next year, because that's who you're a fan of and the show isn't called "Cuddy".

  42. Can't help but wonder if the negative thoughts about this episode are do to people not liking the fact that Lisa is leaving the show. You know we can't get what we want (House and Cuddy together forever) so no matter what they put on the screen we will not like it. Just a thought. I personally liked the episode but then again I try to look past the romance crap and see just House the doctor with some issues.

  43. Loved the episode... surprised people hated House's path... I think it's the real darkest moment of his life so far... I got it.

    That being said I'm just really disappointed that we've just seen the last of Cuddy. I don't get how this plot line can work without her... Jeez :(

  44. I totally agree with this. It was a fun show about a very not polite human being that spoke exactly what was on his mind like a lot of us would want to do but don't dare to. Now it's about sadness, depression, hopelesness, and how nothing will ever be ok. It's not fun anymore or amusing, it's just depressing.

  45. no; when house started hallucinating, that's when he snapped. this is just house acting out as a spoiled little brat. and, knowing the writers, the whole mess he's created will only last about 3 episodes into next season, and then he'll be back playing doctor in the hospital. i was disappointed. this episode didn't show us anything new, nor did it take house to a new level. the idea had potential, but it was badly written and badly executed. there was almost no decent build-up to house's outburst, unless you count the tantrums he had, which he always has and which aren't anything special; i can understand why this would be the course of action the writers decided to take, but i think they went about it the wrong way. he hasn't revealed that being dumped hurt him; we already knew that. everyone knew that. there is none of the gravitas that any of the other finales had. i stopped watching house this season; when i heard about the cuddy break-up and the relapse to vicodin, i decided to see if it had gotten better again. there were a few slightly promising episodes, but, to be honest, even those either repeated old stuff, or became way too soap-opera-ish to even be one tenth of the episodes from the first three seasons. the second to last episode was alright, and had a glimpse of the season finales we've come to expect from house. they should have kept the previous episode as the finale. this little freakazoid shouldn't have been broadcasted, it should have either been remade for next season, or put in a box on an attic and ignored. 

  46. That was perfect. I was too lazy to write a full analysis of the episode largely because it would only fall on deaf ears, but you did it wonderfully. I don't think a lot of people saying House is worse noticed that Wilson said he'd be somewhere that matched his mood and it turned out he was quite happy at the beach.

  47. Loooveeeeeeeeeeee, new life

  48. Me not liking the finale has nothing to do with the way Huddy is over or with Lisa leaving the show and all to do with the fact that there is one thing being a sad rude man and another thing being so screwed that you almost become a murdered just because you dont like what you see. The episode was ok until he tried to kill 4 people.

    House was am amazing show, God I was obsesed with it but now it makes me feel depresed, not everyone is unhappy in the world, believe it or not.

  49. Not everyone is largely unhappy in the show. There have been many happy patients. The main characters all have their issues, like most humans or any character worth watching in any show, but they're not really particularly unhappy people, except House, and he ended the season very happy. Everyone else has been able to deal with their problems in more safe, sane, and appropriate ways leaving them pretty neutral emotionally, which I believe is a more realistic position to maintain than being happy.

    I agree with you about the murder thing, I would have preferred they didn't make it look like he tried to kill them and hope they'll address or negate that somehow. I, however, did love the crazy House way of dealing with his hurt and finding a catharsis. Talking it out would have never cut it for him. I just wish they only went as far as property damage and pissing off Cuddy. I'm looking forward to what David Shore has to say about this.

  50. I think the reason people didn't like the episode is pretty simple: it takes the show in a direction they don't want it to go. I do not think the finale was ilogical, pretty much on the other way around. House crowned his total lack of maturity with this "driving into Cuddy's house" scene.
    Now tell me, how's that ilogical? Has he never been childish? Has he never done completly insane things before? Of course they usually don't involve destroying someone's house, but that doesn't mean his attitude is off character. It only means he's not improving, he's getting worse. And, imo, I ALWAYS thought this would be House's future: keep being House. I never thought he would live happily ever after with Cuddy and Rachel (or anyone, for that matter).

    I know most people don't agree, but for me this finale was not only logical, it also made total sense with my personal view of what the show is supposed to be: a story about a crazy, self-destructive person who in the end always screws things up. And don't start with the "but it's a TV show, the characters are meant to change" crap. Go watch The Sopranos and then we'll talk.

  51. After last nights episode I don't know about this show anymore. I'll probably watch a couple next fall to see which way they take it. I'll make sure I know what's on other channels at the same time though.

  52. Has there ever been an episode rated so harshly? :P

  53. Even after I read David Shore interview ( I can't understand the last minutes of the episode. I see nothing but a murder attempt. For Greg driving on the road, it was impossible to know if the people were out of or in the room. I care about Rachel too. Maybe one scene is missing after the editing and DS didn't notice : - ).
    I'm OK with the fact Greg was probably trying to find a way to be alone. Now he's sure he won't be loved (or helped) again by Lisa nor James. I understand the anger, but what is the reason the new friend upset him. He wouldn't be jealous if he didn't care about Lisa. I'm not saying Huddy's not dead, I'm saying the anger shouldn't come from jealousy.

    PS : In the country where I live, you can't destroy a house with a car. It's the opposite, the car will be destroyed by the house.... This scene would have been a suicide attempt.

  54. Yes, in my country too, houses are not made of wood and if you drive your car into them you get injured badly or killed.

  55. the episode itself wasn't horrible what made it horrible was the car crash (attempted murder) and the beach scene at the end! WTH was all that??! It made no sense! House has always been a little crazy but never a psychopath! This show is DEAD!

  56. The distinction between murder attempt and what he was doing is kind of subtle. He didn't WANT them dead (murder attempt), but at that point he very likely didn't care if they got hurt. He did see them starting to leave the table, so there was some reason to think they could be gone. I realize this distinction won't matter to many, but it allows me to still see House as a very screwed up, unstable, person that can be sympathetic instead of an outright murderer. For me, the desire to kill without substantial motive is necessary to be labeled an unsympathetic murderer (at least in TV Land).

    I felt the jealousy and anger not only came from seeing her with someone else, but seeing her happy at all with friends and family, something House has never managed for long.

    You can drive cars through most American houses, especially large windows, it's happened before.

  57. The beach scene was to show that he had a catharsis and felt better. Remember Wilson said he'd find a bar that matched how he felt inside.

  58. With Lost, most of the characters were murderers (with only some justified) and they constantly pulled guns on and hurt each other, then were great friends again in the next episode. Most of the fans didn't care or even notice. In Breaking Bad the main character kills and is almost starting to enjoy it, The Sopranos were murderers, and Dexter is a serial killer. Yet, as far as I know, all of these character have generally retained the sympathies of the audience. I wonder what makes it so hard to extend the same to House? We always knew he was unstable, frivolous with life, extremely reckless, and we loved him for it, but now that he has taken that to the logical extreme (logical as in the next step, not sound reasoning), so many fans can't handle it. Did you all not notice how messed up he was before?

  59. I don't want to debate about wood houses, that was just for fun. That made me laugh.
    On the very last picture we see, two people ar up and two are still at the table. I won't use my poor english to tell you that I won't change my mind. I've done before and I know it's usless. During the time he goes away and come back, people could move. Rachel could be playing on the floor. He didn't use his horn to warn them neither. That's all.
    I'm not the courageous one who will go on chatting with you in a 5 letters column. So when I say "Thanks for ansewring", it's not an invitation, it's just about your previous answer, not about the next.

  60. That's four ! : - )

  61. I didn't expect you to agree, but you don't seem to even understand. Maybe it's the language barrier. My perspective is about the intent in House's deluded unstable mind, not the possible outcomes, which in his blinding rage, he was not considering. No one, including David Shore, is saying it was safe or a good idea.

  62. This season finale opens a series of possibilities for the show and I think great!
    I was tired of the mexican soap opera and episodes in which there was little about House and a lot about cuddy/raquel/cuddy's mother/cuddy'sister....BOOOOOORING!!!!!!
    Looking forward to next season, especially being free from Huddy / cuddy annoying!

    (the last appearance of cuddy holding a hairbrush was the perfect end to a character highly expendable)

  63. that was poor but I don't want it to end, I think they should re-directionate but not in this way

  64. most of us are dissapointed by the season finale not the whole season

  65. I seriously don't think this show is about House getting redemption, it never was, but I think the intresting things this broken man can do and the effect he has on people's lives. Great men are usually not ment to be happy

  66. we fell in love with the old House, if he changes complitley then there's no House

  67. I kind of hate the House-and-Cudy couple, i think she makes him weak and boring but I still didn't like the season finale

  68. I complitley agree with the Cuddy=boring

  69. Hated the last minutes I think Cuddy should leave and I seriously can't imagine how will they take this thing out of the mud

  70. Well that's the thing. I watched the first 10 episodes of season 7 and had to stop because it was such a disappointment. Usually, House Season Finales are the best television has to offer. I was looking forward to hearing about how awesome it was in an attempt to get myself interested again. Since people don't seem to have liked the finale, it seems that there is only more disappointment in store :(.


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