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POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - Unaccompanied Minor?

20 May 2011

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  1. disarmyouwithasmile20 May 2011 at 03:48

     I think that everybody needs to look beyond the potential "loss" of their favourite couple, and realize the show for what's it's worth. It was an absolutely beautiful episode. Maybe things didn't go as planned for MerDer, Cristina/Owen or Mark/Lexie fans but it's all about growth. Everyone knows Meredith and Derek will end up together no matter what so it's all about how they get there and frankly the happy path in life doesn't do justice to the show as a drama, which it is. Look at the episode or season as a whole and not so subjectively. Just an opinion from someone who is a huge fan certain relationships as well.

  2. I haven't even watched it yet but i heard mark and lexie do not get back together so therefore i will hate it on principle :(

  3. disarmyouwithasmile20 May 2011 at 04:14

     that's rather ridiculous. The growth of Mark alone is worth so much more story wise than them getting back together could ever be. 

  4.  I hope Mer tells Derek to fuck off, what she did was bad and all but he basically forgot/not cared about the kid he wanted so much and is making Meredith repeat her Mom's steps. 

  5.  I was kinda upset by that too, but you know what, I'd prefer they do it in an episode where they can have the spotlight rather than in the middle of so much important things going on. Mark and Lexie are a must!

    On the other hand, I totally LOOOOOVED Teddy and Henry! I wish they had more screen time, like a scene of the two of them in the end or something, and they didn't show her confronting Andrew about not going to Germany but I assume since it's a season finale, they had to do a lot of cutting to fit the standard 42 min .

  6. I agree with you on that. mark has grown up so much this season and i love seeing that. I just wish those two could get back together they make such a good couple and it's obvious that they still like each other :(

  7. That was the worst finale of the series thus far

  8.  I'm with you there. The episode was really good. The only reason people didn't like it was cause MerDer are having drama. Duh! The show is a drama. Of course there will be obstacles. No drama = boring. I like the roller-coaster! MerDer didn't even break up. Derek just needed space. Ppl are totally overreacting. I have nothing but excitement for Season 8. It was a great episode.

  9. It was a pretty lackluster finale. I wasn't invested at all into the whole Teddy and Henry relationship so them hooking up did nothing for me. And I hate it when they leave these stupid cliffhangers, especially when its obvious how its all going to work out. Derek and Meredith are the main couple. They're never going to break up. Neither are Cristina and Owen, they've been pretty much carrying this show for sometime now. All of the good angst and drama comes from them. And everyone knows that Sloan and Lexie are going to end up together too, they're still totally in love. Frankly, its just getting incredibly annoying seeing Shonda throw these ridiculous story lines at of these couples because she had no new ideas for this show.

  10.  I can appreciate drama as well as growth, which I understand can at times can be painful, but that episode was just misery loving company. Alex, left by yet another chick, although granted partially his fault, but come on, how many times is he going to be tortured by the other sex?  Also, MerDer, Cristina/Owen, and Mark/Lexie having sad endings? Yes, I understand there will be happy ending eventually, and that not everybody can be happy because the show is a drama, but with tertiary relationships like Bailey/Murse and Teddy/Henry being the silver lining this episode, the grey cloud was too big (also tbh, I don't really see the chemistry with Avery/Lexie, so that's why I am kind of ambivalent there).  It was just depressing as a whole.  The medical storyline was touching and sad which was good, but the way the three main couples that have been around for more than a season were left was just too much sad for me. Of course I love Grey's, and I will keep watching, and maybe in a few days I will feel better about it, but for now I just have to keep re-watching the Bones finale to lift my mood after this Grey's.

  11. Mohammad Mirza20 May 2011 at 09:29

    HATED IT. not even because of the shipper stuff.

    this entire season made zero sense. all of the time spent on stark and lucy and those stories and characters amounted to absolutely nothing.

    and merder's house simply being like 5 planks of wood is ridiculous considering callie went through a pregnancy and 3 month recovery this season and derek said they broke ground when he became chief and he was already picking out floor tiles with cristina earlier this season...

    i really wish the show would just end :( but i know there'll be a point where ellen/patrick/sandra will have left and jackson, april and teddy will be left to fill the voids (barf)

  12.  'but i know there'll be a point where ellen/patrick/sandra will have left and jackson, april and teddy will be left to fill the voids (barf)'That won't happen.

  13.  Literally an amazing finale. This is really going to rock the boat because I know how much people love complaining about everything about this show, but it was perfection, quite literally. Meredith and Derek will be together next season, it's just going to happen, you know it, also Christina and Owen may not last, but that was never going to last, in fact I sort of find it a tribute to Christina's character, if you expected her to put her career aside for a baby then her character would have turned around, and wouldn't have made sense, no matter how much she loves Owen, surgery > Owen in her mind. Also, people need to stop wining about Karev being mistreated by the opposite sex. As Christina pointed out in the episode Meredith was the only one that cared about him and he sold her up the river, at the end of the episode Lucy even gave him a way out but he didn't take it. The medical case was amazing this episode as well, if anyone doesn't see the amazing emotion and drama played into that (especially by the mother whose son died, not sure of the actresses name, Sprague Grayden did well too) then, to be honest, maybe they should watch something a bit more happy, like Drop Dead Diva, or a kids show. 

    The finale was amazing. 

  14. That's why I said "cause I'm angry" Really liked it actually, I think all the break up/drama what ever was great (exept for Marc/Lexie cause really im tired of them playing with this) voted great. I just needed to scream my pain ahhaha

  15. Dunno about Cristina and Owen *cries*, children breaks people up al the time and sorry if I were a guy and my girlfriend/wife would get an aborsion when I want the baby I culdnt look her in the eyes after that. 

  16. Patrick wants to leave since like 2 seasons now  

  17.  Yes, but Shonda has said numerous times if Pompeo or Dempsey want to leave the show will end. This will probs be next year.

  18.  well I prefer they end it when they know its the last season.

  19.  Loved the finale :) Read my full review here!

  20.  Although I felt that this was an amazingly written and acted episode I am still ticked off. At this point I don't really care about MerDer at this point I was upset about the whole Owen/Christina situation. I really thought that Cristina had grown enough to not make this kind of decision without Owen. Hopefully come next season she has rethought her decision and at least tried to work things out with Owen.

    As for Lexie and Mark I would love to have them together but they are in totally different places in their lives and I can't see them together right now. They both need to move forward in their lives before they can be with each other and I am confident that that will one day happen. 

  21.  I think this was a pretty freaking amazing season finale. I think this really needed to happen, especially between Christina and Owen. Derek completely overreacted.. but Meredith is handling it well, I'm glad she didn't make a problem of the girl. The chief resident was pretty obvious, so that was a pity, but that's the only thing. And of course, no surgeries at all. Would have liked that too. 

    I'm glad about Henry and Teddy hooking up, they're just so.. fun together. Can't wait until next season. I was never really into the Owen/Christina relationship, and I won't really care if they broke up definitely. We all know Derek and Mer will get back together, fortunately, because I do like them. Even tho Derek is a jerk sometimes. A lot of times. Can't wait till next season! Can't stop saying it either.

  22. I find those things that suck for most of the viewers really comfortable. Mer and Der having one rare big fight is great. You have to appreciate those, because otherwise the couple gets boring. Which is what none of us wants. Plus, Mer is actually a better mother than Derek as a father. She's there for Zola although she's probably breaking up inside herself and Derek's only there for himself. I get that what Mer did was definately bad for the trial, but I side with her on this one. It was the right thing to do - and if Derek and Richard had trusted her, it would have made absolutely no difference. Like Mer said, what she did, it didn't affect the trial at all. There would've been no problem if she had kept it to herself.

    Which brings me to Alex. I used to really like Alex. That was when I still believed he would change. There's no sense in personal growth for a character if it's only for one single episode. And that is always the case when it comes to Alex. He might grow as a character, but next episode he's back to tiny. With Izzie, with Lexie, with Izzie again, with Lexie again, with April, with Lucy and finally with the one person he hasn't screwed yet, the ONE person that cared about him throughout the show. He screwed with Mer, and that's what makes him the looser of this episode. Seriously, Shonda, even though Alex "just is that way", "that way" is starting to get on my nerves. And WTF was that thirty-second scene with Lucy? This whole thing could've had such a great ending. "Go to hell" - seriously? Big disappointment.

    Another big thing - Cristina and Owen. It was once again made obvious that Cristina and Owen do not fit together, they don't belong together and they definately shouldn't have married. Him urging her to have that baby with him is just another reason for her to dump him since Owen obviously doesn't get Cristina at all. Not at all. And then he's badass again and yells at her to leave their apartment. What a little prick. Cristina's better off without him and the baby. She gets to be grandmother to two supercute babys now. Should be enough mothering for Cristina.

    The medical case was pretty boring, though very touching. Great work done by Chyler, she's really able to act through her eyes alone. Without any words she was able to create such a caring, loving atmosphere. Really no one else can do that, in my opinion. And at this point I really gotta say Chyler is exceedingly beautiful, comes to me everytime I see her on-screen.

    As for the other, more or less minor storylines. April being chief resident now is a great thing. I hope she'll do good at her new job, but I also hope that the others won't hate her now. Lexie and Jackson got Mark's blessing, hopefully this will stick for a while. I'm fine with Lexie being with either of them, but I hate the merry-go-round thing. It should just be one OR the other for at least half a season. I'm happy for Teddy and Henry, although one could've had predicted that from about two miles away. Bailey & Eli are not really interesting so far - let's see.

    The one thing I was missing was Callie, Arizona and baby Sofia. But that's fair since they had a lot of attention throughout the season.

    That's really all I gotta say. Yay :) Excited for season 8!!

  23. Mohammad Mirza21 May 2011 at 06:02

    not true at all

    grey's makes abc way too much money to pull the plug on it so soon, look at shonda's interview over at, season 9 is basically confirmed already...

  24. Easily the worst finale of the show so far, but if you just judge it as an episode and not as a finale, it was alright. I'm interested to see which of the relationships get fixed next season, since they basically blew them all up and are starting fresh.

  25. easternmeridian21 May 2011 at 10:02

     I agree. As a fianle it left me totally cold but it would work as a regular episode.

  26. I didn't watch a finale, I saw an ordinary grey's anatomy episode. The reason I kept watching this show is because I know that when the finale airs, I'm blown away by the intensity...
    Anyway, I think that's the worst finale grey's anatomy has ever had.

  27. Personally, I hate all the baby stuff on Grey's lately. I mean, I loved the storyline with Callie being pregnant with Mark, the whole two mothers and a father family is really cool to watch and little Sophia is adorable. I also get MerDer wanting a baby and I'm OK with Zola. But making Cristina pregnant AGAIN is just pushing it too far. Whatever happened to the "we don't do babies on Grey's" from Shonda from some time ago...

    Another thing that bugs me is Alex. It's like, they couldn't come up with a proper storyline for him, so they basically make him go back to what he used to be at the beginnings of the show. I love Alex, loved who he became with Izzie, but ever since she left there was absolutely not a shred of a storyline for him that would make any sense or be in any way interesting to watch. I say either come up with sth for the guy alredy or just get rid of him in the show.

    I love Lexie and Jackson together and I hope she gets over Mark next season and falls in love with Jackson. They are pretty much what still makes me wanna watch season 8.

    I kinda started to like April, which is good considering how much I hated her last season.

  28.  EMOTIONALLY stimulating with regard to the original cast, but really there was no substance for any of the new(er) cast additions. Definitely the weakest of all seven Grey's season finales. 

  29.  This was a decent finale with a few exceptions:

    - I cannot believe that everyone just abandons Alex for turning in Meredith.  Everyone is treating this like it was such a simple, black and white issue, which it definitely wasn't.  He was put an impossible situation, and no matter what his reason for turning her in was, it was probably the right thing to do anyway.

    - I can get on board with what happened between Mark and Lexi in the finale, even though I doubt these two are really done with each other, but am I the only one who sees absolutely NO chemistry between Lexi and Avery?

    - Even though I totally expected Teddy/Henry to happen, I was hoping Teddy would get on that plane and fly off into the German sunset, never to be seen again.

    The best part of the finale was Kepner getting Chief Resident.  That will be both hilarious and will make for some really good stories.


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