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POLL : What did you think of Game of Thrones - A Golden Crown?

23 May 2011

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  1. The ending was sick. Sick as in FRICKIN COOL

  2. Incredible episode! It certainly has all hit the fan now hasn't it? 

    The Awesome:
    Some AWESOME Robert lines tonight!!
    - "Wear it in silence or I will 'honor' you again!"
    - "Killing things clears my head"

    In general I'm not a fan of spousal abuse in either direction, but Cersei falls under a sub-category of one. Those that can and should be hit.

    Love Tyrion's "confession". Bronn's reaction just enhanced it. Sneaky little Impses. Wicked, tricksy, false!

    Littlefinger can multitask! He is perfect as Captain Obvious and Major Instigator at the same time!

    Just when it seems Viserys is going to look more sympathetic... he goes and offers his sister as sex slave again. Bad Beggar King! Bad! Well he finally got his "crown of gold" didn't he? No more crazy eyes... sigh.

    When is it ever a good idea to enrage a barbarian king who has never lost a battle and that has 40,000 warriors at his disposal? 


    The very good:
    Finally some good Daenerys scenes!  They have all been well acted up to now, but now I could feel something visceral. 

    Awesome to see to Robb show his skills with the sword. I think GoT excels at chaotic battles where edits and camera tricks work in their favor... unlike the one angle shot Clegane brother battle.

    Speaking of sword skill... more Arya and Syrio please! Every week Arya seems to raise the bar for child actors in the UK.

    The less than stellar:
    I don't like the way the series is playing Renly against Robert whatsoever. It's out of character for Renly who is good humored, loved by everyone and loves being a man of leisure.

    Sansa Stark does exist afterall... There has been so little development of her it has been all too easy to forget about her. We have had more Roz the whore time than Sansa time the last few weeks... pathetic. Even if she is the least dynamic and most pathetic of characters in the season (and possibly the entire realms), her character is more important than how she has been shown so far.

  3. The *THUD* just killed me! Well, I guess it killed Viserys, but it made me roll. I was not expecting that noise as the head hit. 

  4. Agreed on pretty much all counts!

    Littlefinger was present in so few scenes, but, as you said, he played a dual role in the throne room. He was both the source of exposition for those viewers who had forgotten about House Tully's Banner and who The Mountain might be, but he was also hilarious/patronizing. THAT is how the show should be dealing with exposition regularly.

    Dany's plot, for the first time all season, finally has me. Now that my disbelief with regards to the evolution of her relationship with The Khal has been accepted, I can move forward. She was AWESOME. Very queenly :). Viserys (Harry Lloyd) was particularly excellent/crazy this episode. I also REALLY like Jorah. He's a very interesting character in the novel and, although he feels very different on the show, he's very charismatic. Also, Jason Mamoa was not bad at all. Pretty impressed all around.

    Also, the dancing lessons = boss.

    Least favourite moments:

    Theon with Ros. That was 100% unnecessary. Sure, it serves to show us that he's a creepy/somewhat unpleasant man, but it was so out place between scenes that were fairly serious business.

    Ned's ridiculous "BLACK HAIR" exposition. As a reader, I knew this was coming, but it was SO much more subtle in the novels. This was just awful. I would love to know if non-readers saw it coming and as of when. They could have shown us crude drawings of Baratheons, or maybe just focused on the word black within the book... But Ned's reading aloud was so tacky... It was the worst moment of the series for me within the best episode yet.

    Also... They cast Berric Dondarion!? For those who don't know, he's a very important character in later books. I wonder if they'll keep the actor.

    Finally, I don't mind the way Renly and Robert spar. I don't like the way they seem to be setting up some sort of political conflict between the two of them, but, as brothers go, they have major personal issues.

  5. I kind of overlooked Dondarrion's intro, but yea... hmmm.  Have to see how he plays out, but not how I pictured him. They have cast a number of people differently than I imagined them and they have worked out very well for the most part. So I will trust them.

    True about the brothers having issues, maybe I don't think of that since I have none. It does seem like just one of a number of events in a pattern that is something more than sibling rivalry.. THAT something I would not like. I can deal with sibling rivalry though.

  6.  WOW! Wait until you watch episode 7 'You Win or You Die'! 

    I thought the episode 6 was awesome!

  7. Wow, I did not expect Viserys to die that soon. I mean I kind of expected it sooner or later, because he was just arrogant and after all a wimp (as we saw earlier this episode when he tried to take the eggs and just gave them up without even trying to put up a fight), but I thought he would play a larger role in the big game at least for some more episodes.
    But now we know there's something special about Daenerys. Apparently she can't be hurt by heat, she's the real dragon in the family. But so far I don't exactly know how the story with her and the Dothraki will continue since I don't really see a certain goal for them now that Viserys is dead.

    Jaime is marching towards Winterfell, Ned issuing a decree against his father. Hmmmm, this doesn't look good at all.
    The story around Tyrion was great as usual. I liked seeing him trapped in a tricky situation trying to weasel his way out of it. Not really sure why this guy (don't remember his name) decided to risk his life fighting for him, but it was a great fight although the outcome was foreseeable.

    Bran is seeing things again in his dreams. I suppose this will lead to something big later this season. It was nice to see him enjoy something again even though it was interrupted by those thieves. I remember how R.R. Martin once talked about the one that survived and that he wished he had given her a bigger rolle in the books so I'm curious to see more of her.

    Starting to hate Sansa. So far I didn't care about her, but this time she was just acting incredibly dumb and annoying.

    Didn't really get what the point of showing Theon and his fav whore was. I'm pretty sure that there are more important things in the books that could have been shown. Supposedly they wanted to show that people are fleeing Winterfell because Jaime's approaching, only thing that makes sense for me.

    I already said after the first or second episode that I have a feeling that Joffrey isn't Robert's son and that I suppose he's Jaime's son. Now I have an even stronger feeling that this might be true. Is that what John Aryn found out?

  8. As for the "Ned does some reading" scene: I suspected that Joffrey is Jaime's son after the first or second episode. Can't remember and can't find my old comment right now. Not sure if this was evidence enough that he's Jaime's son or just that he isn't Robert's, but I was suspicious after seeing Jaime riding Cersei in the pilot.

  9. Ahh, just found it here:

  10.  Apologies. I can't watch HBO GO because Comcast is evil...I was overcome with surprise and joy when I saw I could watch it online via xfinity. 

  11.  In the book Dany has said "Fire cannot hurt a dragon" a handful times prior to the egg scene. The first of which would have been in episode one as she got into the scalding hot water of her bath after being warned by the servant it was too hot.

    Bronn is the sellsword's name. He fought for Tyrion since he likes the Imp, but mostly because he saw some future gold coming his way if he won. A Lannister always pays his debts you know. Plus he figured he could easily defeat some clod in full heavy plate armor by tiring him out first. Bronn is a VERY skilled swordsman but still looked down on by society, at least the royal society, and thought the look on the knight's and royal ladies faces after his victory would be worth the risk. Sansa is annoying. I always looked at is as she and Arya split the family traits, so Sansa got all the bad traits and Arya got all the good traits. Since I like Arya a lot it made it easier to accept, but the truth is that Sansa is just naive and deluded.Half the Theon scenes have been relatively pointless other than meeting HBO's nudity quotas and this one was no exception. Maybe we were supposed to believe that in his own twisted way Theon cared for Ros? Dunno.Jon Arryn either found "proof" or suspected that Robert's kids were in fact Jaime's kids... yes. His asking questions and looking for all of Robert's bastards was noticed by somebody that needed to put an end to Arryn's investigation.

  12.  I remember you commenting on that after episode one right? I was impressed! In the books it is not as easy to see because you cannot literally SEE the blonde hair of the Lannisters. Plus, GRRM is more subtle with all his scenes that the series has been.

  13. Yeah, as a follow up to Darq mentioning the lack of visual input while reading, they have been very obvious in the writing as well. Whenever Cersei refers to her dead firstborn, she goes on about his dark hair. The little baby girl had dark hair. Gendry had dark hair. There was too much visual input AND awful foreshadowing.

    In the novel, when Bran catches Jaime/Cersei, we aren't even told that it's them. He just sees two blonde people going at it. Yes, it's obvious, but the fact that we aren't told out right means that we make the one leap of logic (oh, Twincest). Since we simply see Jaime/Cersei on screen, it made it easier to go "Ew, WTF! Also... Children?" The show is excellent dramawise, but it's failing when it comes to this one central mystery.

  14. And yes! I remember seeing this comment. It's what feuled my rage with regards to heavy-handed foreshadowing.

  15. Ah, of course... Didn't really pay much attention to that scene in the pilot. Just thought it was painful, but that was it.

    Yes, Bronn! Remembering all the names is quite hard. There are a lot of characters, often they are introduced very quickly and you hardly get their name. I'm constantly on some fansite or imdb when I'm writing my comments, because sometimes I have to look up names because I forgot them or don't want to spell them incorrectly.

  16.  There is a reason HBO did a viewer's guide for the first time ever.... GoT has A LOT to take in!

    I hope you haven't gotten spoilered on the fansites.... 

  17. Yes, it was after the pilot. It was just a thought after watching the episode again and the actor they cast as Joffrey just looked a lot like Jaime and nothing like Robert.

  18. Nope, so far I'm spoilerfree and not having problems staying away from spoilers. The only show I had big problems with in terms of staying away from spoilers was Lost.

  19. Just frustrating to know that some people already can watch the episode and I still have to wait.

  20. Didn't pay too much attention on Cersei talking about the baby girl. Sure there were some scenes that made it foreseeable, but I personally don't think it's so bad. I guess when you already know what's going on because you read the books you pay more attention to this kind of details.

  21.  Added some Promo stills from the episode to the archive. Enjoy.

  22.  Also in the books it was an entirely different scene. Cersei did not so much lose a baby as she chose to stop her baby from being born. She wanted nothing to do with Robert or any baby of his, so she drank some 'Moon Tea' to be rid of  it. 

    It is MUCH easier to pay attention to details when you already know the basics from the books... good point!

  23.  Managed to forget 2 scenes that impacted me.

    Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo finally earned his pay! That speech and his quasi-Haka dance were amazing! Definitely the best we have sene from Drogo  and Jason as an actor.

    While I enjoyed Robb's swordplay, the wildling battle by the river was missing Direwolves... YET AGAIN.  It was far ore intense in the books!

    Robb's wolf Grey Wind and Bran's wolf Summer should have been there to take out 2 of the 6 wildlings. Also the big wildling, Stiv, saw he was the last one still fighting and put the knife to Bran's throat. He then told Robb to call off his "dogs"  (which Robb did) and told Robb to kill the wolves or he would kill Bran. That was when Theon's arrow entered the Stiv.

  24. Littlefinger was great in the few scenes we got with him this time. He also delivered the best line of the episode: "Can you think of any reason the Lannisters might possibly have for being angry with your wife?"

    And I almost forgot the opening scene, Robert was just great in it and delivered some great lines!

  25. I thought it was a bit stupid, because there's no way the metal could have hardened already. But apart from that minor detail it was an awesome ending.

  26.  ... and the melting point of gold etc. It took longer to melt the gold in the book, but you're right, It would not have been hardened or cooled yet. Maybe that's why it surprised me?  : P

  27. Maybe in this world they have incredibly hot fires that melt gold quite fast...

  28. Was finally able to watch it and yes, it was great, no question about it. There were a couple of things I did not see coming.

  29. Hahaha! I saw some documentary recently where they said adding pig lard to a fire will cause it to burn hot enough to smelt  some metals... I forget which. Maybe horse lard is similar?  


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