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POLL : What did you think of Game of Thrones - The Wolf and the Lion?

16 May 2011

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  1. Loved seeing The Eyrie in the show open!

    A little disappointed with the swordfight between The Hound and The Mountain. It was supposed to be a life and death fight betwen two brothers with decades of hatred. It felt a little "under" to me...

    The battle versus the wild northmen was well done! It was intense to see Tyrion go primal on the attacker's face with the shield. Loved the dynamic between The Imp and Bron the mercenary. Then again the dynamic between Tyrion and anybody is always good!

    Arya hiding inside the dragon's skull was fun, I wonder how well the dragon's skulls came off to those that didn't know what they were from the books.

    I'm beginning to just accept that any Arya/Ned scene will be spot on and steal the episode!

    The scene between the Knight of Flowers shaving Renley is the first new scene to the series I don't understand. There is no plot that involves Renley's alleged homosexuality in the books that I recall. It seems to be inserted just for the shock value or to sex up the series. Completely irrelevant and unneeded.

    The fight outside Littlefinger's brothel showed exactly how viscous Jaime Lannister can be.

    Wow! These episodes absolutely FLY by now. They seem like 30 minute episodes not 55 minutes!

  2. A lot of fans say that Renly's homosexuality was implied but not shown and apparently "George specifically stated 'Yes, I did intend those characters to be gay.'" Personally that never came across to me but whatever.

  3.  Yeah I read something about that in an interview too but it was never anything pertinent to the story or as obvious as that scene. I missed it completely on my first two readings since it was only one vary brief allusion to it.  It was an interesting scene... I just don't know why they spent 3-5 minutes on that particular topic when there are so many more important plots or histories they could have spent the time on.

    The feast scene where Joffrey asks if Sansa wants an escort back to her room. Sansa says yes assuming Joffrey will walk with her but he sends The Hound.That helps set up the dynamic between Sansa and Sandor "The Hound" which GRRM spends maybe 10 times more time on in the books than Renley and Loras. They seem to be removing all the Sansa/Sandor moments from the books. Not a big deal to me but there are 5 or 6 lengthy moments that are fun.

    Catelyn's party arriving at the Eyrie with Ser Rodrik seriously fevered from his wounds,  Her part riding so hard without rest they lost 2 or 3 horses. Her chatting with the Blackfish, or meeting Mys Stone... all were more important to the story in my mind. Plus non-readers will have no idea it takes a day to climb up to The Eyrie and can only be done on donkey for the first half and then by hand and footholds for the last bit... unless they haul you up in the turnip basket.

    Oh well. I don't care that much the scone was included, I just don't get the choice to eliminate so much from the books and then to add that scene which was not in the book. Still an awesome episode!

  4. Finally some action this week, but 2 other scenes stood out for me. We finally got a proper scene between Robert and Cersei. Great conversation, showing that they both don't take this marriage very seriously anymore and how & why it developed like it did. Addy was particularly good in this episode. A bit of comic relief when he was mad at Lancel was nice and then there are all the times when he switches between anger, madness and amusement.

    But the best part of this episode for me personally was the talk Littlefinger and Lord Varys were having in front of the iron throne. Love a show that doesn't shy away from a conversation about actromophilia or necrophilia. Gillen and Hill were both doing a great job, loved the dynamic between them.

    Don't know what to make out of the scene with Robert's brother and his lover. Looked like a setup for an upcoming betrayal.
    Catelyn's visit at her sister's castle was pretty insane. Wasn't expecting to see such a big boy getting breatfed. Also her sister doesn't make the most sane impression on me. Must have changed a lot like Tyrion implied.

  5. Well, it was a bit hard to make it out as a dragon skull, but I figured it would have to be one. Hope to get a better look in another episode.

  6. No need to show the donkey ride up the Eyrie, but I guess especially the scene with Sansa & The Hound would have been interesting.

  7. Lyssa give Viserys a run for the money in the batshit crazy contest! 

  8.  There actually was some drama during the ride up.. Catelyn stumbled and could have fallen off the mountain, but for the strength and support of the intriguing Mya Stone. I agree it did NOT need to be shown really. 

    I guess it's more about the lack of time perception in the TV series. The party arrived during the day and the 4 that went up immediately did not arrive until the following day since it takes so long. A large part of why The Eyrie is so well defended.

    Plus seeing Rodrik injured after multiple attacks by the hill tribes en route would have added some gritty realism for me... Also, hearing that the Maester is not at the midway gatehouse where he usually is and Lyssa demanding Catelyn climb the dangerous mountain during complete darkness when she is already exhausted from weeks of riding and battle. 

    Both provided more layers to Lyssa's mental state and provided Tyrion with a few great one-liners. 

    I hope they fit in Tyrion talking about his family in the next episodes. I really loved that conversation in the books.

  9. Can't wait to meet Tywin. Is he able to set a new bar for craziness on the show?

  10.  Tywin is less crazy and more obsessively driven to power, controlling, ruthless and calculating. He is a military genius that was the Hand of the previous King Aerys for more than a decade.

  11. Thought he could be the next crazy person considering how messed up his children are.

  12. wow! this was really awesome!))) loved the king/queen scene! also really loved NOT to see jofrey)

  13. Almost forgot, but it was nice seeing more of Theon. He's an interesting character.

  14.  Yes we certainly saw more *ahem* of Theon than ever before....

    Joking aside, they have made him much more interesting in the series than he was in  book 1 for me.

  15. Yes, Jamie Lannister is a very vicious person as you pointed out...and he has some kind of weird "honor" thing going on because he got pissed and knocked out that soldier that attacked Ned from behind.  That whole scene was an excellent set up for a later battle between the two.

    I hated to see Jory killed. 

  16.  Not only vicious, but poetically cruel!Earlier he points out Jory's scar and discussing almost losing his eye at the battle.... and then he purposely drives his dagger into that same eye to kill him.

  17. Just wanted to say, I'm totally loving the series and always come back here to check on your comments to see what they left out of the books and read what readers of the book feel about the series. Hope you're keeping this up, good work & thx! =)

  18. Nice to know thanks!

    I plan to be as obsessive... nay I prefer prolific in my posting and maybe contribute to a mid-season review comparing the book to the series.

    There is one of my favorite scenes with Tyrion from the books left out of this episode, but they could relocate it to the next episode possibly... so I won't mention it just yet. Insight and context is good but outright spoilers... not so much.

  19. That's great to hear! I'd love to read such a review, I'll be sure to keep my open for it, should you do it =)

    And you're right, but I am sure you know where to draw the line.

  20. Best episode of the season.  Pretty brutal with a couple of scenes and I am glad I have not read the books on some level because I would have a specific expectation. Hound v Mountain was supposed to be a big battle? Sucks we did not get that.

    As far as the scene with Renly, whether they were intended to be homosexual or not, the scene seemed a bit out of place and forced, but everything else is cool.

    The time between events seems off without even reading the books so in that sense maybe I would like to read the books to actually appreciate the timelines a bit more, but again I understand it is hard to transfer that to TV.

    Arya and Imp are my favorite characters. I really like the interaction between the King and Ned and of course with the queen later in a very well acted scene. :)


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