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POLL : What did you think of Game of Thrones - Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things?

9 May 2011

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  1. Another solid episode, but not as good as last week's. More exposition and plot development and I don;t think it flowed as well as last week.

    Again many, many changes from the books, but I can understand why most were made.

    Loved seeing Tyrion, who takes such joy in putting others in their place, getting taken down a notch or two by Catelyn as she went all mama bear on him (or should that be she-wolf?).... That was a lot of broad swords pointed at such a small target. Who knew such a small man could make such a large puddle?

    I am truly enjoying the Kingslayer and The Imp ...even more than in the books. Cersei, not quite as much as in the books.

    Oh, so THAT is why they call you Littlefinger is it? Love Arya's complete disregard for ladylike etiquette. I expected to see more of the Hand's Tourney this episode though. Many fairly important scenes were left out. I hope we see them in the following episode.

    Nice to see a bit more development of Daenerys and Viserys, but they spent more time on him I think. Evil, twisted, degenerate, sadistic ... works the crazy eyes very well... We get it. Now show some of Dany's inner dialog somehow and develop her more gradually please....

    Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Samwell Tarly... Ser Piggy to some and Prince Porkchop to others.

    Wait... what? Was that actually a Direwolf? FINALLY Ghost makes an appearance. While it was refreshing to see him, it did seem a bit out of place to me again. We never saw Ghost en route to the Wall. Never saw him on The Wall with Jon, but he was there when they needed him for the impact scene like his litter mates were there before in previous episodes.

    The plot is starting to develop more quickly now. Overall a great episode for me. More pieces have been put in place and the second act of Season One has begun. It should really kick into gear now. Can't wait for next week!

  2. Great episode, but not as brilliant s last week's.

    Started off with Bran's dream. I don't really get what the point of this was, but I suppose there will be more to it and we will see more of Bran's dreams in the next weeks. The 3-eyed crow? Maybe Bran is developing some kind of 3rd eye himself, being able to predict future happenings through his dreams? We surely need more information on that.

    Than we saw a lot of Tyrion. What a great character, every scene with him is pure gold. But he didn't see what was coming towards him at the ending.

    I still don't believe he was responsible for the attack on Bran. I suppose he could have given the dagger to his siblings, maybe they stole it or maybe Littlefinger didn't tell thr trugh although I doubt it, because he seems loyal to Catelyn.

    At the wall Jon seems to adapt and come along quite well with some of the other guys. But why didn't they really try helping Sam to get a better fighter? He's just complaining, but doesn't seem to be doing anything to make his situation better. So I'm not sure Jon is doing him a favor by protecting him.

    But good seeing Ghost.

    Daenerys' journey has taken a next step and she stepped up against her brother big time. I don't really get the character of Viserys, he's a bit one-dimensional to me right now. He's just a huge jerk, has a bad temper, but when someone confronts him, he's a wimp. Why they call him the last dragon is a mystery to me, this guy will never be the king (hope the books don't prove me wrong).

    Very unclear to me is the role of Ser Jorah. He claimed to be loyal to Viserys, but it already didn't really look like it last week and it definitely doesn't look like it after his conversation with Daenerys.

    Littlefinger... I like this guy a lot, although I'm not sure where his loyalties are. I'm quite sure he's loyal to Cat, but beyond that? Not sure at all. Also not sure why he told Sansa the story of the Hound and his brother and why she seemed so scared because of it.

    I'm always in for character
    development, but to be honest, I wouldn't mind some serious action next Sunday.

  3. Think of Viserys as a spoiled prat who has been kept by his dead father's remaining loyalists for 17 years. Everyone kisses his insane ass in hopes they can get something from him at a later date when he is King. So he is used to his threats getting him whatever he wants. He is a scared little man-boy that has never earned anything in his life.

    Plus, add in a little inbred craziness since traditionally Targaryens have always married brother to sister because they feel that no other bloodline is worth mixing with their own..... They have the blood of the dragon after all.... So... his Father was the Mad King, he should be married to his sister by now, but he traded her for an army (he has yet to receive) to help him reclaim his birthright. Now, it seems his sister has passed him in the pecking order and he has lost his outlet for anger/craziness and the one person who always looked up to him.. Things are not going so well for Viserys!

    All that aside, I would say Viserys and ser Gregor "The Mountain that Rides" Clegane might be the two most one-dimensional characters in the entire saga.

    Some action will start next week (unless they shift a few book events around) and then the last 4 episodes should be petal to the metal intensity....

  4. Hmmm, that behaviour definitely help him become a guy who is able to get the iron throne nor being worthy of it. But considering this long history of incestuous children he turned out almost pretty decent. But if he continues to behave that way he'll be dead pretty soon.

    GRRM doesn't shy away from strange issues, incest isn't a topic you usually see tackled in a TV show. Will this incestuous bloodline also have any impact on Daenerys' child?

  5. slightly better than last one for me, i like all the little lore details they tell us. Also for anyone that read the book, im wondering when Viserys is reciting names of the dragons he mentiones Vermithrax, which is name of the dragon from Dragonslayer, one of the favourite fantasy movies of George R.R. Martin according to some list released awhile ago, so are those names from the book or did the screenwriters put it there?

  6. It won't come into play with her so much. There's a saying in Westeros about the Targaryens.... I'm paraphrasing here "With the Targaryens, there's
    and greatness as two
    sides of the same
    . It's like flipping a
    coin". Daenerys got the good genes so she must have won her coin flip! Ha!

    But I think GRRM got his incestuous notions based on real world history. Like the Egyptians and other ancient cultures that married siblings to keep the blood pure, or for that matter you know being European how incestuous most Royal Families were in Europe. Check a medieval family tree and they were always marrying cousins.
    Which brings us back to Game of Thrones. I think even Tywin Lannister was married to his cousin if I recall and Robert and the Targaryen spawn share the same great grandfather. That's partly why he is on the throne now. He had the best blood claim after the rebellion.

  7. I know what you mean, but many people consider it some kind of a taboo issue. But that's one of the great things about cable, there hardly are any taboos.

  8. Ha! I kinda sorta remember that movie.. dragon scales for armor, some special lance and a magical pendant? Wow long ago...I bet it is a shout out to GRRM and Dragonslayer.
    I only recall 3 of the great dragons named in the books. The 3 that the first Targaryen invaders used to win the throne. They were named Vhagar, Maraxes and Balerion. There may have been more named, but I can't recall them off the top of my head and don't have the books here to check.


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