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POLL : What did you think of Fringe - The Day We Died ?

7 May 2011

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  1. MurderMondays7 May 2011 at 02:58

    Mind blown! Awesome episode.

  2. And i thought lost was confusing

  3. WTF. I have no idea how to feel about this.

  4. That was the biggest mind fuck of an ending I've ever experienced haha. Awesome episode, but seriously? Is Peter gone...for GOOD!? How did he disappear? Who made him disappear? Will he back?

  5. Wait the future is GREY? We first had bland and white, then tenchnocolor,HDTV and 3D, but the future is grey? Hmmmm....

    Senator Broyles? Didn't see that coming!!

    Who's the boss? Olivia's the boss. Nice to know she has embraced her abilities.

    Note to self.. buy stock in food prep, boxing and canning production companies....

    I swear I thought that Fringe agent walking up to Olivia at Central Park was Greg Grunberg!! Alas.... not yet.

    Awesome to see Walternate do his own dirty work and take out Olivia. It made for a very intense scene. Somewhat lessened by the fact everything will revert by episode's end. Still intense though.

    So both worlds are linked and need to cobine forces to solve the problem, not be combined to avoid the problem. Interesting twist. And peter served his purpose by being a vessel to pass between the present and future and is now gone.

    Observer collective looked ominous t me.... Still not sure what to make of them!

  6. Mind totally blown. What the feck just happened? :O

  7. only thing that was missing was jacob

  8. imagine if fringe didnt get renewed lol

  9. My initial take on it is that Peter is between the time and space, between universes. Next season the two universes will work together to stabilize their worlds... and that stability will likely bring Peter back. But honestly... who knows at this point.

  10. Olivia--or maybe both Olivias--will get him back

  11. Did not see that coming. I'm completely in shock. Amazing episode... but Peter had better be back next season!

  12. I don't think Peter is gone for good. Joshua Jackson seems too happy in interviews for that to happen. The Observers are behind this!

  13. I think I'm right here in thinking that all the main characters didn't see Peter from the second he merged the worlds...
    He appeared to be responding and talking to them, but even before his physical body disappeared they'd forgotten about him completely. The writers pulled a Sixth Sense trick on us for a minute or two :P
    This has me thinking back to all the Observer moments with Peter and young Peter and the "car crash" and the Observer saving him...

    Just what in the hell does this mean for Peter?

  14. MurderMondays7 May 2011 at 03:11

    So many people talking about how it was like Lost. Real sci-fi fans should have been thinking one thing: Farscape.

  15. dharmaduck8157 May 2011 at 03:12

    WTF doesn't even begin to cover it

  16. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! My mind has officially been blown. I have no words for what just happened...

  17. Monster1650660517 May 2011 at 03:14

    now is Bolivias son Henry not life right?

  18. So the merging of the universes would had to have happened AFTER Walter and Olivia were worried about him on our side. The second start up of the machine that brought both "machine rooms" together is the instant the worlds combined and the instant Peter was no long ever there.. That instant he was "not there" and everyone forgot who eh was...

  19. where is the EPIC!!! 100% MIND BLOWING -Button?

  20. If you ever wonder if the Fringe creators could top themselves.

  21. Monster1650660517 May 2011 at 03:18

    of Bolivia and Peter's son Henry is there?

  22. Yeah... when he was looking all happy with what he'd done I felt very strange in the situation and i must've been because Peter was already not being noticed...

    Imagine if that's where Peter is and when he disappeared we were crossing over into the view from the main characters.

    That's where Peter is! He's still there in his own mind and form, but to everyone else he doesn't exist. Instead of crossing between worlds next year, we're crossing between the world where Peter now doesn't exist and Peter's world where he exists in himself.

    So confused... :P

  23. I loved it. But if they don't bring Peter back pretty quickly and have him missing much like Olivia was Over Here for almost half a season I'm going after the writers. :P

    But really, fantastic episode. I am just confused and panicked and am going to laugh hysterically over the fact they split the team up. Again.

  24. It certainly did look like she wa slooking at him one moment... and then she was no longer looking at him but looking at the machine shutting down, then out at the new arrivals... their alternates.

    Exactly. He is a conduit between worlds but exists in neither.

    Still not sure, but ti seems to me that if they stabilize both worlds they could manage to bring him back in the process.... maybe.... : /

  25. Monster1650660517 May 2011 at 03:22

    so no over there anytime? which is not available with the things from over there, the things that is over here? Now everything is together in one universe?

  26. My take on it is that Peter both universes are still separate, but he brought those two Machine Control Rooms together and bridged the two universes so that both Fringe teams can work on a solution together.

  27. Well he has to come back...

    And from his perspective, he still exists... we've seen that as he was looking all giddy and had that look of "Look what I just did!" :P hahaha

  28. Your guess is as good as anyones at this point.

  29. MurderMondays7 May 2011 at 03:27

    That's exactly what I was thinking. That that one room exists somewhere between both universes.

  30. Peter is now the ultimate Observer. He can witness things in both worlds but can't interact? By being in both universes at once does it take him "out of phase"? Like one being cannot be in both places and interest with both worlds. So by placing himself between worlds and in both worlds - he effectively removes himself from both.

  31. Sooooo... Ummmm.. Uhhhhh... I need to watch it again before saying anything lol. I can say holy sh*t. This is exactly how I felt after every season finale of LOST.

  32. Maybe he pops in and out at will, or by some method, Who knows? Can't wait for the first season four spoilers!

  33. Hmmm.. could we be looking at his backwards? Could Peter be "there" in both worlds, but the Fringe team and their alternates are not "there" By bringing both control rooms together into one multi-universe bridge, did Peter remove all those people from his reality? T

    They "forgot" he existed because he removed them all from the realities where he exists.

  34. What I don't get is didn't the Observers say "peter never existed" not that he no longer existed? If thats true, then why are the two universes at war in the first place?

  35. The worst part about this is that there is no answers coming. It is not the type of episode you can watch again and grasp. The secrets are Team Fringe's alone and will be revealed next year to us... and not before! Well, not unless we get some major pre-season spoilers end of Summer.... Sigh.

  36. The biggest mystery of the episode is of course, why was Ella's hair blonde as a child but dark as an adult? :P

    Also why did Brad Dourif agree to sign on for the smallest of roles... he had like one line :P

  37. Ah, Farscape. It screwed with your mind and took more risks than Lost ever could.

  38. Farscape did more with less than either LOST or FRINGE. For their limited resources it was simply AMAZING!

  39. nuno d I wish I had that answer for you. I'll need to rewatch for sure before I can formulate a decent theory.

  40. Anyone else's head hurt now?

    FRINGE this week sponsored by Advil Migraine. Advil Migraine, the only migraine relief strong enough to cure a FINGEache...

  41. I thought LOST had the monopoly on mind-blowing season finales, but that entire episode was just awe-inspiring, from the minute it started to the minute it ended.

    ... I'm just not sure that they solved the whole time paradox thing... If Peter made a different decision, then there would have been no reason to bury the machine at the beginning of time, because they hadn't reached a catastrophy... and then Peter would have never used the machine to make a different decision. My head hurts.

  42. irishrose45837 May 2011 at 03:54

    actually my brother had the blondest hair when he was born and now as an adult his hair is almost black. it can change as you age. Or she dyed it

  43. peter will be back dont worry

  44. Head-Six: [walking together through New York City's Times Square 150,000 years later] Commercialism, decadence, technology run amok... remind you of anything? Head-Baltar: Take your pick: Kobol; Earth - the real Earth, before this one; Caprica before The Fall. Head-Six: "All of this has happened before..." Head-Baltar: But the question remains: does all of this have to happen again? Head-Six: This time, I bet "no." Head-Baltar: You know, I've never known you to play the optimist. Why the change of heart? Head-Six: Mathematics. Law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough, eventually something surprising might occur. That, too, is in God's plan. Head-Baltar: You know It doesn't like that name. [she gives him a look] Head-Baltar: Silly me. Silly, silly me. Share this quote

  45. there was also mild flashes of purple in the titlt as the reality revealed what i though it would, that there is a missing primary universe which the first people derive from the prime realities future (either 2026, or 2041--electro-light flash bomb "15 years ahead of 2026) -"White TuliP" trumps all--eliminating himself from the the time lines-to trick the guess is that he took the second machineand went back to the original time line to dopplegang himself to cause aa ripple effect back onto the universes--he may show up agian some day--or maybe there is one character that will remember him

  46. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 04:18

    Hair colors can change. I had very dark brown hair when I was a child, but now my hair is dirty-blonde at best.

  47. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 04:19

    I actually can't think of a LOST episode that needed a rewatch more than this did.

  48. Andrew Kaikai7 May 2011 at 04:23

    I have a fringe sized headache, right now.

  49. I was thinking the SAME thing. BSG was the first thing that came into my head when he disappeared.

  50. seriously, i neeeeeeeed something stronger than AWESOME. and who the hell voted awful? wtf!? you must be from the altverse.

  51. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 04:26

    That seems to be right, but I'm watching an online version and I've rewatched several times. Both Walters definitely look at him and react to him. But they don't say anything to him. Who knows!

  52. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 04:27

    Please DON'T imagine that!

  53. I'm dead. --' One of the best episode so far. Very emotional.

    The end just kill me. Fringe is THE BEST SHOW !

  54. HOLY SH**! Now that is a finale, So didn't see that coming. BUT THEN WTF, What's with Henry then? I am confused now that i think about it lol

  55. Totallyaddicted0057 May 2011 at 04:36

    my hair was blonde and curly as a child, and now its honey brown and straight as a whistle, as an adult.
    Hair changes.
    but... I don't think she was blonde, it was brown, Go back and check.

  56. When I watched it a gain they did seem to interact, but Walter could have been looking away from Walternate and verbalize "First People" as he put it together in his mind....

    But they did make a point of having Peter touch both Walters. An attempt to confuse us or a deliberate showing that Peter was in fact physically there touching them?

    Maybe it is something as "simple" as it took time for the two worlds to combine on the bridge Peter created and once that "bridge" stabilized he was no longer there.

  57. JosephMcLaddle7 May 2011 at 04:40

    This makes me totally agree with a point someone (I actually think you?) made earlier. There is no way, no matter how many rewatches, we can figure it out. Thank GOD it was renewed! Less thanks for a summer long hiatus.

  58. I was as blonde as Paris Hilton when I was a kid, now my natural hair is the same colour as older Ella's. No mystery there ;P

  59. okokok i just remember they mentioned Bolivia's and Peter's interaction to be FAR from over, it seems that Bolivia might be the key for them to figure out that Peter once existed but anything is fair game at the moment lol

  60. Andrew Kaikai7 May 2011 at 04:43

    Now I know how Olivia fans felt at the end of season 2, but at least she was still alive. Peter's status as plot device (literally) continues unabated.

    Although the producers did mention at one point that Mr. X would be important, and unless I missed something, that didn't quite turn out to be true

  61. The first people twist was crazy as well

  62. Totallyaddicted0057 May 2011 at 04:45

    hmmm now that i've had an hour and a half to scream and vent about it. and think. Ive realized I'm more fusterated and confused about this finale then I was with season 2's finale, I LOVED season 2's finale!!! I liked this one ok, but... idk, i'm more just confused about his whle Peter never existing thing, ist doesn't fit into the show if that were the case. They are basically erasing all the other years, as everyone argued furiously when LOST was still on and they thought they'd pull something like that. COme on fringe. And as anyone, i mean ANYONE who knows me now a days can attest, I am a huge fringe/lost geek but, I did think that parts where kind of cheesy. like the meeting of the doppelgangers. and then saying that peter never existed, and them still being mad at eachother, when if he didn't exist, they wouldn't have a problem and wouldn't hate eachother... ultimetly.

    So thinking back on the last few future moments with walter and peter... peter ultimatly if he knew it or not gave his whole existance, so that Liv would live again, NOW if... anyone says that Peter doesn't love Liv, THey need to rewatch this episode again and just look at the charcatars realtionship together!!

  63. Maybe Peter did in fact bring them all there (himself included) but then went back in time to course correct soon after (which we do not see) and upon doing whatever act he change in the past... he ceased to exist in the present.

    That would fall in with what December(?)and September said outside.


    August "you were right, They don't remember him"

    September, " Of course not... he never existed"

    The first statement proves he did in fact exist and the second statement implies that he no longer exists. For that to happen something had to have had erased him from the current timeline.

  64. I did not feel wow'ed by it either... except in the mindfuck sense at the very end.

    I don't think you should take "Peter never existed" as a definitive never existed anywhere blanket statement.

    He existed as we saw him, but then removed himself from the current timeline by changing the past (as Walter suggested to Peter in the future).

    As for them being mad at their dopplegangers. I think that makes sense if you look at it this way. Each Fringe team was removed from their "present" where they hated the alternate universe. When Peter created the time space bridge, he pulled them from their current timelines and universes and pulled them out of whatever is going on in their timelines and universe.

    I think the "bridge" is a nonlinear multi-dimensional "room". It exists out of time and space. So they inhabitants are whoever they were prior to Peter placing them there.

    Therefore, whatever has happened in their timelines and universes and whatever changes Peter has made in the past will not effect people in this "bridge" between time and space.

  65. Anyone else get the Feeling that Walter will be the only one to remember peter? Lets not forget parts of his brain were taken out so he's not like everyone else & the Observers had to prepare him to lose his son. What if this is what they meant by him letting go of his son? Also who created the actual Machine & how are both Universes at war if Peter was never taken in the past?

  66. WTF just happened!? Peter? What? WHAT!? words...

  67. Holy mother of crap! Personally, I'm predicting Olivia and crazy powers bring Peter back somehow. I also predict that I'm going to pop a blood vessel between now and then worrying that Peter won't come back, because the show just be as awesome without him. Freaking Fringe. I hate this hiatus ...

  68. Totallyaddicted0057 May 2011 at 05:08

    that is an interesting way of looking at it... I can't wait until i can watch it again tomorrow morning on youtube.

  69. Uh, what just happened? Really, where is the EPIC button, next season it needs to be in the poll.
    Epic, Epic, watched it twice and am still confused, not in a bad way. Too many questions, I need to write them down. But one question for sure: Where did Walternate get the drawing of Olivia from?

    How am I supposed to wait for the next season? This is already killing me.
    Fringe Rules!

  70. Totallyaddicted0057 May 2011 at 05:10

    she'll remember when she see's baby henry...if he still exists.

  71. Here is the timeline:

    1) Someone from 2025 or further planted the machine nearly a million years ago
    2) Peter was born
    3) The original Peter died and Walter retrieved the alternate Peter so that he could save his life
    4) The alternate universe begins to deteriorate, and Walternate discovers the machine
    5) Walternate attempts to persuade Peter to use the machine on the original universe
    6) Peter returns to the original universe and both sides assemble their machine
    7) Walternate turns on his machine using the DNA of Peters son
    8) The original universe begins to deteriorate
    9) Olivia and Peter turn on the machine, and in the new timeline Peter uses the machine to merge Liberty Island between the two universes
    10) What happens next is unknown, but my best theory is that when Peter merged the two universes he created an alternate universe to the one we experienced in the episode, but any explanation would require Peter having never existed, which for now makes any explanation impossible until we learn more.

  72. Julian Mathias7 May 2011 at 05:32

    That was AWESOME ! And it's all I can say.

  73. Well, first of all, I think this episode was AMAZING. Just GREAT. I felt so sad when Olivia was shot, and how peter reacted was so sweet. Even at 47 (completely unbelievable, that is) they have this great chemistry and interaction. Loved too how she was all bossy, and Ella and Astrid rocked!

    Then, the end.. I didn't liked the reunion of both the Walters and Olivias. It felt a little cheesy. Apart from that, fucking mind blowing.

    It does raise a lot of questions. First of all, what's with the first people thing? How can they be the first people? That would have to mean that in the future they would have to be the only onces left, before starting a new civilization. And that would also have to mean that they built the machine, since they were the first people?

    Then, the bridge between worlds. I think that was a good solution since now both worlds still exists, incl all their civilians. Bringing the control room together was.. strange? I mean, how will that work out? How can they go back to their own universe when they are there together? Or can they just walk out of that room and back into their own universe?

    Peter. Don't get this at all. It seems like the observers only 'created' him or something to save both worlds. But then again, that doesn't make sense because if Peter had never existed the worlds would never have needed to be saved? Then you can say that he has existed but that they only don't remember him, but that makes no sense either. Because then why would Walter've crossed over? And who was in the machine? I mean, they're smart, they would ask themselves those questions wouldn't they?

    I think in no way they would erase Peter completely. They know that if they'd do that they would lose a lot of fans and it wouldn't be good for the quality of the series. So what will next season be about? In my opinion we'll get an better explanation about the reality. Exploit the first people, explain the origins of the machine, and what's happened to Peter.

    Seriously, this has given me such a major headache, I think I've gone crazy before Fringe is back on. It can't wait the whole summer for a fucking explanation!

    And has anyone noticed that, even though we've seen crazy much spoilers, in the end this whole episode was completely surprising? The 'spoilers' barely spoiled anything at all. Even the promo didn't tell us a tenth of what was the episode about, and we were already freaking out about that.

    The fringe people are just genius.

  74. Holy cow, totally didn't see that one coming...

    One question: If Peter doesn't exist, what happens to his and Bolivia's son? Does he not exist either?

    So many questions!!!

  75. It was pure awesomeness! Is it September yet?

  76. was that the final for the season? is there one more or is that it for season 3?

  77. So are Walter, Walternate, Olivia, Fauxlivia, Broyles and Brandonate the First People?

    By removing all the people from their own universes/timelines and creating the bridge which will allow them to stabilize or patch their decaying universes... did Peter also create the First People?

    Those people will be responsible for fixing the two unbalanced, broken universes and finding a way to reunite them into the balanced single universe they should be. That certainly sounds like "first" people to me.... Hmmm...

  78. That's all.... I know... frustrating.

  79. So are Walter, Walternate, Olivia, Fauxlivia, Broyles and Brandonate the First People?

    By removing all the people from their own universes/timelines and creating the bridge which will allow them to stabilize or patch their decaying universes... did Peter also create the First People?

    Those people will be responsible for fixing the two unbalanced, broken universes and finding a way to reunite them into the balanced single universe they should be. That certainly sounds like "first" people to me.... Hmmm...

  80. omg this is it! I bet this is it! They have made so many hints at the brain parts thing, and they LOVE keeping Bell in the story no matter what. It stands to reason that he yet again knows/knew something that everyone else didn't. Im so sure they will use this, if not it would be rather dissapointing!

  81. I'm really confused. I only have one question on my mind right now... Where the f*ck is Peter?! I got that he didn't ever exist.. but what does that mean? I highly doubt that Joshua Jackson isn't going to be on the show anymore.. I love fringe but Peter is such a awesome character.. How could they not have him in the show?? If he is in the show though what would he be doing?! He doesn't exist.

  82. I really don't think Peter's coming back. I've been thinking all season that they would kill him off in the finale, but it seems as if they're gonna make it as if he never existed. My mind is totally blown right now tho.

  83. To those who didn't get it......

    I wrote a recap to the ending after watching twice....

    Turns out Walter is the one who scattered the pieces of the machine. He sent the pieces of the Machine through the wormhole in Central park. Walter brought Peters consciousness 15 years in the future(Through the machine), so that he could know to make a different choice. He then cuts wholes in both universes, leading to the room, a Bridge, where they could meet. They have to work together to fix the universes. Then- PETER DISAPPEARS. And Nobody thinks anything of it. They have forgotten he every existed. We come out to the scene with the observers. Observer says "They don't remember Peter". September says "How could they? He never existed. He served his purpose". HANGING OFF CLIFF!!

  84. Yeah I pretty much understood that in the episode except for the very end it was really confusing to me. What happens to Peter now?!?! No peter? What would the show be without him. No Henry. No Polivia. No Fringe.

  85. no. peter existed and did destroy the other universe, but when walternate started destroying

    there universe and killed olivia, walter started thinking and realized that he made the machine,

    and sent it to the past via the current time vortex in central park. now no matter how many times

    he tries to fix this it wont change anything because he already did it, but if they found a way to

    incorporate the ability ---to send peters consciousness forward into the future--- into the machine,

    peter will see the damage done by destroying the other universe, and will not make the choice,

    he will not destroy the other universe, instead he bridged a gap between two universes. now this

    action messed up the whole "equation" so to speak, and peter became irrelevant in the time line,

    so he simply ceased to exist,. he did not "die" he just vanished from the whole timeline, no one

    remebered him. and no one forgot him. just as the observer said, he served his purpose.

    now what i written above is my personal understanding of what happened,

    but what i dont understand is that walter messed up the whole universe to save peter, now that

    peter vanished from the time line, what reason did walter have to travel to the alternate universe?

    does that mean his peter never died if the alternate peter( our peter ) never existed? i guess we

    will have to wait for season 4 to find out for sure.

  86. Ummm...I'm just going to watch the last 10 minutes once more and then get back to you! I don't feel comfortable in voting "awesome" for something that I haven't totally figured out yet :P (Who am I kidding, I already voted.)

  87. To sum up:

    1.- peter is able to talk to walter and walternate, but it seems futile as even though they do see him after he dissapears they don`t remember anything.

    2.- Broyles crossed over! Although it seems the 2 universes are connected now so no biggie.

    3.- An Observer could always help them out, wouldn't be the first time.

    4.- Biggest mystery of the season? The man who is supposed to kill Olivia. No mention of him! Big season 4 plot right there!


    Peter is not gone, it would be amazingly daring if Fringe did actually kill of the main character but we have been told several times how Peter and Bolivia's journey are FAR from over. So it stands to reason that she might have an important role in bringing him back. Whether the baby still exists remains to be seen, just like many If's and But's if Peter had not existed.
    It is VERY possible that peter did exist they just don't remember him anymore. Like how the machine still exists, and remember it is uniquely designed for Peter to use it.

    Like someone above said, Bell took pieces of Walter's brain. Pieces that haven't been implanted back and have never been fully explained. Bell supposedly took them because of the man Walter was becoming, yet he tells him to not be afraid to cross the line.

    Another thing to note, it's possible that The First people initiated the Sam Weiss ancestry, but then why would Sam not simply know the answer to fixing the universes? why wouldn't the first people not tell them? why would he tell Nina it's based on which Olivia he chooses? That might be a plot hole but remains to be seen.

    Olivia learning to control her abilities was something that I doubt was just an "easter egg", it's obvious that she will be learning to control them much sooner now.

  88. Maybe Peter's now like Tinkerbell, he won't exist again until someone believes in him. Either case, if Peter's gone for good (unlikely, but still) I'd have to be done with the show.

  89. I smell the first arc for season 4!

  90. If Peter “Never Existed,” Wouldn’t That Mean No Feud Between the Walters, No Machine Activated, No 2026 Doomsday…? |

    Producers said this:

    In a word, no. “Walter and [William] Bell were always trying to find a
    way to cross over, even before the Peter [abduction] incident,” Pinkner
    reminds. “So things may have happened differently.”

  91. It`s gonna be a very long time till the september. What if bus hits me tomorrow and I`ll never know what was the season 4 about? GOD, THIS IS INSANE ALREADY :-D

  92. Dude... :-D Not LOST again :-D

  93. Imagine that the next season`s finale is going to be way better than this one (it`s better every year). And FOX won`t renew it. But I think debates on this topic will have to wait till september :-D...and the whole renew/cancel the show will start all over again :-D

  94. I was blond too `till I was about 8 or 9. Now I`m not. I don`t know in what show/movie it was but: details, baby, details :-D

  95. I think he made a bridge in that spot between the two universes. That only there you can interact with people from the other side

  96. special_agent_dale_cooper7 May 2011 at 09:05

    Amazing episode...i thought most of it would happen,putting two and two together with the hints and previews and such,but that cliffhanger at the end was just purely amazing,i had no idea something like that was goin to happen...i seriously hope Joshua is back next season, without him the show won't be the epic episode...i guess another curve ball was the fact that now the two universes are goin to work together instead of against each other to try and resolve their conflict.....and i seriously need to know whether Peter is coming back.....and just one more thing...who is goin to be the villain now if both universes are going to work together as a team?

  97. I hope they don't top themsleves... we need them alive to write next season :P

  98. Three words! Ella is Hot! She was in Boardwalk Empire aswell. Such a honey.

  99. It wasn't very eroding and understood episode, and I'm quite disappointed. The level didn't got higher than the season 2 finale, which was the best, and the Cliff-hanger at the end didn't left curious theroies on what is going to happen next, contrary to the season 2 finale. Really poor, hope the producers will make up for this episode on the 4th season.. :/

  100. So Peter was gone right after he brought together the two rooms together so the characters could meet. Cause Olivia talked with him when he "came back" but when the machine brought the characters together and Olivia looks back at Peter, her look tells she knows something`s not right cause one moment she saw Peter and a seconds later there`s no one there. And Walters percieved him for a little longer

    Well this is gonna be long break for every one of us :-D. And none of us is gonna be right :-D.

  101. Are f*cking kidding me? This one left so many questions. I wasn`t this excited after season 2 finale. This one, on the other hand, was awesome and I think it`s the best season finale I`ve ever seen!!!

  102. this... was... MINDFUCKING BLOWING WEIRD EPICNESS no words are over i totes watched it already a hundred times and still it doesn't get boring

  103. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:36

    Oh..., so if you weren't into Farscape then suddenly you're not a REAL sci-fi fan? Give me a break! Farscape can eat me where it smells funny!

  104. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:37

    I'm sure it will be deeper than that, but I hope you're on the right track.

  105. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:40 my brain hurts!!

  106. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:41

    total mind-feck is what happened!

  107. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:42

    Oh yeah! This episode felt very Lost-like.

  108. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:43't even say that!


    totally did NOT see that ending coming, very confused about that

    sorry I don't have the time to read all the comments rifht now, which I'm sure will help me sort a bit through my confusion

    I loved the new intro, glad they keep doing that!

    The moment where our Walter comes out the first time to talk to Peter broke my heart almost as much Olivia's funeral :(

    btw was that the first hug between Olivia and Walter EVER?? awsome! Olivia's abilities never get old - she's my hero!!!


  110. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:52

    I agree about how the Lost comment and the one about Astrid! Great to finally see her getting the respect she deserves!

  111. numbersarebad7 May 2011 at 10:54

    aww... c' mind can't take that much more f***ing!

  112. I no doubt think that could be a possibility, but Fringe would suddenly become far less entertaining. I've read interviews where they've said they've held off Peter finding out about his son, that his story with Fauxlivia is far from over, that the father and son dynamic still had material and that Peter and Olivia's relationship/bond/whatever would always always be part of the show, even if it wouldn't "always be smooth sailing." You sort of need Peter for all of this. But that by no means doesn't mean they couldn't permanently eradicate him.

    I'd be sort of ill at this. Three years of character development and relationships built with Walter and Olivia only to be entirely invalidated after that length of time? Sad. So I hope they don't do it. I've stuck with this show for ages; this would be more than disappointing to me.

  113. Oh, forgot one thing: did anyone else thought when Walter said "it can't be worse than this" about the repercussions and cost about the paradox and the cheating the rules of time. Sure it can be worse. I would bet that could be the plot of Season 5 or 6 that the producers could be planning....

  114. As Peter never existed I think Joshua Jackson will be back next season maybe under a new character role.
    keeping my fingers crossed

  115. hahahahaha that's the risk of going back in time, right???? but what happened, happened!!!!

    thank god we weren't left with this craziness as a series finale!!!!!!!! now more than ever i just hope that whenever it's time for fringe to end for good it does so with COMPLETE closure!!!!!!


    interesting article

  117. i didn't see that coming either, not in my wildest dreams!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so mind-blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. yeah, these polls need to have a 1-100 scale!!!!!!!!!!!!

  119. lol!!!!!!!!

  120. laugh hysterically is all i seem to be able to do now...

  121. i think he will... but for a while i've thought that maybe in the end -as a series finale- peter will have to die in order to place the wolrds back on track. i guess this is a form of dying in the fringe world...

  122. WOW... just wow. Mind-blowing. I'm still confused.

    Nah, they wouldn't just cut Peter off, I'm sure he'll be back. Theories, theories... this will require lots of thinking for the next few months.Sigh! This will be a long, long Summer.

  123. apocalypse aside, i really really liked the future portrayed in this episode. astrid rocks, indeed! finally she upgraded! peter and olivia's relationship is so beautifully developped; olivia is the boss, peter is agent bishop; broyles as senator... it does feel like a coherent evolution from the present situation. would have liked to see more of nina, though. and what happenes to rachel? when ella is in the lab with walter and he appologises for her loss, does he mean olivia or is he referring to a previous loss of her mother?

    i also thought that it was just normal that walter was the most hated man on earth... i love him deeply, but he is getting what he deserves... idk, it just feels like a very
    sensible (as sensible as fringe goes) future to me.

  124. i can see her going "uhm, where did this baby come from???" lol

  125. yes! that definitely had me wide-eyed!!!!!! really didn't see that coming!

  126. OMFG Fringeache doesn't begin to describe it, no Peter..... was Astrid not in the room at the end... maybe she will remember him

  127. this episode was simply amazing. pinkner and wymann are geniuses.

  128. The part about the observers saying that Peter never existed struck me too. It was like hitting brick wall. Just what the hell's going on. I was expecting something unexpected but this sure came out of the blue. I've never seen a season ending like this in any show in my life before. Fringe was the first thing I thought of this morning. It's going to be a long summer trying to figure things out. And I'm certain by this Sept. I won't be any closer to what actually does happen. Fringe your one of a kind,you stand a mile above the rest.

  129. Speculating what happened at the end of this episode till september will likely give you a tumour. Im choosing to make no guesses or assumptions. Peter is one of the shows core 3 he will be back.

    If he never existed does that mean he was never a mighty duck and the team didn't win the final game get to represent america and get a scholarship to that college?!

  130. This finale was pure genius. Pure happiness. I've had goosebumps a lot of times from the beginning to the end of the episode...

    To be honest, this finale reminded me of Lost's madness. In one word, it was awesome.

  131. very emotional episode too, i felt like crying from beginning to end...

  132. They have proven that it's possible to do better than better. Which is fine by me.

  133. This was my absolute favorite episode yet. Totally loved it! The way the Observer's comments read to me is that by going back into time Peter fulfilled his purpose, which was to never exist. From him never existing perhaps means that the magnitude caused by what happened by Walter taking him was lessened to the point where the universes won't be destroyed as was shown in the future. Obviously there is still some problem, but now manageable.

    I live abroad and just got a chance to watch it now....still racing through my mind

  134. MurderMondays7 May 2011 at 15:07

    Farscape was one of the best sci-fi shows of all time. Like most great sci-fi shows S1 was relatively weak but after that it takes off in the best way. So, yes, I think any real sci-fi fan is doing themselves a great disservice by not watching it.

  135. After sleeping for a few hours and waking up without a FINGEache.. I decided to jot down my final thoughts on the episode as of now. As with any FRINGE theory they evolve and change too often tp update as new info or ideas come into play... Ha!

    Peter gets into the machine in our universe attempting to stop the destruction Walternate caused by starting the Machine over there..Once inside the machine, Peter's consciousness exists in multiple times and in multiple universes.... all at the same once.Peter experiences a glimpse of the future (his consciousness travels to the future)- red universe gone and blue on its way.In the future, Walter figures out that Peter can change the past by acting in a different way than before. Before what he did caused Red universe to be destroyed and blue universe to be in massive decay because the two universes are inextricably linked.With his consciousness still in the future and his body still in the Machine Peter realizes that he could change his original action while within the machine. This is because while in the Machine he is in every dimension at every time. No paradox is created because is both within and without time.Peter realizes he is inside the Machine still and changes his original actions. Instead of destroying the Red universe to save the blue, he chooses to build a "bridge" between them. While creating this bridged space Peter has to keep himself seperate from both universes and inside the the machine.This action transports both present time Machine control rooms to one space. That space is now in its own dimension and time.Pulling the Fringe teamers and their alternates takes them from a stuck point in time. One where they hate each other. Once in the new "bridged space" anything happening outside of bridge space in their universe of origin does not affect them.Peter's very reason for existing was to do this one act. Now he has fulfilled his prophecy. His action has changed his past, future and his present and the consequences he feared are that he ceases to exist in the current timeline within the "bridged space".The Fringers within the bridge space have no recollection of him because for them, he currently does not exist.The people within the bridged space now relaize they have to do something to balance their two universes... Peter is now trapped out of time and space. Still not sure if some time in the future the Observers sent the machine parts back in time or Walter did it via the worm hole likes he thinks.Still not sure who the first people are. Could they be the Fringers in the bridged space who fix the universes?Still not sure who bestowed Sam Weiss his knowledge and when the first Sam received his knowledge.

    Now I will analyze no more until maybe July or August..... or in reality... If I can make it past next week I will be shocked...

  136. Pretty crazy but still nothing tops "We have to go back!"


  138. Maybe Peter is going to be like The Silence in Doctor Who. They seem him but don't remember him. Oh, and he's not as scary.

  139. I'm thinking he's like The Silence in Doctor Who. He's there, but you don't remember he's there. And he's not scary like the Silence.

  140. A.) I need a Coke to go with my fried brain.

    B.) Is Peter like The Silence in Doctor Who (except not terrifying)? You see him, but you don't remember seeing him? That would be a really cool twist.

    C.) See A.

  141. Yes but the big question is, if that made Peter irrelevant in the timeline -- where is he now?

  142. I see where you're getting that from, but I really don't think it's going to be that convoluted. That would be next to impossible for them to explain in-show without it seeming like a Supernatural-esque "breaking the fourth wall" type thing. White Tulip definitely planted the seed; but remember, after all, that what we thought we were witnessing in The Future was actually sort of a projection from the Machine to Peter's consciousness. There's simply no reason to believe he was "actually" there. Either way, though, it doesn't matter now, since Peter doesn't exist. I'm not even going to try and predict how he may come back or whatever. But I doubt there is a missing "primary" universe.

  143. it has already been said by the producers that, the crossing over between the universe has taken place even if Peter was not the reason for it... They also said we will find out exactly why Peter's existence became nullified and what the repercussions that Peter was referring to when Walter described his plans to save the two worlds.

  144. Well I can`t tell you...that`s a part of the story of the season 4.

  145. Joshua can start looking for a new job....

  146. This episode is the reason why I watch television. Not all the scenes were absolutely great but the story (AND the end!)will keep me and my head busy for the entire summer.

  147. Two things.
    First, I'm really confused as to how the Machine came to be. If the First People were our Fringies, and sent the Machine back in time, who actually MADE the Machine? It seems like a causal loop to me. Meaning that the Machine never gets created. It just pops into existence. Kind of like the Compass Paradox in LOST.
    Second, I'm also confused as to why The Observers even remember Peter. Here's why: If Peter came back to our present, and made a "different decision" to create this Time Space Bridge between Red and Blue universes, and ceases to exist (no one remembers him), then why do the Observers remember him? You see my logic here? I know they can see all of Time at once, but if they do remember that he "served his purpose" that means, by definition, he HAD existed. So August's statement is false. Meaning...Peter still exists, just not in our timeline. Can't wait to see how they'll bring him back (because TPTB DID say that S4 will be even more about Peter than this season).

  148. Yeah, that REALLY tripped me up. Where the hell did Walternate get that drawing? BC as far as we know, Sam Weiss was not Over There to help Liv find the crowbar, etc. ....or was he? ;)

  149. A different timeline, is my guess. He has to exist somewhere, because The Observers remember him.

  150. It's obvious that Walter sent the Machine pieces back to the past, but where did those pieces come FROM? Who made them? It's a loop, because the Fingies discover the pieces, put them together, in the future Walter sends them back, only to be dug up again, put together, on and on. So where did the Machine's pieces get created?

  151. I posted this in the forum (

    It's a Paradox, that's why Peter "never existed". Here's what I think (excuse my english but I speak spanish):

    Peter comes back from the future and creates the "bridge" he still
    exists, but when he explains them that each universe needs the other one
    to exist, and consequently they have to work together to fix it, at
    that exact point he changes future, future as he saw no longer exists.
    But if that future doesn't longer exist, where did he go then? That
    future never existed, so he couldn't have been there, it's simply

    It was a paradox, and it was corrected by erasing Peter.
    That's why He never existed. They played with the rules of time, and
    Time had to be corrected, Peter couldn't be there.

    If this is the
    case, the only way I can imagine to bring Peter back is with help of the
    Observers, because they move through several timelines apparently.

  152. I just read somewhere (believe on spoilerTV, the reaction on a review) that someone twittered that Joshua has a contract for season 4. That would mean that he does appear, so.. don't freak out yet. We can all manage until september. Haha, who am I kidding?

  153. Everyone getting in a tizzy over what the writers did/did not answer needs to just calm down. Peter will be back. the writers and directors probably ask the same questions and run through all of this before they film. We'll get answers. Just not right now.

  154. I really need to watch this again.. but I'm gonna cry like a baby :'(

  155. Good Season Finale,I'm glad it's returning next season.

  156. Imagine if it didn't. Imagine that the series didn't get renewed and this was all we had to work with, that we'd never get an answer. It still amazes me though how they keep surprising us, even tho it's already going into its fourth season!

  157. Help?

    I did like the episode but I'm feeling a little like a dunce. Can someone help me?

    Why did Peter making a different choice erase him from existence?

    Here's where I got confused. Walter drew Peter's consciousness from 2011 to 2026 so that he could make a different decision while in the machine and he did. But doesn't that just affect the point from when he got *into* the machine? It doesn't affect anything that happened before that point right? What about his creating the bridge caused him not to exist?

    I'm a heavy sci-fi viewer and reader and time travel and the attending paradoxes aren't new to me so I'm flummoxed to have missed something.

    Help? :-)


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