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POLL : What did you think of The Event - Arrival?

24 May 2011

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  1. Very unexpected... and an excellent resolution to many of the major plotlines. (I'd still like to understand more of this prophecy stuff regarding The Event...) I thought I'd see a slew of people walk out from the portal. Instead, we get an ENTIRE PLANET. whoa. Hope that someone else picks up this series, is NBC doesn't want it.

  2. Baby supply shops in TV land are getting a huge increase in business now, aren't they?

  3. Well said. I too want to know more about the Prophecy stuff. That arrival reveal was awesome.

    We need to really start hounding Netflix or whoever to pick up the show and give us a chance a more answers. GREAT (SEASON) FINALE 

  4. I loved it.The Virus got stopped.jarvis IS done for.Sophia captured.The minute the doctor told Lela they found something In her bloodwork I knew she was pregnent.The Aliens home planet IS now In Earth's
    orbit and ending strongly suggested the First lady Is indeed an alien.I hope someone else picks it up.

  5. I obviously understand why NBC cancelled the Event... but do they honestly think GRIMM will do better as a serialized show?  Are you kidding me?  They should have just renewed The Event for Fridays or something.  Everyone who watched the second half of the season knows just how good it was.  The show really leveled out in that 4.0 - 4.5 million range, had great playback numbers, and was better than you'd think in the 18-49 demo.

  6. I totally didn't see the entire planet coming through the portal like that. That was crazy. Some other network needs to pick up this show!!!

  7. Awesome!!  I can't believe it's cancelled!  I reallllly hope another network picks this up!!  Such a great series.

  8. The fact The Event stayed In the 4 million range Is a feat cnsideirng NBC did the show no favors by having the long hituas.The event Improved.They addressed the early critism by doing away with flashbacks.Chuck was hardly a rating blockbuster eather.Networks obvisously think the solution to their problems are canning a bunch of shows and starting new ones.And may I also remind people shows like the Event have viewers who don't show up In the crooked nielson
    system.I am sure the DVR numbers help rise the event's numbers.If any network on cable picks it up I will be very happy with them.

  9. I'm really getting fed up watching anything on many networks. I can just see a bunch of "suits" sitting around a conference table saying, "cancel it" while probably having no clue about the fan base or the show itself.  Sorry, just pissed. NBC is probably #1 on my sh*t list ever since they butchered Heroes and now cancelling The Event.

    It's going to be really difficult for me to even watch another show because it will probably just get cancelled. People are just as bad to blame watching brainless reality shows like the Bachelor and Jersey Shore. Hell, I'm from Jersey and am ashamed to have been after that crap, but people watch it sadly. Ok, I'm done.

  10. Slightly disappointed with the ending. we waited all season for her plan to work, only for it to be stopped in the finale; same goes for bringing her people here, didn't really get to see that either, just the planet brought closer! 
    Saying this, it wouldn't be so bad if there was going to be a series 2....

  11. As a season finale this would have been great, but as a series works sort of in an open ended way, but nah. they should have prepare for the worst in my opinion and shot an alternate ending. Maybe the DVD will have a resolution to the story, but who will buy it?

  12. I thought the final episode of the Event was fantastic...  Jarvis was revealed to be a troll...  Very surprised to see the entire planet pop up...  seems like its position would affect the Earths gravity more than it did...

    Hope NBC or some network picks it back up...

    Heck, even "Spoiler TV" dropped The Event from its list of spoiler shows...  BAD MOVE SPOILER TV!!!

  13. The sow got canned so there is no reason that the show remains up there is its canceled.

  14. It's still there, just use the Drop Down menu on the top right :)

  15. Yep, well said. Really enjoyed The Event. I must stop enjoying shows, all the ones I like get cancelled :(

  16. Sorry, the planet movement was sooo stupid...If the "aliens" have a technology that makes it possible to move entire planet from one solar system to another, doesn't this technology is advanced enough to make them build some space ships mand find yet another planet that would be good enough to live on? Whyis  Earth so im portant? How long did they know that their starwas turning into supernova? They had plenty of time to find another planet. If they moved their planet to our solar system, couldnt they just find another solar system and find there a spot where the planet would fit? What kind of thechnology is able to move such a big thing that a planet is? They used some atomic cores from human's power plant to do it? Really? Couldn't they just built some huge paceship and get all the aliens on it and teleportate them on Earth? But that wouldn't be so spectacular to watch...

  17. And one question that bothers me: What happened to the passengers of the plane from the pilot episode? Where are they? They woke up, were alive, where are they now? Did I miss something?

  18. It's a sign of the times when a show that talks about the destruction of the human race, dying planets, and power hungry politicians gets Cancelled.  The Event, you kicked ass and we're sorry to see you go.

  19. Great! Nothing wrong with being great, it just wasn't awesome for me. In the rush to turn a season finale into a series finale,  some loose ends never did get tied up, some got tied up too quickly. To address the Sean-Leila relationship that started the show, they gave Leila a pregnancy. That seemed gratuitous (I had long since stopped caring about Sean and Leila). Jarvis got his hand slapped. Turns out Dempsey's only purpose was to deliver the scroll, which explained everything, but Lee told us all we needed to know anyway.

    What I loved: That ending! Wow. Well done. Alien flotus turning to the coming planet and saying "Home."

    I liked this highly imaginative story very much and I'm glad to have watched. It was well-written and well-acted, mostly. If the show is picked up by another network, I'm not sure where they can take the story at this point. To me, it was a fun one-year adventure.

  20. Damnit...just like flashforward.  They were obviously expecting a second season =(

    The story isn't over ppl I REALLY HOPE SOMEONE else picks it up!

  21. so sad its gone loved it excepted some really obvious bits like the recording

  22. I agree with the Sean and Leila thing.  The whole season I was waiting for Sean to actually propose to Leila, but it never happened.  I'm not into drama crap like that, but I was disappointed about that being left the way it was.  That was a major plot line in the pilot and the main reason they were where they were when all this happened.

  23. wow, the end was unexpectedly brilliant... they did not have good writers, they could not decide on a narrative pattern and the characters kept leaping from one thing to another... but ultimately it turns out that did know where they were going with it... there IS something referred to as The Event... But there are a hundred other things they should have done differently, the creative team and the network...

    Now I really do hope they are successful in finding another broadcaster...

  24. well did not notice how the president's wife referred that planet as "Home"? is there something to it?

  25. I think it confirmed what we thought already in that she was one of
    Sophia's people

  26. I liked this highly imaginative story very much and I'm glad to have watched. It was well-written and well-acted, mostly. If the show is picked up by another network, I'm not sure where they can take the story at this point. To me, it was a fun one-year adventure."

    Yea, I agree.  While I did enjoy the show I'm thinking it might be for the best keeping it as a one season 'adventure'.

  27. OK... 

    You are forgiven...  :)

  28. Thanks :) although in a week it will be moved to the canceled label. :(


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