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POLL : What did you think of Castle - Knockout?

17 May 2011

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  1. #CastleFinale .... WTF? I sure hope Beckett was wearing a bullet-proof vest, otherwise, there is no #CASTLE without Beckett... :'(

  2. Oh my God!???!!

    What the... what the... what the... *speechless*

    Aw Castle at the end, saying "I love you" *dies*

    Beckett doesn't die at the end (can't be). I'm pretty sure she fell unconscious.  She wasn't wearing a bullet proof vest though, there was blood.

  3.  PS> Weren't the spoilers that only ONE regular character was going to die in the finale...? Or is it just me?

  4. my mouth is still open. i just can't believe what i saw. this is sure going to be a long summer. 

  5. That was amazing. Why is the summer so loooong?!

  6. Calling a Beckett coma for the summer break.

  7.  How can ANYBODY vote anything but 'awesome' for that episode. There was NOTHING wrong with it. 

  8. Kinda saw the Cpt storyline coming but it still had me going O_O WOW

  9.  Summer will sure be long! But we know there is season 4, so ... Beckett will have to live! But..WTF is what I thought too.

  10. Castle finally works up the nerve to tell Beckett he loves her and she goes and gets shot! Hope Beckett was wearing a bullet proof vest.  

  11.  I don't think I'll recover!! So many questions to answer now! Who shot her? Will Caskett address their feelings after the summer? Will Beckett be working again? Who'll be the new chief?? noo nooooooo!!! :'( It's too much... enough to analyze over the following months, but seriously, this episode broke my heart!!

  12.  There was blood on her hands. She was hit to some degree.

  13. Only ONE OF THE BEST HOURS OF TELEVISION I'VE EVER WATCHED. EVER. And I watch a lot of TV, let me tell you. 

  14. HOLY FREAKING CRAP. The twist with Roy really was a twist and OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WANTED. But then he redeemed himself. I figured he was going to die, but not in that way.



  15.  If you payed close attention there was blood on Kates white glove and you could tell she was in pain,she wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest, totally didn't see that coming, and castle telling her that he loves her and then she passes out, OMG, I so shreiked for the longest and my heart was racing and now i have knots in my stomach, this summer is totally gonna suck waiting, I sense that there's gonna be tons of fanfiction written for this over the summer!!!! Best Episode Ever!!!

  16. they can't kill off beckett.. they just can't do that. they won't.  

  17.  This episode was amazing. The cast & crew did a fabulous job. 

    The ending caught me surprise cuz i was like okay Montgomery's gone so it'll end with his funeral. I did NOT expect that CLIFFHANGER!! 

    Castle and Beckett!! OMG. I can't wait until the next season!! 

    Plus everyone on the cast got a scene!! and Josh didn't interrupt anything which made me happy. 

    This episode was definitely one of their BEST. 

  18. BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!! SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!

  19.  Freakin hell, that was the most intense episode ever. Even worst than Fringes' season finale. She can't die, really, Castle can't afford that, they would probably loose too much viewers and besides, without Beckett Castle isn't Castle anymore.

    And the twist with Montgomery! Didn't saw that one coming. Think everyone expecting him to die, but holy crap this was good. 

    And the little scene between Ryan and Esposito? First of all, Ryan really has to man up. Apart from that, freaking amazing. 

    And Castle and Beckett were so good together this episode. Their fight was.. necessary at least, I think, and it fitted well with the story and the characters. But how he dragged her away from Montgomery, and how she kept yelling and crying and completely breaking down? Man oh man. 

    This will be THE worst wait every. How can they do this to us? This is no cliffhanger, this is just pure torture. As soon as I'm back home I'm so gonna re watch this.

  20. I was definitely not expecting that ending. I don't think she will die though. The show wouldn't make any sense with her not around. I'm definitely not deleting this episode off of my DVR...well, at least until it comes back on in the fall. Awesome episode! 

  21. I had to wait like an hour and half before I could make a coherent thought ... holy shit, that was so off the hook.  I am hating summer so hard right now ... Is it September yet? 

  22.  Awesome! 

    Despite the very unexpected curve-ball cliffhanger, this is one of the best freaking season ending, I've ever seen seen. For any shows I've ever watched. So yeah... :)

  23.  OMG what was that? I am goinig to die next few months...

  24.  I think they possibly did that as a setup to draw out the last guy and she is gonna fake her own death like what they did on a episode of bones / but i dont think she was wearing a vest because she had blood but just a sec before the end castle did have this smirk on his face tho..

  25.  I'm still in shock since I watched it. That was an AMAZING episode! It was better than awesome. I never saw that coming! 

  26.  I was thinking the same thing.

  27. AnneMarguerite17 May 2011 at 09:59

    "This is no cliffhanger, this is just pure torture."
    There are no better words to describe my feelings.

    It was amazing!
    He finally told her "I love you"!
    She was crying - probably from the pain, but I'd like to think that at least one tear was a reaction to Rick's words.
    Also love two little scenes: between Castle and his mother when he couldn't find right words, and between Ryan and Esposito - both scenes... just wow! (Now I can't write down my thoughts...)
    Castle and Beckett outside the hangar - another awesome scene! So emotional.

    From the beginning I thought that last scene would be something like: somebody is trying to shoot Beckett, Castle jumps in front of her and he takes a bullet. And when he saw that reflection I was sure that he'll be fast enough to shield her with his body.
    I'm not sure which version would be better...

  28. agree with you guys. still in shock. BEST.EPISODE,EVER.
    it has been quite a long time for a veteran of tv series like me to be moved like this! (still in shock.)

  29. WTF, this is a season finale, not like the other i watched today, the end, the shooting, and the best, Castle telling her finally that he loves her, i did cry, OMG how can we survive this summer? i just do not how

  30. stewart boyatt17 May 2011 at 11:33

     Jesus Christ, did they have to go Changes on us?!?!, did they have to go Changes on us?!?!

  31. AnneMarguerite17 May 2011 at 11:34

     I can't stop thinking about it!.

    Why he wasn't fast enough to shield her with his body?

  32. I don't think she's dead. Stana still has a contract with the show, she's one of the main character and they have already kill Montgomery

  33.  Dang that was good. Kind of knew it was gonna happen but DANG! xD Beckett will be fine. It's called a cliffhanger. She's probably one of the "Possible Deaths" on the Ausilio scorecard. But she'll be okay. Good cliffhanger though! 

  34.  Let me see, 4 months until season four, right? Yeah, I honestly don't know how I'm going to do that. I mean the man said "I love you" for god sakes, he freaking said "I love you", he said it twice actually and we are just expected to go about with our lives as normal for four months?! Mission Impossible indeed. 

  35. much awesomeness I can't say a word... 

  36. atlantisguy197617 May 2011 at 16:32

     Castle says "I Love You" in season 3?  No Bones-esque crap for 6 seasons.  Thank you!

  37. Oh, my God! I'm in tears, my face is dormant! No, no, no, in 4 months I can't survive.

  38.  Had so much blood, much blood!

  39. Syd TheSquid Malfoy17 May 2011 at 17:48

     i though it was ok, but i predicted everything tht was gonna happen within the first 10 minutes

  40.  I thought Fringe's finale was bad. D: I don't think she'll die, but damn, four months? D:

  41. damn it,  television makes me wish the summer away. 

  42.  HAHAH LOL! yeah but hey, Beckett wont rememeber it and Castle wont wanna say it again and here we go for an other 3 years :(

    btw it was a good WTF :D I LOVE YOU! I can wait an other episode for a kiss with THAT

  43. Sure there was: Castle's bragging about his new graphic novel was some of the most obvious and heavy-handed in-show marketing I've seen in quite a while.  But, since I intend to buy the graphic novel as soon as it's out, I guess I have to forgive that particular flaw! 

  44. RicardoGualtieriMontejaneSo18 May 2011 at 01:21

    wtf until the fall season

  45.  the only thought in my mind: Who shot KB? I wonder if the writers are fans of Dallas. 

  46. Jesse Oldfield18 May 2011 at 04:56

     I predict that she'll be fine and they'll date over the summer, and somehow castle will screw it up.  That way the writers can give the shippers the relationship they want in flashbacks while the banter can continue for the few who like them separate.  I don't think lovey dovey castle/beckett could really work for more than the occasional reference.  If this is the case though I'll be annoyed that it will probably put the partnership into peril for the season opener once again, because recycled plot lines are teh suck.

  47. there was no vest.. There was blood on her hands.. You could see that.. But come on, is this your first show? :)) She's not dead, it's just like u said.. there's no show without her, and they could just cancel it , that would couse the same effect like kate's death.

  48. And shoot Castle instead of Beckett ... hush your mouth :) 

  49. eachofusangels21 May 2011 at 07:27

    since one of the latest spoilers made it clear that Josh won't be leaving the picture and he will be the one treating Beckett I wouldn't hope for a happy Caskett romance to soon...
    I also loved this episode but I don't think there's such a massive cliffhanger (and I'm glad about that: can't be thinking about Castle the whole summer...): Of course Kate isn't dead and of course they won't get together immediately. And in another interview I remember reading that the writers had to come up with a new excuse for them not being together except Josh. I bet they found one...

  50. Castle's season finale was this season's best season finale by far.

  51. AnneMarguerite27 May 2011 at 12:57

    check this out:


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