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POLL : What did you think of Bones - The Change in the Game?

20 May 2011

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  1.  FINALY! (talking about this poll)

    I NEED to know how you guys all feel about the baby! CAUSE I LOVE IT! I NEED ME SEELEY/BRENNAN together NOW! BUT... well.. I WANTED A KISS before the baby just saying hahaha any wya

  2. So, this was the first episode I watched all season. I'm sooo glad I did!!!!!

  3. Ahh! This is AMAZING, I really didn't think they would take this route for the whole Emily being pregnant thing. 

    However, it does seem a bit rushed. I mean they weren't even really together. I wish we had seen an intro (or at least knew of) the fact that they had gotten with each other. But who cares. Yay!

  4. OMG!!!! I'm in shock!!..... I can't believe it! They actually had sex AND BONES IS PREGNANT!!!!!!! I'm sad that we didn't get to see them being a bit more romantic with each other... but I'll over look it after this bombshell! I never thought they'd actually right Emily's pregnancy into the series. Season seven is going to be insane!

  5. Syd TheSquid Malfoy20 May 2011 at 03:11


  6.  You need a better option there...more akin to OMG!

  7. A little physical contact would have been GRAND but all in all - a great CHANGE IN THE GAME for season 7!!! 

  8. Smallville_Bones20 May 2011 at 03:29

    All I gotta say is I KNEW SOMETHING HAPPENED!!
    Didn't expect them to write the pregnancy in but hey I'm not complaining!
    And I'm so happy for Angela & Hodgins, the fact that their baby is healthy. 

  9. So stoked they wrote in Emily's pregnancy! And Booth's smile at the end! Season 7 is going to rock!

  10. Frigging Amazing!!! and those words are an understatement. After last weeks epi I had a feeling that something happened but never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen. After everything that pointed to them not writing Emily's pregnancy in I am uber excited that they did. 

    Booth's smile after she told him was priceless. I am so glad they showed us that and didn't make us wait until next season for his reaction.

  11.  OMG, I love that Brennan is pregnant, and can I just say that I hope it's a girl? Angela's and Brennan's babies around the same age, how perfect is that? Can we start shipping them? Creepy, I know LOL I'm just so happy :) btw this whole thing reminded me of Mulder and Scully and how we never got to see them really together, just hope that won't be the case for B/B, I want them to be a couple and not just parents to a kid.

  12. Oh my God, I can finally take about it!

    I'm so freaking happy right now! Booth and Brennan did have sex and now they're having a baby! A baby! A baby! And Parker's going to be a big brother.

    I hope they have a girl now that Hodgela got the boy. Slightly bitter "Joseph" was dropped from his name, but oh well.

    I'm so excited for this storyline and I can't wait for next season!

  13. Doesn't matter how much of a Booth/Brennan shipper you are, Angela still ships them more than you. I can't wait to see her reaction. Or everyone's reaction. Hell, Sweets is going to have a field day.

  14. Huh, so Booth knocked up Brennan. You think he would have learned after the first time it happened. Oh well, at least people like it and we all like Parker, so... It all seems to be fine in the end I guess, just as long as Hannah doesn't come back with Booth's kid because that would be too much.

  15. elizamcconville20 May 2011 at 04:54

    Is there anywhere where you can watch the episode online?? Or at least the last scenes?? So excited!

  16. All I could think was "What?How?" How long has it been since the last episode (in their time)?
    Then I thought for sure I heard wrong, so I went back and watched it again and thought "Seriously...Wow!"
    I do wish we had seen at least a kiss at the end because it did seem kind of rushed, but next season is going to be awesome! 

  17. IMO they're doing the same thing the people in the X files did. Leaving things implied. I bet through next season, we'll watch Booth and Bones interact, but without so much as a simple physical contact like a hug or kiss we have all been waiting for so long. So, at the same time they'll give us what we want - BB together - they won't, because everything will have to be just suggested. So that will keep the audicience hanging, waiting for some sort of shipper scene. I don't know, that's my opinion.

  18. i dont care that we waited this for 6 years, I DO NOT CARE, BECAUSE WAS WORTH THE WAIT, AND BOOTH'S SMILE WAS PRICELESS

  19. I know! I wanted something more romantic! I actually wanted to see them together! We've waited 6 seasons for them to get together...and then they're just pregnant! I wanted kissing, and hugging, and just MORE! I'm still in shock! I can't get over it! I'm excited....but I wanted so much more! It feels too rushed and I feel like I didn't get the full satisfaction of what comes to it when having a baby! And plus....Angela and Hodgins just had a baby and now Booth and Brennan are having a baby!? It just seems like everything was put in high gear! :( 

  20. I think that writers are geniuses!!! This is the best way for them to give the audience a permanent BB connection without actually having them in a committed relationship. Before watching the finale I was convinced that they would just kiss or something because they did a really good job of hiding the fact that they did not know what they were going to do about emily's pregnancy.  But once I started watching the episode there were too many hints, yet there were no hints about that beautiful Booth smile, so it was totally worth it. I wonder if they are going fast forward and the new season will begin with her almost being due?

  21. I agree with everyone's comment so far. When I watched that final moment I didn't know how to react but Booth just made it easier for me to be so happy for them. I wonder where the producers and writers are going to take it from here. I am beaming..... :) Yay! For Angela and Hodgins their scenes were so sweet and funny!!!

  22.  Have to go to school now, so I can't watch it yet, but seriously, Bones is pregnant? I think I'm the only one not overly excited. I don't like it when the main characters get pregnant, get babies, and I don't really like the extra storyline as well normally. But it is bones we're talking about, so maybe they will make it good. Can't wait to watch it now though!

  23. tvline just posted an interview with Hart Hanson!
    My mind has been blown a second time lol

  24.  Really? Hole season is a waste of time. Come on! Thrilling was Castle o The Mentalist
    The end is forced, predictable and abrupt.  Six years waiting for this?  I can not believe !!Hart Hanson is as childish as therelationship is building between the two.

  25. OMG i cried like a baby, i'm so happy! But i must say, i would had loved to see more affection and a conformation of there relationship.. but hey... i'm not complaining anymore after this!

  26. Booth's smile at the end.... LOVE!


  28.  I'm home now so I'm gonna watch it inmediatly! I must say tho that I can't image that they are going there with the storyline, not right after Angela. It seems far more likely to me that they let Brennan lose the baby. Either a miscarriage or an adoption or something (not that brennan would want that, I'd think). And not that I want them to go there, cause I don't want a pregnancy storyline at all, but I just can't imagine that they let them have a freaking baby together even though they hardly are a couple, which we have been waiting for for six years.. right after another member of the team got a baby? Just saying. Too many babies, to much a rush. Alright. I'm gonna watch now!

  29. I liked the episode. I thought it was cute and funny and sweet, UNTIL THE END THAT BLEW ME AWAY. Wow... Bones is having his kid. Can't wait to see what her dad's reaction is going to be - pround grandpa or 'Booth I'm gonna kill you for knocking up my daughter'? lol I think this could be really good and dispel that BS Moonlighting curse. Seriously, does every show since then have to only get together the characters at the every end of the series? Are they THAT inept at creating engaging, interesting episodes that can deal with the real-life issues that couples deal with on a day-to-day basis?

    I read through Ausiello's interview with Stephen and I liked his approach to next season. They ARE the same people, they're not going to be all lovey-dovey I just don't see it. They WILL continue to argue. I can see them being together, but still being THEM. It'll be an interesting challenge. And I really hope they have a girl and name her after Bones' mom. Speaking of moms, where's Booth's? We know about his dad, and grandfather, and we've met Bones' dad and know about her mom, but I don't remember much about Booth's mother...

    The only complaint I had is that last week's ep was more of a finale - very fast-paced and omg-what's-going-to-happen than this week. It would've been better to have had a two-part or even a two-hour finale with last week's story being the focus and Booth catching him towards the end, AND THEN Brennan telling him. This will definitely be an episode I'll be rewatching through the summer. Thank God for summer seasons - Leverage, Burn Notice, The Closer, Rizzoli and Isles, White Collar Crime, Eureka, and Covert Affairs will get me through the Bones-less drought...

  30. I totally agree, at the beginning of this season I was screaming because we had been waiting so long, but after this finale I don't care that it has been 6 years, it was all worth it!!!!

  31. I love last two BONES episodes. I thought something had happend. I hope Brannan will have a babygirl ;) And hope that we will see amazing seventh season, Hart and Stephan, I believe you. I always said that you know what you should do. I hope I can count on you. I'm looking forward to BONES 7th season.

  32. Booth and Brennan are not together and are having a baby, I don't see what is wrong with that, really. I'm so happy, the episode was great :)
    I can't wait for next season. Her job is dangerous but I don't think her pregnancy will prevent her from working.

  33. Just read that they were planning on Brennan being pregnant, before Emily announced her pregnancy.

  34.  ould it be any less than Super friggin Awwwesome !!! :D

  35.  I absolutely loved this episode. what a finale!

  36. i loved this episode and the end was completely awesome. i hope they don't make bones have a miscarriage because that will be heartbreaking. i do have a question though, how long was it between the last two episodes.

  37. eachofusangels21 May 2011 at 07:33

     I also had to rewind =)

  38. According to an interview with Stephen Nathan, he said that there was about a month's time between "The Hole in the Heart" and "The Change in the Game." 

  39. I'm so glad I watched this when nobody else was home; there was audible cheering during the last scene. =) 

  40. I am completley pissed off by bones and booth finally sleeping together and the writes just not sowing it I mean, Seriously? after all we've waited for it?


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