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POLL : Supernatural - What is your Favourite Season?

21 May 2011

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Let us know in the comments which season you voted for and why!


  1. doublevisionqst21 May 2011 at 08:00

    I had to go with Season 4, mainly due to the sheer amount of genius plot twists.

    Dean being brought back from hell... the introduction of Castiel and the angels... the awesome powers Sam gained from his demon blood addiction... Ruby clouding Sam's judgment and starting the rift between Sam and Dean... Dean going back in time for the first time... the 66 seals being broken and the fact that Dean broke the first, Sam broke the last... the introduction of Chuck... Dean vs. Alastair... The Winchesters vs. Lilith... Lucifer Rising...

    Season 5 was amazing too but Season 4 just elevated the show to a whole new level for me.

  2. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 08:03

     this is how i say it:
    season 2
    season 5
    season 4
    season 1
    season 3

  3. Don't want to choose a favorite season - they all have something I like or dislike about them. They've all helped bring us to where we are now.

  4. Maria Pinochet21 May 2011 at 08:15

     My favourite is the 4th season because Dean was alive! withouth making any deals with demons (I hate that, nothing good came out of doing that), I truly believed Rubi was a good demon, I totally bough is crap story "I remeber how it was to be human". Now I now to never trust a demon, poor sam :S. Anyway, I liked when sam was powerful, but I glad now he is normal and not blood junkie, is the best I think. 

    I also enjoyed the end of 5th season, when Sam/Lucifer was beating up Dean,  the saw the Impala and Sam came back (which literally made me cry, I'm glad Sam recognized Dean, and the bond they have as brother), I really apreciated the sacrifice that Sam tried to achieved by jumping into the abyss and gping to Hell, I was so happy when in the end He wasn't in hell and was actually still alive. 
    That end was epic, I think is the best end of all supernatural seasons.
    I hope when the show is over they made another epic end for the brother, and I will hate it if the writers dare to kill one of the boys because after all they have been throught (lossing love ones) they deserved a happy ending.

  5.  I agree with your list completely!  Although I might say Season 1 and 3 are tied, mainly because 1 with the lack of an overall main story arc evens it out with the short, rushed length of season 3.

  6. I really love all the seasons for different reasons. But I picked season 6 because I felt like it needed some love. And personally really enjoyed all the different things they gave us this year =]

  7. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:24

    Yeh it was a bit rushed but the went on strike that year it could have been better though. Season 1 ending is great though epic it seats  season 2 off . But i dont think season 7 will beat "All hell breaks loose part 2" loved yellow eyes . XX

  8. That's right!  Darn writer's strike but good for them for standing up, as much as it sucked to not have TV they had the right to do it.

    And ya, I agree that All Hell Breaks Loose (both parts) were phenomenally good and I loved ol' yellow eyes as a villain.  Still, regardless if they may or may not be able to top it, I'm glad that they can still keep the fans interested and intrigued for the future of the show.

  9. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 09:57

    Oh yes i mean season 3 there were some good eposides like  The Magnificent Seven"
    Bad Day at Black Rock"
    "Sin City"
    "Fresh Blood"
    A Very Supernatural Christmas
    Mystery Spot"
    Jus in Bello
    Time Is on My Side"
    "No Rest for the Wicked"

    Yellow eyes was cool lol and funny and at times scary. I agree as long as they keep there fans interested nothing to worry about and loved the final part2 of season 6 although not as good as season 5 or season 2 cause it's more based on the brother's relationship when this is based on Cas and how he enjoy's having power , still rocked though. Cant wait for season 7 :) 

  10. charlenelovesmojo199121 May 2011 at 10:03

    Yeh thats a good season but way to dark for me ,and i hate were Sam and Dean are in that season towards each other . But the final is outstanding when Dean ganks Ruby 

  11. Oh ya I forogt that A Very Supernatural Christmas was in Season 3, think that's probably my favorite holiday (and one of my favorite) episodes because it showed even way back when how much they looked after one another.

    In that regard Yellow Eyes and Crowley are similar, they're cool/funny but can be scary at times.  I still believe that Swan Song was the best episode.  It gave more significance to the impala, the brothers, their relationship, and a definite all-or-nothing vibe.  At first I thought Season 6 wouldn't work because I thought Swan Song was too good of an ending, but I'm pleased with how they handled themselves (aside from episodes like the dog one or the Third Man (I personally didn't like that one)).

  12. doublevisionqst21 May 2011 at 10:35

    I agree... it probably is the darkest season so far aside from maybe Season 6. I just remember "Lazarus Rising" so vividly, it felt like a new era of the show had just started. I remember wondering the whole episode "What is this insanely powerful new creature? Why would they bring Dean back? How did they do it? What kind of powers do they have?" and when it turned out to be angels, I just loved Kripke's interpretation of them. They added so much more depth to the mythology and kept things fresh.

    As the season progressed I definitely didn't want Sam and Dean to stay at each other throats forever and I was totally rooting for Sam to break his addiction, but it all served a great purpose (to set up Sam as Lucifer, Dean as Michael in Season 5) and from strictly a story perspective, it was a fantastic opportunity for the writers to create drama that kept you on the edge of your seat.

  13. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 11:21

    although i have loved every season
    i love season 2
    i don't know what it is about it, it just seems to me that season 2 is supernatural
    i've never understood the massive love for season 4 because that was personally my least fave season
    found it very hard not to vote for season 6 just then but i just finished watching the finale less then 2 minutes ago so i'm running off that steam. but then i remembered how wishy washy some if this season has been and in the end voted season 2

  14.  Still Season 1 same as Jensen


    season 3
    season 2
    season 4
    season 5
    season 6

    but I have a feeling based on the very little I'm hearing about season 7 that it may be one of my favourite, the angel story effectively gone, Cas scaled back and in a completely different role, the boys against the world and not going down without a fight, plus Crowley and Bobby will be back? Sounds like my kind of season.

  15. For me it goes
    1. season 2
    2. season 5
    3. season 4
    4. season 6
    5. season 3
    6. season 1
    I think its kinda funny that most people put season 1 at the bottom of there lists when its what drew them into the show in the first place. It just shows how amazing this show has gotten these past 5 years. I think we should rate what is everyones favorite season finale because i honestly think thats what makes u rate a season. I mean all hell breaks loose 1 and 2 r my favorite epic episodes.

  16. lostrocks4ever21 May 2011 at 12:30

    season 1 is far from my bottom
    for me its probbaly second
    then season 3

    season 3 is what drew me in, the first episode i ever saw was the season 3 opener and i've watched every episode since!!

  17. I love all of them! I can't choose.

  18.  Season 4 for the only reason being Dean was finally brought in to the Mytharc.

  19. for me is almost a tie between 2,4 and 5 will be a real final contest the results of these poll the point of diference will be too short have a lots of fun and no matter what these 3 specifics season are delightfull to watch .

  20. I second this.
    Each season has totally brilliant episodes on one hand and totally lame ones on the other hand.
    But each season is unique in it's own right.
    So I can't choose. 

  21.  I think season 6 got a bad rep for Castiel's dark side. Altogether it was great but we love Cas too much

  22.  Ok the red note at the bottom of the post tells me that something has been going on recently... 

  23. I'll go with 2, 3, 4, 6, 1, 5.  I just liked the feel of season 2 and the place the boys were in at that time.  I liked the overall arc of season 6 and liked the way geopolitical themes served as the basis of a lot of the storylines, but there were too many things that didn't come together, such as Sam's soullessness dragging on too long and too few Sam POV episodes, or pacing issues with some of the storylines.  I also still have unanswered questions.  For example, why didn't soulless Sam sleep?  Sleep is biological - animals sleep too - so it doesn't make sense that it would be a symptom for not having a soul.  But season 6 was more complex than season 1, and not as depressing as season 5.

  24.  The second season is the best one for me, i like the chemistry between the winchester on that one
     After that:

    - Season 4
    - Season 3
    - Season 1
    - Season 5 (very disspointed by this one)
    - Season 6 (good but a little confused)

  25. - Season 5
    - Season 4
    - Season 2
    - Season 6- Season 3
    - Season 1 

  26. Ok...ALL THEM LOL

    No i think SEASON 5 for how they weaved so much of the Bible into the mythology...and that scene in the symbolic Garden of Eden with Dean/Lucifer is one of my fav scenes ever...from the the the way it was shot...incredible!!!!


  27. charlenelovesmojo199122 May 2011 at 02:58

    Yeh it was a lovely episode for Dean and Sam as it was Dean's last Christmas. Alos the flashbacks in the episode of Sam giving Dean the neck-less was sweet. 

    Yeh i agree Crowley is sooooo funny lol, but can be nasty .Loved the swan song it like you say  told the story of why the car is so special , also loved how it went back to season 2 "everybody loves a clown" when Dean rebuilt it and told all the memories of Sam and Dean and the moment when Sam looked at the toy and all they flashbacks came all at once was epic .... yeh i don't really like the first half of SPN ether . I hope next season Dean will fix the windscreen of his beauty  and will hit the road with Sam like the old times and many heavy metal xxx

  28. charlenelovesmojo199122 May 2011 at 03:02

    Yeh it truned a new leaf in SPN , also had your head spinning from question to question like who is good who is to be trusted ?. Yeh Sam went of the wagging a bit,well alot but in season 5 all he wanted to do was set things right . I hope in season 7 that Dean fixes his car hit the road like the old day's and say "bitch" "jerk" miss the joke between them and the heavy metal . x

  29. My list:

    Season 2
    Season 1
    Season 3
    Season 6
    Season 5
    Season 4

    I know season 4 is the season most of the fans liked best, but I never liked the atmosphere of it. I can't help but to feel that the story only went downwards after the introduction of the angels (no offence to the fans who do like that storyline). I just had the feeling Supernatural took a too big theme for such a 'small' show as it was, and I liked it that way. After that, it seemed like the story of two brother hunting evil made way for a bigger storyline (the apocalypse), and since than, the show hasn't been what it used to be. I still enjoy the show, I really do, but sometimes I just miss that easy feeling of the first three seasons.

  30. I just hope they do with Cas what they did with Sylar from Heroes when they remove/add powers etc. the Season 6 Finale was a little disappointing cos its all been done before and the pacing was a bit off. I hope they get back to the Season 3 and 4 type pacing and and arcs 

  31.  Season 5 is my fav, Season 4 is my least.

  32. My list is kind of like this.. (not completely sure though) :P
    Season 4
    Season 2
    Season 3
    Season 5
    Season 6
    Season 1

    But really, all the seasons are great <33

  33. Season 5, then 4, 1, 2, 3, and 6. I had to choose the fifth just because it was the culmination of all the plot ties right from the beginning, the summation of what the previous seasons had been leading up to.

  34. Seriously, I can't believe so many people loved season 5 so much. For me it was heavy, depressing and most of the time, predictable. But of course, brilliant, all SPN is brilliant.
    Season 6 went up for me after seing the last 3 episodes. Not sure if I like it more than season 1 and 5, but certainly it isn't the hands-down-worst as many people seem to think.

    Anyways, my fav remains season 4, closely followed by 2 and 3, and probably it's gonna stay like that until the show ends.

    still gotta think where to place season 6, actually. It's a bit too fresh.

    But all of them are awesome, I wish this should could go on forever!!!

  35. Still season 4 but season 6 came pretty close until the disappointing finale. Season 2 will always be among my favorites but I simply prefer the more mythology heavy seasons of four and six.


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