Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon My Top 3 Most Promising Pilots

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My Top 3 Most Promising Pilots

20 May 2011

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JJ Abrams and Jorge Garcia are moving to a different island. This island however does not contain a smoke monster or a 4 toed statue. It does however have disappearing and reappearing killers. The trailer looks wicked cool and I'm definitely tuning in to it. It's really reminding me of Fringe quite a bit. However in this case we have Sarah Jones instead of Olivia, Sam Neil instead of Broyles, and Jorge Garcia instead of Walter. Don't get me wrong I'm sure the show is going to be very original, as anything that JJ Abrams does is. I'm simply stating that I think it will have similar aspects. Anyway on to the next show! Alcatraz is slated for a midseason release on Fox.

Person of Interest

After talking about Alcatraz a bit I figured I should continue the chain with JJ's other new show. This show doesn't have the mystery factor that Alcatraz does, however I think the show will still be good. I can tell you I will be watching. When I saw the trailer for this one and saw "numbers" I freaked thinking Lost. I could be completely wrong on this guess, so please don't send me hate mail, but I'm predicting that the pilot of this may be a bit slow. In the trailer we see Benja- I mean Finche offer a desperate man a job. In my experience tv shows like that go through what my English teacher would describe as stage 3 of the Hero's Journey. What it basically means is that he will refuse the call(job offer) and go back to his normal boring life. It could pickup here though as Finche forces him into it. Just a guess though, I'm still gonna watch it. Person of Interest will play on Thursdays next fall on CBS.

Terra Nova

My top 3 pick for promising show is one that I don't know a whole lot about. I know about the time travel and dinosaurs, but not about the characters a lot. In the trailers released for Terra Nova, the only bit of character information we see is when it looks like someone is left behind in the future. I could be wrong about that and maybe I just haven't seen it. But I still think this is gonna be good. I won't say a whole lot about this one because I haven't researched it enough but from the trailer's the action looks great.Terra Nova will run on Mondays at 8 on Fox next fall.

From the looks of the polls most of you guys seem to agree with my top 3 pilots. I want to know why though. So whether you agree with me or not I'd greatly appreciate it if you left a reply explaining what you think the most promising looking pilots are and why. I really like reading your comments and am curious what you all have to say.


  1.  Which shows do you plan to watch?

  2. Smash Alcatraz Terra Nova Awake thats it for me

  3. Those are all on my list too. I've taken the schedule that was posted here and marked the new ones i plan to watch. I think I have something like 10 I'm interested in. In actuality though I'll probably just end up watching like 5-6. Boy that first week my DVR is gonna be busy.

  4.  My Top three (as of now)
    Awake, The River, Person Of Interest

    Of course the other Abrams shows will be on my to-watch list, but they haven't grabbed my attention as much as these 3...

  5. Definitely gonna WAIT for Alcatraz. why do all the good shows have to start midseason? It's driving me crazy. I really really liked the trailer. I thought it would be set in the past and be about the prisoners but the trailer suggested that the mythology could be very interesting.

    Person of Interest looks decent. I wasn't blown away but the trailer looked good enough to give a chance. I'm a bit afraid of the procedural element of the show but they got Emerson, so I will at least watch the first episode. But I know myself, if there isn't a really good story, I will forget to watch it.

    Awake. I LOVED the long trailer/preview. And again a midseason show. Hate it. But I'm thankful that NBC picked it up. Ever since I heard of it, it sounded too confusing for normal network TV, I always hoped that it would make it. No matter, if this show lasts 2 episodes, a whole season or more, alone it's existence is a miracle and makes me exited. If I could only watch one new show, it would be Awake. Easily my number one.

    Ringer aka the new SMG show. The idea of the show sounds horrible but it's SMG, I must at least watch the first episode and I was suprised by the trailer which didn't look awful, for a CW trailer.

    1. Awake (midseason. I'm gonna cry now)
    2. Alcatraz (midseason. Why? Why?!!!!)
    3. Ringer

    New Fall Shows:
    1. Ringer
    2. Person of Interest
    3. Once Upon a time

  6.  For me:
    - Persons of Interest
    - Alcatraz (Mid season, why ?) 
    - Ringer

    This fall: 
    - Persons of Interest
    - Ringer
    - Once Upon A Time 

  7.  Alcatraz, Awake, Person of Interest, Once Upon A Time and Grimm are my current contenders. 

  8.  Top picks for me are: 
    1. Alcatraz ( I will definitely be taking a big interest in this one.)
    2. Awake (this one seems mysterious.)
    3. Person of Interest (I'm getting minority report vibes from this one, and anything P.K.D. is fine with me.)
    4. Falling Skies (Now this looks like an alien plot I could get into.)
    5. Terra Nova (Like the idea, will watch the pilot, and go from there.)

  9. Terra Nova is my prediction to bomb. Fallen Skies looks the better option.  

  10. Alcatraz, Awake (although it sounded cooler as REM), and Person of Interest. I'm being cautious about Once upon a Time, as the premise is good but the trailer looked weak. And Brandon, I like that your English teacher is discussing the hero's journey. I never had an English teacher that was that interesting.

  11.  Completely agree! I think Terra Nova will last a while since there is such a big investment in it... FOX will hope it catches on, but I think it's a dead series walking.

  12. So alcatras is the 4400 meets lost mets any crime fighting show ...

  13.  Person of Interest...
    has sounded the best to me since I first read about it, the pilot showed me exactly what it was about and I liked it even more, and then CBS removed the aging juggernaut CSI former the number time slot in Prime Time to make room for Person of Interest. That alone tells me the network knows that it will be a hit.I'm not sure I will enjoy it, bbut my gut tells me Pan Am is a hit in the making.I hate to even include a "reality" series in my list, but I think X-Factor will be a hit. I loathe talent shows, but America seems to love them and FOX knows how to do them well!Shows I want to succeed, but think will be underwhelming (hopefully solid) overall.-Alcatraz. I have had bad feelings about this series since I read about it. I love the creative team... I like most of the cast, but something isn't connecting for me....Awake. I think this could potentially be my new favorite series of the season.... unique, intelligent, well acted, and well-written. Surely it is doomed to fail like Rubicon and Kings before it.-Grimm. With Buffy and Angel alum David Greenwalt co-creating this I want it to feel like Buffy and Angel.... and last as long. I just don;t think it will. If people looked at trailers for BTVS I think they would have said many of the same negative comments they have said for GRimm, but it's a different era and a different network. I hope it gets a chance to show itself.... and I hope it surprises me and shows people it's better than its trailers.

  14. I'll definitely be DVRing Alcatraz. But that's probably all I'll be watching on network tv next season. I MIGHT give Terra Nova a shot, and will probably give 'Missing' a shot if I have some free time. But I'm not expecting much. Maybe Terra Nova will be surprise me, though, and be something other than what appears to be a hybrid of Avatar and Jurassic Park. But it's gonna take some really good plot twists in the first few episodes for me to get hooked. And I'm not sure it's gonna be that kind of show.

    As much as I LOVE Michael Emerson's work, 'Person of Interest' just doesn't intrigue me that much, aside from potentially one day finding out how the 'people of interest' get selected. And if that answer is ever given, I'll be content just reading about it. So I'm gonna pass.

    Hopefully Alcatraz will be solid. I have no illusions that it will be as good as Lost (which is one of only six network dramas in history that I would ever care to buy on disc, and re-watch). But as long as it's heavily serialized from the jump (and hopefully not TOO sci-fi, aside from the time traveling), I'll probably be happy with it. Aside from that show, though, I'm just gonna stick to my cable shows - namely Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Justified, The Walking Dead, The Killing and Game of Thrones, which is already 78 hours of television in a calendar year. And for me, that's plenty.

  15. I have had more time to let POI's trailer sit with me, and I think it has potential to be something really 'interesting'...

    When you think about a black opps former CIA agent being presumed dead, you can't help to wonder what he knows, what has he been involved in, and why is he presumed "dead"?

    Then when you think about a resourceful billionaire who has technology, using cameras and numbers, who seems to go out of his way to pick up CIA agent for work, you can't help to ask it this truly a humanitarian act? 

    From there you could presume that maybe they two characters through their past and other characters relate to each other and what if something goes wrong, like the computer science is wrong, or it suggest a friend of Reece' is a criminal, or what if someone is being framed, what if Reese gets framed or is being used as payback (see Sayid and Ben in LOST) for something Reece may consider unjustified? --I really think it has some unique potential...

    And of Course Alcatraz is like another given for me. And Terra Nova is like watching Fringe's Fist People at the beging of the blue universe timeline, except with out the Fringe cast :p

  16. Maybe I'm just being a sci fi geek here, but I see a potential Sci Fi element to Person of Interest.  You know my thoughts on the story Minority Report by Philip K Dick, and I know Abrahms is a fan of his.

  17.  Totally agree with you! I am planning on making a speculative post in spoilers POI section and I was going to credit you with your perfect analogy. (:


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