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Gossip Girl - Q&A with Josh Safran

3 May 2011

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Thanks to Ryan for the heads up.

View Q&A here


  1. Oh my, it's disgusting and I'm not saying this as a Dair fan, but as a girl. That interview is insulting to victims of abuse. I never thought I would be angered by a tv show...

  2. WHAT?!?!? Wow. Just ... wow. This is absolutely ridiculous. I've defended a lot of less than perfect characters in my television watching career, but this is so far beyond the bad relationship line, I think the writers can't even see the line anymore, and don't understand they've already crossed it and then some. And if they get Chair back together in the next two episodes, that's absolutely it for me.
    And, for the last time, no, saying I don't like what Chuck did doesn't make me a Chair hater. I'm not complaining that I don't think they chemistry, or that I don't like Ed or Leighton, or that Chuck's suits bother me or something. I'm saying that what Chuck did last night was wrong. And no, that the writers say it wasn't abuse doesn't make it okay, because if they think that was acceptable behavior for any reason, they're wrong too. I'm sorry that ruined a couple that I used to love and that I know a lot of people still love, but no more excuses. Chuck Bass is not a good guy. That's how they've written him. And the Blair's character, who (minus her tendency to roll over for Chuck) they've managed to make extremely awesome, deserves better. And for me, that's that.

  3. I really just can not understand how people are shocked or actually upset at the behavior from Chuck in last night's episode. I mean, seriously? Does no one remember the first episode of Gossip Girl where he forced himself on Jenny and Serena? Four seasons later, we give him a character pass. Now that he's gone and done somewhat of the same thing again, everyone is mad at the writers? No, I understand it's insulting how Josh Safran described the incident, and I would agree with that, but to think that this is out of character for Chuck or that they are somehow ruining his character or Chair is just stupid. This is who Chuck has always been and how they initially made him to be. But the way Josh Safran describes what happened is very insulting, insensitive, and uneducated. That is domestic/relationship abuse and for them to try to cover it up as "oh it's Chair, so it's not abusive, they love each other" is dangerous to viewers who watch and take those lessons. They need to be responsible with a storyline like this. Nate himself said that their relationship is not normal, and this is what he meant (and btw, why the hell did he just stand there when all that happened???).

  4. Seriously WTFrack?? Not enough fail in the world for this interview and the writers of the show.

  5. does anyone know a way to contact the show or writers? because i would really like to express my discontent at the handling of the incident on the show. Josh Safran's words about it were absolutely appalling. he is making excuses for abuse, and i would like the fan discontent to get through.

  6. Josh Schwartz, Gossip Girl co-creator and executive producer:


  7. Plus: @Anthologist - Josh Safran - the interviewee, @JenniferArrow - the interviewer

  8. I loved the episode. I loved the passion of the two characters. I know people are pissed, and I would be too if Chuck actually abused Blair. But he didn't so I am not angry at all.

    They made references to Beauty and the Beast at the beginning of the episode. In the episode Chuck acted like a beast. The beast was violent at times, but he still redeemed himself at the end and earned Belle's love. Then he became a handsome prince. The episode was brilliant at showing Chuck's inner beast. I cannot wait to see his inner prince. Good Job GG! It was very well done. Here I thought you were going soft! #SaveChuckandBlair #RedeemChuckBass!

  9. I love this interview because it puts everything into perspective! Thank you JS! Thank you for explaining that Blair is not afraid of Chuck. She is more afraid that he will hurt himself.

    Tale as old as time, Song as old as Rhyme, Blair and the Bass!

    #SaveChuckandBlair #RedeemChuck!

  10. the interview definitely put everything into perspective! Chuck wasnt being abusive towards Blair, he just completely lost it! he's at rock bottom and over reacted. In no way was he trying to hurt Blair intentionally, the writers said so! they wrote the script so they know the meaning of the scene. Now that he's hit rock bottom, its time to redeem him so Blair and Chuck can work towards a healthy relationship

  11. Thanks for this! I liked that Josh Safran put everything into perspective. Great to see that Chuck Bass and CB are getting some serious screen time in the finale. Can't wait to see Chair on chairs!

    #savechuckandblair #redeemchuckbass

  12. I hated the episode and I found Chuck totally over the line and horrible. But I don't think his behavior was being romanticized at all. As for Safran: He should've said Chuck wouldn't intentionally hurt Blair because it's clear he hurt her. There's no way around that.
    Regardless, I don't think he's an irredeemable character but he's clearly not a healthy or safe person for her to be with now. I just want the writers to get off their asses and #redeemchuckbass. This crap has gone on long enough IMO

  13. 100% agree with you!

  14. I'm sorry, but I don't understand this point that keeps coming up. Yes, the writers may have created the scene, and know the intentions behind it, but it's up the audience to interpret it how they want. For example, the writers may have intended for Vanessa to be a voice of reason for Dan, but don't most of us agree that Vanessa has instead been judgmental, intrusive, and lately a bit of a stalker? Just because the writers mean to portray something a certain way doesn't mean it always comes across how they want it to. They may not have meant for Chuck to come across as dangerous, or bad for Blair, but that's been a common reaction among fans. There's no reason we shouldn't feel that way if we want. Maybe this isn't how the writers meant for the scene to be taken, but if that's the case, they probably should've written the scene differently. Grabbing Blair, throwing her down, and punching the window right by her head just screams "potential abusive relationship - get out now!" to me, and by the way she was running, apparently to Blair too. I'm hard put to see it differently.
    As far as this clearing things up or putting the scene into perspective, I have to say that personally, this does nothing to make feel better about the way Chuck acted. It does make me feel rather iffy about Josh Safran and the other GG writers, though.

  15. Thanks for the interview, Josh!!! CHAIR is DESTINY & deserves to get their happiness together--as do the fans!!! CB 4 LIFE!!! #savechuckandblair ALL THE WAY!!!

  16. Hahaha.... apparently people have no idea what abuse mean!
    So just chill... it's just a show :D

  17. Sorry but what the hell? Whatever they take in that writer's room, they should reduce the dose.

  18. But they did... when Chuck did what he did before, he was a dumb kid. He was changing and improving and they obviously showed that he is NOT a bad person, just a very confused, lost little boy. Blair was helping him grow, but the way they wrote it, they made Blair completely lose herself in the process when it should've been a two-way thing. To me it is out of character that Chuck would even try to force Blair into doing anything, much less hurt her physically. It pisses me off that the writers had to go THERE and then try to romanticize it. Just shows how bad they are at creating good drama and growing with the characters. Blair regressed all over with her idiotic dreams of being a "powerful woman" looking in the wrong places. Chuck regressed to season 1, Serena regressed too... has Serena grown up at all? I feel like she hasn't changed a bit. Dan... another one who hasn't changed a bit. I mean these writers need to take their heads out of their asses for once, and start writing well for their characters. This whole "Beauty and the Beast" nonsense is ridiculous. Stop digging Chuck's grave bigger, make him a bigger more positive influence for Blair, and stop this hotel madness nonsense.

  19. i just want say save chuck and blair .love them .bc them i stiil belive true love .n maybe hard.

  20. mmmmm and what about Dan and Blair? they made that relationship for so many episodes and now it's gone like that? so simple? not even a scene between both of them? I'm so angry right now! A prince appears after some months and now Blair is going to marry him? that's insane! I hope they let Dair happen and send Charlie to the same place as Vanessa! away with both of you!!! and bring back Jenny! and also Serena... are you fucking kidding me? sooooooooooo angry right now!!!! >.< !

  21. THIS is not about ship wars! This is about some really serious stuff, totally awful portrayed and now this failed attempt to calm the fans. They make domestic violence/abuse look like it's okay as long as there are excuses, in this case daddy issues. If Blair wasn't afraid of Chuck, why didn't she just get up and snarled an insult or something at him before she would leave the penthouse by simply walking out. SHE DID NOT! She pushed him away and ran in the elevator. If that's not scared behaviour, I don't know what is.

    I have to add this: I am even more disappointed with Leighton Meester. She's supposed to be a public voice against domestic violence and she did this scene. Don't be fooled when actors/actresses say they couldn'T have changed it. If she'd say "no, we don't do this scene like that" then they just would have to think of a way to make it seem different.

  22. Clearly none of you know the difference between a once-in-a-blue-moon passionate fight and actual domestic abuse, jeeze. Dair hurt or not; this was not abusive. Not good, but not abuse. The hotel thing was way worse.

    Jeeze, you're offending actual abuse victims here.

  23. What did you expect? I'm confused by Dair stans. Hello. This. Is. Gossip. Girl. Do you know how many throw-away relationships characters have? How long was Serena and that prison guy built up for? And how quickly did that get dropped? How long as Dan and Vanessa built up for? And how many pathetic amount of episodes did that last?

    GG writers build up storylines for a few episodes then they let them run their course for a few then drop them like they didn't happen. Its not realistic but its the show.

    Dair was no exception and was never going to be the exception. The only exception are the power couples; why would anyone expect less and act shocked? I'm shocked anyone actually thought Dair would somehow be different.

  24. well you're right about many things, but as you say, other relationship were gone in a single episode. Dair never really happened... I am aware that they were not going to last, as you said,
    This. Is. Gossip. Girl., but I wanted them to happen! at least for a couple episodes.... that's my opinion and that's why I'm really angry with this show!

  25. I think the writers are doing an amazing job, I am very happy with this season. Chuck and Blair has one of the most epic romance of any other teen soap. And I don't think they are throwing relationships away that has been building up, people get together the break up, they reginize they are not right for one another. But Chuck and Blair has been around since season one and people have been trying to come between them since season one and they keep coming back to each other, and why is that you may ask b/c they know each other inside and out, they knows the other person flaws and accept everything, the ggod the bad and the ugly, and ain't that what love is


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