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Fringe - Producers Explain Finale [VIDEO]

11 May 2011

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Thanks to, Shirtless_Frank and FringeWatch for sending us the following..


  1. So, if Peter doesn't exist, how far are they gonna take this.

    Is Peter's Mum still alive, she didn't commit suicide.

    And if Peter was not the reason for the problem are we going to finally find out who really is.

    Like William and Walter as the producers hint at.

    This could take a few episodes to sort out you know!

    I think Season 3 was a setup for season 4.

    And we are going to have to watch this season so many times we will know the dialogue of by heart

  2. I still don't get how Peter never existed. Could someone wih a good soul please explain this to me?

  3. Because he had to create an alternate timeline, one in which he didn't exist, to negate what would have happened to the world (in the future) had he been pulled from the other side. This is not to say that Peter will not be back, however.

  4. here's another one who still doesn't get it...Someone please help me understand the logic which allows the "...therefore peter never existed" statement...;)

  5. I read somewhere a theory that if Peter never existed, then Walter would never cross over to save him, and Walternate would never start a war with our side....and (this is just me) they may never had to build the machine to destroy or save the two worlds.

    But honestly, I'm not quit sure either about all of this.

    It'll be fun to read the theories until season 4 starts...

  6. YAY! Thanks for posting this! Now I can't wait to see next season!

  7. The thing about that is since we are in a different timeline things could have gone differently. Maybe since Walter never had Peter, he continued with his research and kept testing with crossing over, so much that he broke the universes anyway. A self fulfilling prophecy. The universes were going to get broken one way or another. Doesn't mean that Peter needed to the be the reason. Walter found another way.

  8. Tell them it was a greaat idea; But what it's disapointing it's the people who tell that this ending was nosens beacause how Peter disaper? Beacause it's a paradox it's what it's mean people. It's like said the same thing on terminator 1 it's stupide because it's a fact taveling in time it's a paradox :)

  9. Totallyaddicted00511 May 2011 at 04:35

    So, here's the shipper in me...

    Peter gave up his whole existance (Walter warned him in 2026, that their would be repurcussions and Peter went full on into the plan knowing full well there would be consequences to bridging the worlds.) In order to make sure that Olivia was alive, in some reality. AHHHHHHH! :-) Now, Josh seems to say he's not a shipper, I don't know about Anna, but they've gotta like that.

    And that neither of the worlds would be destroyed, having seen how horrible the world would end up if one of the universes were destroyed.

    However...I kinda liked the whole story of the future, up until the point where Walternate killed Olivia.
    NOTE: Anyone else think that it was weird that the week of the whole Osama thing getting shot in the head and "burried" at sea. Fringe's finale with Olivia getting shot in the head and buried at sea aired. AIRY...BUN DUN, BUN DUN! Talk about coinkey dinks, situation wise, Olivia is WORLDS DIFFERENT from even being compared to him. But I'm comparing the airiness of how those deaths played out.

    ANYWAY, great FINALE, I'm just pissed that I have to wait 4 months!! grr. And, ps. Peter could only bridge the worlds once he knew that Olivia was Alive and well and right there with her. YAYAY, *shipper heart flutter.* Rock on, I'd say I wanna see more of the futre pre her death. I liked how she had learned to manage and use her "abilities" scene: in the lab with the falling box...AWESOME. The relationships were awesome!

    well thats a book, let me know what you thought.
    PSS... Why you gotta twist our hearts breaking them up like this "him never existing pushahh, O's going to remember him somehow!! I gotta believe that!!

    Rock on Polivia, you can over come this.

    JW, JP: You rock! Great show.

  10. How is that ending contradicting? I don't see how it's a paradox.

  11. Totallyaddicted00511 May 2011 at 06:29

    you can say its a paradox, but thats not explaining anything... you neet to explain what and where the paradox comes in to make any sense. Just...its a paradox isn't a answer.

  12. If Peter never existed, Walter never got out of Saint-clair and Walternate never started to investigate the other universe so he can bring his son back, so the situation that has performed on the last scene can not take place...

  13. Great Show! Great Actors! I totally agree with you! I just want to believe that P&O are destinied to be together despite the timeline, i think they are really bounded because as you also said things can only be changed when they are together - maybe Red Peter and Blue Olivia their connection is in fact the bridge between the two universes which can prevent them from falling apart and be destroyed so if he now vanished maybe is this bridge he created not stable enough because of his no existens and he simply have to come back...... it´s just my idea because I loved POlivia it was beautiful the best lovestory ever and it will be very hart now for me as a viewer just to forget about it watching season 4. But I have faith that the writers and producers find the way not to break their viewers hearts completely....:)
    So i can´t wait till next season not only hoping that Polivia will be somehow "alive" but also I´m looking forward to see the cool mythology of fringe, new stories and adventures of our fringe dvision heros
    It is a very wonderful show !!!watching every episode was for me like meeting old good friends it was important to see how they are doing, I think producers cast and crew can be very proud of their show!
    So I can´t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Here's what I'm thinking, The Peter that we all know and love Walternates Peter never existed. but what about Walters Peter who died. Maybe he is still alive now that Walternates Peter changed things.

    Just a thought

  15. Wyman already said that Walter would cross over with or without Peter. They (Walter and Bell) were experimenting with crossing over even before Peter got sick. So that means they would one day cross over. And it would leave those side effects. So the war would start.

    The more interesting thing to me is...that Bell in 2.04 told Olivia the history repeated itself so many times and he knows the WAR IS COMING. AND WHEN IT IS OVER I FEAR THERE WOULD BE A LITTLE LEFT OF OUR WORLD. He KNEW this is gonna happen. HOW?

    And what if Bell knew about this even before he met Walter? That means he met up with him on purpose. That`s because he knew Walter has got what it takes - as he said in LSD. The question is how did he know that? And what is his connection to Sam Weiss?

    Now I remember - Brandon and Nina talked about it. Brandon told Nina that they`ve found out someone else did the research on the First People years before them - Bell. Did he (Bell) find out more than just what was written in the book? I guess he did.

    And do you rememeber in Over There Part I when Broyles, Olivia and Walter go to the Nina`s office with the drawing of the Device? Nina said that it`s William`s technology but they`ve never built it. What a time paradox :-D. Bell knew what Walter did and copied his design of technology in his own inventions as kind of a tribute to Walter. And Walter maybe as a tribute to Bell made the device with "Bell`s" design :-D. - this last paragraph is just a speculation.

    Thank you for this video!!! You two are the geniuses!!!

  16. how can he be back, though?

  17. You right Totallyaddicted005 it's not answer everything but only what we know for the moment. Like where the machine came from. Who are the first people. And How Peter do what he do with the machine. But for the question when and where the first time Walter built the machine we don't know because we are already in a cycle like in Terminator with the picture with Sarah pregnant. And that's its the paradox. And honestly I don't think it's need to explain (like in the movie of Cameron). But if it's explained correctly, like you said Lockup for example we can see what happening the first cycle, we can have more answer. But IF they don't want to explain we have to accept we are in a cycle of paradox.
    I hope it's was more clear if not tell me I will try to explain myself.

  18. It's like in Back To The Future when you changed something in the past you have a chance to disappear. What exactly Peter do we don't know yet. But with a paradox time traveler we can assume because he's breaking the cycle Walter created, with sending the machine in the past, he had to disappear. And it's seem that the observers are from a another dimension because they remember of Peter and seem not affected by the time changing.

  19. I think it's like the compass in lost.

  20. Not sure yet. We'll have to wait and see.

  21. If Peter never existed, there may never have been a reason for Walter to be in St Claire's in the first place. Walter and William were crossing and investigating the other universe long before Peter was even born. There's no reason to think they would not have found some other reason to cross and bring something back, thereby breaking the fabric, etc, giving Walternate the reason he would need to start the war.


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