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CBS Pilots - Upfront Trailers

18 May 2011

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Person of Interest


2 Broke Girls

How to be a Gentleman

A Gifted Man


  1.  Waits patiently ... (trying not to hit refresh more than once every couple minutes).... for Person of Interest video to be there.

  2. ha taking ages lol
    but two are already there :) 

  3.  Me too :) It's currently in the Conversion process :)

  4. I have a feeling Dylan walsh will ruin unforgettable for me 

  5. Yeah, "Unforgettable" looks awesome! Will definitely be checking that out. 

  6.  I decided to make coffee and not actively wait... but really PoI is the only one that intrigues me.... for now.

  7.  I got shivers when Finch said "You need a job"... 

    Oh how I missed Michael Emerson!

    I love the idea of a real world "superhero" this looks like everything The Cape should have tried to be.

    "I'm going to hold onto these while you guys get some more practice" HAHAHAHAAHAHAAAHAH!

    Awesome. I see why CBS said buhbye to CSI in THE prime time sweetspot of Thursday 8pm(CST) and replaced it with Person of Interest!  AWESOME!

  8. Do you get a minority report vibe from this too, or is it just me? 

  9.  The only one that looks even remotely interesting is Person of Interest, and even *that* looks depressingly derivative.

  10.  Unforgettable looks like it may make it to Season Two, but I hate when people try to hype somthing with false statements or overstatements... UGH!

    We go into her mind and see her reliving her memories. You've never seen anything like that. Well, other than Endgame in Canada this year... oh, and Kyle XY a few years back. But other than those two (in my limited TV viewing knowledge mind you) NEVER has anyone seen anything like that!

    I repeat my earlier comparison of TV executives and promoters as the new used car salesmen....

  11.  I can see that sure. But I was not too big a fan of Minority Report so it didn't enter my mind I guess.

  12. Yeah not a fan of the movie but the premise seem close, I know JJ is a huge fan of Philip K Dick, so it's possible he borrowed a theme or two from him at some point. The story is much better than the movie anyhow. 

  13.  How to be a Gentleman made me realize how much I miss Newsradio.

  14.  More grounded in reality, or a possible reality in a few years.

  15. I'll give everything but Gentleman a shot (unless, again, I hear really good things about it), but my hope is mostly in Person of Interest, and maybe 2 Broke Girls.  I love Michael Emmerson and Kat Dennings, and both look like decent places to see either of them week to week.

  16.  lol when i heard him ask about the numbers I expected him to say candidates lol

  17.  Ditto.  When he popped up onscreen I cringed.

  18. Person of Interest looks fantastic, Two Broke Girls looks decent and I'll pass on the rest.  Sorry, Rickety Cricket.

  19. No video for "A Gifted Man" yet?  I want to see how bad it is.

  20. He's a really bad match for poppy montgomery 

  21. I  just added it too.... I added it to my "No Need to Check Out These Shows" list for the 2011-2012 season. 

    Always good to be able to limit the number of new series I need to check out... XD

  22.  I don't hate it at all, but I wish we could have gotten something more polished from Person of Interest. I can def tell J. Nolan's touch is in there, but I felt like we really couldn't get a full scope or feel for why this is all happening.

  23.  I thought it too, especially since P. Dick has been on my mind because of FRINGE (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and A Scanner Darkly)...

    But, ya it has a gritty (and rightfully so because of J. Nolan) pulp-ish feel to it....but like I said in another post, I kind of wish we would have seen something a little more polished...

  24.  I was going to check out past Person of Interest stories 

    The drop down menu under CBS at the top has a gateway error, but the label tag works fine. Thought you'd like to know....

  25. Thanks, could you email me the exact error message please

  26. you need to remove the % from the URL mate 

  27. Ah pooy, I'll sort it in the morning

  28.  Bad Request
    error 400

     Also is this an old LOST promo photo or new for PoI.. I t looks familiar to me and I thought you'd know is it was LOST... maybe.

  29.  Bazinga.  The "A Gifted Man" video was so bad it makes me wish CBS picked up Hail Mary.

  30. +50 bonus points for use of "Bazinga!" 

  31.  Person of Interest (awesome trailer) and How to Be a Gentleman (not a very good trailer but I have faith in Rickety Cricket), that will be all.

  32. This David Hornsby dude looks like a less handsome Barney Stinson and sounds like Steve Buscemi. I saw some NPH expressions in him. Don't wanna go all 'this is a Barney Stinson rip-off' but there's the thing with the suits and looks like if the manly part of Stinson was put into the other character. (a ladies-man who goes to strip clubs).

    It's incredible how the sets (and the vibes) reminded me of HIMYM's. The same happened to me while watching Mad Love's trailer, and in both cases I later found out that Pamely Fryman was behind those shows. Its like her signature.

    But i might be the only one thinking this stuff haha

  33. I didn't feel it as instantly with Gentleman but it ws there...good catch!  I noticed watching Mad Love quite a bit. You're not alone. 

  34.  And by 'Pamely' I obviously meant 'Pamela'.

  35.  2 broke girls looks hilarious will deff be watching that....then i saw how many people commented on unforgetable, so iwatched it AND WTF poppy montgomery back on t.v, i will 100% be watching that..loooks amazing! :) cnt wait.

  36.  Persons of Interest look awesome

  37. I love listening to Michael Emerson talk about his job. No matter what he's working on, he makes it sound amazing. Of course the trailer did dampen my excitement for the show a little bit, but I'm still looking forward to it.

    As for the others, I got pretty much the opposite of what I expected on all of them. I was impressed by Unforgettable and I genuinely laughed at some of the How to be a Gentleman stuff. But I also found myself quickly disliking 2 Broke Girls. I won't be checking out Unforgettable unless I hear really good things about it, but Person of Interest is still fairly highly anticipated for me, and I'll give HtbaG at least one episode if not more.

  38.  I missed having Michael Emerson on my TV screen for almost a year now. It's about time!

  39. For a splitsecond I almost thought it's eric Roberts in Person Of Interest which would have been just awesome. But it looks like one of the more interesting drama pilots this year.
    The How To Be A Gentleman trailer didn't look as great as I hoped, but I will give it a shot anyway, because the story sounds great and the casting is spot-on.

  40.  Gifted Man aka Ghost Whisperer 2.0 

  41. Not a fan of Michael Emerson. Well, Person of Interest and Unforgettable don't look... bad, but none of these shows wow'd me :( 

  42. Person of Interest looks pretty good! 

  43. Person of Interest does not disappoint, as expected. This seems to be on the lines of Minority Report...

  44.  Oh Julie Benz, why oh why?

  45. I think gifted man could be good. Ghost whisperer was a good concept and i'd be interested in a story with a similar premise.  Both actors are class acts.  It's all about casting for  me and the rest seem a bit Blah to be honest.  How to be a gentlemen looks like 2 and a half men without the kid but that type of show depends on the quality of the jokes so we'll see if it stands up or not.

  46. Not quite he only sees one dead person his ex wife! She is only there to get justice for the  people she left behind! I think also it is going to change him too for this experience!


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