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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 2.20 - The Last Day - Sneak Peek

26 Apr 2011

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  1. You know, with the way they just KEEP rubbing on how "Stefan trusts Elena's plan" thing, I now completely expect that something will go completely wrong with that plan or that Stefan will do something untrustworthy in the end.

  2. and Damon would end up being the hero. I like it!

  3. Yup, I completely don't trust Elijah any more. Damon is smart, smarter than almost everyone else on the show. If he thinks something it is more likely to be right than anyone elses opinion.

  4. I believe that history is repeating itself in more than just the love triangle in this particular scenario. Remember how Stefan put his faith in their father in regards to saving Katherine in 1864? And Damon was left outside in a matter where the woman he loved could be facing death? Damon put his faith in Stefan then, and he paid the price. That was when Damon learned to take matters into his own hands. He can't trust someone else to protect the people he loves.

  5. Actually I trust Elijah because of what we saw in the flashbacks

  6. But you see, they were NOT flashbacks for US.

    They were ELIJAH telling the story. And that means that he might as well be an unreliable narrator.

    Remember what happened when Stefan told the story last season? Just how much he has left out? Till we hear anything on it from Klaus, I would not trust Elijah that much.

  7. Of course something will go wrong. Something always go wrong in this show ! The way I see it: Damon is being Damon, Stefan is being Stefan and even if Stefan does mess this up, he did the right thing by choosing to trust Elena ...

  8. Because Klaus is more likely to be truthful?

  9. charlenelovesmojo199127 April 2011 at 01:49

    Yeh i agree if Elijah is just want to seek vengeance then Elena is in alot of trouble. Also Stefan is not doing his homework he wants to believe and trust Elena's judgement ,but can he not see that if she is wrong she is dead ,.Damon would rather have Elena hate him than her to be dead.x

  10. charlenelovesmojo199127 April 2011 at 01:55

    If the right thing is trusting her and her ending up dead then ok. But Damon would rather have Elena hate him and see her breathing." If something seems to good to be true it probably is ". I see things not going well for the final , if Elena is going to trust Elijah i would do my homework and make dam well sure that he actually has a way to save her ,x

  11. But you see, one flashback were for Elijah himself. The one he didn't tell Elena about. The one when Klaus super-speeded Elijah into a wall and promised him that he would kill him if he didn't retrieve Katerina Petrova. He didn't share that one with Elena. And because of that single flashback, I trust him. He saw Damon and Stefan fighting and was reminded.

    And, since I believe the hybrid story, it makes sense, I kinda feel like Klaus is an freight to Elijah if he is allowed to break the curse. Then Klaus is a freight to every single vampire (And of course a even bigger freight for humans) in the world. That is why he want's him dead. He doesn't want Klaus to create a new rase.

  12. I loved Stefans speech for the hope, trust and love within it, it went towards
    the man he is, and who they are together.

    However, agree that Damon is right to have a backup - Elijah and
    Klaus have secret agendas up the wazoo, to allow what they say to be taken at
    face value. Damon and Bonnie will have a planb. She's probably the only one to stem his tendency towards messing it up too. TeamVitch. :)

  13. After what he did to Andi -- he doesn't deserve to be.

  14. Trust is VERY important, especially now. stefan and elena RESPECT each other to have that trust, that faith in who they are. Damon doesnt - he'll threaten, bully and manipulate to get his own way. sacrifice those Elena loves the most in the world.. long as he sees her breathing. Too selfish 4 words.

    I agree that Damon needs to do his homework, but frankly he's too violent and rash to bother. Only hope is that Bonnie will curb his tendencies & come with the good judgement...

  15. charlenelovesmojo199129 April 2011 at 03:37

    Hay is that you i talked to ages ago about Bonnie etc... lol if not cool. Yeh anyways i know trust is important ,but you think about it would trust a person you loved to Elijah who may have a way out of it. IF I were Elena i would be asking how do i get out of this ,what is the plan, instead they are talking about Elijah revenge for Klaus . Just seems Stefan may be putting her live in danger by trusting her i know that sounds stupid cause after all you are meant to trust the ones you love , but not when it comes to Elijah. My friends mum trust her daughter way to much and once something horrible happened to her (not saying what) . Just saying you can love a person and still think that they are making a wrong judgment. As for Damon not caring about Elena's friends probably not as it is for her life . I know that i would not care about my mums friends lives in order to save her if something where to happen! as selfish as that may seem, i would rather have my mum hate me and breathing than to save her friends,cause at the end of the day i love her somuch she is my rock ,as Damon does Elena. He also found away to keep Bonnie alive in "the last dance" . Its funny that you mention trust cause Elena slapped Damon you see no trust there i totally get it he should have told her but it had to look real even Bonnie agreed , and Elena said sorry which was sweet and big of her. I even get why she slapped him if i thought one of my friends were dead,but she doesn't trust him then why should he trust her,just cause he loves her. If Damon were to trust her judgment he'd be an idiot` . It is way to easy story line if Elijah was telling the truth and could safe the day and have a happy ending . Damon is alot of things selfish,evil sometimes,harsh,mean, but he is not! stupid .xxx anyways it's just what i think and i understand if you dont agree xxxxx.

  16. Hi again! Yes, we talked about our lovely Damonlove too. :) I got the impression Stefan spoke of the trust between him and Elena, and Damon. To establish the trust between each of them first. Elijah is a different beast, one; that Damon has dealt with before and been at different stages. Elena; I think did this because she felt she had no other choice. Damon basically offered those she loved without hesitation - and knowing Elena as we do - that goes against everything she is. After that, she saw no other choice. Family is different, choose mum too. However, if it was between her, my little sister (in all sense and purposes, Bonnie is her sister) and me, I’d choose to die for them. Because I’m older, lived longer and the ultimate proof of love is in the doing. That’s the difference. Yes, Stefan is being naïve to not have a contingency plan, but then Damon has put her in the same danger, including threatening to break her neck himself, in S1 to get Katherine out of the tomb. I’m sorry about your friend. Hope she’s okay. Damons theory was a good one, but Bonnie did the labour suffered the consequences. Credit doesn’t belong entirely with him. He’s not stupid - that plan with Bonnie was absolutely brilliant! But if he goes off on the same bloody contingent as he did with Rose, Mason, Jules, Jere Andie without his brother beside him, trusting in each other - they’re lost.

  17. charlenelovesmojo199129 April 2011 at 17:58

    Hiya :) , well hopefull Damon does not do anything to rash ae lol . But we will agree to disagree cause i like you hen. But anyways did you see next weeks trailer for TVD , it looks amazing and someone dies i think stefan is puts the flower on the grave. Also Damon gets bite by a wearwolf so hopefully he does not die :( xxxxx

  18. Sing it sister !
    Seriously, I love how damon is being more open with people, his good side is finally showing up again. But the fact is, his feelings for elena totally blinded his judgement.
    That being said, I like that you pointed out that damon is still too selfish because it's like he wanted to keep her for himself. That's not how a "potential" relationship is supposed to work out. And for now, I'm all for Stefan because he actually cares enough to let her make her own decisions even if it hurts him like hell ... that's what I love about him.

  19. I like you too! The trailer looks fab, doesn't it? Honestly, this show deserves Emmys. Werewolf bite.. there's still no cure right? :( Bonnie might have a way given the mojo & semi-truce 'tween them, & Stefan would fight for Damon till the death. Redemption 4 them both. <3

  20. (((huggles warmly))) Yay, another Stefan fan! <3 I love what you said about Stefan as well - the way he loves is souldeep and heartstrong orgasmic! Damon, adored supported him growing to the man he should be, too, but as you said, there's that selfishness/bitterness that remains. Emotional baggage from Katherine that everyone suffers the consequences of. Once he’s rid of Katherine for good, the better. Till then (even after) Stefan is gonna be the one she turns fully too. (I’d still push her under a bus, to fully turn to him too. :D)

  21. charlenelovesmojo199130 April 2011 at 23:38

    :) . Aye i now i cant wait . Defo deserve's an emmy . Hopefully Bonnie being the saint she is will find some way but i was on spoiler tv and the producer said "its the end of the road for Damon and he has to come to terms with what he did like 140 years ago and now to Elena ." Damon says to Elena "i cant die with you hating me" hopefully he dosen't cause if he has someone there for him to help him like how Lexi helped Stefan then i think he would be a great guy.xxxxxxxx

  22. Sainthood in this show? :D I think they've all gone beyond that now, it's just them fighting for someone they love - that's the only title that matters.
    Nooo! Not the end of the road for Damon :( Stefan will save him, like Lexi did for him. Aww.. love your thoughts! <3

  23. charlenelovesmojo19911 May 2011 at 06:56

    She is a saint though , i mean everybody has there faults , but she has became a great and powerful character to the show aswell as to Elena,jer,Damon,Stefan etc....I love Bonnie and honestly hope she lives. Well thats what the producer said :( honestly i dont know if the show would live without him cause Ian is a great actor and to have him not being in the show would suck :(, also in the book he lives so.... I know Stefan loves Damon and Damon though loath's him truly loves him, i do hope Stefan finds a cure and makes him or helps him become a better person/vamp lol . I love your thoughts to :) xxx<3

  24. Sheila, Care, Luka & Mason stop short of that title. As are countless others that keep Damon from the claim. :D Power doesn't equal perfection, ask DamonKlausStefan. How they choose to use it, does. :) Saint nor less for it. Damon cannot leave we won't allow it! <3

  25. charlenelovesmojo19911 May 2011 at 18:24

    Hopefully , we will not allow it, lol . Yeh Bonnie is cool though , and only uses's her magic for good not dark hopefully she takes down Klaus without dying xxxxx


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