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Supernatural - season 7 - RUMOR - Will Misha Collins remain for season 7?

26 Apr 2011

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When I first saw the Twitter post that Supernatural may be getting rid of supreme angel Castiel, I knew sparks would fly. Let me reiterate that this is only a rumor at this point. It could be a sail-stirring hoax, it could be a practical joke, or it could be the best PR stunt anyone at the CW ever thought up. Um, no, that's giving them too much credit. Still, no one knows if the following Tweet is true or not.

Supernatural Freak
#spn #supernatural IMPORTANT NEWS!!! Misha Collins has been written off the show! I'm friends with his manager and he told me just now!

What I do know is that even if the rumor is true, it may not mean what people are thinking. Currently, Misha Collins has regular status which means they have to pay him his contracted amount no matter how many episodes he is in. Guest stars get paid strictly by if they are in the actual show. I don't find it strange given the CW budget that they would want to reduce the number of contracted actors they are paying. Quite frankly, the fact that Supernatural would only have two contracted stars would make it look cheaper whether it was in actuality or not. That is appealing when right in the middle of renewal negotiations. Remember that Jim Beaver as Bobby is still a guest star and he was in the show more than Misha was this year, including having an entire episode dedicated to him.

Before people freak out, it may be helpful if we get some confirmed facts because right now, things may signify drastic changes to Castiel's character or it may seem seamless from the viewers standpoint with most changes taking place in the business office. That is if it's even true. Plus, we still have to get the official season 7 renewal before any of this.

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  1. Guys, for all I know this will be confirmed false by the time I get back from work today. And I still say it may mean nothing even if the jist of it is true. Still, it does bring up interesting points as to where the season might be going. Cas as the real Big Bad of the season anyone?

  2. He says_: "I'm friends with his manager and he told me" mmm, I think Misha's manager is a woman, so....

  3. Well if he's just dropping to guest star status, fair enough. J&J work bloody hard and if that means we keep the show I'm on board - but to lose Castiel totally? Damn it, it's just not right - the character is amazing and there is still so much potential for him.

  4. Don't see Castiel as the big bad myself - it just doesn't ring right. Especially given how much torturous regret he shows each time he steps across a line to win. But then the writers like to kick us in the gonads!

  5. I don't want to stir things up. But my hairdresser's cousin's boyfriend's mother's aunt is Jensen Ackles' best friend's next door neighbour and she says that she was told that Ackles came home from set the other day, and he was very sad, crying about Jared, Jim and Misha all being fired.

  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Cas' role was reduced. Don't get me wrong, I love Cas so don't hate me but I'm sort of wondering how the Angel storyline keeps going? I mean you can't have a powerful Angel simply at the beck and call of the Winchesters and you can't have him hanging out with them in the Impala. We've had 2 seasons around Heaven and Hell, I can't imagine 7 staying in that neck of the woods, in which case, where does an Angel, albeit an awesome Angel fit? I adore Misha Collins and I adore Castiel but this show has always been about the Winchesters for me and it's their story that keeps me coming back, all the other characters are just cause and effect on their lives, no matter how much I dig them. I hope they don't do something horrible like kill Cas off, Id seriously be miserable about that. But to know that he's in Heaven still, doing the good work, even if he's not hanging out with his favourite humans, well I'd be cool with that. But hey, it's all rumour and guesswork at this stage right? Hopefully they'll get off their butts and announce 7 soon, maybe then we might find out who has signed on as regulars and who has signed on as guests.

  7. I thought she was just his booking agent?

  8. You know how ostriches hide their heads in the ground in order to protect themselves from potential danger...That will be my approach on the subject as well!

    Seriously now,I find it extremely weird that someone would simply let an information like that slip..We don't know IF there's a season 7 yet and we're already talking about whether Misha will be in it or not?!?
    So,personally I'll wait to freak out after we've heard something OFFICIALLY!
    (But please,please,please don't let it be true...)

  9. I think the only way they could keep him would be to let him fall from grace, reduce him to a simple human so that he would have to learn to live a normal life, maybe while staying with Bobby, reduced to Bobby's recurring status.

  10. You know - some of us is not "freak out" at all - actually I'm more than happy to see this!

  11. Last summer she told me she was his manager. I don't know she could be lying or things could have change since then, anyway, this rumor is stupid.

  12. Pfft Who cares. Castiel and the angel arc have overstayed their welcome one season already. Put them to sleep and the show will be the better for it.

  13. No argument from me - if SHE is a woman then someone needs a punch on the nose wrecking my calm :(

  14. castiel had better be in season 7
    i don't care about the whole angel thingo going on, i just need cas to stay!!

  15. that would be an interesting twist but i don't think they'd ever do it
    i think cas is too popular

  16. I want him to stay for season 7 have him as a bad guy i dont care. a bad guy with a different sort of history with the winchesters.. i mean they like him but he needs to die. He would be the only big bad people show genuine sympathy for.

  17. I hope he's in season 7 :( I don't care if it's a reduced role or whatever, he's just to good a character to waste.

  18. After reading this, I think that Sam will kill Castiel in the season finale. As Jared mentioned at the JiB con in Rome, someone would ask Sam, "Why are you doing this?" and he would answer, "You know me, so you know why." I think that Castiel's secret will somehow bring harm to Dean - Jensen finished filming 3 days earlier than everybody else - and Sam will kill him for it.

  19. I agree about him being a great character to much so to waste which is why i'm kind torn.On one hand i want him to stay even if he only pops up every few eps here and there.On the other hand Misha and Cas are both to great to just have them appear on screen for the sake of it with no real storyline.

  20. Lorrie robinett says in fb that she speak with the manager of mischa and that his last serious appearance in the cap 1 of the S7, probable is true to give a definitive cut to the topic of the angels and to turn dean and sam bro and hunters as in the first seasons, which it has been the order of the majority of the fans

  21. ROFLMAO what!? Jared's the star just like Jensen is. WHY the HELL would he be fired? xD If that were the case, there'd be no Supernatural because I'm sorry but the show wouldn't last without Sam OR Dean. Sweetheart, you don't wanna stir things up? You post a comment like that and you ARE gonna stir things up. *laughs at the absurdity*

  22. Which was kinda the point, to show the absurdity of second-hand rumors :)

  23. Well you never can tell one troll from the next anymore.

  24. charlenelovesmojo199126 April 2011 at 15:41

    i cant wait till i see misha mmmm

  25. If this is true, I predict a mass exodus of viewers.

  26. I disagree. I think loudest fans i.e. the Wincesters, may want Cas gone, but the vast majority enjoy his character and think he brought a lot to the show. I sincerely hope this isn't more pandering to one small segment of the fandom, though it certainly seems that way give the way this season has gone.

  27. I don't think it's "pandering to one small segment of the fandom". But when you have a powerful being like Cas at hand, someone, who can stop time or go back in time or do whatever he wants, where's the sense of danger? Now, Dean just needs to call and Cas saves the day. Don't get me wrong, I love Cas and I don't want to see him gone but I can see the writers' dilemma...

  28. Do you really think that some people will stop watching if it's true??I'm really curious..
    I've been thinking what it may do to the ratings.Cas is very high on the list of reasons I watch SPN,but I wouldn't stop watching if he left..
    But do you actually believe that it will harm the show?

  29. That would be something if the boys had to go up against Castiel as the big bad. It would certainly be a major cliff hanger, wouldn't it?

  30. I've been reading everyones' comments. My thought is that I love Castiel's character, but the show has to grow and go on. It's too easy for the boys to just call on Castiel. The angel mythos was great but let's move on. There were rumors at one time of a series being made around Castiel. I could go for that. There's a large Supernatural following who would go for it. If the CW is smart, they'd do that and Supernatural get back to Sam and Dean. We'd still have it as a offshoot of the series. Misha would still be at the conventions. Maybe somebody ought to suggest this to the CW.

  31. I get what you mean and I think you're partly right..
    But until now,there's only been a few occasions that Cas simply saves the day(Caged Heat,My Heart Will Go On).In my opinion,they've achieved a good balance in Castiel's involvement when it comes to "saving the day".
    Plus,we also need to consider that we're not dealing with a world that the biggest threat for Sam and Dean is the YED..Not anymore.We're dealing with a world where the boys have to stand against Fate,Death,archangels,the Mother of all Monsters and I don't even know what else!
    So,maybe a little help is required.

  32. Having some insight to the industry, let me cleat up TWO things. NO ONE looks at what the budge "appears" to be - they look at the actual numbers. They aren't going to be "fooled" into thinking the show costs less... That said, moving Misha to recuring status from regular _could_ lower the budget - or it might not. The biggest difference is actually a bonus for Misha - he would be free - as Jim Beaver is to take othe work. Which given how little he's had to do on Supernatural this year - how much tey've wasted him. - I wish they would let him go - and I adore Castiel - but he really hasn't been in the show this year. I do believe this rumour, especially based on releases spoilers. However, as I said, it's not like Castel was really in this season anyway....

  33. I can only speak for myself, but I will probably finally give up the show. This season has held almost no interest for me and I've only hung on in the hopes that we will finally get to see what's happening with the heavenly civil war which is the only story that I found even remotely intriguing.

    But I do know that the majority of Cas fandom came to the show in season 4 and many of them have already moved on because of how sparse his story has been this year. So if he's written off, the rest have very little reason to stay.

    Maybe that wouldn't have mattered when the show had a core audience of 3 million viewers, but it can barely pull 2 million these days.

  34. I agree. Besides Sam has had all sorts of powers over the years and everyone just wants to see more of that so why is it OK for Sam to have powers and no one else?

    If the writers want to keep any character, they just have use their imaginations and come up with storylines for them. If they don't care about a character, they're not going to bother.

    This season I've gotten the impression that they really only care about one character on the show. Heck, even Dean has barely had a storyline this year. Maybe they should just write him off too.

  35. I think Cas' spin-off has been handed off to the new angel-lawyer series starring Lauren Cohan. If the idea was initially to make it a spin off for Castiel, he's out of luck now. So I think it's pretty shabby to just cut him loose after he lost that opportunity.

  36. ... Yeah. I'm on the side of "this is a load of crap and I'm not believing some random person on Twitter who talked to Misha's "manager".

  37. Like the PR stunt jab at the CW, I agree they aren't smart enough to do something like that. Has all the makings for a great rumor though...we don't even have a green light for S7 so one thing at a time.

  38. Misha also brought attention to his manager at a con (can't remember which one, but he was talking about his trench-coat and how he and it had a relationship and then pretended that his manager would be on board with it). She was a woman.

  39. That is the biggest laugh I've had all day! Love it! Wonder how many more degrees of separation one could add?

  40. that would suck hope it isn t true and i think it would be stupid to write the whole heaven thing out completely

  41. I love Castiel don't get me wrong but I am really ready for the whole Angel and Demon story to be over! I want to get back to the Brothers story!

    Also if this is true...maybe is was Misha's decision to get written out of the show because he is a fan favorite that's why he became a series regular instead of just being in the 3 episodes he was suppose to do. We all know Misha doesn't like to do the same thing for too long, he gets stir crazy.

    Plus he has a kid now and he has a lot of other projects i.e. Random Acts, maybe he just doesn't want to have another project that he's rarely on. It has to be disrupting his life to get a call from SPN hey your need to fly to Vancouver for one or two days film a scene then fly back.

    But either true or false we shouldn't get worked up over this until it's official plus we still need to get renewed for a 7th season before that.

  42. LOVE IT!!! You need to comment more often. (still snickering) This situation definitely needs a good dose of humor.

  43. this better not be true or i will be mad

  44. Are we watching the same show? It's clear his character is headed to a unforgivable act, he is clearly being written off. He was gone through most of the season already anyway

  45. True or not I like Misha but Castiel has been getting on my wick since the end of season 4. I think it'd be wise for him to move on, have Cas go out with a bang and have Misha go build on his career elsewhere.

  46. If it's true, I hope he goes like a soldier, with his name clear. I would hate it if he would be wasted like nothing. Like he didn't even matter.
    I was afraid of it before, now I'm not. For this season has been as shitty as it gets. So if he's gone I can finally let the show go as well. He's the only reason I'm still watching,

  47. Gah, you're gonna break me >.< lol

  48. Cas as the Big it. That would really be a twist few saw coming and that's what we've been promised isn't it - a huge twist.

  49. Well, I have a feeling that Cas is gonna disappear somehow after 5.20. Whether it's cause they killed him off (dear God no!) or he betrays the boys and leaves (eep). If its the latter then he'd probably be back at some point in the 7th season. If its the former.... well I would bawl my bloody eyes out, but it's not like I'd stop watching the show. I'm not one of "those" fans, if you know what I mean. Perhaps he will fall if they're tired of the Angels arch or something.... Just have to wait and see

  50. No ,Misha and Jensen said that they were together on the panic room scene while filming the season finale. Balthazar will be there too, so Cass won't leave the boys, at least not before the season ending and i'm happy about that :D i don't want Cass to go anywhere.. it's good to see him hunting with the boys sometimes, i love those three together. they're always so fun to watch :D

  51. I think it's highly irresponsible of this website to help spread a rumor that a well-known agent who works out of a top agency passed on confidential info to a random fan who apparently ran into him at the doctor's office. Seriously? It's something for which Levy could get fired/sued, not to mention have clients drop him and the agency he works for in case he passes on confidential info about them. And Levy is apparently concerned about his own impending poverty because he won't be paid if Misha loses his role on SPN? Levy is a staffer at an agency and has a bunch of other clients. Of course he'll get paid. Now the fan is apparently tweeting that it's because the Js are jealous of Misha's success.Oh please. SpoilerTV, you just look really bad for peddling this crap

  52. not because i want it but i feel like Bobby will die in season finale. Because he's always hunting with the boys and they're paying a lot of attention to him in these days... i don't know it's just an instinct

  53. I agree that this is just a rumor. The show would not be the same without Cas! Of course, now we just have to find out if our beloved show is going to be renewed. Even if Misha just has guest appearances on Supernatural, it seems with every passing week his role has become more and more important. So, I certainly hope that this is not true. But, then again, since we have heard and read that 2 major characters will be gone by the end of the season, Cas could be one of them. But, I hope not.

  54. I wouldn't be sad about it if he was written out, I think anyone outside of Sam and Dean should be expendable its what keeps it interesting and such a rare show and the stakes are so much higher when its just them and all they have to lose is one another. I didn't mind the angel story orginally but I do feel its run its course somewhat and there's only so much they can do with him. I just hope they don't just keep him to satisfy fan needs. It should be about the show. Similarly if there original plan was to keep him on all the time then they shouldn't change that either. I'd be all for an original season 1 format with just Sam and Dean on the backroads and the smaller cases rather than heaven and hell and the sheer scale of it though. Just my two cents...

  55. wow surely its a dull show for you then if he's the only reason you watch cos you are right he's certainly not on a lot. I wouldn't be watching a show if the reason I watch was as minimal screentime as him. Luckily I watch for Sam and Dean but I think if you watch for Castiel you are in definite trouble whatever the outcome of this rumor.

  56. No i highly doubt it, we had three whole seasons before him and the ratings overall were higher, this show is definitely bigger than Castiel, it is not bigger than Sam and Dean though. If we can get over the loss of their dad we can DEFINITELY as a fanbase get over an angel.

  57. Don't forget, the show was on the big thursday night before and now it's on friday, where everyone else is going out for the weekend, when the new movies are coming out in theater and when you have big weekend, like Eastern weekend, well on friday night everyone is with their family. It's not cause 2M are watching live that you can say for sure that the other 1M just stop watching and they,re not just recording it. And it's the whole CW who dropped, maybe some people are getting tired to pay 5$/month to have 5 time the exact same channel when you can watch free online

    And if you want to blame the writers that Cas didn't have a lot of episodes at the beginning of the year, don't forget Misha had a break cause he's a new father. If it wasn,t for his baby, he would have been there more time in the first half

  58. Thats crazy I mean Sam fans didn't get Sam back till 12 at least Dean was the same Dean you always loved. Also dont make this about Sam v Dean, this is about Cas. You're either a fan or not. I choose not but each to their own.

  59. Why are you so rude on Misha for not being in the season a lot? ^^; Can't he have some time with his wife and his newborn baby? He was really happy with the writer who agreed to give him a break to take care of his wife and baby in the summer and fall.

  60. Well, maybe the "well-known agent who works out of a top agency" should have kept his mouth shut in the first place, knowing it's confidential info?

  61. Yes, and knowing it's confidential info means he probably has said nothing of the kind. I'd imagine his success as an agent (and he is successful) has taught him to keep his mouth shut. Unless you're saying you seriously believe this fan? In which case I can't even be bothered to discuss it further with you...

  62. NOOOO! please, this HAS to be fake ;; Castiel is great in the show! +.+ i would miss him so much :/ PLEASE, KEEP HIM IN THE SHOW, DON'T YOU DARE TAKING THIS DECISION x.x

  63. Hmm, I think it's someone just trying to stir the pot. Besides, Misha isn't necessarily the most tight lipped when it comes to spoilers so I'm sure we would have (maybe) heard something... even it was a vague hint (keeping true to typical Misha fashion) by now, yeah? I guess we'll see - but I'm not putting too much thought in to it until I read something official or hear info from a con report that was specifically mentioned during a panel or something. I could register on Twitter under a different name and say something similar and it would have raised the same amount of hub-bub so I think it's just nonsense. Can't wait to see the rest of the season though :)

  64. Don't let the door hit you on your way out...
    I don't really care if Cas stays or goes, but if he does go, I'll be more than happy to see all those whining viewers go with him...
    I find very laughable the certainty of some people that the "majority" wants this, that the "majority" will stop watching etc, etc...

  65. Sera Gamble said that it was just a coincidence that Misha's downscaled time off coincided with the birth of his baby. Misha had also moved his family up to Vancouver in prep for the new season so he was clearly ready and willing to work.

    RE the ratings, you missed my point. If the show was pulling more than 3 million viewers and lost a few hundred thousand, then it would make a smaller dent than if the show is only pulling 2 million. Why people stop watching doesn't matter, only that they do stop watching.

    Even when you factor in dvr numbers, the show doesn't even come close to the ratings it had in season 4.

  66. On the WB on Fridays in the first season, SPN started off with more the 5 million viewers. But by season three it was barely pulling 3 million. It had a jump in season 4 which gave the show its renewal for season 5 instead of the cancellation and it's season 5 numbers were the lowest they have ever been. The only reason the show got season 6 was because they needed an anchor for Friday night. If the show gets its season 7, that will be the only reason with or without Misha. I also suspect that they will scale back the number of episodes. Personally, I think they should just end the show at the end of this year because they have clearly run out of ideas and the quality is middling at best.

  67. Sam fans had shirtless Jared and plenty of soulless Sam making everyone else look like incompetent idiots to keep them happy.

    But you're right, this isn't about Sam vs. Dean it's about the fact that the writers aren't committed Castiel his fans so they in turn, have no reason to feel loyal to the show.

  68. Where did you see Sera saying that? I remember the writers talking somewhere that there was suppose to be a little more Cass.

    How do you know the thursday people who are out friday are not just watching online instead of recording? IIf I know I can't watch a show, I won,t take long minutes taking time to be sure it will be record when I can found it in 2 minutes on the internet. t's normal to go down on friday night.

  69. If it's true it probably just means his role will be diminished, he's too popular to completely get rid of. Ruby 2.0 was not a regular but she still played a vital role in the show so I don't think there's any reason to freak out here. I like Cas but you can tell the writers are just thinking up ways to include him in the show. The show is suppossed to be about Sam and Dean. Castiel sometimes steals too much focus IMO.

  70. Thank you Dahne for being the voice of reason. We need to know what's happening out there, and rumors like this can so easily cause hysteria among our 'volatile' fandom, so it's good to have your take on what it all might mean.

    As for me, Supernatural has always been, fundamentally, about the two brothers. Have I enjoyed Cas? absolutely. But if it's time for him (meaning Misha) or the story, to move on without him I can live with that. But I agree with Dahne, it's more likely that, if anything, this is about having him return to 'guest' status rather than ditching him completely.

    So let's please not panic over a rumor. However, there's nothing wrong in discussing what it could mean for Supernatural if it is true.

  71. I doubt the writers would do that to the fandom. Castiel's fan base is large and passionate-- to pit the boys against Cas, someone who has sacrificed so much for them and vice versa... that would break the show, I am sure of it.

  72. Lol. That would put a quite literal meaning to "one-man show"!

  73. That's hilarious :D :D :D
    Thank you!

  74. nooooooooooooooooooooo misha [castiel] cant leave cries xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  75. I dont give a fuck about this cause.... "I'm a friend of his manager" really?

    AND ANY WAY I'VE BEEN FREAKIN OUT ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS ALREADY duh. no news, 2 death, I cant help but think no more misha.

  76. Nay he cant be big bad, he does bad stuff for "the greater good" or what ever. not bad enough. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

  77. Castiel has served the show as far as the show needs him, IMO. Once the civil war wraps up, he would just be a fan service that hurts the show by providing the brothers with a bunch of easy-outs whenever they hit a roadblock. To me the show has always excelled when the brothers are on their own, whether that be in the research area or the fighting area. When Bobby came along, the brothers were able to get a little lax in the research area. When Castiel came along, the brothers didn't have to worry about research or fighting practically at all any more (unless they were specifically up against other angels or archdemons). Once Cas lost most of his powers in Season 5, this was remedied a little bit, but he still had enough power to pull them through "Point of No Return", and by then the season was nearly over.

    Castiel being removed from the show really would make the brothers stronger, and that's what the show is about. They don't need to have the luxury of an angel always hanging around, ready to help them out whenever they need it. And on top of all that, the writers have put themselves in something of a corner with this "wall in Sam's head" thing. When it falls, someone is going to have to take the brunt of that torture, and there's no way the writers are going to let Sam be the one to bear it. Castiel is the only scapegoat the show has (apart from them just magicking the torture away through God or something, and I would hope that the writers wouldn't do that, even if it meant Castiel receiving Sam's hell torture and being written off the show as a result). I love Castiel, but he's run his course for the show. He's no longer needed, and if he is kept on past the civil war in heaven then he risks hindering the progression of the show.

  78. Thank you for posting this. <3

  79. I agree the character's only purpose anymore is to please the Cas fans.

  80. I think the angel storyline is done too. In fact, I seem to recall them saying last summer that it was done then. For me the angel civil war seems like an added plot line designed only to give Castiel something to do and find sometimes plausible reasons for him to continue to show up. I like Misha Collins but I'm sick of angels. I would however love for Misha Collins to have his own show, not as Castiel, and preferably a comedy. The man deserves to headline something himself.

  81. This is the knd of comment that makes my blood boil. Yes heaven forbid that Sam the other lead character on the show and has been for 6 years actually gets attention . Castiel is not this show Dean has had more than his fair share of focus . So for this season after what happened in SS Sam gets follow up. But oh no we cant have that because there is a idict in some parts of this fandom that only Dean and Castiel can have focus while Sam does the decent thing and play being at Wall paper. I wish to god Eric had never brought the Angels in . And if Castiel does go then some of his fans can go with him. I like Misha well enough but this how dare they attitude from some parts of this fandom at Sam this season is something that cant disappear fast enough

  82. Welcome to SpoilerTV. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I confess that in my desire to have the angels gone from Supernatural, I'm not upset with losing Castiel if it comes to that. However, i don't want him to die because that will cause all kinds of grief in the #spn fandom.

  83. Welcome to SpoilerTV. I agree that the angel arc seems to be designed simply to allow Castiel fans to have their favorite angel around. I would rather the story drive the casting and not the other way around. However, I do think it would be interesting if Castiel's punishment for his "dirty little secret" was to be stripped of his powers and banished to earth. That gets rid of angels and allows Castiel to be a sporadic guest character.

  84. Welcome to SpoilerTV. Sorry to ruin your day, but it is only a rumor which means it's likely not true.

  85. See my theory #2 above where Cas is stripped of his powers and banished to earth for his "dirty little secret." You're happy Cas stays; I'm happy angels go. Everyone wins. :-)

  86. In my experience, the loudest fans are Misha's minions. In fact, online you probably have a lot of people who want Castiel to stay. I think it would be fair to say though that many people are tired of the angel storyline so the writers need to either incorporate it better into the brother's story next year or get rid of it completely.

  87. Welcome to SpoilerTV. You get your wish on Friday and then, unless I'm mistaken, the following Friday is the Castiel-centric episode.

  88. Okay,now that I had time to process things,I think that we should all calm down,NOT listen to rumors that are based on NOTHING and enjoy the rest of the season!
    After it's over and after season 7 is announced(preferably in this decade,CW,thank you),we can start talking about who should be in it!

  89. Supernatural has had a wide variety in its fanbase since the beginning. That's why it has remained on the air. While I do see people upset IF (and it's still a very big IF) Castiel is written off, I do not think it will cause the end of Supernatural. Supernatural has weathered a lot of storms. When Supernatural is cancelled in the (far, far) future, it will more likely be that Jensen & Jared have decided it's been enough, the CW folds as the crummy little netlet it is, or it's in it's tenth season. I don't think Castiel is powerful enough to singly take down the show.

  90. Personally, I'm loving season 6. I'll take it over the LamePocalypse and WhinyLucifer any day. However, WHEN Supernatural is renewed for a seventh season, it will not be because they have nothing else for Friday night. It will be because Supernatural's ratings are better than any scripted show on the CW except for Vampire Diaries and Smallville. With Smallville ending, that makes Supernatural the second highest in demos. Also, Supernatural has been generating a lot of positive press for the netlet these days. For a netlet struggling as much as the CW, that is a priceless commodity. No matter what people think of #spn these days, the CW needs it.

  91. You are right. Thanks. I agree also that being a guest star on Supernatural would actually allow Misha to do more as an actor. He's never going to have the same amount of screen time as Jensen and Jared and neither should he. If it's true, this would allow him to do guest spots on other shows or hopefully find a show to star in himself. I would root for the Untitled Misha Collins Project pilot.

  92. I'll bet the CW is wishing they had thought of this earlier. Think of all the fans talking about it. Alas, they are run by monkeys that only halfway completed their training. Back to fans leading the show's publicity and promotion.

  93. The post is clearly marked rumor and I waited to post it until after it had already leaked through Twitter and Facebook. The rumor was definitely out there. I can understand being upset that it has not been confirmed or denied, but I do not understand why you would be upset for the person who "allegedly" said it. If as you say it is not true, then why would the agent care? (By the way, I didn't know the person's name until you posted it.) Obviously then he did not say it, it's made up , and no one can sue him for anything. It will be chalked up to another crazy #spn fan. If he did say it, then the fault lies with him for telling information that should have been kept to himself. Either way, this is the internet age and information, whether true or false, spreads rapidly. If Levy/Framework Entertainment would like to officially say it's all wrong, then the rumor is over and we all go back to simply counting down the days until the episode airs.

  94. My gut instinct is that Bobby will be safe. However, I am growing increasingly worried because of the emphasis they are putting on Bobby and his familial relationship with the Winchesters. Anytime anyone comes close to be family or even a great ally, they seem to die. Bobby fits on both counts. I will be waiting with baited breath through the two-part finale, silently chanting, "Don't let Bobby die" continuously.

  95. Hi everyone. This comment is not aimed at anyone in particular. I just want to remind everyone that at SpoilerTV, we try to avoid brother wars at all costs. It's highly unpleasant for everyone and there is so much great Supernatural stuff to talk about so let's talk about those things. Again, this is not aimed at anyone but rather an attempt to keep things from getting out of control and causes hurt/angry feelings.

  96. Hi everyone. This comment is not aimed at anyone in particular. I just want to remind everyone that at SpoilerTV, we try to avoid brother wars at all costs. It's highly unpleasant for everyone and there is so much great Supernatural stuff to talk about so let's talk about those things. Again, this is not aimed at anyone but rather an attempt to keep things from getting out of control and causes hurt/angry feelings.

  97. Welcome to SpoilerTV, Raquel. I wouldn't get upset. It is just a rumor and we all know how many internet rumors are true. In fact, if all I had was the tweet to bet on, I would bet against it. Until Misha Collins is cast as a regular in another series, my guess is that you will still get Castiel on Supernatural.

  98. Welcome to SpoilerTV. I agree that that there is no reason to get up in arms, especially at this point. In fact that's why I wrote the post. We have too little facts right now and quite frankly, waiting for the season 7 renewal notice is frustrating enough. Let's enjoy the few remaining episodes of this season and anxiously await upfronts for more info.

  99. charlenelovesmojo199126 April 2011 at 23:18

    sorry what , i mean in person lol xxx

  100. I'm actually hoping that this thread will become more on theorizing what Castiel is up to and why Rachel wanted to kill him. That is something we have facts on and I think SPN fans probably have some great ideas. Maybe we should just make ti a different thread?

  101. Welcome to SpoilerTV. Glad to have you. If I were a betting person, I would bet on Castiel being in season seven no matter what the rumors are. He's a fan favorite and no one ever stays away from Supernatural for long.

  102. What would you think of Castiel being punished for his "dirty little secret" by losing his grace and being banished to earth? He wouldn't be there as the magic "get out of the writing mess we've backed ourselves in" card anymore and Misha could still guest star.

  103. This new tweet from the same Samm Winchester as above: "It doesn't mean anything but just for your information: @mishacollins is no longer Julie's client. She just told me."

  104. Wow. This topic has exploded since I first caught it earlier today. Some of you people should maybe ease up a little. Yikes.

  105. Oh yeah - different thread please. :D

  106. charlenelovesmojo199127 April 2011 at 01:37

    freaking amazing honestly , i hated the first half of Supernatural i was losing hope ,but it has found where it wants to go in the seconded half .This is how i rate the season so far

    Exile on Main St. 5/10
    Two and a Half Men 6/10
    The Third Man 7/10
    Weekend at Bobby's 10/10
    Live Free or Twihard 9/10
    You Can't Handle the Truth 8/10
    Family Matters8/10
    All Dogs Go to Heaven8/10
    Clap Your Hands If You Believe...0/10
    Caged Heat 10/10
    Appointment in Samarra 10/10
    Like a Virgin 9/10
    Unforgiven 10/10
    Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 4/10
    The French Mistake 8/10
    ...And Then There Were None 10/10
    My Heart Will Go On 8/10
    Frontierland 8/10

  107. I guess it will depend on what exactly Cas dark secret is if we get to see Cas in Season 7. After seeing him "touch" Bobbys soul, I had the impression Cas feeds on souls to power up to win the war in Heaven.
    Should the "dark secret" have anything to do with Sams soul spending more than a year in the cage, I'm sure Dean will find a way to kill Cas. Dean would not forgive Cas if he let Sammy getting hurt, and lied to the Winchesters all along.

    You angels better keep those angel killing blades hidden from the eldest Winchester, or Cas won't live to regret that. Dean already killed an angel for betraying him, so.......

    But since there aren't any confirmed facts, expect that season 7 is confirmed now, lets just wait and see.

  108. charlenelovesmojo199127 April 2011 at 02:00

    Hay yeh thats great news, also its getting renewed whooop!! but i am also going to see the cast Misha colins is there also chuck and samule 3 more places hopefully jensen or jared x

    That's the best thing I've heard all day.

  110. Completely agree. As much as I love Cas and Misha, I just think that the Angel storyline is over and needs to be over.
    But I do love Cas and Misha...

  111. Right, he would buy a run down old house in a junk yard and become a grumpy old alcoho---

  112. Why do you hate Clap you Hands if you Believe so much?!? I thought it was alright...

  113. charlenelovesmojo199127 April 2011 at 03:06

    Just that i am not that into UFO'S to begin with,but then bringing fairy's and the tiny people just was stupid to me , but thats just me. I thought it was more comedy that to be taken on a srious scale. But hay that again just me xxx

  114. Um, have you heard about Supernatural's season 7 official renewal because that's the best thing I've heard all day.

  115. Oh come now, he'll either open a brothel or become a love guru/self-help speaker.

  116. On the one hand, that would solve the angel problem, but on the other it is retreading Season 5 ground to a small extent (since his grace had mostly faded during that season, explaining his limited powers and more human-like demeanor), and it once again completely dismisses Jimmy Novak (Cas's meat suit).

    Anna made sense because she didn't merge with an existing human in order to become human when she gave up her grace. Castiel, on the other hand, just kind of kept hanging around in Jimmy even though Castiel had lost his grace. Of course if it was revealed that Jimmy's soul is in heaven right now from one of his two past deaths, then I have no problem with Castiel walking around in an empty vessel. However, if Jimmy is still somewhere inside there, and a useless Castiel is keeping him from his family, then that doesn't really sit right with me (just as it never completely sat right with me in Season 5).

  117. well true story my friend is the one who heard this from his agent she knew him from working in hollywood and met up with him at the last spn convention she didnt even know he was mishas agent till then he got her a free autographed photo personally, well she ran into him at a doctors office then i guess he called her or something and told her misha was only going to be on the first episode of season 7 , i personally hope he was just starting a good pr stunt but who knows

  118. Hey guys this is Supernatrlfreak, I posted this tweet and I can't wait for the truth to come out, I have gotten a lot of hate messages and I could care less about it. Some fans feel I am a rumor starter, but for those who follow me on twiiter know that is not my style. I do know someone from Misha's team and was told the news yesterday. He called me today and said he got in trouble for this but wants the fans to focus this BS on the network and writer's. Thank you

  119. I don't know the outcome of this, but I stand by what i said and you can tell him if you want:
    He was VERY unprofessional by saying this to you and even more for asking the fans to start a revolution over this. He wants the fans do his work? Not cool, Mr Manager, not cool.

  120. Hi! Glad you posted on here and I'm sorry if people are being hateful. I guess we have heard a lot of things over the years that have turned out to be false and it makes the fandom as a whole skeptical. Still doesn't excuse people being jerks. I think a lot of fans are hoping this is a miscommunication and doesn't mean that Misha is permanently off the show. Especially since this is Supernatural and no one is ever permanently off. I'm just hoping they don't kill Castiel because that will be a nightmare living with the fandom.

  121. i read it and its a good theory that i would be happy with
    but as i think someone posted, thats basically wat cas was at the end of season 5
    but still, as long as they keep him around i'm happy, even regardless of his shady doings this season
    i just wish they'd hurry up and tell us already!!

  122. I totally would stop watching. And will, if that's true. To be honest, I wasn't even a fan until season 3 - but then Ruby appeared adnd I loved her character, I started watching for her. Then we got the angel storyline and Cas and it was good enough to not make me wanna stop watching after Ruby died. I actually LOVE the angel storyline (but then I'm a great fan of angelology in general) and most of the time I watch this show for Castiel, I fish for plots and events that somehow relate to him.

    Sam and Dean, yeah, cool, but I never relate emotionally to main characters. Ruby, Cas, Bobby too - those are my reasons to watch. No them, no watching.

  123. Losing Cas would be much worse for some than losing John. We had less time to get to know John than we got time with Cas - ha, actually, I've never got anywhere NEAR even liking John Winchester, those few episodes with him just weren't enough. But Cas? For me, he's important as a character.

  124. Well that's is his client and he has a pro in the business for many years (Misha is not even his biggest client). And I do know for a fact that this is the way Hollywood works. I am born and raised here in LA and there is no such thing as bad press. And viewers have all the power to persuade writers to keep character on. Anyway I am a Jensen girl, and even though he was a great addition to the show, I could care less now if he stays on or not.

  125. if they take msiha collins out i will cry :'(

  126. if they take msiha collins out i will cry :'(

  127. I'm a Jensen's girl who also loves Jared and who thinks that the brothers are the center of Supernatural, but I have nothing against Misha on the show. I like the character and I love Misha.

    I'm an ignorant about this kind of business and I admit that. I don't think that his Manager's idea of create wild panic, start a revolution and ask fans to boycott the show are the right things to do. It's just my opinion, no offense to you intended.

  128. I started watching the show because of Castiel. I was just channel-surfing a few years (was it three already?) when I caught Season Four's premise. While I quickly grew fond of Dean, I found the character Castiel to be so interesting that I actually watched all of the previous episodes in the prior 3 seasons just to get caught up. To this day, he is my favorite character, and especially my sole reason to watch after this season. But I think a lot a fans stay for different reasons, so I don't think it would drastically hurt the show if Castiel/Misha leaves. Maybe just a dent.

  129. I have a feeling Castiel may just lose his grace and become human again... But I seriously doubt TPTB would fire Misha

  130. I think that the Castiel storyline has not played out yet. I am hoping that he will get a spin-off. I would stop watching the show if Castiel gets killed off. I was a fan from Season 4 when they introduced New Ruby and Castiel.

  131. The wording of that tweet screams BS. As much as Misha loves to tweet I'm sure he'll have an answer to that quickly. Also, it wouldn't surprise me to find out it is one his own pranks.

  132. Better be true. Next best thing would be becomes the big bad next year. If they do write him off, he'll probably get killed somehow protecting the Earth, so he'll go out as a "hero".

    I for one hope it's true because Castiel gets on my last nerve with his contradicting ways and hypocrisy. I mean, HE is responsible, moreso than EITHER boy, for starting the Apocalypse because he KNEW the Angel's plans and STILL willingly let Sam out of the Panic Room. Then, he goes around the 5th season and blames Sam and Dean! it still hasn't been brought to their attention that he's the one that let Sam out of the Panic Room. Why? Because the writers' are trying so hard to make him out to be a good guy when in fact, he's pretty effing shady, really. Plus, he's lied to both boys several times this season. He's also used them as bait, when really, if he had just told them the truth they would've helped him.

    Good riddance.

  133. Better be true. Next best thing would be becomes the big bad next year. If they do write him off, he'll probably get killed somehow protecting the Earth, so he'll go out as a "hero".

    I for one hope it's true because Castiel gets on my last nerve with his contradicting ways and hypocrisy. I mean, HE is responsible, moreso than EITHER boy, for starting the Apocalypse because he KNEW the Angel's plans and STILL willingly let Sam out of the Panic Room. Then, he goes around the 5th season and blames Sam and Dean! it still hasn't been brought to their attention that he's the one that let Sam out of the Panic Room. Why? Because the writers' are trying so hard to make him out to be a good guy when in fact, he's pretty effing shady, really. Plus, he's lied to both boys several times this season. He's also used them as bait, when really, if he had just told them the truth they would've helped him.

    Good riddance.

    P.S. Not to mention beating the bloody hell out of Dean, almost killing him. Was that necessary? NO. MAYBE if "someone" hadn't let Sam out of the Panic room, you wouldn't have had to sacrifice anything! Sam jumps in a pit with the Devil and Michael to SAVE THE WORLD, took responsibility for his actions (actions that he didn't even realize were bad, he thought killing Lilith would stop her from breaking the last seal), and then Castiel is too much of a coward to confess his sins (he's an ANGEL and supposedly the only good one left).

  134. Steven Levy is his manager... but any one can get that information on IMDB. don't forget you guys that actors have many people around them i.e. managers, agents, PA's, etc.
    i personally saw the post from this fan on FB and i think it's a load of bull. I'm no legal expert but I'm sure if Misha's manager leaked this info to a fan or anyone for that matter there would be some serious legal issues. i think it's just that... a rumor. he just got promoted to a series regular and he is a fan favorite. i think his relationship with the boys & Bobby is going to be strained because i think he is or has betrayed them in some way. but i don't think he is going to be killed off. Sera said in a interview that "The show's writers deliberately decided to tarnish Castiel this season in order to test his character."
    if it is fact let's wait for an official announcement before we get to excited. i just find it hard to believe his manager is going to let that kind of info slip. seriously? and to a random fan? they haven't even started writing anything for season 7. how on earth would he know that Cas would appear in the first episode in season 7 and then be killed off? if Steven let it slip i want it straight from his lips. at times fandom can get overzealous and jump to conclusions. we do it often. to me this is just an unfounded rumor. if there's one thing fandom does well it's starting rumors. no offense. just sayin. until it's officially announced it's speculation. we'll have to wait until May to see who is listed as the official cast. hold tight fandom.

  135. i'm just wondering.... to all the fans saying you'll turn away from the show IF Cas is written off... what did you do for the three years he wasn't on the show? don't get me wrong i love Cas and i adore Misha but this show is and will always be about the Winchester's. it would sadden me if they decided to write Cas off the show but as a devoted fan i would respect the writers decision to do so. it does pose the question... what would his role be in season 7? but then again i had this thought myself the end of season 5. i wasn't sure how they would use him in season 6... and here we are. if the door to purgatory is opened the end of this season then they might have a role for him to play. i would like to see Cas on the show until the end. we'll all have to wait and see what happens.


  137. Whether the rumour is true or not - and only an official word from MIsha's reps or TPTB will verify it - I have to admit it does kind of worry me a little. I know for many the show has been about Sam and Dean, but from Season 2 onwards there have always been other characters in the boy's lives - Bobby, Ellen etc - so it is not without some validity that some folks find much appeal in Castiel being integral to the show in some capacity or other. As much as it shouldn't be about "brother against brother" in what people like, I'd like to think folks can be tolerant of those who like Castiel, and not have it as "brothers against angel".

    For me, I will admit that Cas not being in Season 7 will turn me off it. I'll watch, but it will no longer be must-see-TV for me because I have so loved the character from the moment he walked through those barn doors, and the chemistry Misha has with Jensen - and the great relationship between Dean and Cas - has kept me glued. (Which isn't to say I haven't enjoyed other parts of the series - Soul-less Sam was brilliant!)

    Yeah, the angel and war in heaven storyline has probably run its course. But I've read enough fanfic already which proves there is a way to give a life to Castiel beyond the 'war in heaven' stuff - whether as an angel or not. Surely if folks out in fandom who love the show can keep Castiel involved with the boy's lives, the writers themselves can as well? (If not, I'm sure a few fanfic writers would be happy to suggest some ideas. *g*)

    Bottom line, many love the character (I won't say "all" or even a "majority" - I have no stats to back it up :-) ). And he is a great character, Misha a great actor. So until the rumours are resolved one way or another, I will just continue to hope hope hope that the end of the angel storyline doesn't mean the end of Misha's/Castiel's involvement with SPN.

    And if it is - Chuck forbid! - well, let it end well. I get enough crap in real life - and Chuck knows we've had enough death and betrayal in SPN - to let the winged-wonder have that sort of ending after everything he's done for them and we mere mortals. ;-)

  138. Don't mess with my heart, CASTIEL CAN NOT BE WRITTEN OFF!!!

  139. Do you know who usually starts with "I don't want to stir things up",or "trust me" or "I'm not lying"? Mhm, you guessed right, those who aim at exactly the opposite while all the while being aware they don't stand a chance in hell to be believed. Don't worry though,it was a good laugh and the aunt-of-the-cousin-of-the-boyfriend-of-the-neighbor-of-the-mayor-etc was absolutely ADORABLE! I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard! OK, so maybe I do, but it was still worth it. Thank you for the giggles!

  140. And there are many other people like me whose interest in Supernatural was intensified by the angel story and the broadening of the mythology. They've had demons on the show all along. It was only logical that if demons had a place in Supernatural mythology, so did angels. And really, how many more monsters can there be? They've run out of them and have started creating hybrid monsters. You take away the angels and the demons and there goes all of the interesting recurring characters like Balthazar and Crowley and, yes, Castiel. Why would they dump that much mythology because a small handful of people are "tired of angels?"

  141. I think your idea would hurt Supernatural. It's the same thing that eventually killed Buffy, too. The mix of the right core characters made the show great. When they plucked Angel and Cordy and Wes out of Buffy and created Angel, it worked for a bit but then became painfully obvious that the original formula with all of the characters in the mix on the same show was far superior. To me Supernatural is Dean, Sam, Bobby, and Cas. Other characters can come and go (I personally love Crowley and would be happy to have him be a permanent bane in the boys' existance) but these four are gold.

  142. What brothers' story? They can't do Sam is in trouble again for the 1,450th time. They are so tapped out on monsters they reverted to human dragons. I think the angel/demon mythos expanded the storytelling possibilities and writing it out would be a HUGE mistake. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep Castiel and use season 7 to explore the ramifications of his moral crisis, how it effects not only Cas's future but also Dean, Sam, and Bobby?

  143. I think Bobby is more expendable than Cas, but I'd hate to lose either of them. It's the four characters that make the show tick.

  144. Nonsense. Honestly, the Castiel character is still learning and evolving naturally as he tries to figure out how to live as an angel with free will. The one character who has become stale is Sam. Sam is drinking demon's blood. Now he's got a wall in his psyche. How many more moral perils can they give Sam? But he's an original character and is essential so he stays. But from a storytelling perspective Castiel is an well of possibilities.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.