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Supernatural - Episode 6.22 - The Man Who Knew Too Much - Press Release

28 Apr 2011

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“SUPERNATURAL” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)
“The Man Who Knew Too Much” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ERIC KRIPKE PENS THE SEASON FINALE – The wall comes down in Sam’s (Jared Padalecki) head and all hell breaks loose. Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Bobby (Jim Beaver) are, for once, at a total loss on how to help him and are forced to stand by and do nothing while Sam breaks. The battle for heaven comes to a head. Robert Singer directed the episode written by Eric Kripke (#622).

Source: CW


  1. So in the season one finale, Sam's in a car accident. in season 2, he dies and brought back to life. In season 3, his brother dies. In season 4 he releases the devil. In season 5 he sacrifices himself. And now this. No rest for the wicked, eh?

    I think I smell another locking-up-Sam-in-the-panic-room coming.

  2. That sounds horrible. How are they suppose to just stand and do nothing? Two really bad episodes in a row for the guys.

  3. if we consider that Jared has more screen time than Jensen in that episode, i think we will see more about Sam's soulless time without Dean

  4. OH HOLY CRAP. Poor Sam and Dean and Bobby!

  5. I think this will help Dean with the death of Ben/lisa (cause im sure they wil die) i mean, brother on the floor roling in pain kinda get your mind of things

  6. Man I love this show - they never back away from anything - this is gonna be GUTWRENCHING.
    Just what we need to leave us hanging for months. Way to go Kripke, Sera & Co.!!
    Roll on Season 7

  7. Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that Sam somehow gets over the wall coming down in this episode? And not at the beginning of next season. And now i assume the wall coming down isn't the big cliffhanger.

    Also I think it is looking more then likely now with the last 2 press releases that Eve will be gone after tomorrow's episode.

  8. Oh man, I'm so glad we got a 7th season!

  9. Ya I wonder if those 2 unexpected Death's are them. Because hasn't the spoilers coming out kinda of hinted the Dean/Lisa-Ben thing doesn't end well for him. And they have been claiming 2 unexpected Death's who would ever expect them to die. I know in spoilers Dr. Visyak looks like she gets it. But i don't think her death would be unexpected just for the fact she had 2 scenes. And isn't really established for an "unexpected" death.

  10. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO. Can not WAIT for this. Poor Sam.

  11. Oh joy. I'll be skipping the finale. Havent been a big fan of the past 2 since they've been more about Sam. Actually, I may be skipping the whole season when its on over here, and probably S7, I'm bored with the Sam crap.

  12. Well we knew Sam's wall was coming down. Not sure I want to watch Dean and Bobby stand around while Sam's in the battle of his life.

  13. I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I AM SO FREAKIN EXCITED FOR THIS EPISODE ! Reading this gave me the same feeling i got when i read the first spoilers for All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 & 2 four years ago !!!! Like when i saw the pic of Jared on set with the blood and knife mark on the back of his shirt !!!! I CAN'T FEEL MY FINGERS LMAO !!!! POOR SAMMY !

  14. Wow. The bitching has already began and these haven't been out that long. Why am I not surprised?

    On that note, my god, Sam. I just don't even know what to say. I wonder what they mean when it says they forced to sit by and do nothing as he breaks. What's going to happen to him? I recall Kripke saying that they wouldn't be leaving Sam catatonic and such the whole episode because there's no fun in that if Sam's a drooling mess on the floor throughout the whole thing. So I doubt Sam's wall coming down is going to be the entire episode and we'll be something something more. JMO


    This episode is gonna be wicked, angsty, over-the-top

  16. Ya definitley seems like he somehow gets over the wall coming down in this episode. Especially with Kripke spoiling it over a month ago and now it being the summary of the episode. I mean you don't spoil that if it is the big cliffhanger.

  17. I'm already prepared to cry during this episode. Hopefully its not like last season, which had me crying for pretty much the whole thing and, by the end, I was a mess. I mean, Supernatural is amazing for getting that emotional reaction out of me, but afterwards, I felt super depressed and then, the second they showed Sam, I wanted season 6 to start right then and there. The writers really know how to torture us for the summer

  18. For some reason they decided to not mention aqny of the exciting stuff right? Element of surprise and all that...yes?

  19. Me too, me too. I'm already stocking up on Kleenex! Puffs brand to be exact. :-P lol

  20. I believe one is actually Dr Visiak (sp?)

    The Lisa/Ben rumours were that there would be a big emotional goodbye, I think they get there minds erased, I just dont think they'll die.

  21. In Kripke We Trust
    That's all I'm gonna say.

  22. We all did expect this, right?

    I wonder what's the reason the wall comes down? Sam is desperately trying to remember the time in the cage because he needs the Intel to stop Eve, or has this something to do with the war in heaven?

    Does a certain angel manipulate the wall, because using Sams soul could influence to win the war in heaven? The soul strong enough to keep Lucifer in check just long enough to imprison him in the cage again, must be a great asset for any side, right?

    Can't wait to see this. In Kripke we trust.

  23. I find that these sound like very underwelming episodes, but they are really needed. There are tons of loose ends and they need to put things together in order to put the pieces together for Season Seven. Sounds like they are gonna end the war in heaven, Sam's soul business (which, essentially, was a great way to make Sam's sacrifice worth something in Swan Song, so I like) and Ben and Lisa's storyline. I hope that the Mother of All sticks around for next season. I'm still intriged and there is a lot they can do with the monsters on the loose next season. Here's to hoping that next season is the last, focusing on stopping the Mother, the Alphas and the hunt for Purgatory.

  24. No Eve in the 2 last synospsis? I have a bad feeling they'll take her out in Episode 19......she's suppose to be one of the biggest monsters they've fighters...or even THE strongest and they'll really take her her out in the first fight? 0.o

    Unless she's just push back in Season 7...we'll see I guess.

  25. Seriously if you hate Sam that much what are you doing still watching in S6? The show is about Dean AND Sam, always has, always will be....have no idea how you were able to watch season 1 to 5 while hating half of the show

  26. Nothing about Cas, I can't help but notice.... shit... It may say battle for heaven but nothing about Cas himself...

    My heart is going to explode in 5.20, I can feel it already ::sobs::

  27. Don't worry Cas and Balty are both in the finale, Sebastian posted a LOT of weird/funny pictures of both of them on the set during the shooting of the finale

  28. She is in the season finale

  29. charlenelovesmojo199129 April 2011 at 03:07

    Yeh i agree with you, the show is about tow brothers e.g (Sam,Dean). I mean i do fancey Dean much more but i love Sam and feel for him. Why watch the show just for jensen thats lame , you have to watch it for both charters .x

  30. Lord, I hope so. First, it sounds as though we get SPN's lame version of Hercules and the Hind and then we'll get another awesome clips show of Sam Saving the World while Dean and Bobby sit around wringing their hands and the heavenly war happens somewhere in the background. I sure hope this doesn't turn out to be "Swan Song Redux", but it's been a while since I trusted Kripke or any other of the show's writers, and the promotional material this season has sucked hard. One week, it's still good and the next week, I feel like I'm watching V, but without Jane Badler.

    I have no desire to see Lisa and Ben die, end up hating Dean, or get a magical reset mindwipe. Try an adult solution to a storyline for once, writers. Nobody asked you to bring them back, so stop acting as if doing so is painful and hard to do. Personally, I liked them, in large part because they were a storyline for Dean that didn't involve his obsessing over Sam every second of the day. But God forbid we keep that.

    As for Sam, if this Sam Done Come Back Wrong crap really is the only storyline they ever will be able to think up for him, maybe they should consider writing him out, too. That would solve their conundrum of what to do with him after his wall drops and obviate the need for the cheat we all knew was coming as soon as we heard about that stupid drywall.

  31. stupid vapid fangirl bullcrap. Please, do us all a favor and disown Supernatural for good. It's better off without the likes of you.

  32. OK, if the episode starts with Sam's wall coming down, does that mean that he isn't "really" in it? That would kill me right there.

  33. If Sam's wall falls early in the episode and he spends the rest of the episode unconscious, it will absolutely kill me... Ending the season with a Castiel episode followed by a Dean/Lisa/Ben episode followed by a Sam unconscious episode.... You might as well lock me in the basement because I will go whacko without my Sam time.

  34. that's too bad you will be missing a great show ABOUT SAM AND DEAN NOT ONLY DEAN!!

  35. From what was said at the JiB con in Rome, it's just the opposite. This is a Sam-heavy and Dean-light episode (Jensen finished filming 3 days earlier than everybody else). I guess we will see the whole soul-struggle from Sam's POV, maybe similar to the way he was talking to himself as Lucifer in his head?

  36. What do you mean like he "isn't really in it?" If you mean Sam isn't in the episode, he is. Jared worked that whole time and each filming day. In fact, he had about three days where he filmed by himself. Jensen had them off. If that's not what you meant, then were you meaning something about Sam being locked away in his own mind? Or what? I'm sorry, Debbie. I'm just misunderstanding you a bit. ^^;

  37. Amen, Ally. Thank you.

  38. This exactly.

  39. I don't think the cliffhanger will be about Sam's wall, only because they ended 'Appointment in Samarra' with Sam's screaming. So what could the big cliffhanger be?

  40. But even if it's about Sam sometimes, it always gives us interesting scenes with Dean too. Dean's speech to Lucifer in 'The End' was just amazing or Dean fangirling about Westerns in 'Frontierland'. Sorry, that you can't enjoy the show anymore. I'm more of a Dean girl myself but I also love me some Sam, especially Robo!Sam.

  41. Maybe we will finally find out who brought back Sam in the first place and what Crowley had to do with purgatory. Sam's wall breaking down means, he will remember hell which means 'Supernatural' has to show us his time in the cage. How will they do that? Are they gonna bring Lucifer and Adam/Michael back as well? I'm really excited for the final three episodes. I really hope the answers will be worth the wait. :D I so don't need another 'Lost' experience.

  42. If this is a show about Sam and Dean - maybe you could try telling the producers that....thanks.

  43. Wow, sounds like an abysmal episode. I'm sure I won't bother to watch it.

  44. Nooooooo. I have known this episode has been on it's way for a long time, but I still don't want to see Sam's wall fall! I hope it's able to be restored!
    If Sam's wall falls his character will have to be changed forever, otherwise it won't be believable, and I for one like Sam just the way he is.

  45. Did they ever say which episodes those two unexpected deaths were to occur in? I was thinking Rachel could have been one and Rufus the other.

  46. Why are you people so upset that the season finale is dealing mostly with Sam? I am thrilled about it and have been waiting and waiting for a good while to find out what really happened during that year and a half. I have many questions about it. But, we have to realize that we have been given the best gift this week-another season of Supernatural! So, let's be happy about it and look forward to another exciting chapter in Sam and Dean's life next season! Yay!

  47. This will be a heartbreaking, gutwrenching episode to watch...poor Dean having to watch his brother break after fighting so hard to get him back. I'm sure it will all be delivered just fine and the cliffhanger will be answered in S7!

  48. I somehow can´t imagine Dean doing nothing. When Sam is concerned he always sprung into some kind of action, powerless or not.
    I don´t know what the wall coming down is doing to Sam, but if Unforginven has been any indication, then what could Dean do?

  49. I've been avoiding this thread because I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I finally broke.

    This looks awesome! On my to-watch list is the movie Memento. This show has referenced it twice so far. From what I picked up from the movie's synopsis is that the storyline starts somewhere in the middle and moves both forward in time and backward (through amnesia/revelations). This season seems to be modeled in the same way. While the storyline is moving forward from the time Sam met up Dean again, it's also moving backward through Cas and Sam flashbacks. I'm guessing there's just as much meat in the flashbacks as there is in the time period's conclusion.

    I'm assuming we'll follow Sam's consciousness in this episode for a good chuck of the episode and find out about his year in Hell and as RoboSam.

  50. You do realize that in the season 1 car accident, Sam wasn't alone in the car and he was the one least affected by the accident (Dean almost died, met Tessa, and John did end up dead). Yes Sam died in the second-to-last episode in the second season, but the season ended with Dean centric and Dean killing YED. The third season ended with Dean dying. In season 4 Sam released the devil, but just as much screen time was spent in those last episodes on Dean's interactions with the angels. Yes, season 5 ended with Sam dying, but the events were shown through Dean's perspective.

  51. I think the cliffhanger will be related to things that Sam remembers when the wall breaks. The wall breaking isn't much of a cliffhanger because we all know that Sam will recover.

  52. We've seen Dean going off and fighting battles while Sam and Bobby weren't directly involved (The End, Dean's day as death). It will be nice to see an episode in which Sam gets enough screen time to face his demons on his own.

  53. Oh my god would you whiny EDGs please go away already? Go bitch at the Haven or something.

  54. Almost all finales are Sam centric and that's the reason I love Supernatural finales.

  55. I wonder how many Dean girls wont watch the finale because it's Sam centric?

  56. If the finale drives all the Dean girls off does that mean we can have more Sam next season?

    I'm a Sam girl and I want to be pandered to too! I want to see Sammy with his own family outside of Dean that only he interacts with and I want to see him boding with kids every other episode. How about giving him his own angel he can have a more profound bond with, or a grumpy old hunted who can favour him? Maybe he can meet 'Death' or interact with just about every guest star on the show? Maybe he can have all the one liners the writers can think off so everyone will think he's awesome cool? Maybe the writers can spend vast amounts of the season only concentrating on his POV and his feelings on what's going on? GOSH wouldn't all that make me a happy fan?!

    The Sam girl in me has been disappointed this season again with the lack of storyline for Sam outside of him being a plot device, but the Jared girl in me has been so proud.

    I look forward to the finale because it's rare these days to have episodes from Sam's POV where his feelings are important and he isn't just a plot device or wallpaper. So bring it on Kripke and Gamble please please pander to my Sam girl next season I think I've earned it?!

  57. I want to know if they're really going to watch the first hour and then turn it off mid-show just to prove a point, even though no one will know that they did it anyway.

  58. Exactly.
    I really don't get what all the complaints are about.

    Gods, hopefully the producers don't read that psychotic fangirl bs.

  59. Dean watching, while his Sammy is hurting? Eh, sorry I don't buy this. After all Dean did for Sam, now when he is close to dying once more, Dean isn't in his big-brother-protect-Sammy-at-all-costs-mode?

    Knowing my Supernatural, nothing is like it appears, so let's just wait how this will turn out.

  60. I actually don't agree with that. The Season 1 finale was about all three Winchesters. Season 2 finale was about Dean making the deal to bring Sam back to life and Dean killing the YED. Season 3 was about Dean dying and being taken to Hell while Sam just stood by and watched it happen because he couldn't do anything. The first time that the finale was really more focused on Sam was Season 4 and that was just him going to kill Lilith and then at the end he did thinking he was saving the world when really he was manipulated and set Lucifer free. Season 5 was the first really Sam centric finale in that he saved the world by sacrificing himself which is what a lot of EDGs didn't like. So they're pissed we're getting another Sam-centric one. What did people expect? The wall was going to come down at some point.

  61. I'm a die-hard Dean girl, who also loves Sam to pieces and I'm definitely watching the finale! So just don't create drama where there is none. We're all gonna watch it alright!

  62. think that one of the death will be castiel and the other maybe bobby...too focus on ben/lisa death and dean/sam died so many more and it will be really too much...and don't see anyone else...unexpected deaths for this year....balty? maybe or more great the death himself...

  63. don't worry for dean or sam they're always getting true..that's become a problem in this show, i'm never worry about them because i know that they're always cure or be saved or be loving brothers...great, that .. but no surprise i'm become just worry about the others characters like castiel and bobby...because with this ones they can do anything they want, fans pissed off but till dean/sam relationship is save, fans're still on the matter what happened to the others, the fans will be certainly sad but no more...and that make me feel deeply sad because spn is dean/sam of course but also all the great character around the brothers..

  64. for sure this 2 great actor like each others...always making funny pictures of themself...i please of that...hope that we'll see them next year...but really not sure of that...sad

  65. Why did you turn this into a Sam vs. Dean thing? Matan Bahar was simply stating that Lots of things happen to Sam physically, more so than Dean and, well, that statement is true. I don't get what "...shown through Dean's perspective" and Dean having "...just as much screen time..." have to do with his post?!

  66. The two unexpected deaths were Rufus and Grandpa. Dr. Visiack isn't coming back, as far as I know (I haven't heard that, maybe I'm wrong). I don't consider her to be anywhere near an "unexpected Death" considering she was on the show once.

    Bobby isn't dieing permanently, because he'll be back for Season 7. Castiel will also be back next year. Again, they could die and then come back (I'm getting sick of that, actually).

  67. Well, he was screaming because he got his soul back, it had nothing to do with his Wall. THAT came at the end of "The Unforgiven" when he had learned too much and "scratched the itch". I also think he remembered a little somethin somethin in Friday's episode about Castiel and Crowley because he had that look on his face but he then said "Ya know, it's probably nothing...".

  68. So the past 2 were "more about Sam" and you didn't weren't a fan, right? That implies you watched 1-4, correct? Did you watch Season 2? That was all about Sam's psychic whatever and Dean protecting him. The show has ALWAYS been about Sam's role in everything, it STARTING with him (bleeding in his mouth) and Dean protecting him. The we found out in Season 4 Dean's role in everything (getting him into Hell so he'd break the 1st seal, him being Michael's vessel. Plus Season 3 was about Dean, and seasons 4 and 5 were equally about BOTH brothers.

    Each brother has a role to play. Plain and simple.

  69. Personally I hope so, but with the return of Ben and Lisa and Sam's breakdown, I wouldn't be surprised if the episodes are more Dean centric. Don't get me wrong, I love both boys equally, but Dean does seem to get more screen time than Sam. It seems that when Sam get's more screen time it's because he's doing something bad (whether he knows it or not).

    Poor Sam, I have this fear that he'll turn into some kind of demon... =( I'd cry...

  70. Sera and Eric said that the first hour of the finale will be Dean centric and the second one will be Sam centric. So, if the wall breaks down at the first moment of the episode, they can't leave Sam drooling on the floor during the whole episode. It wouldn't be Sam centric like you said, all we can watch would be Dean's suffering for his brother. I guess it will be like when the levee breaks. Sam's rememberies and his dealing with them. Also there will be a lot more bigger issues going on out there, like the war in heaven. Appearently, last episodes will be really hard for both brothers.

  71. I'm hoping for their mom and Dad to help Sam
    because as we know from the episode when the brothers were in heaven their parents are not up there and I don't believe that they are in hell or purgatory so most likely they found a way to return to earth
    I'd love this to happen

  72. yeah, i think, she will be back in season 7

  73. If Sam's going to be evil again I swear I'm gonna kill somebody..

  74. I read his post as implying that the finals are more about Sam. If that was an incorrect interpretation, then disregard my post. To be honest, I'm not sure what Matan's point was. The post could have easily read:

    In the season 1 finale, Dean is in a car accident and dies, in season 2, he sells his soul to a demon and kills YED. In season 3, he dies and goes to Hell. In season 4, he says no to Michael and is unable to stop Lucifer from being released, in season 5, he watches his brother die while stopping the Apocalypse.

  75. Best episode synopsis in ages. The only thing that could beat this is 'Sam and Dean fight a deadly ghost, whilst topless'

  76. I'd say the same about 620 this ones the best ep description of the entire season for me. Good we all have different opinions isnt it!

  77. Wow. You read a lot into what isn't even there. Both of them go through a lot of trials... together. You know, that whole "brothers" thing? Each of them has an important role to play. Together. Which is kinda the underlying premise of the whole show.

    Matan was just pointing out that at the end of each season Sam gets whumped. So far we don't know what will happen to Dean but it will likely be hard on him too. In fact, the episode previous to the finale looks like it will be especially torturous for him.


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