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Supernatural - Episode 6.21 - Let It Bleed - Press Release

28 Apr 2011

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“SUPERNATURAL” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Let It Bleed” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

DEAN’S WORST NIGHTMARE COMES TRUE – A demon kidnaps Ben (guest star Nicholas Elia) and Lisa (guest star Cindy Sampson) to get to Dean (Jensen Ackles). Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean are forced to join with an unlikely ally to free them. Sera Gamble directed the episode written by John Showalter (#621).

Source: CW


  1. ARGH! WHY, dear god, WHY are they back?! And in the pre-finale, no less. This is annoying

  2. Poor Dean. But it was predictable. After all, they are his weakness. I'm afraid they won't survive this and I don't know how he will handle it. He already lost way too much. Interesting part: who's the unlikely ally?

  3. I want Meg back! Where is Meg! God, will somebody tell me when we'll see Meg back!

  4. The strong rumor coming out is Let It Bleed with tie up the Dean-Lisa/Ben storyline for good. And that the unlikely ally is Balthazar

  5. I think they meant "John Showalter directed the episode written by Sera Gamble"

    (Does nobody proof read these things? :P)

  6. What? IF THEY ARE THE TWO UNEXPECTED DEATH I WILL NOT GET OVER THIS! I'm tearing up like seriously :(

    I'm sorry but I LOVE this story line, I get why a lot of you would hate it but im a sucker for this stuff.

  7. I love Lisa and Ben! Please to not die, kthanks.

  8. Hmm, isn't Dean's worse nightmare the Impala being lost to him forever ;) Or Sammy and the wall... oh crap, so that's two nightmare eps for Dean :(

  9. Nooooooo that will be a lot for Dean :((( They said Lisa and Ben story is gonna end for sure after that episode so i hate to say it but they will probably die and it will be soooooo hard for Dean :( i'm sure i'm gonna tear apart after watching this..

  10. Unlikely ally for me... Meg! Who else.

  11. I actually want them - Lisa and Ben - dead. Oh my, that sounds horrible *cringes*

    I mean, I want this storyline to end once and for all. Even Jensen said at the JiB con in Rome that he couldn't imagine Dean ever settling down with a girl and having a family. That for Dean, the worst thing that could happen is losing Sam and that he wouldn't want to add more people to the circle of his closests who could get hurt.

  12. Grumpy at this synopsis. I like Lisa and Ben. Do not kill a kid Supernatural.

  13. Ha! I think you hit on my worst Supernatural nightmare - no Impala. Perish the thought.

  14. I really hope Ben and Lisa don't die. My hope is they get rescued, and then have to disappear into 'Supernatural witness protection' -because I hate the idea of them being killed - especially Ben.
    That would get them out of the way and no death.

  15. I like Lisa and Ben okay i guess. but i really don't want them to come back. Killing them would be a bad idea because then for the rest of the show we are going to be dealing with Dean coming to terms with their deaths. And THAT would be a boring storyline. I just want them out of the picture but I hope they don't die.

  16. Who else is thinking the unlikely ally is Lenore?

  17. Didn't we squash this a long time ago? Sigh.

  18. There is an error in this post, Sera Gamble did not direct the episode, she wrote the episode.

  19. Death is definitely the easiest out for these characters, but am I the only one who would be happier with some Enochian rib sigils and a nice angel-mindwipe?

  20. My thought exactly.
    There are a million loose ends, and once again they waste screen time on the Braedens?

    Gods above, we need a male show runner for season 7 pronto!! This Chick-Flick stuff with Sera Gamble at the helm is getting old.

  21. Oh CW, shouldn't you be able to distinguish between writer and director! Lol

  22. Kill them, mind-wipe them, I really don't care what happens to them but I really don't want to see Lisa & Ben ever again on Supernatural.

    There are more then enough chick-flick show on the air, Supernatural doesn't have to morph into one of them.

  23. I may be the only one who actually liked Lisa and Ben. I loved that Dean was able to have a "nomal" life with them and found some one to be his family when he didn't have Sam. I am really curious to see what happens with them and who the "ally" is

  24. YEA,My darling Dean gets to rescue the love of his life's child.Hopefully she well be grateful and welcome back into her life or atleast be friends.I'm going to enjoy this episode.

  25. Exactly what most of us predicted would eventually happen on the show. The one saving grace of this episode? we know this particular arc ends.

    Goodbye Lisa and Ben and good riddance! Heres to a nice mind wipe courtesy of Balty? -thats my guess btw.

  26. according to set reports Balty is the ally, he was on set with Jensen, Jared and Cindy during the big goodbye scene.

  27. This is my favorite post today.

  28. I so love the Dean/Lisa story.He deserves a soft place to lay his weary heart .Lisa is very good for our Dean.
    The naysayers can stomp their feet! Thank you Sera!
    Chanelle,I will join you in the corner for Dean/Lisa shippers.Enjoying the chick flick moments when we get them. <3

  29. You are not alone, I actually wanted to see more of Ben and Lisa.

  30. I'm actually kind of glad that they're back, just to put things right after that crap episode with them. Might make the whole inclusion of them this season worth while... as long as they leave it and finish it after this episode. I just hope that they make it a proper conclusion.

  31. i'm not a huge fan of Lisa, but i do like ben and i am okay with dean having a family...i just really like the same female character i've liked since season 3 and even though I know that it'll never happen and she won't come back from the dead. So i think that's why i can't like dean/lisa bc my heart is set on my fave character and i haven't quite gotten over it. I won't bash them or her, and i have to say i was pretty upset that dean said he couldn't have a family in the last episode they appeared in...but i still just want him with my fave.

  32. don't love lisa at all, but i would be really sad to kill a kid off...i won't hate the show if they kill off lisa, bc it would end that storyline...but what would happen to ben if she died and he didnt? I mean, they can't have ben riding in the back of the i just unfortunately see them killing off both. I like ben a lot, he's a cool kid.

  33. i agree. killing them would hurt dean too much, and then the show would have to deal with yeah i think they need to just go away and have to forget everything. killing the kid would be bad.

  34. it is definately no chick flick just bc there's a family. Why does a family mean chick flick?? Do i like lisa, no...but i don't mind some family moments and a love life for dean. I'm a girl, and i like the gore and supernatural stuff and any crazy action movie...but guess what some of us actually like the family relationship stuff too, it doesn't mean it's a bad show at all. People need to get over that.

  35. Dont mind Dean having a family just dont want to see or hear about them on screen.

    Ship them all you want we've already had it confirmed by Jensen that its over.

  36. Lisa and Ben should be already dead. just it.

  37. Now darlin there's no need for Winchester snarkiness...we are just having fun with our favorite tv show,I'm a romantic, so my desire to see people in love is my Eternal optimism lurking within my soul.
    And I loved that pout & stump ;j We are such a passionate amd fiesty bunch, us spn fans.I love it!

  38. And some of us don't consider Lisa & Ben part of the Winchester family, nor do they want to see boring domestic Dean ever again. Supernatural always had and still has it's own definition of family, and it should stay this way.

    People need to get over that.

  39. charlenelovesmojo199129 April 2011 at 03:12

    poor Dean :( ,

  40. Same here, I enjoyed the Lisa/Ben angle they had at the beginning when Dean visited when he could and thought it was incredibly lame how they wrote em off. Hopefully we'll get more resolution this time as opposed to the last episode they were in which pretty much didn't resolve anything for them.

  41. Sorry to rain on your parade but even Sera Gamble said it clearly that Lisa was not Dean's true love. She and her son were there when he needed a family unit. He loved the idea of a family with them, not her specifically. Not my delusions, it's what TPTB themselves said.

  42. For a season where 'nothing is as as it seems' ? it aint half been bloody predictable at times.

  43. no mention of Eve? i guess they beat hear in tommorrow's episode i'm guessing

  44. Yeah, because that's just what 'Supernatural' needs another guy. Sorry, that you don't like the Braedens but they're storyline has been epic compared to the whiny Lucifer crap we got last year. And that was Eric Kripke's idea, so stop blaming Sera Gamble.

  45. Maybe because their storyline conclusion in Mannequin 3 sucked.

  46. It will be a miracle if Lisa and Ben survive the episode.

  47. No, they can't even distinguish between writer and director. Lol

  48. I love it too and I'm glad that they bring her back because the Mannequin 3 episode didn't do the characters justice. I hope they don't die but if they do I hope it's at elast as emotional as Jo and Ellen's death.

  49. Dean was part of Lisa and Ben's family. You should listen to your own advice and get over yourself. Dean cares and always will care about them. If Dean had told Lisa that he was turned into a vampire, things could have worked out but no, he had to play the macho and don't talk about what is really going on.

  50. Even Lisa wasn't Dean's 'true' love. Thank God, otherwise this show would be called 'Twilight' and not 'Supernatural'. Dean loves and cares for Lisa and Ben.

  51. Doesn't sound like most people want Lisa and Dean dead because Dean will be angsting forever and also because of a child death. Having their minds' wiped in this world still leaves them open to being used against Dean later. How about if Balthazar wipes their minds AND zaps them to an alt universe? Maybe one where Dean never came to them after Sam disappeared? Of course then they are gone in the SPN universe and you'd think Lisa's family would come looking....No easy answer. And just for the record, while I have to accept the inevitable, I would have like Lisa and Ben to continue. I really don't want to see the series end with the boys dying, however gloriously, and sorry, 40-year-old bachelor brothers joined at the hip stops being awesome in my book. I think at the end they should have some happiness and something in addition to their brotherly love.

  52. Lucifer was 10 times better than the soap opera crap in the Braedens storyline. I'd take Mark Pellegrino over Cindy Sampson any day of the week.

  53. Seriously I'm gonna be in a bubble on the ground crying my life out. BEN! I mean, BEN! ARGH! UH! I just hate thinking that the writers wanna close that story... but yeah if its done good like Jo/hellen I'll be okay with it... like when season 7 start but i'll be a mess haha, I don't deal well with death tv show or not LOL

  54. Sorry Dean/Lisa shippers, I think we need some blood to justify this being in the 2-part season finale. I'm trying to keep an open mind to this and my only hope it's not another repeat of the family-channel epsiode, Mannequins, but will actually be a WTF episode that will shock us. In response to fears that Dean will be angsting all next season if they die, the Winchesters seem to bounce back pretty quickly from death. Sam lost Jess in the pilot, but the angsting in season 1 wasn't overwhelming. They moved past John pretty quickly. And Sam was over Madison by the next episode. I think we'll get one episode that acknowledges their death next season, and then for the rest of the season it will fade to the background.

    Please don't turn this into an argument that we need a male in charge of the show. I don't know if Sera is any good or not because I don't know what have been her decisions and what were from other people, but when you make statements like that, it sets all women back a little.

    Anyone else think the unlikely ally might be Roy and/or Walt? They might have been hunting this demon. It sounds like Balthie is involved, but he doesn't fit the description of "unlikely" anymore.

    And please no mind wipes. Besides the fact that that sounds so cheesy, it would only work if Dean's mind was wiped, not Lisa and Ben's. As long as Dean remembers Lisa and Ben monsters can use them against him.

  55. How is breaking up and moving on not resolving things?

  56. Lisa has a sister. Ben would go and live with her sister.

  57. Quite obviously Supernatural needs a guy at the helm.
    Sorry you didn't understand the epic Lucifer storyline, and if you think anything with the Braedens is epic....LOL, well what ever you say.

    I'd take Mark Pellegrino over Cindy Sampson any time, when it comes to storytelling and believable acting.

    But be as much of a chick-flick girl as you like, I couldn't care less.

  58. The issue was never that Dean didn't tell Lisa about turning into a vamp, the issue was that Dean couldn't be both a hunter and a good father. He would always be bringing his work home with him, whether the monster was a shapeshifter, vamp, demon, or Mother.

    Had Dean chosen to be with Lisa and Ben over hunting, then yes, I agree that Lisa and Ben would have been part of his family, but he chose hunting instead. The smile on his face in the scene when he was with the Impala in the garage in Exile said it all. Contrast that to the scene when he was having drinks with his friend in Exile and looked miserable.

  59. Lost had two guys at the helm and it had the never-ending and badly written love triangle/quad. I'm sure Sera can write monsters and snark or else she wouldn't have lasted on SPN for so long. So I don't think the gender of the showrunner is the issue.

    BTW, I also liked Pellegrino as Lucifer and never cared for the Braeden storyline.

  60. I am so over Lisa and Ben. I thought sending Dean off to live with them was a shot in the wrong direction for Dean's character development. Oh well, we will have to sit through, hopefully, one last episode featuring those two.
    Who do you think will be their unlikely ally? Perhaps Death? Everyone else is dead, except Meg and Raphael. I don't see Raphael helping. Meg might if there is something in it for her.

  61. I didn't even think of Balthazar. I guess I don't think of his as unlikely because he is aligned with Cas who is aligned with Dean and co.

  62. I would love this, but the demons and other creatures would still know that they are important to Dean. They would have to go into the "witness protection program", and there would always be the worry that the SPN would track them down.

  63. I am surprised to hear that Ben and Lisa are back. I have nothing against them being in the show (at least they were not killed off), but I thought we were done with them episodes ago!

  64. The two surprising vote is still Lisa and Ben. Dean angsts and Sam steps up to help his big brother out. The ally...guessing Meg, with it being demon related and all. I don't think we'll ever see the last of her.

  65. I hate this storyline. It ruined the first half of S6 for me and there is a big chance it will riun whole S6. I refused to call Supernatural by it's title after 5.22 - I had a strong feeling it would turn into soap opera... Well, each single Lisa/Ben episode and each single spoiler confirms I was right.

  66. I got the feeling they broke up back in the first half of the season, and when Dean came back they just talked about what he wants but he never gave an answer really to Lisa or Ben, he just drove away and had a montage of memories. Just my opinion, I didn't feel they 'moved on' or accomplished anything in that episode with Lisa/Dean/Ben.

  67. Throwing out another theory ...

    One of the themes this year has been Dean's evolution into a cold killer (Dean's monologue in YCHTT and Dean telling Ben the job turns into something that shouldn't sit at their dinner table). Maybe the closure comes because Lisa and Ben witness Dean doing something cold and bloody, and Lisa is horrified and doesn't want him near her son anymore. Maybe that something is Dean finally killing Roy and Walt.

  68. an unlikely ally? maybe meg?

  69. After last nights episode I think the unlikely ally is The Mother of All...I don't buy it that she was killed off so quickly. It would be interesting to see her get all bad on Crowley's demons and Crowley himself!

  70. I think it was pretty amazing for Dean's character development - adding this fatherly feeling instead of only the brotherly one we've been seing the whole series. I think we would make an excellent father and I truly enjoyed his relationship with Ben. I really don't get why people hate the storyline so much. the show is and has always been all about family anyway - why is it so terrible to throw in a couple more family members?

    personally, I will be perfectly fine if Lisa and Ben live, but it would be an awesome twist for the series if they killed them off too.

  71. You know the Braeden storyline started with Eric Kripke at the helm and continued with Kripke at the helm. All I see is Sera trying to mop up that mess.

  72. like her too....miss her....maybe she was a part of the "game" in caged heat...maybe didn't really hate crowley and be there for his clarence when he needed him...because for sure, crowley gonna betrayed him

  73. maybe dean didn't want to see cass after the 20th episode so cass will send balty to help dean because he'll take of his friend above all...or maybe baltazar'll help dean but for his own reason...never really trusted him...i think balty and crowley use cass for their own project and cass so obseded by his war didn't see that

  74. agree with you....prefer to see misha/cass living and lisa/ben bye bye death or really out of the show...,no really something about ben but lisa's really not the right girl for dean...a woman with pamela "power" that will be great for him not this invisible woman lisa...but i'm thinking that they gonna killing castiel this year because not sure that he'll be in the show next year...deeply sad about that


  76. lol well it would be unlikely but,... why would that ever happen. I mean, she doesnt care and the boys arnt THAT crazy ahahha.

  77. Ugh. I used to love Ben but they ruined that. And once upon a time, I liked Lisa too. Maybe the demon who kidnaps them will kill them! Well, Lisa anyways. Having Ben as an extra hunter might actually be interesting!

  78. Very true, Kyelinn. How sexist for anyone

    to say that we need a guy at the helm! Good grief! My prediction is that Lisa will probably die, but we'll find out that Ben is actually Dean's biological child after all. If he's really a Winchester, then it's his destiny to be a hunter.

  79. I think that Bela was always the one Dean should be with, even though they hated eachother, which is probably one of the reasons they were great.. and she should come back.
    Bear in mide Belahaters, This is my opinion.

  80. Good riddance to chick-flick moments in one of the few remaining good guy-moves. Lisa is anyway not good for Dean..Amidst all his wise-cracks, Dean is a sucker for family. And here is a woman who (as the show insinuates) can't acknowledge Dean as Ben's father. Blood matters! I hope Lisa buys it and Ben survives, but only after she lets Dean know that Ben has the Dean DNA. And please do not even hint at the possibility of Castiel not being there next season..The character IS awesome. Screen presence is just too good. Misha has managed to bring about a perfect mix of pride, loyalty, innocence, sense of purpose and American stereotypical angelic attributes like the 'above-human,ignorant-of-sinful-activities-and-basal-human-details'.And season 6 especially the last couple of episodes have really brought out much needed freshness into Castiel. You can use him really well in Supernatural from now on.

  81. I just found people here claiming the lucifer storyline to be pathetic and the lisa crap to be better. An obvious case of utter bollocks..verbiage indicative of intellectually challenged minds..The lucifer-venture with Mark Pellegrino is one of the best Supernatural storylines if not the very best. Besides what are chick-flick lovers doing in the realm of a good masculine series albeit the obvious eye-candy metric fulfilled by the male leads??? The whole success of Supernatural can be attributed to its masculine themes. Thankfully, the lisa rubbish is restricted to a few episodes here and there even though it causes the series to feel running hither and tither. Supernatural can gain so many more viewers outside of the US if they stick to the original flavour..Action and the Surreal. 24 meets Blade meets the Sopranos meets Rambo..Yup! Good enough for me. Dean Winchester rocks!!! The "First Lady", Eve can testify to that.


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