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SpoilerTV Favourite TV Romantic Couple Competition - Who Is In The Final Competition + Poll For Final 5 Places

28 Apr 2011

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UPDATE 29/04/11: I've just returned home from work to witness the rather embarassing mess for everyone involved that is parts of the comments section. I will stress this is a competition that means nothing to your show, and you can happily go about watching it with different opinions to others. I doubt that the writers of Supernatural or any other show will see this and go "You know what, over on SpoilerTV 3500 people wanna see Dean & Castiel together, so let's do it." Instead of pointless and pathetic moaning, how about heading to a different post or even better recruiting friends of your cause to vote for someone else. The trick with a competition is that often you rout for different sides. What I've read through below will NOT happen again, and if there is more posts/arguments which we deem against site policy and code, we will instantly eliminate the characters from the competition and ban users from the website. Try and take things with a pinch of salt, and more fun.

Hey Guys,

The votes and nominations are all counted and in, and I have spent many hours sorting through the hundreds of nominations, sorting out the votes from the comments, the double voters from the single voters and have a spreadsheet of over 200 different couples. It's taken me a while, but the final list is now complete and the top 27 couples are automatically into the final competition.
However, as there was so many votes, so many people trying to double vote and seeing as even though I spent a lot of time sorting through all of these votes, the bottom 14 couples were so close (within 1-3 votes of each other) that it only seems fair to give these couples a chance to stake their claim to make the final competition.
The poll is below and you can make two votes in this poll, and the top 5 of the 15 couples will find themselves in the final competition.

Before we do the poll, congratulations to these TV Couples who you voted into the finals for definate...

1. Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries
2. Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl
3. Richard Castle & Kate Beckett - Castle
4. Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham - Fringe
5. Dan Humphrey & Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl
6. Chuck & Sarah - Chuck
7. Seeley Booth & Temperance Brennan - Bones
8. Jack Shephard & Kate Austen - LOST
9. Nikita & Michael - Nikita
10. Fox Mulder & Dana Scully - The X Files
11. Nate Archibald & Serena van der Woodsen - Gossip Girl
12. Greg House & Lisa Cuddy - House
13. Clark Kent & Lois Lane - Smallville
14. Meridith Grey & Derek Shepherd - Grey's Anatomy
15. Sawyer & Kate Austen - LOST
16. Stefan Salvatore & Elena Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries
17. Buffy Summers & Spike - Buffy
18. Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson - Glee
19. Dan Humphrey & Serena van der Woodsen - Gossip Girl
20. Eric Northman & Sookie Stackhouse - True Blood
21. Monica Gellar & Chandler Bing - Friends
22. Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood - The Vampire Diaries
23. Buffy Summers & Angel - Buffy
24. Tony DiNozzo & Ziva David - NCIS
25. Sawyer & Juliet Burke - LOST
26. Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry - Glee
27. Rachel Greene & Ross Gellar - Friends

One show that shot itself in the foot is One Tree Hill, which although getting lots of votes, were spread amongst a huge range of characters, and therefore finds no couples definitely in the finals, but three couples in the playoffs...

Time To Vote Folks... (You get two votes don't forget and the top 5 go through!)

Hope you're enjoying the competition, and let me know who you think will win in the comments below.

Twitter: @AdDHarris



  1. I voted for Desmond and Penny as I feel they are one of the best TV romantic couples ever, and for Doctor Who as I'd like to see a British Show make the finals...

    Plus I don't watch any of the others shows :P

  2. Awesome getting all this pull together.

  3. No worries! :)

    It got a bit less tedious when the end was in sight :P hahaha

  4. Desmond and Penny. Their story is not only romantic, but integral to the mythology of the show as a whole. I can say the same about Jack/Kate and Peter/Olivia, and I'll be having a tough time choosing among these three.

  5. No Battlestar Galactica couples *sad*

  6. So happy to see Monica and Chandler in with the top couples - one of my favourite tv couples of all time. They were so perfect together.

  7. Will&Emma (Glee) and Fi&Mike (Burn Notice).
    If they were not there, I wouldn't vote for anybody else. .-.

  8. Desmond and Penny is probably the only couple I ever liked.

  9. How could I NOT vote for Des and his PENNEH!

  10. Oh, FYI Adam, it's Rachel GREEN (no e on the end) and Ross (and Monica) GELLER. (I know, I know, spelling Nazi, right?)

  11. I voted for Emma and Will, from Glee, they're so sweet together ! ( but I don't really know what's gonna happen to them, I'm currently watching the first season in France ;)
    Also voted for Cal and Gillian, from Lie to me ^^ love this show

  12. Keep watching (Glee), there are some interesting things to come :)

  13. Oh yep, I will ;) I really love that show , I hope the second season will come to France soon =)

  14. Dean and Cas FTW!! Those two are meant for each other! <3333 Destiel 4ever!!

  15. I hope that Huddy will win! Too bad that Laura Roslin & William Adama aren't in the category because they're the best tv-couple ever!

  16. Yes! I nominated Bill & Laura and also Kara & Lee, but too bad there wasn't enough BSG fans to get them in

  17. They were 52nd in the nomination stage, so weren't far off making the main competition :)

  18. I voted for Callie & Arizona, I adore them together and it would be great to have a non heterosexual couple among the finalists! And my second was for Jane & Lisbon. Haven't finished watching the mentalist but I already love them!

  19. Dean and Cas!!! OMG, this poll is awesome. so much joy!!!

  20. My vote would go to Peter and Olivia. But it looks like they didn't make it to the final. Don't watch any of the shows mentioned so can't vote.

  21. Did you read the post I wrote? :P

  22. geordiegirl196728 April 2011 at 15:21

    I voted for Will and Emma, and Rose and the 10th Doctor. People do realise don't they that Dean is not gay, Castiel is a celibate angel and they are in no way, nor ever will be a romantic couple on Supernatural? Just checking ;-)

  23. Voted for my LOST couple, but would rather have chosen Sawyer/Juliet or Sawyer/Kate. P and D were epic, but not as central as they could've/should've been. They were extremely memorable though, and insanely romantic! Don't watch any of the other shows, so can't really compare it to them.

  24. Dean and Cas in the poll?? who made this? i want marry him!!!! Glorious, we have to win!!! <3

  25. Dean and Castiel ? there isnt a Dean and Castiel romantic anything good lord . I will not be voting for that . Much better choices .

  26. Seeing Dean and Cas up there just filled me with so much joy. <3

  27. Whoever made it needs to be punched in the face.

  28. Dean and Cas are a part of this poll because legendary love does not limit itself to gender, race or species. Just let the love rule the world.

  29. Wow... harsh. I hope the creator of the poll doesn't see that. It's a poll... it's made for fun...

  30. omg. You don't even realize how happy I am that Dean/Cas are included in this. And I don't care what anything else thinks either. I love them too much together!

  31. Nicole W Sargent28 April 2011 at 15:45

    callie and arizona - rose tyler and doc 10! :)

  32. Don't be pissed about Dean and Cas being on there just because your couple is losing. U MAD?

  33. The Supernatural fandom is going to torch this shit alive.

  34. Dean and Cas are clearly gonna win. Nothing can break their profound bond!!

  35. Dean/Cas, obviously. Duh! Also, Will and Emma, because they're adorable.

  36. Preach, sistah.

  37. not to the creator, just the people who voted for it. i mean, how does Dean/Cas beat Angel/Buffy? That's just sick.

  38. They do share a more profound bond.

    I wasn't going to mention it!

  39. cheeseburger88828 April 2011 at 15:50

    I must say that it's a little silly to put Dean/Cas there, but I'm voting for them anyway :D

  40. It's hilarious that Dean/Cas is there. I love it.

  41. true. and he did grip him tight and raise him from perdition.
    (except if there's any pairing on the show it Sam&Dean. Soulmates bro, soulmates.

  42. Yeah, now I did. Sorry, feel really stupid now.

  43. I hope Rose and The Doctor make the top 5.

  44. You're taking it too seriously. Step outside.

  45. Brothah, I would vote for some Sam/Dean if it were the option. Clearly it is a super heterosexual show.

  46. Looks like Dean/Cas is gonna rock this thing. Not that I'm surprised, lol.

  47. Yay for Dean&Cas' profound bond! ;P

  48. Not as silly as some of the non-canon couples, I'd imagine :D

    I mean, between the profound bond, soulful looks, and Balthazar's comments, they're more canon than some.

    Go Dean/Cas!

  49. Dean and Castiel!!!!! Their love is so epic!!!!

  50. Thank you for doing this! Excellent poll.

  51. "We share a profound bond"

    "Cas, the last person who looked at me like that? I got laid"

    "The angel in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you"

  52. THIS.

    Also... *stare* *gaze soulfully* *stare*

  53. What a shame that you didn't even consider Sam & Dean Winchester, Supernatural.

  54. Yeah, because most of these couples are canon (sarcasm)... Anyway, they're winning ;)

  55. What a shame that you didn't even consider Sam & Dean Winchester, Supernatural.

  56. As hardcore Supernatural fan as I am, sadly I do not share your excitement over Dean/Cas.
    Sooo that's Peyton/Lucas aand Seth/Summer :) Poor Michael/Sydney, not enough space for you:D

  57. Dean Winchester and Castiel??? OMG, LET ME DIEEEEEEEEEEE
    LOL FOREVER, they're gonna win bitches

  58. I love the Supernatural fandom and everything they choose to be.

    Destiel all the way.

  59. I am so amused that Dean/Castiel got about 29% and counting. This is so amusing.

  60. We do share a more profound bond.

  61. Dean and Cas are a perfect couple :) They share a more profound bond!

  62. KSJflkajsdlkajs YOUR NAME THO. ME GUSTA

  63. Why can't I just vote Dean/Cas twice.

  64. When does this poll end, by the way?


    they got more going on then some of those other so-called pairings anyway, no matter what many people say XD

  66. I can't even...this is one of the greatest things ever.

  67. wow you need to enhance your calm.

  68. do you even watch this show?

  69. If I could like this more than once, I would. That moment was HILARIOUS.

  70. geordiegirl196728 April 2011 at 16:16

    Sorry Gina - to be clear - are you saying that these few lines mean that Dean IS gay, and that Cas ISN'T celibate, and that they really WILL get together as a romantic couple in the show?

    They also said Dean and Sam were 'erotically co-dependent on each other' - and they are brothers!

    These odd lines are thrown in to tease some of the sections of the fandom - which is fine, but these relationships are never going to happen on the show.

    I don't watch most of these other shows so I have no idea how likely or unlikely the others ones nominated are to happen.

    I am sure Dean/Cas will get nominated. I was just pointing out what I see as the elephant in the room.

    BTW I'm just teasing really (sorry). I love Cas, Dean and Sam, and I like the friendship Cas has with the boys - but I don't see any romance there.

  71. personally i'd rather vote for castiel/balthazar ;p

  72. I love that half these comments have a mentioning of more profound bonds.

    Supernatural fandom. I love you guys.

  73. NEW FAVORITE POLL. DEAN AND CAS. Although, I would've voted for Klaine too if they had it. Why are Dean and Cas the only male/male pairing?

  74. So true! Destiel-references are made in almost every episode these days. And now Cas has a dirty secret... 0_0

  75. It's Michael Vaughn not Vaughan :)
    I voted for him & Sydney cause they're the first ever couple that I "shipped" and Rose & 10th Doctor cause Doctor Who is the best show in the universe.

  76. Excited about Dean and Cas being on there. I would laugh forever if they won. And I would hope to Chuck that Misha found out xD

    Also voted for Joey and Pacey <3

  77. Dean/Castiel and Fiona/Michael for me. As much as I love Doctor Who, I can't ship the Doctor with his companions.

  78. i'm surprised they were picked too. the other couples have all either happened or could/probably will happen. Dean/Cas is just a fangirls dream (like Sam/Cas is for me) ah well, it's just a fun poll after all.

  79. Like we've said before, this poll is about who we think SHOULD be together not is or could. Personally, I don't see Dean as 100% straight. The only significant and believable connections he's had (imo) on the show are with men. If you pay attention to their story arc together, if it were a het couple (or Dean had been established as bi or gay), it would be a completely believable (and almost in your face) romantic story line.

    Besides, I don't see Cas as asexual or anything like that. He's curious, and we know angels have sex (Gabriel, Balthazar). He may be celibate now, but that doesn't mean he always will be.

    I'm not saying they ever will be together on the show, but that doesn't mean they could be good together or that there isn't evidence of a romantic connection. And I'm not just talking about the things the writers throw in there for fun. I'm talking about the whole fourth season where they were constantly gazing soulfully at each other and the angst and tension they've had ever since Cas first appeared. I mean, the Green Room scenes alone showed significant tension that if it were any other two people might be seen as sexual tension or a lovers' spat.

  80. To be honest, I find Dean/Cas to be one of the most plausible relationships in the show.
    Dean has been unable to truly 'connect' with anyone, his entire life. Sure he managed to live the so-called dream with Lisa for a year but ultimately he left, because it's not where he belongs. Perhaps it was more the idea of having a family that causes him to mourn for what he has lost.
    But he is still unable to truly connect. Castiel knows all of Dean. He has seen his soul and everything that has made Dean, and he does not reject him.
    It makes sense for Dean to find himself with the supernatural being that pulled him from hell, one of the most powerful beings ever, the genderless, virgin angel.

    Logistically speaking, though it may never happen, it still seems rather logical.

  81. wishiwasoneofyou28 April 2011 at 16:25

    Dean and Castiel have the most profound bond

    just sayin'

  82. Well, if you're referring to Kurt and Blaine, they already made it into the top pairings. You know, if you read the post above the poll :P

    This poll is only for the final 5 slots in the big poll.

  83. Oh man, Jensen finding out would be even more epic.

  84. I do hate to get in the way of your smug superiority there but can I just say that I think your comment is more than a little presumptuous, for a number of reasons.

    1. Dean has never specified his sexuality. (To my knowledge...someone please correct me if i'm wrong.) He could very easily swing both ways. And why on earth not? He's a gorgeous guy that likes sex and is distinctly unashamed about it. Going for both boys and girls just double his opportunities, wouldn't you agree?

    2. Castiel is an angel, yes, but why should that mean he is automatically celibate? Was Anna? Was Gabriel? Is Balthazar? No. Canonically not. Presuming that Castiel is celibate because he hasn't been seen to be actively sexual is a little naïve. Besides, I think Meg would beg to differ.

    3. None of us know what the writers have in store for either character. Unless you know something we all don't, there is a whole new season yet to come in which they could chose to go any number of ways with Dean and Castiel. I'm a shipper so of course I live in hope of a romantic relationship but I wouldn't presume to say that it certainly WILL happen. That's as arrogant as saying that it won't.

    Anyway, I just wanted to present an alternate argument.

  85. Yeah I realized it when I posted :(

  86. The Teddy Bear Doctor28 April 2011 at 16:29

    Although I am a fan of Dean/Castiel, both bromance and romance - this is slightly awkward. I voted for them, of course I voted for them but let's face the facts. Other couples on this poll (from shows I've seen), even if they're not actually couples, have some kind of attraction going on... Dean/Castiel is just a bromance that's been slightly blown up by the makers of the show who keep making them stare at each other in different intense ways, lol. It's a fun possibility in fandom. But isn't this poll based more on canon? Of course there are some shows I haven't seen, so maybe this is just an all-around who looks hot together poll? 'Cause I can definitely go with that :)

  87. Actually, the staring and getting into each other's spaces was unscripted. Then, they liked it and asked Misha to keep doing it.

  88. I'm saying "but they're not gay" doesn't mean much (Willow turned out to be gay after years of being ostensibly straight) and that Cas being a virgin doesn't make him celibate. Also, I know there's support for D/S as well & that neither of these pairings are going to happen in canon. So? I don't ship D/S, but if people had wanted to vote for it, more power to 'em. And who says I can only ship that which is guaranteed to become canon?

    You don't have to see the romantic potential in my pairing. That's fine with me. But do you have to belittle for seeing what you don't/can't?

  89. actually in season three when they Sam and Dean got arrested by Hendrickson and he said that he loved seeing them all chained up Dean said something along the lines of "you kinky bastard, we don't swing that way."
    course, he was doing his usual "make a joke out of dangerous situations" thing so...
    agreed on #2 though. the writers need to decide whether angels do the nasty or not instead of contradicting themselves over and over.

  90. You're so right. And even more so Dean understand Castiel and his struggles (f.e. the daddy issues) and in the end Cas is there for him.

    Also the fact that with all the things that are going on, even when Castiel shouldn't be waisting his time helping Dean, he's always there for him and doing his best.

    He has a war going on in Heaven, yet he comes down to send them back in time for the Colt. He puts it all on the line and makes it obvious to that Fate chick that Dean's under his protection and thus extremely important to him.

    He might have appeared a dick in the beginning of S6, but right now, I can't prove Balthazar wrong whether it was sarcastic or not, because everything does point in the direction that Cas has feelings for Dean.

    Call me a fangirl all you want, I don't care. But you gotta admit there's something to it, right?

  91. True. He did.

    Lol very true. I think the writers just enjoy messing with us.

  92. I would beg to differ that Dean/Cas is more canon than, say, Cal/Gillian. Although there have been other characters who have commented that they might be in love and there has been some alluding on Cal's part (and possibly on Gillian's), it's not as canonized as, say, Booth/Bones who have never been together, but are canon in many ways because they've actually expressed their feelings and talked about possibly being together.

    Additionally, Damon/Elena is far from being canon. Sure, it's canon that Damon is in love with Elena, but other than some subjective sexual tension, we're far from Elena canonically having feelings for Damon.

    Dean/Castiel has the romantic arc (it would be more objectively romantic if it was a het couple, honestly), actual references to their feelings and bond, and the soulful looks.

    Sounds more canon than some of these couples to me.

    But I'm glad you voted for them anyway! :D

  93. The point is, they kept it. :D

  94. And also, he could have been referencing not swinging towards that particular kink.

  95. The Teddy Bear Doctor28 April 2011 at 16:38

    Like I said, I haven't seen all the shows so I wasn't sure. But thanks for the clarification, I guess :3

  96. Dean and Castiel for EVAH! lol

  97. well, that's why I commented, because you hadn't seen all the shows, so I thought I'd share :D

  98. OMG!!! Destiel it's Destiel! LET ME DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  99. I love how all the people that are angry at Dean/Cas being up there are only so because they're two guys. If they were het, every single person watching would have been screaming for them to get laid already. Its the same relationship as a male and female, same tension, etc. Just... male/male. You all need to get over yourselves, big time xD

  100. I know! When Rachel was all "I know your secret" all I could think was that she knew Cas was in love with Dean. Hehe. Didn't turn out that way, but doesn't still mean that he's in love with him.

  101. That's what we're here for ♥

  102. geordiegirl196728 April 2011 at 16:41

    Deans significant relationships have been with men I agree - but they are his brother, his Dad and his surrogate dad (Bobby). Romantic relationships with the men in his family would be entirely inappropriate. We have, though, seen Dean in romantic / sexual relationships with many women - both casual (many many times) and more serious (Lisa, Cassie, MM woman). And Dean did once say to an advance from a man 'I don't swing that way' which to me is a clear indication of his sexuality. I wouldn't have a problem if Dean was gay/bi I just don't think there is any evidence that he is.

    Personally I see zero sexual chemistry between them. If you do then fine. We all get different things out of the show. If you would like Dean and Cas to get together then vote away. This poll is just a bit of fun. My point was that they they are never going to get together in the show no matter how much you might want it. You could say that is just my opinion, and of course it is, but it is hardly an 'out of left field' viewpoint. Surely even the most ardent Dean / Cas shipper would acknowledge that it is highly unlikely.

    I am not dismissing anyone elses views but I thought this was a poll about which were peoples favourite romantic couples in shows. Dean and Cas are not one. The ones I voted for were or nearly were. Maybe none of the others are canon. I don't know. If this is a 'who do you hope will get together' poll then I have misunderstood.

  103. I don't think it's just a bromance at all, and I'd consider Castiel/Dean a lot more canon than some of the couples on the list.

  104. angelofthursday28 April 2011 at 16:42

    Also, Castiel gave up 50 000 souls, just to keep Dean (and by default, Sam of course) safe :)
    I think 50 000 souls would be pretty damn important for this war machine...

  105. I think there's only 1 thing to be said about this....

  106. Its more just a little fun I think. We KNOW that they won't be together, of course, most writers/channels don't have the balls to throw out more gay couples than there already are, especially in a show like this. Buts its still a little fun, because fans want to see what they want to see, and the bones that the writers and producers are throwing us doesn't do anything but fuel it further. :9

  107. OR.

  108. lol FYI, Dean and Cas are no romantic couple on Supernatural. They're a couple put together by fanon, not canon. *rolls eyes*

  109. Pretty sure we're already aware it's not going to happen in canon. Why grind that point into the ground? Because this poll is about romantic couples? It's actually about who we THINK would make a great couple, not who DOES. A lot of the nominated pairings aren't canon, or if they did ever "get together", it wasn't permanent &/or didn't involve actual romance. So. Now you know.

  110. We talked about this ad nauseam during the nominations process. The wording was "who SHOULD be together".

    You're right, there's probably a less than 1% chance that this will become canon, but I honestly believe if Castiel had been played by a woman, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Their story arc has many markers of epic romance, not just the fun little things the writers put in there.

    And I know Dean's had romantic relationships with women, but imo they were never believable, always felt forced, and Dean could never fully be himself with them. And yes, having relationships with any of the men you mentioned would be taboo and inappropriate, but you conveniently left out Castiel whom we know Dean has a profound bond with (that, at least, is canon) and though it may be a bit taboo because they are different species and such, it's obviously not the first time such a relationship has occurred, even within the show (I'm pretty sure Balthazar and Gabriel aren't only having sex with other supernatural creatures).

  111. *chuckles* Don't worry. I thought so at first too. And he does love him. I'm sure of it.

  112. Alright! Thank you SpoilerTV for including Dean and Cas. D/C FTW!!!!!

  113. I do not understand that reference.

  114. Can I just point out that:

    Castiel DIED/Exploded for Dean twice (or because of him however you want to put it) Just how many romantic couples actually did that? TWICE?

    Destiel Forever!!!
    I am just overjoyed!!!

  115. I just find it hilarious that Jane & Lisbon made it into the poll but the intended "official" canon couple Rigsby & Van Pelt didn't LOL. XD

  116. OMG!! Dean <3 Castiel. i love it!!

  117. LOL, me too!

  118. Of course I voted for Desmond and Penny.

    Also voted for Destiel, I love it even this site is recognising them as canon :D
    And look at how many votes they have, this made my day.

  119. Voting for the 'Profound Bond', Supernatural FTW


  121. I think the reason they didn't put him wasn't because they do or do not ship them, it's because putting an incest couple is much more taboo than a male/male relationship.

  122. clowninthealley28 April 2011 at 16:54

    Baww harder, kiddo.

  123. When you think you couldn't love the Supernatural fandom any more than you already do, they go and represent the only non-canon gay couple in a SpoilerTV poll. Non-canon interspecies blasphemous profound gay couple.
    I love us.

  124. ugh destiel for the motherfucking win.
    other bitches can't handle their swag.

  125. clowninthealley28 April 2011 at 16:56

    Buffy/Angel already made the final you derp.

  126. Perfect comment is perfect. Seriously, so much love for this fandom!

  127. To everyone getting butthurt about the lack of Sam/Dean, this poll was based on nominations. If it's not on the list, it didn't get enough votes. Simple as that.

  128. I'm pretty sure that.. if they had Castiel take a female vessel temporarily, they would totally get it on. All of the development to be a couple is there, the writers just won't make it official most likely because A) They're both guys (which sucks -- I'd love to see more gay couples on TV!) and B) Supernatural is not really about the romance. In a way, I kind of like the fact that they make it SO obvious that these two are in love with each other without ever having to actually say it.

  129. clowninthealley28 April 2011 at 17:01

    Oh SPN fandom iflu. We run this shit, yo. If it wasn't clear, my vote goes to the closeted bisexual hunter and the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with him.

  130. WTF!'?? Dean and Cas???? why they are here???? they are friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    do you know what is friendship???????? i dont see them in a romantic way, please!!!!!!
    Dean is not gay and i saw a comment that explain that! i would prefer Dean and Lisa all the way!!
    by the way where is Bill and Sookie? why is always Eric?

  131. I always thought that! I mean, Dean slept with Anna and they were nowhere near as close as Dean and Cas are. Imagine what he would have done with Cas if Cas had a female vessel? Destiel would have become totally canon long ago.

  132. Oh, and I voted for Joey/Pacey too! My 3rd choice would've been Seth/Summer, so I'm glad they're doing well too!

  133. Now tell us how you really feel.

  134. Dean and Sam are brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. It is clear your human mind cannot comprehend the dimensions of a more profound bond.
    I shall give Chuck a call so he can instruct you into this matter.
    May the salt be with you.

  136. iris_morningstar28 April 2011 at 17:08

    Regardless of current canon, a couple should be those who are connected by something powerful and passionate, and not neccesarily sexual. Read this definition from Merriam Webster:

    a (1) : a medieval tale based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious (3) : a love story especially in the form of a novel
    b : a class of such literature
    2 : something (as an extravagant story or account) that lacks basis in fact
    3 : an emotional attraction or aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity

    Modern ideas make it sexual. I disagree with that.

    Therefore, a couple who is connected by something stronger than earthly bonds or sexual contact:

    Dean Winchester and Castiel.

    On a humourours note, the dictionary definition does include the word "supernatural". ;)

  137. Dean and Lisa? Why don't you go to watch some soap opera instead of SUPERNATURAL?

  138. Dude, I can't believe we have Dean/Castiel on this list XD Haha, seriously XD

  139. wishiwasoneofyou28 April 2011 at 17:11

    You must be new

  140. Any idea when you'll be closing the poll?

  141. and you watch Glee!! if you like gay couples is perfect for you!!!!!

  142. Well, if they had been nominated enough by the fans, maybe they would have been considered. But that might be a little too taboo.

  143. YOUR IMAGINATION IS VERY FERTIL! GROW UP! NOT EVERYONE IS GAY OK????????????????????????????????????????

  144. I don't really know about the other candidates, but I like the fact that the Dean/Castiel pairing from Supernatural, although it isn't canon it still made it to the list and is also the one with the most votes, out-classing all the others 8'D

  145. winchesterbrosfan28 April 2011 at 17:14

    "Dean has never specified his sexuality. (To my knowledge...someone please correct me if i'm wrong.)"

    In Croatoan a man tried to get him to get out of the Impala. Dean said 'Well, you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way, sorry.'
    In Jus in Bello Henrikson said he was glad to see the boys in chains together. Dean replies 'you kinky ****. We don't swing that way'
    I think there are other examples but I can't recall them.

    I would be happy for Dean to be gay or heterosexual or bi, but I think it is very clear from the show - both in his words (as above) and in his actions (his clear interest in women, many female sexual conquests, his choice of porn (Asian Beauties), his fantasy of what a long term relationship looks like with Lisa and beer ad woman in WIAWSNB), and his only serious relationships outside his family being with women) - that he is straight.

    Doesn't mean people can't see what they want, and hope to get it. I just think we need to be realistic about what will happen in the show itself.

  146. Let me ask you something...if Castiel had used, say, Anna's vessel (same Castiel personality, dialogue, story arc), would you still think that they're not romantic at all? Or if Dean had been established as gay or bi?

  147. IM 2O YEARS OK??????????

  148. Dean Winchester and Castiel.

    Dean Winchester and Castiel.


  149. BTW, you're sounding really bigoted and homophobic, so maybe you should just let it go.

  150. I sorta wanted to before, but now I HAVE to make a Supernatural banner with something like "Modern Day Romance" written across it.

  151. winchesterbrosfan28 April 2011 at 17:18

    My and Caroline's responses overlapped. The Jus in Bello one could I guess refer to the chaining up, but I think the statement from Croatoan is pretty unequivocal. A guy asks him to get out of the car to talk to him. Dean's reply is basically 'nothing personal but I'm not gay'.

  152. Grammar and spelling check, Miss Ruby?

  153. Learn to reply directly to a comment, because none of your comments make any sense (it also doesn't help that you can't spell and do sound as if you're 12.)

  154. If Dean was bi or anything else i wouldnt mind but he isnt!! that is some fantasy that you(not you, some part of the fandom) create!!!!!!

  155. you betches go fuck yourself!! when you dont have anything more to say always say nasty things like that!! and i am portuguese ok??????

  156. I so wanna see you Destiel Lovers after they kick Cas out of the show!!!(not that I'd be happy either!) You wanna see gay couples watch Brothers & Sisters or Glee or etc. I'm not against Homosexuality but u should respect the other fans that are watching supernatural & aren't fans of Homosexuality. Destiel is something that fandom made(like wincest that makes me sick!!! really? brothers?!) & not actually right. u want to write millionth fiction about Destiel, Manip pics & vids? NP! but don't talk about it as it's a part of the show cause it's not. So Castiel said Dean & him share more profound bound, YEAH! AS FRIENDS! or Balthazar said something about Cas loving Dean? Balthazar always says lots of Nonsense to insult.

    I know I'm in the minority(according to votes & all the comments!) but anyway I wanted to express my ideas about this poll!

  157. im 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go create other fantasies!!!

  158. What's that I smell? Bitterness with a side of homophobia? Oh, darn.


  160. I hope you know that you opened a can of worms by allowing cas/dean as a romantic couple in this poll. Their insane shippers, as you can easily tell by their comments, will not rest until they win this. Spn fandom, why so embarrassingly crazy? facepalm

  161. Had this been hacked?

  162. If you're 20, you're giving the rest of us adults a bad case of secondhand embarrassment.

  163. im not Homophobic! i have gay friends! why people have to judge me just because i know Dean is not gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  164. I respect your right to an opinion but your "wanna see gay couples" statement is incredible ignorant.

  165. Then I'm sure you're giving the Portuguese a bad case of secondhand embarrassment as well.

  166. iris_morningstar28 April 2011 at 17:25

    At the moment, I really do see more vitriolic and "insane" comments from non-shippers.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.