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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Mommy Dearest ?

30 Apr 2011

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  1. OMG So freakin awesome and next weeks sounds absolutely epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it :)


    back when I get my brain back

  3. Holy crap! Definitely the best episode of the season so far. I was expecting some answers, but wow! The Cas/Dean interactions were hilarious. I'm liking Cas as a bad ass.

  4. I was laughing so hard when he said that.

  5. okay preview: "Stop me" DONT YOU F*CKING DARE

  6. Follow by Cas having a burning sensation xD That's nice they're changing position xD



  8. I KNOW I was totally thinking about that HAHAH! Nice to know I wasnt alone and creepy ahhaha!

  9. HAHAH, I laughed too DUH but it did anoy me little but thats cause of the damn couple competition going on. But yeah.. gosh, so many fanvids wil be made with this. Dont they see how crazy we already are. any way




  12. So do you think when Sam sounded like he wanted to say something at the end, it was because he remembered something about Cas and Crowley?

  13. I'm not taking the competition as seriously as some people seem to be, so I found the timing funny. I'm definitely voting for Cas and Dean now.

  14. Awesome episode. I still can't believe that Eve is dead already. That was kind of quick, first meeting and now she is gone.

    After Crowley 'died' and everyone saying they knew he couldn't be the big bad of the season, well guess what he is the big bad with Castiel. Ummmm, not sure I am liking Cas working with Crowley. Souls having power, which has been a theme through this season.

  15. OMG awesome!!!! Crowley is the best! love you Mark Sheppard! one of the best episode ever!

  16. can i vote 100 times - cause this is how awesome it was!!!

  17. AW damn ahahha! I'm just scared to piss off other fandom (and some of our fan too) if Destiel wins. I'm tired of the fighting

  18. I just ignore the whole thing. It so isn't worth paying attention to.

  19. 0.o I guess it REALLY was Cass who brought Sam's body and Samuel I'm wondering if it was on purpose to left Sam's soul in Hell.....if it was on purpuse, it would explain why Cas was so angry at Dean about getting Sam's soul back (since it's hard to picture being in his body, not matter who bad it can turn out, can be worse than in the cage)

    Cas you *********************** traitor -_-

  20. The competition or the fighting? Cause I loved the idea of the competition :D and the fighting I cant cause I'm usualy a fan of both fandom so I WANT PEACE (VD and Fringe... even if I did kinda took part in the VD bashing... sorry :D LOL)

  21. But then why would he tell dean what's wrong with sam? why just not lie about it

  22. Eve did die pretty quickly, but it's probably for the best because she was too powerful. If the ash hadn't worked they would have had no defenses, and she could have turned the whole world within a week's time. I'm glad Crowley's back and the new big bad. Meanwhile, Eve mobilized all of these monsters into armies ready to strike. Maybe a new leader of these monsters will rise up next season.

  23. I don't know anything about the competition or the fighting. I don't watch Fringe of VD, so I don't really worry about each one. I don't pay attention to the slash stuff, because I find it silly. I just enjoy the show.

  24. Yeah, I was just expecting the Eve story to last a little longer, like to the end of the season.

  25. Are you making fun of me??? lol

  26. In my opinion one of the BEST episodes this season...really wish we had more of these in the first half! We get the mythology - finally, learn what's what, and get hit with a OMG moment (or two)! Definitely looking forward to next week but starting to feel even more sympathy for Dean. Not only will Cas break his faith and trust but later Lisa and Ben will be kidnapped, and then Sam's wall comes down. Hopefully there is a lot of pie in his future ;)

    Crowley's back. Mark is awesome on Dr. Who. I'm guessing Crowley, while a power hungry dick, isn't that bad considering. I don't think we've seen the last of Eve either...hope not...I have sympathy for her.

    Great plot twists! Cas will be redeemed, his actions remind me of Sam's in S4, just because you think you're doing good doesn't make it so and power corrupts. Which is ironic since he was the one that let Sam out of the panic room to kill Lilith. I do think he truly likes the Winchesters and considers them friends and people he can learn from but he's just confused right now.


  27. He lied all season long anyway^^;

    And maybe he was playing innocent like ''I have no idea what's going on.... *walk away with hands on his pockets* '', but if he just said the truth they'll wonder why he knows all that...and he would need to find new excuses

    And it make pefect sence 0.o Crowley need to found the grestest number of creatures and Sam-thing was the perfect hunter. Never needing to sleep, could capture a lot more creatures, more faster. While Sam would just ask ''ok...if I do that,...I first need to be careful not hurting people'', Sam save more people, but Sam-thing get capture more creatures

  28. Ok so Mother was a red herring - brilliant how Dean ganked her.
    Great that Crowley's back - he has potential to turn out to be a very very bad 'big bad'
    Love how the boys are looking out for each other

  29. I liked the plot fakeout where it's always been about the souls, and Eve was just defending her children, but killing the Mother of All with a little ash in Dean's system wasn't good enough for me. I would've hoped for her to be knocked to a weakened state. That was just way to effing easy. Up until that point, I really enjoyed this episode.

  30. ... I think I didnt express my self right. I meant... Why wouldn't Cas just lie about the soul thing instead of telling dean the truth. not why would he just say the truth....

    or if thats what you understood then I'm lost at your comment hahhaa cause that's what I think too PWHAHAHA MY FRENCH IS SHOWING

  31. The one part of this episode where I started to lose interest was when Dean started getting all serious and angsty about rescuing the kids. Cue the soap opera background music, and I was getting annoyed. It was reminding me of Mannequin. But the twist of the kids turning out to be Jefferson Starships and Cas's reaction saved it.

  32. Oh lol. Well I LOVE the slash stuff so what ever HAHAH! I hope every one that isnt into it does like you though ahaha.

  33. THERE IT IS!! ahaha was waiting for someone to point out this ahah. Totally tought about mannequin too. Didnt bother me too much though, rolled my eyes and forgot about it

  34. Now we have a new definition for unnatural, hybrid freaks...Jefferson Starships :)

  35. Awesome how proud Dean was of Sam ganking Gordon with the razor wire

  36. That whole scene made me cringe. I was waiting for the second the brothers turned away for the little kids to chow on dear ol' uncle. Dean shouldn't be that stupid after all he's been through and all the things enemies have used against him.

  37. This episode was kinda meh to me. Slow-paced and very predictable.

  38. I thought this episode was amazing. It may have been a little slow at the start, but by the time it got to the end I was flipping out...maybe it wasn't the smartest thing in the world to watch it at midnight when U gotta be up at 7 tomorrow. I'm wide awake and already anticipating next weeks episode

  39. I got this feeling as well, chris. Like perhaps Sam remembered something there and wanted to speak up, but maybe he doesn't trust his memories or maybe he needs to put it together? I don't know. His facial expression, how he spoke and such it seemed to me like he was going to bring something up he remembered and it wasn't just a "I feel skeptical of Cas right now like Bobby does" sensation I got from Sam. It seems that he decided not to bring it up to protect Dean from getting hurt.

  40. Or maybe Eve isn't really dead, just her host was burnt and she could be out there somewhere or maybe back in Purgatory.

  41. I think Sam is as suspicious as Bobby -- unlike Dean who refuses to believe it -- but doesn't want to say anything for Dean's sake and because Cas is still his friend.

  42. amazing, simply amazing
    my mind is blown to little tiny pieces

    loved the jefferson starships, great name

  43. i agree, it was the only part of the episode i thought was weird.
    when they were in the car, i kept waiting for one of the kids to jump up and start eating them. it seemed like it took too long

  44. maybe he knew that dean was never gonna give up on finding out what was wrong with sam
    cas knows when it comes to sam, dean will never stop so maybe he thought it would just be better telling dean before dean found out another way
    later that episode, the alpha vamp tells them anyhow

  45. Yes! Agreed

    I'm sorry, but killing the big, bad thing in one quick second was the most stupidest thing I have ever seen. Even demons don't die quickly when you make 'em swallow holy water, but this chick just died by biting Dean and swallowing a tad bit of blood? Weak and lame.

    The Eve thing had so much potential. They could have done so much with it, but they coped out, IMO. Other than that, the episode was a great mixture of angst and humor.

  46. I think Eve had so much potential, but the way her death was portrayed was very weak and stupid. So the mother-of-all dies with a bit of blood? Really? Even demons take more holy water than her to kick the bucket.

    This whole season has had many "weak" and seemingly unimportant deaths.

    Overall, this episode was pretty good. They had it set up for the right amount of angst (Dean + kids. I, for one, actually enjoyed that. It's almost like his paternal side kicking in) and humor (the Dean and Cas "banter" was hilarious. I'm not a "Destial" shipper, but even I had to admit it was nicely done).

    I'm still a bit irked about Cas being the "bad" angel now and betraying the brothers and Bobby. But, if it's their way of portraying Cas as more human––where humans make mistakes and mix "work" with emotion––then it's a great idea. But, if it has nothing to do with that, then I think it's a stupid idea. It just shows, then, that all angels are fucked up; that Cas––the one who's supposed to be different––is just like the rest of 'em. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about this Cas-turned-"bad" idea. I just hope they play it well.

  47. I'm sure that there's a lot to say about this episode,but the only thing that comes to mind is:HOLY CRAP!
    Even if we were kind of expecting it...AWESOME!

    Was not expecting Eve to die!To be honest,I was expecting her to be the Big Bad of season 7..But I can't complain!The last three episode will be so personal,even with the war in Heaven still on..

    Loved the interaction between the four guys,especially Dean and Cas!It's been a while since we've seen them like that..Evil writers!They give us such cool,bonding scenes and in one minute they take it all back!
    I'm still not calling Cas "evil"..That is yet to be decided in the next episode!Okay,I'll never call him evil,I'm such a pushover..
    It's great though to see a different side of him!Reminds me of season 4 Castiel,but in this case he makes all the decisions for himself!

    I really don't know if I want Friday to come next week..Dreading what we're gonna learn!

    PS:I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion,but who voted awful?!?

  48. Why is Crowley capturing monsters and torturing them if what he really wants is human souls?
    I think I missed that part...

  49. So I was gonna wait until I finished the episode (that I'm really enjoying by the way) but I have to ask now, before I hit the end, does anyone else have trouble believing that those two boys are human?

    Jefferson Starships! LOL!!!!!
    "Now you just look like you're pooping."

    Okay, back to the ep!

  50. Just keep watching........

    ; )

  51. I should have left this open. "Little Ryan" I *knew* that little side trip was gonna be a problem. And now we know about he souls and why Cass showed up before Dean called. But...grrrrr... Crowley's still around? Crap. I know I'm in a minority but I was glad to be done with him. Happily though..."Location Location Location" wasn't his actual motive. My guess...he's working for Cass.

    Okay, I'm gonna leave this open this time. I am loving this episode...

    ha! I was right. And now I can sign off.

    I really really enjoyed this ep.

  52. Awesome! The episode started slow, the new monsters weren't too impressive and the Mother of all wasn't scary but the minute Samantha Smith took over, it was just awesome! I don't want to say that the other girl was a bad actress but she was simply too young and didn't have enough experience. It's very difficult to portray an ancient creature and make it believable. But Samantha Smith was phenomenal as Eve! She was so scary! And I knew, something was up, Crowley diedd way to easily and now we know why!!! Castiel is working with Crowley! Wohoo! Which is bad for Castiel but it makes sense. After all, Crowley is not just the king of hell but also a Crossroads demon, so he would use Castiel weakness against him and offer him help. I'm so excited for next week!!! :D The only nitpick I have is that killing Lenore after 5 years was not surprise, just disappoining and that if the Mother of All is really dead, it was really easy to kill her. I hope she has a back-up plan like Crowley! And if she comes back, I hope the actress is older.

  53. I can't see the poll. I WANNA VOTE for this epic episode.

  54. Because they know where purgatory is and there are many souls there.

  55. hahah guess you're right. AW! NEXT EP! NEXT EP!

  56. LOL omg me too! And afte knowing that 1 was a ?starship? I dont know why tey didnt attack! would have been fun haha

  57. Awesome Episode. Finally got conformation what I was supspecting for awhile now: Cas and Crowley have teamed up, and the death of Crowley was just a nice hoax. Cas lied all season long and he might even be the angel who freed SoullessSam from the cage, to have him and Samuel hunt Alphas to harvest all those Monstersouls from Purgatory to use their power to win the war in Heaven.

    Bad Cas. Wait 'till Dean findes out about this....remember what he did to Zacharias for lying to him, for using him? Heh.

    So Monster Mom was more or less a Red Hering, but how Dean offed her......yeah, that's the Dean I love to see. Maybe Eve did leave some more Jefferson Starships to gank?
    Do Ashes of a Phoenix really kill Eve? The book only said "burn the mother", so she might not be really dead, only back in Purgatory.
    Can't wait for the next episode. :)

  58. Yeah, I was pretty convinced of this. I'm also pretty sure it was becuase the wall prevented him of going any furthur...and so my theory is that Cas, Crowley, and Death are working to gether.

  59. Excellent episode. We had humor, (Jefferson Starships" LOL), action, drama, and we were left with a major WTF is going to happen with Cas, to make us all crazy until next Friday!! I was cool to see Dean show so much pride in Sammy when they were talking about Gordon and also to see Sam's concern for Dean at the end when he was holding back and not commenting about Cas. Also, Dean figuring out how to kill Eve, or at least send her back, was awesome.One minute he is grinning like a goofball while naming his new found monsters something silly and the next he is defeating the freakin mother of all monsters by taunting her into biting him. I know this episode was mostly to lead up to what is going on with Cas, Crowley and the souls, but for me it was good to see the boys doing what they do best. Saving people and hunting things together as brothers.

  60. Just rewatched the episode. Loved the inclusion of the two songs. Both songs were about miracles. Any thoughts on whether that might have a secondary meaning, other than Eve's creation of new monsters?

    Favorite parts:
    - the music and bar room massacre
    - the Destiel jokes
    - Cas rolling his eyes at Dean after Dean said the boys were turned
    - The look on Cas's face when he realized he was powerless
    - The interaction when Dean hurt Cas's feelings
    - Sam giving Bobby an iPad
    - Seeing Crowley again
    - The joke about whining
    - Getting some answers finally (yay!!!!)

    One thing I didn't like (beside the kid detour which I mentioned in a different post) was that Sam faded into the background again. I was watching the interactions closely here, and if we're going to get back to Sam and Dean working as a team again, Bobby can't keep coming on hunts. When he's there, he and Dean bounce ideas off each other, Dean makes all of the decisions, and Sam slips back into being wallpaper. That's what happened in most of season 5. It's got to be Sam and Dean working as equals, or Sam going off independently and having his own storyline again like he did in season 4, but this dynamic isn't working.

    I like the addition of Cas to the group because he adds a different perspective, awesome humor, and sometimes some tension, like in this episode. I would like to see Cas interact with Sam as much as he does with Dean though. Now that they've both fallen, they should have more in common. As for Cas's powers, I think he needs some because the boys need to be bailed out quite often, but he should have less power than he has now. Maybe if he's cut off from Heaven again he'll lose his mojo to time travel and bring people back from the dead.

    I'm not as disappointed about Eve being ganked as some other people here. I liked the idea of her but never found her terribly interesting to watch. She didn't have the charisma that YED, Lilleth, Meg, and some of the other villains had. I'm hoping a new leader for the monsters emerges who isn't quite as powerful, so that the fight is more balanced and can be extended over a longer period of time. Maybe one of the alphas will step up. I would have liked to have seen more of the alpha vamp.

  61. but human souls aren't in purgatory

  62. What I'm having trouble with, regarding the Sam/Dean/Cas/Crowley thing, is that Cas let Crowley feed Dean to the ghouls. If Sam hadn't chewed his way out of the cage, Dean would have become ghoul meat. I'm wondering if Crowley and Cas were at odds about what to do with Dean and Sam, and Crowley had Samuel send Cas away for real so that he could quickly get rid of Dean and Sam before Cas got back. Maybe Cas really believed he was burning Crowley's bones, but Crowley had tricked him.

    I got the feeling that Sam was hanging out with Samuel to spy on what he and Crowley were up to. I thought maybe he was doing it on Cas's behalf, but if if Cas was with Crowley, maybe Sam was working with some other powerful being. Raphael maybe? Or someone else we haven't thought of yet? I'd love it if it was Gabriel, but I know that's unlikely. Maybe that mystery-someone brought Sam out of the cage, and Cas was honest in saying he "had nothing to offer" with helping Sam. I think Cas knew that Sam was soulless long before he told Dean about it, but it might have been true that he couldn't fix Sam.

  63. It was absolutely AWESOME & mind blowing!!! LOVE OUR SUPERNATURAL TEAM! <3

  64. I loved every minute of it! I thought many parts of it were just hilarious and some just left us wondering what could happen next. From here on out until the end of the season, I think each episode will be getting better and better and leave us in suspense once the season finale has come and gone (just like always)!

  65. That is their take on it. Mine is kind of different.

  66. In all honesty, if we SPN fans didn't have spoilertv as a resource and have daily updates, etc. along with hundreds' of people's own thoughts on what could happen, I'd bet some of it wouldn't have been so predictable...But some of it was SUPER predictable...

  67. I think that they wanted to lure out the Mother, so that they could kill her and therefore the monsters of the world would lose their ability to be organized and would be less able to claim human souls (when they turn humans into monsters) that Crowley has a bigger stockpile of human souls...

  68. Hi *big hugs*

    It was you who predicted the Cas/Crowley alliance ages ago...wasn't it ?

    Awesome dude....I bow down to you...I suspected Cas, cause...guilt all over him...but to work with Crowley...i didn't see that coming, cause i didn't think he'd sink so low, God, he must be desperate :((

    I think for once...Sam is the 'Victim' in all this....I don't think he's 'double crossing' anyone...and i think he was with 'Samuel', cause he was supposed to be...Remember 'GrandPa Creepy' knew it all, so he went and found Sam...'Bladerunner' would just keep doing the job, and round up the Alpha' that helps Gramp's and Crowley...but now Cas is involved...

    It's not a 'coincidence' that Sam's 'soul' was taken...and Cas is 'desperate' for souls and their power...and we know that Balthazar was under Cas's when he was buying 'souls' at the start of the season and Cas let him go.....We now know it was all either he was informed of certain decisions after the fact...or he's behind them.....Sam/Dean working for Crowley......buying souls....Balthazar...Crowley...and the big...HUGE one....SAM'S SOUL!!!

    We still don't know the deal with 'Purgatory' ....It's def not location...location...location...So my guess is Crowley needs something/someone from there, and Cas is involved in some way...or vice versa!!

    This all comes back to Cas 'lying' to the boys from the start...If we follow the loose threads...It's all leading back to CAS...If he is indeed behind 'Sam's soul' do you forgive that ?

    The only way i see him 'redeeming' himself is by, saving Sam in some way...but even then...The trust is 'broken'....They/We can't trust him again...It's sad...but i think we're gonna be saying Goodbye to Cas....Whether he dies/killed or banished by the boys...I mean....can you see how to salvage this situation with the boys...What do you think?

    I like what you said about maybe Cas not knowing it all...Like with 'Crowley's bones'...and 'Sam's soul'....but what we're seeing in the show is telling different...Cas got the 'guilty' look again when Dean asked him about Crowley still being alive, and left to 'look into things', then Cas met up with Crowley at the diner which means he knew about Crowley and 'Crowley's Death' was another act...just like i suspect....'Molesting' Sam's soul was...and letting Balthazar go was...and chewing Dean out for getting Sam's soul back...This is bad...Dean is gonna be devastated by this, especially if 'Sammy's soul' is involved!!

    I'm thinking....imagine being cheated on by someone you love...Then you find out...then you start to see clearly, and look back on all the 'lies' you swallowed, and certain sit where you should of seen the truth.....You feel betrayed...A fool...and you get more and more angry as the truth unfolds.

    TBH - that's how i feel right now....i'm looking back, and it's all coming together for me, and those 'gaping plot holes' are closing, and starting to make sense....Also i know he's a fictional character so LMAO at that comparison i just made :D

    Veritas episode:
    CAS: "unfortunately Dean...i've had to do some regrettable things...things i'm not proud of"

    Well now we know...But the ultimate betrayal is 'SAM'S SOUL'..

    IMHO- no coming back from that...If it's true, which i suspect it is...Plot thickens...Bring on the 'Holy fire' :((


  69. Hi :D

    I think it's to do with PURGATORY ....Crowley wants into that place....the fact he's in an 'alliance' with Cas, and Cas wants 'Souls' means maybe the two are connected....Cas helps him get to 'Purgatory' for possibly someone/something, cause it's not 'Location...Location'...and in return, Crowley becomes Cas's 'SOUL DEALER' cause he's a 'crossroads Demon' and supposedly the 'King of Hell'...But he can 'buy' souls...Cas needs 'souls'...and he's desperate enough to unsink the Titanic for '50 thousand' of them, which means he's been looking into other 'regrettable' options....the fact the Titanic thing didn't work, and that he was desperate enough to try it in the first place, tells me that the 'seedier option' is the next best thing...Getting into Bed with Crowley.

    But then again...Power 'corrupts' right....Look what happened to Sammy....Human 'souls' have lots of power...They're little 'bombs'....Cas wants to use them as a 'weapon' to win the 'war'...Maybe Crowley just wants to 'roll' around in their power and laugh 'Maniacally'...

    TBH- wouldn't put it past Crowley to try and double cross Cas...Get the location of 'Purgatory' and The 'souls'...Hope this helped <33

    PS: just thinking here....Cas has been hanging with the boys....anything they know is prob being passed to Crowley...meaning....Cas might be Crowley's 'MOLE' and Crowley is prob Cas's 'DEALER'.

  70. Hey Rochey,

    Yeah, I was one of several people who thought Cas was a little too quick on the draw in burning Crowley's bones and that it might have been a set up, but it was hard to make sense of what it all meant though, and who was aligned with who, so I've been all over the map on this one.

    With Sam, I still have a lot of questions about what he was up to. The main things that are jumping out at me are this:

    - Whenever Dean started to back off from working with Crowley, Sam was too quick to jump in with "We have to work with Crowley. Don't you want to get my soul back?" He seemed to play the guilt card a little too hard.

    - What was soulless Sam's motivation for working for Samuel? Soulless Sam was very much driven by self-interest. Why would he work for a grandfather he barely knew and had no feelings for unless he had something to gain? And why was he so driven to catch the alpha that he would he turn his brother into a vamp, if the motivation was Samuel's and not his own?

    - Contrast the relationship between Sam/Samuel in Family Matters to Unforgiven. In Family Matters, Dean assumed that Sam had no idea that something fishy was going on because his radar was off, and that Samuel was taking advantage of Sam. Sam let Dean continue to believe that, because he was telling Dean everything he wanted to hear. In Unforgiven, we saw that Sam was one making the decisions. Samuel in contrast seemed like a lonely old man.

    - There were a lot of suspicious conversations in Caged Heat. Sam and Cas's conversation after Sam prayed to Cas seemed full of double meaning: "You owe me." The plan to work with Meg felt like it was devised a little to quickly, like it could have been planned in advance. And at the end of the episode, there was this exchange:
    Sam: You really want to help? Prison full of monsters. Can't just leave them. Can't let them go.
    Cas: I understand

    I'm reserving judgment on the degree of Cas's guilt yet. If he was responsible for Sam's soul being left behind in Hell, then I agree that there's no coming back from that. But I believe Cas genuinely cares about the Winchesters and was happy when he saw that Sam was OK after he was resouled, so I don't think that will turn out to be the case. I think Cas's guilt lies elsewhere.

  71. Hmmm.....i'm not sure...I mean it's an 'excellent theory' you have about Sam being the 'source'...but i just don't see it...To do that messes the boys relationship up 'beyond repair'....Sam 'lying' again To Dean in a 'season 4' way...these aren't 'white lies'...there the "we're finished forever kind"...I think Cas will be 'sacrificed' so Sammy comes out 'Clean' here....But we'll have to wait and see....Awesome theory though, and you raise questions i can't answer...and then again you were right about Cas/Crowley <33

  72. I don't think something Sam did while he was soulless, but would never do with his soul, would cause irreparable damage to their relationship at this point. Dean already knows he did really bad things during that period and gave him a blanket pardon. The one having the hardest time forgiving Sam would be Sam.

  73. charlenelovesmojo199130 April 2011 at 23:39

    loved love loved it .OMG such a great show and the great twist in it . Oh god cant wiat till next week

    Not talking too LOUD am I?
    (Sorry - that was nasty) *hangs head*

    Any hoo ......
    I KNEW Crowley wasn't gone for good.
    I love being right!!! *does victory dance*

    I hope whatever Cas is up to he has a VERY good reason for it.
    Or I will gank the whiny baby angel myself.
    NOBODY messes with my boys and gets away with it. NOBODY.

    I'm tired of Cas, regardless of what he's been up to.
    I want season 7 to be about the boys.
    Hunting together.
    Trusting each other.
    With Bobby in as many eps as Jim's schedule will allow.

    But of course this is SPN, so anything could happen.

    Anyway - *big hug*

    (I wrote this post and accidentally deleted it so I haven't said half what I was going to - aren't you grateful I'm such a klutz?)

  75. *claps hands giddily* JILLYANNE...JILLYANNE....JILLYANNE *hugs*

    *shyly* Hi :D

    Hangover's FINE.....couldn't play...that's 'suicide' don't ya know...How many 'guilty' looks has Cas had, like a Million....I like my liver thank you very much!

    *does victory dance alongside Jillyanne....with some Hippy twirling*

    Oh, you were another one who suspected the Crowley thing...Me...I had it half right....I knew he'd be back in some way....but an 'alliance' with Cas.....Didn't see that coming and even for the second that i may have entertained the idea, I shrugged it off, cause i Didn't think Cas would stoop that low...Apparently he's that 'desperate' that he needs to 'get into Bed' with Crowley!

    I like Cas, but i love Bobby and The boys more.....So if Cas has to be 'sacrificed' this time So Sammy can be the 'victim'...Well...I can live with that...

    Last thing i need is another "Dean I've been lying to ya again in a 'season 4' way...but it's for the 'greater' good...Oh God, what have i done...I'm sorry Dean...Can't trust ya anymore Sam...We need to go our 'separate' ways Sammy....Oh we're better together.....we'll struggle to get along for a while, and then coming near the end of the season...we'll become stronger, and have each others back...then you die, or i do...cliffhanger"

    Well that's how season 4 and 5 went to me :D

    Yeah i want what you want for Season 7...TBH- I'll be happy with the boys having each others backs, with the 'Bro love' and 'surrogate Daddy' Bobby...and even long as he's not behind SAM'S SOUL!

    IMHO - there's no way back from regards to the boys...That's the 'ultimate' betrayal...I won't be able to look at him in the same way again...and the 'trust' will be gone....Let's hope the worst in did in regards to the boys was 'feeding' Crowley information...but i doubt it's as simple as that...Judging by the promo for next week..He's in a 'huge' mess...and he questions himself a lot...i think in flashbacks, about whether he's doing the right thing....and he's 'begging' someone to stop him....I think it's Chu...I mean GOD!! :D


  76. they batter not make cas bad or let him die il be so pissed off

  77. LOVED IT!!!! I can't wait to see what happens! I'm still laughing over Jefferson Starship too! LOL


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