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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Frontierland?

23 Apr 2011

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  1. I loved this episode. I thought the guys had a great time. I wish we got to see Dean ride a horse though. I felt bad for Sam and the horse. I am glad Samuel Colt came through in the end there and sent the boys the ashes. Now we know who really killed the phoenix in the past, but Colt took credit for it. I guess you can't always believe what you read.

  2. Guy Bee deserves to be back in the saddle directing Supernatural episodes in S7 what a masterpiece of drama, comedic style and 'old style' Sergio magic! Speaking of Serge... what a great job :) Brilliant. Cast, awesome. I like Samuel Colt a lot and Rachel... oh dear.

  3. AWESOME PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Such an amazing episode! I fangirled the entire time!
    It was just like having Old Dean back from Season 1!
    I love this episode! I love it! I love it! I love it

  5. Loved it. Had a silly grin on my face through the whole episode.

  6. Finally disqus will let me comment!!!
    So relieved the whole time travel thing wasn't just a gimick .
    Great oneliners....Sam's a giant from the future!
    Cas being even more of a dickbag than ever - don't know if it's jsut the power going to his head or if there's something more we don't know about yet.
    Back when I've rewatched

  7. Fringe just had one its strongest episodes ever. Watching Supernatural in a few minutes... Hopefully it'll measure up.

  8. This episode is my favorite ever! Im a sucker for westerns anyway, and this episode had kinda the old season 1 feel to it other than sam and dean being split up, so that made it even better. Glad Cas killed that Rachel chick. I knew she wouldn't last long (she's a girl on SPN, come on) but she was a jerk.

  9. It is by far the best episode I have ever seen on the show.

  10. I loved Fringe tonight, but I also thought SPN was the best it's been since "Caged Heat"...(read: DAMN GOOD)...Tonight I think we got great setups for next week on both shows! :)

  11. There was boatloads of win to be shared with everyone. I can't believe we simultaneously got to see Sam+Sam Colt meet, Cas+Bobby growing as characters together (even if Cas is still being friggn' skeevy) Dean 'gank' a 'phoenix' and all the hell that broke loose in between! Plus, we got to know more about the power of souls ("Can I touch it?") and we got to see a totally awesome monster we've never even heard of before (Phoenix > Dragon), and AGH just so much awesomeness in one episode!

  12. My new favorite of season 6!! It was full of awesome!

  13. GREAT JOB!!! I loved it...... durning the end I had to hold my mouth in my hand so my screaming wouldn't wake up anyone..... Samuel Colt was amazing character hope he comes back somehow, Rachel I HATED!! She was like a female Zachariah, but good acting on her part....So if Cas could have blown up Bobby by touching his soul does that mean he could have blown up Sam and the Kid earlier this season??????

  14. I LOVED the episode. I was afraid that with such high expectations if wouldn't be that good but it was AWESOME !!! Loved the showdown between the phoenix and Dean and the references of Die Hard and Back To The Future !!!! And so funny how Dean looks like a little kid on Christmas because he is living his dream lolll. Worth the wait :D Well done !

  15. Phoenix definitely out monsters dragon. In fact, it's up there in my favorite monsters list now. So glad it wasn't a bird.

  16. SOOOO AWESOME!!! *__*

    By the way, just wondering, if all the sudden Sam 'knew' about the librairy is that information came from another flasback? I know we already know that the wall is coming down this season, but it still sad to see signs like that :(

  17. I was trying hard not to laugh as I couldn't wake up my family. Definitely one of the best episode's of this season.

  18. Words cannot describe (but my grin can) how amazing this episode was.

    That is all.

  19. Souls act like angel Red Bull - I totally called that!!

  20. Castiel, the fate of the world is in the balance, so come on down here. Come on, Cas, I Dream of Jeannie your ass down here, pronto!

    I love how Dean prays - always so creative - sure beats all the tired old ones I have memorised.

  21. SO GOOD. Just SO GOOD.
    It was awesome. I loved it. Up there with Weekend at Bobby's, The French Mistake, Family Matters, Caged Heat...

    -Dean was just adorable. Even if the "posse" joke was a little crude ("make that into a T-Shirt" HAHA)
    -Samuel Colt. Nuff said.
    -More info on the souls and Shady!Cas.
    On that note, I was surprised that Rachel was killed off so early, but then I suppose that she will re-appear in flashbacks (Man That Would Be King anyone??)
    -" I'm looking for a man" "I bet" ("Your shirt is very clean"....."It's ...dirtier than it looks")
    -"Oh God the Sheriff's dead!"
    - "Candygram for....?" (didn't quite catch it, but it was hilarious!)
    -the Deadwood shout-out
    - The whole pheonix thingfelt a bit odd, but it kept with this theme of mythical creatures this season (dragons, fairies...). I wonder if there's a significance?

  22. Oh, I kind of thought it was a weaker episode of Fringe. At least, as of late. (Just me?)

  23. Supernatural is freakin awesome tonight.I'm with Dahne the phoenix is my favorite supernatural being thus far.It was a solid epi not fluff, no frills as Dean will attest.Made cas look like he was really doing something instead of standing there collecting a paycheck.And Bobby,you're growing on me,You are a good man for those 'kids'
    Fangirl moment...Dean, Dean, Dean...I swoon at your feet when you don your authentic western grab, the duster the steely intense squint from under the brim 'gulp' Done! ;-}

  24. i still love when sam called him down earlier this season using the ark of the convenant from raiders pitch

  25. That boy always has the best and most irreverent prayers, very much like a child who has wayched far too much TV.From the heart , the top of his head and the seat of his pants.That's how Dean flies!

  26. awesome episode!!!
    cas is definately worrying me with all his shady doings up in heaven with the souls
    loved the pheonix, awesome monster. was expecting abird like in ahrry potter so was pleasantly surprised by this
    the whole back to the future 2 ending seemed kinda unoriginal though but glad they have the ashes anyhow
    i loved how excited dean was to be back in cowboy times, he is such a child :D

  27. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I agree with Joseph. While Fringe may not have been funny/action-packed, it did get me super-amped up for the final 2 episodes where Supernatural was just another good episode of the season instead of a set up.

  28. I disagree that Supernatural was just another good episode of the season instead of a set up. This episode coincides very well with what's happening this season and why they had to do what they had to do. Those phoenix ashes are their key to killing Eve. This wasn't just a throw away filler that had nothing to do with the plot. We've also seen a glimpse into the power of a human soul and what Castiel may be doing this season. It wasn't just another good episode. This episode was a key point into what the end of the season is going to lead us into.

  29. Just four words: SAM ON A HORSE.

    That is all. <3

  30. So,I just watched it again,cause the first time it was 4 in the morning and I wanted to make sure that it was actually as awesome as I thought it was..It was even more awesome the second time!

    Sam and Dean were brilliant!I was kind of worried when I read that they were gonna separate,but it worked out perfectly!And at this point I have to mention that I LOVE Samuel Colt!I was looking forward to meeting him since he was first mentioned in season 1 and it was so worth the wait!
    The Phoenix,as some of you said,is one of the greatest monsters ever to appear in the show,so far...It was a very pleasant surprise!

    I've asked before,but I'll ask again..What the hell is wrong with Cas!?!?!?Seriously,he's freaking me out and normally I'm all for dark characters..
    "Look what you're turning into.."
    This doesn't sound good.Even an angel is worried.And while we're on the subject..We've been hearing about Rachel for a couple of months now and she dies after TWO scenes.I was actually thinking that I could like her and then she was dead!Maybe she'll appear in episode 20 in a flashback..The fight was awesome,though!It's been a while since we've seen angel vs angel and it was really good!
    It's interesting to know that a soul can give power to an angel.."My Heart Will Go On" makes more sense now,but I doubt that this is the "dirty little secret" everyone keeps mentioning.I swear,this whole thing with Cas will drive me crazy!

    Just 4 episodes left...I can't decide if that's good or bad,though...

  31. Sam vs Samuel

    "So you either come with me or give me the gun."
    "What gun?"
    "THE gun."
    "Oh,THAT gun.."

    : )

  32. The Soul concept is going exactly as I had in my mind; but even then finger crossed coz as we know SPN will twist and turn in the ways no one suspects... and that's awesome :D
    But I was kinda lost at one thing... Dean seems to drop Colt Gun back in time but we are not told explicitly if he got it back along with the ashes! And yeah I definitely back your word Phoenix>Dragon :D Who knew that SPN's Phoenix doesn't only die with flame... it dispatches with flames. Talk about saving money for the cremation process!

  33. That was...amazing! I have been looking forward to this episode all week (it was my reward to myself for doing a boatload of study), and wow, it did not disappoint. Nice set up to the end of the season as well: now they actually have something with which to go up against the mother of all, Cas is up to something extremely dodgy, which I guess leads to him being interrogated in the holy fire in two weeks time. Loved the one liners in this episodes as well, plus the Cas and Bobby time was just made of win, those two characters play off each other so well. The MOTW was very interesting and surprisingly sympathetic, I really liked how they portrayed the phoenix, I was expecting some sort of bird, not a man, but it really worked the way they did it. And (I feel like such a fangirl saying this), but Sam and Dean were freaking HAWT in the Wild West get up. Shut up, I watch it for the plot, ok? :P All in all, roll on next Friday. :)

  34. I want a whole season of this!!! :D How awesome would that be?


  36. `woooooooooooooooooooooooow just woooooooooooooooooooooooooow
    Dean was just sooooooooooooo freaking hoooooooooooooooot in the old western outfits
    he was sooooooooo freaking funny , Poor Horse looooooooooooooooool he felt sorry 4 the horse that Sam was riding , & Sam was so goofy when he was riding the horse
    it's good 2 know that Dean watched evey movie 2 Clint Eastwood even the monkey movies loooooooooool ...........

  37. I agree with you Kyelinn. It was a great episode. I don't watch Fringe and I am not sure why it is being talked about on this page. There is a page for Fringe episode discussion, go there. Back to SN, I don't know Cas is up to, but I don't think the power has gone to his head, but I think he is afraid of the truth. I didn't get why Rachel tried to kill him, I couldn't everything she said.

  38. I don't think he does get it back along with the ashes, because the colt still ends up with Daniel Elkins. All that stuff still has to happen. If they got the colt sent to them, then Daniel wouldn't have gotten and then the boys wouldn't have gotten it the way they did and the YED would still be alive. That part of the history cannot be changed.

  39. Maybe, but I think the reason why he could have blown up Bobby, was because he was taking power from his soul in order to heal himself, where as the boy and Sam he was checking on to either find out information or to find out the condition of the soul.


  41. it was awesome! Aw, and GOSH CASTIEL damn it! I feel like he didnt "really" need to touch bobby's soul and I HATE TIHS FEEELING! And hum HURRAY for Rachel dying in 1 EPISODE ahhaaah, no screen time for you bitch I want my misha! AW! I CANT WAIT FOR THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING! (2 weeks?) aw

  42. Loved it! Smiled the whole time it was on. Dean's expressions were priceless and Sam was lovable Sam. Glad when the brothers split up nothing bad happened. No injuries, no betrayals and the brothers relationship was stronger as ever...even though Dean made Sam wear the shirt :) I felt sorry for the Phoenix and love the package Colt sent Sam after getting the info off the thing-a-magig. Now wondering how the ashes are going to fail.

    Hopefully the sacrifice Bobby did to get the idjots back will shut the Bobby haters up. They need him pure and simple.

    So is that the end of Rachel? Seems anti-climatic for such a push for the character. Castiel is getting himself in deep...should be a ride to see what the truth is.

  43. One thing I forgot to say in my previous comment: I adored the the title sequence for this episode!

  44. OK, I still have to rewatch it because so much awesomeness can´t get through my brain in just one take.
    I am sure I missed some of the movie references because there has been a ton of them in this episode and all great delivered. I loved the brotherly moments and how Dean enjoyed the wild west like a five year old with a new toy (and I felt so sorry for him when it got spoiled by the "authenicity" of the west).
    The phoenix was great (and since when do I feel sorry for any monster? Madison not counting). Sam and Sam (all this Sam´s in spn make my head spin) Colt, great scenes.
    Bobby was at his best! Always is, always will be.
    And Cas - ugh, bad angel, go sit in a corner!
    I agree with all of you that this episode has not just been a filler. It told us more about how powerful souls are and maybe why angels need them (and - mind my words - I am going to eat a broom, if Cas doesn´t have anything to do with Sam´s soul. Just in case, going to throw away all brooms now :)
    I actually liked the "back to the future"-ending. Yes, it seems convenient (and sure raises some time travel paradox), but I am glad that the boys finally got to breathe at the end of this episode and not had a setback again, 'cause we all now it´s going to get dark from here on anyway.

  45. Fantastic, Amazing, pushing all the right buttons - the music alone would keep me engaged let alone all the western and pop culture references. Loved Jim Beaver meta-referencing 'Deadwood".

  46. loved it
    awesome everything about it

  47. There are Bobby haters? Really? I don't get that one at all. He is awesome.

  48. \\\\\\\o///////\\\\\\\o/////\\o/////////////

    That would be me flailing. This episode rocked.

  49. Just rewatched it. I loved all the little jokes and fangirl moments. Sam even smiled a couple of times in this episode!

    I didn't watch any of the sneak peaks for this one and I'm so glad I didn't. Earlier this week I decided to go spoiler free for the rest of the season, and I'm going to try to stick to it.

    Now for the more serious analysis ...

    The book said the Phoenix ashes would burn the Mother, it didn't say anything about killing her.

    In John's story to the boys about the Colt, he says that Samuel Colt gave the gun for a hunter on horseback who used it six times, and then it disappeared until it resurfaced with Daniel Elkins. It seems Sam was the hunter Colt gave the gun to. We saw Colt fire it twice and Dean fire it once, so it must have been fired three more times previously by Colt, or by someone else after the Phoenix was killed. I'm guessing the bartender Elkins was Daniel Elkins' ancestor, and he picked up the gun after the Dean killed the Phoenix. Maybe he was the one who scooped up the ashes and gave them to Colt, since Colt was miles away. The gun probably stayed in the Elkins family until Daniel Elkins was killed. I wish we had gotten more of the story on how Colt had known to make the gun or why he was building the devils trap.

    Cas, you worry me. The scene with Rachel mirrored the one between Cas and Uriel in season 4, except that Cas was on the wrong side this time! So what is Cas doing that is so bad? I don't think it's anything that's harmful to humans, because the angels don't seem to like humans very much. It has to be something that affects something the angels respect, such as the natural order of the universe. Now that he killed Rachel, is Cas an outcast among his own angel friends? (except for Balthazar who is probably the one who talked Cas into doing whatever it is he's doing)

    So we've seen three of Cas' friends or associates so far who had a serious problem with Cas' relationship with the Winchesters: Balthazar with his boyfriend jokes, Fate with her pets reference, and Rachel with her outburst. Is it just that Cas' relationship makes him the laughingstock of the angels, or do they feel threatened by his relationship with Dean and Sam in some way? Or is this still badwill because God chose humans over angels?

    I was surprised Rachel died so quickly, but I'm guessing we'll see more of her in flashbacks in coming episodes.

  50. It killed me to have to wait until the morning to watch it but it was SO worth waiting for. I absolutely loved it. I just wish it could have been longer so we would have more awesomeness to wait

  51. Don't tell me what I can't do.

  52. We know Sam said that Colt wasn't there, but he could have been there, we just didn't see him. Sam and Dean might not have known that Colt was there.

    You got me thinking about the story from season 1, I had forgotten about it. I don't think the bartender was a hunter, but maybe Colt left the gun with him after the boys used it. Why leave it with the bartender? I think it would have been better if Elkins was a hunter, not a bartender.

  53. I don't he lies, Sam lies all the time.

  54. I'm thinking Elkins may have also been a hunter since the sheriff directed Sam and Dean to Elkins when they asked about Colt. He at least had some kind of relationship with Colt and knew more than the other townspeople.

  55. yeah maybe. I like you, wish there had been more said about some of Colt's background.

  56. My thought is that bartender Elkins is like Ellen...what better place to get information than a bar/pub/saloon/roadhouse? While he might not actively be a hunter, he could supply info to hunters and being so, plus an ancestor of Danie, so who better to entrust the Colt to since Sam C. was finished with hunting? I'm also thinking Colt followed Sam and that's how he got the gun and ashes.

  57. Interesting idea Kat. Sounds like a plausible explanation to me. I am with you on Sam Colt following Sam.

  58. I get that it was a set-up, I just thought that in terms of the actual EPISODE it was a little on the weaker side. Like, if I was watching the last 3 eps on DVD I would have a different opinion but as left a little to be desired. It's more to do with teh television format than anything, I suppose.

  59. You know it was kinda sad to me. Bobby treats Cas better than he treats Sam... :-( No, he just snarks off at him, ignores him, rolls his eyes at him and insults his intelligence. Cas, he falls into his arms and Bobby takes care of him. Not Sam though. He just tosses him down in the panic room and then when he wakes up fully souled, he still treats him like crap.

  60. Oh and Dean and Cas don't, right? Gosh, they're the perfect characters of perfectness aren't they? Sam actually hasn't lied since he got his soul back. Or did you just chose to ignore that small factor so you could find a reason, however discreetly, to hate on Sam? *rolls eyes severely*

  61. And with all the alcohol Bobby consumes its safe to say it was a Red Bull and vodka ;)

  62. "*rolls eyes severely*"

  63. Awww mockery. Aren't you adorable?

  64. how could I not mention that it was the hottest thing ever. I saw the preview clips and everything, so I was aware of their outfits, but OMG as I was watching the whole thing all I could think of was how hot they were. I'm officially convinced that I have a thing for cowboys (especually when the guys dressed as cowboys are really really hot). I was watching this episode at my boring dorm desk job at school and had to try not to squeal or sigh really loudly or something just in case ppl in the dorm walked by, which was really hard to do.

  65. so awesome, seriously best episode from season 6. dean was so cute

  66. Well speaking for myself it was good not awesome not the best ever but good there were some good moments .

  67. I think the writers made a mistake in AiS when they tried to pretend that Bobby was like a father to Sam and started down the path of having RoboSam attempt to kill Bobby. That's probably why they abandoned that storyline so quickly.

    Bobby may have had a surrogate father role with Dean - Dean clearly wasn't getting what he needed from John - but Sam had other ways of coping. Sam pushed issues with John, forcing a response, and was able to forgive him in the end. And when Sam needed a surrogate father growing up, he put Dean in that role. We never saw a close relationship between Bobby and Sam the way we saw one between Bobby and Dean.

  68. Yeah I got that part later from my brother after we discussed at lengths about time travel. Sorry for that rather dumb question. :)
    It's so cool that they directed such things with utmost care.
    Still I'm so glad to watch it again n again... how many shows have western sepiac awesomeness around. :D

  69. Yeah I agree. I don't think it's really fair for him to sit around and say he'd been like a father to Sam. No he hasn't. He might love Sam, he might care for Sam, but there is no extremely close relationship at all between Sam and Bobby the way that there is between Bobby and Dean. I just think it's kinda crap for them to show Bobby being so caring toward Cas who he's met what...2 maybe 3 times in his life but not Sam whom he's known since Sam was very young? So when Sam's wall falls, are we gonna see Bobby being caring toward Sam then? I guess that's what bothered me is the comfort toward Cas, but never any for Sam.

  70. There are indeed...surprised me too but you know one is ever going to be happy about anything all the time. Seems to stem from the one episode, one scene where Bobby tells Dean that Dean's always been his favorite. And you can guess how that got people riled up.

  71. Interesting point. I thought Bobby was just trying to get Cas better to make sure the "idjots" got back in one piece.

  72. What hunter worth his salt wouldn't want to follow "a giant from the future" to see what he's about? ;)

  73. But then why was Colt so adamant about not coming back with Sam? Sam's first pitch was to try to get Colt to come back with him - the gun was second choice.

  74. I really liked this episode for a couple of reasons, but for some reason I expected one of their more...laugh a minute eps. Loved that they found their Grandfather's library. Hope it doesn't take them too long to get it packed up and shipped to Bobby's place. :-) It'll save Bobby having to break into library windows. Loved Dean's western obsession...and the sarape. :-)

    The Phoenix worked a LOT better for me than the dragons did. However, I'm didn't quite get why it was automatically a monster. (I decided to let that one go and move on. :-)

    Was it just me, but hasn't Sam been using a newer model cell phone than his season 1 treo? :-D Loved Colt's reaction to it..and the fact that he thought to suss out finding Bobby's address BEFORE the battery died.

    The other thing that majorly stuck out to me was the new information we got about what's going on with Cass. On top of what Fate told him in last weeks ep Rachel's reaction has me a little worried about what kind of 'person' Cass has become. Cass has obviously crossed the line out of desperation. (How specifically we'll have to wait to find out but we know it has something to do with using souls. I freaked when he asked Bobby to let him touch his soul.)

    Here's a question for you guys? Do you think that part of Cass' willingness to always be there for and protect our boys is guilt because he knows they wouldn't approve of what he's been doing any more than Rachel did? I know that Cass cares about them, but he's lied to the boys about why certain things have happened (their getting tossed into the alternate universe, why the Titanic was really unsunk, (trying to remember the thing with the little boy's soul early in the season) and last night I was given the impression that the reason for those actions is more heinous than I first thought. I'm starting to think that Castiel is ashamed of himself and that he doesn't want the boys to find out because they would be disappointed in him.

    Oh, and I loved that Rachel pointed out the boys only call Cass when they want him to do something for them. Just made me chuckle

  75. He didn't *technically* take credit for it. His journal merely said "Gun killed a phoenix today." he didn't say *he* killed it. Sam and Dean just assumed he was saying he killed it.

  76. Loved that they kept on referring moments to Clint Eastwood , but even as great Dean is he does not beat Clint . Clint is a great actor in cowboy movies , my fav being The unforgiven .But anyways i thought this was an 8/10 eposied . Just honestly cant wait till the final wonder if this will be the last season hope it is as i dont wont it to turn into Smallivie

  77. I think part of the problem is that Bobby has been written so inconsistently over the years. In season 2, Sam and Dean didn't seem like they knew him very well. He was a friend of their father who they had met a few times, but not much more because their father had falling outs with everyone. At the end of season 2 when Sam was dead, Bobby was like, "Dean, have some chicken and bury your brother." He didn't seem emotionally affected by Sam's death and could just as easily have been someone they met a week earlier. He didn't seem concerned until he realized that Dean had sold his soul.

    In season 3, he became "Uncle Bobby" who had given Sam the amulet and wasn't "a ditchable prom date." Dean's death caused him to open a liquor store, which he still hasn't closed.

    In seasons 4 and 5, Dean used Bobby to bounce off ideas while Sam was using Ruby for the same purpose. It made Bobby look closer to Dean than Sam.

    And in season 6 he became their "father," but a father who Dean didn't bother keep in touch with much during the year he lived with Lisa (the Swan Song narrator (Chuck) said it would be along time before Dean would see Bobby again), who couldn't tell the difference between Sam and Soulless Sam, and who decided that Dean didn't need to know that Sam wasn't dead. And then there was Like a Virgin, in which Bobby seemed almost cruel in the way he was blowing off Sam - even though it was understandable in some ways. But the fact that Sam and Bobby never had a scene to hash this out left it unsettled.

    Other than a character who represents down-home common sense, I don't know who Bobby is or what he believes. Both Cas and John were better developed characters. I blame the writers for this, not Bobby.

  78. And let's not forget the Star Trek IV reference! And Dean's reaction to the looks of confusion from Bobby and Sam.

  79. It made perfect sense to me. Sam worked with Samuel for over a year and Samuel had such an impressive amount of information that Crowley brought him back to find Purgatory. The dialog in that sequence gave me the impression that Sam was making a logical guess as to the location of the library. So it didn't seem sudden at all to me.

  80. I think that was the point of the whole "letting Cas touch his soul" stuff. So the boys could get back home safely.

  81. But Sam's not supposed to remember that year with Samuel because of his wall.

  82. but it looked like Sam knew for a fact he knew that there was a librairy, the only way for him to know for sure was that Samuel told him...but since Sam doesn,t have access to those memories, the only way to know would be to have some little flashback. Not sure the boys really had the time to lose to guess that maybe Samuek had one and maybe he hide it on the base and not outside

    And since the wall is coming down in the finale and it's episode 18, I guess it's normal that Sam remember some pieces of information^^; it's just sad :(

  83. I agree with all you said. Sam Colt must have changed his mind very soon after Sam left him and decided to go to Sunrise. Either S Colt found The Colt lying where Dean dropped it or D. Elkins' ancester picked up it up, likely recognizing that it just killed a supernatural creature. (Poor Phoenix). Sam C and "Elkins" knew each other so Sam C knew The Colt was in safe hands. Sam C scooped up the ashes and put in the whiskey bottle. We don't know if Sam C was carrying Sam W's cell phone with him at the time so he sent the ashes and the cell phone from the "post office" and included the letter on the same trip or several days later.

    I will say it was very clever that Sam C wrote in his Journal "Gun killed Phoenix today in Sunrise" (or something similar). Sam C never said *he* the Phoenix. He only wrote was necessary for the boys to know that someone using The Colt killed the Phoenix in Sunrise, Wyoming on March 5, 1861.

    In response to chris684's statement about how The Colt went from Samuel to Sam to (likely Bartender Elkins) that's what I had the most problem within the episode The account that John W rattled off to the boys in DMB doesn't match at all with how it was done in Frontierland. John said "... in 1835 SC made a gun...he *made* it for a Hunter, a man on horseback like us... the Hunter used the gun half dozen until it disappeared... somehow Elkins got a hold of it".

    Samuel Colt didn't "make the Colt" for Sam - he already had The Colt and there was no indication that he made The Colt for an another, early Hunter and that Hunter gave the gun back to SC. Moreover as Chris points out we only saw 3 shots fired although I assume SC fired the gun on at least 3-5 other occasions. (Because when we first saw the The Colt pistol case in DMB there were only 5/13 bullets left). I don't like that the show messed with The Colt's "history" so much even though the show was attentive to other details relating to The Colt (Dean dropping the gun, and presumbly the gun ending up with Bartender Elkins. )

  84. Claps! Great post!

  85. Can you please stop the Dean vs Sam crap? In this episode all four characters played important roles.

  86. Maybe it was just a case of John (or his source) getting the story about the colt wrong?

  87. Possibly, but John's account was far too detailed even though John thought The Colt Legend was just a myth.

  88. My guess is because he felt guilty because Sam had told Sam Colt that in Sam W's "time" Samuel Colt was a hero to Hunters and Sam C wasn't acting like much of hero in refusing to accompany Sam W.

  89. But he remembered working with Samuel in that spider episode; the one that ended with Sam's wall nearly cracking. So he knows something about that year. Maybe just not the specifics.

  90. I was honestly expecting it to be much funnier. But, as it turns out, I didn't really miss not having a ton of laugh out loud moments at all. The plot was tight, the characters were well written as well as well acted, the phoenix was a worthy adversary as well as surprisingly sympathetic. I loved the sepia-toned cinematography and the 'authenticity' Dean loved then found 'germy' and disgusting. Sam and Samuel Colt were fantastic and Dean as sheriff was amazing. I loved how well he fit in (once he got outfitted properly) and the shootout at high noon scene ranks up there with the fireworks scene from Dark Side of the Moon as one of my favorite Supernatural scenes ever. I just couldn't find any reason to complain about this one and I could tell how much fun they had filming it. J&J's complete enjoyment came through loud and clear. I think the little smirk Dean had on his face after his 'posse' jokes was worth the entire season. :)

  91. Maybe it's just the way I read the scene. They went into Samuel's office at the warehouse base (which Dean knows about.) It didn't scream special information or memories to me...just logical assumptions. When they walked into the room Sam said something like...its got to be around here somewhere. So I figured they made a logical assumption that Samuel would have a library and that he'd have it close to his office.

    Also, Dean knows something about Samuel. He knew where Samuel's office was, was present when Crowley made the comment about how much Samuel knew about monsters, wasn't he?

  92. ^^; Don't's just weird to assume all the sudden that 'hey maybe Samuel has a secret librairy and I'm guessing it's in his office and not somewhere else in the country'' especially since they have other places, like the building where they tortured the monsters. First you have to guess samuel had a hidden librairy and after go search for it. I also have trouble seeing why they would bring Bobby if they didn't know if they were going to found something. Why bring Bobby to help search a librairy that maybe exist when, if you don't even know if that librairy exist, Bobby would be better help by searching around him than searching a potential librairy, than call him if they found one.

  93. Loved it, Favourite part was the Back to the Future Part: ll ending. :)

  94. SC also said that the gun was a curse. Perhaps the hunter he originally made it for died or was dying and brought the Colt back to SC, thus one of the reasonings the gun is a curse? Perhaps after that it was never heard of again because Elkins picked it up and kept it purely secret, passing it on down to his great grandson who became a hunter? I mean it doesn't necessarily mean that they messed with Colt's history because we don't know what happened after Colt made the gun for the "hunter on horseback" at all. There's a huge void in between all that time, what happened, and how Daniel Elkins retrieved the gun himself.

  95. Good theory! S Colt did say the gun was cursed. I can easily accept that Bartender Elkins picked up or accepted the gun from Sam Colt and passed it down through generations until it came to Daniel.

    I just don't accept that Sam was "the Hunter on horseback" that he *made* the gun for - yes, he gave The Colt to Sam; it seemed by Dean's saying sending Sam to Colt the show was saying - through Dean - that the boys were going to "make history" and they did accomplish that to a great purpose. I just didn't want the show re-writing all the gun's history. The Colt's iconic and I'm reasonably sure that many fans have John's retelling The Colt "myth" virtually memorized. John's words are on "Super-Wiki".

    I think Frontierland did an excellent job on Sam Colt's Journal entry, that Dean dropped The Colt all but in front of Elkin's saloon and that there was a "Post Office" in the scene when Dean shot the Phoenix.

  96. Thanks! I don't either because it doesn't coincide with the story that John told the boys about the gun and he read Elkins' letter. That's how he discovered the truth about the gun he originally thought was a myth. Sam was a hunter on horseback from the future! LOL But in all seriousness, Sam wasn't the hunter on horseback he made the gun for because that year was 1835 not 1861 and that's the year the boys went back in time.

    I mean that's 26 years later from the time Sam Colt made the gun. It wouldn't make any sense. So that was just kinda where my line of thinking was, you know? Perhaps those are the reasonings behind why it's cursed, why it ended up back in Sam Colt's hands and why there were more bullets for it and how Elkins ended up with it.

    Yeah! He never specifically said that HE killed the phoenix, but that the GUN killed the phoenix and it was Dean who killed the phoenix, not Sam Colt. He never got to meet Dean so he couldn't exactly write that Dean was the one who killed the Phoenix. I do think that the boys just assumed Colt killed the Phoenix because it was his journal, when all along it was Dean! I thought that was just awesome. :-D

  97. I agree the writing of Bobby's character has been all over the place.

  98. They brought Bobby, because if they did find something (which they did) they wouldn't have to go back and get him and waste their time doing that. Sam obviously has some memories, because he did remember somethings in the spider episode. So maybe that was something that he remembered then, but it wasn't revealed until now. Hey there are wholes in every script and story, nothing is going to be perfect ever.

  99. At the same time, if they have no idea if the librairy is real or not, just going on a idea that mayube there's one and maybe it's on the base and maybe it's on the office on this base and not somewhere else...anyway I don,t know why we're losing time on this xD Both possibility could be wrong or one could be could also be a mix of the two, like a ''deja vu feeling + a guess that he might be there''...or something totally different. we'll never know..and anyway, since the final result is that Sam will die in the finale either way it doesn't matter :)

  100. I loved every second of it! Had me laughing just about the whole way through (and I really needed that after the rough week I had). We discovered an ancestor of Daniel Elkins (bartender at the saloon), Bobby will do anything for the boys, including saving Cas (too bad Rachel set him up because I thought she was going to become a regular), the guys looked gorgeous dressed up as cowboys and you could tell that Dean was having a blast as sheriff Eastwood. Sam as Walker, Texas Ranger?! Just hilarious! I know Sam was not thrilled about this whole cowboy thing of Deans, but you have to admit he looked gorgeous as a cowboy!
    I thought this episode was one of the best this season and with the season coming to an end way too quickly (in my opinion), it just keeps getting better and better with each passing week. The next few sound like they will be quite revealing with Cas, Dean and Sam. I am looking forward to every one of them!
    Now, we just need to keep our fingers crossed that a season 7 is right around the corner for all of us to enjoy!


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