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POLL : What did you think of Glee - Born This Way ?

27 Apr 2011

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  1. it was EPIC so freaken good omg. I COULDNT STOP laughing when santana and Dave were speaking to the glee club ahahha what bullshit. And then the little talk with Kurt and dave AW! LOVE IT! Not a lot of Klaine but it was good that way, we got a song (last :( ) and AN AWESOME hug. I can deal with this.

    BUT OMG screw this ep., the PREVIEW for the next is geat PWAHAHAHAH I'm already laughing my ass off! Kurt and Sam pwhahaha yeha right, not buying it cant wait

  2. Loved it! It was so much better than last week's. Go Santana for figuring out what was up with Karofsky!

  3. I was going to avoid it due to the gaganess, but now it sounds like I have to watch it. Great.

  4. It was great, almost awesome. The high points were definitely Emma's OCD battle and the ending number. The awkwardly handled story lines include Quinn's secret identity and Karofsky's 180 degrees change. I was hoping he was up to something. Also, Kurt's return was handled well, though I don't think "Somewhere Only We Know" was in the right setting. Two songs dedicated to Kurt's return taking place in school was too much.

    Santana was absolutely the MVP of the episode. Fantastic acting with some great lines. Rachel's story line was dragged on, and the entire mall dance was completely unnecessary. Maybe if they used the lyrics about New York it could've made sense, but it didn't.

  5. Loved the Fuinn!!! MORE FUINN PLEASE!!!!!! =]

  6. Great Episode. Better than last week's by a looooooooooooooong shot. :)

  7. Most definitelyyy my favorite Glee episode ever. I don't like the song born this way, but I could not love that performance anymore. If I listen to it again it will have to be the glee version :D

  8. Just Freaking awsome!!

    Love the Klaine moment!
    Klaine FTW!!

    Rachel nose job!! haha

    Dave and Santana!! Bitches...\o/

    Please Blaine don't die in the end of the season!!

  9. So um idk if anyone here goes on, but it hasn't been working for me since yesterday afternoon and I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with it or knew what was wrong? Thanks.

  10. Seriously flawed episode. The begin it with Karofsky and Santana forming the ridiculously named Bullwhips to prevent bullying and then Zizes bullies Quinn without anyone of the glee club mentioning it? I can understand the occasional continuity error a year or two later but in the same episode? Not so much.

    Otherwise Santana nad Brttany rocked as usual, Kurt being back means no more Warnlers (I hope) THANK GODS!

    Loved the Tee shirt slogans except Artie's, Mercedes' and Lauren's.. .seriously? Artie's bigger issue that he has been dealing with is the wheelchair or whatever caused his paralysis. Lauren owns her big girl stature so why not comment on that? Mercedes likewise, but worse than a bad attitude (which she has too) is a weave... seriously? I bet people think of something else prior to wondering if her hair is real or not. They all seemed like cop outs for things more teens face than fake hair or glasses..... Just sayin...

    Good episode but flawed and could have been better....


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