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POLL : What did you think of Fringe - The Last Sam Weiss?

30 Apr 2011

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  1. Amazing set up.

    I love how the "HUGE SPOILER" of the future actually didn't spoil that much, considering it was the cliffhanger.

  2. Cliffhanger after cliffhanger! Aiiiiiiiii

  3. BEST EPISODE and i'm sure next week will be even better

  4. Ye olde Tapioca Pudding Ploy works every time!

    They called the episode A Shameless Twist... I mean The Last Sam Weiss, but A Shameless Promotion would have been more apt. Ford Focus much?

    Huh, I did hear "crowbar" in the episode tease last week. I thought I was nuts!

    In every generation there is a Chosen One. He alone will stand against the Shapeshifters, the Observers, and the machines of darkness. He is the Sam Weiss.

    Who actually does not move when told "Wait here, I'll be right back"? Do people actually expect others to sit still and wait?

    Best line of the night after making an improbable nacient artifact rubble to giant urn to alarm gate trick shot - "I work at a bowling alley!"

    Observer sighting standing on the street behind Peter as he walks the NY streets around the 43 minute mark.

    Note to self - if ever impersonating the Secretary of Defense, do NOT wear a cardigan sweater!

    And what is the repeating message we heard about in the promo tease.... Be a better man than your father. OUCH! I guess that's Olivia's self help mantra....
    The ending of a time jump was obvious from spoilers and the anagram of the episode title... but it does set up amazing possibilities for next week's finale!

    Overall this felt like more of a set up episode than last week to me. Veru much a part one to next week's finale.

  5. Whoa... This just occurred to me. Season three finales of both LOST and Fringe end in a "flashforward" twist. Not saying it's a rip-off (as they're completely different versions of that), but that's a pretty crazy coincidence, especially as I see Fringe now as LOST's spiritual successor.

  6. I loved it as always, But I am a bit confused, I really want to see next weeks episode as soon as possible BUT the fact that it is the last episode till fall gives me mixed feelings, I hate that I have to wait so long for more episodes, I am going to miss My Olivia so much, this is the only way I can see Anna Torv cuteness,lol, oh I do love all the characters and actors on Fringe but Anna's my Fave, I have a bad crush on her,lol!

  7. Season 2 or 3 of Alias had a time jump too.. just not time travel per se. I think Team Abrams was definitely poking fun at themselves with the title that contained the anagram "A Shameless Twist".

  8. Seriously....Fringe is EPIC televsion. That episode was AWESOME! I am totally blown away.

  9. Time-travel drugs... Take one hit, the next thing you know, it's ten years later and you're a druggie with a ruined life. DRUGS ARE BAD!!!

  10. Loved it. It should have been called something else though. The episode was bigger than Sam.

  11. It was a dual title.

    The Last Sam Weiss since it revealed a lot about Sam's history AND an anagram using the letters of "The Last Sam Weiss" is the anagram title "A Shameless Twist" referring to the time travel flash forward at the end. I thought having a dual title reflected the two universes reflecting one another... the same pieces just moved around in different places. Like an anagram.

    I thought the title fit very well on both counts.... or all three I guess.

  12. What in the world just happened?! OMG Fringe you never cease to amaze me!!!

    I just want to add that I KNEW Olivia had something to do with the machine! Or at least I knew that she had to be there for Peter to operate it! Wow that was incredible. I can't believe we have to wait another week for the finale!

  13. "A Shameless Twist"...that's an understatement! I love how Sam Weiss is always involved with anagrams. Still wondering about the "Don't Trust Sam Weiss" statement. Is there an alternate Sam Weiss on the other side? Wonder if we're ever going to find out.

  14. I have been trying to figure out the meaning of "Don't trust Sam Weiss" too.

    It may be nothing more than a red herring to try to make Olivia mistrust Sam, sent by someone "over there". Have we ever seen.. is Walternate tying replies?

    I forget if we know EXACTLY who replies ..... *scratches head*

  15. Who wouldnt love her right? :)

  16. Can someone add EPIC to the poll choices please.
    I though last week was the best episode. And then they keep topping it.
    Argh, now I have to wait a whole week for the last one. Fringe rules!

  17. "Be a better man than your father" is the phrase Olivia awoke repeating in 2x01, except it was in Latin. I think's been a long time. Anyway, it was a phrase Peter's mother used to say to him as a child.

  18. Or maybe you already know that and I just misread that paragraph of yours, idk. :P

  19. Thanks. I knew it was familiar but could not place it. Sshe seems to have co-opted it as her own now... It fits her life just as well too!

  20. doublevisionqst30 April 2011 at 06:24

    This episode just took it to a whole new level. I don't think I've ever been so on the edge of my seat during an episode of Fringe, I loved every second of it!

    Seriously thought the machine activation wouldn't be until next week but I was totally wrong and I'm glad. Next week is going to be a complete mindf**k.

  21. Actually the phrase was in Greek ;-)

  22. Im sorry but this episode was really poor. It becomes too much groundless. a third world? come on, that a silly and very excpected ending. Im very disappointed.

  23. It's not a third world.


    phew. alright, inside voices. i still cant put together a complete thought. i really have no words. such a great episode. one of the strongest (in all areas) to date. cant wait to die during the next ep.

  25. its the future . . . the plaque he looked at was from 2021.

  26. Mind blown. It wasn't awesome, it was PERFECT

  27. This episode is so Awesome, that's a "twist" in my heart while watched this episode, they played a good emotional expression, Olivia's eyes express and deeper love inside the heart towards her boy friend, Peter confused in minded, Walter's worried emotion for a son, Astrid's caring about Walter, and Broyes and Nina, they all are so amazing, so touching, just like one family; i really like this episode.

  28. Maybe I imagined it but there was a sneeky uneasy moment with Sam Weiss in this episode. It was just after Broyles entered the lab to tell the team they found Peter in NY. He told Sam it was the end of the line for him - offical personnel only (which I thought was rude given how much help he had been). Cut straight to the next scene where Sam is alone in NY looking across at the statue of liberty.

    Don't know why but having watched it twice now it implied to me that he was still hiding something.....

  29. Fringe just keeps getting better all the time. A very intense episode to say the very least about it. Since The Last Sam Weiss seems to be explained (maybe). Perhaps it's Astrid who dies next week. She seemed to be playing a a larger role last night. I began getting this feeling as soon as she walked into the hospital room at the beginning. I have no idea how this would happen,if it does. I'd hate to see any of them die,but I guess from the sound of it one will. It' going to be a long wait to see what actually does take place.

  30. OK guys. Foxbroadcasting has put up some screencaps from this episode.
    The first few are really interesting.
    On the coffin where no. 5 Sam is buried there is a plaque and it has the all-seeing eye on it centred in a pyramid.
    Also, I think the name of the cemetery is an anagram for something. But I can't figure it out.
    Saint Artherlais.
    I think this is how it is spelled.
    Great epi BTW!
    Cannot wait.

  31. I wouldn't be suprised if Arnold Schwarzenegger 'will be back' in Season 4. It somehow smells like that.

  32. I can't wait to have next week's so I can watch all three together ... except, that means hiatus :-(

  33. I've been trying to work out an anagram from Don't Trust Sam Weiss, but I can't come up with anything.

  34. i agree. in fact, i was a little disappointed in sam's role on the whole. turns out he's nothing but a messenger and doesn't even have all the information... i thought he would be a much more relevant piece in the puzzle. unless, that is, he's fooled olivia and told her just what he needed to tell her...

  35. this episode was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm totally blown away. don't think i can make it till friday, i want the finale NOW!

  36. That's a fan created anagram. There's no actual proof from the producers that it was a dual title.

  37. it was actually in greek as said by Peter in 3x08 Entrada :)

  38. aha. Greek was my first thought but then I second-guessed myself. Thanks for the clarification though.

  39. yeahh thats true. maybe theres still more to him then we dont know.

  40. come don't be bringing down the show because YOU didn't understand what happened.
    god damn.

  41. I thoerized it was a lot of input in too little time for his mind. the "i'm going home" suggests that he remembers EVERYTHING about when he was taken from the other side, and I thought I could see Peter grow up in front of my eyes when he was talking to Walter and telling him he was confused. The fact that his life apparently "flashed before his eyes" tells me it was just momentary amnesia, as he got everything back. the thing about the coin still irks me though.

    As a shipper I've got to say I loved how, even though he didn't say it back, we're clearly shown just how much he loves Olivia back as almost every flashback was centered on his time with her.

  42. The statements above are not approved by the Office of the Dosemaster General.

  43. True, but I don't think there are any coincidences on FRINGE. I doubt the anagram escaped the creative team.... especially since they did in fact have a shameless twist in the episode.

  44. OH I would bet the kingdom we have not seen the end of Sam Weiss' involvement. I still have some sketchy feelings about him.

  45. That's how every mysterious character on Lost was. They show up and you think they have the answers to all of the mysteries, then after a couple seasons of buildup they tell you everything they know and you realize that they don't know that much after all and are almost as much in the dark as everyone else. Then they die. Except Sam didn't die like I was expecting him to in this episode, so I consider this a definite improvement, and this means that he'll be back next season!

    Anyway, fantastic episode! I was surprised at all the funny moments throughout given the overall serious tone of the episode. And I love, love, LOVE the callback to Olivia defusing the bomb by turning off the lights back in season one. I had just rewatched that episode about a week ago, and I was wondering if they were ever going to mention that ability of hers again. Also, I had been spoiled about Fringe going to the future in the finale, and so I was not surprised at all by the "shameless twist." But I am really excited that it happened this week, because Peter has now activated the machine AND traveled to the future, which were the two things I was expecting to happen NEXT week, meaning that I have no longer been spoiled and have no idea what is coming for the finale! Woohoo!

  46. I have a fear that having the time travel take place THIS week means that there is a possibility of a "reset button" being used at the end of next week.

    The well teased 'beloved character' could die in the first half and Peter could find a way back effectively reseting the entire thing. That would pair up with what Josh said in the tease about "by the end of the episode it won't matter who died", although that comment can mean many different things.....

    It seems like too cheap a ploy for FRINGE to use to me... so I have hope that it won't go down that way.

  47. one of the best episodes of the season

  48. This episode was epic. An amazing season finale and you still will have another one next week

  49. numbersarebad1 May 2011 at 19:56

    No! Not Astrid! She needs to be given a bigger role. She started out as an FBI agent and became a glorified babysitter for Walter. She needs a personal life too. She cares way too deeply for Peter/Walter/Olivia and not enough about herself.


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