Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Fringe - Episode 3.22 - The Day We Died - Promo

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Fringe - Episode 3.22 - The Day We Died - Promo

30 Apr 2011

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  1. I am going to LOVE this

  2. OMFG!!!!! This show rocks !!!!!!

  3. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:08

    I..I...I...I??? I just. I just don't know what to think. I'm speachless, and that is a feat. I cant WAIT!!! OMG!

    DO you think Henry drew that picture? ANd why is Olivia giving up on him??

  4. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:08

    this is amazing!

  5. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:10

    will season 4 be 15 years in the future??
    ps. that means Henry is 15!!
    and that drawing does not look like it was done by a fifteen year old

  6. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:11

    maybe its his and livs kid. and hes sad because he in the future has lost that family.

    uh oh.

    ps yellow badges!!

  7. Ten years at least, seeing as how the memorial said 2021.

  8. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:27

    but the promo says fifteen years later!!

  9. I'm speechless. I am without speech

  10. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:38

    lets just watch this for a fifth time or so because its just THAT AMAZING!

  11. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:39

    DAMN that scene where he touches the picture of the family on the frige after Olivia, says she wishes it was different, just breaks my heart every time.

  12. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 03:40

    its a GIRL, they have a girl.

  13. how can they expect me to wait for another week =.=

  14. Fringe opening, Fringe 1985 opening, Fringe alternate opening, now Fringe 2026 opening!

  15. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 04:11

    i know its crazy!!!!! i can't wait, they couldn't just do a two parter.

  16. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 04:12

    i love her hair short like that its great!!!

  17. In 2026, I'll be 35 years old.
    No more time jumping...I'm too young to witness my own middle aged issues.

  18. Huge Electric Shock knocks him out,comes out with possible memory loss but remembers things that aren't there(yet). When In the end peter goes to the Future due to the machine,anyone else get the feeling that he didn't have Memory loss & was having a Desmond Moment from Lost? seemed like possibly future peter due to the shock came back to past peter mentally for a little bit. This is all very Lost-ish plot, but backwards. Peter is Desmond from lost,think about it.

  19. I think he was just a bit confused, not an actual memory loss. Olivia was the reason he entered the machine [all the flashbacks and what not]. One thing I didnt understand was he seemed to remember they did meet when they were small too. If this is true then being knocked down actually triggered his memory. Just a thought.

  20. I meant before he went into the machine,from the time he came out of the Coma to when he made it to the Statue asking for Walternate. Once Walter & Olivia showed up he seemed to be back to normal. Just feels very Desmond like,he obviously isn't traveling to the future,his conscious is since he's in the body of future peter. I'm just saying its very Desmond like,as well as starting to seem like Lost all over again. Just this time the Alternate universe is actually an Alt Universe.

  21. I was wondering about that too! Why would they show that flashback of them as kids if he doesn't remember it? But yeah maybe the machine triggered his memory or Olivia interacting with the machine did. It's hard to say. Hopefully we'll find out.

  22. AHHH! Why do we have to wait another week?!

  23. i dont know but what I do know is that we ALL have to take some LSD hoping time will fly faster

  24. omg so the universes merged??

  25. he is probably with faux in this new universe

  26. So I wonder if next season will be about stopping Peter from ever going into the machine, or if that will be resolved in this last episode!

  27. Ok, went to bed, got back up. Can't stop thinking about tonights episode and just watched the promo again.
    Is it next Friday yet?

  28. Was that a lot of observers looking at the statue of liberty @ 5 secs?
    I wonder if were going to start season 4 in this future.

    On a silly not, this episode looks like its going to have some epic hair.

  29. I suggest you go back and watch the previous seasons, thats what I do after a mind blowing Fringe Episode :) hence why im still up this late lols

  30. Transcript it someone PLEEEASE!

  31. That's what getting my attention too , could the observers would like to correct the time ? or to revive Olivia ?

    God i don't know how i can watch the next episode .. how i can handle what will happen ... Peter's crying is just ....... out of word !

  32. Ok I might be wrong, but here is my take....First of all,we know someone is goin to die,a main character... a few days ago Joshua Jackson and John Noble did an interview and said that by the end of the episode it wont matter...and in this promo,at about 20 seconds Peter says: I have seen doomsday, and it is worse than anything you can possibly imagine....The whole episode will be in the future, with possibly Olivia dying, and by the end of the episode, Peter comes back from the future, and tells everyone the line at 20 sec,: I have seen doomsday, and it is worse than anything you can possibly even if main character does die(Olivia in this case) it wont matter by the end of the episode, because Peter comes back to the present, where she will still be alive... And it ties in with what Sam Weiss said that the machine doesnt destroy worlds, it saves them-Peter used the machine to go into the future to see what had to be avoided to save their world when he makes it back to the present :) sounds complicated,but i dont think it is :)

  33. Didn`t you hear Walternate: "You destroyed my universe son, I`m going to destroy yours."

    But I`d wait this last week to see what`s gonna happen. There`s too many options and not a decent clue about events in the finale.

  34. special_agent_dale_cooper30 April 2011 at 09:49

    totally agree with you

  35. wow..great theory!!The best i have heard so far!!!


  37. Sounds good. But the finale is supposed to end on a huge cliffhanger, which doesn't really tie in to this happy ending theory.

  38. Yeah, just wait as you said, I totally agree :), some theories presented here drive me mad :D

  39. I like what you are saying .. but am afraid it's not going to be like that ... the theory which i thinking of is ... Olivia will die .. Peter will be mad .... Olivia's daughter will look like her mother and Faux's son will look like his Father .. so we will have a new o-Olivia and a new P-Henry , brother and sister and will work together to fix what did happen .. the time is not right .

    Both Olivia and Peter will die ! and their daughter will take over as Henry will take over . I really don't like this theory !!!!! but it could be the new chapter for s4 .

    Who's telling Walternat that Olivia is responsible of what did happen ? so he is going to kill her .

  40. So they have a daughter--with red hair! For ever I had been argueing that Nina Sharp would be there daughter, but I had to drop it when it was revealed that Red Olivia had a if this reality is PAST 2021, then somehow Nina came back in time (which is fitting because Massive Dynamics logo is a shout out to "M" theory....I just wonder if Peter can course correct, or if he is just flashing through to get information about why everything is the way it is, but if he doesn't stay there long, then it appears that they may still exist and could be having a current effect on everything...

    There is NO henry in picture guys--he doesn't exist in this universe.IMo the 15 yrs in the future is misleading, because in order for Peter to go there, it has to already exist. The 2 towers also stand. 2021 plaque revealed anniversy. IMO this universe is a past parent universe--but depending on if Peter can do anything while he is there, and or if the universe survived, then there could still be another altering effect--especially if the the girl is Nina Sharp...

  41. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 13:38

    He said: "You destroyed my world, I'm going to destroy yours."

  42. There could be more to the pic then meets the eye---i speculated that "soul energy" --yellow energy is how all the advanced tech if you mix yellow and blue you get green, but if you mix red and yellow you get orange (amber) --the girls shirt is amber/orange.

  43. yes and he was locked away in prison

  44. Play that video one more time. I may not be an english native speaker but I`m not`s "You destroyed my universe son and I`m going to destroy yours."

    And btw I don`t see the point of discussing this

  45. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 14:01

    I'm not looking to argue, we are actually talking about the same thing.
    Your second quote was right, I thought you thought he said he was going to kill henry b/c he killed walternates version of himself for walternate. When theyare talking about universes not sons.

  46. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 14:02

    I think that it was our walter locked in prison and Walternate who but him in there...walternate is the one that threatens peter and so peter goes to our Walter in prison for help.

  47. That`s definition of insanity: doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

    To put it in the context: when someone makes a theory with practically no information and too many options and actually expects to make a good theory is impossible. And because Pinkner and Wyman promissed us a finale with a great twist that people won`t see it`s pointless and still a lot of people come up with bullshit.

    I had a theory almost a month ago when we`ve seen those BTS set photos from the 4th of april that the uniforms with the yellow Fringe devision logo are from the future and from our universe. And I was right while a lot of people saw everywhere some references to the third universe (the yellow one). I said that with this story line between the two universe it wouldn`t be right (it would be too soon) to introduce another reality. And coupe of days after that Pinkner and Wyman said they won`t be introducing the third universe in this season`s finale.

    I`m not saying I`m always right, I was wrong too many times in my life. But I try to make my theories based on what I think Fringe creators would do. Kinda like what`s possible in Fringe and not totally crazy?

    I just wait for one last theory of mine to be true or false. I said that I think this future is just one possibility of Peter using the device or just a glimpse to the future and how it would look like after using that device. But I may be wrong but I think it`s closer to the truth than many thing people write on different forums

  48. Well I meant it like: Henry can`t be 15 cause the other universe is gone. But I can`t know that for sure - Walternate got away

  49. Our Walter is the one who`s locked up and not Walternate. If you watched the sneak peek for the next episode you`d know it.

  50. SO the show will skip 15 years into the future??? AWESOME

    Henry will be 15, Ella will be like 23 or sth.

    And it seems like Walternate crossed over before his world went BOOM!

    Which means, MAYBE ALT-CHARLIE and ALT-LINCOLN CROSSED OVER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Friggin awesome if those too would become part of the main cast or at least often recurring (I mean, they DID start doubting their side, maybe they came over too. I'll be really sad if they were left behind :( !!! )

  51. I can see no way this episode can just be 45 minutes. It seems too much to handle with this time. Oh well, unfortunately i'm wrong

  52. A 2 hour finale would have been great :-( 45 mins will just end too soon :-/

  53. i think your theory makes perfect sense, except i cannot fathom what the cliffhanger will be...

  54. i like the way you think. maybe when he got shocked by the machine, the future peter sort of checked in for a second or sth and when Peter now stepped into the machine, Future Peter's consciousness went back to the Peter in the machine and our Peter's consciousness went to the future because that couldn't have been a physical travel. his clothes changed and the Fringe Division dude knew him. Otherwise he would've been disappeared for 15 years from the world's pov. And if Present-Peter's consciousness went to the Future Peter's body, it's pretty logical Future-Peter's consciousness had to go somewhere as well (i.e. Present-Peter's body).

    Also in the promo Peter says he has seen the doomsday and it is worse than anything he can imagine. Maybe that's Future Peter telling Olivia that in 2011.

    But we shall 1 week -.-

  55. I th nk it is neither Walters we know that was locked up in prison as the red and blue BOTH are repeating things that we see happen in this parent universe

    Blue Walter gets locked up because purple walter was locked up. Red Walter wants revenge because purple Walter wants revenge...Peter ends up having relationships with both Olivias because they are a manifestation of one lost...John Scott, Frank, and Lincol lee are/have been "filling in the role of Peter"

    In LSD Peter says this when he comes out of the trip
    "I lost her! I lost her! I have to go BACK!!!" --->Peter may have created the blue because something happened to the purple Olivia---the revenge of Walter for being put away...Brown Betty alluded that Peter steals the machine (the heart) from Walter and then he splits in 2! Purple broken down would be red and blue..Peter may have reset and incarnated the universe -created two offspring. ...just like this picture suggests he has a daughter and a now a son.

    course correction, like we saw in White Tulip, is insueing because the history of the parent universe is repeating (like DNA patterns, but the patterns can manfest and eventually something new should occur, like the fact that Peter has son instead of a daughter--the law of averged).

  56. the word "universe" could mean "life" and not necessarily any universe, but rather this Walter is saying you destroyed my life (you put me away in isolation), so now I am going to destry your life--by taking away something you care about.

  57. What's your opinion about this: The 2nd universe IS NOT a parallel universe, but the ancient culture who has been destroyed. We already know they were developed and smart, so why arent the producers playing with our mind, and there was never been 2 parallel universes. If my theory is correct, than our world won at the war, the other one destroyed, but Walternate succed to hide the pieces of the device before their world was gone. Billions years later, the nature created a society similar to the old one, and now it finds the ancient device that has been hidden, and think we should beat them. The same discoveries, The same Science and Technology, The same people, But much different.

  58. Except for the fact that they have stated there won't be a third universe atm and a parent universe would count as a third. I think just our walter and walternate will be appearing

  59. The two towers stand--so that only exists in the red universe--and Henry is not here. Olivia is also drawn with short blonde hair--not red...

    So either blue takes over the red universe, or this is not either universe, as this universe in any case should exist before ours as that is the only way Peter could go there. As mnay "futures" are alredy existing, as time is relative so that a future universe could be a past universe...and could be where and why our universes are the way they are--children of this universe.

  60. Fringe Division...09/11...Peter Bishop.

    Seems to me like the two universes merged in the future. And Walternate being who he is, smart and rich, will find a way to put our Walter in prison.

    Hold on...are we gonna see millions of doubles xD ?
    Anyway, I can't wait to see the point of this flash forward.

  61. special_agent_dale_cooper30 April 2011 at 15:47

    If you pause the preview for next weeks episode near the end(24 sec), you see a funeral at the lake see Peter and a coffin out to sea....Walter is clearly(you can make him out by the back of his head) there as is Peter and Broyles, and a person between broyles and peter with short hair(Astrid I assume)...which probably means Olivia dies...So i guess the theory is possible, not saying its true or isn't but that is some more evidence

  62. No the said they wouldn't "introduce" a NEW universe---if one already exists then they didn't lie.

  63. so did you not see the McCuthen Bottle in LSD pointing out the Charles Widmore--Desmond parallels??

  64. Perhaps you are just not full enough. (and I am a dudette)

  65. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 16:34

    right, and it wouldn't be the first time they told a white lie to protect us from getting completely spoiled! DarthLocke4, I like your idea its really creative. And I was thinking like you said he's going back to the purple because he messed up in the blue: I think because he had the baby with the wrong Olivia, thats why it was a boy and not the girl like in purple.

  66. Totallyaddicted00530 April 2011 at 16:34

    also why would the purple universe have YELLOW fringe badges?

  67. i'll be 40, probably not even halfway through my mortgage, sick of my boss, maybe with a preadolescent to deal with and in need of an expensive convertible to increase my debt and make up for the ugly truth that i'm not 20 anymore.... i hear you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  68. Guys,are you seeing what you write?!Lets put togheter every thing we know.Wyman and Pinkner said that thers not gonna be a third-verse,maybe they lied us,anyway Josh Jackson said in a interview few days ago that he can tell us how dies becouse when at the end of the ep it will dont matter anymore,so,when Peter is in the machine he will see the future and the Olivia dead will not matter anymore.But where is theh cliffhanger in this?Maybe Olivia is pregnat or Peter will go in the red-verse and kill Walternate or maybe will be something about the observers...P.S. sorry for my english,i think i have some mistakes

  69. I believe it will be Walter we will lose.

  70. could be (:

    if Violet Sedan Chair is a metaphor of the machine, then ultraviolet light (electromagnitism) could be a spectrum, but often times in science fiction is show as flashes of white, purple, and yellow light....

  71. that wasnt the twin towers. clearly said that building was built in dedication to september 11th 2001

  72. sorry people, but some of these theories are very crazy. This will be flashforward in our universe, Olivia will die here and what we see at the end is her funeral, It will be Peter´s task to reverse it, and this could be the storyline of 4th season... Yes it is truth, that some weeks ago I was disposed towards existence of 3th universe, but this is not gonna happen, not now... All of our questions will be reavelad next Friday... i have two, but I am looking forward to finale, and decided to stop theoretise

  73. No way!!!Some dudes found the script in Canada[where the tape fringe] and in the script olivia died.

  74. or it could of logically been supressed like when William Bell took over Olivia's body.. and Peters 2011 conciousness has been jumped into his 2026 future body. When he got shocked from the machine he thought he was from the Alternate Universe.

  75. Nah, then it'd be in cartoon again :P lets just jump into a doomsday machine

  76. The coffin burning at sea is all kind of chilling.

  77. thanks for the inof guys.

    I still think it's a past reality, primarily because of "White Tulip" display of course correction with manifestation--loss of origin....and because the lack of one Peter in the blue universe in conjunction to one "old" machine and one newly remade replica...


  79. I agree. I think the flashforward will show that destroying the red only leads to problems in the blue universe in the future and that they need to find another solution that isn't the machine

  80. Finally someone who actually gets it :-D. I love to make my own theories but some of these are just bullshit. What sane person who actually thinks about the show could tell that there`s gonna be a third universe (yellow, purple or that kind of crap...) just because they get some clue here and there and they get it wrong. Even writers said they won`t introduce the third reality in this season`s finale but here we go some theories include the third universe.

    My point is that if you think about it just for a second people...these two universes have a lot to deal with, they are in this shit together and there are some serious stuff between the characters that are not resolved. And yet you think that into the middle of that chaos would writers throw another reality even though the show is complicated as it is? Come on

    I remember one interview with Jeff Pinkner early in the season 2 in which he said they`re not going to bite more than they can chew. This was the answer to the question if they`re gonna introduce another reality. And they threw so much stuff into the show and between the two universes that it`s impossible (and crazy) to put there another reality cause it would be a huge mess and it would be hard to manage it and keep the audience on the track.

    I really hope you get my point.

  81. There are Desmond parallels but also some Jack references. "We have to go back." And, "This is what I was supposed to do." Just saying.

  82. Something's changing with Fringe. Not in a bad way, just changing. The whole tone is different. Haven't seen a monster in a while, for one thing.

  83. I suspect it's our Olivia and we will probably not see Fauxy again until next season.

  84. Does anyone feel kind of cheated??? It's been a great season going back between the universes and the plots have been a lot of fun, but we're just gonna jump to the future? I don't know what, but I hope something will be done to resolve some of this anxiety that I have for this show now (because of the last two minutes of 3x21 and this promo). I will not stop watching though.

  85. I don't think they'll stay in the future for long. If producing an alternate universe took a lot of money, then producing a futuristic universe will cost even more.

  86. Real1, I really like your idea about two children --possibly across space and time having a role to play in attempting to set things 'right'. It would be VERY Star Wars and IMO a really cool idea (:

  87. Except that even a flash forward is still another type of reality. If you watch" the road not taken" Walter explains that at ANY point in time when any decisions are made, can another 'future' "branch off" --This is why the Observers state in "the Firefly" that many futures are already happening and that they don't know "which one" is relative to either or red or blue realities, as evolution, even despite course correction, has to be able to variate at some point (this is called the law of averages--to many varibles that can cause changes at any given point)

    In addition for Peter to be able to travel there, the reality has to already be there. He can't travel to a place that doesn;t exist.

    In addition "White Tulip" shows us that the blue universe has some course correction, as Peck can not save Arlette no matter what he does, However, in each go around we do see the reality change in mild instances---but a big change does occur because 1. we see how an object can be created and passed on, but that it's origin disappears as there are no "memories" (recorded history) to prove to Walter and the Fringe team where the tulip derives. 2. Peck was able to eliminate his own existence in the timeline--which is a big deal--however, since we can not see the outcomes of the other alterations Peck made, we can not be sure if he were to die anyways. Peck also doesn't have a dopplehganger when he time travled back--he replaces himself--so the reality also doesn't allow for more than one "born" person in the blue reality to coexist with themselves within the time line. In order for these things to not be able to be changed does suggest that something with in the timeline is limiting the possibilities--it would make sense like DNA passed onto a child that universes could have strong traits from their parent(s).

    References with other popl culture that features "simulation hypothesis":

    "BACK to the future" --"Peter" and "The Firefly"
    "J.J. Abrams Star Trek" continuation --"The Road Not Taken"
    "Battlestar Galactica" and "Caprica" --"Subject 13" and "Stowaway".

  88. One last reference I think we should think about is from "Subject 13"
    " Winter's Tale" by Mark Helprin----

    from wiki:

    Winter's Tale is a 1983 novel by Mark Helprin. It takes place in a mythic New York City, markedly different than our own. It takes place mainly near the turn of the 20th century...

    New York City is subsumed in arctic winds, dark nights, and white lights, its life unfolds, for it is an extraordinary hive of the imagination, the greatest house ever built, and nothing exists that can check its vitality. One night in winter, Peter Lake—orphan and master-mechanic, attempts to rob a fortress-like mansion on the Upper West Side.

    Though he thinks the house is empty, the daughter of the house is home. Thus begins the love between Peter Lake, a middle-aged Irish burglar, and Beverly Penn, a young girl who is dying....

    Peter Lake, a simple, uneducated man who, because of a love which at first he does not fully understand, is driven to stop time and bring back the dead....

    While attempting to rob a house, Peter Lake meets Beverly Penn. They fall in love with each other. Beverly dies from consumption but never disappears from Peter's life, protecting him until the very end. His love for dying Beverly causes him to become obsessed with justice.

    In yet another escape from Pearly's men, both Peter Lake and the white horse crash into the cloud wall, disappearing in it for years. When Peter Lake emerges, years later, he no longer remembers who he is and is visibly no longer of this world, seeing and hearing things that nobody else can see or hear. One night, in a dream or a vision, he is carried on a tour of all the graves of the world, observing and remembering all the dead.

    In the apocalyptic chaos of burning New York, Peter Lake comes to full power, able to perform miracles. He sacrifices his life to resurrect a dead child and thus changes the world.

  89. the date on the memorial could be when it was inaugurated - september 11 2021 - which doesn't neccessarily means the year is 2021, as the promo says 15 years in the future so is 2026. i guess.

  90. Well my theory on the finale is that the future Peter sees is just one possible future what would happen.

    And when I think about it...any future is a type of reality. But this is a very complicated thing to do in a TV show. And I don`t think Pinkner and Wyman wanna make it that complicated. I hope it won`t be like LOST. When someone wanted to explain the show to people he`d need a paper and a pen and about an hour to talk about it to get through the time lines and that kind of things :-D.

    But I know one thing for sure. Yes they said that universes are splitting like two cells every time someone makes a choice, but if they showed every reality that split from that ours during those 3 seasons they wouldn`t be able to tell the story they wanted. And that`s why they won`t introduce another reality cause there`s too much going on between the two we have on the show right now.

    They have to make it simplier so they have to ignore these things (if they didn`t the show would be a mess and no one would watch it). The characters create another reality every day hundreds of times. But characters perceive the time as a linear thing from one point to another. So they show us only the reality the characters perceive. And remember this is just a show so it`s not a 100% true with the laws of physics.

  91. The kid in the drawing seems like a girl, because the hair is quite long, i think it is probably Peter and Olivia's child, but i just feel curious why he or she only hand with Peter but doesn't with Olivia???

  92. yes it could be a possible future, but only because it already exists and "white tulip", "august" and the "the last Sam Wiss" bring up 'course correction'---the writters have to get to a point where they can explain the entanglements and why there would be a limitation in not being able to change course, or how limitiations came to be, and/or find solution (like in August--variable exchanges) if one is needed to survive.

    IMO it is now like LOST. The stories in season 3 have heavily mirrored and played on their own personal relationships and they have been pushing for immortality and fate. There's no going back now. I think the show runners recantly have expressed that show is for serious fans now.
    We have left episodic formats to engage in the bigger picture and how these people fit into it.

    Lost in a paragraph.

    Lost is about people who come to terms with the meaning of their lives through new and old relationships forged by fate on a mysterious Island. The Island houses multiple electromagnetic pockets, some infuesd with water, can be used to indues life extensional properties such as various types of time and space travel, non aging, healing fatel wounds, and dealing with a personified pocket, the smoke monster, whom pushes them to confront themselves more than other forces at work, as he threatens to leave and destroy the Island, which could destroy "hope" for humanity. The biggest pocket, which has been contiously protected, the heart of the Island, is a pocket connected to many other pockets, houses memory and all essence, as this also keeps an astral plane in which usually upon death, people transition between the beginning to see/experience their next corporeal life, but not being able to move into it with out letting go of the memories from the past life. For a specific group primiarly plane crash survivors, and with the exception of John Locke, never came to the Island to expose it's secrets, which is why they have reached a point in this past life time in which moving on for them will mean a happier life with out direct contact with the island. With out the Island humanity couldn't get other chances to spiritually move forward and continue to forge deep relationships, while also working on ourselves.

  93. Totallyaddicted0051 May 2011 at 15:31

    i know really, it took me a while to realize what they are doing, but now i see it. if anything, it is a HUGE LOST shout out as well. Man, I"m going to be so sad if it is OurOlivia, and they don't find a way to reverse it for season 4!!

  94. fringetorvfan1 May 2011 at 15:39

    i don't know, the picture in the drawing looks like a girl, not a boy. plus, 15 years in the future the child would be 15, unless they held on to the picture for a really, really long time.

  95. fringetorvfan1 May 2011 at 15:43

    i am pretty sure he said he wouldn't introduce a third universe. plus, it is in the future, he states i have seen what doomsday looks like . . . meaning he has been in the future. I do believe this is just the future of the original universe.

  96. Except that it's almost exactly like the s1 episode of Dollhouse, I LOVE it!

  97. right at the end of the episode, just a couple of seconds left, without realizing it was about to end, i was like " where is the rest of chapter?" lol

  98. I think Walternate is referring to Olivia when he says "Universe".
    We know that Walternate kills Olivia, and Peter loves Olivia, it's his "Universe".

  99. OMG!!!!!!! Is it Friday yet?

  100. Yes, if it's 15 years past now, that means it's 2026. 2021 comes *before* 2026.

  101. you are not understanding that the setting for the show right now is not the current year. Just because this season is in 2010-2011 doesnt mean the setting in the show is going to be the same.

  102. It's Olivia in the future. Everyone who's seen the promo pics from a couple of weeks back knows it's her. The thing is, her death is clearly not the major point or twist of the episode, because they've given it away. So it must be something relating to that, something that leads to that, or something that comes from that [in addition to having to stop her death, of course].

    Plus, in the promo, you can see that Peter is the one that sets her coffin on fire and sends it off into the water. If Walter's alive, who else would he have to fulfil that duty for?


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