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Fringe 3.20 - 6:02 AM EST - Review

25 Apr 2011

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Fringe 3x20: In Which Walter Cooks Naked on Tuesdays and Our Universe Faces Imminent Destruction

This week’s episode marked the beginning of the end for both our universe and the third season of Fringe. The episode laid the foundation for the next two undoubtedly action-packed, heart-stopping instalments. ‘6:02 AM EST’ had a couple of heart-stopping moments of its own. We returned to the ‘Entrada-esque’ narrative which flipped back and forth between Ourverse and the Altverse, where Walternate was up to no good.


Now, I am become Death – Walternate’s plan was finally revealed in full. In short, he sent Altliv ‘Over Here’ to steal the last piece of tech required to assemble The Machine ‘Over There’ and also to encourage Peter to begin working on assembling The Machine. Fate then seemed to smile upon him when Altlivia discovered she was to be Peter’s baby-mama. So, Walternate, ever the caring granddaddy, accelerated Altlivia’s pregnancy, not it seems for the sake of the baby, but to isolate Peter’s DNA within the child which would ultimately allow him to activate The Machine on our side via quantum entanglement. Which brings us back to this week’s episode...

And while Brandonate was all “Yay! I’m proud to be part of a project that kills billions of people and saves our universe!” Walternate was more sombre, understanding the weight of the sacrifice, the weight of the devastation he was about to cause. I thought that quoting Oppenheimer was both poignant and telling. Walternate is conscious of the sin, he knows what The Machine will do, yet to save the billions of people on his side, he will kill the billions on ours. “We destroy their world to save ours. May God have mercy on us.” I believe that Walternate truly believes that his way is the only way, making him a tragic figure. Still, that does not give him the authority to decide the fate of our universe.

Early Morning at the Bishops' – Naked Walter is not really something one wants to encounter early in the morning. Naked Walter is not really something one wants to encounter at all if possible. Unfortunately for Olivia, Naked! Walter is exactly who she encountered while sneaking out of her boyfriend’s bed at 6:25am. This scene was absolute gold, from Olivia’s ‘OMG where do I look?!/OMG I’m wearing only a shirt!!/OMG he’s wearing nothing!!’ expressions, to Walter’s complete nonchalance. Then she goes back to bed aka Cutesville where she and Peter make with the snugglies in the early morning sunlight. And I could practically imagine Wynkner saying, “Look how cute they are, guys. Look how happy they are. Look how much it’s going to hurt when we tear your hearts out.” This really was the calm before the storm.

The Beginning of the End – The scenes that followed filled me with a profound sense of dread. A vortex appearing in our world, the arrival of ‘the blight’, events increasing exponentially. Walter realising that The Machine was being activated via quantum entanglement was interesting as the team wondered how on earth Walternate could power it without Peter, of course not knowing that Peter Jr. solved that problem. I was glad to see Olivia put her ‘Over There’ knowledge to good use as she worked to develop the early warning system. So she went off to New York, but not before she and Peter exchanged “I love yous” with their eyes, which gave me the feeling that this was the last time they would see each other, for a while anyway.

Meanwhile in Altverse… - We got the picture of motherhood with Altlivia pushing baby Henry (who else cheered when the little nugget’s name was announced?) in his carriage when she got a message on her rather retro beeper. Altliv figured out that the Secretary had something to do with the alarmingly high energy surges on Liberty Island and decided to confront him - and thus begins Altlivia’s redemption arc. For the first time since her introduction, we got to see Olivia Dunham’s alternate stand up to authority and really become a badass on her own terms.

I believe it was important to show her standing up to Walternate, the one man who had in essence been pulling her strings all season. To see her actively rebel did more for her in terms of redemption than the baby arc could ever hope to achieve. It was important to us, as viewers to finally see Altlivia as a person with ideals and personal morals beyond those of the state. It was important for us to see that she was indeed affected by her time ‘Over Here’. And, in in that last moment with her sitting in that cell, sneering at the Secretary, she was more like our Olivia Dunham that she ever was while wearing her clothes or sleeping in her bed.

I think it was interesting that Walternate chose to mention the sacrifice of the son, which of course is one of the pervasive themes in the show. Altlivia was prepared to leave little Henry behind if it meant that she could bring Peter back. In a similar vein, Walter was finally ready to let go of his son…

Peter and The Machine – So Peter decided to embrace his so-called fate and enter The Machine in attempt to turn it off. I don’t know if this was the best idea. Personally, I would have tried to encase the thing in amber before getting in there barefoot, but hey. The plot did allow for some of the most heart-wrenching moments this season has delivered, including a very rare and touching moment between Walter and Broyles and a sweet hug between Astrid and Peter. But as always, the tears were saved for father and son. Walter’s reluctant acceptance of Peter’s decision and his final willingness to let him go was beautifully played out by both John Noble and Joshua Jackson.

As it turned out however, The Machine was not quite as friendly towards Peter as it was the last time they met. One touch and Peter was literally knocked off his feet. Yet despite the tremendous fall, his brain function was fine - doctors just couldn’t wake him up. I doubt the electric touch left him unaffected though. Something tells me that whatever is happening to Peter as he lies in that hospital bed is connected to The Machine.

All the Awards – John Noble continually blows me away with his gut-wrenching performances. His moment in the chapel really sold Walter’s despair and the depth of his remorse. I cannot stress enough how much I hope the cast and crew get recognised for their work this season.

Chasing the Weiss Rabbit – So Olivia met with Nina who told her that the universes were not playing fair because Sam Weiss told her that if Olivia and Peter made with the snugglies then everything would be just fine. Olivia understandably disturbed by the fact that Nina and Sam were discussing her love life decided to find Weiss and get answers.

The first few scenes saw Sam Weiss frown over two bowling balls, the red one impinging on the blue. Seemingly troubled by this omen, he unlocked a secret cupboard and retrieved a Newton’s Cradle which, after a few seconds, began to swing spontaneously, suggesting imbalance. Later, Sam was peering through what looked like a window to the other side and furiously scribbling down a mathematical equation, the result he got was an ominous 0.

By the time he reached Olivia, my assumption was that Sam Weiss is genuinely concerned for the state of our universe. Whatever is happening definitely seems to trouble him, which suggests that he is not maliciously planning the end of all humanity, which suggests that perhaps he is not all bad, which suggests that just maybe Olivia can trust Sam Weiss after all.


What About Mr X: I was expecting to get some reference to last week’s rather abrupt ending in which Olivia rather casually mentioned the man who she thought might kill her. I understand that the plot has to move along swiftly, but it seems strange that such a huge revelation would be swept under the rug.

Brandonate: He of the beady eyes and baby-teeth. As long as this character is in an episode, he will find himself on this side of the review. I find his presence more and more grating. He seemed even more obnoxious in this episode, particularly when he assumed he was important enough to stay in Walternate’s office before Olivia entered. While being knocked out by Altlivia was certainly a treat for me, I look forward to the day that he meets a more grisly end.


As a lead-in to the finale, I thought this episode did very well. I imagine it will only get crazier from this point onwards so hold on to your oxygen because I have a feeling breathing might become difficult in the next two weeks.


9.0 Newton’s Cradles


  1. Couldn't agree with you more on the performances this season. If Noble doesn't win something I am going to be greatly disheartened.

  2. Your reviews are beautifully written completely with images and pictorial ratings at the bottom. You also bring up some key ideas that I never thought of. Keep it up man!

  3. Best recap I've ever read. My thoughts: 1. I did cheer when I heard the baby's name. Way more charming than "Peter, Jr." 2. I'm glad to see some appreciation for Joshua Jackson's acting. He has been excellent throughout the series, easily keeping up with his castmates. 3. Speaking of acting, Torv's reaction to Walter's birthday suit was priceless 4. Mention of "sacrifice of the son" was weirdly moving to me because I had just come from a Good Friday service, as is probably true of many of the viewers. Wonder why the execs did not choose this as a Friday off instead of the Friday of a few weeks ago. 5. This is the second time we've heard Anna Torv sing. Would everyone hate me if I suggest she stick to acting? 6. "Chasing the Weiss rabbit." Good one :). Makes me think of Lost. That's happening a lot through this series, as tonight, for example, with Peter's "This is what I was meant to do" (or something like that). I expected him to follow that with, "This is my destiny." My grade for the episode: awesome.

  4. Thank you for such a wonderful review!

  5. Thanks for this review, excellent as usual ;)
    This episode was amazing, but that would have been great to have more answers to the mysteries of the show, instead of other mysteries... :/
    I was quite sure that AltLivia would name her baby Henry, that's so meaningful for both Olivias ! :)
    I don't know if we can really trust in Sam Weiss ( " where will you be" and the secret sentence at the end lol ) , despite of what Nina tells to Olivia... wait and see !
    The scene at the church with Walter was truly moving, perfectly played by John Noble =)
    I also loved the scene when AltLivia is trying to escape and to go to the other side to bring Peter back, I really believed that she could achieve, but she didn't... and then she's in her cell, just like Olivia was in the past... great scene
    I'll finish with the best part of the episode ( IMO of course ) ; that's also the funniest : when Olivia meets naked Walter that was so funny =D
    I really can't wait to see the two last episodes of the season, and I hope we'll have answers to all the things we're wondering ! The finale is gonna be so AWESOME :P

  6. Great review. Just for the record, I think Walternate says "Now I have become death" not "I am become death".

  7. Thanks! I know, but the original quotation from the Bhagavad Gita is "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." So, I was quoting the original :)

  8. wow ! great review thanks

  9. Great review as always! Your pictures always look so much sharper than mine :P

    Totally agree about Mr. X and Brandate... Love the 'Chasing the Weiss Rabbit'

  10. Thanks! Off to read yours now!

    As for the pictures - a little bit of Photoshop does wonders ;)

  11. well we do not if there was Oppenheimer in the Altverse.
    May be Walternate is Alt-Oppenheimer

  12. Actually, Walternate says in the beginning of the episode, "Oppenheimer saved us too, but at what cost?" So I think it's safe to say that the Altverse has a similar WWII history.

  13. thanx, i somehow missed it, shame on me)

  14. thanx, i somehow missed it, shame on me)

  15. No problem :)

  16. Nobles performances have been steller! --But I also noticed red Olivia having a slip of Bellivia,---and since it would be easy to get a differant take, and since both Olivias speech was normal until this one part, I am asuming it's intentional and may have to wonder if Bell has left information behind in their conscience, and or if he can become a big influence?

    I def think I could purple-ultra violet color scheams (which is why I believe that there is a parent universe that is purple and that violet sedan chair is a parady to the machine/tech of the First People)
    And so I still think something Desmond-eque is coming (some type of time travel and/or something dealing with memory sensory) -Granted if someone could time travel to the times of the first people and or they are time travelers could induce blue and yellow (since I believe yellow is soul energy and the how the first people's tech is possible (think "HEART" of the island), then we could eventually go "green"

    I agree that not seeing Mr. X is a little dissapointing, however I think a reveal is coming...and if I am right about quantum entanglements and that the blue and red are manifestations of the purple, with the red being more like the parental universe (red machine activates first/Red Peter survives adulhood---as purple peter might have already been an adult in the blue, hence the blue not being able to survive-course correction), then Mr. X coud be seen in more than one timeline and/or his role could manifest onto another person, since law of averages would indicated variation must occur eventually.

    For reasons I really can't say, I think the Transformation with LSD shows this variation as Peter now mirrors John Scott---except that Peter could be astral projected prior to shared conscience---so we think!--But both are proving them selve to her in a dream scape/projections ans both might end up being sacraficed...I also went looking up some info on the possible meanings of Mr. X's shirt--my post is alreday too long so I will just post the link to the forum thread...

    and will leave you with a symbol...


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