Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Raising Hope - Episode 1.09 - Meet the Grandparents - Recap

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Raising Hope - Episode 1.09 - Meet the Grandparents - Recap

25 Nov 2010

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Jimmy asks Sabrina, "What's Thursday?"

It's Thanksgiving Day, a time for family to gather around for dinner. This gives Jimmy the idea to start a family tradition for Hope, by inviting Hope's other grandparents to Thanksgiving dinner.

Virginia is against the idea just because their daughter Lucy was a serial killer. Jimmy has made up his mind and goes to invite them anyway.

Well. It turns out that they are more disfunctional than the Chances. There is Dr. Dale, who is a psychologist (Greg Germann) and Margine (Valerie MaHaffey) who is still coping with Lucy issues. Dale explains that he is also her therapist.

Meanwhile, Maw Maw is in one of her phases. She ruined the dinner because it reminded her of working food services at Woolworths back in the 1940s. Out of desperation, Jimmy calls his boss Barney (Gregg Binkley) to let him get what he need at the grocery store. Instead Barney decides to come over and cook them Thanksgiving dinner. Maw Maw isn't happy about this either, so Jimmy asks his friends to keep an eye on her.

With dinner in progress, Jimmy discovers that Dale and Margine had swipe the baby. Jimmy, Burt and Virginia rush over to Dale and Margine's house to take back Hope. Virginia wacks Margine on the back of the head with a TV, just like she did to Lucy when they called the cops on her.

They go home with the baby to find Shelley singing to Maw Maw. Jimmy's friends called her to rescue them from his great-grandmother.

Dale and Margine show up to apologise and then stay for dinner. Before Burt finish saying grace, they try to steal the baby again. This time Jimmy has them arrested.

Who needs family like those anyways. Hope already have all the love she needs from Jimmy's friends and his own disfunctional family. Jimmy starts a new family tradition and they all sit back and watch the turkey blow up.

Best moment: Using the coffin they bought for Maw Maw as a dinner table. It was the biggest thing they got that could seat more people. They set it on crates and cover it with a table cloth, hoping no one will notice.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved the random excited deaf girl at the grocery store.


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