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The Event - Current Events - Episode 1.06 - Recap

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“Oh, my!” says George Takei. What a lot to ponder from this weeks episode. Let’s go!

Walk like an Angel

Simon remarks that he is far from an angel, The seems to imply fallen angels. As mentioned previously, this is interesting.
From The origin of the term lies in the Hebrew word for "giant". The Hebrew word translated as "giants" here is nephilim, a plural, which itself derives from the root word Naphal, which means to fall.[improper synthesis?] The apocryphal Book of Enoch explains that a group of rebellious angels "left their first estate" (heaven, or the sky) and came down (fell) to Earth to marry human women and have children with them. Jude makes mention of these angels in the New Testament:

Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. ”

Due to the disastrous results of this forbidden intermingling, many have come to view the word "fallen" as denoting a fall from grace, though it seems that the original meaning was simply to descend from the heavens.

Duck and Cover

Interesting that Thomas is wearing a black shirt and Simon a white shirt during their meeting in 1954. Makes you wonder if he was behind several key events of that same year. He could care less what we use atomic power and only cares about use for his people.

1954 – nautilus submarine, first nuclear sub, launches. Hydrogen bomb tested. The world's first atomic power station opens at Obninsk, near Moscow. Maiden flight of 367-80, the prototype for the 707 (first passenger jet, major innovation in transportation). USSR test nuclear weapon. First transiter radio. In Sylacauga, Alabama, a four kilogram piece of the Hodges Meteorite crashes through the roof of a house and badly bruises a napping woman, in the first documented case of an object from outer space hitting a person. Finally, Oprah was born that year as was john Travolta. Draw your own conclusions. Yeah, I went there.

Interesting that Simon was known as Mason. Another subtle reference towards where the conspiracy is headed? Seriously long dissertation to be done on this angle if it continues.

Weird Science
Sunflower fact: The florets within the sunflower's cluster are arranged in a spiral pattern. Typically each floret is oriented toward the next by approximately the golden angle, 137.5°, producing a pattern of interconnecting spirals where the number of left spirals and the number of right spirals are successive Fibonacci numbers. Guess what else, golden ratio can be found in pyramids. How much has been written about alien influence on construction of pyramids. Bottom line, scientific reference.
Also, great painting by Van Gogh ( There was a great episode of Dr. Who in which it is revealed that he could see a certain alien.

Aliens, Aliens, everywhere Aliens and not a Ripley anywhere…..
Ok, we are being hit over the head, yeah, they are aliens. On the other hand, what if they are simply from a time where water is an issue as Simon alluded. I am not convinced this is the case since they seem to be going out of their way to say they are yet I do not beLIEve.

Speculation – Dempsey (Hal Holbrook) is an old rich guy that wants to live longer. What better way than to get his hands on the prisoners and examine their DNA for the blueprint of long living. Leads to another tangent, the long lived of the early folks in the Bible, i.e. Methuselah. Don’t forget, Adam is the name of Vickey’s “son.” Is he the first of a new line of long-living humans?

And the coincidences keep on coming:

Once again, Sean was quite the agent, getting John Locke’s mom (look it up) to lose the gun. So she has seen the light. Wonder if she is supposed to be Truthseeker 5314 of blog fame.

Leila’s insistence on going with Sean; concern for the family, true love, or to keep an eye on Sean. Where did Leila’s change of clothes come from? How did they get from Texas to Georgia without being caught? Magic school bus/truck?

Perhaps Michael Buchanan flew international to fulfill assignments of the shadow organization that Vickey worked for. I use past tense since she probably involuntarily quit based on her actions in Texas.

Fun stuff:

Shout out to the X-Files, episode 17, E.B.E. Extra-terrestrial biological entities. My favorite characters, the Lone Gunmen, introduced.
There were 43 signals to follow, rather than just Sophia. Prisoner 42 had 42 false readings.
Why doesn’t a dog like Sophia? Reminiscent of dogs in Terminator disliking a certain time-traveler from the future that promised to be back.

An interesting movie to check out is Identity. Something to ponder.

I know this isn’t as deep and long as other write-ups but my goal is to provide fodder for discussion. Hope you enjoy.

As always, I can be found on twitter @iowa_card. I will try to respond quickly but life happens.

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