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Smallville - Episode 10.05 - Isis - Recap

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Hello everyone, I've recently re-joined the recap team after a long absence, and hope to post more than 1 article this time :P You'll be seeing alot of me. Anyway, no better way to come back than recap one of my favorite shows, Smallville! So let's begin:

"Hey Clark, you were Blurrific"

Although i'm starting now, I want to do a quick summary of the first 4 eppies: Lois knows Clark's secret, A dark force is walking the earth (Or flying and possesing), Clark had a temporary annoying partner called Cat, Lois was in Egypt for a while (BTW, that part where the necklace falls in Lois's bag was NOT in Shield...editing mistake? maybe), Oliver revealed himself as Green Arrow (Tony Stark is preparing the law suit), and Tess plays Mommy with Lex's little boy clone. Oh, and Clark saw his future dorky self, which made him decide that he's gonna tell Lois his secret....Anything else? Don't think so. To the episode!

We start with Oliver preparing some show in the Metropolis Museum. Now, I really didn't care for Oliver since this season began. All he did was whine about Chloe. I know its expected of him, but it gets old after a while. This episode began with one the things I think Oliver needs more of to return to his former self- Scenes with Tess. Sure, he's all cool and hero-y with Clark, but he also needs some time with the ladies, and since his GF's gone and he's not really talking to Lois now adays, this scenes with Tess are really nice to see, with them trading sarcastic banter.
"If only you still were the same guy Chloe fell for, and not a caricature of him". You tell him, Tess! We want good ol' Ollie back.

Meanwhile, Lois is also preparing for said show (Anyone who thinks Lois should wear a toga for the rest of the season, raise your hand!). While Clark plans to tell her his secret, she rehearses telling him she knows about it, with some amusing lines. Pan down to her purse, where evil necklace begins to glow and...


(Sidenote- I really like this season's opening. Both nostalgic and new. Great job, guys!)

"My new favorite cereal"

Finally we see Clark, and he tells Ollie about his secret-revealing plans. Clark's thoughts that Ollie's gonna talk him out if backfire after he encourages him to do so, because his reveal got him lots of public love.

Transport to the Planet. Clark&Lois share an akward doughnut talk, but before they can say anything else...THE CAT RETURNS. She starts blabbing away and noting Lois on her style. "You should see what's under the jacket". Clark's facial reaction to the line was priceless. I love how Lois is so mean to Cat, even though she never met her before, only heard about what happened when she was away.

Anyway, Clark invites Lois to a meeting on the roof. She arrives first, and discovers the necklace is in her bag. She picks it up, a cool firey effect, and HELLO ISIS. Clark arrives, and admires her new look. And then he drops the B-bomb. "That is of no importance to me". OUCH. I was annoyed that Clark didn't get something was up by her weird speech. Hello, you've been with her for 6 years, and you gotta wait till she friggin flies away to realize something's wrong with her?

Clark goes to Oliver, and suggests they bring in Tess, but Ollie is skeptical. "No one can do what Chloe did". Newsflash, leatherboy, yes they can! It's called hacking! Enough with the Chloe-whining. Anyway, Ollie tells Clark the story of the god couple Isis and Osiris. I had a funny callback to Rabid when Oliver said Isis can raise the undead. Bet Clark was thinking "Zombies again? not good".

After that, Cat sees LoIsis robbing something and almost pays for it with her life, but is saved by Clark. We see some shrink wanting to take little Lex to observation (I don't really care for the Tess&Lex subplot at the moment..). Then Cat shows up (This is like the THIRD time or something she accepts weird stuff. First Clark saving her from the explosion in Shield, now he super-takes her away..AND SHE ACCEPTS IT! Bet ya Clark can lift a tank right infront of her, and she would just go "Wow, you're strong"...Ugh, stupid woman) and tells Tess that LoIsis is the Blur. Now, this is a big moment people, are you ready? TESS LAUGHS. I know. When was the last time that happened? Did it ever happen? Either way, it was refreshing.

Here comes the sun

Tess goes to Oliver (while talking to him on the phone while she's a mile from his office, but hey, they're billionares. Who cares, right?) and warns him and Clark about Cat's suspicions, and after a little tip from her, they go to put Isis back in the necklace.

Clark goes to the museum, and he and LoIsis have a chitchat about love. She decides to use his heart to resurrect her army of the underworld. Now this part kinda confused me- In the ep they showed Clark tied with glowing ropes, yet in the promo the ropes were green. When I watched the promo, I though it was some kind of kryptonite ropes, and that's why he can't break free, but it appears I was wrong. Anyway, Ollie comes to the rescue (After hillariously locking Cat in a tomb. He lifted her like she was a mannequin). He also has a talk withLoIsis, including witty comebacks. This scene, along wit the entire episode, made me hope even more that Ollie will stay on the right track this ep put him back on.

Ollie distracts LoIsis long enough for Clark to break free, and tells him Isis can be killed if sunlight shines through the necklace. Clark got that covered after a nice heat-vision effect (Anyone else finds it a bit creepy that his heat-vision is as powerful as the sun? this means Zod could've turned Tess into a puddle in S9). Lois get anti-possesed, and of course, remembers nothing.

Satanic what-now?

Clark and Oliver accept Tess in their team, making her Watchtower 2.0. Tess is so honored she tears up (Love the many emotions she shows). She decides not to send little Lex to observation, and keep playing Mother&Son.

Meanwhile at the planet, Cat stabs Lois with a pen right in the palm. Now i'm sure this chick is psychotic. Lois is about to start a Cat-fight (See what I did there?) but Clark probably saves Cat's life by interrupting. Cat tries to prove Clark that Lois was "conducting satanic S-E-X rituals", but her phone mysteriously breaks (Don't you hate when that happens?)

Clark and Lois have the usual end-of-the-ep-emotional-talk, but this time....*drumralls* "I'm the Blur". YES! Clark finally drops the B-bomb, but this time he doesn't turn back time and Lois isn't possesed. She tells him She already knew, and they proceed to cuddle on a...stack of papers. AWWWW.

Well, that's all, folks. Hope you enjoyed reading. See you soon!

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