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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

The Walking Dead - Episode 1.01 - Days Gone Bye - Recap

Mattv here with another set of recaps for a show that is very close to my heart. The Walking Dead is one of my favorite comic books and at first I was worried about the tv show staying truthful to the comic book, but after tonight I am not worried. Onward with the recap!:

The episode starts off with our new hero Rick Grimes as he scours a gas station for fuel. We can see that this station has been significantly roughed up thanks to the zombie-pocolypse and a nifty little sign informs Rick that there is no fuel. Rick is upset until he sees a little girl with her teddy bear. Finally another person in this crazy zombie Georgia! Well unfortunately for Rick this is a zombie little girl and as soon as she turns around and shows him her zombie face she is also running towards him to eat his flesh. It is right at this moment that we realize two very important things about AMC’s new original: 1. That the focus is going to be on the characters reacting realistically and emotionally to the crazy world around them and 2. That AMC is not pulling any punches when it comes to violence. Zombie girl’s head gets ‘ploded and we see it all. And cue the intro music…

Once the intro is over we flash back to pre-zombie-clypse era Georgia where good cop Rick is eating and talking with his partner and friend, Shane. Rick asks Shane what the difference is between a man and a women and goes on to talk a little bit about himself and his life Lori. It turns out things are a little heated in the Grimes household and Lori has no problem belittling Rick in front of their young son Carl, something Rick asserts a man would never do. This introspection is cut short when over the radio the officers hear of a high-speed chase heading their way. Time to throw away the burgers! Once a perimeter is set up we get a nice look at Rick’s weapon of choice, a magnum revolver. This gun is super nice looking and even though Rick doesn’t know it yet, will be used a lot during this episode. The bad guys come barreling down the highway and are run off the road/flipped over courtesy of police spikes. After the procedural “put your hands in the air!” fails Rick and the other officers start shooting and seemingly get all of them. Rick even gets shot by one of them, but is saved thanks to his bulletproof vest. Unfortunately right when Rick looks away another bad guy comes out of the car and shoots him right in the mid-shoulder region, where unfortunately for Rick, he is not so covered by his vest. Shane dispatches the bad guy and tells Rick to hold on as he starts to bleed out and lose consciousness….

Cut to a little while later… In a 28 days later style Rick gasps for breath and wakes up to find himself in a seemingly deserted hospital. His calls for nurse go unanswered and he is forced to yank out all of his IV’s and tubes attached to him. Thankfully AMC wisely choose to show us violence and not nudity, because we don’t have to watch as Rick takes out his catheter. Naturally Rick is a little weak thanks to the ole drug induced coma and he is very confused when he makes it out of his room, only to find that the rest of the hospital is empty and has been ransacked. In a very creepy scene Rick walks towards a door with the words, “Do not enter. Dead inside”, written on them as the overhead lights flicker on and off. A zombie hand reaches out towards Rick before he wisely runs out of the hospital and down the stairs to the parking lot, only to discovery rows of dead bodies with white sheets over them. Some of them even appear to have been shot in the head, after they were covered by the sheet. Rick continues his walk towards his house and runs across a zombie lovingly known in the comic as, “Bicycle Girl”. She is missing the lower portion of her body and slowly crawls towards Rick, which terrifies him. Rick takes her bicycle and rides off in terror…

The next stop on the disbelief tour is Rick’s house, which has also been ransacked and broken into. Rick screams with tears in his eyes as he realizes that his wife and son may be in grave danger, or worse, dead. Rick walks outside to collect his thoughts and is greeted by an incredibly strange sight. A dead or very sick looking person is casually walking down his street. Rick calls out to him, but to no response. Rick, meet the walking dead. Walking dead, meet Rick Grimes. No sooner does Rick stand in disbelief, as he is wacked over the head with a shovel, thanks to little Duane Jones. Bloody, Rick looks up and asks him if he is his son Carl, and Duane starts to freak out, realizing that he may have just killed someone who was not a zombie. Bang! Right out of nowhere Duane’s father, Morgan Jones, shoots the walker Rick saw moments ago in the head and helps his son carry Rick off to the house they are staying in nearby. The gunshot will soon attract other walkers looking for a tasty meal..

Rick wakes up to find himself tied up to a bed, shirtless, and next to Morgan and Duane who want to question him. Rick explains to them that he is looking for his wife and son and that they probably would have headed into the city if something were wrong. Morgan is a little hesitant and tells Rick that there is no way that they could be in the city because the city is full of zombies and very unsafe for humans. If they are alive they are probably somewhere on the outskirts of the city. While he is tied up Morgan gives Rick a brief history lesson on the walking dead and how he they operate. The one that Rick saw before Morgan shot it was a walker and they are attracted by sound. They are pretty slow but deadly in large groups. He tells Rick that he should only shoot them if he absolutely has too, and that a blunt object will do the trick as well. During their conversation we hear a car alarm go off and Morgan instructs Duane to lock the doors and windows and hide. A zombie most likely ran into the car and set it off, but the noise will most definitely attract more zombies who might see their house. Later in the right the door starts to open and we find out that Morgan has been keeping a secret from us. We see that the zombie outside is an African American woman who looks strikingly familiar to a picture that Duane has and that Zombies will try and return to places that were familiar to them as humans. It seems that Morgan is having a hard time thinking of his wife as no longer his wife and an even harder time killing her to put her out of her misery. Luckily she is distracted by another noise before she can try to open the door anymore…

The next morning Rick is untied from the bed and tells Morgan that he knows a place that still has electricity and a stockpile of guns and ammo, Rick’s police office. The three finally reach there and after turning on the generator rick is reunited with his lovely magnum, along with many other rifles, handguns, and shotguns. Rick tells Morgan to take as much as he can carry and tells Duane that he can take a gun also, but that he has to listen to his father and be extra safe with it. Sufficiently stuffed they head outside and find two gassed up police cruisers with working radios. They also find one of Rick’s fellow officers who has been zombie-fied. Rick takes care of him with a swift shot to the forehead and once again we are reminded of how much violence AMC is willing to show. Rick takes one of the cruisers and tells Morgan that he is heading to Atlanta to find Lori and Carl. The two depart and Rick is on the road again!

After shooting the zombie girl we see Rick driving towards Atlanta on the barren highway and calling out for help on the radio. Unfortunately Rick hangs up before Amy can pick up on the other line and tell him that she is part of a survivor group and that the city is dangerous. Another survivor comes over to find out who was on the radio and it turns out to be…Lori! Yep Lori, Carl, and even Shane are all safe and sound with about half a dozen other survivors living in tents on the outskirts of town. We soon find out that things are not quite as they appear when Shane goes to comfort an upset Lori and they engage in a passionate kiss. It seems Shane has used Rick’s MIA status to his own advantage…

Back at the Morgan house, Morgan tells Duane to go downstairs and read his comics while he sets up a chair in the attic and takes aim at the walkers outside with his new police rifle. He manages to take out two of them, but ultimately cannot bring himself to shoot his wife. The shots have attracted other zombies towards their house and the last shot we see of Duane and Morgan in this episode is them huddling together and crying as more and more zombies head towards their general direction.

Still in transit, we see Rick pull over on the side of the road and end up at a familiar location. Bicycle Girl is still crawling around on the ground and Rick walks over to her and tearfully talks to her. He apologizes to her for whatever made her the way that she is now and then takes her out of her misery by killing her. This scene is very powerful and is a good example of how The Walking Dead is different you’re your average zombie flick. The characters feel real and really feel. Eventually Rick runs out of gas and stops at a farm, which for fans of the comic book, may or may not be Hershel’s farm. Regardless, Rick wanders around and finds that the homeowners have killed themselves and cryptically wrote “God Save Us” above their heads. Rick finds a horse and with his guns packed to his back, rides off towards Atlanta like a zombie killin’ cowboy.

Unfortunately for TV lovers everywhere, John Wayne Rick is short lived as Rick finds out just how bad the city is once he arrives. There are zombies EVERYWHERE and what appears to be a remnant of a National Guard counter attack. There is even an abandoned tank in the middle of a city street. Rick’s galloping manages to catch the attention of the majority of the city zombies, which startles Rick’s horse. It also doesn't help that Rick is distracted by a possible CDC helicopter in the sky and doesn't notice the zombie attention he has recieved. Rick falls off of his horse in the confusion and his horse is then promptly fed upon by zombies as Rick crawls under the abandoned tank, leaving his big bag-o-guns behind. The horse feeding frenzy takes away most of the zombies attention but there are still a few of them who crawl after Rick under the tank. Rick prepares to end his life before apologizing to Lori and Carl, until he looks up and sees that the bottom hatch of the tank is open.

Rick quickly changes the position of his magnum from his head to the heads of the zombies around him and pops off five rounds before crawling into the tank and sealing the bottom hatch shut. Inside of the tank Rick finds some live tank shells on the ground and even better yet, finds a dead soldier with a semi-loaded semi-automatic handgun. Right as Rick is inspecting the gun we find out that the soldier is still very undead and Rick lets off his final revolver round into him, causing him to go partially deaf for a short period. With is ears still ringing, Rick notices that hungry Zombies can still get in via the open top hatch and climbs up to look outside and see his bag of guns on the street. Almost attacked, Rick seals it shut,effectively sealing himself into his own little inescapable panic room in the midst of a huge zombie feeding frenzy. Luckily for Rick the radio inside of the tank lights up and a voice on the other end informs Rick that he saw him get himself stuck in the tank and asks him sarcastically "if it's cozy in there." He might be trapped, but at least now he he knows he isn’t alone!

Supernatural - Sam's "Truth" & Dean's Coping

While I've certainly stirred up a bee's nest, I'd like to ask that everyone simmer a bit, and let's discuss the emerging consequences of what has happened in the last episode, plotwise for Sam & Dean. (And please remember, this is an opinion)

SAM: It became apparent that Sam has actually lost his ability to feel, and is trying to hide this by acting angsty or snarky, or happy in all the right situations, except he's not fooling anyone--meaning Dean's not buying it. Dean is practically bent on killing Sam in his sleep because of his strange behavior, it's almost as if just coming clean about not being able to feel would be a better alternative to putting on that mask of faked care. Through the episode we see more strange behavior (is he getting off on making that woman cry? I really didn't get that part...) and it just makes him even more suspicious throughout the whole episode. At one point, when Dean is cursed by Veritas, Sam is confronted and asked a hard question. Then, somehow he is able to lie and claims he was in shock and was just not fast enough. However, later, he lies to Veritas herself, and she calls him out. The look on Dean's face was more than just foreboding. Sam shakes it off, kills Veritas, and attempts to explain to Dean what's "Wrong" with him, but Dean's seemingly had it. Sam goes into an explanation that seems so contrived and way too emotional for an emotionless person to produce. (After that scene with Dean in the hallway where he claims he'd always have Dean's back in a brotherly smile, he just peels the smile away into a cold glare as he walks away--how can we trust that again?) I was repulsed by his attempts to act emotional as the scene winded down, (breathing heavily? really obvious faked facial expression!? C'mon Sam!) he just didn't get it that him acting that way was the exact reason Dean was worried about him in the first place.

DEAN: Dean was a wreck this whole episode. He has had enough with this...whatever he thought Sam was (or wasn't) and he was this close to just putting him in the ground. For all he knew, Sammy was gone and had been gone for a year, and this thing was parading around as him somehow. Throughout the whole episode he would drink and speak threateningly about what he'd do to "Sam" and how he just wanted the truth. The whole episode was a singular device to show where exactly the two brothers stood in their respective storylines: Sam was heartless and realized it, but didn't realize what that could mean to Dean, and Dean was so messed up about so many things he was literally about to lose control and hurt someone--badly. Dean harbored this one sole hope that Sam was still himself and all this was some sort of post-hell stress disorder, and so when he was cursed by Veritas, he used it to ask Sam why Sam let the vamp turn him. Then, he took Sam's story of "freezing" as the truth, because supposedly Sam couldn't lie, and it would confirm the other hypothesis Dean had about Sam: that Sam had just become what Dean was--and that was emotionally screwed up. He figured it was Sam's mechanism for coping, just like alcohol, hunting, and burying emotions was Dean's collective mechanism for all the crap they'd been through over the years. Then, Sam lied to Veritas, and Dean's whole world seemed to crash around him as he realized that Sam would just refuse to speak the truth. I think at that point Dean was ready to break his anger upon Sam, but I don't think it would've been nearly as bad as it was since Sam tried to keep up his "emotional" charade that was 100% transparent and only dug him further into a hole. Dean's rage just released all at once--no thought, or intention--and he knocked the fool out of Sam.

OVERALL: It seemed that by the end of this episode we see just how far the relationship has fallen, mostly because of circumstances that might've been avoided if one of the brothers wasn't so emotionally-detached and the other wasn't so emotionally-charged. Not necessarily a one-sided issue, as Sam showed a heinous, cold side, and Dean completely lost his self control and beat Sam to a bloody pulp. Did either of them deserve it? I think in a way they both deserve it, but honestly I don't want either of them to have to go through something this tragic. Somehow this is even more emotionally investing to me than the vessel prophecy last season, cause then it wasn't Sam and Dean waging war, it was their possessors, but this time, it's a whole new level of drama, and I honestly hope that after this, the brothers will unify stronger than ever, and never have to be taken down to this level again.

Sorry, Sam. Sorry, Dean.........Sorry, Mittens.

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2010 Character Competition - Update

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The Walking Dead - Season 1 Preview [VIDEO]

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POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 31st October 2010

Glee - Episode 2.06 - Never Been Kissed - Cover Art

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.07 - Canning Randy - Sneak Peek

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Damon Lindelof Rumoured for The Hulk reboot?

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Psych - Season 5.5 - New Promotional Poster

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Shit My Dad Says - Episode 1.10 - WISiH

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Undercovers - Episode 1.13 - The Reason

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Merlin - Episode 3.09 - Love in the Time of Dragons - Promo

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Medium - Episode 7.11 - Only Half Lucky

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ABC Family - Practical Magic reboot

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Shameless - New Promotional Poster

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House - Episode 7.06 - Office Politics - Sneak Peeks

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Ratings News - 30th October - See how Smallville and Supernatural did

Burn Notice - Episode 4.13 - Eyes Open - Sneak Peek

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Burn Notice - New Promo - 30th October

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.11 - Bloodsport

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Boardwalk Empire - Episode 1.07 - Hold Me In Paradise - 2 Sneak Peeks

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Hellcats - Episode 1.08 - Back of a Car - Promo

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Fringe - Episode 3.05 - Amber 31422 - New Promo

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The Cape - Episode 1.03 - Dice

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CSI: NY - Episode 7.13 - Party Down - Spoilers

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.07 - Canning Randy - Promo

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Lost Girl - free podcast on itunes with Lost Girl creator Michele Lovretta

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Undercovers - Alan Dale With Recurring Role

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Castle - Episode 3.07 - Almost Famous - Sneak Peek 4

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Castle - Casting News - Gilles Marini To Guest

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Sanctuary - Episode 3.04 - Trail of Blood - Sneak Peek

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Supernatural - Episode 6.07 - Family Matters - Promo

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Blue Bloods - Episode 1.07 - Brothers - Promo

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Medium - Episode 7.07 - Native Tongue - Promo

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The Good Guys - Episode 1.16 - Silence of the Dan - Promo

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Smallville - 10x06 - "Harvest" - Clark & Lois - Clips

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Blue Bloods- Tom Selleck on Location

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POLL : What did you think of Sanctuary - Bank Job?

POLL : What did you think of Blue Bloods - Smack Attack?

CSI:NY - Episode 7.07 - Hide Sight - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - You Can't Handle the Truth?

POLL : What did you think of CSI: NY - Do Not Pass Go?

Smallville - 10x07 - "Ambush" - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Smallville - Harvest?

POLL : What did you think of Medium - Where Were You When ...?

Hawaii 5-0 - Episode 1.07 - Ho'apono - Sneak Peek

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Grey's Anatomy - Shonda Rhimes Talks Izzie/Alex Plot

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Parenthood - Episode 2.09 - Put Yourself Out There - Press Release

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90210 - Episode 3.09 - They're Playing Her Song - Press Release

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 1.11 - Moments Later - Sneak Peek

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CSI: Miami - Episode 9.05 - Sleepless in Miami - Sneak Peek

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Gossip Girl - Episode 4.09 - The Witches of Bushwick - Press Release

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Supernatural - Episode 6.09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe - Press Release

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Smallville - Episode 10.09 - Patriot - Press Release

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House - Episode 7.06 - Office Politics - Press Release

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The Event - Episode 1.08 - For the Good of Our Country - Press Release

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Chuck - Episode 4.08 - Chuck Versus the Fear of Death - Press Release

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.07 - Canning Randy - Sneak Peek

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Bones - Casting News - Arnold Vosloo Casted As Big Bad

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.07 - Red Hot - CTV Promo

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Criminal Minds - Joe Mantegna - 24 episodes

Joe Mantegna: Not to fear, the networked ordered two more episodes so we'll be doing 24. We are just finishing up 610 and start episode 611 on Wednesday. We'r almost halfway done for the season.

Source: Twitter Joe Mantegna

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Community - Episode 2.07 - Aerodynamics of Gender - 3 Sneak Peek

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.07 - Red Hot - Extended Promo

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Smallville - Episode 10.13 - Beacon

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Nikita - Episode 1.08 - Phoenix - New Promo & Sneak Peek

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The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.08 – Rose – Sneak Peek

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Castle - Episode 3.09 - Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind - Official Synopsis

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Rating News - 28th October - Grey's Anatomy, CBS' Comedies & More

Cougar Town - Zach Braff To Guest Star

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - Recap

Grey's Anatomy - Seattle Grace - Message of Hope 3

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Nikita - Episode 1.08 - Phoenix - Promo

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Grey's Anatomy - Casting News - Scott Foley Books Multi Episode Arc

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Spartacus: Gods of the Arena - Premiere Date Set

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Private Practice - Episode 4.07 - Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King? - Sneak Peek

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Glee - The Rocky Horror Picture Show 35th Anniversary

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Medium - Episode 7.11 - Only Half Lucky

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Nikita - Episode 1.07 - The Recruit - Recap

Bones - 2 New November Sweeps Promos

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Castle - Episode 3.07 - Almost Famous - 3 Sneak Peeks

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Private Practice - Episode 4.08 - What Happens Next - Press Release

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Blue Bloods - Episode 1.06 - Smack Attack - Sneak Peek

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Medium - Episode 7.06 - Where Were You When - Sneak Peek

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.07 - That's Me Trying - 2 Sneak Peeks

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Fringe - Episode 3.05 - Amber 31422 - New Promo

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NCIS - Episode 8.08 - Enemies Foreign - Press Release

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Supernatural - Episode 6.10 - Caged Heat

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.07 - That's Me Trying - CTV Promo

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Chuck - Episode 4.07 - Chuck versus The First Fight - 5 Sneak Peeks

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CW - Primetime Calender thru to December 10th 2010

The Vampire Diaries - Season 2 - November Sweeps Poster 3

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.08 - Natural History - Press Release

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The Defenders - Episode 1.07 - Las Vegas V. Black Betty - Promo

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CSI - Episode 11.07 - Bump and Grind - Promo

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Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.06 - Excited and Scared - Sneak Peek 7

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ABC buys new Pilot Script from LOST Exec Producers

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Glee - Podcast - Episode #8 – “News & Spoilers Catch-Up”

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POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 29th October 2010

Private Practice - Episode 4.07 - Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King? - Promo

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Brothers and Sisters - Episode 5.06 - An Ideal Husband - 4 Sneak Peeks

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.07 - That's Me Trying - Promo

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Law and Order : SVU - Episode 12.07 - Trophy - 6 Sneak Peeks

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Fringe - Season 3 - New Cast Interviews - Anna, Lance, John and Nicole

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.07 - Red Hot - Promo

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Bones - 2 More Promos & 1 Halloween Special Feature

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POLL : What did you think of Private Practice - All in the Family?

POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - Pink Chanel Suit?

POLL : What did you think of Nikita - The Recruit?

POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - These Arms of Mine?

POLL : What did you think of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Cold Blooded?

The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.08 – Rose – Extended Promo

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CSI: Miami - Sleepless in Miami - CTV Promo

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The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.08 – Rose – Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - Masquerade?

POLL : What did you think of The Big Bang Theory - The Irish Pub Formulation?

Terriers - Episode 1.09 - Pimp Daddy - Promo

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Being Erica - Episode 3.07 - Jenny From The Block - Synopsis

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(titles are hard) Cougar Town - Episode 2.06 - You Don't Know How it Feels - Recap

In case you didn't know it yet, this week it's halloween, and spooky things are happening in Cougar Town. Among those, was Laurie, who decides all of a sudden not tp drink wine before dinner (she says no. to wine!!!).
We also get the rare opportunity of seeing where Jules have gotten her crazy (her mother) when her father, Chick, comes to visit.

Even though Jules hates Halloween, she is still trying to make the holiday perfect for her father's visit. Only she has a condition which develops whenever her father comes to visit: she starts talking southern. So in order to avoid it, she asks the over enthusiastic Laurie to throw something at her whenever she starts talking all redneck.

Meanwhile, Ellie and Andy are trying to get baby Stan into one of those over valued, over priced pre-pre school. Only they are number ten on the waiting list (even though Ellie had done the unthinkable and let the head master hug her, but it's okay, because she liked it). It wasn't all over though, as Andy realized that the head master is Bobby's golf buddy. Naturally, off they went to do the second unthinkable thing for Ellie, suck up to Bobby. Even though they brought him a 50 pack, Bobby just wasn't as easy as that. Bobby has just learnt that he was no longer baby Stan's in-case-of-death legal guardian because he wasn't married to Jules anymore, so in exchange to his help, all he wanted was to be a legal guardian again. Only Ellie couldn't allow someone who doesn't even notice he hasn't got both shoes on, to take care of her child. Eventually though, Ellie found out that Bobby got baby Stan a spot in the pretentious school even though Ellie was a bitch to him (well, what was he expecting from her really), and Ellie agreed to let him be a guardian again, as long as he will let baby Stan be the man he isn't.

Moving on to Laurie and Travis (who should, and probably will get together): As mentioned earlier Laurie was very strangely not drinking, and therefore she was chosen as the designated driver for Chick as he went to pick up Travis a day early from college. Making the most of the situation, Laurie hid inside his bed and scared him until he became a frightened small kitten.
Back home again, Travis admitted he was too cool for school (or at least too old for halloween), and he didn't want to take part in the activities. However, after a few more scary moments caused by both Laurie and Travis, Travis finally admitted to Laurie that he still likes halloween, and completed her custome (more on that later).

Back to Jules' daddy issues. Jules was worried that whenever Chick comes to visit her, he goes out of his way to avoid spending time alone with her. So she tried to manipulate him into it. Her first plan, was to make Chick hate Grayson, so at dinner he'll want to get rid of him and stay with her. She did this at first by mentioning that Grayson is sleeping with her, and then by naturally counting on her daddy not liking Grayson because of his vainness. It didn't work out though, as they both got along well and even wrote a song about her together.
Then, when she finally got Chick alone in the jam/Travis' room, and he didn't want to talk to her she kicked him out of her house.
Jules was desperate to get some love from her daddy, so she decided to come in a costume (even though she hated it) to Grayson's halloween party, in order to win her father back. It didn't take her long to decide what to wear, as Grayson said he was going dressed as prince, she decided to go as a princess (only he wasn't that kind of a prince, to Jules humiliation).

We should stop now at the heart and guts of the recking father/daughter storyline to acknowledge some of the finer customs that were seen at the halloween party of the year.
Kudos goes to Laurie for a superb Ellie impersonation and for the very manly clothes. Then to Ellie, for the not as great but very bizarre impersonation of Laurie.
Third place (if this was a contest, which it isn't) goes to Barb for being the world's most revealing haystack. Or being the only one at that.
Then honorable mentions, go to both Travis for being the Andy to Laurie's Ellie (see what I mean?). Then to Bobby, for being able to be blown away so easily.

As princess Jules slowly lost her mind at the party, she was being bothered by a very persistent bear, who turned out to be none else than her father (who lied at first and said he wouldn't be there). She found this out when she decided to go home. He then gave her a hug that gave new meaning to the term “bear hug”, and confessed that the reason he couldn't spend time alone with Jules, was because she reminds him so much of her mother when she was young, and he misses her. He also, very beautifully admitted that he considers Jules the biggest achievement of his life. Aw.

Fringe - Lloyd Reveals Nimoy NOT Returning to Fringe *Updated*

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Perception - Casting News - Eric McCormack signed up as Lead

Tower Prep - Season 1 - Preview

This season on Tower Prep...

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The Office - Webisodes - The 3rd Floor

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CSI: NY - Episode 7.06 - Do Not Pass Go - Sneak Peek

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ABC - November Sweeps info for all shows

Glee - List of Upcoming Songs

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Friday Night Lights - Episode 5.02 - On the Outside Looking In - Promo

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Hellcats - Episode 1.08 - Back of a Car - Sneak Peek

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Law and Order : LA - Episode 1.05 - Pasadena - Promo

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Big Love - Season 5 will be the last

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Supernatural - Analyzing Dean's Vampiric Vision

So, in last week's installment of Supernatural, Dean is turned temporarily into a monster, and becomes a pawn of the Alpha vampire's will. During his short time spent in the nest he was investigating, he witnessed firsthand the incredible influence the alpha has over his subjects: the ability to telepathically transfer messages in psychedelic visions, as well as the ability to render anyone under his power unconscious (and I'm assuming there's a few other strings the main vamp can pull that we haven't yet witnessed). We get to witness one of these visions as everything gets super blurry and Dean falls to the floor, gone. His eyes whirring behind their lids, as well as every other vampire in the warehouse (and possibly every other vamp in existence).

The vision is a quick one, so while watching, aside from getting the creeps from it, as a viewer one doesn't really get a good look at what's actually happening. So, after watching it repeatedly, I was naturally inclined to come up with my own assertions/questions/ideas about what is taking place in this vision, and why were even shown this vision.

Question #1: What was the point of the Vision?
I believe first and foremost, the point of the vision was to be awesome, scary, and show some aspect of the alpha vampire without actually having to show the alpha this episode. I also think it basically shows the spread of vampirism (is that a word? Oh well, I'm using it..) from the alpha--I believe from what I've seen and put together that the alpha is that rather creepy, well-dressed man caressing the children's faces: This leads us to #2.

Question #2: WTF is with the man and his scary little counterparts?
From what I can tell, the girls are twin sisters that are from a family of prestige (read: money), and the man that is caressing one of the girl's faces is their servant/slave?/butler, who just happens to have (mutated? become? always was?) a vampire, who corrupts them with his blood, and then as they become his subjects, he tells them to go out, kill, spread the disease: (cue the blood cells, the red lines expanding through a map seemingly of Illonois, many graves, and eerily, the sight of school desks and the man looking into the horizon...) "GO FORTH MY CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT!!!"

Question #3: OMG will we get to see this vision again or some sort of expansion on it? Will we meet this man and the two sisters? Will we see the full story? Does anyone else feel like this is a huge step in the right direction of going back to the roots of evil in the world? If they can make all the alphas of the monster community this scary, and this awesome, I will be extremely happy about it, and will brand this season MUCH better than season 5.

---------------This is the line where the questions get really spacey---------------

Question #4: Is there someone above the alphas pulling the strings? What if these alphas are just pawns themselves in some gigantic conspiracy by some unknown power that we've yet to see? (I could see this being a really good idea, but also an awful idea...)

Question #5: What was the first "monster" ever? The alpha of all alphas? Is there even one? Is this even a good question?

Ok everyone, discuss!

Streaming Options

Live To Dance - New Reality Series with Paula Abdul - Premiere Press Release

Streaming Options

Ratings News - 28th October 2010 - Hellcats, Modern Family and more

Human Target - Season 2 - Haley - Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Castle - Casting News - Laura Prepon to play Nikki Heat

Streaming Options

The Whole Truth - Episode 1.11 - Lost In Translation

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - Janet Montgomery - Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - B-ROLL Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - Mark Valley Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - McBride - Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

The Big Bang Theory - Episode 4.08 - The 21-Second Excitation - Full Synopsis

Streaming Options

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 28th October 2010

Modern Family - Episode 2.07 - Chirp - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - Indira Varma - Featurette [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - Sneak Peek Clips

Streaming Options

CSI - Episode 11.06 - Cold Blooded - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Walking Dead - Andrew Lincoln and Sarah Wayne Callies Interview [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

CSI: NY - Episode 7.13 - Party Down

Streaming Options

The Walking Dead - Kirkman & Lincoln Interview [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Chuck - Episode 4.12 - Chuck versus the Gobbler

Streaming Options

Latest from Ausiello - Various Shows - 28th October 2010

Supernatural - Episode 6.06 - You Can't Handle the Truth - Space Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Charlie's Angels - Gets Pilot go-ahead

Hellcats - Episode 1.08 - Back of a Car - Promo

Streaming Options

House - Episode 7.06 & 7.07 - Promo #2

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds - Episode 6.07 - Middle Man - Promo #1

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 6.06 - You Can't Handle the Truth - Space Promo

Streaming Options

Glee - Latest from Ausiello - 27th October 2010

Streaming Options

The Defenders - Episode 1.06 - Nevada v. Rodgers - Review

Nick needs to prove that a young man is innocence in a robbery gone sour and a police shooting, in so doing made themselves enemy with law enforcement. Meanwhile, Pete defends an impersonator for stealing Elvis memorabilia.

Favorite moments:
The opening of the episode where the father of the accused talks about his son with emotion as Nick and Pete look on with sympathy.
Pete agreeing to take the theft case.
Nick lecturing his young client to be more respectful of his father.
Nick being serenaded to by a Marilyn Munroe impersonator.

Favorite quote:
Pete: [on the theft of the famous blue suede shoes] Is nothing sacred?

Rating: 9/10

Modified with additional moment.

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Friday Night Lights - Expectations?

POLL : What did you think of Hellcats - The Match Game?

POLL : What did you think of Cougar Town - You Don't Know How It Feels?

POLL : What did you think of Criminal Minds - Devil's Night?

POLL : What did you think of Modern Family - Halloween?

POLL : What did you think of Undercovers - Xerxes?

Caprica - Cancelled

Streaming Options

Bored to Death and Eastbound & Down Renewed

Streaming Options

Fall Sweeps - Full Calender of Shows

NCIS - 1st Scripted show this season to go past 20 Million Viewers

Brothers and Sisters - Episode 5.06 - An Ideal Husband - 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Smallville - First look at Lindsay Hartley

Streaming Options

CW - November Sweeps info for all shows

Life Unexpected - Episode 2.07 - Camp Grounded - New Promo

Streaming Options

Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Ke$ha will perform at the 2010 American Music Awards

Streaming Options

The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XXI - Sneak Peeks

Life Unexpected - Episode 2.07 - Camp Grounded - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XXI - Featurette

Dexter - Episode 5.08 - Take It! - Synopsis

Streaming Options

The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XXI - Hugh Laurie Interview

Sons of Anarchy - Episode 3.09 - Turas - Promo

Streaming Options

Psych - Episode 5.10 - Extradition II - Sneak Peek 3

Streaming Options

Caprica - Episode 1.14 - Blowback - 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Pretty Little Liars - New Season Promo

Streaming Options

Psych - Episode 5.11 - Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part - Advanced Review

Ratings News - 27th October - How did Glee, NCIS, No Ordinary Family do?

Burn Notice - New Promotional Poster

Streaming Options

Lights Out - Season 1 - Promotional Poster

Streaming Options

Locke & Key - planned as a summer show

Streaming Options

Being Erica - Erin Karpluk devestated by live Canadian ratings, but thinks international sales + PVR = season 4

Streaming Options

Nikita - Episode 1.07 - The Recruit - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Brothers & Sisters - Ratings News - Season 5 Ratings Table

Here's my very personal table I made to collect this season's ratings of Brothers & Sisters: total viewers and 18-49 demo rating (which is the most important data). Note that italic data is refered to early ratings, while block capital is refered to the final numbers.
It'll be updated each week, presumabily on Mondays with the early numbers and on Tuesdays with the final ones! Enjoy it ;)

Dominic Brown

The Good Wife - Episode 2.06 - Poisoned Pill - Promo

Streaming Options

Human Target - Season 2 - Preview Video

Streaming Options

NBC - Full drama development slate for next season - almost all Fantasy/Sci-Fi

Streaming Options

The Defenders - Episode 1.06 - Nevada v. Rodgers - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds - Episode 6.06 - Devil's Night - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 27th October 2010

Supernatural - Death Back?

Streaming Options

Ride-Along - FOX Renames Show to "The Chicago Code"

Streaming Options

CW's full development slate for next season

Streaming Options

Dexter - Hits Season High Ratings

Glee - Cast to Release Christmas Album

Streaming Options

Lost Girl - Episode 1.07 Synopsis

Streaming Options

Caprica - Episode 1.14 - Blowback - Promo

Streaming Options

Off The Map - 6 More Episodes Ordered

Streaming Options

Terra Nova - Casting News - 3 New Cast Members

Streaming Options

Boardwalk Empire - Episode 1.06 - Family Limitation - Inside The Episode [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Nielsen ratings for week of Oct. 18

Southland - Season 3 - Latest from TV Squad

Streaming Options

Hellcats - November Sweeps Poster

Streaming Options

Stargate Universe - Episode 2.06 - Trial and Error - Promo and Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Event - Episode 1.07 - I Know Who You Are - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

Medium - About to be Cancelled?

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - More Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

NBC - Sweep Guest Stars and Dates - Various Shows

Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 1.07 - Ho’apono - Promo 2

Streaming Options

The Event - Episode 1.06 - Loyalty - Decontruction Recap

Streaming Options

Mega Buzz - Various Shows - 27th October 2010

Parenthood - Episode 2.08 - If This Boat is a Rockin - Promo

Streaming Options

Glee - Episode 2.06 - Never Been Kissed - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Caprica - False Labor?

POLL : What did you think of Sons of Anarchy - Lochan Mor?

POLL : What did you think of The Good Wife - VIP Treatment?

POLL : What did you think of Stargate Universe - Cloverdale?

POLL : What did you think of NCIS: Los Angeles - Anonymous?

POLL : What did you think of No Ordinary Family - No Ordinary Quake?

POLL : What did you think of Glee - The Rocky Horror Glee Show?

POLL : What did you think of NCIS - Cracked?

CSI: Miami - Episode 9.06 - Sleepless in Miami - Preview

Streaming Options

Justified - Episode 2.01 - Moonshine Wars

Streaming Options

Ausiello NCIS spoilers: Someone gets [spoiler alert]

Streaming Options

Sic Transit Gloria Theatri: A Review of The Event 1.06 by Pearson Moore

Locke & Key - Fox Orders Pilot

Streaming Options

CSI: Miami - Episode 9.11 - 9-1-1-

Streaming Options

Brothers and Sisters - Season 5 - Casting News - Balthazar Getty to return

Streaming Options

The Defenders Review

Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.08 - Something's Gotta Give - Press Release

Streaming Options

Gossip Girl - Episode 4.07 - War at the Roses - Sneak Peek


Streaming Options

90210 - Episode 3.07 - Welcome to the Undies - Promo 2

Streaming Options

Smallville - Episode 10.11 - Icarus - Black Canary

Streaming Options

Gossip Girl - Episode 4.07 - War at the Roses - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

CBS - November Highlights - All Shows - Synopsis

Latest from Fancast - Various Shows - 26th October

Private Practice - Episode 4.06 - All in the Family - New Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Ratings News - 26th October 2010 - How did Chuck, Gossip Girl and The Event do?

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? = 26th October 2010

Hawaii Five- 0 - 1.07 - Ho'apono - Promo

Streaming Options

Terriers Episode 1.07 - Agua Caliente - Promo

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.06 - Excited and Scared - Sneak Peek 6

Streaming Options

Brothers & Sisters - Episode 5.06 - An Ideal Husband - ABC Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Big Bang Theory - Melissa Rauch Promoted To Regular

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.06 - Excited and Scared - Sneak Peek 5

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - Sneak Peek 4

Streaming Options

The Event - Episode 1.08 - For the Good of Our Country - Synopsis

Streaming Options

Chuck - Episode 4.08 - Chuck versus The Fear of Death - Synopsis

Streaming Options

Private Practice - Episode 4.06 - All in the Family - Promo

Streaming Options

Smallville - Season 10 - Upcoming Episode Snippets and Title

Streaming Options

Latest from Kristin - Various Shows - 26th October 2010

Supernatural - Episode 6.12 - How To Train Your Dragon

Streaming Options

Castle - Episode 3.07 - Almost Famous - Promo

Streaming Options

90210 - Episode 3.07 - Welcome to the Undies - Promo

Streaming Options

The Event - Episode 1.07 - I Know Who You Are - Promo

Streaming Options

Glee - Episode 2.05 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show - New Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

BSG: Blood and Chrome - Small Snippet from David Eick

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.06 - Excited and Scared - 4 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Chuck - Episode 4.07 - Chuck versus The First Fight - Promo

Streaming Options

No Ordinary Family and Better With You - Full Season Pickups

Streaming Options

The Whole Truth - CANCELED

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Castle - 3XK?

POLL : What did you think of Hawaii Five-0 - Ko'olauloa?

Gossip Girl - Episode 4.07 - War at the Roses - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Gossip Girl - Easy J?

POLL : What did you think of Lie to Me - Double Blind?

POLL : What did you think of The Event - Loyalty?

POLL : What did you think of In Treatment - Sunil: Week One/Frances: Week One?

POLL : What did you think of 90210 - How Much is That Liam in the Window?

POLL : What did you think of Chuck - Chuck Versus the Aisle of Terror?

POLL : What did you think of How I Met Your Mother - Baby Talk?

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.08 - Sorry Grateful - Press Release

Streaming Options

Smallville - Episode 10.06 - Harvest - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Gossip Girl - Episode 4.07 - War at the Roses - Canadian Promo

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 6.06 - You Can't Handle the Truth - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Good Wife - Episode 2.05 - VIP Treatment - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Fringe - When Will Olivia Return?

Streaming Options

CSI - Episode 11.08 - Fracked - Press Release

Streaming Options

The TOP 15 Most Played Back Shows in Week 3 - 2010

Brothers and Sisters - Episode 5.08 - The Rhapsody Of The Flesh - Press Release

Streaming Options

True Blood - Season 4 - Premiere Title

Streaming Options

Castle - Episode 3.08 - Murder Most Fowl - Press Release

Streaming Options

Gossip Girl - Ed Westwick on Regis & Kelly - 25th October

Streaming Options

Gossip Girl - Episode 4.06 - Easy J - 2 New Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Dexter - Episode 5.05 - First Blood- Recap

NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 2.07 - Anonymous - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Chuck - Episode 4.06 - Chuck versus The Aisle of Terror - 2 New Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Ratings News - 25th October 2010 - How did Desperate Housewives, CSI and Brothers and Sisters do?

Friday Night Lights - Season 5 - 3 Days Away Promo

Streaming Options

The Walking Dead - Zombie attack coming to 26 Major Cities

Streaming Options

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 25th October 2010

The Event - Help us compile the Outstanding List of Mysteries

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.05 - Let Me Entertain You - Recap

Smallville - Episode 10.06 - Harvest - Sneak Peek [IMAGES]

Streaming Options

Psych - Episode 5.11 - Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part - 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Dexter - Dark Echo - Chapters 1 to 6 [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Dexter - Episode 5.06 - Everything Is Illumenated - Promo & 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Merlin - Renewed for 4th Season

Streaming Options

Castle - Episode 3.06 - 3XK - Sneak Peek 3

Streaming Options

Brothers & Sisters - Episode 5.06 - An Ideal Husband - Promo

Streaming Options

Supernatural - 6.05 - Live Free or Twi-Hard - Recap by Selina

Live Free or Twi-Hard: The episode which boldly dares go where no episode has ever gone, and give a certain hysterical fan base what's coming to them. Unless, of course, you're a Twilight fan in which case, how dare they!

Remember to check out The Patchwork Blog for more like this!

Boardwalk Empire - Episode 1.07 - Home - Promo

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.06 - Excited and Scared - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Brothers & Sisters - Call Mom?

Burn Notice- 2 New TV Spots

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of CSI: Miami - Manhunt?

POLL : What did you think of Dexter - First Blood?

POLL : What did you think of Lost Girl - Episode 1.06 - Food for Thought?

POLL : What did you think of Boardwalk Empire - Family Limitation?

POLL : What did you think of Desperate Housewives - Let Me Entertain You?

Smallville - Episode 10.05 - Isis - Recap

Hello everyone, I've recently re-joined the recap team after a long absence, and hope to post more than 1 article this time :P You'll be seeing alot of me. Anyway, no better way to come back than recap one of my favorite shows, Smallville! So let's begin:

"Hey Clark, you were Blurrific"

Although i'm starting now, I want to do a quick summary of the first 4 eppies: Lois knows Clark's secret, A dark force is walking the earth (Or flying and possesing), Clark had a temporary annoying partner called Cat, Lois was in Egypt for a while (BTW, that part where the necklace falls in Lois's bag was NOT in Shield...editing mistake? maybe), Oliver revealed himself as Green Arrow (Tony Stark is preparing the law suit), and Tess plays Mommy with Lex's little boy clone. Oh, and Clark saw his future dorky self, which made him decide that he's gonna tell Lois his secret....Anything else? Don't think so. To the episode!

We start with Oliver preparing some show in the Metropolis Museum. Now, I really didn't care for Oliver since this season began. All he did was whine about Chloe. I know its expected of him, but it gets old after a while. This episode began with one the things I think Oliver needs more of to return to his former self- Scenes with Tess. Sure, he's all cool and hero-y with Clark, but he also needs some time with the ladies, and since his GF's gone and he's not really talking to Lois now adays, this scenes with Tess are really nice to see, with them trading sarcastic banter.
"If only you still were the same guy Chloe fell for, and not a caricature of him". You tell him, Tess! We want good ol' Ollie back.

Meanwhile, Lois is also preparing for said show (Anyone who thinks Lois should wear a toga for the rest of the season, raise your hand!). While Clark plans to tell her his secret, she rehearses telling him she knows about it, with some amusing lines. Pan down to her purse, where evil necklace begins to glow and...


(Sidenote- I really like this season's opening. Both nostalgic and new. Great job, guys!)

"My new favorite cereal"

Finally we see Clark, and he tells Ollie about his secret-revealing plans. Clark's thoughts that Ollie's gonna talk him out if backfire after he encourages him to do so, because his reveal got him lots of public love.

Transport to the Planet. Clark&Lois share an akward doughnut talk, but before they can say anything else...THE CAT RETURNS. She starts blabbing away and noting Lois on her style. "You should see what's under the jacket". Clark's facial reaction to the line was priceless. I love how Lois is so mean to Cat, even though she never met her before, only heard about what happened when she was away.

Anyway, Clark invites Lois to a meeting on the roof. She arrives first, and discovers the necklace is in her bag. She picks it up, a cool firey effect, and HELLO ISIS. Clark arrives, and admires her new look. And then he drops the B-bomb. "That is of no importance to me". OUCH. I was annoyed that Clark didn't get something was up by her weird speech. Hello, you've been with her for 6 years, and you gotta wait till she friggin flies away to realize something's wrong with her?

Clark goes to Oliver, and suggests they bring in Tess, but Ollie is skeptical. "No one can do what Chloe did". Newsflash, leatherboy, yes they can! It's called hacking! Enough with the Chloe-whining. Anyway, Ollie tells Clark the story of the god couple Isis and Osiris. I had a funny callback to Rabid when Oliver said Isis can raise the undead. Bet Clark was thinking "Zombies again? not good".

After that, Cat sees LoIsis robbing something and almost pays for it with her life, but is saved by Clark. We see some shrink wanting to take little Lex to observation (I don't really care for the Tess&Lex subplot at the moment..). Then Cat shows up (This is like the THIRD time or something she accepts weird stuff. First Clark saving her from the explosion in Shield, now he super-takes her away..AND SHE ACCEPTS IT! Bet ya Clark can lift a tank right infront of her, and she would just go "Wow, you're strong"...Ugh, stupid woman) and tells Tess that LoIsis is the Blur. Now, this is a big moment people, are you ready? TESS LAUGHS. I know. When was the last time that happened? Did it ever happen? Either way, it was refreshing.

Here comes the sun

Tess goes to Oliver (while talking to him on the phone while she's a mile from his office, but hey, they're billionares. Who cares, right?) and warns him and Clark about Cat's suspicions, and after a little tip from her, they go to put Isis back in the necklace.

Clark goes to the museum, and he and LoIsis have a chitchat about love. She decides to use his heart to resurrect her army of the underworld. Now this part kinda confused me- In the ep they showed Clark tied with glowing ropes, yet in the promo the ropes were green. When I watched the promo, I though it was some kind of kryptonite ropes, and that's why he can't break free, but it appears I was wrong. Anyway, Ollie comes to the rescue (After hillariously locking Cat in a tomb. He lifted her like she was a mannequin). He also has a talk withLoIsis, including witty comebacks. This scene, along wit the entire episode, made me hope even more that Ollie will stay on the right track this ep put him back on.

Ollie distracts LoIsis long enough for Clark to break free, and tells him Isis can be killed if sunlight shines through the necklace. Clark got that covered after a nice heat-vision effect (Anyone else finds it a bit creepy that his heat-vision is as powerful as the sun? this means Zod could've turned Tess into a puddle in S9). Lois get anti-possesed, and of course, remembers nothing.

Satanic what-now?

Clark and Oliver accept Tess in their team, making her Watchtower 2.0. Tess is so honored she tears up (Love the many emotions she shows). She decides not to send little Lex to observation, and keep playing Mother&Son.

Meanwhile at the planet, Cat stabs Lois with a pen right in the palm. Now i'm sure this chick is psychotic. Lois is about to start a Cat-fight (See what I did there?) but Clark probably saves Cat's life by interrupting. Cat tries to prove Clark that Lois was "conducting satanic S-E-X rituals", but her phone mysteriously breaks (Don't you hate when that happens?)

Clark and Lois have the usual end-of-the-ep-emotional-talk, but this time....*drumralls* "I'm the Blur". YES! Clark finally drops the B-bomb, but this time he doesn't turn back time and Lois isn't possesed. She tells him She already knew, and they proceed to cuddle on a...stack of papers. AWWWW.

Well, that's all, folks. Hope you enjoyed reading. See you soon!

Supernatural - Poll - What Is Up With Sam?

The Walking Dead - Episodes 1.01 - 1.06 - Synopsis

Streaming Options

Merlin - Episode 3.08 - The Eye of the Phoenix - Promo

Streaming Options

The Middle - Episode 2.06 - Halloween - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Middle - Episode 2.06 - Halloween - Promo

Streaming Options

Modern Family - Episode 2.06 - Halloween - Promo

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 6.5 - Live Free or Twihard - Recap by Dahne

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 24th October 2010

Misfits - Season 2 - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Event - Episode 1.07 - I Know Who You Are - Press Release

Streaming Options

Language Arts with Glee's Finn Hudson & Raising Hope's Virginia Chance

CSI: Miami - Emily Procter and Adam Rodriguez on the future of 'Delquesne'

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - 2 New Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Justified - Episode 2.02 - The Life Inside

Streaming Options

Ratings News - 23rd October - How did Smallville and Supernatural do?

Dexter - Season 5 - Michael C. Hall Interview with ABC News [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Glee - The Rocky Horror Glee Show - Full Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me Performance

Streaming Options

No Ordinary Family - Episode 1.05 - No Ordinary Quake - Promo

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Sanctuary - Episode 3.03 - Bank Job - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Chuck - Episode 4.06 - Chuck Versus the Aisle of Terror - Promo 2

Streaming Options

Castle - Episode 3.11 - Poof, You're Dead

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 6.06 - You Can't Handle the Truth - Promo

Streaming Options

Dexter - Episode 5.04 - Beauty and the Beast - Podcast (Preview of 5.05 - First Blood)

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Season 7 - More Pics of Eva Longoria on Set

Streaming Options

Smallville - Clark and Lois "Isis" Clips

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Sanctuary - Firewall?

POLL : What did you think of Blue Bloods - What You See?

Smallville - Episode 10.06 - Harvest - Promo

Streaming Options

CSI:NY - Episode 7.06 - Do Not Pass Go - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Live Free or Twihard?

POLL : What did you think of CSI: NY - Out of the Sky?

How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.06 - Baby Talk - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Smallville - Isis?

POLL : What did you think of Medium - Talk to the Hand?

CSI: Miami - Episode 9.04 - Manhunt - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Season 7 - Eva Longoria on Set

Streaming Options

Hawaii 5-0 - Episode 1.06 - Ko'olauloa - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Blue Bloods - Episode 1.05 - What You See - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Lie To Me - Episode 3.10 - Rebound

Streaming Options

CSI - Episode 11.06 - Cold Blooded - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

Castle - Episode 3.06 - 3XK - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

Hellcats, Nikita and One Tree Hill all get full season pickups

The Mentalist - Episode 3.09 - Red Moon - Simon Baker to direct

Streaming Options

Syfy Orders New Battlestar Galactica - Blood and Chrome

Streaming Options

NCIS - Casting News - Annie Wersching joins

Streaming Options

The Event - Blair Underwood Interview [SCAN]

Streaming Options

The Mentalist - Episode 3.06 - Pink Chanel Suit - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

Nikita - Episode 1.07 - The Recruit - New Promo & Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.07 – Masquerade – Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Hellcats - New Promo - Positive

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 2.07 - Masquerade - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Smallville - Michael Rosenbaum willing to come back

Streaming Options

Private Practice - Episode 4.06 - All in the Family - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Nikita - Episode 1.07 - The Recruit - Promo

Streaming Options

Human Target - gets 2 additional scripts ,Rules of Engagement - 2 additional episodes

Torchwood: The New World - New Character Details

Streaming Options

Desperate Housewives - Season 7 - Marcia Cross on Set

Streaming Options

Deal of the Day! 4 seasons worth of #Supernatural DVDs for under $70

Streaming Options

Community - Episode 2.06 - Epidemiology 206 - 6 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Boardwalk Empire - Episode 1.06 - Family Limitation - 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

NBC Thursday Comedy Promo - The Office, Community & Outsourced

Ratings News - 22nd October 2010 - See how Vampire Diaries, CSI, Grey's and others did

POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 22nd October 2010

Nikita - Episode 1.06 - Resistance - Recap

Fringe - Episode 3.05 - Amber 31422 - Promo 2

Streaming Options

Southland/Dexter - Shawn Hatosy Interview

Streaming Options

More info on the possible Bones spin-off

Streaming Options

Pretty Little Liars - Episode 1.16 - Je Suis une Amie

Streaming Options

NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 2.09 - Absolution - Press Release

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Season 5 - Full Bloopers Reel

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Seattle Grace - Message of Hope 2

Streaming Options

Detroit 1-8-7 - Episode 1.10 - Shelter

Streaming Options

Skins - Promo 2

Streaming Options

Parenthood - Episode 2.07 - Seven Names - 2 Promos

Streaming Options

Nikita - Episode 1.11 - All The Way

Streaming Options

Hawaii 5-0 - Episode 1.08 - Mana'o - Press Release

Streaming Options

Medium - Episode 7.05 - Talk To The Hand - Sneak Peek

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.09 - Red Moon

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Smallville - Lois and Clark Take the Next Step

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Smallville - Helen Slater confirms appearance with Julian Sands

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Modern Family - Episode 2.06 - Halloween - 2 Sneak Peeks

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 4.07 - The Apology Insuffiency - Press Release

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Hellcats - Episode 1.07 - The Match Game - Sneak Peek

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CSI - Episode 11.06 - Cold Blooded - Promo

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NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 2.08 - Bounty - Press Release

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - CTV Promo

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Community - Episode 2.06 - Epidemiology 206 - Sneak Peek Featurette

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Justified - Season 2 - Casting News - Jeremy Davies joins cast

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.06 - Pink Chanel Suit - CTV Promo

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CSI: NY - Episode 7.05 - Out of the Sky - Sneak Peek

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.06 - These Arms of Mine - Promo

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Bones - Spinoff being developed

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The Mentalist - Episode 3.08 - Ball of fire - Press release

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NCIS - Episode 8.07 - Broken Arrow - Press Release

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 6.06 - Baby Talk - Promo

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The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.07 – Masquerade – Promo 2

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POLL : What did you think of Private Practice - In or Out?

POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - The Red Ponies?

POLL : What did you think of Nikita - Resistance?

POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - Almost Grown?

The Vampire Diaries – Episode 2.07 – Masquerade – Promo

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CSI:Miami - EXCLUSIVE Eva la Rue - Haloween Episode

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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - Plan B?

POLL : What did you think of The Big Bang Theory - The Desperation Emanation?

Nikita - Episode 1.09 - One Way - Synopsis

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Hellcats - Episode 1.09 - Finish What We Started - Synopsis

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Life Unexpected - Episode 2.08 - Plumber Cracked - Synopsis

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One Tree Hill - Episode 8.08 - Mouthful of Diamonds - Synopsis

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CBS orders full seasons of all their new shows

90210 - Episode 3.08 - Mother Dearest - Synopsis

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Poll - Vampire Diaries- Which Characters will die in 2.07

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Hawaii Five-0 - Picked up for full season

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Supernatural - Episode 6.08 - All Dogs Go To Heaven - Synopsis

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Smallville - Episode 10.08 - Abandoned - Synopsis

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 2.09 - Katerina - Synopsis

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Gossip Girl - Episode 4.08 - Juliet Doesn’t Live Here Anymore - Synopsis

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Being Erica - Episode 3.06 - Bear Breasts - Synopsis

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Falling Skies - June 2011 Premiere + Official Site

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No new episodes of Chuck or The Event all December

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Michelle Trachtenberg To Develop & Star In CW Drama Produced by Josh Schwartz

CW has handed out a script order to an untitled drama project starring Gossip Girl's Michelle Trachtenberg, which marks the actress' producing debut. It hails from the creators of CW's Gossip Girl, Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, whose Fake Empire banner co-produces the project with Warner Bros. TV and CBS TV Studios. Based on an idea by Trachtenberg, the drama would star the actress as a young criminology student with a gift for profiling and a dark past. Stuart Zicherman (Six Degrees) will write the script and executive produce alongside Schwartz, Savage and Len Goldstein. Trachtenberg will serve as producer. This is Fake Empire's second hourlong project this season toplined by a young actress from one of Schawrtz's other shows. Schwartz is writing Ghost Angeles, a supernatural romantic comedy starring The O.C. alumna Rachel Bilson, which received a pilot production commitment from NBC. Trachtenberg has been recurring on Gossip Girl for the past 2 years. She will next be seen in Kids in America.

Source: Deadline

CW Developing series from author of The Vampire Diaries

Six Degrees of Joss Whedon. Pop Confidential and Daytime Confidential would like to extend mad props to one of our favorite writers, Andrew Miller, creator of the best web series ever, Imaginary Bitches. Miller has been tapped to write the pilot for a new, high profile project for Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain, both of whom wrote for Joss Whedon's Angel and Dollhouse series. New York Magazine's Vulture blog broke the news of Craft and Fain adapting Vampire Diaries author L.J. Smith's Secret Circle book series for The CW. Alloy Entertainment, the transmedia juggernaut behind such teen hits as Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries, is packaging the series.
The Secret Circle books revolve around Cassie, a teenage girl who is forced to leave behind SoCal for life in New England. Once there she bonds with a creepy group of kids, who turn out to be a coven of deadly witches. Yep, just like my high school senior trip. I caught up with the hubby of The Young and the Restless cutie Eden Riegel to get the dish on his new gig.

"The Secret Circle is a brilliant book series that uses the supernatural to explore the idea of adolescent empowerment and what to do with the power once you've got it," says Miller. "It's fun, sexy and edgy and I'm thrilled to be a part of it."

Sounds like Must See CW to me!

Source: Daytime Confidential

Lost Girl - Interactive Motion Comic - Chapter 3 Futakuchi-onna now online

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Fringe - Cast Interview with CityTV [VIDEO]

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Medium - Episode 7.05 - Talk to the Hand - Press Release


Guest Stars Include Marc Vann ("CSI: Crime Scene Investigation") as Funeral Director Wayne Lundgren, and Gregg Henry ("Hung") as Soccer Coach Swanson

"Talk to the Hand" - When Allison gets a skin graft on her hand after a burn, she is puzzled when the same hand acts with a mind of its own, gesturing uncontrollably. Also, Bridgette keeps her real role on the soccer team a secret from her parents, on MEDIUM, Friday, Friday, Oct. 22 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Guest stars include Marc Vann ("CSI: Crime Scene Investigation") as funeral director Wayne Lundgren, and Gregg Henry ("Hung") as soccer Coach Swanson.


Allison Dubois........................ Patricia Arquette
Joe Dubois.................................... Jake Weber
District Attorney Devalos........ Miguel Sandoval
Ariel Dubois............................ Sofia Vassilieva
Bridgette Dubois............................ Maria Lark
Detective Lee Scanlon.................. David Cubitt
Marie Dubois...................... Miranda Carabello


Lynn DiNovi.............................. Tina DiJoseph
Dr. Heath Timlin....................... Matthew Glave
Coach Swanson...................... ....Gregg Henry
Wayne Lundgren............................ Marc Vann
Coach Amy Gabler................. Katie Sigismund
Monica Janeway............................ Teri Reeves
Surgeon.............................................. Stan Egi
Josh Whitman............................... Don Fischer
Mrs. Lundgren.......................... Mary Garripoli
Elderly Woman........................ Candice Azzara

WRITTEN BY: Executive Producers Robert Doherty & Craig Sweeny

DIRECTED BY: Colin Bucksey

RATING: To Be Announced


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Hellcats - Episode 1.07 - The Match Game - Extended Promo

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(100% cougar free) Cougar Town - Episode 2.05 - Keeping Me Alive - Recap

Sometimes penny can, and sometimes penny can't. This time, it's penny undecided, when the whole gang is at Jules' living room slash kitchen. While Jules is going through her lists with the girls, we discover that if Travis was girl, Jules would have called him Jay-jay (I guess Coco was already taken), that Jules is the hottest one of the group and that Penny Can is the most boring game in the planet.

In order to make Penny Can less boring, Laurie comes up with an alternate game, “Truth or Penny Can”. In this game, when someone misses the can they are asked a personal question. Although his many hours of practice, Bobby misses it, making Ellie jump on the opportunity like a gangsta' lion onto his redneck pray. She asks him if he feels ashamed to be taking money from Jules every month. This makes him storm out and to decide to stop accepting Jules' money and help.

This makes Jules so extremely happy, that she is forced to torture Grayson by stealing his fries (he is a battered, poor, man), but in order to actually make it happen Bobby has to make some sacrifices: he'll need to give more golf lessons, sell dog Travis' sperm (who the hell buys dogs sperm, and what does he use it for?! Forget it. I don't want to know. Really), and give up his health insurance. Which is stupid. Because he is Bobby. Not long after, and Jules' is having a party to celebrate her “new found money” (by drinking margaritas with crushed aspirin. Does it even taste good?), and Bobby goes and pretends he is a dog. He tries to catch a frisbee with his teeth, but naturally and necessary for the dramatic continuity, he fails, falls and dislocates his shoulder. Leaving Jules to pick up the pieces, literally, and put them back into place. More on that later.

Meanwhile, Laurie who was broken up with, by Smith, seems to be taking the breakup well. Maybe too well. So well that Grayson and Andy suspect she might be a robot. Okay, they don't actually think that, but they do think it's weird. At first Laurie goes to Smith' place to pick up her stuff, and meets his exuberantly happy father there (who seem to have gone more senile and insane since we first met him). Then they both trick Grayson and Andy to think she is attacking Smith violently. Then they hang out. Then they sleep together. Then Smith tells Laurie they shouldn't act like a couple anymore. She is fine with it all. Nothing takes her down. Eventually, and after agreeing that both Andy and Travis are the women in their relationships, Andy gets Laurie to admit she will miss her special moments with Smith. She was probably just faking it to get those women (Andy and Grayson, obviously) off her masculine, yet delicate back.

As we move to the Ellie island, we meet her as she realizes that there are other people who are stupid apart from Laurie. They are called Jules and Bobby, and (together with Laurie) they declare Mexico an island, because it has beaches. Even though Florida has beaches too, and it is not an island. Ellie puts on her condescending hat, and too, declares everyone but herself and Travis as stupid. After a while of superior bitchiness, Jules is tired from Ellie's attitude and proves to her that she is just like them. This, actually works – and Ellie is depressed by this news. She takes the time off being evil or condescending, to perfect her penny can skills, and although it makes her sad, she becomes the most skillful of the group. She gets so amazing, she can actually perform penny can tricks. Travis notices them, and notices she is not herself. He brings her up again, by telling her that they are both still better than everyone else, because they are so smart, they can fool everyone to think that they are smarter than they actually are.

At last, we are back to Bobby. He is still in pain, but refuses to get help from Jules (but using everyone else as his extra hands is fine). Jules though, really wants to be in control of Bobby, so she asks him to come and help her in the office, so to get health insurance. He agrees, but after Jules leaves him in the office to sharpen the pencils (which isn't a euphemism) and think of ways to get more customers, Bobby actually does that. He proves to be a pretty good advertising man, and gets a lot more customers in. Too bad most of them are homeless who just came in because of the free Jules' beer Bobby gave away. Jules is mad at Bobby for messing up her office, but they make up. Jules admits that she takes care of Bobby as a way of revenge of his cheating on her, and ruining the relationship.
If this is revenge, i'd like to order one too, Jules Cobb.
Also, I'd like to ask Ellie to marry me. This is all.

Skins - First Trailer of US Remake

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Desperate Housewives - Episode 7.08 Sorry Grateful - Press Release

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - "Sorry Grateful" - Thanksgiving on Wisteria Lane finds Gabrielle and Carlos hosting Carmen, Hector and Grace to a bountiful feast. But the Solis's discover some surprising news about the Sanchez's that could threaten their time with Grace. Meanwhile, Bree invites Keith's parents (John Schneider and Nancy Travis) to partake in Thanksgiving at her house and learns some family secrets; Susan butts heads with Lynette over her sleep training techniques for baby Paige; Renee continues to remind Tom about their past; and Beth tries to uncover more about Paul's past misdeeds, on "Desperate Housewives," SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 (9:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Source : DesperateSource
via ABC

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Medium - Episode 7.06 - Where Were You When? - Press Release


"Where Were You When...?" - When Allison begins having flashes to a specific time in the future, her sense of dread grows as she feels more and more powerless to stop a catastrophic event from occurring, on MEDIUM, Friday, Oct. 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Allison Dubois........................ Patricia Arquette
Joe Dubois.................................... Jake Weber
District Attorney Devalos........ Miguel Sandoval
Ariel Dubois............................ Sofia Vassilieva
Bridgette Dubois............................ Maria Lark
Detective Lee Scanlon.................. David Cubitt
Marie Dubois..................... Madison Carabello

Rob Walcott.............................. Clancy Brown
Gavin Finch.................................. David Burke
Mrs. Halstead............................. Angela Paton
Booth Guard #1............................ Rick Gifford
Russ O'Toole................. Stoney Westmoreland
Secretary.................................. Jennifer Chang
History Teacher................ Caroline Kingsolving
Art Teacher.................................. Jodi Fleisher
Booth Guard #2...................... Michael Manuel
Goateed Man.............................. Jack Harding

WRITTEN BY: Jordan Rosenberg

DIRECTED BY: Peter Werner

RATING: To Be Announced


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Stargate Universe - Episode 2.05 - Cloverdale - Promo

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The Office Webisode Update

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 7.05 - Almost Grown - Promo 4

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Conan O’Brien Announces First Week of Guests

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Ratings News - 21st October 2010 - Undercovers, Cougar Town, Modern Family and more

Glee - Podcast - Episode #7 – “News & Spoilers Catch-Up”

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The Walking Dead - Episode 1.01 - Days Gone By - Scream Sneak Peek

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Supernatural - Episode 6.05 - Live Free or Twi-hard - Space Sneak Peek

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Dexter - Episode 5.07 - Circle Us - Synopsis

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CSI - Episode 11.05 - House of Hoarders - Sneak Peek

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Grey's Anatomy - Seattle Grace - Episode 1 - Message of Hope

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No Ordinary Family - Episode 1.05 - No Ordinary Quake - Sneak Peek

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POLL : Which of these shows will you be watching Tonight? - 21st October 2010

True Blood - Season 4 - New Series Regular

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The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XXI - Promo

Thanks to MaryKir.

The Defenders - Episode 1.06 - Nevada v. Rodgers - Promo

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Supernatural - Episode 6.04 - Weekend at Bobby's - Recap by Selina

I had been looking forward to this episode before I even knew it was airing: it is no secret that Bobby is my favourite character and aside from stressing the hell out about him dying whenever he's on screen, I always cherish the episodes that center around him. I'll try to stay as objective about this episode as I can, however, and give you a fair and balanced recap.

As Sarah pointed out in the comments, this was also Jensen Ackles' directing debut. It's always great to see actors take initiative with their shows in this way, it demonstrates a commitment and how serious they take the narrative, when they engage with it in this completely new way. Jensen did an amazing job, and through his directing showed a great understanding of Bobby's character. Great job Jensen!

I'd also like to apologise for this week's recap being delayed. I had a really good reason: I pretty much used up all of my self-allocated blogging time this week typing up reports of the author talk with Philip Pullman and the award ceremony with JK Rowling I attended within this last week - I know right?! If you are a fan of either of these authors or their works feel free to check out these reports at The Patchwork Blog!

NCIS - Episode 8.06 - Cracked - Extended Trailer

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Latest from Ausiello - Various Shows - 21st October 2010

Shameless - New Trailer

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 2.06 - Plan B - Latest from E!Online

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Criminal Minds - Episode 6.06 - Devil's Night - Promo

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Private Practice - Episode 4.05 - In or Out - More Sneak Peeks

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Supernatural - Episode 6.05 - Live Free or Twi-hard - Space Promo

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Sons of Anarchy - Episode 3.08 - Lochan Mor - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Whole Truth - True Confessions?

POLL : What did you think of Law & Order: Los Angeles - Sylmar?

Blue Mountain State- Season 2 - Cast Interviews with Darin Brooks and Alan Ritchson

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Cougar Town - Keeping Me Alive?

POLL : What did you think of Criminal Minds - Safe Haven?

POLL : What did you think of Modern Family - Unplugged?

POLL : What did you think of Undercovers - Not Without My Daughter?

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