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Supernatural - Season 6 - First Promo (*Updated - Better Version*)

10 Sept 2010

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Thanks to angelinchains67 for the heads up and to deandeansam for the video.

Hopefully we'll have a better version soon. Thanks to carleyannk.


  1. OMG please be right. gosh I dont wanna have him come back alive.. love him but.. DEAD is dead please LOL!

  2. HAHAHHA yeah I think you are the only one hahahah! Did you see the spoilers? cause if yes .. well u are weird hahahaha

  3. AWESOME AWESOME I wanna say thanks for the promo CW but no F U 2 weeks before the premier u suck guys. HAHAHA. LOVE EVERY FAN!

  4. okay my grand ma is screaming at mee cause ive watched it 30 times in a row.. IM TRYING TO GEAT CLUES GRAND MA!!!! And one think weird.. sam with the gun ahahha, so use to see him with knife or blade these days

  5. AAAAHHHHH - I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I love this show. Thank goodness for the re-runs on TNT!!!!

  6. I'm sure that's exactly the reason Dean's gonna have such a hard time dealing with it, I don't think he's ever wanted to become like John, even though he used to idolize him so much. That's my tragic Dean back, with his tragic choices :P I do agree with you though, I don't want him to be a jerk either, so I hope eventually they will all figure it out somehow... I mean, I wouldn't mind Dean promising Ben to come back one day to teach him how to be a hunter ;) although I guess that's not what he would want for the kid either... well, I don't know, but that is exactly why SPN is so great - because there are no easy decisions or easy choices. I know that it leads to someone suffering in the end, but I guess it's just how the show is...

  7. come on a normal hunter might not be able to have a family but this is dean we r talking abt ryt?? and yeah i am sure the writers can pull it off

  8. I don't like the idea of dean abandoning his family either. I hope they don't make Dean out to be a jerk or just kill of Lisa and Ben. I'm a little upset at the writers for having Sam get out of hell and not tell dean. Sam knows what it's to mourn a brother like that. He wouldn't do that to Dean. I'm still excited about the upcoming season, though. I think it will be great!
    I must quibble with your dissing of John. John never abandoned his children. His whole life was dedicated to his kids. Yes, he moved constantly, left his kids alone at times, gave Dean too much responsibility too early, and trained them like special ops operatives. John knew that something really bad was after his kids and he reacted like a marine...he went on the offensive. The constant moving keep the demon off their trail, he wisely trusted no one else to take care of his boys (anyone could be a demon), and the training was necessary. The boys wouldn't have lasted long if they had been raised like the usual American kid.
    John could be a difficult man, but you can't say he wasn't devoted to his sons. Sam was over 18 when he and his father had their blowout and Sam left for college. It's true he didn't answer his phone a lot during the first season, but he was trying to catch a demon without leading it to his sons.
    OK, sorry for the rant, but John is one of my favorite characters and most people in SPN fandom seem to have a low opinion of him. I guess most people watching the show are pretty young and not used to looking at things from a parent's point of view.

  9. no way man i want the writers to find a balance for dean, you know like hunting with sam and living the apple pie life too. cuz as john winchester once said 'i want dean to have a home' ryt??

  10. soo ryt 'wats dead should stay dead' ryt??

  11. Gotta be Bella. If it's not Jo, no one was more hated than Bella.

  12. i agree with mia i cant wait to see a dangerous sam its about time he hunked up. cant wait to ,see how he and dean will react when they first meet.dean will be pissed im sure but this time sammy will be smoldering

  13. I may be getting cynical in my old age but I really believe the writers would be doing the show a disservice if they try to keep Dean and Lisa together. That's not to say I wouldn't love for them to have a happy ending, I just don't think that's what SPN is about.

  14. dat is so true, they better not kill her and him. i get it dat they r gonna have to go through a rough patch and all that but come on dude give him a break ryt?

  15. I think the reason Sam didn't tell him he was out of hell was that he wanted him to have a normal life - or at least a shadow of one, at least for a while. Yes, Sam of all people knows the feeling of having a brother in hell, but Sam also knows how it is to lead a non-hunter life. Dean, up to this point, didn't. Just like Sam says in the other promo - Dean earned a regular life. I mean, I don't like it that he went out of hell and didn't tell Dean for so long either, but I kind of get the idea why he did so.

  16. It would be great if Dean could have his 'happy ever after', but that's not likely to happen - not this season anyway. Even in soaps, 'happy ever afters' often don't remain that way for long.
    Supernatural is dark. That's part of what makes it uniquely Supernatural. My heart breaks for those boys on a regular basis, but I believe the show would lose something if Dean was able to lead an 'ordinary' life. How can a hunter do the job and still have the responsibility of a home and family? I can't see how the writers could pull that off convincingly, given everything that's led up to the present. It will be interesting to see how they deal with all this - I doubt they will kill Lisa off - it's just too obvious. The writers are really great at taking the unexpected path, not the easy ones either, so I guess it's a matter of 'wait and see' . And the waiting is almost over. Yay!

  17. They better not kill Lisa or Ben cause that was Dean's Dream to be with them forever . Dean has alway's dreamed of being with Lisa in season 3 and now he's with her they better not bloody well kill her or i wont watch the show again , cause if all if darkness is going to be in it why ? i asks why ? . All Dean wanted was a family life with Lisa and Ben how could have it not have just is ended like that ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  18. Yeah, I can't see Dean ever wanting to get a kid involved with hunting, especially after what he has seen it do to Sam. I agree that SPN is not afraid to go to the hard places, but I need to continue to like and respect Dean as a character. Still, I've been worried about things before (Paris Hilton, Adam, Dean in hell) and SPN has usually pulled it off beautifully (well, I still hated the Adam thing but it did kind of make sense). I don't think I would be so fidgety about the whole Dean the family man thing if they hadn't ended the 5-year plan at the same time. I'm nervous they are making this stuff up as they go along and I always feel better when the people yanking my chain know what they are doing. I want to hear that they have another 5-year plan, not just that monsters are going to be bad this year. The reason I followed Kripke through car crashes and hell is that I knew he had a plan. I'm not excited to rush to cliffhangers without one.

  19. I'm not sure I like Dean ditching his new family. I'm hoping that they can pull off a situation where I don't feel like Dean is a jerk, abandoning a kid who has to look up to him as a father. That's a John trait I never want Dean to have.

  20. TNT may be the best thing that ever happened to SPN. More people are watching because of it. I know a few people I tried to get watching earlier never did but now that it is on TNT, they have asked to borrow my DVD's. Also, a guy came into Blockbuster looking for the DVD's after seeing it. Pretty awesome! At least one network is starting to promote SPN.

  21. I have to say, I can't wait to see Dean aka Jensen Ackles get all emotional - he's a really great actor. But then so is Sam aka Jared Padelecki (sorry if I spelt it wrong - going on 27 hours and no sleep and after seeing this a few times, I'm WAY too overtired and excited to sleep now. Good thing its my day off and I don't have to drive anywhere!!!!)

  22. *Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I'm so excited.

  23. I just can't stop rewatching it.....ahhhhhhhhh it needs to be 2 weeks from now already....

  24. This is just awesome! I cannot wait for the 24th to get here! I have a brand new job starting Monday and a brand new life waiting for me. Life is so good after so many months of heartbreak! I am so excited and thrilled!

  25. What the heck was that? Am I the only one who thinks this was weird? :S

  26. This is gonna be sooo GOOD!! can't wait! and yeah, the tragic Dean is back, the angry Dean is back and I'm guessing the dark Sam is back too!! wow. And to all of that, we have Dean the family guy. And I have the feeling his goodbye to Ben and Lisa is gonna be heartbreaking, yet it's Sam who's his real family, no matter what.
    and btw, this is a great promo!!

  27. I am so damn excited by this promo. I can't wait to see Sam reveal himself to Dean and I can't wait to see Dean struggling with the apple pie life. I feel so sad for him that it's all going to get ripped away. Not that I want him to stay family-guy Dean, I need him back with Sam, saving people, hunting things, the family business, but I am sad for him.... :( Man I can't wait for this season. BRING IT!

  28. This's amazing!!!!!! and ı LOVE Dean's family guy thing he's sooooooooooooo cute lol

  29. Oh yeah! It's like being a kid waiting for Christmas - only better!

  30. Being a fan of a certain female whom I wont name so that I don't get hateful comments (Not Jo or Ruby), I was not the biggest fan of the whole going to be with Lisa storyline, but I have to say now I am soo excited for this season and I love Dean being all family oriented and everything. This promo made me squee really loudly...probably scared the other person in my house :)

  31. It's 6:30 in the morning. Everyone is asleep, and I just screamed.

  32. So I think I know how YED comes back. Dean dreams of him killing Lisa

  33. Dude, that was awesome! Look out, zombies, vampires, demons, ghosts, etc. because Dean and Sam are BAAAAACKKKK!

  34. oh my god, in the ''You,ve been back this whole time'' you can feel Dean's anger growing.....he's going to be CRAZY MAD .....get out of the way Sam..


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