Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Big Brother 12 - Ep.22 - Live Eviction - HoH - PoV - 2nd Eviction - Who is HoH? * Spoiler *

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Big Brother 12 - Ep.22 - Live Eviction - HoH - PoV - 2nd Eviction - Who is HoH? * Spoiler *

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What’s up freaks, geeks and voyeurs, welcome back to another edition of Big Brother 12!

Double Eviction – Check

New HoH – Check

The Brigade ThisClose To Being Final 3 - ?

On Thursdays episode, it was going to be fast and furious as not only 1 HG would leave the house but 2 HG’s would leave the house. To start off, we saw Matt trying one last effort to try and save himself by trying to get rid of Enzo. His reasoning to Hayden and Lane was because he can control Ragan and Lane has Britney. I have to give props to Ragan because he’s figured it out. There is/was an alliance of 4, including Hayden, Enzo, Lane and Matt. Matt plays it off like he has no idea but Ragan is pretty smart and once Hayden and Lane said they would split their votes, he knew what was up. In the end(no shock), Matt was evicted 4-0. The HG’s were notified of the double eviction and full week’s worth of BB in 1 night.

First up was the HoH competition and while it was a fair competition, it was rather simple as the HG’s had to get the two people who have won HoH twice in the house this season. Literally, I counted, this competition took less than a minute to complete and Hayden is the new HoH!! Quickly, the Brigade(with Brendon) huddled up to discuss who was going up. It was pretty clear from earlier in the week the target is and has always been Brendon. Hayden then nominated both Brendon and Ragan.

Next up was the PoV competition and this was guessing ‘Before’ or ‘After’ two events in the house and to put an interesting twist, Ragan won the PoV. Hayden turned around and nominated Britney to sit next to Brendon. One of my favorite moments of the night was Britney asking the guys if she was safe and they assured her that she was. As expected, Brendon was evicted from the house by a vote of 3-0.

Who will win the HoH and who will they nominate? Find out Sunday Night at 8pm on Big Brother 12!!

Until Next Time,

Eric Scot

The Animal House Radio Show

Monday Nights 8pm ET 5pm PT










The HG’s did play the HoH competition last night at about 11pm ET 8pm PT and Lane is the new HoH. It’s more than likely that Lane will nominate Ragan as his target but it’s going to be interesting to see if he’ll put up Britney or if he’ll put up another Brigade member as a pawn. I’m thinking he’ll put up Britney and promise her she’s safe. Even more interesting to watch this week, if one of Ragan or ? wins PoV, Lane will have to choose a Brigade member to go up. So who does? Hayden or Enzo? I’m guessing Enzo, just a hunch. I can’t wait!

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