Hello everyone and welcome back to Big Brother 12 -- After Sunday's show, we have 2 new nominees, new have-nots and a whole lot of drama throughout the house.
It all started with Brendon coming clean about his having a PhD and Enzo immediately jumping on that information(i'm sorry but what's the big deal?). Ragan then in the DR says he is glad no one knows he has a PhD(are people threatened because others are so smart? really?) while Andrew says he's thrilled that the no one knows he's a doctor(again, alot of really smart people in the house, add in Rachel who is also quite smart). One thing I'm completely confused about is how Andrew reacts oddly to almost every situation. The first night on the Showtime feeds, we saw him trying to go under the blankets of Annie while she wasn't wearing anything but panties. CREEPER! This time, he started jumping around, so thrilled that Rachel won the HoH but he's not in an alliance and no offense there kid but it's WAY too early to start celebrating "big" wins. It was huge for Rachel and Brendon but for anyone else, just cover your butt and lay low.
Of course, I'd like to say that Britney could lay low but she's a drama queen supreme and everytime we are seeing her on screen, it's either drama this or cry about that. She is so annoying and in my opinion, that takes down her hot points by a lot. We do have another developing showmance in the house between Hayden and Kristen. Hayden was playing this school boy game, talking to the boys asking if they think she'd be interested and when finally getting a small bit of alone time with her, makes the move. She is obviously interested in return and now, we have a showmance. I think this one, WAY over the quick showmance between Brendon and Rachel, will last alot longer. The problem for the couple of Brendon and Rachel is that she's a little drama queen too and how could anyone want to be with her and that annoying laugh. WOW!
We now turn to the Have-Have Not competition and it's an interesting game. This one involves hanging 3 people up on a wall with colored tape. Once they are secured, the wall will be raised and each team has water cannons to try and loosen the tape up on the wall. The last team to stick on the wall will decide who are the Have Nots for the week. The game begins, fast and furious trying to lay as much tape down as possible. On Team 1, Ragan gets stuck to the wall, Team 2 shows Kathy being stuck to the wall and Team 3 has Britney stuck to the wall. Ragan doesn't look to be taped very well and he falls off first, the other teams seem to have focused on getting Britney out and blast her real good. Of course, this was re-inforced by her DR session complaining how everyone ganged up on her. The competition ended when Britney started to slip and cried that she couldn't breathe. I think this was more of a panic type of thing than actually choking her but regardless, she was ripped down from the wall and Team 2 won the rights to name the Have Nots. They chose the team of Brendon, Enzo, Money and awwww, Britney. So again, we hear her complain how she almost dies in this competition, gets blasted more than anyone else and has to be a Have Not? BOO HOO!!! America chose Fishsticks and Fruitcake for the food of choice.
Finally, we have the Nomination Ceremony where Rachel has to put 2 people up for Eviction and some butt kissing starts floating around but you she can see right through it. Britney goes up, pleads her case and how Rachel wasn't her target(DR session, she says "Of course, she is my target") and Monet goes up and pleads her case and says that Rachel isn't her target either(DR session, she says "Of course, she is my target"). Remember, the girl is supposed to be smart PLUS she has the newly outed PhD holder Brendon helping her along the way so Britney and Monet get nominated for eviction.
Find out who wins the PoV on Wednesday night and if a replacement nominee gets named.
Until Next Time,
Eric Scot
The Animal House Radio Show
Monday Nights 8pm ET 5pm PT
Britney won the Power of Veto and took herself off the block. Rachel had to nominate Matt as a replacement, hoping he is the pawn targeting Monet as her choice to go home.