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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Doctor Who - 4x09: "Forest of the Dead" Promo Video

Source: BBC YouTube Channel

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Doctor Who - 4x10: "Midnight" - Press Release

Doctor Who – Midnight Ep 10/13
Saturday 14 June
7.00-7.45pm BBC ONE

The Doctor is trapped, alone, powerless and terrified, on the planet Midnight, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. Soon, the knocking on the wall begins. Only a woman called Sky seems to know the truth – but as paranoia turns into a witch-hunt, Sky turns the Doctor's greatest strengths against him, and a sacrifice must be made...

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion, Donna Noble. Lesley Sharp guest stars.

Source: BBC Press Office

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Psych - Episode 3.05 - The Greatest Adventure - Script Snippet

Thanks to ZM for the script.

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Psych - Episode 3.04 - Daredevils! - Script Snippet

Thanks to ZM for the script.

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Mad Men - Episode 2.01 - For Those Who Think Young

The Season 2 Premiere of Mad Men will be called "For Those Who Think Young" and will air on 27th July 2008.

Source: SpoilerTV

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Criminal Minds - Latest from Ausiello

Question: After seeing that explosive finale for Criminal Minds, I have to ask: Is someone leaving the show?— Carly

Ausiello: I'm guessing not. When asked who got blown up in the episodes final seconds, exec producer Ed Bernero said in this week's issue of TV Guide, "The person who's injured is the right person to have been injured, and it will all make sense when you see the rest of this story." Notice how he said injured and not killed? Notice also how I repurposed a fairly innocuous quote from the magazine to distract you from the fact that I really don't have an answer to your question? I'm sneaky like that.
Source: Ask Ausiello

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NCIS - Latest from Ausiello

Question: You would have to take the week off when NCIS drops three big bombs on all of us. What gives? — Tygerbam
Ausiello: What gives is… I'm about to more than make it up to you with the following exclusive mini-Q&A with exec producer Shane Brennan featuring your burning questions about the season finale! Woo-hoo!

• Are they really writing out McGee, DiNozzo and Ziva à la House, or will they all be back next season?! Patrick

Brennan: No fan of NCIS will be disappointed when the show returns in September. I promise, we're not doing a House! But strap into your seats, it's going to be a heart stopping ride....

• Please, please, please tell me that they’re not really breaking up the team on NCIS! Lu Ann

Brennan: Deep breaths. Everything is going to be fine. This is Gibbs' team, right?

• Will the show be introducing any new team members next season? Chris

Brennan: Yes. And no.

Source: Ask Ausiello

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Doctor Who - 4x08: "Silence in the Library" - Digital Spy Preview

Preview: The Doctor's next companion?

This week the Doctor meets an old friend. Or a new friend. Or possibly not a friend at all.

Silence in the Library
The episode - the first of a two-parter - is set in the 51st century on a planet housing the biggest library in the universe. So big, in fact, that the whole planet is a library. However, 100 years ago it was suddenly sealed off and its inhabitants sent out a cryptic warning: "If you want to live, count the shadows."

When the Doctor and Donna arrive on the scene, the entire library is deserted. Using one of his fancy gadgets, the Doctor determines that he and Donna are the only two humanoid life-forms on the planet, but when it comes to general life-forms, there are apparently a million million knocking around.

A new companion?
A few more humanoid life-forms join the party before too long, as a team headed up by Professor River Song (Alex Kingston) arrives to investigate The Library and its moving shadows. Song instantly recognises the Doctor, claiming that they have been to many places together - but the Doctor has no idea what she's talking about.

The blue pill or the red pill?
Meanwhile, somewhere else, a little girl is having visions. There are intruders in her library...

Spoiler Sport
Naturally, the library houses its fair share of books. Being the biggest library in the universe, it has books on every subject imaginable - including detailed accounts of historic events. Events which, for Donna at least, have yet to happen. The Doctor warns her against having a peek, claiming that spoilers are best avoided. The cheek! The Doctor's clearly not a Tube Talk fan.

Who said What?
Here are some select quotes from the episode, with the now-customary stars inserted to keep you wondering.

"The library goes on forever."
"Isn't travelling with you one big spoiler?"
"Run, for God's sake run. ******e is safe."
"4022 *****. No s***i****."
"That was the most horrible thing I've ever seen."
"The **** world is a *** and your ********** are ****."

Source: Digital Spy

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Doctor Who - 4x08: "Silence in the Library" - BBC Sneak Peek #2

Click for sneak peek #2

Source: BBC - Doctor Who - The Official Site

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Doctor Who - SkyMag June 2008 Scan - David Tennant & Catherine Tate Interview

Source: SkyMag

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Bones - Episode 4.04 - The Crank in the Shaft - Script Snippet

Thanks to ZM for the script.

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Bones - Episode 4.05 - Yanks In The U.K. Part One

Thanks to ZM for the script.

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TV Pilot - 1 Hour for FOX.
EXEC PROD/WRTR, Shaun Cassidy.
Contract: Union.
Shoot Dates: Early July, 2008 (in Los Angeles, CA).

Justin Lambreaux / Clyde
30-45, Justin Lambreaux is a partially paralyzed homicide detective with the San Francisco police department. Shot by an unknown assailant two years ago, he has recently returned to work, bound by a wheelchair and a deep sense of loss - for his former self, for the wife that left him, and for the daughter that his ex is currently trying to take away. Lambreaux is brilliant, intense, sarcastic, and remarkably empathetic. He is also a man literally engaged in a battle with himself. For Lambreaux has an alter ego - a flip, cocky, rockstar handsome criminal by the name of Clyde. Clyde is everything Lambreaux (and most of us) wish we could be if we were completely untethered from the conventional rules of behavior and morality. Unburdened by conscience (and any physical limitations), Clyde is a visceral creature of the street who will say and do whatever he wants, with whomever he wants, all in an ironically self-aware effort to ‘protect’ Lambreaux from harm. Of course, in protecting Lambreaux, Clyde is also protecting himself -- sptv050769, and whether his ultimate goal is to swallow Lambreaux whole is anyone's guess. Series Regular;

Mason Wicks
30s, "sharp heels, sharper mind, wrapped in a cloak of business casual that belies a wild heart," Wicks is a brilliant police department psychologist. Though all business on the surface, she has a deep, dark attraction to the underbelly of life and the dangerous and often alluring men to be found there. Throughout our series, Wicks will treat and counsel Lambreaux at the insistence of their Captain, helping him to work through the many new psychological and emotional issues he's confronting. And when she eventually discovers that he is living a double life, Wicks will attempt to help him reintegrate his two personalities. Perhaps not surprisingly, Clyde will have other ideas. His goal will be to attempt to seduce Wicks, and as she finds herself becoming more and more attracted to this electrifying man, she may ultimately find herself in a love triangle - with ONE person. Series Regular;

Lt. Curtis Corrales
Mid 30s-Early 40s, all ethnicities, a cool, grounded, painfully uncomplicated family man, Curtis is the homicide detective who works most closely with Lambreaux. While our series deals in many shades of grey, part of Curtis' charm is that he is always black and white. While somewhat unnerved to see Lambreaux back on the job in a wheelchair, he clearly trusts Lambreaux's instincts and is eager to see him succeed. Oblivious to Lambreaux's double life, Curtis will often get frustrated when Lambreaux disappears for hours at a time, and over the course of our series, he may even begin to wonder if this man he has put so much faith in is in fact one of the city's most notorious criminals. Series Regular;

7-10 (going on 40), Lambreaux's daughter, very wise and maternal, and extremely protective of her father. She adores Lambreaux, and is fearful that a brewing custody battle between her parents could result in her never being allowed to see him again. We will quickly discover that Emily is also the only person (initially) who knows the two sides of the man, and has a happy, healthy relationship with both. Emily loves Lambreaux for his strength and support, and adores Clyde for his fun and his recklessness. Aware of the issues and possible ramifications of her father's ‘other way,’ she assures Lambreaux that she will never tell her mother about his secret. Series Regular;

Ryan Farber
25-30, all ethnicities. A serious young detective, all spit and polish, freshly promoted, and perhaps a little too eager to move ahead and upstage the more experienced Curtis and Lambreaux. Though Ryan means well, he is lacking for character and will often cut corners, all the while presenting himself as the charming and handsome poster boy for the department. Over time, Lambreaux may come to distrust him, opening the door for Clyde to come in and attempt to bring Ryan to the dark side as an informant. Series Regular;

20-35. A six foot tall Nigerian woman, Bitsi is a big part of Clyde's street circle, a flirtatious and gregarious girl-for-hire. Charming, childlike, pragmatic, and completely non-discriminatory when it comes to work and her own survival, Bitsi would just as soon give you a kiss for a dollar as throw a body off a bridge for ten. Recurring;

Camille Haton
30s, Lambreaux's ex-wife, button-down pretty and painfully passive-aggressive. Where she once enjoyed the wild side that Lambreaux had before his shooting, keeping watch over an invalid was not for her and she made the painful to decision to leave him while he was still in the hospital. Whether she has forgiven herself for this act is unknown, but right now, she is attempting to justify a move to a different state as all being in ‘the best interest of her daughter’. Recurring.

Source: SpoilerTV

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True Blood - Episode 1.10 - I Don't Wanna Know - Casting

40s-50s, Caucasian, bureaucratic and quietly powerful, he's an intimidating and calm vampire who runs a court tribunal that punishes crimes in the vampire community. When questioned, his temper flares up, and he proves ingeniously sadistic in his sentencing; he was trained in the Inquisition and knows how to torture. Magister is amused by and indifferent to the plight of Jessica, a human sacrifice, and rather turned on by her death. Guest Star - sptv050769. Possible Recurring;

17. This wholesome, churchgoing, beautiful girl is petrified to discover that she is going to be sacrificed as part of a vampire punishment. She begs for her life and is briefly calmed down by Bill before terrible pain and fear cause her to faint. Guest Star - Recurring;

Sam's Mother
Seen in a flashback. In her 40s. She is 15 years old Sam's adoptive mother who is scared and perplexed by Sam's behavior. Possible Recurring;

This female vampire at Magister's tribunal removes another vampire's fangs with pliers as punishment for a crime. She is sexually aroused by Jessica's fear and kisses Eric;

Woman in the Woods
30s-40s. She is a Maenad (if you don't know what that its - please Google it!) This wild woman is supernatural, articulate and polished. She feeds on the fears of others and is a BIG DEAL in season two. Nudity might be required. Very Strong Recurring in Season Two;

Young Sam
SUBMIT 18+. Seen in a flashback, he is Sam (Sam Trammell) as a 15 years old boy. He is scared of and confused by his ability to shapeshift. The process is frightening, and causes him to shake like he's having a seizure. Later, Sam returns home from school to a heartbreaking discovery: his adoptive parents have completely abandoned him. Possible Recurring

Source: SpoilerTV

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Lincoln Heights - Episode 3.05 - Number One With A Bullet - Casting

Danny Marin
Early 20s, Male, Caucasian or Hispanic. Great Looking, friendly, thinks and talks fast, smart beyond his years. He is the young associate to the owner of the Revolution, Baron Davis. A hip go-getter with a Blackberry permanently stuck to his hand. Recurring Guest Star;

Thaddius Crawford
60s, Male, Caucasian, physically fit. Crabby, irascible and assertive. Devin challenges Tay to grab a souvenir from Mr. Crawford's front porch. He tells Tay that Old Man Crawford went insane several years ago, killed his family and has a wooden hip. We learn he is completely the opposite of how Devin described him. sptv050769.Co-Star;

Blade Sanchez
Mid 20s, Male, Hispanic. Unsavory, former US infantry, reticent to cooperate with police. Local tattoo artist and all-around scumbag. Eddie and Powell interview him regarding a tattoo that was on the wrist of the perp in the convenience store. He has spent time overseas in the military. 1 Day Guest Star;

Wendell Meeks
18+ to play 17, Male, African-American. Desperate, scared and in over his head. A jittery teenager who is holding up a clerk at a convenience store with a screwdriver. Co-Star;

Early-Mid 20s, Female, Caucasian, attractive. The hostess at an upscale hotel restaurant who catches Cassie spying on Charles having lunch with Sabrina. Co-Star.

Source: SpoilerTV

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My Boys - Episode 2.02 - Dinner Party

Stephanie suggests that P.J. host a dinner party for singles; Andy hires an attractive nanny, but her healthy lifestyle drives him crazy.

Airs: 19th June 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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My Boys - Episode 2.01 - The Transitioning

P.J. and her mystery date join Stephanie and Lance on an excursion through Rome; the guys go through life changes at home.

Airs: 12th June 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Doctor Who - 4x08: "Silence in the Library" - BBC Sneak Peek

Click for sneak peek

Source: BBC - Doctor Who - The Official Site

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Doctor Who - Mid Series Trailer

Uploaded by pokemonshocker

Source: BBC - YouTube Channel

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Doctor Who - 4.9: Forest of the Dead

As the shadows rise and march, the Doctor forges an alliance with the mysterious River Song, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. But can anyone stop the Vashta Nerada?

While the Doctor discovers long-buried secrets and revelations about his own future, the sinister Nodes declare that Donna is doomed.

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion, Donna. Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon and Steve Pemberton guest star.

Source: BBC

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Psych - Episode 3.04 - Daredevils!

Shawn suspects foul play after Dutch the Clutch, a daredevil, is almost killed while performing a stunt.

Airs: 8th August 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Psych - Episode 3.05 - The Greatest Adventure

Shawn and Gus search for buried treasure.

Airs: 15th August 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Bones - Episode 4.05 - Yanks In The U.K. Part One

Episode 4.05 of Bones will be called "Yanks In The U.K. Part One".

Source: SpoilerTV

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Criminal Minds - Episode 4.01 - Mayhem

Episode 4.01 will be called "Mayhem".

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Bones - Episode 4.01 - The He in the She

Two hippies fish out a skeletonized wrist. Cam, Booth, Brennan and a grad student go to the scene to investigate. The lab is using some of Brennan's brighter grad students until they hire a permanent Forensic Anthropologist. In this episode, grad student Vincent Juarez is working along the team. Brennan doesn't seem happy with this tasking and sends Vincent back to the lab even if Cam brought him along. Vincent also has a hard time around Cam because he makes lame jokes and uses familiar terms that will not please Brennan. At first, the team believes the body is that of a female, 40-year-old Patricia Ludmuller. Further investigation proves that Patricia was born a male. Brennan and Booth still have therapy sessions with Sweets. Hodgins and Angela also appear.

Source: SpoilerFix

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NCIS - Episode 6.01 - Heartland

A Marine gets in a brawl inside a bar. When the bouncers kick him out, he finds two Marine buddies barely breathing between the trash cans. One doesn't survive and the team is called in to investigate. Gibbs goes back to his home town, where we meet his father. Tony, Abby, Ziva and McGee also appear.

Source: SpoilerFix

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My Boy - Episodes 2.05 and 2.06

Episode 2.05 - "Take My Work Wife ... Please" 10th July 2008
Episode 2.06 - "Dudes Being Dudes" 17th July 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Doctor Who - Steven Moffat to succceed Russell T Davies

Steven Moffat Takes Charge 20th May 2008
Acclaimed writer to succceed Russell T Davies.

BBC Wales and BBC Drama has announced that Bafta and Hugo Award winning writer Steven Moffat will succeed Russell T Davies as Lead Writer and Executive Producer of the fifth series of Doctor Who, which will broadcast on BBC One in 2010.

Moffat has penned some of the series' most unforgettable and acclaimed episodes - including Blink with its terrifying Weeping Angels, for which he was awarded the Bafta Writer Award 2008 on Sunday 11th May. His previous work on Doctor Who includes The Girl in the Fireplace for Series Two, which earned him his second Hugo Award.

His first was for the Series One two-parter The Empty Child, which became famous for its terrifying refrain 'Are you my mummy?'

For the current series, Moffat has written Silence in the Library, a two parter starring Alex Kingston which transmits on 31st May and 7th June 2008 on BBC One.

Steven's career began with the landmark ITV children's drama Press Gang in 1989, for which he won his first Bafta. Coupling, the hugely popular and award winning sitcom he created and wrote for BBC Two, began in 2000 and ran for four seasons. Jekyll, his six part thriller starring James Nesbitt and Michelle Ryan, transmitted on BBC One last year.

Steven will continue as one of the directors on the board of Hartswood Films which produced Coupling and Jekyll, where he is also working on his new comedy Adam & Eve with wife Sue Vertue. He has just delivered the screenplay for Tintin, the first instalment of the trilogy of films featuring the iconic Belgian comic-strip hero, to Steven Spielberg who will direct it for DreamWorks. Thomas Sangster and Andy Serkis will star.

"My entire career has been a Secret Plan to get this job," said Steven Moffat. "I applied before but I got knocked back cos the BBC wanted someone else. Also I was seven. Anyway, I'm glad the BBC has finally seen the light, and it's a huge honour to be following Russell into the best - and the toughest - job in television. I say "toughest" cos Russell's at my window right now, pointing and laughing."

"It's been a delight and an honour working with Steven," said Russell T Davis, "I can't wait to see where his extraordinary imagination takes the Doctor. Best of all, I get to be a viewer again, watching on a Saturday night!"

"BBC Wales is very proud of Doctor Who's phenomenal success," added Menna Richards, Controller, BBC Wales. "Steven Moffat is an extraordinary talent and we are very much looking forward to him joining the Doctor Who team."

Jane Tranter, Controller BBC Fiction, added her praise. "Scripts and writers are at the heart of what BBC Drama is all about, and especially at the heart of Doctor Who. The past four series have been brilliantly helmed by the spectacularly talented Russell T Davies. As lead writer and executive producer, he has overseen the creative direction and detail of the 21st century relaunch of Doctor Who and we are delighted to have his continued presence on the specials over the next 18 months.

"But the challenge and excitement of the fifth series is now being handed to Steven Moffat. The Tardis couldn't be in safer hands. Steven's talents on both Doctor Who and beyond are well known. He is a writer of glittering brilliance, comedy and depth, with an extraordinary imagination and a unique voice. Steven has a wonderful mix of being a committed Doctor Who fan and a true artist, and his plans for the next series are totally thrilling."

The announcement follows the news that Piers Wenger will take over the role of Executive Producer from Julie Gardner on Series Five of Doctor Who.

"The challenge of taking Doctor Who to a new future is a huge and thrilling one and BBC Wales is blessed to have someone with Steven's extraordinary talent in charge," said Piers." His imagination and creativity have already given birth to some of the series' most unforgettable monsters though in this instance no one need fear; Time, space and the future of The Doctor are safe with him."

Wenger and Moffat are already working closely together on the planning of the series.

Series four has achieved some of the show's highest audience figures to date and forthcoming episodes feature a stellar line up of guests including Lesley Sharp, Lindsey Coulson, Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon and Michael Brandon. Freema Agyeman and Billie Piper - The Doctor's two former companions - have also returned to assist The Doctor in series four.

Doctor Who will return in 2009 with four specials, and the full length fifth series is currently scheduled to be broadcast on BBC One in Spring 2010.

Source: BBC - Doctor Who - The Official Site

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SpoilerTV forums!

Hi Everyone!

I'm Pete. I've been working behind the scenes for the last month or so helping Dark to finish of the SpoilerTV forums and get them ready for our general release (Which was today! Check them out here!)

I'm making this post as an addition to Dark's invitation to the forums, by supplying all the SpoilerTV readers with a few bits of useful information about the forums, and a few reasons to head over there.

DarkUFO and SpoilerTV Forums are now Live!

We're pleased to announce that the new DarkUFO and SpoilerTV forums are now live. We have over 800 members already registered who have been helping us test the new forums. I'd like to thank all the Beta Testers and especially our Site Admin Pete and his team of Moderators and Staff for helping us get this up and running so quickly.

One of the Site Admins, Pete, will be making a longer announcement later on but for now you can visit the forum from the link below.

Once there you can register your username, upload your avatar and create a signature.

Please make sure you spend a few minutes reading the announcements in the Welcome Section.

And lastly enjoy yourself and have fun!

Note: A new forum Link will be added to the menu shortly but for now simply bookmark the forum.

My Boys - Latest from Kristin

Toni in Hawaii: My Boys is coming back soon! Who is P.J. going to be dating?
Ah yes, the big question that's been on our minds is, Who the heck was on the plane? Though I can't reveal that mystery, I can tell you that Kyle Howard said of Bobby and P.J.: "I'm not going to say that we're never going to hook up again." Ooh! So maybe our filthy rich friend was the one who bumped P.J. up to first class, eh? Also, when guest star Nia Vardalos stops by, she's going to be a [married] love interest for one of the boys.

Source: E!Online

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Bones - Latest from Kristin

Blaire in Birmingham, Ala.: Do you have any Bones scoop on the season finale or season four? Please tell me Booth is OK!
Booth is OK. As for season four, according to Emily Deschanel, as far as she knows the season premiere is just going to be Booth and Bones together in London, with the squints back at the Jeffersonian doing research.

Source: E!Online

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Booth's Funeral? Bones Sneak Peek

Tonight is the season finale for Bones- here is a quick sneak peek

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Doctor Who One Week Break + New Trailer

Silenced By Eurovision 16th May 2008
One week break between episodes 7 and 8.

As happened last year, Doctor Who will be taking a short break from our screen's after tomorrow's [4x07: "The Unicorn And The Wasp"] episode.

This is to make room in the schedules for the BBC's coverage of the Eurovison Song Contest on 24th May, in which Andy Abraham will represent the UK in Belgrade.

Silence In The Library, the first instalment of Steven Moffat's ultra-scary two-part adventure, can now be seen at 7pm on Saturday 31st May 2008.

Here at the website, we'll try to make the gap bearable with some special bonus treats on the evening of Saturday 24th May. Make sure you come and check them out!

Appointment With Fear (UPDATED) 19th May 2008
Thrilling new trailer to debut next Saturday!

Tune into BBC One on Saturday 24th May, at the new time of 6.45pm, to see a special sneak preview of the rest of Doctor Who Series Four!

Once you have seen the trailer, don't forget to head straight back here to watch it all over again online - and to check out our special web-exclusive Eurovision gap week treats!

Source: BBC - Doctor Who - The Official Site

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Doctor Who 4x08: "Silence In The Library" Promo Video

Uploaded by keizking

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NCIS - Season Finale Preview

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Criminal Minds - Season Finale Promo

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Bones Finale Trailers

2 trailers for the Bones finale Pain in the Heart- second one includes different footage and also a quick tease for the House finale to follow.

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The Mentalist - Simon Barker Interview

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Project Gary - Promo

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Psych - Episode 3.04 - Daredevils!

Episode 3.04 of Psych will be called Daredevils! and will air on 8th August 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Worst Week - Promo

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The Mentalist - Promo

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Doctor Who - Episode 4.07 - The Unicorn and the Wasp - Promo

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The Mentalist - Press Release

THE MENTALIST -- stars Simon Baker as Patrick Jane, a detective and independent consultant with the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI), who has a remarkable track record for solving serious crimes by using his razor sharp skills of observation. This new drama series will be broadcast Tuesdays (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Robin Tunney stars as no-nonsense Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon, who openly resists having Jane in her unit and alternates between reluctantly acknowledging Jane's usefulness and blasting him for his theatrics, narcissism and dangerous lack of boundaries. CBS Upfront 2008.

Source: CBS

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Worst Week - Press Release

WORST WEEK -- is a new comedy series about Sam Briggs (Kyle Bornheimer), an entertainment magazine editor who will do anything to please his girlfriend's parents but instead becomes a one-man wrecking crew whenever he's around them. Sam and his girlfriend, Melanie Clayton (Erinn Hayes, left), have only one hurdle left to clear as they start their life together: breaking the news to Mel's conservative mother, Angela (Nancy Lenehan) and father, Dick, that they have a wedding in the works and a baby on the way. But despite his best efforts, every time Sam takes one positive step forward in winning over his future in-laws, he inevitably takes two crushing steps back. WORST WEEK will be broadcast Mondays (9:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. CBS Upfront 2008.

Source: CW

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How I Met Your Mother - Officially Renewed

CBS today officially renewed How I Met Your Mother for another season.

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Two and a Half Men - Episode 5.19 - Waiting for the Right Snapper

Charlie is still dating Angie and when he goes to pick her up one night, he sees her son Jeremy and is also introduced to daughter Tricia. Charlie and Tricia recognize each other, having dated before, but both keep quiet. Evelyn goes to the movies with a much younger, handsome man named Justin.

Source: SpoilerFix

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Psych - Episode 3.01 - Murder...Anyone...Anyone...

Shawn and Gus attend a high school reunion and as Shawn is trying to impress a woman by talking about his "psychic abilities," a body flies past the window to the ground outside. When he goes to investigate, he can't find a body. He pulls Detective Lassiter, who is also at the reunion, aside and Lassiter tells him that without a body, there is no crime. Shawn calls Juliet, hoping to get her help with the "case."

Source: SpoilerFix

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Update: 13th May Well the initial 300 places have been filled but we're pleased to say that we've had no major issues and we can now open up another 200 places on the forum. Just drop me an email here at with a subject of Forum Invite or something similar and I'll email you the invite ASAP.

After nearly 1 month of setup and testing, we are ready to launch our shiny new forums which I hope you will all enjoy. A big thanks to Pete, Dharmageddon and Maqrkk for their help in setting up the forums and structure and for holding my hand during the initial setup! Also thanks to all the other Modertators and all the Beta Testers who helped us during this key phase.

This has been the most requested feature/addition to the site that people have asked for and we hope that the new forums will be a very popular part of the site.

In order to ensure that the forums don't implode as people all try to signup together, we've decided for the first few days to just have the first 300 people to email us to have access to the forums.

By signing up early you can increase the chance of getting the username of your choice etc.

Simply email me here at

Note: If you were previously a Beta-Tester your username and password will still work.

BAD MOTHERS HANDBOOK, TV Pilot - 1/2 Hour Comedy for ABC.
CAST, Alicia Silverstone, Alia Shawkat;
EXEC PROD, Jennifer Konner, Stuart Bloomberg, Alexandra Rushfield, Paul Trijbits;
PROD, Sascha Schneider, Alison Owen, Faye Ward;
DIR, Richard Shepard;
WRTR, Jennifer Konner, Alexandra Rushfield.
Contract: Union.
Shoot Dates: May 28-June 6, 2008 (in Los Angeles, CA).

17, Caucasian, Charlotte's "very hot" boyfriend. Paul has cut a wide swath through the popular girls at his school and is now trying out the "smart weird" girls, like Charlotte. He's pressuring Charlotte to have sex with him, but when they finally get into bed and get busy, Charlotte realizes that she's just not ready and besides, Paul just isn't the right guy. Guest Star Role. sptv050769. May Recur;

30s to 40s. This extremely butch elementary school nurse takes pains to mention her supposed "boyfriend" every few minutes - but she's really not fooling anybody. Co-Star Role. May Recur;

16, all ethnicities. Charlotte's classmate, who is rude and obnoxious, works as a clerk at the local pharmacy. He insults Charlotte and Annie when they come into the store. Co-Star Role. May Recur.

Source: SpoilerTV

Til Death - Episode 2.15 - Swimming with the Starks

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Bones - Episode 3.15 - The Pain in the Heart - Promo

Thanks to texasislandr for the video.

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According to Jim - Episode 8.01 - Two For The Money

The Season 8 Premiere will be called "Two For The Money".

Source: SpoilerTV

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1.17 - The Tangerine Factor - Press Release


"The Tangerine Factor" - When Leonard asks Penny out on a date and she says yes, they each seek the "wisdom" of reluctant advisor, Sheldon, on the first season finale of THE BIG BANG THEORY, Monday, May 19 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Leonard................................... Johnny Galecki
Sheldon......................................... Jim Parsons
Penny.......................................... Kaley Cuoco
Wolowitz.................................. Simon Helberg
Koothrappali ............................. Kunal Nayyar

Chen ............................................ James Hong

STORY BY: Chuck Lorre & Bill Prady, series' executive producers
TELEPLAY BY: Steven Molaro & Lee Aronsohn
DIRECTED BY: Mark Cendrowski

Source: CBS

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How I Met Your Mother: Britney returns Interview with Alyson Hannigan

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Californication - Episode 2.01

Hank gets a vasectomy. The hot nurse assisting the urologist flirts with Hank. Karen picks him up after the procedure and comments on all the unsafe sex they'll be having. Hank's place and car are up for sale. Sonja introduces her new bohemian boyfriend Julian, who is a writer, to Hank, Karen, Marcy and Charlie. Hank is accused of mouth-rape.

Source: SpoilerFix

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Doctor Who - Episode 4.07 - The Unicorn and the Wasp

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Bones - Season 4 Episode Titles

Episode 4.01: The He In The She
Episode 4.02: The Man in the Outhouse
Episode 4.03: The Finger in the Nest
Episode 4.04: The Crank in the Shaft

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Wildfire - Episode 4.12 - The Ties That Bind Part 2

Junior has an important decision to make on the day of Kris and Wildfire's big race.

Airs: 26th May 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Criminal Minds - Episode 3.19 - Tabula Rasa and 4.01

Sarah Matthew, a leading profiling specialist from Scotland Yard in England, is in the NY FBI field office as part of a joint task force with Hotch and the team. She is about the same level as Hotchner and runs the NY FBI office. While she is here, she flirts with one of the members of the team.

Source: SpoilerFix

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My Boys - Episode 2.04 - Spit Take

Episode 2.04 will be called Spit Take and will air on 3rd July 2008

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Bones - Episode 3.18 - The Crank In The Shaft

Episode 3.18 will be called "The Crank In The Shaft".

Source: SpoilerTV

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Doctor Who - 4.8: Silence in the Library

One hundred years ago, the universe's greatest library was sealed off, leaving only one warning: "Count the shadows". But now, the shadows are moving again. As Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues, the Doctor and Donna must uncover the terrible truth behind the Nodes and the horrifying Data Ghost, to find the library's secret.

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion Donna Noble, with guest stars Alex Kingston, Colin Salmon and Steve Pemberton.

Source: BBC Press Office

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Doctor Who - Episode 4.09 - Forest of the Dead

Episode 4.09 will be called "Forest of the Dead" and will air on 31st May 2008

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Doctor Who Planet of the Ood Trailer

US trailer for the episode which has its premiere US airing May 9 on SciFI

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Bones - Episode 3.14 - The Wannabe in the Weeds - Promo

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Two and a Half Men - EPisode 5.19 - Waiting for the Right Snapper - Press Release

Thanks to DV30302 for the following.


Comedian Jane Lynch ("Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby") and Golden Globe Award Winner Susan Blakely ("Rich Man, Poor Man") Return

"Waiting for the Right Snapper" - Charlie tries to resist temptation when he meets the grown daughter of the woman he's dating and realizes they've met before, on the fifth season finale of TWO AND A HALF MEN, Monday, May 19 (9:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Comedian Jane Lynch ("Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby") returns as Charlie's therapist, Dr. Freeman. Golden Globe Award-winning actress Susan Blakely ("Rich Man, Poor Man") guest stars as Angie, the woman Charlie's dating.

Charlie Harper............................ Charlie Sheen
Alan Harper..................................... Jon Cryer
Jake......................................... Angus T. Jones
Evelyn....................................... Holland Taylor
Berta...................................... Conchata Ferrell

Dr. Freeman................................... Jane Lynch

Angie......................................... Susan Blakely
Tricia..................................... Virginia Williams
Jeremy................................. Coby McLaughlin
Justin................................................. Rib Hillis

STORY BY: Don Foster and Eddie Gorodetsky
TELEPLAY BY: Chuck Lorre and Lee Aronsohn, two of the series' executive producers, and Mark Roberts
DIRECTED BY: Jeff Melman

Source: CBS

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Rules of Engagement - Episode 2.15 - Pimp My Bride


"Pimp My Bride" - Russell reluctantly agrees to allow Audrey to host a photo shoot in his pristine apartment in the hope of scoring a hot model, on the second season finale of RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, Monday, May 19 (9:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Jeff..................................... Patrick Warburton
Audrey......................................... Megyn Price
Adam........................................ Oliver Hudson
Jennifer...................................... Bianca Kajlich
Russell......................................... David Spade

Melissa.......................................... Mini Anden
Car Guy........................................ Gary Kraus
Adriana.......................................... Stacy Stas

WRITTEN BY: Barry Wernick

Source: CBS

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 3.19 - Everything Must Go - Sneak Peek

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 3.20 - Miracles

Ted's cab gets hit by a car and the previous 3 seasons flash before his eyes. In the hospital room, Marshall tells stories to prove to Robin that miracles exist and she tells them why she doesn't believe in miracles. Flashbacks include a college-age Marshall going through customs after a trip to Amsterdam, why Marshall did not get his job back at Hewitt, and a 6-year-old Robin and her dog, Lila.

Source: SpoilerFix

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Bones - Episode 3.14 - The Wannabe in the Weeds

Here are some snippets, cast interviews and some behind the scenes videos for you to enjoy.

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NCIS - Latest from Ausiello

Question: I need to know who is getting murdered in NCIS! I want answers! — Irv
Ausiello: Actually, word around NCIS is that the buzzed-about death won't be the biggest surprise of the season. Consider this line from Director Vance to Gibbs from the two-hour season finale: "If you think you can protect them forever, Jethro, you are mistaken. There's already been one casualty. There will be more." What does mean?! Beats me!

Source: TV Guide

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Bones - Latest from Ausiello

Question: I'm a huge fan of Bones. I have one question: Is one of the two deaths you mentioned in last week's Ask Ausiello not real?— Rita
Ausiello: Good question. It actually might not be. Shortly after AA went live last week, a Bones insider e-mailed me to say, "There are actually two casualties coming up — only one of which leads to death." My mole's tip was all but confirmed by co-star Eric Millegan at TV Guide's Sexiest Stars Party. Actually, Millegan had a lot to say about this season's final two episodes (airing May 12 and 19), paying specific attention to the fate of his character, Zack, and the evil Gormogon. Click here to watch the whole spoilerific interview.

Source: TV Guide

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Law and Order: SVU - Latest from Ausiello

Question: With Diane Neal leaving Law & Order: SVU, what are the odds of Stephanie March returning as Alex? — Judith
Ausiello: Officially, an SVU spokesperson denies that March is returning next season. Unofficially, I'm hearing that the actress is engaged in very preliminary talks with The Wolfster to appear in a handful of episodes next season.

Source: TV Guide

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1.16 - The Peanut Reaction

Thanks to DV30302 for the following.


The Peanut Reaction" - When Penny learns that Leonard doesn't celebrate birthdays, she attempts to throw him a surprise party, but is sidetracked by Sheldon who unexpectedly gets to live out one of his greatest fantasies at an electronics store, on THE BIG BANG THEORY, Monday, May 12 (8:00-8:30 ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Leonard................................... Johnny Galecki
Sheldon......................................... Jim Parsons
Penny.......................................... Kaley Cuoco
Wolowitz.................................. Simon Helberg
Koothrappali ............................. Kunal Nayyar

Althea...................................... Vernee Watson
Jan.......................................... Judith Moreland
Dan........................................... Ronald Hunter
Stan............................................ Chuck Carter

STORY BY: Bill Prady, one of the series' executive producers and Lee Aronsohn
TELEPLAY BY: Dave Goetsch & Steven Molaro
DIRECTED BY: Mark Cendrowski

Source: CBS

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How I Met Your Mother - Latest from Ausiello

Question: Sarah Chalke was, once again, bedazzling on Monday's How I Met Your Mother. Please tell me that wasn't the last we'll see of her. — Gina
Ausiello: That wasn't the last we'll see of her. Sources confirm that Sarah/Stella will be back for the season finale, which can only mean one thing: OMFG she's the mother! I think.

Source: TV Guide

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How I Met Your Mother: Sarah Chalke

US Only

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Psych - Episode 3.03 - Disco Didn't Die...

Eugene Franks—arrested by Henry in 1978 for plotting to bomb the SBPD—is released after his conviction is quashed by the D.A. Henry seeks his son's help in proving Eugene's guilt; however, the case is not as clear cut as he thought.

Airs: 1st August 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Wildfire - Episode 4.12 - The Ties That Bind Part 1

Part 1 of 2. Before Kris gets one last race on Wildfire in the Tucker Stakes, she and Junior consider a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to relocate to Alaska for a year to work on a geothermal project.

Source: SpoilerTV

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The Simpsons - Episode 19.19 - Mona Leaves-a

THE SIMPSONS: Homer's mother Mona (guest voice Glenn Close) pays the family an unexpected visit and then makes an unexpected exit in the "Mona Leaves-a" episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, May 11 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS ™ and ©2008 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Source: Fox

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The Simpsons - Episode 19.20 - All About Lisa

Thanks to Robert for the heads up.

THE SIMPSONS: After Lisa steals the spotlight from her mentor Krusty and gets her own television show, she's honored as Entertainer of the Year at the Springfield Media Awards, only to realize she may not be cut out for showbiz after all in the "All About Lisa" season finale episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, May 18 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Also pictured: guest voice Drew Carey. THE SIMPSONS ™ and ©2008 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Source: Fox

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How I met your Mother - Latest from Kristin

Kerry Anne in Arlington, Mass.: What's going on with How I Met Your Mother?
Flashback! We'll be meeting little Robin when she was 6 years old and her puppy suffered complications from a "canine-testudine cerebro-xenograft." I can't explain what that is because you have to see it for yourself. It involves puppies, turtles and childhood tragedy.

Source: E!Online

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Bones - Episode 3.14 - The Wannabe in the Weeds - Promo

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 3.20 - Miracles

Episode 3.20 will be called "Miracles".

Source: SpoilerTV

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NCIS - Episode 5.18 and Episode 5.19


"Judgment Day Part 1 and Part 2" - The fate of the entire team hangs in the balance as they hunt the killer of one of their own, on the two-hour fifth season finale of NCIS, Tuesday, May 20 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs........ Mark Harmon
NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo........................... Michael Weatherly
Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard................................ David McCallum
Abby Sciuto............................. Pauley Perrette
NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee ....................... Sean Murray
Ziva David, Mossad Liaison ...................... Cote de Pablo
NCIS Director Jenny Shepard .......................... Lauren Holly

Jimmy Palmer.............................. Brian Dietzen
Mike Franks.............................. Muse Watson

Sasha Gordon.................................. Betsy Rue
Viggo Drantyev......................... Oleg Taktarov
Attendant....................................... Jeff Witzke
George.................................... Terrence Hardy
Frankie......................................... Wyatt Smith
LAPD Det. Monroe................. Reginald James
William Decker........................ Marc Vahanian

NCIS Asst. Director Leon Vance............................. Rocky Carroll
Viggo Drantyev......................... Oleg Taktarov
Natasha Lenkov......................... Kathleen Gati
ZNN Reporter Debra Green......................... Sheila E. Frazier
File Clerk.................................... Mike Muscat


"Judgment Day - Part 1" WRITTEN BY: Steven D. Binder and David J. North

"Judgment Day - Part 2" Written by: Steven D. Binder, David J. North and Christopher J. Waild

Source: CBS

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Doctor Who - Episode 4.06 - The Doctor's Daughter - Promo

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Criminal Minds - Episode 3.20 - Lo-Fi - Press Release


"Lo-Fi" - When people who seemingly have nothing in common are shot at random in New York City, the BAU team is called to investigate whether a single serial killer or a team working together is responsible for the killing spree, on the third season finale of CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, May 21 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

David Rossi................................ Joe Mantegna
Aaron Hotchner....................... Thomas Gibson
Emily Prentiss........................... Paget Brewster
Derek Morgan.......................... Shemar Moore
Dr. Spencer Reid........... Matthew Gray Gubler
Jennifer............................................ A.J. Cook
Garcia................................. Kirsten Vangsness

Detective William LaMontagne Jr........................... Josh Stewart
Kate Joyner.............................. Sienna Guillory
Detective Brustin.......................... Jack McGee
Detective Cooper....................... Erik Palladino
Lisa Bartleby................................ Moe Daniels
Tom.......................................... Joaquin Perles
Shelly........................................... Amie Farrell
Man............................................... Barry Pearl
Cop............................................... Jake Eberle
Cop #2....................................... Patrick Cupo
FBI Agent.................................... Tiffany Coty

WRITTEN BY: Chris Mundy, one of the series' co-executive producers
DIRECTED BY: Glenn Kershaw

Source: CBS

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Criminal Minds - Episode 3.20 - Lo-Fi

Team members are perplexed when people who seem to have nothing in common are killed at random.

Airs: 21st May 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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According to Jim - Episode 7.18 - No Bedrest for the Wicked

Jim is anxious for Cheryl's bed rest to be over so she can help with the household chores again, but he hears conflicting stories about how long her inactivity should last.

Airs: 27th May 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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Wildfire - Episode 4.11- Being Mrs. Junior

Universal disapproval of Kris and Junior's wedding plans has everyone on edge, and even Kris wonders if she has what it takes to be part of the Davis family. Meanwhile, Dani's return to racing continues to be plagued by her father's interference.

Airs: 12th May 2008

Source: SpoilerTV

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My Boys - Episode Titles

Episode 2.06 - Dudes Being Dudes
Episode 2.05 - Take My Work Wife

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Doctor Who - 4.7: The Unicorn and the Wasp

In 1926, Agatha Christie disappeared for 10 days. Was it amnesia? A nervous breakdown? Or a Giant Alien Wasp..?

As Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues, the Doctor and Donna join forces with the world's most famous crime novelist to encounter a body in the library, poisoned cocktails and a Vespiform seeking revenge.

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion Donna Noble, with guest stars Felicity Kendal and Fenella Woolgar.Source: BBC Press Office

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1.16 - The Peanut Reaction

Episode 1.16 will be called "The Peanut Reaction"

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313 Bones Trailer

Trailer for next week's episode the Verdict in the Story- this is about the trial of Brennan's dad. Ryan O'Neal guest stars.

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According to Jim - Episode 7x17 - The Devil Went Down to Oak Park Press Release


James Lipton ("Inside the Actor's Studio) Guest Stars

"The Devil Went Down to Oak Park" - The Devil (James Lipton) come to collect on a deal Jim made with him years ago when he was courting Cheryl - that he would give up his fifth child if the Devil would make Cheryl fall in love with him -- on the Season Finale of "According to Jim," TUESDAY, MAY 13 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

"According to Jim" stars Jim Belushi as Jim, Courtney Thorne-Smith as Cheryl, Kimberly Williams-Paisley as Dana, Larry Joe Campbell as Andy, Taylor Atelian as Ruby, Billi Bruno as Gracie and Conner Rayburn as Kyle.

"The Devil Went Down to Oak Park" is written by Warren Bell and Christopher J. Nowak. It's directed by Steve Zuckerman.
Source: SpoilerTV

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NCIS - Episode 5x17 - About Face PRess Release

Air Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Time Slot: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#517) "About Face"


Rocky Carroll ("Invasion") Returns as the new NCIS Assistant Director

"About Face" - Jimmy Palmer becomes the target of a mysterious killer who only he can recognize, on NCIS, Tuesday, May 13 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Mark Harmon
NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Michael Weatherly
Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard: David McCallum
Abby Sciuto: Pauley Perrette
NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee: Sean Murray
Ziva David, Mossad Liaison: Cote de Pablo
NCIS Director Jenny Shepard: Lauren Holly


Jimmy Palmer: Brian Dietzen


NCIS Asst. Director Leon Vance: Rocky Carroll
Enis Watley Frank: John Hughes
Skip Harris: Christopher Darga
Mike Norman: Adam O'Byrne
Richie Rose Tyler: Jacob Moore
Milo Suskavcevic: Scott Checansky

DIRECTED BY: Dennis Smith

STORY BY: Jesse Stern, Alfonso Moreno and Reed Steiner

Posted By: SpoilerTV

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