A MILLION LITTLE THINGS, "I Dare You", November 7, 2018, Actors: James Roday, Allison Miller and more, The Scene: Gary and Maggie sing "I'm Still Standing" at the restaurant
Justyna: Gary and Maggie continue to be one of the very best things about the show. I love their interactions and just how well they fit together. It's what's making Maggie's decision not to fight her cancer all the more heartbreaking. This episode, however, might be what she needed to change her mind, or at the very least consider changing it. Maggie and Gary spend the day on many "dare" challenges, each one crazier than the other. At one point during the episode, Maggie dares Gary to sing in the middle of the Win's Dumpling Palace and he convinces her to join. They're not only great at it, but their performance is filled with so many emotions. Every line of the song brings a new meaning to their story, especially the "I'm still standing" chorus. There's laughter and dancing but the part that got me the most is the ending, when it's clear how much these words mean to them and the looks on their faces turn to sadness. Their embrace at the end, somewhere between joy and tears, speaks volumes about these two. James Roday and Allison Miller are absolutely brilliant in all their scenes in this hour, including this one. I also really loved the final montage when Maggie remembers her time with Gary and her new friends with another cover of their song in the background. I hope there's still many, many moments with Maggie and Gary waiting for us in the future episodes. Kudos to cast & crew for all their wonderful work on the series so far.
Marko: The chemistry between Gary and Maggie is truly captivating. Their emotions feel honest and the carpe diem take on her story is encouraging and heartbreaking. They lived every line of that song with a broken laugh and tears of hope. Also picked by DarkUFO
Mads: This was just a great lighthearted moment in a heavy episode. I loved seeing these two be goofy and have fun together like that. Those are the best moments of the show.
AMERICAN HORROR STORY, "Fire and Reign", November 7, 2018, Actors: Cody Fern, Kathy Bates, Billie Lourd and more, The Scenes: Michael meets with the Collective & Mallory goes back in time
Claire: The end scene where Michael meets with the collective; a group of the richest, most powerful people in the world. The collective have sold their souls to the devil (much like anyone in the Trump administration) and now they must answer to Michael who wants to end the world; which makes them balk. The collective members are in disguise and informed that with a small payment of 100 million dollars, they and their families can be saved in protective bunkers. When Michael looks directly at one of the seated members and says: “you’ll have no problem protecting your family with that bunker you have hidden beneath your Texas ranch” my mind immediately flashed to the Bush family. I love how AHS continues to poke fun at our political quandaries yet remaining serious in its overall view of the current American political climate. After the Murder House season, Apocalypse is my favorite of the right seasons thus far; just so well written and put together.
Giulia: Mallory going back in time, with the help of Cordelia and Myrtle. I particularly loved how maternal Cordelia felt towards Mallory and how eager she was to make sure she was alright after she "came back". And let's talk about those blood tears coming down Mallory's eyes!! So cool!!
ARROW, "Level Two", November 5, 2018, Actors: Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy
The Scene: Laurel warns Felicity not to go too far
Marko: Laurel tells Felicity that she shouldn't go all dark. This season of Arrow gives a great introspective into who E2 Laurel Lance really is and how she became who she is today. And Katie Cassidy has a blast with this quality material she is deservedly getting. I'm quite intrigued to see where they will take her story from this point on.
DOCTOR WHO, "The Tsuranga Conundrum", November 4, 2018, Actors: Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill and more, The Scenes: The Doctor and Yaz discuss the evolution of antimatter & Yaz kicks the Pting
Milo: The Doctor and Yaz discuss the evolution of antimatter. This was a middle of the road episode for me but The Doctor describing the fictional ship's engines as an iPhone version of CERN was executed really well. It's clear to see that The Doctor has a love of antimatter technology, and is keen to show Yaz how it's evolved over time. These two continue to have some of the best scenes together.
Zandarl: Yaz drop kicks the Pting, while not very thought-provoking it was just hilarious. She is my favourite companion so far this series.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "Anybody Have a Map?", November 8, 2018, Actor: James Pickens Jr. and more, The Scene: Richard demolishes the bar
Abi: Such a powerful moment. After losing a nurse at the hospital he was close to, on top of the loss of his sponsor and his wife being out of town (unbeknownst to him also having just been diagnosed with cancer), Richard's sobriety is definitely being tested. He definitely steps into the wrong bar and meets the wrong bartender who gives him a shot for each year of his sobriety. Richard considers it, but ultimately decides to take a bat that the bartender keeps behind the bar and smashes the bottles and everything else in the vicinity as payback for the countless lives he's ruined by offering alcoholics drinks. Great acting by James Pickens Jr.
Marko: Frankie's death was the final nail on Richard's coffin. It truly broke him but he still had the courage to face all the nurses. James is delivering a stunning performance. We see a man who went through it all, survived it but life still isn't done with him. But he isn't the one to get down and lie defeated on the ground. He fights for him and all the people who need him.
HOMECOMING, "Protocol" & "Stop", November 2, 2018, Actors: Julia Roberts, Bobby Cannavale, Stephan James and more, The Scenes: Colin turns on Heidi & Heidi sees Walter at the diner
Abi: Colin turns on Heidi after she tries to expose him. Incredible high tense acting from Bobby Cannavale, Julia Roberts and Shea Whigham as Colin's hold on Heidi finally starts to unravel. As a master manipulator we've seen Colin take advantage of everyone around him the entire season and here it continues again, but he knows the jig is almost up and it scares him. As he manages to talk himself out of Carrasco's questions, we get to see the full extent of his smarmy confidence as he knows he'll be able to win this round. Heidi's desperation, Tom's defeat and Colin's smugness are all excellently played in an incredibly dramatic scene.
Beth: Heidi sees Walter at the diner. The two characters had formed a very unique bond and seeing Walter was a relief for Heidi but also bittersweet. She had followed his map and went from town to town searching for him. She found him and he was content and peaceful even if he didn't know her..... or did he? The turning of the fork was open to interpretation. Either way, I am so glad the show gave us this moment. Also picked by Laura B
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, "I Got Played", November 8, 2018, Actors: Viola Davis and more
The Scene: Annalise testifies
Luana: There's not really much to be said, every time Annalise gets fired up she's a force of nature, as is Viola Davies, I can never get enough of these speeches.
IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA, "Mac Finds His Pride", November 7, 2018, Actors: Rob McElhenney, Kylie Shea and more, The Scene: Mac comes out to his dad
Abi: Just utterly breathtaking. A short speech followed by a five minute interpretative dance sequence set to Varúð by Sigur Rós in which he tries to explain the war inside him which has taken place over the past 13 seasons where he struggles between being gay and Catholic. Wonderfully written, scripted and acted by Rob McElhenney, Kylie Shea and Danny Devito. If they somehow aren't finally nominated for an Emmy for this then I'll be incredibly surprised.
MAYANS MC, "Cuervo/Tz'ikb'uul", November 6, 2018, Actors: Clayton Cardenas, Carla Baratta
The Scene: Adelita shows Angel the new compound
Beth: Angel and Adelita's feelings for each other have been a bit of a mystery throughout this first season, but with all the outside obstacles on the back burner, we got confirmation that there is something there and I can't wait to see it explored in season two. Angel had a rough couple of days and went to her to feel some peace. He didn't take her up on her invitation but that almost made their connection deeper because he refused to begin any relationship they might have like that.... and it made me love him even more.
MURPHY BROWN, "A Lifetime of Achievement", November 8, 2018, Actors: Candice Bergen, Grant Shaud and more, The Scenes: Miles realizes that Pat is gay & Murphy meets Judge Campbell
Claire: Just a terrific episode. But Miles is my absolute favorite; so funny and endearing. I loved the scene where he and Pat go to Jim Dial’s banquet together; with Miles in an over the top, bright red tuxedo (thanks to Pat). Their waiter is an ex of Pat’s who thinks that the two co-workers are on a date. And when it finally dawns on Miles that Pat is gay, his reaction is too funny. He stumbles and fumbles with his words and tries desperately to act cool, but he is a 50+ year old man in a red tux. He is so not cool. Also when Pat says to Miles: “HOW did you not know that I’m gay?” I had to chuckle because I must be as clueless as Miles (and almost as old) since I did not know that Pat was gay either.
Giulia: Murphy meets Judge Campbell. The interaction between the two was so sweet and not at all overplayed. I already ship them!
OUTLANDER, "America the Beautiful", November 4, 2018, Actors: Ed Speleers, Caitriona Balfe and more, The Scene: The final scene
Laura B: Bonnet's pirate attack. Ed Speleers, who some might remember as the good-looking charismatic self-centered footman Jimmy Kent on Downton Abbey, really shined in this season 4 premiere episode, coming off as a new friend of Jamie & Claire's after just escaping the noose at the beginning of the episode, only to turn around and ruthlessly attack them on their little boat in the final scene. Of course the terrifying scene also relied a great deal on Claire's reaction to Bonnet's cutthroat manners, along with Ray Charles' rendition of America the Beautiful playing over it, but none the less, this scene (and narrative) really sticks in my mind. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the season and if Stephen Bonnet remains a big bad villain.
RIVERDALE, "Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Midnight Club", November 7, 2018, Actors: Lili Reinhart, Madelaine Petsch, The Scene: Alice and Penelope fight
Mads: Alice and Penelope have a catfight in the bathroom. I loved seeing the kids play their parents in this ‘80s flashback. Lili and Madelaine clearly had a blast doing this fight sequence which was totally reminiscent of older Penelope and Alice’s season 1 fight.
SUPERGIRL, "Ahimsa", November 4, 2018, Actors: David Ajala, Tiya Sircar, Chyler Leigh and more, The Scenes: Manchester Black and J'onn find Fiona & Alex chews Supergirl out for disobeying orders
Justyna: The unexpected duo of Manchester Black and J'onn really stole the episode for me. It's incredibly hard to make a character memorable over the course of a single hour, but somehow Manchester left a lasting impression on me already. I have an idea of who this character is in the comics but don't know enough details to see a clear picture. He did seem very different than all the other people we've met on Supergirl so far. He has a history of violence but isn't introduced as a villain, instead he's a man who lost everything he cared about in the world and appears to be choosing a dark path in response to the tragedy. Speaking of which, the moment I wanted to highlight from the hour has to be Fiona's death. We've met her character a few episodes ago, she was known to the audience as J'onn's friend who took care of others and helped aliens find their place in the world. This time, with Manchester, we've learned even more about her and what a good person she was. It's sad to watch her die but it's Manchester's reaction that really makes this scene so memorable to me. When he and J'onn find Fiona there's a brief moment when he's so happy, so relieved to see her and then he realizes that she was barely holding on, staying alive just to see him again. In her last words Fiona asks Manchester not to be angry but he's refusing to accept she's dying, till the very last second promising he will take care of her. David Ajala does a fantastic job in the scene. When Manchester realizes Fiona's gone he falls into despair and his words are absolutely heartbreaking. "Why me, man? They took my baby. They took my baby, man. Why, man? Why, man?" Kudos for this powerful performance and the great scene. It was impossible not to feel for this new character.
DJRiter: Alex chews Supergirl out for disobeying orders and joining in the fight at the police station - Not the typical lighthearted Danvers sisters scene that everyone loves, but a powerful one nonetheless. Throughout the entire episode Alex had this great struggle going on about balancing the fear of losing her sister with her role as the leader of the DEO. It all came to a head in this scene where Alex, rightfully reprimands Supergirl for not following the order she had given about staying behind so the suit could protect and heal her. While we could still see the fear Alex had for her little sister, it was clear that it was Director Danvers who was the one yelling at Supergirl, perhaps one of the first definitive signs that Director Danvers was in charge at the DEO. Kudos to both Chyler and Melissa for their performances in this scene. It's very telling of how powerful they are in scenes together even if they're not in the same room. Chyler delivered her fear and anger to a likely stunt double in "the suit", yet was so convincing you believed she was yelling at Supergirl/Melissa. And equally, Melissa's responses likely recorded or dubbed in later, were in perfect rhythm and tone to match Chyler's. Scenes with these two are among the show's very best and this intense moment was no exception.
SUPERSTORE, "Maternity Leave", November 8, 2018, Actors: America Ferrera, Mark McKinney
The Scene: Amy loses it on Glenn
Beth: Superstore balances the funny and timely issues well. The fact that because of corporate policy, Amy had to return to work right after giving birth was awful. She was tired, not healed and guilt-ridden for leaving her baby. Glenn picked up on none of this and she finally snapped and unloaded all her feelings about the day she just had and it was really impactful yet still funny.
THE GOOD PLACE, "The Worst Possible Use of Free Will", November 8, 2018, Actors: Kristen Bell, Ted Danson, The Scene: Michael pours ice tea on Eleanor's head
Luana: The whole episode was amazing, watching Eleanor's walls come up immediately and Michael tearing them down one by one was incredible, and throwing the tea on her head when she was explaining all her Men-In-Black theories, was not only hilarious but a great way to make her shut up and let in the possibility that she could be loved.
THE RESIDENT, "Trial & Error", November 5, 2018, Actors: Manish Dayal, Jenna Dewan
The Scene: Devon and Julian kiss
Luana: I don't love these things but these two have so much chemistry, and that scene was pretty intense.
THE WALKING DEAD, "What Comes After", November 4, 2018, Actors: Andrew Lincoln, Scott Wilson and more, The Scenes: Rick sees Hershel & Rick blows up the bridge
Claire: One word: Hershel. I never got over Hershel’s death at the hands of the governor in season 4. And to see such a beautiful scene between Rick and Hershel was just too much, I sobbed like a baby. Also with the recent passing of the incomparable Scott Wilson, knowing this is the last piece of work he filmed is beyond words. This is TWD I knew and loved for 6 seasons before it started to circle the drain. Though I do think that it is pretty underhanded (I’m looking at you Scott Gimple) to not kill off Rick and now be bringing him back for Rick-centered movie specials; kind of reminds me of the Glenn/garbage dumpster ‘slight of hand!’
DarkUFO: Rick blows up the bridge and takes out the zombie herd.
YOU, "Candace", November 4, 2018, Actors: Elizabeth Lail and more
The Scene: Beck finds Joe’s box of “treasures”
Mads: After watching 9 episodes of Beck being unwittingly stalked by Joe, it was great to finally see her discover who he really is. She opened Pandora’s box and amongst a used tampon (EW dude) and the teeth of people he murdered, she had her moment of realization. I just hope it’s not too late for her but given the episode ending... it’s not looking good.