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Shadowhunters - 5 ways you can #SaveShadowhunters

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Here we are again, another series that is cancelled before it's time!

I agree Simon! This time the axe went down on Shadowhunters! Yes we still have 12 episodes to see in Spring 2019, 10 of those are already filmed and will cover book five, so we have only 2 episodes to finish the story, you book readers know the story and probably agree with me that it's impossible to do it and for you non-readers believe me it's not possible!

So what can we do to save the series, or at least have the conclusion we all deserve, a proper final season to close the story?
Here we go..

1 - Watch the series

Yes, Shadowhunters is now on hiatus, but it’s on Hulu and the Freeform app in the US and on Netflix Internationally (at least for now) so go there and watch it, keep it alive, show them that you love the show!

2 – Tell you friends to watch the show

If new people watch the show even now that it’s not airing on the network they see that there is interest in the show and it can make a difference

3 – Keep the #SaveShadowhunters alive

We are right now over 1 Million tweets, at the time of writing this, on the # but it’s not enough having it trending today, let’s make lots of noise and let’s keep making noise! Continue to tweet for the next days and more. Let them know that we won’t stop until they change their minds!

4 – Sing the Petition

In a single day, a lot of petitions were created regarding Shadowhunters, but it is best to focus on just one so fans aren't divided on where to sign.
This is the one with most signature that I have found so go sign this one let’s make it go to very high numbers! We are already at 33.300 (at the time of the writing of the article)

5 – Tweet at other platforms

If the previous 4 points don't work to make Netflix and Freeform change their minds, let’s ask other platforms to pick up Shadowhunters! Make other platforms know that we love our show! Maybe do two separate tweets one with #SaveShadowhunters and the other with #PickUpShadowhunters and tag all the platforms you can think of!

But the most important thing you can do is DON`T GIVE UP! Make noise! Every day until it works! Share your thoughts, tell them why Shadowhunters is important to you! And use the hashtags, but not too many # in one tweet or it wont work!
One thing I wanna say is, don't attack Freeform or Netflix, you won't make them change their mind with attacks, ask nicely to save our favorite show!
And also tweet the cast let them know you are fighting for the show! Here is a list of the Twitter accounts of the cast!

Katherine McNamara - @Kat_McNamara
Dominic Sherwood - @DomSherwood1
Alberto Rosende - @arosende
Matthew Daddario - @MatthewDaddario
Emeraude Toubia - @EmeraudeToubia
Alisha Wainwright - @WainwrightAE
Harry Shum Jr. - @HarryShumJr
Isaiah Mustafa - @isaiahmustafa
Todd Slawkin (EP) - @toddzer1
Darren Swimmer (EP) - @DSwim

Well that's all for now!
Good ... continuation of your day or night, depends where you are and keep loving Malec!

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