Previously on Shadowhunters, a visit to Alicante retrieving a method to trap The Owl ended badly for Imogen, Maia saw Jordan for the first time since he turned her which lead to the pair reminiscing about their past, Simon and Luke tracked down Ollie and inadvertently discovered Lilith's lair, and Lilith's plot to ressurect Jonathan may be close to reaching it's conclusion.
'A Heart Of Darkness', with The Owl secured in the Malachai Configuration, he takes extreme delight in antagonising those around him whilst they come up with a game plan to free Jace from his/Lilith's clutches. No one is spared from his cruel jibes, as Alec, Izzy, Simon and Magnus all get a turn at being subjected to The Owl's wrath. As Magnus comes up with a solution on how to release Jace, both Izzy and Alec explore the depths of the parabatai bond with a trip into Jace's mind. Expect to see memories from their childhood, and an insight into just how damaged Jace is as a result of Lilith's control. Danger is far from over for the group, as threats from both inside Jace's mind and outside with Magnus await them.

In Alicante, following her capture at the end of last week's episode, it's definitely not smooth sailing for Clary. She finds herself being subjected to questioning at the hands of Jia Penhallow, with a little help from the Soul Sword. With the threat of being unable to tell anything but the absolute truth, Clary may have no choice but to let some of her secrets come out, secrets which could land her in deep, deep trouble. There is a moment however that may display her strength in spite of her situation, and could highlight just how special she is.
Elsewhere, Luke consults a renewed connection in help with finding out what is happening in Alicante, Lilith tries to diminish her possible downfalls, and Jordan, Maia and Simon return to Lilith's lair in search for clues as to what her plan and endgame may be.
'A Heart Of Darkness' explores the lengths people go to for the ones that they love, and the dangers that may put them in. There are threats at every turn for some characters, whereas others are close to discovering imminent perils that will affect them and those surrounding them. With just one week until the finale, we are approaching the ultimate risk that the main characters have faced so far. Remember to tune in Tuesday at 8.00 on Freeform.
And with that I'm going to leave you with a few teasers to tide you over until Tuesday:
- Expect to see quite a bit of physical affection from multiple characters.
- Jordan sure knows how to make himself useful.
- Family connections may mean a lot more than some characters realise.
- A showcase in magic may take a turn for the worse.
"If your precious Alexander could only have one of us, who do you think he'd pick?"
Abi Baker
Abi is a Health & Safety Administrator by day and an all round nerd by night. When she's not working, she's either watching TV or reading books/comics. She also loves music and has a degree in Music Business. She currently reviews books on Netgalley and is a Goodreads librarian. If you like Person Of Interest then you've probably made a friend for life with her. For the 2017-2018 season, Abi will be reviewing Future Man, Imposters, and White Famous.