A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great, memorable scenes that we've seen in past seven days on TV.
13 REASONS WHY, "The Second Polaroid", May 18, 2018, Actors: Katherine Langford, Steven Silver
The Scene: Hannah stands up to Marcus (picked by Luana)
AGENTS OF SHIELD, "The End", May 18, 2018, Actors: Iain De Caestecker, Henry Simmons, Ming-Na Wen, The Scene: Fitz's death
Justyna: This one broke my heart. I've been trying to prepare myself to lose Coulson, or Mack, or watch half of the team disappear, but this felt so much worse than I imagined. This was a fantastic episode and I'd love to highlight many other scenes (the change in the loop, Daisy vs. Graviton, Coulson's goodbye) but nothing was more impactful than this devastating death. Fitz has been my favorite character (or one of them) for most of the show, so all the emotions at seeing this sudden and painful departure haven't really left me since. Fitz and Simmons left each other's side so it was only a matter of time before something would tear them apart, but I didn't expect this. I loved that despite their problems, Fitz figured out that Mack's in trouble and went after him (with May). Then this rescue resulted in the fatal crush and these two fell right into place in an instant. Confused and shocked Fitz, not able to truly feel and process what's happening to him. And Mack... Mack trying to stay strong for his friend, holding his hand and making sure he doesn't feel scared or alone. Even just writing about it again, it's hard not to get emotional. Iain De Caestecker and Henry Simmons were both absolutely wonderful in the scene. They made me realize how much I missed this duo. And yes, the team has plans to bring back Fitz from space (from the beginning of the season) but it doesn't change what happened. Mack and May's reactions were beautifully acted but it's the look on Jemma's face (the shift from smile to heartbreak) that I can't quite get out of my head. Such a memorable loss. So glad the show was renewed for season 6. As wonderful as many parts of the finale were, this would be a heartbreaking way to say goodbye. Kudos to cast & crew for all their great work.
DJRiter: In a season finale filled with emotionally charged moments, none got to me quite as much as Fitz’s tragic death. As his friend lays crushed and dying in the rubble of the collapsing building, Mack holds Fitz’s hand and as gently as he can comforts him in his dying moments. Henry Simmons was especially effective as Mack, frustrated and angry that he couldn’t help or save his friend, while at the same time being that true friend to Fitz. Ian De Caestecker had a stellar season this year and his Fitz goes out a hero.
Jamie: Fitz dies. This moment had me in complete denial saying "Nope" over and over again while trying very hard not to cry. Very well acted by everyone involved.
AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE, "The Spring Gala", May 16, 2018, Actors: Katy Mixon, Diedrich Bader and more, The Scene: Indian themed Spring gala is pulled together last minute
Claire: The scene where the entire Indian themed Spring gala has been pulled together last minute by Katie, her family and friends. And getting to tell the meanie moms to suck it was a nice touch. This was a great season 2 finale with Nathan Fillion riding in on a camel/elephant, the beautiful decor, music and dancing. The cast has great chemistry.
ARROW, "Life Sentence", May 17, 2018, Actors: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz, The Scenes: Sara and E2 Laurel meet & Oliver and Felicity’s goodbye
DJRiter: Oliver and Felicity’s goodbye. In an up and down season, one thing the writers got right in the season finale of Arrow was the final goodbye scene in the jail between Oliver and Felicity. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards both nailed the emotions and love between these two characters. This was one of the strongest scenes in a somewhat overall lackluster finale, which proves that these two are anchors of this show.
Samantha: Caity Lotz and Katie Cassidy are gold whenever they're in scenes with each other, but there was obviously the twist this time as Black Siren isn't our Laurel. Both characters were a little bit hesitant in how exactly they were supposed to greet and even address each other. Being a LOT watcher and having seen Sara struggle so much with Laurel being dead and her interactions with Damien playing on the mind, her asking Black Siren if she was like her Laurel was heartbreaking.
Marko: Sara and E2 Laurel finally meet. What a powerful moment. Tremendous performances by both actors with each being attracted to embrace each other but being pulled away by an interdimensional breach of pain. I really hope they will give us more mini crossovers now that LoT and Arrow air together.
COLONY, "Sierra Maestra", May 16, 2018, Actors: Tory Kittles, Peyton List and more, The Scene: Amy's and Broussard's pharmacy store escape
Laura B: Just catching up with the first three episodes of the third season, I have to say this has become a rather different show, and all for the better! In similar fashion, I'm reminded how Revolution changed when it came back for its second season. Colony is finally being a consistently good show. It feels more serialized, the acting and dialogue are more natural and enjoyable, and every episode has provided us with some great mythology that is finally building to something. I could've easily picked one of those other mythology-heavy scenes in this episode, but I love Tony Kittles and Peyton List's dynamics too much, to not have picked a scene where their little mission to help others goes wrong, as everyone around them dies in a dramatic annihilation sequence, allowing the two to continue to bond.
EMPIRE, "Bloody Noses and Crack'd Crowns", May 16, 2018, Actors: Taraji P. Henson and more
The Scene: Cookie talks to the people about the Empire family (picked by Luana)
FOR THE PEOPLE, "Extraordinary Circumstances", May 15, 2018, Actors: Britt Robertson and more
The Scene: Sandra gets caught by an FBI agent
Marko: Phenomenal performance by Britt combined with some great directing work turned this scene into an emotional rollercoaster.
GOTHAM, "No Man's Land", May 17, 2018, Actors: Ben McKenzie, David Mazouz, Robin Lord Taylor and more, The Scenes: The final montage & Oswald kills Solomon Grundy
Kollin: At the end of the Season 5 finale of Gotham, we see the iconic moment the whole show has been building towards, with Gordon using the not yet Bat signal to call Bruce Wayne in his pre-Batman, black trench coat to the roof. Meanwhile, new villains rise in a chilling montage - with Man-Bat and Mother and Orphan making their chilling introduction. It was the perfect way to end the show - if it got cancelled - but also to build towards a thrilling final season.
Sam: Taylor has been time and time again a powerhouse actor on this series. When Solomon thanks him for curing him, Taylor gets this look on his face that seems happy but so strained. When he apologizes to Solomon before shooting him and reveals to Tabitha his true intentions, curing Solomon just so he can kill him in front of her, Oswald's pain and satisfaction are so palpable. Taylor is so excellent at making you feel sorry for him but scared of him at the same time. Lucas is also great here when her expressions go from shocked to hurt to angry as she listens to Oswald and realizes what he's done and why he's done it. These two are going to have a battle of the century next season and Taylor and Lucas seem more than ready for it.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "All of Me", May 17, 2018, Actors: Justin Chambers, Sarah Drew, Camilla Luddington and more, The Scene: The final montage
Saloni: The final montage with all 3 weddings & Sara Ramirez's version of 'The Story' playing in the background. I'm thrilled April got such a beautiful send-off. She deserves it. Ditto for Arizona, who looked happy to move and be closer to Callie. Jo and Alex's wedding was very sweet, I'm glad they did it on a ferry boat, a very fitting tribute to the show itself.
Jessica: I was so happy that Alex and Jo actually got married, and I liked that Meredith performed the ceremony. I thought April and Matthew’s ceremony was beautiful, too. It was a nice way for her story to end.
LEGION, "Chapter 15", May 15, 2018, Actors: Rachel Keller, Navid Negahban, The Scene: Future!Syd and the Shadow King talk
Laura B: The supposition of the previous episode and how it relates is starting to pay off. We now can suppose that future Syd may not be from the future of our main timeline and it makes the connection to it all the more interesting, but moreover it would have been one thing for David to have been the only one she could have made contact with, but now to see The Shadow King make a deal with her after a revelation that her David became a world-wrecker and she believes that TSK is the variable needed to change something, will be interesting see how this plays out and if either timeline will be directly effected by the other and/or if future-Syd's motives will not turn out nefarious.
Milo: It’s always good to see more of Future!Syd and this episode really worked. Seeing them strike a deal together was excellent. Both Rachel Keller and Navid Negahban knocked it out of the park in a deeply unsettling scene.
LUCIFER, "A Devil of My Word", May 14, 2018, Actors: Tom Ellis, Lauren German and more, The Scenes: Chloe finds out the truth & Lucifer fights with his wings
Jennise: Chloe finally knows Lucifer never lied. I almost nominated the really cool fight scene that preceded Chloe's realization but changed my mind. I decided to go with the moment I had been waiting on during the entire run of the series. Chloe threw the word "metaphor" around so frequently during the final two episodes that I started to think she would find out the truth by the end of the season finale. It was so appropriate that it would be because Chloe saw his Devil Face. I hate that the show was canceled but I was really happy to see Chloe learn the truth first.
Jamie: Lucifer takes out the bad guys with his wings. I have wanted to see him in action with those wings for a long time and I was not disappointed. Really hope the show finds a home because I want more of that.
Diana: Last scene with Chloe finding out the real truth about Lucifer (his face is shown).
NEW GIRL, "Engram Pattersky", May 15, 2018, Actors: Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield and more, The Scene: The gang plays True American with flashes of the future
Jamie: This is the moment that made me emotional. Truly a great scene in a great series finale.
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Leaving Storybrooke", May 18, 2018, Actors: Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle and more, The Scenes: Regina talks sense into Wish Henry & Regina is crowned the Good Queen & Rumpelstiltskin saves the day
Marko: Regina talks sense into Wish Henry. Simply outstanding work by Lana Parrilla. The fragile tone of her voice, the words, a simply magical scene that showed that no matter how far you go dark there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you find it in yourself.
Marine: Regina is crowned the Good Queen. It’s been a wild ride for this character throughout the show and it was great that she got such an ending, showed how much she had evolved.
Jennise: Rumpelstiltskin saves the day. The one character I never really believed would be redeemed had a nice heroic exit and saved the day.
RISE, "Opening Night", May 15, 2018, Actors: Damon J. Gillespie, Auliʻi Cravalho and more
The Scene: Robbie and Lilette sing “All You Desire”
Jessica: Robbie and Lilette sing “All You Desire” as the rest of the cast walks around the stage with lights. The scene was so beautiful. Later Robbie and Lilette kiss for the final time and other cast members sing. It was a wonderful way to end the show.
SHADOWHUNTERS, "Erchomai", May 15, 2018, Actors: Alberto Rosende, Christina Cox, Emeraude Toubia, The Scene: Simon compels his mother to think he's dead
Justyna: I really enjoyed this midseason finale of the show. Might be one of my favorite episodes yet. To my surprise, a big part of it turned out to be Simon's story in these last two episodes. First he had to face a direct threat to his family, then he became one and had to lose them all over again. Not to mention the fact that he ended the hour thinking that he's responsible for the death of his best friend. Throughout all these terrible events, Alberto Rosende did an incredible job with all the emotionally charged moments. And it's never been more clear than in the scene of Simon's goodbye to his mom. I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like for anyone to convince his mother that he's dead. But Simon understood that it was the best way to save her life, despite the pain it has caused. He tried to stay strong for her, when he was saying goodbye and making sure that his mother knows how much he loves her but his voice trembled and his eyes were getting teary. I was glad to see that when he walks away and starts breaking down, Izzy is there to comfort him. I would love to see more of these two together. Fantastic work by all actors in the scene. Also, the music in the background matched the moment wonderfully. Kudos!
Marine: Simon has to change his mother's memory and make her believe he is dead. SUCH A SAD MOMENT!
SUPERGIRL, "Shelter from the Storm", May 14, 2018, Actors: Odette Annable, Emma Tremblay and more, The Scene: Ruby finds out her mother is Reign
DJRiter: When the fight to protect her from Reign does not appear to be going well for her protectors-Supergirl, Mon-El and Alex, Ruby Arias jumps in to help trying to grab the gun and join the fight. She is stunned when she looks up to face Reign, but instead sees the face of her mother, a mother who not only doesn’t recognize her, but wants to kill her. Kudos to both Emma Tremblay and Odette Annable in that moment. Tremblay perfectly captured Ruby’s shock, confusion, and sadness when she realized her mother was Reign. And, as she has done all season, Annable knocked it out of the park as Reign, intent on getting rid of the only obstacle that was keeping her from taking full control, Ruby.
SUPERNATURAL, "Let the Good Times Roll", May 17, 2018, Actors: Jensen Ackles, Alexander Calvert, The Scene: Dean gives fatherly advice to Jack
Kollin: The character Jack has been an important addition to the show as it allows Dean, who always looked up to his dad more than anyone, to be the father he never will be and probably wanted to be. We see it in this scene when Dean gives fatherly advice to Jack about family and pushing through the pain. "We do it together," he says. It is a very poignant moment that took Dean's and Jack's relationship to another level, and one that remains painful with the events that followed after Dean gets controlled by Michael.
THE 100, "Pandora's Box", May 15, 2018, Actors: Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley
The Scene: Bellamy and Clarke reunite and hug (picked by Diana)
THE AMERICANS, "The Summit", May 16, 2018, Actors: Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys
The Scenes: Philip and Elizabeth's fight & Elizabeth tells Philip to talk to his source
Saloni: Philip and Elizabeth's fight in the opening scene. A strong way to open the episode. As always, Keri and Matthew knocked it out of the park.
DarkUFO: Elizabeth tells Philip to tell his source about the plan to remove Gorbachev.
THE EXPANSE, "Immolation", May 16, 2018, Actors: Wes Chatham, Terry Chen, Ted Atherton, The Scene: Strickland's death
Kollin: In this scene, Prax is confronted with the opportunity to kill Dr Strickland, the man who abducted his daughter and could very well have killed her if the experiment had gone ahead. In a very poignant moment that this season had been building towards, Amos, his guardian of sorts, stops Prax from pulling the trigger and tells him, "you are not that man." After Amos tells Prax to go to his child, Amos closes the door, turns around to face the doctor with his cold, emotionless eyes, and exclaims, "I am that man," before murdering him in cold blood. The line and response was predictable, but the staging of this scene and the acting made it hard not to squeal in an absolute glee of approval. Actor Wes Chatham has done a wonderful job at portraying the duality of Amos - an emotionally distant brute, with the capacity to care and we see that in his friendship with the botanist, and in particular this scene. It was affecting, albeit fleetingly, before turning violent as we see the Amos viewers are accustomed to, putting an end to a very evil person.
THE GOLDBERGS, "Let's Val Kilmer This Car", May 16, 2018, Actors: Wendi McLendon-Covey, Hayley Orrantia, The Scene: Beverly is forced to put her foot down with Erica
Claire: The scene where Beverly is forced to put her foot down with Erica. It was funny yet touching. Erica tells Bev that she makes her feel so safe but she knows that she has to get a job to support her musical ambitions. Beverly cursing and ranting is always hilarious.
THE MIDDLE, "Split Decision", May 15, 2018, Actors: Neil Flynn, Eden Sher, The Scene: Mike gives Sue a pep talk
Saloni: I loved this moment for many reasons. It was very sweet that of all people, Mike was the one to cheer his daughter up by reminding her of exactly who she is: the happiest person anyone has ever known. I loved the subtle callbacks to earlier seasons, when Sue would try out for every team, try to befriend everyone, and keep going no matter what. It just really dawned on me that the show is ending next week.
THE RESIDENT, "Total Eclipse of the Heart", May 14, 2018, Actors: Melina Kanakaredes and more
The Scene: Lane gets caught by the FBI (picked by Luana)
THE TERROR, "The C, the C, the Open C", May 14, 2018, Actors: Adam Nagaitis and more
The Scene: Hickey and his men eat one of the dead crewmen (picked by DarkUFO)
TIMELESS, "The General" & "Chinatown", May 13, 2018, Actors: Malcolm Barrett, Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter and more, The Scenes: Rufus tries to warn Harriet Tubman & The final scene
Claire: The scene with Rufus and Harriet Tubman. He tries to warn her about her future and the difficulties she’ll have with supporting herself. She tells him that all she wants from life is to live freely. Malcolm Barrett and Christine Horn, who was marvelous as Ms. Tubman.
Bex: The final scene. A second, upgraded lifeboat arrives, and future Lucy and Wyatt step out, asking if the team's ready to go get Rufus back. It's opened up so much fun storytelling potential for season 3 if NBC renews the show.
WESTWORLD, "The Riddle of the Sphinx", May 13, 2018, Actors: Ed Harris, Jeffrey Wright, Peter Mullan and more, The Scenes: The Man in Black saves Lawrence’s town & Elsie and Bernard discover Hybrid Host Delos Clone #149
Justyna: This has to be one of my favorite hours of the show yet. It was written, directed and acted wonderfully in all parts. All the character interactions worked especially well. I loved the closer look at William and Bernard's past and present but for SOTW I decided to highlight the moment when William / Man in Black fights back and saves Lawrence's town. There's no doubt when it comes to the fact that William isn't a good guy. He hasn't been one in a very long time. But in this one moment he starts remembering his wife's death, in a series of short flashes back to the day she killed herself, and watching Lawrence's wife going to her death in the middle of the rain causes a shift in his usual behavior. It almost seemed like he cared, like he cared enough to save them. The entire fight sequence is beautifully shot and the viewers can actually find themselves rooting for William again. It's a great scene and only made greater with the amazing performance by Ed Harris. Kudos to cast & crew for such incredible work on the series.
Milo: The Man in Black saves Lawrence’s town. Sure, William may not be changing from man he is anytime soon, but it was really cool seeing him shoot up the town in a very well directed sequence by Lisa Joy, in what was an exciting episode that really worked, making the most out of the atmosphere that the rain helped provide.
DarkUFO: The Man in Black takes out the outlaws.
Laura B: Elsie and Bernard discover Hybrid Host Delos Clone #149. There were so many great scenes in Lisa Joy's directoral debut. She deserves an Emmy nomination for sure!! It was truly hard to pick, but I chose this scene because of the way it connects various things directly and indirectly from the first season to this one, as James Delos #149's ties viewers to Abernathy's dysfunction and possibly the key to success where this cloning is concerned, but also the Woodcutter from the episode The Stray through a theme of self mutilation. It's really helping to full circle/bridge this ongoing story with a darker Bernard still doing horrible things, and not remembering until later, like he did before under Ford's direction.
13 REASONS WHY, "The Second Polaroid", May 18, 2018, Actors: Katherine Langford, Steven Silver
The Scene: Hannah stands up to Marcus (picked by Luana)
AGENTS OF SHIELD, "The End", May 18, 2018, Actors: Iain De Caestecker, Henry Simmons, Ming-Na Wen, The Scene: Fitz's death
Justyna: This one broke my heart. I've been trying to prepare myself to lose Coulson, or Mack, or watch half of the team disappear, but this felt so much worse than I imagined. This was a fantastic episode and I'd love to highlight many other scenes (the change in the loop, Daisy vs. Graviton, Coulson's goodbye) but nothing was more impactful than this devastating death. Fitz has been my favorite character (or one of them) for most of the show, so all the emotions at seeing this sudden and painful departure haven't really left me since. Fitz and Simmons left each other's side so it was only a matter of time before something would tear them apart, but I didn't expect this. I loved that despite their problems, Fitz figured out that Mack's in trouble and went after him (with May). Then this rescue resulted in the fatal crush and these two fell right into place in an instant. Confused and shocked Fitz, not able to truly feel and process what's happening to him. And Mack... Mack trying to stay strong for his friend, holding his hand and making sure he doesn't feel scared or alone. Even just writing about it again, it's hard not to get emotional. Iain De Caestecker and Henry Simmons were both absolutely wonderful in the scene. They made me realize how much I missed this duo. And yes, the team has plans to bring back Fitz from space (from the beginning of the season) but it doesn't change what happened. Mack and May's reactions were beautifully acted but it's the look on Jemma's face (the shift from smile to heartbreak) that I can't quite get out of my head. Such a memorable loss. So glad the show was renewed for season 6. As wonderful as many parts of the finale were, this would be a heartbreaking way to say goodbye. Kudos to cast & crew for all their great work.
DJRiter: In a season finale filled with emotionally charged moments, none got to me quite as much as Fitz’s tragic death. As his friend lays crushed and dying in the rubble of the collapsing building, Mack holds Fitz’s hand and as gently as he can comforts him in his dying moments. Henry Simmons was especially effective as Mack, frustrated and angry that he couldn’t help or save his friend, while at the same time being that true friend to Fitz. Ian De Caestecker had a stellar season this year and his Fitz goes out a hero.
Jamie: Fitz dies. This moment had me in complete denial saying "Nope" over and over again while trying very hard not to cry. Very well acted by everyone involved.
AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE, "The Spring Gala", May 16, 2018, Actors: Katy Mixon, Diedrich Bader and more, The Scene: Indian themed Spring gala is pulled together last minute
Claire: The scene where the entire Indian themed Spring gala has been pulled together last minute by Katie, her family and friends. And getting to tell the meanie moms to suck it was a nice touch. This was a great season 2 finale with Nathan Fillion riding in on a camel/elephant, the beautiful decor, music and dancing. The cast has great chemistry.
ARROW, "Life Sentence", May 17, 2018, Actors: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz, The Scenes: Sara and E2 Laurel meet & Oliver and Felicity’s goodbye
DJRiter: Oliver and Felicity’s goodbye. In an up and down season, one thing the writers got right in the season finale of Arrow was the final goodbye scene in the jail between Oliver and Felicity. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards both nailed the emotions and love between these two characters. This was one of the strongest scenes in a somewhat overall lackluster finale, which proves that these two are anchors of this show.
Samantha: Caity Lotz and Katie Cassidy are gold whenever they're in scenes with each other, but there was obviously the twist this time as Black Siren isn't our Laurel. Both characters were a little bit hesitant in how exactly they were supposed to greet and even address each other. Being a LOT watcher and having seen Sara struggle so much with Laurel being dead and her interactions with Damien playing on the mind, her asking Black Siren if she was like her Laurel was heartbreaking.
Marko: Sara and E2 Laurel finally meet. What a powerful moment. Tremendous performances by both actors with each being attracted to embrace each other but being pulled away by an interdimensional breach of pain. I really hope they will give us more mini crossovers now that LoT and Arrow air together.
COLONY, "Sierra Maestra", May 16, 2018, Actors: Tory Kittles, Peyton List and more, The Scene: Amy's and Broussard's pharmacy store escape
Laura B: Just catching up with the first three episodes of the third season, I have to say this has become a rather different show, and all for the better! In similar fashion, I'm reminded how Revolution changed when it came back for its second season. Colony is finally being a consistently good show. It feels more serialized, the acting and dialogue are more natural and enjoyable, and every episode has provided us with some great mythology that is finally building to something. I could've easily picked one of those other mythology-heavy scenes in this episode, but I love Tony Kittles and Peyton List's dynamics too much, to not have picked a scene where their little mission to help others goes wrong, as everyone around them dies in a dramatic annihilation sequence, allowing the two to continue to bond.
EMPIRE, "Bloody Noses and Crack'd Crowns", May 16, 2018, Actors: Taraji P. Henson and more
The Scene: Cookie talks to the people about the Empire family (picked by Luana)
FOR THE PEOPLE, "Extraordinary Circumstances", May 15, 2018, Actors: Britt Robertson and more
The Scene: Sandra gets caught by an FBI agent
Marko: Phenomenal performance by Britt combined with some great directing work turned this scene into an emotional rollercoaster.
GOTHAM, "No Man's Land", May 17, 2018, Actors: Ben McKenzie, David Mazouz, Robin Lord Taylor and more, The Scenes: The final montage & Oswald kills Solomon Grundy
Kollin: At the end of the Season 5 finale of Gotham, we see the iconic moment the whole show has been building towards, with Gordon using the not yet Bat signal to call Bruce Wayne in his pre-Batman, black trench coat to the roof. Meanwhile, new villains rise in a chilling montage - with Man-Bat and Mother and Orphan making their chilling introduction. It was the perfect way to end the show - if it got cancelled - but also to build towards a thrilling final season.
Sam: Taylor has been time and time again a powerhouse actor on this series. When Solomon thanks him for curing him, Taylor gets this look on his face that seems happy but so strained. When he apologizes to Solomon before shooting him and reveals to Tabitha his true intentions, curing Solomon just so he can kill him in front of her, Oswald's pain and satisfaction are so palpable. Taylor is so excellent at making you feel sorry for him but scared of him at the same time. Lucas is also great here when her expressions go from shocked to hurt to angry as she listens to Oswald and realizes what he's done and why he's done it. These two are going to have a battle of the century next season and Taylor and Lucas seem more than ready for it.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "All of Me", May 17, 2018, Actors: Justin Chambers, Sarah Drew, Camilla Luddington and more, The Scene: The final montage
Saloni: The final montage with all 3 weddings & Sara Ramirez's version of 'The Story' playing in the background. I'm thrilled April got such a beautiful send-off. She deserves it. Ditto for Arizona, who looked happy to move and be closer to Callie. Jo and Alex's wedding was very sweet, I'm glad they did it on a ferry boat, a very fitting tribute to the show itself.
Jessica: I was so happy that Alex and Jo actually got married, and I liked that Meredith performed the ceremony. I thought April and Matthew’s ceremony was beautiful, too. It was a nice way for her story to end.
LEGION, "Chapter 15", May 15, 2018, Actors: Rachel Keller, Navid Negahban, The Scene: Future!Syd and the Shadow King talk
Laura B: The supposition of the previous episode and how it relates is starting to pay off. We now can suppose that future Syd may not be from the future of our main timeline and it makes the connection to it all the more interesting, but moreover it would have been one thing for David to have been the only one she could have made contact with, but now to see The Shadow King make a deal with her after a revelation that her David became a world-wrecker and she believes that TSK is the variable needed to change something, will be interesting see how this plays out and if either timeline will be directly effected by the other and/or if future-Syd's motives will not turn out nefarious.
Milo: It’s always good to see more of Future!Syd and this episode really worked. Seeing them strike a deal together was excellent. Both Rachel Keller and Navid Negahban knocked it out of the park in a deeply unsettling scene.
LUCIFER, "A Devil of My Word", May 14, 2018, Actors: Tom Ellis, Lauren German and more, The Scenes: Chloe finds out the truth & Lucifer fights with his wings
Jennise: Chloe finally knows Lucifer never lied. I almost nominated the really cool fight scene that preceded Chloe's realization but changed my mind. I decided to go with the moment I had been waiting on during the entire run of the series. Chloe threw the word "metaphor" around so frequently during the final two episodes that I started to think she would find out the truth by the end of the season finale. It was so appropriate that it would be because Chloe saw his Devil Face. I hate that the show was canceled but I was really happy to see Chloe learn the truth first.
Jamie: Lucifer takes out the bad guys with his wings. I have wanted to see him in action with those wings for a long time and I was not disappointed. Really hope the show finds a home because I want more of that.
Diana: Last scene with Chloe finding out the real truth about Lucifer (his face is shown).
NEW GIRL, "Engram Pattersky", May 15, 2018, Actors: Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield and more, The Scene: The gang plays True American with flashes of the future
Jamie: This is the moment that made me emotional. Truly a great scene in a great series finale.
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Leaving Storybrooke", May 18, 2018, Actors: Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle and more, The Scenes: Regina talks sense into Wish Henry & Regina is crowned the Good Queen & Rumpelstiltskin saves the day
Marko: Regina talks sense into Wish Henry. Simply outstanding work by Lana Parrilla. The fragile tone of her voice, the words, a simply magical scene that showed that no matter how far you go dark there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you find it in yourself.
Marine: Regina is crowned the Good Queen. It’s been a wild ride for this character throughout the show and it was great that she got such an ending, showed how much she had evolved.
Jennise: Rumpelstiltskin saves the day. The one character I never really believed would be redeemed had a nice heroic exit and saved the day.
RISE, "Opening Night", May 15, 2018, Actors: Damon J. Gillespie, Auliʻi Cravalho and more
The Scene: Robbie and Lilette sing “All You Desire”
Jessica: Robbie and Lilette sing “All You Desire” as the rest of the cast walks around the stage with lights. The scene was so beautiful. Later Robbie and Lilette kiss for the final time and other cast members sing. It was a wonderful way to end the show.
SHADOWHUNTERS, "Erchomai", May 15, 2018, Actors: Alberto Rosende, Christina Cox, Emeraude Toubia, The Scene: Simon compels his mother to think he's dead
Justyna: I really enjoyed this midseason finale of the show. Might be one of my favorite episodes yet. To my surprise, a big part of it turned out to be Simon's story in these last two episodes. First he had to face a direct threat to his family, then he became one and had to lose them all over again. Not to mention the fact that he ended the hour thinking that he's responsible for the death of his best friend. Throughout all these terrible events, Alberto Rosende did an incredible job with all the emotionally charged moments. And it's never been more clear than in the scene of Simon's goodbye to his mom. I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like for anyone to convince his mother that he's dead. But Simon understood that it was the best way to save her life, despite the pain it has caused. He tried to stay strong for her, when he was saying goodbye and making sure that his mother knows how much he loves her but his voice trembled and his eyes were getting teary. I was glad to see that when he walks away and starts breaking down, Izzy is there to comfort him. I would love to see more of these two together. Fantastic work by all actors in the scene. Also, the music in the background matched the moment wonderfully. Kudos!
Marine: Simon has to change his mother's memory and make her believe he is dead. SUCH A SAD MOMENT!
SUPERGIRL, "Shelter from the Storm", May 14, 2018, Actors: Odette Annable, Emma Tremblay and more, The Scene: Ruby finds out her mother is Reign
DJRiter: When the fight to protect her from Reign does not appear to be going well for her protectors-Supergirl, Mon-El and Alex, Ruby Arias jumps in to help trying to grab the gun and join the fight. She is stunned when she looks up to face Reign, but instead sees the face of her mother, a mother who not only doesn’t recognize her, but wants to kill her. Kudos to both Emma Tremblay and Odette Annable in that moment. Tremblay perfectly captured Ruby’s shock, confusion, and sadness when she realized her mother was Reign. And, as she has done all season, Annable knocked it out of the park as Reign, intent on getting rid of the only obstacle that was keeping her from taking full control, Ruby.
SUPERNATURAL, "Let the Good Times Roll", May 17, 2018, Actors: Jensen Ackles, Alexander Calvert, The Scene: Dean gives fatherly advice to Jack
Kollin: The character Jack has been an important addition to the show as it allows Dean, who always looked up to his dad more than anyone, to be the father he never will be and probably wanted to be. We see it in this scene when Dean gives fatherly advice to Jack about family and pushing through the pain. "We do it together," he says. It is a very poignant moment that took Dean's and Jack's relationship to another level, and one that remains painful with the events that followed after Dean gets controlled by Michael.
THE 100, "Pandora's Box", May 15, 2018, Actors: Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley
The Scene: Bellamy and Clarke reunite and hug (picked by Diana)
THE AMERICANS, "The Summit", May 16, 2018, Actors: Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys
The Scenes: Philip and Elizabeth's fight & Elizabeth tells Philip to talk to his source
Saloni: Philip and Elizabeth's fight in the opening scene. A strong way to open the episode. As always, Keri and Matthew knocked it out of the park.
DarkUFO: Elizabeth tells Philip to tell his source about the plan to remove Gorbachev.
THE EXPANSE, "Immolation", May 16, 2018, Actors: Wes Chatham, Terry Chen, Ted Atherton, The Scene: Strickland's death
Kollin: In this scene, Prax is confronted with the opportunity to kill Dr Strickland, the man who abducted his daughter and could very well have killed her if the experiment had gone ahead. In a very poignant moment that this season had been building towards, Amos, his guardian of sorts, stops Prax from pulling the trigger and tells him, "you are not that man." After Amos tells Prax to go to his child, Amos closes the door, turns around to face the doctor with his cold, emotionless eyes, and exclaims, "I am that man," before murdering him in cold blood. The line and response was predictable, but the staging of this scene and the acting made it hard not to squeal in an absolute glee of approval. Actor Wes Chatham has done a wonderful job at portraying the duality of Amos - an emotionally distant brute, with the capacity to care and we see that in his friendship with the botanist, and in particular this scene. It was affecting, albeit fleetingly, before turning violent as we see the Amos viewers are accustomed to, putting an end to a very evil person.
THE GOLDBERGS, "Let's Val Kilmer This Car", May 16, 2018, Actors: Wendi McLendon-Covey, Hayley Orrantia, The Scene: Beverly is forced to put her foot down with Erica
Claire: The scene where Beverly is forced to put her foot down with Erica. It was funny yet touching. Erica tells Bev that she makes her feel so safe but she knows that she has to get a job to support her musical ambitions. Beverly cursing and ranting is always hilarious.
THE MIDDLE, "Split Decision", May 15, 2018, Actors: Neil Flynn, Eden Sher, The Scene: Mike gives Sue a pep talk
Saloni: I loved this moment for many reasons. It was very sweet that of all people, Mike was the one to cheer his daughter up by reminding her of exactly who she is: the happiest person anyone has ever known. I loved the subtle callbacks to earlier seasons, when Sue would try out for every team, try to befriend everyone, and keep going no matter what. It just really dawned on me that the show is ending next week.
THE RESIDENT, "Total Eclipse of the Heart", May 14, 2018, Actors: Melina Kanakaredes and more
The Scene: Lane gets caught by the FBI (picked by Luana)
THE TERROR, "The C, the C, the Open C", May 14, 2018, Actors: Adam Nagaitis and more
The Scene: Hickey and his men eat one of the dead crewmen (picked by DarkUFO)
TIMELESS, "The General" & "Chinatown", May 13, 2018, Actors: Malcolm Barrett, Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter and more, The Scenes: Rufus tries to warn Harriet Tubman & The final scene
Claire: The scene with Rufus and Harriet Tubman. He tries to warn her about her future and the difficulties she’ll have with supporting herself. She tells him that all she wants from life is to live freely. Malcolm Barrett and Christine Horn, who was marvelous as Ms. Tubman.
Bex: The final scene. A second, upgraded lifeboat arrives, and future Lucy and Wyatt step out, asking if the team's ready to go get Rufus back. It's opened up so much fun storytelling potential for season 3 if NBC renews the show.
WESTWORLD, "The Riddle of the Sphinx", May 13, 2018, Actors: Ed Harris, Jeffrey Wright, Peter Mullan and more, The Scenes: The Man in Black saves Lawrence’s town & Elsie and Bernard discover Hybrid Host Delos Clone #149
Justyna: This has to be one of my favorite hours of the show yet. It was written, directed and acted wonderfully in all parts. All the character interactions worked especially well. I loved the closer look at William and Bernard's past and present but for SOTW I decided to highlight the moment when William / Man in Black fights back and saves Lawrence's town. There's no doubt when it comes to the fact that William isn't a good guy. He hasn't been one in a very long time. But in this one moment he starts remembering his wife's death, in a series of short flashes back to the day she killed herself, and watching Lawrence's wife going to her death in the middle of the rain causes a shift in his usual behavior. It almost seemed like he cared, like he cared enough to save them. The entire fight sequence is beautifully shot and the viewers can actually find themselves rooting for William again. It's a great scene and only made greater with the amazing performance by Ed Harris. Kudos to cast & crew for such incredible work on the series.
Milo: The Man in Black saves Lawrence’s town. Sure, William may not be changing from man he is anytime soon, but it was really cool seeing him shoot up the town in a very well directed sequence by Lisa Joy, in what was an exciting episode that really worked, making the most out of the atmosphere that the rain helped provide.
DarkUFO: The Man in Black takes out the outlaws.
Laura B: Elsie and Bernard discover Hybrid Host Delos Clone #149. There were so many great scenes in Lisa Joy's directoral debut. She deserves an Emmy nomination for sure!! It was truly hard to pick, but I chose this scene because of the way it connects various things directly and indirectly from the first season to this one, as James Delos #149's ties viewers to Abernathy's dysfunction and possibly the key to success where this cloning is concerned, but also the Woodcutter from the episode The Stray through a theme of self mutilation. It's really helping to full circle/bridge this ongoing story with a darker Bernard still doing horrible things, and not remembering until later, like he did before under Ford's direction.