Grant MacLaren and his team find themselves in FBI custody with no means of escape, while a mysterious new traveler reveals secrets to his psychiatrist.
New Promo - Stop What You're Doing
Stop what you're doing. Watch this video. #Travelers @ericmccormack
— Showcase (@showcasedotca) October 6, 2017
Thanks to Ivan for the heads up.
Source: ET Canada
New Promo
Thanks to kay462 for the heads up.
Cast Promotional Photos
New Teaser - Carly
What does season 2 of #Travelers have in store for Carly? @nestacooper @TRVLRSseries
— Showcase (@showcasedotca) August 30, 2017
New Teaser - The Stellar Eric McCormack
The stellar @EricMcCormack stars in season 2 of #Travelers. 10/16/17
— Showcase (@showcasedotca) August 24, 2017
New Teaser - Fear the Future
Thanks to Rachel for the heads up.
Fear the future. Season 2 of #Travelers premieres October 16th.
— Showcase (@showcasedotca) August 3, 2017